The Greatest Disgrace - Tears

Story by naturescall on SoFurry

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#8 of The Greatest Disgrace

Chapter 8 in the Greatest Disgrace saga, and after 9 months perhaps a bit of closure on the previous scene. Also please feel free to comment on the various aspects of things. I do have some future chapters for this planned out but I don't know if I'll be able to get to them any time soon. As always you guys comments really do matter and I do try to take them into consideration when writing these so please if you feel there are some major issues don't hesitate to let me know. I tried to address as many as I could in this.

The night sky lit with incredible intensity; the massive clash of thunder provided a deafening roar. It was as if the moment was frozen in time for the young druid. As her mind cried desperately to stop what was happening, her body continued to sail forward. Her claws outstretched and her fangs shown through the night like icy daggers. All she could manage was a single tear as she continued towards salvo's opponent, a great warrior, and beyond all that her mother. Her mind began to flash through thousands of different scenarios trying to find a way out of this, but she could only see one end: Either she would strike her mother down, or she would die. As the deciding moment loomed every closer, all Kaylai could see before her was not the present, but of memories of her childhood.

She remembered the days she would play in the field, picking flowers as her mother and father watched over her closely; the nights when the storms would crash overhead and her mother would be at her bed side assuring her that all was going to be ok; The first time she had packed her belongings and headed to Moonglade to start her training as a druid. All of this rushed through her mind, her entire life reliving itself it a matter of seconds. Kaylai knew that this was the end of things as they were. Her mother saw her not as a daughter, but as a traitor. Of all that could have happened, of all the terrible things the horde could inflict upon her, none were as great as the knowledge that this is how her life would end. She would not be remembered as a healer, or the daughter of Alannaria and Mellitharn. Instead she would be seen as a weak creature, taken by a horde hunter, and left for experimentation. In her mind, all was truly lost.

She prepared herself for what she could only hope was death. Desperately she tried to clear her mind, praying that the great goddess would hear her prayers and understand. That perhaps in whatever one might call an afterlife, it would be understood that she meant no harm.

"You are one dumb hunter aren't you?" the words shattered the relative calm of the thunder and rain. Salvo could only look on dumbstruck, the Night Elf General smirking at him, a smile crossing her face. His jaw dropped as the great warrior let her sword drop the ground, pulling her shield upwards to face the attacking druid. As if in tune with nature itself, Salvo watched in horror as the Night Elf General slammed the massive metal structure into the attacking druid, sending Kaylai flying over the edge of the roof to the streets below. In no less than the time it took for the next bolt of lightning to strike the ground, the rogue that had been behind the surprised hunter had disappeared. Salvo stood confused and bewildered by the actions of two Night Elves.

"I... that was one of your own, your daughter... how could you?" he stammered, his throat dry and his mind still reeling from severity of it all. "The question you should probably be asking yourself is how you can still speak Darnassiun," the Warrior remarked, a cold confidence shining through, "Did you not hear me when I informed your great and powerful Warlord who taught Kaylai how to fight? Did you think even for a moment that I would hurt my daughter regardless of her actions? But those questions are moot right now; because, in truth the only thing keeping you alive right now is the fact that I want to find out why you did this, and I want to find out in a way that makes you suffer for all of eternity".

Salvo simply nodded, his eyes drawn to the rogue which had returned, Kaylai's limp body in his arms. "Quite..." he remarked, his tone almost hushed by the rain. "I suspect for the same reasons you are here tonight. The same reason any person would give to commit a crime so great that it scars the very soul. I did it for my boy". A quiet rumble of thunder highlighted the end of his comment, the small Orc child holding on to his green skinned arm. "If you were given a choice between committing an atrocity and having your child executed, which would you choose?" The Orc looked soulfully upon the two Night Elf parents, as if he hoped perhaps they could provide some answer. "When you're told you have to do things that stand against everything honorable and just, or your child dies? WHAT DO YOU CHOOSE?" Salvo seemed to scream not at the audience before him, but the universe itself. "I made my choice, and as soon as I had my son I made the only choice a father can, to try and atone for my dishonor". The trio sat quietly on the roof, the wind and rain becoming more and more turbulent.

"I do not pretend to know the extent of harm you have done to my daughter Orc, but know this... whatever harm you have brought to her I will exact upon you tenfold. Mellitharn pick up Khardona, Goddess only knows how he is tied up in this mess. We will take this Orc and its offspring back with us for interrogation. Whatever the horde wanted with druids we need to know," the general moved over to her unconscious daughter stroking the young druid's head, "And Mel, if he resist... kill him and his child".

In moments, a pair of large tawny griffons descended to the roof below. Mellitharn encountered no resistance from Salvo as he bound his and Karg's hands, loading the pair onto the one of the griffins. With quick work, Kaylai and Khardona were slumped over the second griffin; the Alliance general taking the reins its reins while her husband took the first. Within moments they had ridden off into the night's sky.


"Kaylai?" the voice called out again. The young druid tried to open her eyes, quickly discovering that; wherever she was, it was quite bright. "Kaylai?" the voice said in a soothing manner, a delicate hand stroking her cheek. With another flutter of her eyes, Kaylai managed to look out into the world around her. She was in a cabin somewhere, but everything was still out of focus. As she turned her head she began to recognize a shape that could only be her mother. "Am I... am I dead?" Kaylai managed to mumble, trying to move her limbs. Her question was met with light hearted laughter, causing her to turn to her ever watchful father, his hands stroking her ears gently. "Where... where am I?" she questioned coming to the sudden realization that her head was absolutely pounding. "Momma?" she turned her body on its side making it apparent that she was still in her feral form. "Shh," Alannaria said calmly applying a wet rag to Kaylai's head, "Everything's going to be ok now. We're at a small camp just north of Menthil Harbor. You've been asleep for several days".

As her memory began to come flooding back to her, Kaylai quickly jumped out of the bed "The hunter, where the hell is that hunter?" her claws extended as if ready for a fight. "That hunter won't hurt you ever again. This I promise you" exclaimed Mellitharn, "He is our prisoner now". "Then... then I'm free?" Kaylai asked, tears beginning to stream down her face, immediately attempting to shift out of her feline form, only to discover her body still wouldn't cooperate. "I... I don't understand. He's gone, I should be free," Kaylai cried out, slamming a paw into a nearby wall. "Kaylai... there's been some complications," Her mother began. "Complications?" Kaylai replied hesitantly. "It would seem that the binding he is using is far beyond the realms of normal magic. As long as he lives then the binding can't be broken". "Then kill him," Kaylai replied simply, still trying to force her way out of her feline form. "It's not that simple... if he dies so too do you."

"What?" Kaylai looked upon her parents desperately searching their faces for answers. "Whenever he took control of your mind, he took control of your spirit as well. Until we can find a way to severe the bond between the two of you, there is no way to truly set you free". Kaylai stared at her mother in disbelief, hoping that this was some kind of trick or lie, some kind of bad dream. "You mean, I'm stuck like this... forever?"

Alannaria shook her head, "No, we are hoping that the Cenarion Circle in Moonglade can provide some answers. And Kaylai... there's something else". Kaylai was struck with awe as her usually stone faced mother began to weep, her father hanging his head down in a way that she had not seen in a very long time. "Kaylai," her mother managed to say between sobbing, "You're pregnant".

Time itself seemed to shatter into thousands of small fragments. It was as if the light of the world had been snuffed out. Kaylai couldn't focus or think. All she could see was darkness. An intense feeling of shame overtook her as her body went limp once more just kind of collapsing into a heap on the floor. "Pregnant?" the word seemed to echo through Kaylai's mind again and again like some kind of terrible record. Her mind was instantly brought back to the terrible images of being taken by that disgusting feral beast, the horrible Grimtotem, and finally Khardona. Her mind raced over who could be the father, what kind of abominations were stirring in her womb at this very moment.

"Khardona", she cried out, "Where is Khardona?" Her mother and father quickly exchanged glances, Alannaria clearing her eyes. "He is asleep in another nearby cabin, but I don't think it is a good idea". Kaylai quickly shot a glance at her mother, knowingly, "Did he... did he tell you what happened," her feline head hung in shame. Her mother could only respond with a nod.

It took a moment for Kaylai's mind to wrap around all that was happening to her. Between all the news she wasn't sure if she was supposed to be overjoyed or filled with dread. As she sat on the floor, her mind spinning around all the recent developments; only one thought crossed her mind

"Momma", she cried out, a single tear falling down her cheek. In that brief instant her mother seemed to know exactly what was wrong, rushing down and embracing Kaylai, holding her tightly against her. "It will be ok Kaylai, we'll figure out something. We always do". Kaylai placed her feline head on her mother's shoulder just happy to be in the arms of a family member. The two sat there for what seemed like hours just holding on to each other. Kaylai finally pulled away, "I need to talk to the Orc, there's some things I have to know," she stated flatly. Her mother nodded knowingly, "He's aboard the ship in the hold. I brought some of my personal guard down from Northrend to ensure he remains there".

With that, Kaylai strolled outside the small cabin, the bright sun catching her off guard. Between the prison, the goblin ship, and that miserable and dank swamp, it had been quite some time since Kaylai had seen any actual sunlight. As she wondered about, trying to get her bearings, she noticed her Mother's trusted companion SongTalon playing with a small flower between his claws. "SongTalon? You're here too?" she asked, still a bit surprised to see him. "Of course Master Kaylai, I would make a poor companion if I were not to join your mother for this mission," he looked down upon Kaylai's small feline form and let loose a sigh "I heard what occurred during your capture Master Kaylai, you have my deepest sympathies". Kaylai could only respond by looking away, a mix of shame and guilt overtaking her. The dragon lay the small flower on the earth beneath, reaching out a claw and turning Kaylai's head back towards him, "Master Kaylai, please, take this from someone who understands that pain. What happened is not and never will be your fault". Kaylai looked upon the Netherdrake more confused than ever, "What? But..."

SongTalon interrupted her, "You are not the first, nor do I fear will you be the last, whom the Horde and its allies have used as a terrible mechanism of war. Before your Mother found me, I too was a slave to a mechanism so horrible and unspeakable that I fear the scars will never heal. But you should know that the pain does stop... with time. The first step is to realize that this is not your fault, and anyone who would tell you otherwise understands nothing of the brutality you have witnessed and endured. It will hurt Master Kaylai, but in the end you are surrounded by noble and honorable people and things will get better".

Kaylai sat awestruck at the words, having forgotten about the Netherdrake's own history with the Fel Orcs of Outlands. "Thank you SongTalon," she managed to say, bowing her feline head. "Of course Master Kaylai, and if you need anything, do not hesitate to ask".

The young night elf left the Netherdrake, her mind still buzzing, but somehow calmer. She managed to convince herself that it must have to do with the fact that she was going to see Salvo chained up. It was finally a chance for their roles to be reversed. As she strolled through along the cobblestone path towards the recently rebuilt Menthil Harbor, she couldn't help but wonder what she would say to him. For the past several days he had been more than an enemy, he had been her nemesis in every way, the greatest evil she could know. Yet as her mother had explained it, he had given himself up once the fight had ended. She tried to convince herself that everything would be ok, that there was no way he could escape. Somehow though, there was no way to scratch the feeling at the back of her mind that he was scheming something.

As she boarded the Alliance vessel, she was greeted with respect by members of her mother's personal guard. They were making the final preparations to have the vessel cross the divide between the Eastern Kingdoms and Kalmidor. The trip would not go as quickly as the Goblin Airship, and Kaylai was not a massive fan of sailing ships. There was something about them that always made her queasy. She imagined that the addition of pregnancy to the equation could only make things worse. She was quickly informed of where Salvo was being held, a small dark room, at the aft of the ship with his child. As she strolled in she noticed that behind the iron bars Salvo was reading something to the young Orc. She attempted to remain quiet in her approach so that she could listen to the conversation.

"And so, the great Orc Warrior felled the mighty dragon, bringing honor and glory for his clan. All the people cheered when he returned to his village having saved them from the mighty beast," Salvo read, though Kaylai was relatively sure the book Salvo was reading from was not an Orcish tale, but a cook book. She sat and watched further as the young Orc cried out in joy and then began to question his father, "Father, when are they going to let us out of here? I'm really hungry!" Salvo patted the small boy's head before replying "I don't know son, but what's important is that we're safe, just like that village after the dragon was gone". The young boy didn't seem impressed with the answer, "When are we going to see Mother?" There was an instant where a twinge of pain went across Salvo's face, knowing all too well the answer to that question. "Not for a very long time Karg, not for a very long time". Karg nodded, seeming to understand his father's words. The small child crawled into a small hastily made pile of hay and began to fall asleep.

As the boy dozed off, Salvo stated plainly "Did you come here to gloat Night Elf?" The words caught Kaylai off guard, causing her to step from the shadows. "No, I came here to get answers," a mixture of anger and fear barely hidden in her words. "Well then, it looks as if I have very little else to occupy my time, so go ahead and ask your questions," Salvo replied, looking down at the cook book in front of him. Kaylai nodded, "Well then, let's cut to the chase, why can't I shapeshift out? How is it that I'm still under your control?" this time the anger and contempt was forthright and passion marked her words. Salvo laughed a bit, turning a page in the book, "I don't know. It's got something to do with that rock they gave me. I no more like the idea of the two of us being tied together then you do. If I could sever the bond between us, I'd do it this instant". "Rock?" Kaylai replied, though she had an idea of what he was talking about. "Yeah, when the Apothecary society decided to send me on this fool's errand, they wanted to make sure that there was no way that you could get free. So they gave me some little magic charm that allowed me to control your druidic magic. How it works is beyond me, your friend Khardona has it now, he says that he's going to have to bring it back to the Cenarion circle for them to figure out". He sighed as he turned another page in the small book, "Beyond that, your guess is as good as mine. On the upside though, I now know how to cook spider legs like you wouldn't believe. Knowing how to speak and read Darnassiun does have its perks".

Kaylai looked on in disgust, but she wasn't done with him yet. "Why? Why'd you give up during the fight? I thought you Orcs were supposed to kill yourselves rather than be captured". Salvo laughed heartily before lifting a finger upwards, pointing at Karg "Firstly, that's terribly racist of you. Second, I did it for him. While I don't imagine that your Alliance will think twice before having me executed. I have hope that they might treat my boy with more compassion. If I had left him in Silvermoon, I have no doubt that the Apothecary society would want to cover their tracks and having him eliminated is just one of those tracks".

The young druidess mulled over his words for a moment before continuing her interrogation, "Why me?"

Salvo closed the book, letting loose another heavy sigh, "Because you were traveling alone and you were a druid. Honestly you're just the first person I found that fit the mission parameters, so I did my job."

"And your job included letting me get raped?" she responded coldly, her claws raking against the wood floor of the ship, her fangs showing against the otherwise dark room.

"Yes," Salvo responded plainly, lowering his head for a moment, "Yes it did."

Kaylai was unsure of how to respond; instead she let loose her anger on a nearby box, shredding the exterior wooden shell. She then turned to the Orc, looking into his emotionless eyes. "You sick son of a bitch, I don't care what the Alliance does to you, but when I get a hold of you I will see to it that you not only live, but you live out the rest of your days regretting this. If I have to bring you back from the brink of death just so I can kill you again I will".

Salvo nodded, his face as solid as stone, returning to the cook book. "I would expect nothing less".

Kaylai let loose a howl of anger sailing against the bars, raking her claws against them. The commotion caused two of the ships marines to come running inside the cramped room. "Is everything ok in here?" the first yelled out. "Yes, everything is fine," Kaylai responded, breathing heavily. She slowly sulked out of the ships brig and strolled back onto the main deck. As she sat staring into the sunset, she couldn't help but wonder how she could have gone about things differently. Everything seemed like some kind of terrible dream or nightmare.

As night finally began to overtake the landscape, she knew there was yet still one more person that she needed to speak with.

As she confirmed with one of the guards, she began to wonder back down the cobble road towards the gathering of cabins. She approached the door of her intended destination, unsure of what she was going to say. She went to tap her paw against the doorframe, only to have the door open before her, Khardona's humanoid shape standing before her. "Khardona..." Kaylai squeaked; never haven seen Khardona's human form. "Hello Kaylai," he responded calmly stepping out of her way, inviting her inside. She quickly took the offer finding a small rug to sit down on.

"Kardona, I... I mean, you're ok!" she said happily. "Yes, luckily you're dad knows a thing or two about taking care of any number of injuries. Though I have to say I was a little more concerned that you might not wake back up". The reminder brought back Kaylai's otherwise suppressed headache back to the surface, "Oh yeah," she chuckled placing her paw against her forehead, "Yeah, I guess that could take a while to heal".

The surprisingly tall Night Elf made his way to a small pot atop the stove, stirring the contents inside, "Tea?" he offered. Kaylai nodded, quickly realizing that she hadn't eaten or drank anything for quite some time now. She watched as he pulled a small herb from one of the cabinets, crushing it in a small bowl before setting it in front of her. "Here, this should help with the headache, and..." he paused for a moment, "the nausea".

Kaylai took the offering with little hesitation, quickly eating as much as she could fit in her mouth. "It's delicious," she managed to say between gulps. "That's funny, most people can't stand the taste of it," Khardona said laughing slightly. "I guess it's just being so hungry, I don't think I've eaten since I was back with the Goblins," her words were muddled between each bite. After a few more helpings of the crushed root and a few bowls full of tea, Kaylai's hunger and thirst finally subsided. Khardona could only chuckle as he was mixing up another brew of tea for the night.

"So I know you didn't just come by to eat all my Goldthorn, or was there something else on your mind?" The question seemed to bring an overall hush to the little cottage. "I... um..." Kaylai managed to say before trying to find something else in the room to focus on, "I just wanted to come by and make sure you were ok, that's all". Khardona nodded, pulling up a small stool and sitting upon it, "Are you sure that's the only thing that brought you here tonight? Remember that part where I'm old enough to be your Father? I think by now I can figure out when someone has something on their mind".

"Well um... I wanted to talk about you and me. What happened in that prison cell," she said her voice dramatically softer. "Kaylai, as far as I'm concerned, what happened in that terrible prison is nothing more than the past. Neither of us wanted to be in that situation and it just... happened," his tone was harsh and devoid of emotion. "I um... I understand, it's just that," Kaylai began before Khardona cut her off, "You want to know if the cubs are mine?"

"Yeah," Kaylai said exasperated. She looked up to him, her feline eyes seeming to long for an answer. Khardona simply shrugged, "There's no way to tell, usually there would be markers that would signify that the cubs were of two druids... but I wasn't the only druid". The words bit deeply into Kaylai's psyche. She sat for a moment in silence trying to find a quick exit. "If it makes you feel any better, I'm almost sure they aren't Red's cubs..." his response was as dry and emotionless as before. "Not really," Kaylai responded quietly, almost as if she had lost her voice.

"What do you want to do? When we get to Moonglade we could visit a druid there and have them..." he paused for a moment looking for the words, only to have Kaylai fill them in. "End it," she said, the words hanging on the still air of the night sky. Khardona could only manage to nod. "I don't know," Kaylai managed to say, her voice was dry, her eyes stared into a sort of abyss.

"I should go," Kaylai said, slowly making her way for the door. Khardona paused for a moment, not sure if he should stop her.

"Kaylai... wait"

Kaylai stopped just before getting to the door. She turned around to see Khardona's massive frame hugging her Feline form, embracing her, his hands slowly petting the fur along her back. As he slowly brought his face to meet hers, Kaylai's eyes closed ever so slightly, she let her tongue lick his lips. The two paused momentarily thinking about what had just transpired. "I..." Kaylai managed to say before she felt Khardona's lips pressed against her muzzle. She could feel her body responding in kind to the savory embrace, nerves and muscles tensing, a certain sort of energy flowing through the air. She managed to balance herself, wrapping her two paws around his shoulders, her feline tongue darting in and out of her mouth, mingling with his.

She felt as his hands began to stroke along the fur of her back more vigorously, her tail twitching ever so slightly. She opened her eyes to see him staring back at her; a small blush had come across his cheeks. She tried to smile as best she could in her feline form before pushing him back against the floor of the small cabin. Kaylai could feel Khardona's warmth as she pinned him beneath her, licking ecstatically at his face. Her tail began to sway feverishly, almost in a playful manner, her claws raking into the back of his leather tunic.

He quickly turned the tables on her, rolling Kaylai onto her back, his own frame pressed against her. His mouth quickly trailed from her feline lips along her furred neck, nibbling a bit against her fur. He inhaled deeply taking in her scent. "You know, you smell much better than the first time we did this," he said chuckling. Kaylai laughed wrapping her back legs as best she could around his torso, "You know, you didn't smell like flowers and roses yourself tough guy". She held on tightly to him, holding him against her, feeling his warmth against fur. They couple sat entwined as best a feline and a Night Elf could for several moments before she began to feel Khardon's adventurous hands traveling down her belly rubbing slowly amongst the downy fur.

"I have to say, having opposable thumbs makes this far more interesting," he said looking to the pinned druid for her approval. She nodded, giving his long ear a lick before his hands traveled down further, running against one of her nipples. She whined ever so slightly as she felt him grab one of them between his surprisingly nimble fingers. If she could have blushed she would have, instead she wrapped her front paws around his back, bringing him even closer to her, leaving the two a giant ball of fur and leather.

He pulled back from her embrace for a moment, his mouth moved away from her neck and made its way down her frame, his tongue began to explore and run along her slender body. She could feel her claws extending as he began to use his tongue to circle one of her now hardening nipples. Her tail was left swaying wildly beneath knocking against one of the legs of the stool. Without even thinking, she began to bite into the leather material that covered his shoulder. Kaylai could only make out a small and muffled chuckle as he continued to tease at her flesh.

She could feel his growing need through the light fabric that composed his pants. He stopped his teasing and began carefully removing her jaws from his the leather material before looking again at her, as if asking permission. "The way I see it, this only gets odder if we keep at it like this," was her only response, licking him across the brow. With that, she watched with a mixture of joy and anticipation as Khardona's human form was consumed in a swirl of leaves and smoke, only to be replaced by his feline form. The change of pace caused her to lick her lips, salivating just a bit. Kaylai quickly hopped up from the floor, rolling on to all fours, without a second thought, she began brushing her face along Khardona's new form.

When she got to his rump, Kaylai noticed that his member was already incredibly erect, having already risen fully from his feline sheath. She yelped with surprise as she felt Khardona's face under her own tail, his tongue lashing out against her still swollen entrance. Taking these actions as a sign, she began to run her tongue along his furry balls, carefully taking in the flavor and scent. Kaylai began to slowly work her way up Khardona's lightly furred sheath, finally coming to his engorged member. At the same time, she could feel as his powerful and experienced tongue began to probe at her, running along her insides. She could feel her powerful muscles contracting with each thrust of his tongue, her mind in a state of haze.

"Should we be doing this?" she managed to say, breathing heavily. "I think we are," Khardonna replied, his words muffled by the growing passion of it all. As if on cue, Khardona rolled on to his back, Khaylai rolling with him, letting her delicate and exposed entrance rest just inches from his muzzle. She wrapped her own muzzle around his member, discovering that somehow the spines didn't bother her. Kaylai moaned and shivered as his tongue pushed between her folds. She used her own tongue to run along his length, trying her best not to let her rather sharp fangs do any damage.

It wasn't long before she began to feel his engorged member twitching ever so slightly, all of his muscles began tensing up, and his teasing stopped momentarily. Like a small torrent, Khardona's seed began to splash against the back of her throat. Kaylai hungrily swallowed each drop, licking and cleaning his nether region for any excess that may have escaped.

The two druids sat there panting momentarily before he pushed himself out from under her. She spun around as he was making his way towards the large bed in the back of the cabin, "You don't think you're done yet do you?" He chuckled before turning back towards her, "Of course not, but it's easier to clean the sheets then it is the floor". She padded back towards the bed, hopping on top of it with the slightly larger male.

Kaylai pressed her head against the pillow, raising her rump into the air for the world to see. Her stomach seemed to be filled with butterflies as she felt his heavy form climbing atop her back, his muzzle resting against her neck. She felt a buzz in her body as his front paws wrapped around her stomach, scratching against her smooth skin. "And what if we end up shredding the sheets?" she said, even her whiskers buzzing with anticipation. "Casualty of war I suppose," he responded before swiftly biting into the flesh around the back of her neck. He slowly scooted himself ever closer to her, his member rubbing just below her entrance.

Kaylai started to push back against him, "Please, I want to do this. I want this to be under my own terms. I want to be the one responsible. I want to feel in control," the druidess pleaded, wriggling her body beneath him. With that, she felt as Khardona bucked his hips, his member plowing into her, filling her in a way that felt different than before. Kaylai began to laugh, causing her partner to loosen his grasp. "Kaylai, are you ok?" he cried out, concerned. "Yeah, I'm good," she said, "I'm just... happy". Khardona shrugged it off, letting loose one of his own attempts a feline smile before biting into her the nape of her neck once more.

He began to swiftly work his way in and out of her, each time she would swing her own body back to meet his. The rapid motion caused Kaylai to purr, though she was not even sure how. Khardona continued to ravage her, each rake of his barbs against her insides causing her to knead the sheets, shredding the delicate material. She could feel a growing pressure inside of her, the silken walls wrapping ever more tightly around the barbed cock, squeezing against them. As the lovemaking continued she hit an indescribable plateau, screaming out with a feline yowl, her entire body began quaking from the feeling.

"By the goddess," she said, feeling as if she could sense every nerve and muscle in her body at once. The extra attention wasn't missed by Khardona who bit even harder into her nape, his paws scraping wildly against her stomach. She felt growing warmth inside of her, his member moving feverishly in and out of her, causing her to let loose a feral moan with each thrust. Kaylai felt the familiar twitching as Khardona began to coat her insides with his virile seed. Her silken insides were quickly becoming a mixture of their two fluids. The two sat in dead silence before Kaylai let loose a feline yawn, rolling on to her side. Khardona removed himself from her, a small dribble of seed running down her fur and onto the bedsheet. "Well if your mother didn't have plans of killing me before tonight, now I'm defiantly dead," he said; nearly breathless, a happy chuckle escaping his exhausted form.

Kaylai managed to laugh before turning to face him, licking his feline nose, "Maybe, but for right now I'm happy to have you alive". She wrapped her paws around his frame before burying her face into his fur, just as exhausted as he. And as the oil lamps faded into darkness, so too did the couple.

"I made eggs"

Kaylai stirred, her eyes batting ever so slightly and her nose quickly filled with the delightful aroma of poached eggs. The sun was shining through the windows of the cabin and she looked around only to realize that the bed was indeed a complete loss. She hopped down to find a small plate of raptor eggs on the floor below. The rumbling in her stomach and her renewed appetite lead her to devour the plate in only a matter of seconds, licking every last inch of it clean.

"Yikes," a surprised Khardona stepped from the Kitchen area to find that the entire plate cleaner than he had found it. "Thank You," Kaylai managed to say before making her way to the kitchen, quickly using her paw to open up some of the low hanging cabinets and drawers looking around for more Goldthorn. "I think you ate it all last night," Khardona responded with a chuckle. "So I did," Kaylai said shutting another empty drawer.

"When do we set sail for Kalmidor?" she asked heading for a small bathroom, fumbling with a small bucket of water, and filling the tub. "Supposedly, today sometime around high noon", he responded from the bedroom. He walked in to discover her trying to use her mouth to hold a bar of soap and rub it along her fur. "This is much more difficult than it looks," she managed to mutter through the soap bar. Khardona simply shook his head before grabbing the bar from her mouth and rubbing it through her fur. "Thanks... again," she said thoroughly enjoying the cleaning. He simply nodded running his hands through her now completely soaked and soapsud covered fur. He made sure to pay special attention to her ears and tail, causing her to shiver just a bit at the touch. She happily purred as he ran his hands along her flank helping to remove any evidence of what had happened last night.

Once she was happy with the state of her fur, Kaylai simply rolled around in the water, soap, fleas, and a bit of mud all getting lost in the clean water. She then stepped out of the tub, shaking herself from head to tail, sending water flying everywhere. Khardona could only manage to spend the time laughing at the situation. "Right, well the sooner we get to Moonglade, the sooner I don't have to spend my time doing things like that," she said a certain confidence returning to her voice. "Bathing?" Khardona chirped in, still wiping water from his tunic. Kaylai rolled her eyes before taking a look out the window at the small village of cabins. "Right, well let's get this show on the road, time to set sail for home".