The Day I Meet a Hero Chapter 14

Story by Son of Ignitus on SoFurry

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Chapter 14 -Last Day on Earth-

The Empire was started over 80 years ago. Since then just Germany, now the world. My grandfather started the Empire with Hitler during the first world war. When Hitler was not in power, and just a soldier. They both believed in historic fiction and the existence that of the Gods. Together they almost took over the world. Yet Hitler failed to see the end. With his loss, the empire grew even bigger. The War had ended and Hydra went into hiding, yet still held power in most of Europe. In 1953 they rose up and made their presence known throughout the world.

All that I know now is that any empire will eventually fall. I doubt it very much that mine will, yet I no longer care for that realm. I'm back where we were born, and once again I am free. I will never go back there again.

-Back To Present-

I was so glad to see Spyro. I flew right next to him and he smiled. I guess he missed me too. We continued following Dylan and Kevin. They seemed very scared, yelling that "dragons are real", "their attacking us!" It was all too funny. They just can't seem to realize they are dragons as well. I did tell them this before that this would happen to us when we got here. They really should pay more attention. A storm is slowly moving in, and we are going to need shelter.

We flew over them and got a head of them. Spyro pointed to the ground so I would follow him there. We were to stop them before they make a laughing stock out of themselves. Yet it was really amusing. (One...two...three) "Roar!" They dropped tail-side on their haunches, scared shitless. Spyro started walking around them showing all of his teeth, growling. Dylan started crying as he was always a cry baby. Kevin tried to be brave and stood up straight on all fours and started to growl back.

Spyro's face changed into a smile as he started laughing. I soon joined in. Kevin yelled back.

"Why are you laughing?! You dare to hunt us down and suspect no resistance? You damn dragons!". Spyro laughed on more time, even louder. Then he spoke.

"You two, what are you doing in this realm?... humans. Humans here are a special treat and really taste good." He said with and evil grin. "What are you two planning on going?"

"We are going to get shelter! So we could be safe from the likes of you." Ouch! That was cold.

The smile dropped on Spyro's face. "You two haven't changed since you were younglings. It's good to see you two again, it's been too long. Come; let's head for that care ahead. We need to catch up on a lot of things." Spyro turned and started walking towards the cave. I followed suit.

"What did you mean by that!" Kevin yelled. "We have never met and I'm sure we have never been here before. Is this a game or something?! Who the hell are you?" I turned around to answer but Spyro growled at me and yelled at me to go in the cave. So I did, as he followed. I did not want to fight my brother, since he could kill me, I just listened. We were in the cave, watching Kevin and Dylan stay out in the rain. They just stood there, still staring back at us. I knew Kevin was stubborn, but even he hates being rained on. I just smiled at him.

"What the hell are you staring at lizard! You think this is funny? Well, do ya?" I looked at Spyro and he nodded at me so I spoke.

"We are just being nice to you and allowing you to join us. What is wrong with that? I swear Kevin you are so stubborn. Just get in here already!"

Kevin looked in shock. I just called him by his name. A dragon knows his name. "How do you... know my name?" I smiled. "It's simple, your brother and you are our cousins dumbass."

"I don't understand! Who are you?"

"It's me, Mike. And this is Spyro."

"How can you be a dragon?"

"Just look at yourself."

He looked at his arms and realized the truth, he and Dylan soon walked in and Spyro started a fire. I know we are in for a long story this time.

Three years earlier:

I was younger, in love, a man with a few friends, a soldier.

September 16th Location: African City- Fasie - 20:00

"Our target is DEVIL's Daughter. Age 24, at 5ft 6. Capture or Execute. Failure to neutralize the target is unacceptable. Time to Drop-Tag-Run."

"I wonder what her real name is. A name identifies the individual. Their nature. Yet what if the name is fake? Does that mean that they are simply fake?" Said the squad leader. I was not the one in charge on this mission. I was just the gunner for the helicopter, as well as the sniper for the operation. One squad-eight troops. One woman and seven men. Damp area. Time gate 2 hours. ETA ten minutes.

"Let us pray to Saint Michael before we go into battle. St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our defense against the wickedness and snares of the Devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do thou, O Prince of the heavenly hosts, by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan, and all the evil spirits, who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen." Pitch black.

One... the back door opened, Two we turned out lined up ready for anything ... mark! We jumped out around 6 dawns (1Dawn- one hundred feet).

The wind blowing in my face felt so good I smiled. Parachutes opened, now on the ground I take up position on a large cliff at the bay opening. My classification Sniper code name 'Wolf'. As I got into position two rockets launched and hit the capital building. That was not according to plan. "Sergeant? Was that you?... Sergeant? Come in Sergeant!" Damn it! Lost their signal. Fuck! Well what now? I am just the Sniper, I don't have any ARs. Next jets started flying over head. Damn! Have they been tipped of our mission? Damn! I need to call for extraction. I heard my radio "Hello boy... don't worry about your team. They have been... taken care of." I turned around towards the docking Post and there she was, along with a dozen men and my... my dead friends. "Where ever you are right now, consider yourself lucky you did not share the same fate as the others." I was so close to pulling the trigger and taking her head off. She had my friends killed. John, Scott, James, Ben, David, Luna and the Sergeant. They were all dead. I could see Luna. Blood all around her from the other dead men. She was 19, and one hell of a fighter. She was also my sister-in law. She had just married my brother five months earlier. I should know I was the best man. What to do! My sister is held prisoner and my team sliced. Only me against a whole army?! "You have two options; surrender and we hand over your female partner too you and let you go, or run away and let her die." "What's the catch? That isn't everything you want. Tell me now or lose your head!" I answered. "We want you to give up all and any attacks on our kingdom and any campaign because we will never join your Empire! Just this and you shall be reunited with her." What the fuck am I supposed to do?! Its most likely a trap but she is still breathing. I cannot let my brother down.

(Gonna have to wait till the next chapter to find out what happens.)