Forbidden Desires

Story by WaterSinger on SoFurry

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What do a cheetah and a wolf have in common? A shared sense of lust and adventure

A new story for a friend - a male cheetah by the name of Makky.

Soft purrs rumbled from the clearing followed by whimpering pleas. Nothing much could be heard but that; the birds were still and no wind ruffled the trees. Through the trees were glints of tawny fur with darker spots and rosettes were winding about something at the moment blocked from view. Every time the shape paused, the whimpering grew louder, needier and more submissive until quiet whines were all that rang through the still air.

The she-wolf currently captivated by the male cheetah was squirming, one paw on her back preventing her from the freedom she needed to ease the ache he was currently making a whole lot worse. Her ears were splayed as she shuddered, her hips suddenly arching outwards when she felt a rough tongue suddenly gracing the tender folds which were quivering for his attention. The cheetah was tormenting the wolf, releasing her and then watching as she stood.

He had plans, dark dastardly plans which were already turning his eyes darker shades as he coiled then pounced upon the familiar feminine body below his paws. He had been careful not to catch her with his claws; instead his teeth seized onto her scruff and he tugged her. Her head arched a little and she crooned as she felt the cheetah's tapered cock glide about her rump until he met his home, sliding smoothly in until he was seated deep inside the growling she-wolf.

He shuddered, his body pressing her lower to the ground; until she was crouched in the awkward and oddly enticing feline position, her body almost sprawled out. As he slowly shifted his hips, her back arched to shift with him as the rounded nubs of what used to be painful barbs swept across her body. She clenched, clutching around him as a soft moan spilled from her lips and he grunted.

Another thrust, rougher than the first, had the she-wolf rocking below him, her body shifting underneath his before she whimpered. He dropped the hold on her scruff for a moment, shifting his own crouched legs and then really started to thrust, soon grabbing a tighter hold than before of the she-wolf's scruff. As his teeth dug in, her back arched and she crooned, crying out her growing pleasure.

He wasn't done with her, letting his body and instinct take over as he pressed his paws in front of her shoulders so every thrust merely sent her back onto the cock currently spurting pre-cum deep into her body, his tip punching forwards as he began a riotous purr that had the she-wolf clinging around his cock. She was squirming, her toes curling as she felt the sudden wash of pleasure flooding her body utterly.

The howl that was startled through her body was silent, her ears splaying as she quivered against the tight grip, against the feline body pressing her against the ground and the ceaseless rutting which merely meant her sight was blocked while he moved. And moved even more, despite the way his body drew up and his stomach tightened in preparation for his overwhelming release. He hissed, dropping her scruff as he pushed himself in against her harder; she felt the scalding spurts as he let himself go.

She shivered, her head dropping to her paws as she raised herself as much as she could. She was driving herself backwards against him just to feel those barbs gliding against her swollen but slick walls.

"Gods...Makky. You didn't need to tease me that much. You coulda just said something!" The she-wolf's voice was soft as she swallowed, trying to gain some sort of thought process that didn't focus on payback for the cheetah who had just made her forget everything for a moment.

Her mind went blank again as he pulled out, and that was when she realised that she could do something to get him back. She spun wildly, ignoring the dripping coming from her slightly sore but delightfully tingling folds and wrapped her tongue and muzzle around the sensitive cheetah cock, offered so neatly to her with him on his side; having flopped there. He hissed in shock, his voice rumbling with a purr while she bobbed her head.

He slowly rolled onto his back, the she-wolf pinning him below her as she shifted to lay between his now spread hind-legs. She was greedy, her tongue caressing the barbs as she drooled a mixture of saliva, cheetah and wolf cum down his length. She was starved for the taste of cheetah in her muzzle and more so when he rested his narrow but muscled paws on her head and forced her muzzle further down around his cock.

She kicked up a slight fuss before bobbing back up and down, her tongue and teeth combining with presses of her lips which had him enclosed in her maw happily. She crooned around him, lapping and slurping around the cheetah cock until he pulled free desperately and pushed her onto her back with eager nudges of his head. When she rolled onto her back, he blanketed her belly; instantly seeking to stuff her full again.

Her saliva had glided over him, made it easier for where he was seeking. Singer's muzzle widened in a whimper as Makky's cock slowly spread her tail-hole around it; her throat was seized gently and he finally pressed forwards in a smooth line that had her tensing only a little before a growling moan spilled from her lips.

The cheetah held still until he felt her relax before slowly beginning to roll his hips, pulling his shaft from the she-wolf only to fill her again. He soon built up to a rough rhythm that had him panting through his nose, her back arching a little against the rough treatment which still excited her. Her muzzle had already led him halfway down the line to his second climax.

He could already feel the tingles in his stomach, the muscles clenching as he sawed his hips back and forth against her until he bit down harder; strangling her cry of pleasure as he lost himself in his own, his hips swinging back and forth until lewd squelching rang through the air and the she-wolf was gasping, squirming as he ran those dulled barbs against her insides and the underneath of her tail was covered in cheetah-cum.

When he pulled free of her tail-hole reluctantly and let go of her throat she gasped softly, but was soon convulsing underneath the sudden and vehement laps of his tongue, gliding between the swollen and slick folds of her sex. She was left, gasping and whimpering in pleasure as the pair went about their fun unmolested and unbothered by anyone; locked in just the enjoyment and lust they both felt and luxuriated in without a single hesitation.

That they may have been indulging in a frenzied relationship that would have been frowned upon normally didn't bother either of them as they moaned, sighed and growled together, painting marks of pleasure and of possessiveness on each other's skin and visible through their pelts. They were marked with each other's scents as it was; smelling of a combination of their own personal scent, the scent of their 'lover' and the scent of lust burnt into their fur and definitely not going to fade with just a bath.