Anthropia 9

Story by Epic Quest on SoFurry

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#14 of Anthropia Adventures

Gelnon undergoes his "training" and Moon finally arrives home to discover his family's made some new improvements while he's been gone.

"You know...." Said Relonk, "Most people think Witchcraft has the most powerful mind control spells. That may be true if you want it done quick and sloppy." He said, leering menacingly at his new captive.

"But the slow and artistic paw of an Illusionist provides such greater results over time." He bragged with a laugh as he tested Gelnon's restraints, making sure they were all secured, and that the gesturer mage couldn't get off any spells.

Gelnon was almost completely immobilized. His muzzle was gagged, his tail was hiked up and leashed to a collar to prevent it from lowering. His legs were tied together at both the knees, and the ankles, his arms were folded behind his back and tied at the biceps, and forearms. His torso was bend over table and strapped down, while a brand had been seared into his right ass cheek, displaying the image of a roaring bear's head with swirl shaped eyes. He was completely nude, except for his restraints, of course.

Standing behind him was Ralonk, who was fully naked, and holding his meaty shaft with one paw, as he used his other to stroke the lion's ass. Ralonk's cock was as oversized as the rest of his body. It reached 9 inches in length, and amassed 2 inches in thickness

Gelnon couldn't believe this was happening. Everyone knew mages weren't used as food or slaves, Ralonk was completely defying the laws of the academy, and society at large. The brand wasn't such a big deal, a Cleric would easily be able to mend his scarred flesh with their magic, but he needed to break free and let others know of the corruption taking place here before anything else.

"The power to influence the bodily senses is far stronger than anyone realizes, you just need to have patience and skill." Relonk continued his boasting, "And by the time you leave here, you'll beg and grovel for my affections." He threatened, before moving closer.

"Now, lets start adding you to my slutty harem boys, just like the other mages from this village that tried the same stunt you just did." The bear declared, and as Gelnon went wide eyed with shock at the revelation other mages were being used as slaves, the bear started to penetrate him.

As expected from such a large beast, and from the fact Gelnon was obviously an anal virgin, it hurt immensely, but as he started to growl out in pain, Relonk soon corrected this.

"Niap ot Ssilb" He stated, and soon, the pain in his ass was replaced with pleasure. Or more accurately, his pain was transfered into pleasure, for as Relonk began doing actions that would obviously make him howl in agony, it only sent greater and greater pleasure throughout his body. Within moments, Gelnon was moaning like a slut, and Relonk was half burried inside him.

Gelnon struggled to keep his mind focused, he knew these sensations weren't real, yet he still felt them. Then, along with the pleasure, came a new sensation, bliss, while the cock was inside him, he was overcome with joy, and as Relonk began to slowly draw out, that bliss faded into a craving, which was satisfied and once again turned to joy when he thrust back in. The spell kept looping like this every time he would draw out and thrust back in.

'Fight, damn it, fight!' Gelnon screamed inside his own mind, his muzzle being currently unable to speak. He tried to scrape at the ropes with his claws, but they were too tight to allow much more than twitches, and besides, his arms were facing right there in front of the bear, he'd know immediately if he was starting to break free.

"Oh yes, its been too long since I've broken a virgin slave, it truly is a luxury." Relonk gloated, resting both paws on Gelnon's ribs as he raped him slowly, but it was not long, before his pace started to quicken.

Against his will, Gelnon began to grow aroused, Relonk's fist sized testicles swaying behind his own palm sized pair. His barbed cock started poking from its sheath and was quickly growing in response to his master - NO - his rapist.

Six years, for six years he had trained his ass off in both magic and combat, he wasn't going to give in that easily, but despite his mental struggle, he admitted to himself he didn't have any ideas on how to break out. Relonk burried another 2 inches of penis inside him, and he couldn't help but start moaning into the gag.

"That's more like it, beg for your master's cock." Relonk ordered. "Show me how much of a cock worshiper you are." He added, slapping him on the left side of his ass, so as not to disrupt the still fresh branding.

Gelnon was humiliated as his cock reached full arousal, at 7 inches in length, 1.6 in thickness, it was pressed uncomfortably between the table and his body. By this point, Relonk was balls deep inside him, and judging by his breathing, was close to filling him up.

"Mmrph, mmm, mphmmph!" Gelnon moaned into the cloth gag, the illusions playing havoc with his senses, his mind reeled in blood lust as his body automatically tried to rear back onto the bear's cock when he drew out. His physical form was no longer obeying what his mind tried to tell it.

Relonk finally reached his peak, and as he thrust harder and harder, he finally hilted himself with one, swift motion and came with a nearly primal roar of victory as he pumped the lion's innards with his seed. He didn't pull out, intending to spew every drop inside him, like he was expecting cubs. The cumming pushed Gelnon's body over its own threshold, and soon, his own cock was spraying cum, splattering his belly and the table, smearing the cum into his fur.

"That was wonderful." Relonk said as he finally drew out, and deactivated his spell. Once again, Gelnon's senses returned to normal, and the pleasure and joy his body felt was immediately replaced with pain and disgust. He felt like he couldn't even walk right now, let alone sit down, and he wanted to vomit at the realization he actually tried to help the bear enjoy himself.

Gelnon was breathing heavilly, the fringes of his vision turning red as Relonk approached him from the front, holding a metal ring in one paw. Gelnon immediately recognized it as a collar.

"This is a very special training collar I use on all my slaves." Relonk said, turning the side of the collar to face Gelnon, revealing it was about half an inch wide and enscribed with runes.

"It induces the wearer in a dream-like hallucination where they provide endless pleasure to me." he explained, "After a few weeks of being endlessly trapped in this fantasy, most of my slaves break completely, and I don't need the collar to keep them sedated anymore." he said, before clasping it around Gelnon's neck, who began releasing a torrent of rebellious moans and growls through the gag.

"Tnavres Ysatnaf" Relonk said with a grin, as the runes on the collar began to glow, "It means Servant Fantasy" He translated, before the illusion set in, and he began leaving the room, the lion being traped in his bindings.

Gelnon felt his senses rapidly deadening. His sight, his sound, his touch, smell, and even taste, all vanished. For a moment, it was like ceasing to exist, he couldn't sense anything, save for his own thoughts, and then, the world began to come back into focus.

No longer was he bound to the table, helpless and restrained, he was kneeling in front of a large figure sitting on a throne. He tried to cast his eyes upward, but found they would not respond, and he immediately recognized who it was, by the furred legs. It was Relonk, and the lion soon realized he was sucking his cock insatiably. It tasted so good, he could not bring himself to spit it out, his body seized up every time he tried to.

He kept his eyes focused on the bear's fat gut the entire time, bobbing his head up and down along the meaty shaft, using his paws to stroke the length he couldn't fit. He wanted, no, he needed to make Relonk cum, to taste that delicious sperm of his on his tongue, feeling it wiggle its way down to his stomach.

"A good slave only lives to serve." Relonk's voice came from the bear he was sucking, and as he heard those words, they drifted into his mind, and soon, Relonk's voice kept repeating the phrase like a mantra, each time, the words getting more and more potent, more and more difficult to shut out.

"A good slave only lives to serve. A good slave only lives to serve. A good slave only lives to serve. A good slave only lives to serve." Soon, even his own mind couldn't repel the sound, it began to drown out his own thoughts.

"Ah guff slev owy iffs toh surv." Gelnon's physical body muttered into his gag, as he drifted off into a drunken stupor, his own thoughts turning to the illusions he was being subjected to.

Hunting, it was something Moon had given thought to many times, but had never personally taken part in it. Food was plentiful back at the academy, and much of his training was spent learning new techniques, not how to survive in the wilds. Unless survival required blasting your prey to ash. The gruesome memory of Valo from so many years ago returning, he wondered if it would be that vulgar. He shook his head, he would try to make it painless, if at all possible.

They had wandered off the trail, but wisely stayed close enough to run back incase they needed to. Still, they had been traveling off road for nearly four hours now, with little signs of food, soon, they were about to return back to the trail, hoping to meet any other travelers, until they heard foot steps coming through the brush. Quickly taking to hiding so as to not alert their prey, they were surprised when the approaching figures were soldiers wearing the same uniforms as Moon's family. There were four soldiers in all, a large, wooden post resting on the shoulders of two soldiers each. Tied to the posts was what looked to be freshly caught meat.

The two hunts were still alive, judging by the squirming they were putting up. Their wrists and ankles bound above them, and a cloth rag binding their mouths shut. Both of the prisoners looked to be chickens.

"You think our lord will appreciate our catch?" The soldier in the front asked, it was a young doberman male, "I understand chickens are one of the most famous types of avian meat in the world." He added, the hens trying to cluck through their gags, feathers rustling as they squirmed.

"Its certainly better than those insects." The soldier behind him said, this one being a golden retriever bitch, "I've had it myself once, its really good." She said, licking her muzzle at the thought.

Moon's family mostly employed fellow canines into their military, often dogs The other two soldiers were both huskies, one with black and white fur, the other with blond and silver, both males

Upon recognizing the uniforms, Moon and Jakra emerged from the bushes, though Skalma was surprised at first, until she heard Moon greet them as though they were allies.

"Greetings, soldiers! Might we join in the spoils of your hunt?" Moon asked, the soldiers quickly turning and preparing for battle at the sudden appearance, but as Moon held up his paws in peace, they seemed to relax, though waiting for an explanation.

"I'm Moon Solar Sword." he introduced himself, "I'm returning home from the mage academy, how does my family fair?" Moon asked. At the introduction, the soldiers seemed to perk up, recognizing the name.

"Ah, lord Moon?" The doberman asked, "We have been told a great deal about you, your father practically idolized your name around the estate." The canine explained, before a solemn look appeared on his features.

"Unfortunately, his age caught up with him, he passed on just two months ago. The throne is now held by you elder brother, Lycan." The soldier informed him. Moon frowned at the news, he had not heard any word of his father being ill or weak, but then again, he did age faster than the young mage, it was probably to be expected.

"Come then, these chickens were supposed to be an ingredient for a celebratory feast in your sister, Crescent's honor, for being accepted into the academy. But I think we can make a feast to celebrate your return as well." the doberman said.

Well looks like yet again, Moon had been spared from having to actually hunt his prey this time, he tried not to pay too much attention to the squirming chickens, clearly they were not mere slaves, but freshly captured. It wasn't long before they finally arrived home, taking a special trail the soldiers utilized when transporting heavy equipment, such as two beast folk.

"Well here we are, my lord." The doberman said as they stood in front of the estate. This was the first time Moon had laid eyes upon it in six years, and nothing too much had changed about it in structure, though he did notice a considerable increase in the number of soldiers among the grounds.

There had originally been six archers to a wall, now there were 12, and the court yard that once held three platoons of 20 soldiers each, had no been increased to five platoons, numbering 100 soldiers to guard the state's court yard, and 48 archers to guard the walls. That was only for the estate itself, Moon wondered what kind of impact the last 6 years had on any of the lands his family owned, and if the added security reached to the farm holds and neighboring villages under his family's governing.

"When word got out your family had begun to produce mages once again, it did wonders for their reputation and wealth." The golden retriever said, "Your family was able to hire more soldiers as beast folk came to pledge loyalty." She explained.

"Yes, but we are keeping the young lord, Dalina, come, let us go and unload this meat to the cook while lord Moon reaquaints himself with home." The doberman said, addressing the golden retriever by name. As they entered the courtyard, the soldiers they were traveling with branched off, heading to the kitchen where the feast would be prepared, the chickens squirming and releasing muffled clucks the whole way as Moon, Jakra, and Skalma were left to explore the grounds.

"I think we should visit your brother first, sir." Jakra suggested, "I'm sure he'll be happy to know you're back, and you should see how he's doing now that he's the alpha male." She explained. Moon nodded and pointed the way, remembering where the throne room was, and striding off.

Unfortunately, Moon was unaware that with the growing reputation, and the new alpha, things had changed over the years...