Becoming Closer Than Friends - Part 3

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#3 of Becoming Closer Than Friends

Becoming Closer Then Friends - Part 3

This story is Copyright 2008, Miles C. MacQuarrie. This document may be redistributed without permission providing: 1) This document remains intact in its entirety without any modifications whatsoever; 2) No one gains any monetary value from it; 3) This document is not posted on a website, usenet, message board, chat, publication, or any other media for which a paid subscription is required to acquire this document.

Author may be contacted at [email protected]

Requests welcome, but are not guaranteed in any way to be written. Contact author for more information.


Author's Notes: Thanks to everyone on Yiffstar that reviewed Part Two of this story series, it was really appreciated.

Also, commissions for pictures of the characters are available. Please e-mail me to inquire.


I gave everyone a warning about the series getting darker as it went on, now I'm going to give this simple warning before you continue. I am not into death, vore, unbirth, or anything having to do with either urine or fecal matter. With that being said, anything else goes. I already listed the story codes, and that should be ample warning. If you're not into the kinks I am, I don't want to hear the complaints from you on difference of opinion. Rather, I will take comments on the general storyline and ideas for the future.

Now mind you, I should have put this down in the first two stories, but I'll do it now. The actions I have been doing with these characters do not reflect any personal, real life views of mine. This is a story. Period. I have a firm grip on reality and would absolutely never hurt anyone, child or otherwise.


Jackie and Alex lay on her bed naked, his shaft keeping the two tied together and unable to move. No, they couldn't even move around to hide themselves, Jackie had taken care of that much earlier when she had tied Alex to the bed with her ropes.

Jackie made another look to the door as her heart started to race, again being reminded that there was an unwelcome guest just on the other side that she hadn't expected home so early. Her eyes lowered to the turning of that knob, the one she had forgotten to lock before they came in! How could she be so stupid?

She was reminded one more time who it was as the knob was turned halfway, a knocking being heard, thumping the door three times in a row as she heard the voice again, "Jackie? Daddy's home, are you in here?" The knob finally stopped turning, the door opening slowly as her dad slid his head past the door, and into each others' view.

What he saw made his mouth gape open slightly, his breathing stopping as he tried to comprehend the sight that was before him: His daughters older friend, tied up on her bed, with her impaled on his shaft and looking at her dad. All three were speechless.

Jackie ended up forcing out a smile, and it was obvious that it was forced as she chuckled out a nervous laugh as she uttered out the first words since he had opened the door, "Uhh...Hi daddy..."

"Hi, Jackie..." Was all he could come up with as he looked over both of their bodies. Jackie being naked had never really been a strange sight to him, he saw her naked all the time. But having her with her best friend was a completely new experience; it made him feel even weirder when he saw the two flat out having sex! Her dad's emotions were going all over the place, but for some reason, wasn't making him had.

"You're home early..." she said, trying to think up something, anything that could pass the time off at all.

"You two are stuck together, aren't you?" Was all her father could ask her. Jackie simply shook her head 'yes.'

Her father came up to the foot of the bed and reached his paw out, grabbing onto the male kit's sac, and securing it in his paw, squeezing it as hard as he could.

Alex up to this point had remained silent. After all, who was the one tied up? Surely her father wouldn't blame him for this ordeal! He was partly wrong though, he couldn't see past Jackie's body all that well, but felt the paw on his sac, then the pain sharply going up his spine and through his stomach, making him feel as if he had just been punched several times, the feeling making him want to vomit all over.

The trick worked, his mind was now taken off of everything around him, making forget that he was tied, and only thinking about the horrendous pain he was feeling at the mercy of her dad. The knot quickly deflated, signaling Jackie to run off of Alex, his sperm going everywhere as it splashed out of her entrance, and flying off the tip of his shaft. After Jackie had been released, her father let go of the grip he had on the kits sac.

Her father turned around to see Jackie in the corner, getting into her small bathrobe that had her name on it. He took his finger, pointing silently to the door of her room. She knew what this meant, and exited the room, closing the door behind her.

Her father went down to the side of her bed, looking Alex in the eyes as he prepared to talk with him.


"Yes?" was all the kit said, knowing the less he said the better it would be.

"Listen, Alex, I know you two are growing up...and I also know you too would be starting to do stuff like this. I guess I just never expected to see a sight like this, this soon, you know?" The father said to him in a perfect, daddy like voice, even though the male kit wasn't related to him in the least way,

Alex shook his head at him, "Yeah..."

"Anyways, if you were any other kit, I would have neutered you by now..."

Alex's eyes went as big as saucers on hearing this. He was naïve to sex, but he did know what this meant, he heard of people getting this done to them. And what was even worse, was that her dad was a doctor, and capable of doing such a thing like that to him.

"But I know you are also very responsible, which is why I'm not." Jackie's father then rolled his eyes into his head. "And I also know Jackie was probably the one who started this, I know how she normally acts, and I also know she can be a handful."

Alex continued to listen to him, keeping his eyes glued to him, taking in each and every word, nodding his head as he went along, but wondered why he wasn't being untied. He looked down between his legs now, his shaft finally retreating into its damp sheath and sac.

It was at this time that her father left out of the room. Once in the hallway, he looked down at his preteen daughter, pointing a finger at her. "Don't move! I'll be back to talk to you after I'm done with him!" he commanded to her.

Both kits sat silently in the separate rooms, wondering what their fate would be, the silence being brutal to them both.

After about 15 minutes, Jackie saw her father coming toward her with a metal box, and pass right by as he opened her room door and entered.

"Alex?" he said.

The kit jumped at seeing him again, he had dozed out from the silence. "Y---yes, sir?"

"I want you to know, I don't have any problems with you being with Jackie, or even...mating..." he bit his lips as he shoved the words out of his mouth. "But she hasn't started her heats yet and it's obvious you're old enough to be producing sperm."

Alex shook his head again, staying silent.

"So here's the deal, I'm going to let this all slide since I know both of you enjoy it, and that you can be responsible about it, but we can't be having cubs either..." He stopped mid sentence at he reached down to the metal box that almost resembled a suitcase, opening it up, seeing a couple of vials with clear liquid and syringes, complete with needles.

Alex started shivering as he saw this, the mental tension being placed on his burdened mind were enough to make him break down. Was her dad really going to hurt him after all he had said to him?

" what I'm going to do will solve both of our little problems, ok?" Her father then proceeded to grab a gag from the box and secure it over the kits mouth. He then examined the ropes that secured him. Jackie's father was amazed! She certainly did do a good job with the ropes and knots, the tightness of the ropes not giving any room at all to wiggle around. "That will do." He thought to himself.

He leaned down, assembling the syringes and needles, then filled them with the fluid from the vials. He placed the completed syringes under the kits scrotum while he did a few other things to get ready.

He proceeded to dump some alcohol and a mild numbing agent onto the kits scrotum, the feeling sent mixed waves through his head as he felt a coldness spread over his exposed sac, then gradually turn over to a warm tingling feeling, but wasn't all that strong.

"Usually Alex, I use a stronger anesthetic, but since you were involved with Jackie, I decided not to use all that much." The older fox said.

With that, the kit felt a quick shove, and then an excruciatingly sharp pain as the needle invaded his small sac, the needle poking around inside of him as her father moved the needle around looking for its target. Finally, he felt one last sharp pain as the needle found his small spermatic cord.

"Hold still Alex, just about done with this one.." he said while holding the needle and sac perfectly still as he injected the fluid into the cord.

Alex meanwhile, was unable to move or speak, keeping the room quiet except for the muffled, painful moaning he was giving from the needle. You could tell though that the pain was there, and that it was bad with the river of tears that were coming down his face.

Her father slowly pulled out the needle. When it finally exited the sac, a sudden relief was felt as the pain also subsided.

"See? Wasn't that bad was it? Now just one more..." He said, jabbing the second unused needle into him, repeating the process that lasted for about 5 minutes.

He pulled the needle out, and then took a wipe to his sac to clean off the few drops of blood that had resulted.

"Alex, what I did was inject a chemical that will make you sterile...or keep you from making sperm for about the next 6 months. You're welcome to do anything you want with Jackie, as long as you don't hurt her, and keep coming back for these." The doctor said. "Otherwise, the fun stops. Permanently. Clear?"

The kit shook his head at him.


With that, the older male started undoing the ropes to him, letting him get up and move around. No sooner then he finished, Alex got up and started rubbing his sac, rubbing the orbs inside to try and alleviate the pain.

Her father looked at him again, "Now stay in here, I have to talk to Jackie about this. She'll be in again when I tell her it's ok."

Her father walked out of the room, meeting his daughter out in the hallway and leaving the kit alone in her room. He leaned down to Jackie's eye level and explained what he did to Alex.

"...And you two are allowed to do whatever you want, as long as you don't hurt him too badly..." he said in such a way, knowing that it would be impossible for the two of them to do anything without him getting at least a little hurt by her. "I'm serious about this, Jackie. If you do anything that bad, I'll circumcise you. You remember what that is like for girls, right? You read those books I gave you?"

"Yes, daddy, I read them all. I promise I'll be good." She said, not having a concern in her voice, tapping her foot on the ground. She knew her father well.

"Okay then, I actually just came home to get a few things, so I'll be going, ok?" He got up, looked at his watch. His eyes bulged out for a split second as he realized that his 15 minute trip had suddenly turned to 45 minutes. "Yeah, I really have to go!" He then looked down at Jackie with a stern look. "And I mean it, be good!"

"Yes, dad!" Jackie said, and then proceeded to jump up to his face, giving him a fast kiss on his cheek. "Love ya!" She said to him, and then went back into her room.

"How was he to you?" Jackie asked Alex.

"Honestly? It was better then I thought it was going to be! What about you?"

"I just got yelled at...I heard what he did to you though, are ya ok?" She said, very concerned about him.

"Yeah, fine, still stings and feels weird."

"It'll be fine, Alex, he wouldn't ever hurt anyone." She said to reassure him.

She took off her robe and threw it in the corner, then playfully jumped into her bed again. "You did say we could do stuff with each other..."

"Jackie, I really hurt a little after what he did to me, can't we do something else?" Alex whined.

Jackie spread her legs, displaying her damp entrance. "You could clean me up, I haven't done that yet!"

A sour look came over his face before bending down between her legs, taking a closer look at her female anatomy, smelling her scent mixed with his. "But remember what you did to me earlier? Making me drink my own stuff?"

Jackie shook her head yes. "But you haven't done it with mine!"

Alex made a few odd looks with faces, stretching his facial muscles in ways he had never done before, finally giving in to her, putting his head between her legs and taking a long lick over the bottom of her vaginal entrance and extending it over her clit, making her shudder as always when the warm tongue grazed over it.

"Yeah, Alex, that felt good. Keep going..." She said, laying her paws on the top of his head as she rubbed her paws and claws through his hair.

Alex felt like he was about to go crazy, the scent she was giving with their combined fluids was just amazing. He felt compelled to go deeper in her, licking every part of her, his cold wet nose brushing against her clit as he shoved his face in harder, shoving his tongue deeper in her, sucking up their fluids and swallowing them hard, eager for more.

His attitude changed quickly about doing this, he was actually enjoying it. He was shoving his tongue inside her as deep as he could, swirling it all over, brushing against her walls in an attempt to get every bit of it. He looked up to Jackie's face, she was scrunching up her body, wigging around from the tingling he was inflicting to her, all while murring because of him, the rippling sounds vibrating down through her and into his face.

Jackie had felt this several times before, she was getting close. The feeling was welcoming to her. She raised her knees up to her chest, her knee caps brushing against her soft nipples, giving her a new perspective and idea.

She gave a little room between her knees and nipples, and putting her paws on them, started rubbing and pinching at them hard, making them go swollen as Alex continued to lick her between her legs.

She loved the feeling, she wiggled around again, sending more or her lubricant out her entrance, making Alex go even faster with his tongue.

The more they did this to each other, the faster the two went. Alex brought his paws to her slim butt, grabbing onto it as he kept it up. He decided to try something else; he started nibbling on her lips and clit, chewing on them hard. She continued moaning at him, closing her grip on her paws over his head, keeping him in place.

It wasn't much longer now, Alex chewed around her entrance a few more times, Jackie let out a loud scream as she flooded his nose with more of her juices, Alex accidentally inhaling a small amount of them through his nose, making his head jerk back from her, her claws scratching his head as he pulled away, sneezing and gasping for air as Jackie was left alone, pinching her nipples harder as she left red marks on her flat chest as she rode her orgasm.

Alex caught his breath, looking at his naked friend on the bed, slamming her legs back onto the bed as he watched her bare chest rapidly extending out and back. He then looked down ever further on her body, noticing her naked feet for the first time. He had never really noticed them before, but they were actually cute.

His mind was taken back to what was happening as Jackie started panting again, and then relaxed her entire body on the bed. She turned her head at him as she kept panting, noticing him and maintaining her eye contact with him.

"Thanks..." was all she could muster out.

Hey, if you've made it this far, congratulations! You made it! Like I said, I don't want to hear about the evils of the kinks I included here. I can already predict the e-mails and comments. Please though, help me out! It doesn't take but a minute to leave a comment and tell me what you'd like to see, see less of, or anything else that's on your mind. It really helps me out, and I really appreciate the encouragement.
