Ae, Mate?

Story by _Terra_ on SoFurry

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So before I start, a message for some of my watchers. For those of you who didn't see my journal - I'm bisexual, and this is a homosexual story. So if it ain't your thing... I'll let you away with not reading it. J I also needed to touch up on my "scenes".

The following contains graphic and explicit material which - politically speaking - is unsuitable for audiences 18 years and younger. And so - politically speaking - if you are under the age of eighteen then you should hit back right now.

But life isn't about politics - is it? It's about the people. I'm one of those, and I was frequenting porn at 14 and it didn't fuck me up. (Arguably... actually I'm a really bad example... um... Paul... no, he isn't the best example either... actually, forget I said anything). If you are under the age of eighteen - lie. That's what I used to do when I was younger. And deleting browser history never hurts.

And as a special bonus - I'm going to type in a different font.

Arial. Nice.

Curl up in bed. Turn up the heater. Cue music - Payable On Death - and turn it up!

And write.

Me = Albino Fox. Not an arctic fox coz their ears are funny. Bad funny

Jace = Black Wolf.



1) (Noun.) Each of a pair of animals.

2) (Noun, informal.) A person's husband, wife or other sexual partner

3) (Noun, informal Brit.) A friend or companion.

4 (Verb.) Come together for breeding. Copulate


Ae, mate?

1:03 AM, Monday.

"Ladies, ladies - please. There's enough of me to go around."

"Pfft! Whatever - get out." A bunny girl splashes the wolf opposite my side of the tub.

"Really - look at these things." He lifts his sopping furry arms from the water and holds them for inspection - tensing for emphasis.

His fur ripples and shifts as his tightly-packed muscular arm folds over, showing off for the girls.

He's just... wow. I mean - going by just his build, he looks like a character out of Dragonball-Z. Well - except he's not a dragon. Although, apparently spiky fur makes muscles appear larger.

He continues in the background with a chuckle as my eyes reluctantly fall to my own body. I sigh and pluck a single strand from my naked right arm and draw it out between my fingers. I manage to drag my fingers a couple of inches along it before it releases, and springs back into place. Just another loose fibre of my all-consuming mat of white fur.

My fur's just... long. Not spiky or spotty or anything. Other guys can put gel in theirs and spike it and all sorts, but mine's just... so ungainly and long that I can't do anything with it other than let it stay flat. Thankfully I'm at me best right now, however. As I sink to my neck into the hot tub, the lapping water soaks into my fur and sticks it down, giving it a neat, smooth feel. Well - until I lift one arm out of the water. The fur running from my elbow to wrist hangs down heavily as water trickles from within, drumming a quiet tune as it splashes back into the surface of the tub.

A sudden ripple surges across the surface of the water. My reflection wobbles and distorts as the pulse warps it. I glance up with a curious murmur to find the two girls climbing out of the tub, and the wolf chuckling heartily.

"They can't take a joke." He jerks a thumb over his shoulder with a warm grin, easing the cold night chill descending over my neck and face as the moon creeps between clouds far overhead.

"That's girls for ya." I smile and nod in response.

"Actually, I probably shouldn't have said that..." His mind drifts back to the girls as he glances over his shoulder again - only to find the gate clanking shut as they disappear. "Crap... they were the last two guests..."

"Yeah. I think everyone else left at midnight to go to that club." I feel my muzzle droop down for a moment, but I fight back and keep smiling.

That damn club. I hate clubs.

"Why are you here still?" I ask suddenly.

He still stares over his shoulder. His ear twitches slightly, but my voice seems to go right through without registering. "Jace?"

"Huh?" He turns back to me as he settles back into the water. It doesn't even rise high enough to cover his shoulders.- that's how much bigger he is than me. It stops most of the way up his broad, bare chest, painting his body different tones of dry and wet black. Further down from that, his red swimming trunks waver as the water distorts them. And here's me - the scrawny little tag-along. Total opposite.

"Why don't you go with them?" I ask. It's kind of weird how he's the only one who isn't going, even though he's been ranting about it all week.

"Dude..." He stares hard at me, "it's a club. You know - with strippers and pole dancers...?"

"Which you are all about..." I remind him and return my own similar stare.

"Think, Michael." He taps his head to indicate "think", "strippers and pole dancers...? It's restricted to eighteen and over."

"Hey - you're eighteen now." I shrug with a grin. "You turned eighteen two hours ago, in case you forgot. So why don't you go?"

"Nah." He doesn't answer my question, but shakes his head determinedly. "It wouldn't be the same."

"As...?" I prompt him, waiting patiently for a straight answer.

"As if I had my number-one wingman with me." He winks momentarily, and one leg lifts out of the water, dribbling as it rises. His toe points to me, and he nods. "That guy."

"Me...?" the word continues to roll silently off my lips as realisation strikes me like a bolt of lightning. "But my eighteenth birthday is three months away!"

"And it'll be a hell of a birthday, too." He insists eagerly.

Lies. Lies, lies, lies.

"Whatever." I mope as I sink a little further into the tub. I close my eyes with a groan and try my best to melt into the water around me and just... disappear.

"What's wrong?"

"You know what's wrong." I lift my eyes and glance at him just under my brow. "It'll just be the two of us sitting around playing Xbox all night."

"With snacks!" He nods fervently, making his best attempt to point out every little positive. "I'll take you out to that club. Hell - I'll give you some cash to tip. We can watch some dancers... we can tip some strippers and get drunk... it'll be great."

"Idunno." I shrug awkwardly. His enthusiasm is so hard to combat... "Maybe..."

"Well, I'll see how you feel about it on the night." He shrugs and sits back in his seat. I watch his muzzle curl into a goofy grin as bubbles billow from around his body, being fired from every direction.

I try to follow suit - leaning back into the water jet and trying to enjoy myself.

"I just... idunno..." I sigh dejectedly. Sometimes I feel the whole world has just defeated me in everyway possible. It just sucks the energy right out of me some days...

"Hey - wassup?" Jace cocks his head.

"Idunno..." I shrug, and I close my eyes. Try to close things out.

"Talk to me, man." I hear water sloshing about and the pattering of droplets as they cascade from something. I glance up suddenly as the surface is upset again, and throws a splash across me.

Jace takes a seat beside me, inspecting at me with what appears to be concern. "Are you alright?"

"Just... on a low tonight..." I confess after a moment, but I try to shrug it off. "I'll be right." I close my eyes once more and turn my head downwards.

"Probably my fault..." he sighs. "Getting all these people over... I'm sorry."

"You have nothing to be sorry for." I open my eyes again and spin to him. "It's not-"

"Yeah - it's my fault." He interrupts, holding up a paw to silence me. His glum, distant stare falls downwards, and he sighs very deeply. "I just... got all my friends and acquaintances around and had this big... what would you call it? A big party... I just got everyone around. I shouldn't have..."

Because he knows he's my only friend.

Because he knows I'm incredibly lonely.

"We need to get you into that club." He decides suddenly. His spins to me again, nodding sternly. "Hell - I'll buy you a dance. Give you a little taste of love from a nice girl."

"I..." I manage another meek shrug as my voice slowly falls. "I don't want a taste of love. I don't want to just taste it. I want to know what it feels like for real..."

"Of course..." Jace's paw flies to his face, and he slaps himself. Hard.

"Who! Hey!" I nearly jump out of my seat towards him as panic strikes me. "Don't do that!" Don't hurt yourself!

"I should have known..." he groans and drops his head on the back of the tub behind him. "Dammit... I'm just going on and on about you and your whole... - I'm so fucking dumb sometimes..."

"It's not your fault."

"It is my fault." He argues staunchly. "I keep bringing it up... I'm sorry. I won't race you. I'll let you find love at your own pace."

I grunt and my head falls back on the tub like his. "I have pace? I didn't even know I was in the running."

"Don't be like that." He almost growls as he sits upright again. He's always getting pissed off at my patheticness. "You're always understating yourself. You have no confidence in yourself."

I sniff and shrug - trying desperately not to look Jace in the eyes. I know what I'll see. Anger. He'll be angry at me. Then - with me being the pussy I am - I'll get all sad and upset because he's angry at me, and then he'll see me upset and he'll feel terrible for hurting my feelings - and then I'll feel terrible for making him feel terrible.


Just like last time.

And the time before that.

And the time before that.

And all those times before that.

"I have nothing to be confident in..."

"You have a lot to be confident in!" I lurch forwards a little as his paw thumps me on the back in a friendly way. "Dude! You're Inheritor rank on Halo! You're like... the noscope god of the world! You're like Jesus with a grenade launcher!"

"All video games." I shrug. "Not real."

"Then wanna play some video games?"

My face rises again. I turn to find Jace beaming at me encouragingly, and nodding.

"I guess so."

Jace stands and swings one leg over the side of the tub with a single huge lift. He plants his foot down and swings his other over as effortlessly as the first. I watch him as I clamber awkwardly over the comparatively high edge, and drop to the ground below.

He strides away a few steps, and he shakes himself vigorously. My arms fly up in front of me, but water lashes at my face and legs and arms - rendering my protection useless. I take a moment to wipe the water from my eyes. When I reopen them, Jace is facing away, pulling a bath robe over his hulking shoulders. His paws disappear around the front of the robe, but as he turns around I see them tying a drawstring into a quick knot.

"Here." He pauses for a moment to grab a towel and pass it to me.

"Thanks." I nod gratefully, and I set to work with the towel. I don't shake myself off simply because it fluffs up my fur everywhere, so instead I wipe the towel over my fur to remove any excess water. Plus - I love that "wet fur" feeling. It sort of clings and sticks to me. It's great.

As I remove the towel from my face, I find myself staring at Jace's trunks hanging from his fingers. He tosses them aside without a second thought, and heads towards the door.

"Dude - are you wearing anything underneath that thing?"

"Nah." He replies simply as he slides open the door. "But it's a real good robe. It won't unfold no matter what, unless I pull the drawstring." His padded finger trails down his fluffy white robe to the drawstring wrapped around his waist, and it fingers the loop.

"Don't play with that." I step away a little as I feel a meagre warmth spread through my cheeks. "I don't want your junk staring me in the face..."

"No worries." He chuckles again, and heads inside.

I follow him through - closing the door after him. He leads me upstairs - jogging briskly - to his room.

It's a helluva place.

On the left as soon as you enter - there's the biggest damn bed you've ever seen. Though he's a pretty big guy so I guess that's appropriate. A laptop and chair sit at a desk in the far left corner, and in the near-right is a huge wardrobe and a bookcase. Then at the far end of the room, a 60" plasma-screen television, hooked up to TiVo, an Xbox 360 console, _and_an overrated fancy Blu-ray player known as a PS3. In front of this - a pair of plush bean-bags aligned to face the screen. To top everything off - the room comes equipped with surround-sound for maximum awesomeness and dimming lights to reduce glare on the screen.

God-_damn _I love my friends having rich parents.

Well... friend, I should say.

"Mum and dad aren't home..." He hints as he bends down to turn on the Xbox 360 console, "So we can turn it up as loud as we want..."

"Sweet as..." I smirk, and nod. His surround sound system is kick-ass!


We played Jace's newest game for a while. Gears of War 3. I had never played it before, but within five minutes I had the basics down. Within twenty minutes after that, I was winning Most Valuable Player in every match.

If there's one thing I can do, it's control video game characters to the fullest extent.

Jace brought out Modern Warfare 3 for a while - but it became apparent (after me winning with thirty kills to two) that he didn't stand a chance.

"Screw this, man!" He finally sighs and falls limp in his bean-bag. "If I wanted to get my ass handed to me, I'd have had my party beside that big Samoan dragon's place."

"I can't help it if I got skillz." I chuckle and place my controller on the ground beside me. We both slide our controllers across the ground to the TV, where they hit the base and stop just in front of the console. "So watcha wanna do, then?"

"Idunno." He shrugs lazily. "Hey!" His energy suddenly returns, and he leaps out of his bean-bag to his feet. "I just remembered! I found my dad's porn stash!"

"Porn?" I jump upright as fast as he did. I swallow my tongue momentarily before I go on: "You found your dad's porn stash?"

"Oh, no..." Jace waves a paw with an innocent smile. "I found his "country music" stash."

"Cunning bastard..." Who would even touch a country music cd case? "What's it like?"

"Awesome." His regular grin returns. Not the "cool guy" grin that he wears around his other friends. Not his "charming" grin he wears around girls. His "Dude - we're gonna have an epic time!" grin that he only saves for me. That special one.

He walks across to his desk in the corner. He crouches in front of it, and he reaches a paw underneath it. I stand by and watch with an impatient grin. I can tell by how his bushy black tail flicks that he's excited too. A glance behind me reveals my own tail sweeping back and forth across the ground. While his is spiky and messy, mine's velvety and sleek.

As long as I don't mess it up, my fur's usually pretty sleek. Long, soft and silky. Just how I like it... well - I like it until someone calls me a girl.

I groan a little and slide one paw around the back of my head. I wrap one curl of white around my finger and toy with it a little. My hair's just so long. Imagine a huge Mohawk that reaches to the bottom of my neck... but now imagine it with no gel - so it's fallen apart and spills down the back of my head. In other words, I - apparently - have a girly haircut. "Graceful, long and flowing." As Jace once joked.

"I got it!" Jace's triumphant cry tears me from my brooding as his arm shoots into the air, clutching a shiny CD. He leaps back to the TV, and he slides the DVD into the player. He garbs the appropriate remote from beside the TV and leaps into his bean-bag situated right beside mine.

He takes another remote from his side and dims the lights down as the screen lights up with the usual "sexual content" warning. We both ignore it - even if he doesn't have to anymore.

"The Aviary."

"Avian?" I chirp. "Nice..."

"You have no idea..."

The scene opens up to what at first appears to be a reputable film. The sun is high in the sky, and furs stroll calmly along the footpath on their everyday business.

"Boring..." Jace sighs, and hits the "fast forward" button.

The screen flashes for a moment and the picture freezes for just a second - then it returns with something much more interesting.

What appears to be a Blue Jay lies on her back, cooing softly as a hungry raven devours her. The camera is focussed on just enough of the 'jay to capture her talons pinching her downy breasts, and to allow enough room to see the head of the ravenous black bird as she forces her beak into the 'jay's stretched twat.

"Dude..." I gasp.

"Yeah, ae?" Jace nods too - stunned, despite having seen it before.

The raven's talons appear on the inside of the jay's thighs, provoking a sharp coo from the surprised - and evidently aroused - bird. The Raven's talons softly knead the jay's feathery thighs as she licks at her dripping pussy, slowly moving her claws closer and closer as she eats. The jay doesn't appear to be watching what's going on as she rolls her bulbous tits, and screeches momentarily as the raven's talons slip into her moist pussy.

"Oh, damn..." I marvel at the cavernous thing - stroking my stiff manhood through my swimming trunks without realising it. Though, a part of me realises that I'm tenting, and that my boner is forming a little mound in my lap.

"Damn... I could tap that all day long..." Jace groans. Out of the corner of my eye, I notice him briefly paw his lower abdomen - though it's hard to tell as he's leaning back so far.

"Damn that's a big pussy..." I remark as I watch, shaking my head slowly.

"I don't care, man - she's hot, and she's wet. I'd fuck that thing all day."

"You'd have to wait your turn." I throw Jace a grin and raise an eyebrow.

"You think you'd get her before me?" He laughs at the thought. Although he has a point. I'd never stand a chance at getting a girl like that. "Mate - you'd be stuck on "anal duty" all day while I took that cunt."

"Damn you..." I growl jokingly, and turn back to the TV to find the cunt in question being stretched wide open by the Raven's beak. "Hell - that thing's so wide it could take us both!" Jace stops watching for a moment to throw me a sideways glance. "Um... would that be gay?" I feel my face heat up a little more.

"Um - another guy's dick rubbing against yours? That sounds kinda gay..."

"But you're both fucking a chick - excuse the pun." I argue - although I try to do so with very little enthusiasm.

"Your dick..." Jace says slowly and clearly, "is rubbing against another dick... where exactly does that stop being gay?"

"It's not gay." I shake my head quickly. "There's a lot of male-male things that go on that aren't gay."


I suddenly wish I didn't start this conversation.

"Well... like..." I murmur in my throat as I feel m face flush red. Why did I have to bring this up? "Watching... another guy masturbate..."


"It was on South Park!" I blurt quickly in my defence. "Stan and Kyle's dads were in a hot tub and they just watched each other... masturbate. In the end they learned everyone had done it, and it didn't make them gay."

"That's South Park..." He reminds me in that same "no shit" voice he has. "So you're saying if I flopped it out now and started beating off, it'd be totally straight?"

"Well... yeah." I shrug as my face burns. I'm pretty sure he can feel the heat pouring off it. I'm also pretty sure both of us have forgotten about the hot lesbian action going on in front of us.

"Really?" Jace's "no shit" stare softens for a moment. He glances at the screen for a second, then at his waist. "It always came across as gay to me..."

"Well... it's not..." I'm suddenly a little unsure myself. Is it gay?

"I mean -guys see each other cocks all the time in threesomes, ae?" He adds, staring at his lap curiously.

"Yeah. I suppose." I nod slowly. That makes sense.

"Then fuck this!" Jace's paws appear at his waist. "I'm wanking!"

He pulls the drawstring, and his robe falls away.

Holy... shit...

I look away immediately - but it's still burned into my brain (as well as my cheeks - which feel like I've just bit an atomic bomb).

Jace settles back with a sigh. "Hey... is it... gay to stare? - I mean look?" He adds quickly. "I don't want you to miss out on the DVD coz I got my dick out. But... I mean, is it gay if you just... see me?"

"I'll try to focus on the screen..." My voice comes as a cracked mutter, split by a gulp halfway through. I return my eyes to the screen ahead of me.

Just like I was worried. I can see Jace's outline as he wanks himself. His back presses into the bean-bag behind him, his legs spread wide as his paw reaches between, and his massive cock - which is really hard to miss - stands tall.

"That's... distracting..." I bring myself to mutter after a few painful minutes of listening to the slapping of Jace's paw pumping his shaft. Although - I'm not sure if he hears me...

"I really hate to admit this..." He completely ignores my request, "but this feels good..."

"What?" I throw a confused stare at him for a moment.


I spin away quickly and blush again.

My god, it's so huge... it puts me to shame.

"Just... having anyone nearby..." He grunts as he continues. "Like... it's... um... cool...... ... is it making you feel awkward...?"

"Um... a little..." I confess. "Don't you feel awkward?"

"Nope." He replies. "Well... kinda... not for me, but..." he stops. I turn back to find him pulling his robe over his cock again. His black face reddens slightly. "Um... it was alright to begin with. I mean - I thought you were cool with it coz you said it isn't gay and all... before you said that, I was pretty cool..."

"I only feel awkward for you..." I lie quickly. "Coz... I thought you were awkward..."

"No - I wasn't..." his voice... he sounds surprised even. "Can i... keep going?"

"Sure, sure..." I wave briefly at him. He begins again. "I just wanted to make sure..."

"So you're totally cool with me doing this, right?" He pauses for a moment. "I don't-"

"I told you - I'm cool with it."

"Sweet." He smirks, and goes back to it. "You know... it's really cool... it's like it's really fucked-up and wrong feeling - but knowing you're cool with it is just like... awesome... You're sort of... right there beside me as I'm doing it, but it's not gay coz... y'know. You understand... it's awesome..."

I try to focus on the screen ahead, but Jace keeps bringing my attention back.

"If you're comfortable... you can do it too."

A gulp catches in my throat.

"I'm totally fine with it." He assures me.

On my god... do I really want to do this?

"It's a really great feeling..." He grunts in pleasure. "I reckon it'd be cool. I mean - what if we could just like... wank together all the time and not be weird? It'd be kinda sweet - I mean awesome. Not like... "lovey-gay sweet.""

Wank together all the time and not be weird?

"You're serious..." I glance across at him - trying to keep my eyes on his.

"I'm serious, man." He nods with an encouraging grin. "Come on. Whatcha say?"

Oh... my... god...

I glance down at my pants and gulp again. It's just so hard to say no to Jace...

"Okay..." I nod shortly. "I'll do it." I'll whip my dick out, and wank alongside my best friend to a porno DVD. That's totally normal...

My paw pauses at my waistband, and I gulp yet again. I manage to slip three fingers under it, but they pause there. They don't want to go any further.

"Yeeeeeeaaaaah..." Jace sighs and arches his back with a pleasured murr. That's the first time I've ever heard another guy's pleasure. I'm used to my own grunting and groaning - yet here's Jace doing it right beside me without a care in the world. Totally unrestrained.

I force something to the front of my mind. I blind myself with sheer motivation, and I pull down.

"There." I wrap my paw around it quickly - as if trying to hide it.

"Sweet as..." Jace's eyes don't lift from the TV, but I see a smile widen on his muzzle.

I'm sitting in a bean-bag with my cock out, in front of Jace.

I'm sitting in a bean-bag with my cock out, in front of Jace?!?

My eyes avert shamefully to the ground beside me. I shouldn't have even brought this up...

And I wait...

And I wait...

Nothing happens.

"I won't judge you, man." He says after a few minutes of silence. "Come on! We're watching porn. I understand what you feel. I feel it too. It's cool man - just wank already."

"Okay..." I tell myself, calming myself as much as I can with a heavy breath. I wrap my paw a little tighter around my cock, and I give it one pump.

It's just... amazing.

I can imagine myself there in the video - fucking that jay mindless like a wild thing. i can feel myself rutting the slut into the ground as I grab and rub my shaft - and yet there's Jace beside me, thinking the same thing. We're sharing in one weird, fucked up, sexy moment of intimacy.

Suddenly enough - I'm smiling. We're having a wank together. Over the same thing. I glance sideways at him with a grin - but I immediately wish I hadn't.

He's staring at me. Not at me, not at my face - he's staring at my cock in my paw. I freeze immediately, and the grin falls right off my face.

"What's wrong, Michael?" He chuckles. "You said at the beginning: it's not gay to watch another guy masturbate. Well I'm watching you masturbate."

My mouth moves to say something, but nothing comes out.

"It's cool." He smiles encouragingly. "Watching how someone else does it. How they move their paw, how they react... its cool. Like you're sharing the experience."

"I... guess..." I shiver a little, looking down to my cock again.

"Just sit back for a moment." He tells me as he settles back. "Sit back and watch me, can you? You'll see how fun it is."

"Um..." Well as far as this goes - I'm not entirely sure which I'm more uncomfortable with. Having Jace watch me play with myself, or watching Jace play with himself.

"Just watch me for a few seconds. I'm totally fine." He affirms again, taking his mammoth cock in one paw with a nod. He has to be at least eight inches long... even nine. "If you don't like it, look away and I'll stop."

"Um..." Well... I said it wasn't gay... part of me really wants to... he wants me to... "Alright." I nod finally. With one last all-or-nothing effort, I swing my head to him.

"Nice." He nods, and leans back. I stare right at his member. I stare right at his huge, throbbing erection as it stands tall in his fingers, dripping pre all down its massive length. Far thicker than my own, and a dark pink in colour. The very end is pointed to a rough taper, obviously allowing easier penetration.

He takes a moment to wipe his paw down his shaft before he starts. He rubs a fair amount of pre from his tip onto his palm, and then closes his fingers around it. He begins. His paw plays at the bottom of his shaft for a moment, groping it between his forefinger and thumb, then it drags from there right up to the tip. I see his whole body shudder slightly as a twitch of ecstasy jolts through him, but he continues. His paws tightens a little around his head, and drags it back down his nine inches with a quiet, lustful growl - likely listening to the fucking going on on the DVD.

"You haven't looked away yet." He points out after a few more pumps. "It's been a minute. You ready?"

A minute? That was... a minute?

I've watched my best friend wanking... for a whole minute. I've been staring at his junk... for a whole minute.

"I... I think I am..." I realise.

"Sweet as." He nods quickly. He pauses. "Wait a sec..." He leaps to his feet. His cock bounces and hangs far as he spins around and grabs his bean-bag, and he drags it around in front of me.

"What's going on...?"

He positions his bag right in front of me - facing me. He sits himself right in front of me so we're facing one another. We can see right between each other's legs.

"This is much better..." He adds as he spreads his legs wide.

I can see everything. His swollen sack hanging between his legs and draped on the bean-bag below. Every pulsating vein running up his incredible shaft from tip to base. His furry thighs, bare chest and nipples on end - and on the opposite end of it all, his face. His smirk.

And what does he see? Me. Little distraught white fox. Tiny five-inch cock gripped in my little paw, skinny body paralyzed in shock.

As planned - he begins. He beams at me over top of his mighty cock, and he slowly starts rubbing his slick shaft. I snap out of my trance after a moment, and I too begin pumping my own cock.

At first I'm still a little nervous. I mean - when you have a monster like Jace in front of you it's hard not to be. But he eases me into it.

"Oh, man... this is so... great..." He sinks his broad shoulders further back as he continues to watch me masturbate. "Just the two of us... hanging out in a dim room and just... wanking alongside each other..."

"Yeah..." I agree after a moment. After overcoming my initial fear and anxiety, there's something really sexy about the whole thing. It's like - just having Jace here watching me increases the pleasure I feel from the imaginary avian.

There's my own "sexual fantasy" or course. Me and a sweet li'l jay going at it like there's no tomorrow. Her on her back and be on top, rutting her as deeply as I can manage and her squawking in pleasure... but there's a background image. There's a background image of Jace - as if I can feel his fantasy too, alongside mine.

The jay spread out in front of him, and him slamming his cock to the hilt into her pussy - making her squeal and buck as he pounds her ruthlessly. His slick shaft pulverises her - drawing coo after lusting, beaten coo from her drooling beak.

And then there's the actual image. Jace's legs spread and his paw wrapped around his wet, gleaming shaft, pumping all the way up and down as bucks his hips into his paw a little, making small thrusts into the imaginary pussy as it rides him. And then there's his eyes - fixing a grin on my own shaft as I put myself through the same. Watching me paw off - sliding up and down my dripping shaft and pleasuring myself.

Suddenly his eyes shut. His grin tightens into a weird frown and his teeth grit. A sudden roar nearly throws me out of my bean-bag, but I understand what's happening as I watch him.

His shoulders slamming back into his bean-bag, his arms and legs and entire body quivering uncontrollably as he lets a feral growl. He throws his head back with a final roar, and pumps his shaft heavily one last time from tip-to-base.

I'm watching another guy have an orgasm.

His cock throbs for a moment as Jace continues to growl and tug down on it. It twitches, and a rope of white spurts from the tip. No - ropes. Ropes of cream spurt from his throbbing cock, shooting up into the air, and coming down...

I freeze. Right on the verge of orgasm, my paw freezes with my whole body as warm goo splatters across my face and shoulders. Burning hot, and impossibly thick and sticky feeling.


Jace... just jizzed on me...

' "Aaaaaaw... yeah..." He lifts his head again with a goofy grin to meet mine. His grin falls immediately. "What's wrong?"

My white fur... he hasn't noticed.

"..." my mouth opens, but nothing comes out.

His eyes fly open suddenly. He notices it now. I see his eyes fall to my chest, where a glob of cum dribbles down over my nipple. My normally grey nipple is white. That he notices.

"I... just..." He stammers shakily, "came on you... didn't I...?"

I gulp deeply, and nod nervously.

"Sh_iiiiiiit_...." He leaps forwards without thinking. "I'll wipe it off!"

"Jace! Don't-" My arms are up to stop him - but I don't succeed. His knee lands between my legs on the bean bag, and he leans forwards to paw at my messy fur. As he leans forwards, his thigh brushes against my own cock.

"Shhiiiiiiiiiiit-" My head falls back as a huge orgasm hits me. My breath leaves me as a dry huff, and an involuntary moan drags free of my throat. My cock twitches, and explodes... all over Jace's thighs.

He goes on unhindered. He doesn't even notice, and occupies himself with wiping my face with his paw. "Shit, shit shit! I'm so sorry!" He whines as he wipes the back of his paw against my face - dabbing at the patches of cum splattered across my body.

I lie there in paralyzed shock as he goes about it. I can see the panic and fear build I his eyes as he finds his attempts to clean my fur unsuccessful. He only succeeds in spreading the goo across my fur, matting even more of it.

"Shit!" He suddenly leans forwards. My mouth falls open a bit wider in more shock, but nothing comes out of it as he applies his tongue to my cheek as a last-ditch attempt to clean up his mess.

It takes him a whole two minutes to clean up the stuff. He feverishly laps at my cheeks and muzzle and down my upper torso and shoulders. He licks up every drop of cum he can find, cleaning my coat s best as he can. I shudder for a moment as his rough tongue rubs over my nipple, but I try to ignore it.

"There..." He sits back in his bean-bag with a relieved sigh. He manages an incredibly awkward grin at me. When it becomes apparent I'm still shocked, it disappears. "I'm sorry... I just... wasn't thinking..."

"I..." I drop my head for a moment as my shame overwhelms me. But no... like it did when pulling my pants down, I blindly fight through it. "I came on you... when you leaned on me..."

He stares blankly at me for a moment. His eyebrows rise, and he glances down. He doesn't react like I did, but rather seems curious.

"I'll... uh..." I edge toward him nervously, but I decide against it.

"Yeah... you kinda got my junk with that..." He observes. My unintentional orgasm seems to have struck right in the worst place - and I came all over his balls, cock and thighs. "I'm not going to ask you to clean up there..."

"Yeah..." I agree as I go red again.

"Wow..." I watch in shock as his paw descends to his cock. He wipes one finger up along his still-hard length, collecting a glob of my cum on his finger as he goes. "You sure as hell have a big load for such a little guy..."

I'm not sure whether to feel extremely embarrassed or flattered. A little of both - so I simply avert my eyes with a sheepish mutter.

"Is... this gay?"

"Huh...?" I glance up again.

He holds the glob of cum in two fingers with a distraught frown. "I mean - if one guy fucks a chick and cums in her... then another guys comes long and fucks her... he's going to get the other guy's cum on him, right?" Jace queries. "So... this isn't too bad... is it? Just... getting a bit of cum on you?"

"Um... I don't think so..." if it makes Jace feel assured, then I'll tell him anything.

"Oh." His face brightens up again. He wipes my cum off on his thigh as if it's nothing and smiles. "Cool... but just to be sure... where does it actually start being gay?"

"Um..." Shit... that's a hard one... I can't help but smirk a little as I notice Jace's cock. So is that... hehe... lol... Somehow, both of us are still hard. "I think it's only really gay when you start blowing each other and having anal. I mean - a lot of stuff happens between two guys if they're fucking the same girl at the same time - and that doesn't mean they're gay."

"Like they see each other masturbate." Jace adds.

"Yeah." I nod. "Or... getting a little bit of each other's cum on them."

"Yeah." He nods. "So... how far do we go?"

"Um... whaddya mean?" I blush a bit deeper at what he's suggesting.

"Well - we're sort of doing a lot tonight." He shrugs. "I figure we might as well go as far as we possibly can - as straight, of course. Go as far as two straight guys can go. Coz this is fun... ae, mate?"

"Oh, right..." I nod again. "Agreed..." He's right. As weird and crazy as this is - it is fun. It's amazingly arousing.

"So where do we go from here?" He asks with another shrug. "I mean - we've watched each other wank, we've cum on each other... what now?"

"I honestly have no idea..." I shrug too.

"Okay... think..." Jace buries his face in one paw. "Okay - I have an idea..." He lifts his head again - eyes glinting oddly. "Friends are like - friends, ae? We understand how each other feels?"

"Yeah..." I nod slowly.

"And friends are always there for each other, right? Always there to help?"

"Y_eeeeeah..._" I nod again - even more slowly.

"So..." Jace sit sup and grabs his bean-bag. He slides it around to his original position beside me again, but presses it right against mine at the side. He sits again, and grins. "What if I jerk you off - and you jerk me off?"


"Whatcha say?" He shrugs, giving me my special "dude! This is going to be epic!" grin. "After what we've done tonight, I don't have a problem with touching your junk. Or with you touching mine. As long as you're comfortable..."

I'm suddenly questioning this... but can I say no to that grin? That grin that he saves especially for me.

I glance across at his pole with a thoughtful murmur. It's just so... huge... could I possibly make that orgasm?


I only realise now. My mind-set's completely flipped. I've gone from "Seeing another guy's dick is fucked up and gay" to "can I possibly jerk that off?" That's a hell of a shift for under an hour.

I murmur again as I look back to my own cock. Just for a moment - I imagine Jace's paw wrapped around it. His huge paw wrapped around my cock, pumping it and bringing me to orgasm. Pleasuring me... It doesn't bother me as much as I presumed. On the surface:

It's fucked up!

But deeper down...

** I don't actually see a problem with it.**

I mean - we're friends and stuff. We've been doing all this... stuff tonight.

I nod. "But... you might need to encourage me a little."

"No problem." Jace jumps up from his bean-bag. He walks around in front of me, and he crouches between my spread legs. I glance sideways as I feel my blush - somehow - deepen even further.

"Aa-" My back arches as his paw wraps around it. His entire paw is the size of my cock, and he wraps the whole thing around me.

Oh!... JESUS!

"This feels so weird..." He observes as he gently rubs the bottom of my cock with his thumb - throwing my entire body into a fit of shuddering. "Are you ready?"

"Y-yeah..." I nod stiffly. "Go..."

He nods with my go, and he begins. He wraps just his forefinger and thumb around my shaft, and he drags them from tip to base slowly and gently. I feel my eyes drift closed as a low moan drawls from my throat. It's so good...

His rough leathery pads are much coarser than mine - set deep with irregular grooves and bumps. His texture is so different from my own. Where my pads are a patterned groove, his are just... random.

I arch my back with a small whimper as he continues at a slow, gentle pace on me. I thrust upwards into his paws a little - earning myself a little twinge of extra pleasure as his pads stimulate my shaft.

"Enjoying yourself?"

"Yeeees..." I groan, and thrust up a little again. I feel every breath become a frantic pant now as my breathing increases in pace with my excitement. My best friend... my best friend is jerking me off. The dude I trust with my life. I know he isn't going to judge me, I know he isn't going to hurt me... it's just fantastic.

His paws are heavenly. They work up a slightly faster rhythm as he senses my arousal dripping from me head. He takes that moment to pause, and rub his palms across m head to collect pre. He then returns his slick paws to my shaft, and starts up a little faster. Every stroke down my base causes my back to arch as I try to thrust up a little into his grip, and every rub up causes my breath to loose - and I collapse back into the bean-bag.

Breath in as I thrust up a little, breath out as I fall back. My cock constantly sends wave after beautiful wave of pleasure through my whole system as Jace strokes it - working his magic. Occasionally I collapse midway through a little thrust - wheezing as my racing heart calls for more oxygen than I can provide.

"Oh... Jesus, Jace..." I groan with my next thrust - having been going for a solid ten minutes. I can't believe I've lasted this long... "Oh... Jesus! I'm gonna cuuuum!"

"Do it." He growls playfully. "Cum..."

"I'm cumming!" I groan and throw my head back - throwing the last of my energy into one last thrust into Jace's paws. He immediately works me through my orgasm - jerking me at a vigorous pace in one paw as his other fondles my balls.

I feel his grip loosen as I explode - spurting all across my own stomach as I release my second load. His paw retreats a little to let me cum, but it slowly and gently strokes down the bottom of my shaft - teasing and coaxing me through my orgasm.

"Oh Jesus..." I drop into my bean-bag, panting and puffing heavily. "Oh, Jesus, Jace... that was awesome..."

"Don't run out of energy yet." He laughs, falling into his bean-bag beside me. He glances across at me with a smug grin, stroking his proud cock lightly with one paw. "I jerked you - now it's your turn to give me what I want."

"Yeah..." I nod slowly, and I climb to my feet. I swallow a mouthful of anxiety, and I place myself similarly to how he did. I kneel between his spread legs at the foot of his bean-bag, and I place my paws on his thighs. "So... how do you want this?"

"Make me blow." He nods. "Just work you stuff and make me explode."

"Kay..." I nod and swallow again. How am I going to do this? He's massive!

It's nearly twice the size of mine. Not to mention my paws are barely the size of his... how am I going to manage this before the sun rises?

Well there's no way it's going to happen if I sit here and do nothing. I remind myself. Right... first... lubrication... I uneasily place my left paw around the tip of Jace's cock. He grunts a little, but still watches me curiously. He's already soaking with pre at the moment - but before I rub my palm about him - but I get another idea.

A I feel my muzzle stretched by a wry grin as I glance down at my jizz-sprayed chest. Jace was right. For a small guy, I produce a hell of a lot of cum. I mean - I got pretty big balls for a fox. Not the phrase - literally.

I wipe one padded paw down my stomach, gathering as much cum on it as I can. I then apply that to Jace's cock. I see his eyes widen as he realises what I'm doing, but he doesn't stop me. I wipe my messy paw right down his shaft, receiving an especially long, lusting growl as I do. I smirk a little at his reaction, and I repeat with my other paw - lubricating his entire cock and both my paws at the same time. Once that's done, I wrap both my paws around his cock at the very tip, and I give his huge cock one long pump.

His back nearly lifts right out of the bean-bag with a loud growl as he thrusts into my grin. I nearly let go in surprise - but I catch myself, and grip around his cock tightly.

"_Jesus! What the hell are you doing?" He throws me a dizzy, stunned stare. "Coz it's _fucking working!"

I smirk in thanks at him, but I return my attention to his cock. I know what he must be referring to. My paw's padding is set with ripples and grooves - but they're arranged in a pattern. Every one goes from wrist to knuckle in that direction - meaning the utmost pleasure for Jace since every groove is positioned for him to thrust into. To add to that - there's a subtle gradient across my pads. At the bottom of my paw, my pads are nearly smooth. As they grooves work up to the top of my paw, they increase in coarseness and roughness - becoming even rougher than Jace's right at the top of my paw. That means as I drag my slick paws down Jace's wet shaft, it eases every thick inch of his cock through about four different textures from smooth to jagged. My paws were pretty much made for doing this. And judging by how he's already panting and thrusting - he's loving it.

"Like it, Jace?" I cock my head innocently as I continue to rub him. He doesn't even manage to reply as his head hangs back on his bean-bag, staring at the roof. A slow, constant drawl escapes his throat the whole time, and he isn't even thrusting anymore. He's content to let me just work without his assistance.

I let my paws continue to drift up and down - teasing and stroking his rock-hard cock with my gentler, finer touch. All my years of video-gaming have left my fingers incredibly accurate and very flexible - meaning I can work with precision unlike anyone else. I set my special, newly discovered skill to work on Jace's cock - applying more and less pressure with my fingers and paws as I work. I vary every touch as I masturbate him - aiming to leave him reeling after every touch. I'm no longer just jerking him. I'm owning him. My fingers dance and play about his whole shaft like a professional - wrapping around for momentary pumps, tickling down it and tracing around the base. I massage him, stroke him, grip him, tease him - I even release my claws lightly onto his cock, and use my dexterous fingers to my advantage by pricking him as lightly as possible.

"I'm gonna_ blow!"_ He moans loudly and throws his head back even further. I even see the bean-bag scrunch up as he grips it tightly in his paws, tensing for his approaching orgasm. The swelling knot at the base of his cock supports his warning.

I'm doing it! I'm making Jace orgasm! In under two-minutes!

I grip his shaft tightly between my palms as I press him through the final straight - but I let my fingers dance freely along his shaft. My palms grip tight and jerk him off quickly and vigorously, while my clawed fingers work much more delicately at the same time. Rough and gentle at the same time. Only something I can manage. I make sure to pay a little special attention to his sensitive knot - wrapping my fingers around and rubbing about it softly.

Jace's mouth flies open with a feral roar, and he bucks his hips one last time. His cock explodes. Rope after rope of thick, hot cum burst from the end - splattering all across my face and neck. A huge grin befalls my muzzle as I revel in the amazing spray - continuing to jerk and rub him through that has to be the most epic orgasm the world has ever seen. I milk every drop of jizz I can from the mighty cock - squeezing it and tugging more, spilling remaining cum across my paw and fingers.

And then... something just snaps in me. Holding this massive cock tight in my fingers, working my stuff on Jace and seeing that blissful look on his face. Something clicks.

I don't know why - but I just collapse. I fall straight forwards, and I fall across his stomach. My head lands on his breast, and I feel his cock press into my belly -still creaming - but I ignore it. I can't get up anyway. I'm suddenly wasted.

" OH - MY GAWD!" He shouts breathlessly. "Dude... that was incredible..." Jace's paw slaps down on my back, and a heavenly grin fills his face. "You are a stud!"

"Ya really think so?" I look up at him with a warm grin.

"That... was the best two minutes... of my life... "He wheezes, gasping for breath. "You... are so amazing... what the _hell_did you do to me?"

"Pawjob." I shrug modestly.

"What a fucking pawjob! _Holy shit - that was mind-blowing!" He groans again. "_Hold up man... I can't... breathe..." He throws his head back again, gasping still. "_Oh my fucking god... Oh, god yes... _I feel like I was just taken to heaven and back... and like... blown by a dozen angels at the same time..."

"Yeah..." I look down again and blush - only to find myself staring at Jace's soaked cock. "Um... Jace? I have a confession to make..."

"Go, man..." He sighs deeply. "Just... my god_...anything_ for you after that..."

"I think..." I pause for a moment, "I think the pawjob thing? I think that's a bit gay... actually..."

"It - what?" Jace's smile falls. "Th-that's... gay?"

"Um... yeah..." I nod with the single deepest blush I've ever felt. My face feels like it's on fire. Painted by Jace's steaming, sticky cum and flushed red enough that nobody would be able to identify me as albino. "And... I think I'm gay..."

"Oh... shit..." Jace's head falls back for a moment. "This whole night's been gay... hasn't it?"

"Um... yeah..." I nod faintly.

"I kinda knew that all along..."


"I suspected all along..." Jace confessed. Blushing too. His paws slide around my neck, and rest on the backs of my shoulders.

"Then... why did you do it?" I shake my head a little - ignoring the feeling of cum dripping down my stomach and face.

"Well..." He sighs again - exceptionally deeply. His face flushes a bit more as he opens his mouth. "Coz you're the sexiest friend I've ever had."

"Say_what?" _I glance up and stare at him Did he really just say that?

"You heard me." He nods a little. "You - Mikey- are sexy. You're the sexiest guy I've ever seen."

"I'm not..." I shake my head and bury my face against his torso. 'I'm not. I'm messy and scrawny and... I'm a pussy..."

"That's how you see it." My eyes fly open as I feel his finger under my chin. He lifts it up, facing me toward him. He smiles softly, and his other paw strokes the back of my neck fondly. "I think you're amazing. You aren't messy just because your fur's long. You always keep it smooth and it gives you this sexy, sleek look. You really are _fine. You're graceful and flowing and beautiful. You aren't scrawny just coz you're kinda short and you aren't broad. Hell - you're slender! You're slim, curvy, and _fine. Kinda feminine in a way - but sexy. As for a pussy... no. You're kinda cute... You're just drop-dead gorgeous! You should hear the others when we're out drinking. Bloody Tom and Jacob - I asked them if they had to fuck any guy, who it would be. And in one fucking voice they both shout "DUDE! MICHAEL!" And they spend the rest of the night talking about you and how you're "pretty fucking smokin'... for a dude". Face it - you're smokin' hot."

"Oh... wow..." I glance down. I take back what I said earlier - this is the deepest, hottest blush I've ever felt. Nobody's_ever_ complimented me... ever. Not even Jace...

Because he's had a secret gay crush on me! I realise. Maybe that's why nobody ever talks to me... coz they think I look like a chick and that makes them nervous...?

"You... how long?"

"I sort of developed a thing for you last year." He confesses. "I've had a secret... kinda crush on you ever since... this was kinda my way to accept those feelings."

"Oh... wow..." I shake my head slowly. Is this seriously happening?

"Really - man." He nods again. "You've got to be the most beautiful, sexiest, smouldering guy in the world."

"I don't think so..." I shake my head with a murmur. "I've seen sexier. A guy I once saw - body like a Greek god. Broad, strong shoulders, an awesome, brilliant smile - and a hell of a cock on him."

"Aaw! Come here!" He grabs me under the armpits, and he heaves me up a little higher. No sooner has he let me go - his paw's on the back of my head and is pulling me into him.

His other arm throws itself over my back, and we kiss. He forces his muzzle to mine, and his tongue slips between my fangs. I just melt into him - lacking the strength to resist him. Like I would anyway. It's _Jace. _I fall into his embrace and let him have me. I collapse against him and let him have his way.

The paw on the back of my head reaches a thumb around to stroke my cheek as he tastes the inside of my mouth. His tongue flicks saliva about - slathering my tastebuds with his salty flavour.

As we're still immersed in our kiss, I feel the paw on my back disappear. A moment later, I feel it slide between my legs - gasping a bit into his mouth. His paw gently climbs my shaft to the wet tip, and rubs me a little - gathering fluids. He then slips it out, and under my belly to his own cock. I act on my initiative, and move one of my paws to grab his shaft. I feel his paw just below my belly in front of his cock, so I start pumping. I run my grip up his whole shaft as we make out, milking anything that's left into his awaiting palm to mix it with my cum.

His paw taps the back of my head for me to stop, and he brings his other paw away. His paw takes my hair gently, and tugs a little.

"Mm?" I pull away reluctantly. Immediately a cold chill descends over me once I'm free of him.

He holds his paw to the side, grinning. In his palm, I see a little pool of our combined fluids glimmer darkly in the dim light. He swings his palm quickly to his mouth, and slurps them up. His paw shoots back to my head, and he pulls me back in.

My eyes fly wide as an overwhelming flavour strikes me. I feel Jace push our cum with his tongue - swapping it from his mouth to my own. An amazingly thick, musky taste overpowers my mouth. A thick, salty cocktail of both our combined fluids.

I don't even have to do any work. Jace's tongue swirls around inside my mouth - stirring the cream around my mouth. He spreads it around over my cheeks, between my teeth and all over my tongue - tainting me completely with our taste.

In a moment of pause, I try to drain the cum back into his mouth for his turn - but his tongue blocks my lips. He pushes the glob back into my mouth, and continues swirling it around - letting me taste it. A wicked mix of his and my own cum and saliva.

God he's brilliant...

It's official. I'm gay. I'm gay - Jace is gay, and we're lovers.

I suddenly tap his shoulder. His tongue pauses just for long enough for me to force the cum back into his mouth and sit up.

"Jace... I gotta ask you..." I sit in his lap with his cock resting between my ass cheeks and under my balls. He nods - holding our load in his cheeks. "Do you... think you got another load in you?"

His eyes go wide. He sits upright in front of me, and quickly dribbles our load into his paw. "What for? Why?"

"Well..." I shrug sheepishly - going red again.

"God I love it when you do that..." He admits - suddenly stunned. "God, you're adorable when you're embarrassed..."

"thanks..." I murmur sheepishly - again. "But... we're gay... right?"

"That we are." He nods, letting his free paw drift down from my shoulder. I open my mouth to continue, but I stop short as he finds my nipple.

_"Mmmm..." _I murr and tilt my head back as he works my nipple between his forefinger and thumb. God it feels good...

"I love that, too..." He goes on with a smug grin. "You make the cutest sounds when you feel pleasure..." He squeezes a little harder - provoking a short yelp of surprise from me. "And I love it when you do that..." He chuckles, and releases me. "You're just adorable..."

"Um... Back to my question?" I ask, still red.


"So... since we're gay... I wanted to ask you something..."


"Well..." I lick m drying lips and glance at the floor for a moment. "I want to try anal."

"Oh... wow..." His eyes go wide again. "I honestly didn't expect you to say that..." He looks at the floor also, then back. "Alright. Just give me a second to flip over-"

"No - Jace." I place a paw gently on his abs as he tries to get up. I push him gently into his bean-bag again. He doesn't resist, but looks at me with a confused, sideways look. I sigh and shake my head. "I want you to give me anal."


"You said-"

"I know - don't worry..." he calms me, patting my thigh softly as I still sit in his lap. "I just... this is a surprise. I didn't expect that... you always seem so... shy. I didn't-"

"I trust you." I interrupt. I lean forwards again, and I lie across him with my head on his breast again. "I trust you. I want you."

"But... anal? I would understand if you wanted to give me a bl-"

"I want you to take me." I cut in. I stifle a whimper and wipe my eye as it moistens. "Wow..."

"That... took a lot to say, huh Mikey?"

I nod. "I want you, Jace." I tell him, and lick his nipple. I close my eyes and lay my ear against his chest, feeling it rise and fall slowly under me. "I want you to take me. I want you to mate me. Inside me. I want you to fuck me. I want to feel you in me..."

"You wanna be the girl?" I nod.

"Call it a kinky thing if you want... but I want to be your bitch."

"Ah.. I get it..." I open my eyes with a murmur. "You really feel safe around me, don't you?"


"I get it..." He nods slowly. "All right, Mikey. I'll take you. Hop off for a sec..." I obey him immediately, and I jump to my feet. "On the ground." He tells me as he stands up.

"Kay..." I nod nervously, and I fall to my paws and knees, turning to face away from him. I watch over my shoulder, feeling my breathing hasten as he kneels behind me. He holds the palm containing our cum in one paw, and he dabs two fingers into it. I tense a little as he moves those fingers behind me.

"I'll lube you up a bit." He says, pausing. "You okay with that?" I nod, and I lift my tail so it drapes over my back.

My muzzle falls open with a silent grunt as I feel a finger press into my anus. I drop my head and curse silently as his second finger squeezes in alongside. They probe in and out as Jace spreads a little cum into my passage, wetting my walls. I bite my lip the whole time, muttering silently.

The pain will pass... I tell myself, breathing deep as his fingers plop out of my ass. I check over my shoulder to find him repeating. Except this time, instead of shoving his fingers into my ass, he gently spreads my cheeks apart, and he smears the cum around my tailhole. I manage a grin at the sensation as he rubs his finger down my crack, and he smears out lubricant over and just into my hole.

"Holy hell - you've got one tight ass..." He comments as he pushes his finger in a little more. "Are you sure you're not an android designed for sexual stimulation?"

"I could be..." I shrug a little. "Only one way to find out."

"Yeah - ae?" He chuckles. He wipes the remainder of the cum from his fingers onto my tail-star, and shuffles back a little on his knees. The rest of the cum, he slaps onto the head of his cock and smears around. "But I'm serious. You're _really_tight. This is going to hurt."

"I trust you." I answer simply.

"Good enough for me." He smiles and nods, smearing everything over his huge, throbbing pole. "All right. How do you want this? Doggystyle?"

"Um... no..." I decide after a moment. I carefully turn around on my paws and knees to face him. "Sit down." He nods, and sits on the ground. "Now lie back." He lies on his back.

I crawl around the side of him, then stand on my knees. I throw one leg across him, and straddle his torso. "I wanna ride you."

"In that case - I wanna be rode." He replies with a grin. "All right then. Let's do this." His paws lift from his side, and they take hold of my ass on either side. I glance over my shoulder and shuffle back slowly, aligning myself.

This is it. I'm about to get taken. Claimed. By Jace.

"Mikey?" He pauses. "Just before we start. I forgot to say this earlier. I love you, mate."

My heart leaps in my chest. I nearly forgo our anal to dive on him right now and hug him and pledge my heart to him - but I get ahold of myself. "Thanks, Jace. I love you too."

His paws spread my ass, his thumbs push down on the tops of my thighs, and he lowers me. I gasp as the sheer heat of his cock surprises me - pressing between my spread cheeks. Jace smirks at my "cute sound", and lowers my tailhole to align with his pointed phallus. I bounce lightly just to test - but gasp again as his pointed head sinks half a centimetre into me.

This... is going to hurt... I decide as I observe the thickness of the thing. But I'm going to take it. I want to. I set this whole thing up because I wanted to be the "girl" as the role is known.


"Yeah, mate?"

"Fuck me like a bitch."

He snarls ferally and nods. "With pleasure-"

"AAAAA-" My head jerks back as a mighty pain shoots up my back. He slams me down onto him, thrusting up at the same time. His pointed cock spreads me right apart, burying itself deep in my bowels.

Shit shit shit shit! He's thick!

My mouth falls open with a pained yelp as he draws his cock free again. He pulls almost the entire thing free with a _plop_sound, but he immediately fills me again with a growl. My thighs spread around him as his pulsating cock fills me - only causing me to sink further onto the huge shaft. So big...

Jace cackles in glee, and lifts me again. Behind my whimpering and pain - he can see the twitching grin hiding at the corners of my lips. He grips my thighs tighter - stretching my ass further apart as he lifts me again - and slams back in even deeper. I let myself fall down on him this time, doing my own bit to give him satisfaction.

"Looks like someone can't quite get the idea of "riding"..."

"I-I'm sorry..." I grunt between clenched teeth. "It's... uugh... hurts..."

"Do you want me to stop?"

"No..." I shake my head quickly. "Keep going."

"Well I can't take you like this." His arms release my ass, and grab me a little higher up. He lifts me right off the ground - still mounted on his cock - and he sits upright. He pulls his cock free with another wet slap, and he rolls me onto my paws and knees. He positions himself behind me. "There. Now you can leave it all to me."

"Thanks." Smirk over my shoulder. My smirk disappears as his paw suddenly disappears - only to wrap around my cock. Jesus! As my head jerks in shock, I don't notice him shuffle closer on his knees, and throw his hips forwards.

Another smash of pain leaps from my ass as he buries himself deeper than before - but a jolt of pleasure follows as his paw pumps my cock. His other arm wraps around my waist, and I feel his furry stomach press down on my back. A second after that, I gasp as I feel his teeth close on my neck - grabbing the scruff.

And he really begins. He looses a loud grown through my fur, and he slams his hips forwards - ploughing back into my protesting ass. His paw works vigorously on my cock below that, throwing me through a half-pained, half-pleasured sound somewhere between a moan and a scream. His cock pounds in and out of my ass mercilessly - stretching me apart further and further with every thrust. I feel my knees and elbows scrape against his carpet as his sheer force throws my whole body forwards - fucking me like a wild animal.

His chest presses me down further to the ground as his arm around my waist lifts - presenting my rounded ass perfectly. His arm then tightens more, and he throws himself into me even harder.

I buck forwards and cry out as I'm taken - having nothing to scream but those high-pitch "sounds" that seem to turn Jace on even more. His wanking me below only adds to my squeals and yelps as he takes me.

His thick meat slams through my ass without the slightest resistance, penetrating with his slick, pointed head. I feel it slam deeper and deeper into me every time. As one pain soothes, another deeper pain is created as he so insistently fucks further and further.

I feel his warmth spread through me deep down. His steaming cock radiates heat every time it slams into my body. Our fluids splash across his lap behind me every time he slams his stiff rod into me.

He fucks like a machine! His hips slam back and forth without a second of pause, and his pace maintains flawlessly. I barely manage to hold myself up under his relentless assault - in fact I'm not, he's holding me up by the waist - and here he is, mounting me from behind and ramming his cock into me and he's still going as strong as when we first began.

My head droops to the ground with another squeal as his paw continues jerking me, pushing me rapidly to my climax. I swallow my tongue after it lols out of my mouth and try to lift my head - but it falls again with another yelp. "I-I'm gonna cum...!" I gasp.

"So am... i!" He chokes out between pants. "But... I can't fit my knot... you're too tight...!"

"Like hell!" I rear my head, roaring. His next thrust is a little off as he pauses in surprise, but he's back in rhythm and has me subdued in a second. "I don't care if it fucking kills me, Jace! Put that fucking thing in me!"

"You're the boss!" He calls. His thrusts double-time. Instead of solid, straight thrusts he becomes faster, messier and more erratic. The only worry I have is that he's so close to climax... but I can't even _feel _his knot. Which means there's a lot more cock to fit. "Encourage me!" He calls after a moment. "You're fucking tight! You're gonna need to work me up!"

"Fuck me!" I balk as he speeds up even further - absolutely pulverising my ass. "Make me your bitch! Fuck my ass!" I cry. Need dirtier! "Fill me..." I plead - not in my yelling, screaming orgasmic voice - but in my begging, whimper voice that turns him on. "Please, please please Jace... Please... fill me up... I want you... dump it all in my tight ass... I want you to fill meeee..." _ I turn my last word into a long, lustful moan. "Cream in me... explode in me... fill my tight ass with your thick cock and dump all your rich cum in me... _pleaaaaase!"

"OH YEAH!" His maw tears open with the loudest, most ferocious howl I've ever heard from him. His fangs clamp down on my neck again, his arm around my hip tightens and heaves back, and he slams himself forwards. I nearly hit the floor with the force of the thrust, and nearly throw up as the huge 9-inch cock ploughs right into my ass. His paw on my cock speeds up, and his knot swells at the base of his cock - filling my ass. He humps wildly at my ass, cumming with a great roar as I hit my own orgasm. My entire body bucks and spasms in overwhelming sensation as I howl in pleasure - spurting all across Jace's carpet as his paw grips the base of my throbbing cock.

He just cums and cums and cums, slamming me back and forth as he milks himself against my tight walls. He fills me with his warm, sticky seed deep inside my body. I feel my colon even swelling at the sheer volume of stuff pumped into me around the invading shaft, expanding significantly.

"Oh... Jesus..." I collapse onto the ground as the pain stings my ass. Subsiding pain - but still pain.

"Oh... Mikey..." Jace croons, nibbling on my neck a little as he rolls both of us onto our sides. I feel his cum slosh around inside me as we roll, and I feel his rock-hard cock rub against my walls as he shifts positions. "Oh... Jesus, Mikey... you're ass is sooo good!"

"Th-thanks..." I pant, managing to ignore the pain. I smile now at the warmth buried deep in my ass. Hot and wet. Full. Somehow... safe. Safe as I lie here, tied to him with his knot tying us.

_"_Stuff that avian's big pussy..." He snorts as his arms wrap around me and pull me close. He snuggles into the back of my neck, wrapping his legs around mine. "I'll take your sweet little ass over any pussy... You are just... a stud... my god..."

"I'm a little guy." I shrug breathlessly. "I small, I tight-"

"You amazing." Jace interrupts. His arms pull me back a little tighter, and we just lie on his carpet spooning.

And so here I lie in Jace's house, at two in the morning on a Monday. Covered in cum, drained of energy, filled with a huge canine cock stuffed up my ass, and spooning - wrapped in the arms of my best friend and cuddling.

God I've never felt so good.

"Thanks... Jace..." I purr, nuzzling into his neck warmly. He replies with a soft stroke down my side from waist up. His paw drifts up to my face, and he draws little circles on my cheek with one paw.

"Thanks Mikey..." He replies, licking my ear. "And I love you."

I yawn - squeaking in the way I do. "I love you too..." I reply happily. I let the descending darkness slowly wrap around me as I drift out of consciousness.

"Do it again, sometime - ae, mate?" I barely hear his voice as my fatigue muffles his words to my ears.

I mumble something and snuggle a little closer into him - letting my tail wag behind me. I nod as the last flicker of light slowly fades away into nothing.

"Ae, mate..."


Well - I did this whole thing in one day. Started last night at about 10PM, went through until 1AM, then jumped back on at midday today. Though I had to take a few breaks coz I jizzed in my pantz so many times and was like "can't write porn - not horny." So I hope you "enjoyed it" as many times as I did writing it...

Cue lol.

FTR - P.O.D is god's gift to my ears.

Comments, faves, watches, votes... cookies!

Should also set up PayPal... my computer's got a virus and its costing a lot to fix (writing on my dad's computer - which doesn't have itunes - and saving stuff to USB)

Jace and Michael are splits of my personality. I cut myself in half and put half myself in each. Jace is who I am on the outside (without all the muscles or friends) and Michael is who I am on the inside.

I'm also thinking of making a sequel if this is popular. Guy discovers he's gay, discovers he's an amazing sex-toy and his best friend's mates secretly think he's hot? This could go places. Collegey, schooley places places.

Anyway - that was my first M/M yiff. How'd I do? *hopeful grin* Commentarinos, favaroonys, watch-iddily-atches and's... ah, crap... Out of dang-diddly-diminutives...

_ Tphage - out!_