Pleasure Snake - First Treatment

Story by Von Krieger on SoFurry

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#1 of Pleasure Snake

Pleasure Snake Part I

By Von Krieger

"This is not a very good idea, Richard." said a voice from the darkness. A thin shape held its arms above its head as the young man nervously pointed a pistol at it. Richard himself couldn't tell if the shadowy individual was a man or a woman.

"Screw good ideas! You kidnapped my dad and have been holding him ransom for six months! We got your money, we gave you the damned money, and still you haven't given us our father back!" he shouted, "Where is he?"

The figure shrugged, "He's nearby. But now that you've went and done this silly thing, you won't be getting him back. In fact, you're going to be joining him here at my lab, effective immediately."

"How are you going to manage that?" Richard asked, "I'm the one with the gun here!"

The figure nodded, "Quite true, but I'm the other with the button."

A confused expression crossed the young man's face, "What button?"

There was a sudden movement and Richard's eye went to follow it, a movement around the figure's waist area, behind it. All thoughts of this were lost as a sudden pain rocketed through Richard's body. The gun fell from his grip. A second jolt drove him to his knees.

"You really shouldn't have threatened me like that, Richard. Now you've given me no choice but to acquire your little brother as well. Your father threatened me, your elder brother attempted to put his hands on me, and now here you are, gun in hand, behaving like some empty headed action hero. I fear that the final member of your family will drive a howitzer into my facility." the figure said with a chuckle.

"But don't worry; I'm not going to hurt you, much. You'll actually find your life in this facility to be quite pleasant, if you allow it to be."

A third shock sent Richard to the floor, only able to see the floor in front of his face as the figure approached. Richard saw the door her had entered open, and a large pair of booted feet step in. There was a cold, piercing pain in his neck as the kidnapper, who had signed the letters sent to Richard and his two brothers as "The Doctor," injected him with something.

"I have a special fate in store for you, Richard." the Doctor said, giving the new captive an almost friendly pat on the leg, "I have a few projects designed for someone such as yourself who has made a rather large inconvenience for me. Brutus here will see to the administration of your preliminary treatment. With the accelerant agent I just pumped into you, the effects ought to be immediate. Of course it does have the side effect of consuming body mass to fuel the changes. But I think you'll try and make that up by having quite the appetite in the morning."

Richard could only moan in protest. He couldn't even twitch as he was hefted onto the shoulders of the white clad, muscle-bound form of Brutus, one of the Doctor's assistants, or guards, or something. The hefty goon carried him throughout the complex. It looked bigger on the inside than the plain, small warehouse that the Doctor's headquarters had appeared to be at first glance. It must be underground, though Richard had encountered no stairs or elevators that would explain how he had gotten so far down.

The thug pushed through a large set of double doors, which lead out onto a walkway through a wide tunnel. On either side were large windows, allowing someone to see the animals inside. It was like a personal, private zoo.

With his vision a bit blurry from the shocks, Richard couldn't see the animals, but her could make out the plaques on the podiums in front of each cage. Each had a name on it, perhaps the donor of the animals contained within, or something of the like? "H. Meyer and Associates," that sounded like a law firm.

As he was carried down the hall, something caught his eye, it was only for a moment, and Richard tried to turn his head to make sure of what he had seen. But he was still paralyzed, and his view of the plaque was cut off entirely as Brutus shouldered open a thick metal door, leading to another corridor, this one line with metal doors that looked like something from an asylum.

Richard was carried into one, tossed down onto the narrow bed that was attached to the wall. He could do nothing but lay there for torturous minutes, trying to will his body to move while Brutus was gone, the door left open.

But he could do nothing of the sort, and could merely grunt in displeasure as the contents of several syringes were pumped into his arm. The thug chuckled, a grotesque hissing sound. Richard wished his vision had been clear enough to see the goon's face, so the next time he encountered it, he could punch it in.

The door to Richard's cell swung closed, and he was left in the dim light that filtered in through the window in the door, left to contemplate what had happened to him, what the Doctor had meant by 'projects', and why his father's name had been listed on one of the plaques of the Doc's private zoo.


Richard's body ached from the shocks. It took some time before he could move again. He felt weird, like every hair on his body was standing on end. Every time he shifted position, his clothes rubbed across the hairs, giving him a very uncomfortable sensation. He figured that it might be static electricity or something.

He began to rub his arm, trying to discharge the static. The rubbing of skin on skin felt good, and Richard stifled a moan. The sensitivity wasn't what Richard had thought it to be. His skin felt strangely smooth.

The rubbing seemed to increase the sensation, and he began to feel sort of aroused, horny. Richard stripped off his shirt, and looked on in confusion at what he found.

He hadn't gotten a good look at his hands in the dim light, but he could see his chest, and the strange color it had become; sort of a yellow-green down the middle, and more of a leaf green on the sides. He held up his hands into the light, and to his horror they had changed color as well.

The transforming human stripped his pants off, horrified to see that the strange greenness had appeared on his legs as well. His underwear was stripped off, and Richard found himself curiously hairless there as well.

Despite what was happening, his member had stiffened, growing erect at the sensation that filled his body. Just the air blowing across his bare skin felt good, the warm air from a nearby vent. Richard bit his lip to try and drown out the overwhelming sensation, picking up his shirt and walking over to the vent, shivering from the lust that shook his body as he put his weight on his feet.

He began to pant as he tried to hook the corners of his shirt around the protruding, square edges of the air vent. The air blowing directly on his hyper-sensitive skin made Richard moan. His cock leaked thick pre, which dripped down his shaft, only adding to the horrible stimulation.

The shirt slipped from Richard's grasp, his hands suddenly feeling stiff. He looked down at them, only to find that they looked more like mittens than hands. He cried out in alarm, watching the fingers merge together, flowing like water, sliding together, then flowing down into his wrists.

Richard ran for the door on clumsy legs, banging at it with his fists, "Help me!" he cried, "Make it stop! Make it sssstop! ....make it stop...."

His voice suddenly went from a shout to a whisper, a forked tongue slipping from between his lips. Richard tried to speak, but found him self suddenly lacking vocal chords. He tried to scream, but could only hiss, his tongue flicking out, tasting his arousal on the air.

His entire body seemed to throb with need, but Richard resisted the urge to pleasure himself. If he gave into the changes and started doing what his captor wanted, there was no way he was going to get out of here.

Despite his resistance, he found himself humping the air, his body instinctively reacting to the stimulation. Tears of humiliation, fear, and outrage leaked down Richard's face. He found himself falling to the floor as his feet went the way of his hands.

The fall hurt, as Richard had instinctively reached out to catch himself with hands he no longer had. The impact jarred what were once his elbows, but it didn't hurt. Instead the shock just made his body quiver with pleasure and delight.

His member gushed a thick jet of precum onto the floor, heavy, thick, the scent invading Richard's nostrils. The jet had been far much more than Richard was used to, it created a virtual puddle beneath him, lubricating the floor and making slick contact between his scaly skin and the mirror-like smoothness of the floor.

Everything Richard did seemed to only increase the pleasure, it was like it was meant to drive him mad. Even if he had wanted to masturbate, he no longer could. His arms were mere stumps, rapidly receding into his shoulders. His legs faired much the same; nothing existed below the knee, all his mass seemed to be pulling into his torso.

Richard moaned softly as he felt a strange sensation in his jaw. Was that going to disappear too? What was going on? What was happening to him? But rather than disappear, his face seemed to be extending, elongating, growing into a tapering, scaly muzzle. He felt a soft tickle as his hair receded back into his head, as did his ears, leaving only small holes for hearing.

His body was now entirely head and torso, but it felt like it was all cock. Every inch of his scaled form seemed to ache and throb, sensitive skin filling him with impossible pleasure. He wanted it to stop, he wanted it to stop more than anything.

Lying in a puddle of his own precum, Richard wriggled and writhed, trying to figure out a way to escape this hideous, deforming fate, but all he managed to do was make a humping motion against the floor. His body let out a soft series of pops and cracks, and Richard felt like he was clay being molded, or silly putty being stretched.

His body felt like it was being pulled in two different directions, his head and neck going one way, his rump growing the other. What was more worrying was the fact that his cock seemed to be going the way of his arms and legs, being sucked into his body. Tears streamed down Richard's muzzle. They had taken away all his limbs, and now they robbed him of his masculinity as well?

He rubbed against the floor, trying to climax, some sort of twisted logic in his brain thinking that if he could just cum, that everything would be better. He felt his scaly face flush as he realized that the feeling of the place where his cock used to be against the bare floor felt ten times better than any sexual encounter he'd even had, and that wasn't even tossing the all-over sex organ that his skin seemed to become.

The pleasure from that began to increase minute by minute, as something began to extend from the base of Richard's spine, a tail. A long, tapering tail. It began to grow and stretch, more skin surface area meaning more pleasure shooting through his body. His tail grew one way, his neck and torso the other.

The tingling sensation on his neck and body ceased, as did the accompanying growth, it was all backward growth now, all in his tail, his neck maybe having elongated a foot and a half. Richard opened his eyes, peering down the length of his muzzle, and to his surprise, the room began to move, the walls shifting upwards.

No, it wasn't the walls going up, it was him going down! He was getting smaller! With renewed effort Richard lashed his body from side to side, surprisingly feeling himself moving across the floor. He turned his head back on his long neck, looking of himself.

He looked like a snake. A snake with a vague suggestion of human features, a curve at the hips and shoulders that still remained. But below the waist, all that existed was a long, tapering tail. He was about twice as long as he had been tall and maybe about half as wide. His body at the widest point was maybe just a little bit thicker around than his thigh had been as a human.

He was so much tail now, sensitive, throbbing tail. The portion of him that was slightly humanoid ached, but the tail segment felt like a brand new, fully formed sex organ. Richard couldn't help but pleasure himself, slithering around in circles in the huge puddle of precum. Likely that was where his lost body mass had gone.

After what felt like forever, Richard felt a wonderful, sweet heat explode within him. He felt thick, sticky goo being expelled from the slit where his cock had once been. It was the greatest, most pleasurable sensation Richard had felt in his life.

Her life. She snuffled softly, slithering to her bed, trying and failing several times to get up onto it. She was forced to rear up and lunge, flinging her fore-body up onto it to allow her to slither up onto it and wriggle beneath the covers.

She coiled up for warmth, terrified, horrified, disgusted, and more than a little aroused, at what had happened to her. She couldn't help but think of herself as a woman now. No, a female, a woman was what you called a female human. And Richard had become some sort of snake. Overwhelmed with so much that had happened, Richard's weary mind and tired, aching body combined to quickly pull the new reptile into a peaceful slumber, free of dreams, and free of nightmares.


"Time to wake up, Richard." Came the low, hissing voice of the Doctor over some speakers, the bed retracting and taking the blanket with it, dumping Richard onto the floor. The comparatively colder air of the room swept over Richard's scaly, body, making the new reptile shiver.

She blinked, looking around the room over her muzzle, having hoped that everything she had gone through had simply been a bad dream. It was then she found she was not alone in the room. A soft hiss reached her ear openings, and she turned her head to see a large serpent in the room with her. It was longer than Richard, and thicker.

"Don't be frightened of your new playmate," the Doctor said with amusement, "All he wants to do is have a little fun with you."

The snake began to slither toward Richard, who quickly slithered away, quivering softly as the contact of her tail to the floor sent damnably pleasurable sensations through her body. She began to grow wet.

"This serpent is a special creation of my own. He is easily modifiable for use with several different species."

Unused to slithering as a form of locomotion, Richard was quickly caught by the snake, his body coiling around hers. She felt the snake's fangs pierce her flesh, sending sensations of both pain and pleasure through her. The venom burned as it flowed through Richard's veins.

"He has been modified just for you, to produce offspring of your type. You see, you're not a snake, but rather an interesting species called a glass lizard. Whereas a snake has vital organs throughout the body, you have them all up front, two thirds of your body is just muscular tail."

Offspring? What did the Doctor mean by that? In a few moments Richard found out, as the snake began to grow aroused. Richard could smell it on the air. She wriggled and writhed, trying to escape the serpent's grip. But her smaller, unfamiliar body was no match for his powerful form, and it was no time at all before Richard's sex was pierced by the male's hemipenis.

The sensation made Richard cry out, her body filled with intense desire like nothing she had ever felt before. She couldn't help but wrap herself around the male as best she could, rubbing her sensitive scales against his textured form, trying to draw out her own pleasure.

She couldn't help it, that cock inside her had transformed her from a panicked human trapped in a glass lizard's body, to a panicked human trapped in the body of a female glass lizard in agonizing heat.

It was a nightmare, a hideous, disgusting nightmare. In his mind Richard was a human male, but here he was, some sort of legless lizard, female to boot, with a body that had pleasure centers lighting up like a Christmas tree at the slightest movement across its skin.

Tears ran down Richard's muzzle with her shame at being mated like an animal, but unable to stop it. She couldn't get free, couldn't stop it, couldn't even shut out the pleasure. She was being raped by an animal and her body loved it, craved it, needed it.

The snake climaxed, and Richard's body quivered with pleasured delight, her sex milking the creature for all the seed he had to offer. Something within the glass lizard's belly felt pleasantly warm as she climaxed.

Richard heard the door open and saw a pair of gloved hands reach down, pulling the serpent from her, and lay down a bowl on the floor. She gasped softly as the snake's two pronged member was withdrawn from her.

The door closed, leaving Richard alone once again. She slithered over to the bowl, investigating it. It was filled with a thick, white goo that had a captivating scent. She lapped at it tentatively, and found it quite tasty. Having eaten nothing since her transformation, she slurped it down and licked the bowl clean, not caring that it was a dog bowl. She needed to eat.

"Good girl." Came the Doctor's amused voice from the hidden speakers, "A nice, nutritious meal for you, my pet, full of protein; animal protein as a matter of fact. And what better base to feed a pregnant lizard than a treat comprised primarily of cum?"

Richard's eyes widened and she tried to gag, to vomit up the meal. Wait...pregnant?

"My snake is quite special, in that his venom is replaced by a special serum, a serum that creates a very quick and very fertile pregnancy. You'll begin to see the effects in a few minutes, and you'll birth your first clutch in several hours. I think you'll find some way to amuse yourself between now and then."

The poor lizard slithered over to the side of her cell where the edge of the bed poked out from the wall. She coiled up beneath it and began to sob.


Richard quivered on occasion as her belly slowly grew fat and heavy. She could feel the eggs growing inside of her. Her fertility serum enhanced reproductive system siphoning the nutrients from her breakfast of nutritional powder mixed in with what was probably horse cum or something gross like that.

She hated it all, hated the embarrassment and humiliation, and above all hated that everything felt so good. Why couldn't the Doctor have made everything painful? Then Richard could take the pain and resist it, fight against it. The body's natural reaction was to shy away from pain. But her instincts demanded that she explore her new form, that she exploit it to feels the best she possibly could.

The worst thing about it was her constant arousal. Lying on anything solid put pressure on her oh so sensitive scales, arousing her, making her cunny leak thick, slimy precum. She wondered what the point was, why do this to someone? Why make them an animal in all but mind, but overwhelm them with sexual desire? It was just sick.

A sharp stab of pain shot through Richard's belly, pulling her attention from pondering matters, and putting it directly towards finding out where the hurt was coming from. She felt a weight shifting inside of her, and felt her incredibly sensitive cunny being stretched to the limit. The lizard let out a low moan, was there nothing that she would do that would sexually excite her? The very presence of an egg in her birth canal made her wriggle, buck, and thrust, her sex-hungry body trying to mate any solid object inside of her.

Richard tightened her muscles, trying to squeeze the egg out of her; it seemed stuck; refusing to move. By nearly bending in half she could manage to coax it slowly along. It put her muzzle only a few inches from her sex. She clenched her eyes shut, wincing at the pain and pleasure that filled her body.

The egg slowly began to slide down towards her slit. The bent in half position seemed to make the pleasure increase until the pain was tolerable. The wonderful feelings that rippled through Richard's body made the egg laying seem almost worth it.

The lizard's body tensed, preparing to push the egg out, and push it out she did. The small, smooth orb slipped onto the floor with ease, amongst a virtual deluge of lizard-cum. Forced to be expelled between the walls of her sex and the eggshell, Richard's fluids splattered everywhere, mostly on her face. She shuddered at the sensation, the smell of her own pleasure making her feel even more lustful.

Over the next hour Richard twisted her self nearly into knots, trying to find a position that allowed her to expel eggs from her sex without having to coat her face in her sexual juices each time she laid an egg. To her disgust, she couldn't find one. So she reluctantly curled up, her body enjoying each egg more and more, and there were so many. She didn't think her belly was any smaller than when she had begun. She had lost count of how many eggs she had pushed out, and how many climaxes she'd had.

"You're doing quite well, Richard," Said the Doctor's voice, "You've performed admirably on your first day as my pet. It has been entertaining watching you, but sadly it's time for me to rest. I think you'll be fine. The concentrated energy in your meal, combined with the fertility serum will ensure that your night will be filled with fun. Brutus will be around in the morning, once you've finished laying, to collect the eggs. You ought to be proud, after all, you're contributing to the survival of an endangered species. Good night, my pet, sweet dreams when your body finally does let you sleep."

The glass lizard's body was wracked with a horrified sob; all night with the pleasure, the pain, and the humiliation. She wondered how much of her sanity would be left come morning. The thought was pushed out of her head as her serpentine body's pleasure centers lit up like a Christmas tree, driving all thought out of her head and replacing it with the sweet spark of climax, shortly followed by the burning shame of having her face covered once more with her sexual juices.

She could take it. Just relax, let the conscious mind go to sleep. Allow the beast within to enjoy itself. But just for now.

Only for now.

She hoped.