The Secret Annex: Chapter Two

Story by Lintt Crotlong on SoFurry

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Here's the second chapter. And there's actually yiff in it (don't pretend you're not excited, I know it's what you all want)! This chapter immediately follows the first ( Reading order should be followed. -L

Chapter Two:

I hear someone padding up to me and suddenly my head is squeezed between what I can tell are someone's thighs - not that this is a place I usually find myself. A set of paws is trying to undo the towels that are covering my face and binding my muzzle shut.

"That fucker always ties 'em so damn tight!" I hear a male's voice complaining in to my right ear. He must be the one bent over me trying to untie the knot in the towel.

I am breathing hard through my nose - the only way I can. If whoever was there could see my face, he could easily see just how scared I am.

"Stop complaining, Ty," another calls out in response, from farther away, "At least they don't get away."

I jerk my head towards the voice - rather, where I think it came from. My muzzle smacks against the inside of the fur's thigh that is trying to untie me. Still breathing hard, I notice the smell of him - definitely male. It's strong and musky. I don't know how I couldn't have picked up on it before.

He finally manages the knot and the towel is roughly pulled away from my face. My maw is open and I am panting. It's not that I couldn't breathe before, but being able to open my mouth again is relieving.

I'm in a pale-coloured, well-lit room, despite the obvious lack of windows. I look around me. There's nothing strikingly perverse about it. That helps calm me down a little bit. Or, more accurately, eliminates one reason for me to be freaking out.

The fur who was holding me is a dark black and brown doberman with a commanding, angular face and muzzle with an imposing stature to match. I see two other furs sitting on a ratty couch facing the back wall of the room. The dog turns away and goes back to his two companions. Who they all are, I don't know.

As for where I am, I can't figure that out either. The room itself is fairly large - more than large enough for the three beds, large couch and row of cabinets it contains. The wall closest to me is the smallest. When I turn my head back towards it I can see that the large door I must have come through takes up most of it. There is one other door located in the back left-hand corner. It's smaller with three or four steps leading up to it and is painted the same pale grey puce colour as the rest of the walls.

Where the hell am I? That big door must have been how the bear dragged me in here. But where is here? What is the place?

I really start to look around now, a little calmer due to the lack of immediate danger. There is an absence of any sort of interest in me at all. It's like the've just bought a pet fish. They've dumped me out of the plastic bag and they're waiting for the shock of the new water to wear off.

I use the time to take in the room and its mysterious occupants. The walls opens up in a trapezoidal shape to a wall lined with a long row of cabinets housing large television and a mess of other electronics - consoles, cables, and remotes. The only other furniture is the couch and beds for each member of the trio. With the beds pushed closely against the walls and the clutter all around, it reminds me of the student residence where I live. I might have thought that's where I was if I hadn't have just been abducted far from there in a locker room, bound with towels, and dragged here in less than sixty seconds.

True to this theme are the doberman's two cohorts. Young males - a wolf and a lion. The wolf is tall and has clean-lined features like the doberman - who is apparently named Ty - but more handsome and benevolent-looking than his angry-faced companion. The dog is now sitting in front of the television with him.

The lion is stretched out across his bed - the double against the left wall. He is bulkier than his friends. His features look daintier but it's because of his size. He's certainly not fat, rather thick, and full bodied in a way that makes you want to all of it.

He dons only a pair of baggy shorts. His mane is shaggy and culminates on his chest, running into a narrow trail down the length of his torso. With my eyes, I follow the trail of thick golden fur down the centre of his chest and into his shorts, where I see his paw. He's the only one that seems to notice that I'm there anymore. My mouth starts to water. He's hot, but I'm still scared.

Who are they and how did they know about me? Did they plan to capture me? Maybe they use that bear to lure for any peeping gays they can find. That dog - uh, Ty - said that he always ties them tight. Can they really get that many?

My eyes dart around the room trying to find anything to look at that isn't that lion. At first they go up. A long shelf above his bed is adorned with an assortment of colourful bongs of varying shapes and sizes.

He seems like the type, I guess. More than the other two, anyway.

I spot a red-tinted one in the shape of a canine cock, and my gaze moves frantically away. The rest of the room is littered with stray underwear, balled up t-shirts and the occasional empty pop can or beer bottle beside a bed or against a wall. The other two have gone back to a game they seem to have been playing and, forgetting myself, my sights settle back on the grinning lion on his bed with his paw in his shorts. Lifting his free paw, he motions for me to come over. He seems to be smiling absently at the wall behind me, but I'm sure the gesture is meant for me.

What should I do? Why does he want me there? Well, I think I know; that paw of his is getting pretty active. What will happen to me if I don't go?

I think of how I even could get over there; my arms are still bound. I think maybe I could swing my body and get to my feet. I try, but don't even come close to succeeding. If I'm going anywhere it will have to by shuffling along hellish carpet on my knees.

I'm guessing that's how he'll want me anyway - on my knees...

The two others are turned around now. "You gonna go or what?" the wolf calls menacingly.

I start breathing hard again. "Now now, Ryan," the doberman interjects in a surprisingly smooth, cold voice, "There's no need to be so threatening unless we have to."

He stares unwaveringly at me as he says these words. His piercing gaze tells me that he's not afraid to 'be threatening'. The wolf may be outwardly angry, but Ty seems to be the one to really watch out for. He smiles a sadistic grin, baring teeth which he obviously takes care to keep sharp.

I shuffle over to the lion. His expression is unchanged, only his paw moves a little more. I stop with my chest at the edge of his bed. He slides his paw from his shorts and points to his crotch. I know what he wants and I don't know if I can do it. If it were a different situation, a different setting, I know I would; he's hot, they all are now that I think about it. I just don't want to do it like this.

The couch springs creak as the the doberman stands up. He starts to walk over to us and I start to get panicky. He's pretty buff and has a thuggish disposition; I know I couldn't take him if my arms weren't tied behind my back.

If it comes between getting beaten to within an inch of my life and sucking a dick or two, I'll open wide.

This logic takes just a little to long to work itself out in my panicked mind and a paw, bearing its claws, shoves my face into the lion's groin. I catch a glimpse of black and brown to tell me that, not surprisingly, it belongs to Ty the doberman.

Knowing what I have to do, I open my maw and drag my tongue across the bit of the lion's thick trail that I can reach. Ty takes his paw away but my neck still stings from his claws. I use my nose to push down the front of the lion's shorts. He uses one of his large paws to pull them down and out of the way for me. His scent is fairly strong too, but not as musky as the doberman's. It's more like been pawing for a while, not getting back from a workout. I get his shorts down and see that his member is already unsheathed and semi-hard.

I lick at the barbed tip and I can feel it start to get harder right away. It tastes good - masculine and a little salty with pre. I push my opposition to the back of my mind and take the whole thing in my maw. He starts to purr as I begin sucking and working my tongue. His balls are nice; I wish I had free paw to touch them. In stead, I position my head so I can take his cock deep in my throat and get my nose close enough to get a sniff. He purrs a little louder and I feel a paw on my hip.

"How come do you get to be first again Ty?" I hear the wolf, Ryan, call out from what sounds like the same spot I saw him before - on the couch.

"Because," the doberman says from behind me. His voice is pure ice. "if it weren't for me, you wouldn't have any playthings at all."

I'm not sure exactly what he means by this, but he is definitely the one calling the shots here. At the end of this exchange between the canines, the lion puts a paw on my face and pushes me off of his member then stands up next to Ty.

"How d'you wanna do this?" This is the first time the lion has spoken since I've been here. His voice is more gravely than the others' but still flows nicely.

Ty walks up in front of me. "I'll take over up here." I look up at him and watch him drop his shorts to the ground around his ankles. He has on a white jock strap. It stands out against his dark fur.

I'm admiring his package when I feel the lion's paw on my rump and his tip at the base of my tail. I jump forward a bit.

Fuck, I forgot he was there. This will be interesting. I've never taken a lion before and certainly not like this.

I bump my nose against the pouch. I smell his strong scent again. It's more of rank, sweaty smell compared with the lion's.

Looks like he's just been to the gym too. Smells like it.

I sniff again and I start to unsheathe. My fear and resistance fade away as I realize, though I have no idea what will happen afterwards, that, right now, I want this.

The lion pulls up my tail and pokes his tip into my resistant tailhole. I let out a yip as it passes the ring and he starts to push in his shaft. Ty is grinning with at me with his sharpened teeth and he hooks the band of his jockstrap under his balls, revealing his extending red member. I open my maw to take it and he shoves my face into his crotch. I have to manoeuvre my muzzle under the force of his paw to get his member into my mouth. I'm careful to do it without scraping it against my teeth. I can only imagine what would happen to me if I did.

The lion is now balls deep and he is starting to thrust. I'm panting through my nose. I start to bob my head up and down on the doberman's thick canine cock. I take it deeper, down to the knot, encouraged by the lion's quickening thrusts.

Ty starts to buck his hips and I stop bobbing my head. He puts a paw behind my ears and starts to fuck my muzzle. Each of the lion's and doberman's thrusts knocks me back onto the other. A nasal grunt is cut short as the pointed tip of the canine cock is rammed again into my throat. With his regular, deep thrusts, I feel his knot rub my lips and force my maw open a little with each one.

My member throbs. I wish that my arms weren't bound so I could paw it. The lion's thrusting starts to seem like it may be enough as my tailhole clenches. I can feel that the he is also getting closer. Ty pulls out and paws himself vigorously.

"Keep that open, boy," he grunts.

He doesn't see that I haven't closed my mouth. Partly because I want to taste his jizz, but it also because I"m panting and moaning as I feel the lion starting to cum inside my tailhole. Over the loud growls from behind me, I hear the doberman grunt and see his seed flow out of his member. I open my maw wide to try to catch it. My tongue lolls as I feel the lion's warm spunk spraying into my insides and doberman's squirting onto my tongue and muzzle.

He rubs his paw against his wet red cock slowly as he finishes and I run my tongue above my mouth to lick up any cum that got sprayed elsewhere on my face. The taste stays in my mouth after I swallow it all. I feel the lion pull out, but I still feel his now cold and squishy seed inside me.

Ty is pulling on a pair of pants and I see Ryan, the wolf, stuffing his member back inside his own.

He must have been pawing. Doesn't look like he came though.

Meanwhile, the lion is beside my head, waving his cock in my face. I glance at Ty. His look transmits terror; I know I have to clean up the mess I made of the lion. I lick at his softening member. It tastes salty like the dog's cum, but there's something else there too.

I guess that's what my tailhole tastes like.

I take it into my maw and suck what I can off of his receding member. He pulls away and grasps his shorts which are still around his ankles. The other two are waiting at the top of the steps by the door in the back corner. The lion grins happily at me as he makes his way to join them, purring and pulling on a sleeveless shirt as he goes. Ryan opens the door and looks at his companions for confirmation.

"What are you waiting for? Go! And you," Ty is addressing the lion now, obviously annoyed but his voice still as smooth and frigid as ever, "stop that fucking purring. What's wrong with you?"

He turns and storms over the threshold. The lion silences himself but keeps his contented grin. They walk out the door, Ryan followed by the lion, and he turns around to close the door, sending his gleeful expression to me again.

The door shuts and I am kneeling on the floor, my muzzle and tail encrusted with hardening cum, my hands still bound behind me. I don't know where they went or how long they'll be gone. For some reason I'm not worried. I look around, recalling everything that has just happened to me and I find that, for some reason that I can not begin to discern, I'm okay with it all.