You choose

Story by millennius on SoFurry

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Story ideas I need help choosing from.

I would like to write a story, but am unsure of which of the following to write. Please choose one.

Choice one: the arena

The shadows moved under his feet as Raymond was pushed along the dark corridor. His wrists red and chaffed by the rope, his chest bare and seeping blood. Cheers and roars or encouragement were mixed with shouts of protests and boo's as he shuffled closer to the light. The brilliance of the sunlight was the worst of it all, for it marked the end of his miserable life. But still... At least it was an end at all.

*two hours earlier*

"Oh come on, Henry! Thirty battles and no' a single kill?!" The boar above Henry jested. "Yer no' cut out t'be a gladiator if ye can't take a life!"

"Shut up, Sherley. At least my nickname isn't Shivers!"

The boar stuck his dirk into the wooden table and sat down with a chuckle. "ye kin I git the shakes when I git meself near front of too many people, but a' least I c'n kill," he replied with a wink.

The otter shrugged and picked up his pint of ale. "so what have you got today, Sherley?"

"Just a good ol' bout wit me friend Ally. Ye kin I been eyein' 'im fer the last month, an' now 'es mine!" pale yellow ale splashed out of Sherley's mug as he slammed it down on the table in excitement. "What about you?"

The lean otter sat back in his chair and put his hands behind his head. "Not sure who it is. New name, and I heard he was caught just this morning." He shrugged.

"Well! He sure is lucky to be fightin' you! No need ta tell me which way the wind blo's, I kin who'll win." Sherley stretched his arms above his head, and yawned. "Shoulda took a nap. I'll be rightly tired fer me match."

Henry waved at his face. "A shower, too, would have been good. You smell horrid!"

"It all works tagether to bring fear t' their hearts b'fore I kill 'em. Makes it more fun."

"I don't know how you do it, Shivers."

"Oi! I said not t' call me that 'round here! I don' want rumors spreading' around again! And ye kin how it works; kill or be killed. I'm just no' sure how ye manage to git away wit not killin'!"

"Well, let's just say I have a personal deal worked out with the master warden."

Sherley sat forward in his chair and slammed his hands down on the table. "Yer not his bitch, are ye?!"

Henry laughed and gave a smirk. "Never have been, and I never will." Memories of the night before flashed through his head. Hands removing his armor after his final battle, soft kisses and licks while he ate from a platter of fruit, looking down at the warden's lifted tail. That poor old wolf! Like Henry would ever bend over for that guy, he preferred it the other way around.

"Oi! Otter boy! What's got ye all tented up?" The Shivers laughed and flipped up Henry's loincloth. "Thinking' of a fair maiden, are ye?"

"I suppose you could say that," he said, laughing and covering back up. "they really don't give you much to wear else than armor, do they?"

*present time*

The clank of metal on stone and steel grew louder as Raymond was pushed up the slight slope of the tunnel. Darkened dirt on the floor smelled of blood and piss and loss of life. It was altogether a bleak sight. He needed to be pushed... He would never make it on his own.

"Move it, runt," said the iron-clad guardsman behind him.

He didn't dare speak what he thought. Raymond wanted the five more minutes he had not to be cut short.

But maybe that was a better option than the scene unfolding in front of the slim puma....

Choice two: reader's choice.

I haven't an other story lined up ^^' if someone makes a nice idea, erotic or clean, and people like it, I will write it. Any other given ideas will be kept and perhaps written later. Just taking ideas right now.