Learning to Fall: Chapter 1

Story by Chuuey on SoFurry

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This is my first story that I've done in a long time, it would really be helpfull if you could leave your opinion on this or anyway to make this better. Thanks ;)

The music was loud. The music is always loud at places like this. Some symbol of rebelling of some sorts, but I never really understood any of it. I was always the weird Fox in the corner of the room, messing with some sort of thing that occupied me at that time, quietly by himself, rarely with another person. I was fine with that; people aren't really my strong suit. But you see, that's the weird thing, seeing as how I decided to take psychology in collage, maybe it was just that I couldn't understand people but I wanted to. But that's beside the point, right now I was caught up at some stupid "frat boy" party off campus, the only way I got in was because a friend of a friend of a friend told whoever's house I was at that I was cool. I didn't care, I was about to leave any way.

I scanned the room I was in for anything interesting one last time before I left. There was the two couples in the corner that where getting it on, a passed out guy on the couch with a giant penis drawn onto the side of his face with permanate marker, a game of beer pong in the center of the room, and the drinks on the other side. I gave one last sigh and turned on heel to walk out, but little did i know that I would run in to the one person I hoped I wouldn't. Jasmine. She was probably my best friend out of the 4 I had. She was a shorter jaguar with emerald green eyes and sleek black fur. Though right now her fur was all tussled and he cloths where crinkled and she smelt like gin. The reason that I was avoiding her was because she always got, weird when she was drunk.

"ZACH! I wasn't *hic* expecting you to be here! You never come out of that *hic* cave of yours! How you *hic* liking the party" she said as she stumbled around trying to find her footing. "Hey, so your parents know you're gay right? I found this great guy for you, you could take him-" she cut off and fell to the floor.

I wasn't very surprised that this happened, she can't hold her alcohol, she always passes out then has one hell of a hangover, this one looked like it would be especially bad. As I tried to carry her to one of the rooms upstairs, the weight suddenly got lighter and almost carried its self. I turned around to see someone I have never met in my entire life, helping me carry my unconscious best friend up the stairs, in the middle of a party full of jerks. He was a fairly attractive german sheppard, a little taller than me, I'm 5 foot 1 inch so he was somewhere around 5' 11" or 6 foot tall. He also had dark blue eyes, like the color of the ocean at night time. The party was sort of dark so I couldn't make out the rest of his face, hopefully I might see better when we get to the room.

When we actually got to the room, he took all of the weight of her saying he could handle it. I believed him so I let him do the hevy work, as he did, I got a little bit of a look at him. The fur on his muzzle was jet black, so was the fur around his eyes which made his eyes pop out a little. The rest of the fur I could see was beige or a dull orange, alternating between the two.

"She going to be okay?" he asked as he plopped her on to the right side of the bed. "Ya, she always does this. She's just going to wake up with a really bad hangover." I responded half-heartedly with a light chuckle. "Good. Great, awesome." He stuck out his paw in front of me with a light smile on his face "Hi, I'm Devin, do you live around here?"

"E-Yup, I go to north woods university over on the other side of town, I was just invited to go to the party tonight, what about you?" I said as we walked out the door.

Oh really?" he said excitedly as he ears perked up. "So do I'm a junior in there to. I'm taking animation, what are you taking?

"Oh, I'm getting a bachelor in psychology and a minor in animation. It's weird that I've never seen you around before. I'm not very social so that actually might explain it."

"*cough* nerd *cough*" he hacked and turned his head with a wide grin on it. "Shut up, I'm not a nerd!" I playfully said, elbowing him in the rib cage. We both laughed a little and by the time we were done we had reached the front door. He turned to face me and asked, "hey its not to late yet, want to go grab a bite to eat? There is a really good Chinese place that I think you would like, interested?"

"Shure," I said excitfully "it's a date." By the time the words came out of my mouth, I regretted it. "It's a date?" "IT'S A DATE!" I screamed in my head. Do I want him to think I was hitting on him and just trying to lure him into bed? Well, I mean, he wasn't half bad and he seemed like a nice guy, but never the less I was still worried that he might get turned off by what I say. Thank god I'm a Fox or else he would see I was blushing before, I'll try to play it off. But the weird thing is, he was fine with it. He responded with a "Awesome!" and just led us too his car. Driving away I could see the house that we were leaving. It had multi colored lights flashing out of it, it was covered in toilet paper and red solo cups, and four blocks away I could still here the music.

On the way to the restaurant, I got a better look of the guy. He was a standard German shepard, his thick muscles were well toned and defined, like a football player or at least someone who goes to the gym every day. He was wearing a pair of navy blue jeans with a red T-Shirt and dark blue hoddie with his sleeves rolled up to the area just above the elbow. As I looked up and down his body, I noticed that he had a few fur dyed tattoos. The first was a little bit above the wrist, it was some sort of pattern that I couldn't make out, the second was on his shoulder blade, I got to see the outline when he was putting on his jacket. After looking him over we started talking. What It was about didn't matter, we were just talking about stupid things the whole way. The ride itself was about 5 minutes so we didn't get to talk much, all it did was save more for the restaurant.

The place looked like your typical Chinese restaurant. With the fish tank next to the waiting area, the carvings of dragons and other cultural icons form china and other parts of Asia. We asked for a table for two and got seated immediately. I ordered a coke and asked if I could use the restroom to freshen up. I walked in and went straight up to the sink to wash my hands a get a good look at myself. For a fox I was on the taller side, most of my fur was a bright orange that covered most of my body, my paws where a snow white and so was the fur on my neck and some of my snout. My stomach was also white but obviously you couldn't see that. I looked up to see some of my head fur was messy so I just sort of tussled it around till it looked nice. I gave a sigh of relief and whispered, "Here goes nothing" and headed back to my seat.

As I left the bathroom I really got a look at the whole place. I looked like it could sit 75, maybe 100 people when its fully packed, but I hardly dought that that has ever happened. Over by the window that looked onto the street, there was a couple sitting across from each other. The male was a brown bear, wearing a suit and tie with a very expensive watch, the girl however was a fox, bright orange we was wearing a orange dress that made her look naked if it weren't for the ruffle on her right shoulder, the color was practically the same. And there was a teenage otter sitting by himself clacking away at his computer.

But what I was more focused on was the very handsome Shepard sitting slightly to the left of the center of the room. He was sitting where, smiling with his tail wagging slowly behind him. He had his paw gently placed on the menu, waiting for me to come and join him. I walked over to our table and picked up the menu and began to lightly skim it, all the while still wondering why he was so calm about saying this was a date. Was he Gay? Bi even? I don't know but it was slowly eating me inside, and he took notice of it. Out of the blue he put down his menu looked me dead in the face and casual said, "Okay, spill it, what's eating you?" he raised an eyebrow and leaned in slightly.

"Oh, it's nothing..." I tried to say as calmly as possible. "I was just, wondering about something, I- it's no big deal anyway." I lied though, I did kind of care. A lot, and that made it a big deal to me. I'm the worrying type so even the slightest thing I blew totally out of proportion.

"You're lying. Just tell me what's wrong. If it's about me I won't get offended. I promise.

"Oh, um, okay." I said with shaky hands, "I was just wondering if you were gay. You seemed so calm when I responded and-"he cut me off in mid-sentence.

"Yes, I am gay. And you shouldn't need to be worried about asking if someone is. It's a thing that shows up in life and people need to deal with it. Why, are you?" he said casually.

I stammered slightly because I'm not so used to saying things like this out loud, "Oh, um, ya I am gay. Why? Dose that matter to you?"

I literally just told you that I am, how in the world that could bother me." He chuckled, trying to defuse the tension. It worked well enough; we both started laughing and continued on with the date. The waitress came around and we got the ordering out of the way. I got the pineapple fried rice, and Devin ordered the spicy chicken soup. The food came out rather quickly and we began to eat and talk.

"so," I said with my face full of rice, "where did you get those tattoos?"

"Military, I was in the army for four years. I finished high school when I was only sixteen, after that I enlisted. Took one tour in the Middle East and that was enough for me. The symbol is what we had on our armor, 97th regiment." He pointed to the symbol on his wrist, finally getting a good look at it I saw that it was a circle, with bars overlapping each other in the middle making a '97' out of the jagged pieces. He rolled back down his sleeve and started working on his soup.

"So you graduated high school two years in advance, but you joined the army? Why?"

"Because I knew that being in the army and graduating top of my class would make it easy to get into college." He replied with a smirk.

"What about the other one?"

"It's nothing!" he snapped back in a quick and harsh tone. He calmed down though to make some sort of an ending to what he was saying, "I'll tell you about it later, okay?"

"Okay..." I said back wondering what he was hiding. Either way, he said he would tell me later, so I should just wait.

The rest of the date was like a dream, after a few minutes of awkward silence, we started talking again. He was kept on complementing me and telling me I was a great person. We liked most all the same music, movies and political views. We watched the same TV shows, frequented the same web sites, and even had the same art style. He was perfect; he's Polite, handsome, articulate, and smart. I realized that I really liked this person. So we moved, slowly but shirly, onto the topic of our futures. He wants to be one of the lead animators at Pixar. Living in an average sized home with a husband and a daughter. The husband would stay at home or maybe work part time at a job in town. I told him that I don't really know what I want to do yet. I was rather boring in the subject so to spice it up I asked, "So, what do you like in a guy?"

He replied wittily, "well, I like you so that's what I like in a guy. Does that count?"

"no, no it does not. Now honestly, tell me! Pleaseeeeeeee!" I begged with the best impersonation on a puppy dog face stuck out my upper lip, just to be safe. I saw the look in his eyes as soon as I made the face, he was a goner. "Okay, Okay, I'll tell you. Just please, don't make that face ever again. Its unbearable, honestly." He sighed and got ready to say it, "I don't really know what I like in a person," he twirled the straw around in his cup, lost in some thought that I doubt it was the question I asked him. "I'm more of the dominate person in most all of the relationships I have been in. so I guess more of a famine type of person, but not someone who you might mistake for a girl, I still like them to be somewhat masculine, do you know what I mean? Ahh, forget it. I'm not even making sense to me at this point, want to head out and go somewhere else?" he pointed to the entrance with a cute little smile. I agreed and we paid the bill and left. We hopped into his car and bolted out of the parking lot headed to more of the downtown area.

"So what type of a car is this" I was looking all around the passenger seat and the driver's seat area to try and figure it out. I'm not going to lie, he had a really amazing car; it had midnight black leather seats with a crimson red outline. The stereo system was, or at least looked to be, very expensive and high tech. The whole car was covered in either black or red. With all of the gages on the driver's dashboard having a black backdrop and a red outline, the windows had a black tint to it and added a very nice low-lighted effect on the car. And the paint job on the car, you'll never guess, black base coat with red stripes going from bumper to bumper making it look like a racing machine.

"Ford mustang gt 2012 model with a Ford Racing 5.0L 4V DOHC Aluminator Crate Engine. She was a gift from my parents when I got back from the military; she has been my dream car since I was 13." He started to stroke the weal of the car as he looked up and down the driver seat area in some kind of a trance and wear to god he was purring.

"So I take it you like the car." I remarked while I gave him a questioning look.

"What? Oh, YA! I love her, so any way it's a..." he continued his rant on the car from every little factoid about it to the whole premise that the car was made on. While he was ranting I was able to get him to stop babbling long enough so we could decide where to go. We decided to go to cold stone creamery but much to our disperse the store was closed.

"So um, what do we do now. Do you want me to drop you off at your apartment and then I head home?" he sighed.

"Ya, I think that that would be best, its really late, I should get home. I had a great time." I added to try and end on a high note. He shrugged and we began on our journey back to my apartment. The ride was quiet and awkward. We really had nothing left to talk about. So I decided to just go with my emotions and grab his paw and squeeze. I held it the entire way back to my place. When we got there he told me to wait in the car, he got out and went around to the other side and opened my car door while taking a bow.it was pretty funny with his uptight butler face so I started to giggle like a little school girl as he walked me up the steps to my apartment.

"So, where here. At the apartment. All alone." He began to smile as he took a slight step forward.

"So we are." I acknowledged as I took a small step towards him. We were standing toe to toe at this point; I was looking up into those beautiful hazel eyes and him down at mine. After a moment we moved even closer together and our lips met. It was a great kiss. Not to sound like one of those fairy tale kisses but it was GREAT. His lips were soft and warm witch felt good in the crisp night air. I could feel the heat radiating off of his cheeks. As we broke away I got another look at his face, he was smiling like he had just won the lottery, and I bet if I saw my face I would of said the same. But before I knew it he pulled me I closer again for another kiss. Because of the shock of me not expecting that, I jolted my arms out behind me and my eyes busted wide open. Shortly after though I realized what was going on, I lowered my arms and slowly wrapped them around Devin. I opened my mouth slightly only to find that he was doing the same. I turned my head to the right and our maws fit together perfectly. Our tongues explored each other's mouths, exploring every nook and cranny and we got lost in the moment.

We continued to kiss for a few moments until I couldn't wait any longer. I broke up the kiss; one reason is because I needed air. Two because I wanted more. "Is something wrong, did I hurt you or something? I thought it was going pretty good." Devin stammered with a confused and befuddled look on his face.

"The kiss was great sweetheart; I was just hoping we could get inside because it's cold." I nudged my head to the door and spun on my heel to walk towards the door. As I did this, I swaying my hips from side to side, taunting as well as luring him to the building. I opened the door and saw that he was just standing there on the steps, just looking in a half state of confusion and excitement. He shook it off though, seeing as how I was just standing there by the door, looking at him in amusement. He made the connection of where we were heading and his tail went nuts, I could tell he was exited for this.

Well, so was I. I hadn't had sex in a long time, maybe even a year, so I was ready so get back in the swing of things. My apartment room is on the 3rd floor and we decided to be lazy and take the elevator. It was hard enough trying to not have my hands all over him in public, but putting us in a small concealed space with no one watching was almost unbearable. Almost. We were able to make it to my apartment before we started...having fun. But as soon as the doors made the familure *click* behind us, the clothes came off and fun finally began. As soon as we got inside we picked up right where we left off. We cleaned up against the wall with Devin's worm canine body pressed up against me, with our tongues exploring each other's mouths. Kept my hands on his waits, periodically moving them up and down his sides, being occupied with the kissing. He though, on the other hand, couldn't stop feeling me up.

He rubbed his hands up and down my back, pulling me closer and closer with every moan. Eventually he made his way down to my ass. He mainly kept his hands there giving a squeeze every now and then. Trying not to sound narcissistic, I had a great ass. It was nice and round and I could tell that Devin liked it just fine.

We stood there as long as we could before begin to remove what we were wearing. Trying not to break the long and passionate kiss, I started removing my jacket and inching closer and closer to the bed room. I broke the kiss only for a second to remove my shirt and let my friend do the same. As we came back together again, I realized how soft and warm his lips were, Shure they were outside, but out there it was cold and most everything was warmer then that; but here, inside the building, I found that they felt so nice, and with every moan or groan, we got even heavier into it. After a few minutes, we found ourselves up against the bedroom door.

Breaking from the kiss, he asked, "Are you sure you want to do this, you've known me for only a day?"

Panting for air, I responded, "I don't care, I want to." I forward and then back, pulling him back to the kiss. As I opened the door behind us with my spare hand, I pulled my sexy Shepard in with me, shutting the door behind him, wear we really started our night of fun.