Fox McCloud & Falco: A New Beginning

Story by Foxxie Softpaws on SoFurry

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The long maybe not awaited third installment of Fox McCloud and Falco.

So, here's another installment of Fox McCloud and Falco that some of you have maybe been waiting for. Yes it is a bit more of a love story than sex story (though there is a bit of sex), and it is pretty short, but maybe you will enjoy it. To be continued? Possibly. Do I love Falco? Isn't that obvious? ^^


A few years had passed since that day, and with those years came inevitable change. Upper leadership positions had changed hands, and as their first decision, Fox and Falco were "officially" retired "for years of dedicated service, while exceeding the call of duty on many occasions." That was the official reason, the "unofficial" real reason is that "no faggoty cock sucking tail raising son of a bitch is going to go flying around in one of my ships, no matter who they are!" However neither were particularly upset, as through careful savings over the years they were able to afford a ship of their own, allowing them to run cargo or passengers as they pleased, but also giving them lots of time alone.

As far as their relationship went, over the years it also changed. Falco assumed the position of dominance, with Fox taking the submissive part. The pair had also become very close, almost dependent on each other. It was because of this closeness which took them on this particular day to a remote planet inhabited by a tribe who could supposedly bind souls together. If it were true or not neither knew nor cared, but as Fox bent over and Falco pressed his cock against the tailhole he had penetrated so many times before, then pressed inside, something did feel different, somehow closer...

"FOX!" Krystal screamed, "Stop whatever you're doing and come screw me again! You know I'll be out of heat soon and I want a kit!"

"Yea yea I'm coming..." Fox yelled back, tossing down his tablet, sighing. Ever since Krytstal's and his sexual relationship had become public, he had been forced to retire. Sure it was nice at first, lots of sex, doing whatever he wanted, but lately all Krystal wanted to do was get pregnant, which he decidedly did not. As he took a birth control pill, a pill which temporarily halted sperm production, which he kept telling Krystal were arousal pills.

A couple of hours later after he became untied, he went to resume his writings, sighing as he remembered his days with Falco. They never did anything together. Hell, he wasn't even sure if Falco was gay, Fox thought he saw him sneak peeks when they were in for physicals. He had never been with a guy either, never really even paid attention to them, but Falco...he couldn't stop think about him for some reason.

"Fox, I'm going out for a bit. When I get back, be ready to get that limp dick of yours back in me" Krystal said as she left.

A couple of minutes later, just as he was about to start back writing, there was a knock at the door. Thinking it was Krystal having forgotten something, he went to answer it, only to find Falco standing on the other side instead. "Falco! What're you doing he..." Fox began to say before Falco wrapped his arms around him suddenly, hugging him tightly for a few seconds before moving back.

"Fox...I'm sorry...I was just so glad to see you..." Falco managed to get out, looking down in embarrassment.

"That's...ok Falco, I'm happy to see you too. Can you come inside and talk for a while?" He asked, not quite believing Falco was standing in front of him.

"Sure..." He said, still looking down, walking to the sofa and sitting down. "I guess I should come right out and say it...I've missed you Fox. We worked together for so long, and from day one I've known I had to be with you. Of course I couldn't say anything then, else I'd get thrown out, plus I didn't know how you felt about me..." He said, pausing to look up at Fox's expression.

"Go on..." Fox said, deep in thought.

"Well, now that I've taken early retirement, well, been forced to take early retirement due to cutbacks, I decided to look you up and told you how I felt about you..." He said, looking deep into Fox's eyes.

Fox said nothing, just walked silently to his writing room and returning with a notebook, tossing it to Falco. "Read some of this" He said, his pants starting to bulge a bit from his arousal.

"Falco was a bit confused, but did as he was told, flipping through the pages, beak hanging open as he read a few parts, "So you..." He started to say, but was interrupted by Fox nodding.

"Yes...I do" He whispered, staring back into his eyes, "When we were together I never really thought about it, but lately..."

"You have" Falco finished, "So what would you say if I asked you to be mine, Fox?" He asked, in a very serious tone.

"Yours?" Fox wondered, "As in your mate?"

"In more ways than one, yes." He replied, "I was able to save enough over the years to buy a small transport vessel. Nothing big, but..."

"I'd love to go with you!" Fox interrupted, leaping over to hug Falco.

"Great!" He said, hugging his fox back, "What about Krystal?"

"Oh, I think I know what to do about her..." He said with a sly smile, taking his notebook and tearing out a blank page before writing a note while he said it aloud so Falco could hear, "Dear Krystal, by the time you read this I will be somewhere far from here with Falco in our own ship, together. Yes, together. I doubt you will see me again. Love, Fox." He giggled, folding the paper, before unfolding it and adding, "P.S. I doubt you will be pregnant from me anyway, those pills were infertility pills." and moving to the bedroom to place the note on the bed, along with the pill bottle.


After they had boarded their ship and took off and he had set the flight computer to auto pilot, Falco went to the Captain's cabin, in which conveniently was a king size bed atop which lay a naked Fox. "My my, you really are as beautiful as I had imagined..." He said, slowly stripping off what was left of his clothing and climbing on top of Fox, nuzzling him with his beak.

"And so are you my bird..." Fox moaned softly, running a hand through his soft feathers, "How much time do we have?"

"A week" He said, moving beside Fox, "Plenty of time for us to get to...know each other in ways we never could before..."

Fox ran his hand down Falco's belly to his crotch, slipping a couple of fingers into his hidden cockslit, "Show me Falco...Show me..." he murred lustfully, his own sheath swelling, cock starting to slide out, much to Falco's approval.

"As you wish my love" He said with a chuckle, all to happy to allow his cock to slide out, quickly reaching it's full 9 inches of tapering maleness, a mighty 4 inches around at the base up to just under two inches at the tip.

"So big!" Fox said in amazement, his own reaching only 6 inches of canine maleness, only about 2 and a half inches thick. He stroked the bird's member slowly, his heart racing, not quite believing that only a couple of hours ago he was fairly miserable and tied to Krystal. Unable to resist the urge anymore, he lept up, landing between Falco's legs, bending down to take all 9 inches of bird cock into his mouth. Gagging hard, he refused to pull off, but was forced to as Falco easily lifted his head up.

"Easy Fox, don't hurt yourself" He chuckled, rubbing his cheek gently, "You'll have plenty of time to practice."

"Falco..." Fox moaned, nuzzling the bird's member, "I want you in me, I want to be taken...please...."

"Your wish is my command my love" Falco cooed, standing up and taking Fox's hand, "Let's get you prepared then."

"Prepared?" Fox asked, not understanding, "Prepared how?"

"You'll see my love" He said lovingly, leading Fox into the spacious bathroom and instructing him to bend over, "I'm going to give you an enema, to make you nice and clean, wouldn't want any fox dirt spoiling the fun would we?"

"Of course not" Fox said with a chuckle, bending over and raising his tail, "Fill me up!"

Falco inserted the enema tube and allowed the fluid to empty into Fox, much to his delight, before allowing him to empty himself in the toilet and repeating the procedure a couple of more times so he was completely clean, "There, now, shall we go to bed?" He asked, his member dribbling clear pre onto the floor.

"No...The bridge...Sit in the captain's chair, let me ride you..." Fox begged, his voice full of lust and desire.

"Are you sure Fox?" Falco asked, his member giving a bit of a twitch, "You're a virgin, and that position is for someone a bit more experienced..." He attempted to argue, but knew it was futile. He led Fox to the bridge and sat in his chair with Fox sitting on his lap, their members pressed together, throbbing, "How do you want to do this?"

Fox smiled slyly as he wrapped his arms around his bird's neck, lifting himself up and placing Falco's member against his tailhole, "I'm gonna sink your cock deep inside me, that's how."

Falco held Fox's hips, looking him right in the eyes, "Fox, a tailhole isn't like a cunny, if you try to take all of me at one time you might hurt yourself." He said, very concerned that his lust was bettering his judgment.

"I know...I want it to hurt like hell, because I want to remember every inch of that cock of yours as it spreads me open and your cum washes away my virginity..." Fox moaned into Falco's neck.

"Well...As you wish my Fox" Falco replied hesitantly, releasing his hips.

Fox took a few deep breaths, pressing slowly against the bird member under him before raising up and slamming down, screaming out in pain as he felt as if he had a laser shot up his tailhole, his eyes shut tightly as tears of pain formed under his eyelids, his member releasing a stream of pre onto Falco despite the pain. He remained still for several long minutes, Falco's member slowly squirting pre inside of his fox, before slowly sliding up slightly and falling back down, establishing a slow pace.

"Ooo...Go nice and slow Fox, work up to it..." Falco moaned softly, running his fingers through Fox's soft fur, his member coating Fox's inner walls in slick pre.

Fox sped up slightly, the pre making it easier to slide along the bird's member, as he pulled in close to Falco, moving his arms down to around his chest, his face buried into his soft neck feathers, "So...good..." he managed to moan.

Falco dropped his hands to Fox's hips and firmly grasped them, tensing up as he lifted Fox halfway off before dropping him back down, his lust starting to take over, spurred on by Fox's whimpers of pleasure, he sped up, taking him harder, faster, and deeper with each passing second. Suddenly without warning he let out a loud screech and slammed Fox down on his member, it giving a hard twitch before pulsing hard, unloading streams of creamy bird semen deep inside his lover.

Fox dug his fingers into Falco's feathers as he was pushed over the edge a split second later, his knotted member jumping back and forth as it sprayed his much thinner canine seed over both males' bellies, his climax lasting much longer than Falco's. Several minutes passed as they relished in the afterglow, fingers slowly exploring each other's bodies. "That...was wonderful..." Fox said, breaking the silence, "I've never cum...that hard before..."

"Me either my love..." Fox replied, caressing one of Fox's ears. After several more moments of silence, Falco wrapped his arms around Fox and slowly stood up, carrying him, still impaled on his rock hard member, to the bed, nuzzling Fox's cheek with his beak as he started to thrust his member in and out of Fox, "Ready for round two sweetheart?"

Fox chuckled, clenching his tailhole weakly, dropping his arms to be bed, closing his eyes to focus on the member inside of his no longer virgin and cummy tailhole, "And three...and four..." He murred softly, member giving a bit of a squirt.

"And who knows how many more" Falco finished, licking Fox's cheek gently.
