The Game Called Lying

Story by Blackstone on SoFurry

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#6 of Three Masters

Edwin assumed that the now fully sated Doctor would simply be on his way after dumping his load inside the wolf's ass. Instead, what happened was that missy spent the next half hour posing for the rhino, who apparently indulged himself with some occasional amateur photography. The gagged, bound, and belted wolf felt himself blush furiously as he worked to accomplish the very specific demands Doctor Stone required of him, who stood close by with camera-in-hand, taking picture after picture in almost non-stop succession.

"Now, lean over the arm of the sofa, as if you were trying to get off by humping it. That's it. Look back over your left shoulder at me, and give me a guilty look, like your Master just caught you trying to use the furniture to get off. You're ashamed, you naughty girl! Perfect. Now start humping it like you just can't stop yourself, even though your Daddy is yelling at you! Come on, get your hips into it."

"Okay, now lean over the middle of the sofa, knees on the cushions and legs spread. No, wider. Like your begging for another hard fuck. That's it. Now flip over onto your side, still facing away from me, and hold one leg in their air. Higher! Come on, show me your soggy hole."

"Get up and move to the center of the room, legs at shoulder length. Look down at your chastity device. No, not like you're angry with it. Look at it like it's your lover, who is gently teasing you with some foreplay now that you're finally home. Come on, you've been hard at work all day, and your boyfriend surprised you by jacking you off right as you came through the door. I want to see appreciation and love on your face. That's it -- you got it!"

"Walk over to the desk, lay your balls onto the table, then lean back. Squint your eyes and look away, like you're scared to watch the ball strapping that you know your nuts are about to receive. You better start doing a better job at looking terrified in the next few seconds, or this pretend punishment photo set is about to get much more real for you."

"Next, get on the ground facing me, shoulders to the floor, and get your ass in the air. High as you can get it. Up, up, up! Now look up at the camera like you're trying to convince your Daddy to fuck you, rather than spank you. Come on, slut, tell the story with your eyes. There you go, better."

On and on the impromptu photo shoot went. The powerfully built rhino even set the fancy digital camera up on tripod, setting it to take a shot every couple of seconds. The memory card for it must have been huge, Edwin realized. While the camera took care of itself, Master Stone was now free to join in the scene. Jerking himself to full arousal, the Doctor began using his own cock as a prop. Slapping missy across the face repeatedly with the meat as if it were a club. Smearing precum copious amounts of pre on the youth in undignified places. Inserting it into the slave's ass at various depths and positions around the room.

Missy would have liked to pretend that she wasn't an active participant, but truthfully she was overcome by lust from the relentless teasing. Later, she'd come to realize that she had been eagerly exposing himself to the camera. Almost as if trying to achieve the best effect for the rhino. The logical part of his mind was loudly objecting, trying to tell the wolf that this was exactly what the pitiless Doctor wanted, but the new chastity belt was doing a fine job at keeping the pet eager to please.

Doctor Stone finally wrapped up the surprise photo shoot by having missy bounce herself up and down his cock while he sat relaxed on the couch, arms spread out in either direction. The last shots depicted: His face scrunching up in climax. Him reaching out, pinching both of her nipples. Her eyes wide in surprise at the uninvited molestation of her sensitive tits.

After taking a minute to enjoy the afterglow and catch his breath, Doctor Stone turned off the camera before reinserting missy's butt plug. Cupping her balls in his hand, the rhino said "Mmmm. These are coming along nicely, aren't they? You can always tell when a sissy has found her proper place in life. Her balls become perpetually swollen and firm. If the sissy in question still has any, that is. Well, I need to be off, slut. I'll be sure to think about you next time I'm jerking off. You'd do the same for me too, I'd bet, but... well, we both know why that's not going to happen. I'll make you a deal, though. If your Daddy doesn't let you have even a single orgasm in the next year, I'll give you a shot at winning a chance to spew your load. Just between you and me, of course. All you have to do is let me know during your annual checkup that you'd like to try your luck. You can let me know by thanking me for all that I've done for you and telling me that I was right about everything I said about you. This will be the sign from you to me that you want to try for an orgasm. After you do that, I'll flip a coin. Heads, you can cum. Hell, I'll even give you a blowjob. Tails, you don't get to cum, and I fuck you from behind while we watch a castration surgery recording. I got the perfect one for you to see -- it stars a young wolf about your age whose Master only wanted him locally anesthetized for the operation. In other words, the wolf got to watch the whole procedure, from start to finish. Just as you might get to do. See? Now you have something to look forward to. That is, as long as your Daddy doesn't have you cut before then. Better keep him happy, if you know what's good for you."

Truth be told, the rhino had no intention of ever actually letting missy get off. Not that there was any need to let her know that. Oh, sure, if she managed to get through the next year with her sack intact, he'd put on a big production out of honoring the deal. He'd let her beg and thank him for helping her find her proper place in the world, but then coin flip itself would be rigged, of course. The Doctor would flip the coin, act surprised at the result of tails, and then console the slut, who would surely be devastated by the news. "A deals a deal" he'd insist though, before lubing her hole and turning on the DVD. And then maybe afterwards he'd have her pose again for another photo shoot, to add to his ever expanding album of "patients".

With that, the handsome Doctor redressed, packed up his things, and left Edwin alone in the room. The wolf wasn't sure to make of the rhino's offer. He just hoped there never came a day when he started to genuinely look forward to that particular annual checkup. But he couldn't help himself as his arousal thickened up against the silky grip of his chastity cage, when he thought about what it would mean to accept the Master's deal.

A few minutes later, the study door opened again as Master Tom entered the room. "Whew, smells like sex in here. I take it you were put to good use, missy? Well, that's what you're here for, so no problem there. Come on, let's head back to my room, shall we?" Even if he wasn't still gagged, Edwin wouldn't have had any trouble telling that was a rhetorical question.

Minutes later they arrived at the bunny's bedroom, which missy was now getting to see it for the first time. It was fairly typical looking, though a bit less spacious than his own room. Not that Edwin actually owned anything anymore. The wolf did notice a computer in the corner, which he assumed was where the trainer kept tabs on his 'activities'.

Stopping Edwin in the middle of the room, Master Tom said "Wait right here, babe. I'll go fetch your surprise." As he watched the bunny leave the room, he didn't even try and guess at what the 'surprise' might be. With his luck, the Master would wheel in a urinal, before he triumphantly telling missy that Daddy and he were going to install it on the other side of the wall, next to the glory hole. So instead he just waited, trying his best to ignore the persistent attention his knot and shaft were receiving from the chastity device.

However, when the door reopened, Edwin was indeed legitimately surprised by what he saw. Standing at Master Tom's side was what appeared to be a giant black feral wolf. It had to be easily over one hundred pounds, and it stood waist high compared to the bunny. Missy didn't know what to make of it, and since he was still gagged he couldn't exactly make any inquiries.

Seeing his confused expression, Master Tom laughed. "Don't worry, he's not actually a wolf. Well, I should say he's mostly not a wolf, since he does have a little wolf blood in him. This is your puppy. Though, "your" is open to interpretation in this instance, given your position here. Perhaps it's more accurate to say that you're his puppy. His name is "Feral", and you two are going to be spending a lot of time together.

Suddenly, several things clicked into place in Edwin's mind at once, as seemingly random pieces of information combined to tell a story. The slave thought he recalled Daddy saying something about hiring Master Tom based on Master Mason's recommendation. The same Master Mason who said he'd enjoy getting off by watching the young wolf get fucked by a feral. And now he was starring eye-to-eye with a preposterously large dog that was named "Feral". From these details, missy was able to conclude one terrible, undeniable fact. He was going to be fucked by this dog.

Desperately shaking his head no, the wolf mumbled objections around his gag as he backed away from the dog. Seeing this, Master Tom chuckled. "Pieced it together already, have you? That's right, slut. Before the day is out, you're going to get fucked by a big ol' dog cock. After all, what's a bitch without her alpha? Don't worry, though. Feral here has been specially trained for just this sort of situation. These dogs are bred for their loyalty, intelligence, patience, and size. And when I say size, I'm talking about the entire package, if you catch my meaning. He won't hurt you, missy. But neither will he take 'no' for an answer. Once I let him know that you're his bitch, he'll never respect you again. Oh, he'll still be very 'affectionate' with you, but he won't care if you're already asleep when he feels the itch to screw you. And believe me when I say that these dogs have been bred to breed. They are horny around the clock. In fact, let me prove it to you. Feral, full display!"

Hearing the command, the black wolf-dog sat down on his hind legs, while keeping his front legs straight and to the sides. Moments later, a considerable amount of erect dog cock began pushing its way out of his sheath and into the open air. "One of the unique traits about Feral's bloodline is that they don't require a female dog in heat to become aroused. Instead, they are always in a state where they desire to breed. They are even ready to go again just minutes after dumping their load in a bitch. And on that point, this dog has been trained that slaves are bitches. You should know that a dog like Feral is incredibly expensive. More than I make in two years worth of pay, actually, so you should be grateful for the gift. Compliments of Master Mason, by the way. He offered to help me land this promotion at Mr. Daon's personal estate if I assisted him in pairing you up with Feral here. I have no idea why he's so set on the idea, but I'm sure you two will be a match made in heaven. Love at first sight: an alpha and his bitch."

Edwin felt like he was trapped in a nightmare, silently cursing himself for ever throwing out the example of being forced to fuck ferals to that deranged boar. He had thought that the one silver lining of getting stuck with Daddy was at least he wouldn't be brought to this particular low. He should have realized the moment he saw that look in Master Mason's eyes that the boar wasn't going to give up on humiliating him so easily.

"I'm going to take your penis gag out now, missy, and replace it with a ring gag. No resisting, or this will go much worse for you." With that said, the bunny none-too-gently pulled Edwin to his knees, before swapping out one gag for the other. If the wolf had any notions of fighting back, they evaporated the moment the bunny firmly took hold of his scrotum when missy attempted to lean away.

Ring gag firmly strapped in place, Master Tom stood back up and said "Now, crawl over and say hello to your alpha. You can start by licking up and down his dog cock. According to his statistics, he measures in at a healthy eight and three-quarter inches. Plus he's pretty thick, as I'm sure you can tell. That means he's worthy of your respect, slut, and you're going to give your best effort in helping him get his relief. After all, it's not his fault that he was bred to be perpetually randy. The least you can do is help him to vent some pressure, whenever he needs you to. Which just so happens to be right now. So get to work."

Edwin's mind spun, trying to come up with a way to get around the disgusting order. Simply ignoring the command wouldn't work, and he couldn't attempt to talk the trainer out of it with the ring gag in his mouth. Maybe he could run for it? If he got Daddy's attention, the bear might put a stop to this. After all, if Daddy approved of what was happening, then there wouldn't have been any need for Master Mason to jump through all these hoops, right? But Edwin despaired when he realized his arms were still bound behind his back, so he couldn't make it past the closed door. Maybe if he --

A painful slap to Edwin's ass brought his focus back to the here-and-now. "Get going, bitch. The next slap is to your balls, got it?" A feeling of doom and inevitably settled over the wolf, as he began crawling over to the wolf-dog on his knees. Slowly but steadily missy leaned over until he was kneeling underneath the dog, mere inches from the sizeable erection. In response, the dog just sat there -- obviously very eager to take a more active role, but too well trained to act on these instincts until given permission.

Despair sat like a knot in his stomach, as missy extend her tongue to take a tentative lick. Followed by another. And another. Until the slave came to realize that he was actually doing it. He was getting a dog off with him mouth. The shame ate at him, and he felt his remaining self-worth evaporating.

"Good girl. Now, take it into your mouth. As deep as you can. I don't care if you gag or not, I want to see you make that red shaft disappear down your muzzle." Edwin heard the bunny fidgeting with something behind him, but he was too occupied to turn around to see what the Master was doing.

With any lingering pride crushed, missy maneuvered her muzzle so that she took in several inches of the dog's meat. At this point, it was impossible to ignore the taste or smell. Potent, earthy, musky, ... dominant, ... arousing. Edwin's heart skipped a beat in terror as he realized how turned on he was. He felt his knot fully firm-up yet again as the chastity device gleefully grip the flesh, as if it welcomed his self abasement. Missy found herself taking more and more of Feral's warm stiffness into her mouth, until she felt the tip begin to push against the entrance to her throat. Pushing forward still more, Master Tom watched from the sidelines as the bitch seemingly abandoned her dignity and threw herself into the task.

Feeling herself begin to gag, missy fought through the sensation, pushing even further onto the intimidatingly sized arousal. Eventually the youth established a rhythm where he strained to reach the same depth every plunge. Above him, he heard the imposing dog begin to pant heavily, obviously enjoying the oral attention he was receiving. A few minutes of this, and Edwin began to feel the dog's knot form against his tongue as he continued to work his way up and down the pole.

"Careful not to go so far down that he knots with your ring gag. No need to turn your face into a full pussy on the first date, eh? You two lovers will have plenty of time to explore your kinkier sides. Other than that, keep up the good work. You're a natural at this, bitch."

Missy's cheeks felt like they were on fire, she blushed so hard. But she took the words of advice to heart -- justifiably terrified at the thought of chocking to death on a cock. Apparently that was a real threat for slaves who weren't allowed to have any say as to what got jammed down their throat.

Edwin continued his efforts for another few minutes, during which the dog eventually began to softly growl. Without any other warning, the wolf's mouth was abruptly flooded by semen. It was as if dam that was holding back a massive river had burst. There was so much seed that missy spent the next full minute continuously swallowing, until the torrent eventually died down to a trickle. "Oh yea, I forgot to tell you. Apparently these guys come like fire hoses. A side effect of them being constantly ready for action, I guess. I'm impressed that you got it all down. Especially considering you had a ring gag on. From the looks of it, your alpha is proud of you too. Not that you can tell, since your face still buried in his crotch. But take my word for it, you made him real happy. Now, I want you to lick his cock clean and --"

Abruptly the door flew open, thrown so hard it struck the wall with a thunderous bang. Then missy heard her Daddy's voice, full of rage and anger. "What the fuck is this, you useless bunny! Who the hell do you think you are, you little shit! Letting a dog have his way with my missy, without my permission!?"

Edwin pulled himself out from under the dog so that he could see what was happening in the room. And when he saw Master Daon's furious expression and threatening body language, it scared him badly -- and the fury wasn't even directed at him. From the looks of Master Tom, the trainer felt much the same way.

Master Tom sounded like he was about ready to piss himself, when he finally managed to respond to the barrage of questions. "M-M-M-Mr. Daon! I can, uhh, explain. You see, the thing is, I... Well. You really need to understand, that... Please, just try to see, this is just-- "

If the bunny had any more non-answers and throw-away excuses to offer up, they were lost when the bear charged across the room and manhandled the slender bunny to the ground. "Shut your goddamn mouth. You fucked up big time, asshole. Try and make my little girl into some dog's bitch, will you? Well, we'll see who's the bitch by the time I'm done with you."

"No! Please Mr. Daon! I can explain! I'll make it up to you! I'll --" The trainer was cut off as Daddy forced the cock gag that was in use on missy until just a few moments ago into Master Tom's mouth, before securing it in place.

"Your talking days are through, shit bag." Daddy said, as he easily subdued the extraordinarily frightened bunny. Pulling out his cell phone, the bear speedily dialed a number and put the phone up to his face. "Bishop. Meet me at the entrance to the north-west wing. I got a loose cannon here for you to take care of. Yea, Mr. Tom. And call the Doctor. This dumb fuck has a surgery appointment I'd hate for him to miss." Listening for a few seconds, Master Daon responded "Yes, that's right. I'll explain more once we meet up. And send someone up to Tom's room to fetch this damn dog. No, don't hurt it. Just kennel it for the time being."

With that, the bear hung up the phone, dragging himself and Master Tom to their feet. As he frog-walked the bunny out the door, Daddy looked at his shaken missy and said "Go to your room and wait missy. I'll send two or three guys up soon to help you wash that taste out of your mouth. Maybe a horse or zebra or something. Don't worry, I'll make sure they select 'Full Service' as well. That should help flush that nasty dog cum down. I'll also let them know not to choose any other options, since your hands are occupied. I imagine I'll be busy for a bit, so after you're done providing service for your refreshment, I want you to lay down on your bed. Oh, and come here so I can take off that gag."

And with that, Daddy unstrapped missy's ring gag, before dragging the still mumbling bunny off to whatever awful fate the bear had planned for him. Free of a mouth piece for practically the first time that day, Edwin stretched his jaw, trying to work some of the soreness out. The wolf looked over at Feral, who was still sitting in "full display" position. Remarkably, the dog was still erect, seemingly ready to cum again if permitted by his owner. Edwin decided to ignore the dog, opting to follow Daddy's instructions for the time being.

Since his hands were rendered useless, strapped behind his body, the wolf had to awkwardly use his left foot to open the door to his room. After several attempts, he eventually succeeded. Though, distracted as he was, Edwin failed to notice the digital camera on the ground as he left the room, which Master Tom had apparently been using during Feral's blowjob. As missy left and closed the door, the camera's visual display was still showing the words "Broadcasting Live", before the prompt blinked off.

Laying face down on the heart shaped bed, the wolf tried to forget what just happened -- failing miserably to do so. Instead, it was all he could think about. The smell. The taste. The shame he felt as the dog claimed him. No, you couldn't even call it "claiming him", since he did all the work. The dog had only sat there, allowing Edwin to do as he chose. Somehow that made it worse. At least "worse" was the descriptor missy tried to convince himself was most appropriate, even as his six inch erection throbbed at the memory.

Coming to terms with what happened was going to have to wait, Edwin realized, when he heard the buzzer sound. Looking across the room, the wolf saw the glory hole panel slide away as a foot of already-erect horse cock thrust through the hole. Just as Daddy promised, the only option displayed on the LEDs was 'Full Service', which meant that the bear had just signed him up to guzzle down a bladder full of horse piss. 'How swell of him' the wolf thought sarcastically.

As missy walked over to the unreasonably sized horse dick that was waiting for him, he realized that he was going to have to get the guy off using only his lips, tongue, and mouth. At least he didn't have worry about the head strap, so he could take the foot-longer at his own pace and technique.

Deciding to start at the tip, missy began working her way down the shaft, licking it with long swipes of her tongue. She tried to work as fast and she could, since she knew that compared to the surface area of the cock, her tongue was tiny. After a while of this, Edwin could tell it wasn't working, so he hesitantly took the head of the cock into his mouth. Feeling this, the man on the other side of the wall thrust his hips in response, trying to drive more of his shaft into the slave's mouth.

After pulling off the cock to cough at the gagging sensation, missy again heard the buzzer sound repeatedly as the horse conveyed displeasure at the loss of lip contact. The sound irritated Edwin, but there was no point in getting angry about it, so instead he simply took as much of the cock back into his mouth as he could.

It was slow going, and missy had to constantly put up with the horse bucking back and forth as he tried to get the youth to accept more of his cock. The size was just too much to handle, without the use of his hands. At last, missy was able to get into a semblance of rhythm after just accepting the presence of the constant gag reflex.

When the horse's thrusts became noticeably more erratic, Edwin realized that the mystery employee was about to dump his load, despite the subpar blowjob. Sure enough, a warm avalanche of cum began pouring down the slave's throat, joining the dog cum that was already pooled inside her stomach. After a series of fast paced gulps, missy felt relief when she noticed the deluge had tapered off. But that relief turned to indignation when the horse immediately switch to turning the wolf's muzzle into a toilet, relieving his apparently very full bladder.

Daddy was right about one thing, though. This certainly did wash out the taste of dog cum. Though Edwin wasn't sure how exactly this was supposed to be an improvement. Having been doubly relieved, horse cock finally pulled away, only to be replaced with another larger-than-life equine phallus. Worse yet, the 'Full Service' LED was still lit up.

Sighing, missy got to work.

Hours later, Master Daon was sitting in Doctor Stone's office, where the two of them were discussing exactly how the former-Master Tom's life was about to change.

"You're sure about this?" the rhino inquired, once again fully dressed in professional medical attire. "Once we go down this road, there's no going back. So I ask you, there's no possibility of innocence or of extenuating circumstances?"

"None at all, Doctor. I caught him in the act myself."

"Lucky break, there, I suppose. If you hadn't caught him, who knows what sort of harm he'd of caused in the months to come."

"In this case, luck had nothing to do with it. Mason gave me a call and let me know that the dumb fuck was actually broadcasting it live to him, thinking the boar would want to watch the fun. Then Mason just played along with the two-timing bunny to keep him busy, while he gave me a call. When I burst into the room, Tom dropped the camera and the guilt was written all over his face -- plain as day. He knew he was fucked. Now he's going to pay. And then he's going to keep on paying for the rest of his worthless life."

Unluckily for Tom, Master Daon wasn't very good at coping with disloyalty. Or worse, betrayal. Two and a half years ago the bear's long time girlfriend had broken up with him, leaving him emotionally shattered. She was a stunningly beautiful wolf named Rebecca and things had been going extremely well between the two of them. So well in fact that he had been getting ready to propose to her -- just waiting for the right time. Instead, she broke his heart, throwing him into the worst depression of his life. And all because of a single request. She didn't even give him a chance to explain. All that they meant to each other, she'd thrown away while he was at his most vulnerable.

A few months later, he decided to follow a close friend's advice and schedule a consultation with a very secretive "match making" organization. They promised they would find the perfect girl for him. One who'd never say no, or leave him, or laugh in his face. All he had to do was hand over a very large duffel bag of cash in advance. It took them over two years to do it, but he had to admit, the organization kept their promise. For the most part, anyway. And now this fucktard of a rabbit was trying to throw a wrench in things, just when things were starting to look up for the bear. We'll, unhappily for Tom, he'd find out how big of a mistake that was. The hard way.

"Well, that's that, I suppose. We'll schedule the procedure for an hour from now, and start prepping the patient now. It will take the rest of the day to make the alterations you requested, so he should be ready to be returned to your care sometime tomorrow. After we permanently remove the hair in the areas you specified, what did you say you wanted tattooed across his chest again, Mr. Daon?"

"Bitch. In all capital letters."