The Gate-Way Revisited: Chapter 11 Betrayal Explained

Story by Grey Knight on SoFurry

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#11 of The Gate-Way Revisited

My partner and I will be working on chapter 12 this weekend, should be able to write it all tomorrow. We both feel it requires an entire rewrite, it should be up on Sunday. Chapter 13 and 14 will be up shortly after that.


Chapter 11 - Betrayal Explained

''So, we'll tell him that you two were just spooning,'' Ethan said nervously as he and Matt made their way down the beautifully furnished hallway.

Matt too was nervous and worried about what would happen when they reached Jake's room; he didn't notice the elegantly upholstered furniture and tapestries that lined the red carpeted hall. All he wanted to do was go hide in some remote corner of the mansion and never come back out. The look on Jake's face when he had seen Matt and Shawn together was the worst. It had been a mixture of rage, horror and a terrible sadness that Matt never wanted to see flash across Jake's features again.

Matt realized that it must look like Jessica all over again, but that was stupid, he thought. Jake doesn't have feelings for me, he's straight. But as he thought back to the moment they had shared, and the way Jake had been looking at him recently caused him to pause. Could it be possible that Jake had feelings for him? Could Jake be gay? No, not gay...but maybe...just maybe Jake could very well be bi.

I just hope I haven't ruined our chance at being together, Matt thought. He groaned inwardly in fear that he had ruined what might have been what he had always dreamed of: a relationship with the love of his life.

''We'll tell him you were spooning...hopefully he didn't smell you, too," Ethan said. "I just hope he's calm enough to talk..."


Ethan's sentence was cut short by the sound of something large smashing into a wall. Ethan groaned loudly over the sound of splintering wood. Reaching out, he opened the door to Jake's room. The wolf hurled a second chair across the room, deepening the dent in the wall before breaking apart in a shower of broken timber.

With a roar of feral rage, Jake grabbed his nightstand and hurled it across the room as well. As it too broke apart against the wall, Jake looked around madly for something else to throw. Suddenly, he spotted Ethan and Matt standing in the door. The small fox was shaking from head to tail, horrified by what he was seeing, and by the knowledge that it had been he who had angered Jake.

Jake stormed up to them and attempted to slam the door shut; Ethan grabbed his paw and held it. Matt ducked behind Ethan who stood calm in the face of Jake's fury. At six-four, he stood taller than Jake and was marginally stronger - but even then, he had to force himself to remain calm and not let his apprehension show. Ethan had only ever seen Jake this angry once before: the night of Jess's betrayal and Alex's death.

"Jake, I need you to calm down so we can talk to you," Ethan said softly, reaching out he grabbed Jake's shoulder to hold him there.

He quickly let go when he saw a flash of anger and watched as Jake's lips curled back over his teeth, ears flattened against his head. Ethan had known Jake well enough that until they calmed the wolf down, they would be walking along a hair trigger. Anything might send him into a rage that would see both Ethan and Matt severely hurt as his base instincts combined with his military training and took over his rage clouded mind.

With a snarl Jake turned around, tail thrashing back and forth, and marched off to his bed. Laying down on it he grabbed one of his pillows, pulling on it until it neared its tearing point before releasing it, only to pull on it again as he attempted to calm himself down.

Carefully Ethan approached, pulling Matt behind him; the arctic fox was still shaking, his ears drooping and his tail tucked between his legs. He felt absolutely miserable; he didn't understand why Jake was acting this way. Could it be true, he wondered, does Jake have feelings for me? Is this why he's so upset? What have I done? Matt moaned inwardly.

"Jake we...we came here to talk to you, about what happened with Matt and Shawn," Ethan said softly. "And I think you need to tell Matt what's been going on, and how you've been feeling...right now."

Jake responded with a snort and rolled over so his back was to them. Matt whimpered, thinking Jake was so disgusted with him he couldn't even bear to look at him. Little did Matt know that Jake had turned away from them to hide the tears streaming down his muzzle. He felt so lost and confused. He had never felt this vulnerable before. He couldn't understand why he was feeling the way he did.

It took all of Jake's effort to keep himself from sobbing and shaking. He called on every technique and method he had been trained to use to remain outwardly calm as he tried to reign in his emotions.

"Go away," Jake muttered.

"No, Jake. We're not leaving until you tell Matt how you feel," Ethan said with more confidence than he felt. "It's your own fault this happened. If you had just been honest with yourself and not tried to deny things, we wouldn't be having this discussion."

"What are you talking about? Tell Matt how I feel about what?"

"Jakey, don't do this. You know what I'm talking about. I know you're scared, we all are at first, but you need to talk to Matt so he and I can help you through this," Ethan said. Sighing, he sat down on the bed and placed a paw on Jake's shoulder. Gently rubbing Jake's shoulder he continued. "Now Jake, why don't you tell Matt what you and I talked about in the hallway?"

"I...I don't know anymore...I'm just...just so confused," Jake said, his voice trembling. His whole body was shaking with the effort of not letting his tears run free.

"What are you confused about? What...what don't you know anymore Jake?" Matt said timidly.

Secretly, he hoped what Jake would say next would be the answers to his dreams. Carefully, he approached and sat down on the bed. Slowly he reached out and placed a paw on the shaking wolf's leg.

"I...I don't know which...way I swing anymore," Jake said sadly, pulling his pillow over his head to hide his shame, not just at his tears but at his confusion and fear.

"What do you mean Jake?" Matt said, his dreams so close to reality he could taste it. He knew he should be more concerned for how miserable Jake was, but he was just so excited by the idea of what might come next that he couldn't.

" I really have to say it?" Jake asked, now feeling completely miserable and scared about what he was on the verge of admitting.

"Yes Jake, you really have to say it," Ethan said softly, still rubbing Jake's shoulder. "You'll feel better once it's out. And Matt will be able to help you with it once it is."

"Matt, I...I need your help," Jake said from beneath the pillow.

"Help with what, Jake? Whatever it is, I'm here for you no matter what."

"I'm just really confused right now...because I think...I might...have feelings for you...and I think I might be bi."

It took all of Matt's willpower not to let out a cry of joy at what he had just heard; instead he focused all his effort on feeling sorry for Jake.

"I'm not sure about myself anymore, about my sanity. I'm scared and I need your help. I don't know if I'm just lonely or if it's something else."

"You know I love you Jake, and I'll do anything I can to help you through this and figure things out," Matt said with a nervous smile. "Whatever you need, I'm here."

"Matt be very careful where you go from here," Ethan said, gazing carefully at Matt. "Jake is really confused right now, and he might decide that he does not in fact love you back. He might decide it was a mistake and you need to be ready for that. On the other hand, he might decide he does love you and wants to be with you."

Ethan smiled warmly and rubbed Matt's shoulder as he saw the look of sudden apprehension in Matt's eyes. "I'll be here to help the two of you through this, and so will Brad and the rest of the gang here."

"Thanks," Matt said, smiling he turned his attention back to Jake. "Jake, I know what it's like; I remember how hard it was for me to accept that I was gay. Luckily, I had your brother to help me out and now I want to repay that kindness by helping his big brother."

Jake nodded

"I appreciate it, Matt. I don't know how I'm going to accept this, but I want you to be there to help me. It would mean a lot. I just don't want to hurt you if things don't turn out as you hope."

"Jake so long as I get to call you my best friend and I get to spend time with you and be with you then I won't mind as much if I don't get to be your mate."

Jake rolled over to face the pair; they were both unsurprised to see Jake's muzzle wet with tears and his eyes red. Reaching over, Ethan gently ran his paw through Jake's short black head fur before standing up. Matt carefully crawled into bed with Jake. Pulling his arms around the wolf, he gently lapped at Jake's tear streaked muzzle.

"I'm sorry you had to walk in and see Shawn and I like that," Matt said sadly, his ears drooping. "I just needed so badly to have someone who I knew for sure had the capacity to return my feelings.

"I knew you loved me as much as you loved Alex; I love you like that too...and more. I didn't think you would ever return that extra part. I...I thought maybe with Shawn, he could return my feelings. And it just sort of happened...he was crying when I found him, I did my best to cheer him up...and we kind of ended up like that.

"When I was with him it felt good, but not anywhere close to how great it feels when I'm with you. Shawn and I will only ever be friends, I realized that after I...tied with him," Matt said, trailing off into a whisper. "I want to be with you Jake, I want to be your mate, I want to help you through this and I want to help you accept yourself for who you really are."

"As hard as it is to admit, I love you too, not just how I loved Alex. It's not something I understand but it feels great being with you and you're all I can think about. I've only ever felt this way about females before. I don't understand it. I never expected this to happen; I should have told you sooner.

"Ethan is right, it was my fault you slept with Shawn. I've been hiding my feelings and if I had just said something, maybe it wouldn't have happened. When I walked in on the two of you, it was like Jessica all over again; I couldn't handle it...not again. I...also really scared myself right then..." Jake said, trailing off. Unsure how he should continue and tell them what he had felt when he had seen Matt and Shawn together.

"Of course I'm right," Ethan said with a wink. "What happened, Jakey? What scared you?"

"When I saw them together, I got angry because...I hated seeing Matt having sex with someone else...I wanted him to be my mate and my mate alone. I realized I wanted to be with him...wanted him to be with me."

"You mean you...want to be my mate?" Matt asked, wide eyed. The thought of his dream finally coming true after all these years astounded him.

"I...I'd give it a try..."

"Give what a try, Jakey?" Ethan said, smirking.

"Give a...relationship with Matt a try..."

"Well why don't you ask him and find out if he's willing to risk it," Ethan said innocently.

"Matt...will...will you be my mate? I can't promise it will last; I might decide males really aren't for me. I'd like to give it a try though...if you're willing to risk it," Jake said nervously.

With a yip of joy, Matt leapt onto Jake, pinning him to the bed. He kissed the wolf fiercely before hugging him tightly.

"I think we can take that as a yes," Ethan said, laughing as he watched Jake's look of surprise at Matt's sudden enthusiasm

"Of course I'll be your mate Jake!" Matt said, nodding his head so fast that his tears of joy flew in every direction.

Jake smiled widely. It had been a long time since he had smiled wide enough to light up his eyes, but now with Matt as his mate, the world seemed a much happier place. Suddenly though, he stopped. Gripping Matt by the shoulders, he pushed the arctic fox up so he could look him in the eye.

"Matt are you sure you're willing to risk being hurt if I decide this isn't what I want?"

"Jake, so long as you'll still be here...still be my best friend, then I'll deal with whatever happens. I have waited and dreamt for so long that I'm not just going to let this chance pass me by."

Jake nodded and smiled. Wrapping his arms around the fox, he squeezed him tight; both were so caught up in each other that they did not notice as Ethan slipped out and headed back to his own room.

With a paw, Jake raised Matt's maw up from where it had been resting against his chest. Slowly and nervously, he pressed his muzzle against Matt's; he pressed his tongue forward as he felt the arctic fox's lips part.

Matt moaned around Jake's tongue as the wolf explored his muzzle. Reaching out, Matt placed a paw on the back of Jake's neck. Jake murred as Matt pulled him closer and rubbed his neck.

Jake's paws slowly began tracing a slow careful circuit down Matt's chest. Jake grinned as the fox murred. Working his paws lower, he gently tugged off Matt's shirt. Matt moaned into Jake's maw as the wolf teased and caressed his chest and stomach.

Matt shuddered as Jake brushed his paw just under the waistband of his pants. With one paw, Jake pulled Matt closer while his other was busy undoing Matt's jeans. With a swift tug, they were gone, leaving nothing between Jake's teasing paws and Matt's growing sheath except Matt's green checkered boxers.

Jake pulled back from the kiss and looked into the eyes of the fox squirming as he was teased. Matt's cock began to extend from his sheath as Jake ran his paws along the inside of his leg. The fox gasped as the wolf ran his paw directly along his sensitive cock; grasping it through Matt's boxers, Jake began to slowly pump the fox's cock.

All seven inches were extended from his sheath and pre was leaking from his tip. With all of his will, he pushed Jake away.

"It's my turn," Matt whispered into Jake's ear when he saw the confused look painted across the wolf's features.

With a grin Jake allowed Matt to push him onto his back. The fox nibbled on Jake's ear as his paws roamed across Jake's broad chest. Jake murred as he felt Matt lick and kiss his neck, as the fox's paws worked their way lower down his stomach.

Just as he had done, Jake felt Matt pulling off his dark shirt, revealing his white stomach fur and the edges of the strange black lines of fur that resembled tribal tattoos. Matt kissed and licked his way down the wolf's chest.

Slowly he kissed his way along the top of Jake's pants. With a seductive grin, Matt slowly began unzipping Jake. The wolf's length was fully extended from his sheath, all eight inches creating an impressive bulge in his boxers.

Matt kissed up Jake's leg, kissing each of his fur encased balls through his boxers. Grasping the wolf's length, he gently pumped it through Jake's boxers. Jake moaned as Matt's other paw gently played with his balls. Jake's length sprang free as Matt pulled off his boxers; mouth watering at the sight, the fox gently kissed the tip. He savored the flavor as he ran his tongue up Jake's throbbing cock. Pumping it quickly, he pressed the tip to his lips, kissing it once more before he allowed it to slip into his maw. Jake moaned as his length was enveloped in warmth.

Swirling his tongue, Matt bobbed his head up and down as Jake moaned and writhed beneath him. Suddenly he stopped, and for a second time Jake moaned in disappointment and gave Matt a confused and pleading look.

Grinning, Matt climbed back up until his head was level with Jake's.

"I was wondering," Matt said softly as he traced a slow circle with his paw through Jake's chest fur, "if maybe would be interested in letting me make love to you, instead of raising tail for you?"

Jake was surprised. The thought scared him. Looking down at Matt's six inch cock he didn't see how it wouldn't hurt...if it would work at all.

"Yeah ok, I'm willing to give it a try," Jake said nervously.

Seeing this, Matt smiled. Gently caressing Jake's muzzle, he said, "Don't worry, Jake. I'll go slow and make sure you enjoy it. You just have to make sure to relax; I promise I won't hurt you."

Jake smiled and closed his eyes as Matt kissed him softly.

"There's just one thing I need you to do for me first," Matt said innocently.

"What's that?" Jake asked, opening his eyes he was greeted with the sight of Matt's throbbing cock just inches from his muzzle.

"Do you think you could lube me up first?"

Grinning, Jake grabbed Matt's ass and pulled the fox closer. With his other paw, he grabbed the cock, now poking his nose and ran his tongue up its length. Licking a small drop of pre from the tip, Jake paused. Thinking a moment, he decided he enjoyed the taste and continued licking.

Not entirely sure what he should do, he decided to imitate Matt. Pressing the fox's cock to his lips, he slowly allowed it to enter his muzzle. Matt moaned and ran his paws through Jake's head fur. Suddenly Jake coughed and pulled back; he had allowed Matt's cock to slip too far, causing him to gag.

Determined to continue, Jake slowly bobbed his head up and down on Matt's cock coating it in a thick layer of saliva. Finally Matt motioned for him to stop.

"I think that should be good, but just to be safe do you have any actual lube?"

Jake nodded. Quickly scanning his room for what was left of the night stand, he found the bottle of lube next to some broken wood. The fox set the bottle down; with a grin he motioned for Jake to get on all fours.

"I'm going to try and get you to relax first," Matt said softly. Grasping the base of Jake's tail he held it up, revealing Jake's virgin hole. With his other paw he gently massaged the wolf's back. "Just relax and concentrate on your breathing, this should help you relax"

Jake nodded as Matt brought his muzzle close to his tail hole. Taking a deep calming breath, Jake murred as he felt Matt's tongue flick out across his tight, fleshy entrance. The fox grinned and used his paws to pull Jake's firm cheeks apart. Slowly, he swirled his tongue around Jake's pink pucker.

Lapping at it slowly, Matt found that he enjoyed the taste. Gently, he pressed his tongue against Jake's hole; it resisted for a moment before Jake took a deep breath and forced his muscles to relax. Jake moaned as he felt Matt's tongue invading him, softly pumping in and out as his cock would soon be doing.

Jake enjoyed the feeling of Matt's tongue stretching and invading him. He concentrated on keeping his muscles as relaxed as he could. Suddenly, Matt stopped; about to turn back, Matt stopped him with a paw against his back.

Matt carefully ran a finger around the wolf's saliva coated pucker. Gently but firmly, he pressed his finger forward, forcing it into Jake's tight ass. It took all of his will power not to mount the wolf right then and there, but he knew that Jake needed to relax first and he didn't want to hurt his friend.

Just as he had done with his tongue, Matt pumped his finger in and out of Jake's hole. Jake's cock leapt suddenly as Matt's finger brushed across something incredibly pleasurable within him. He moaned as he felt Matt massaging his prostate. He was so lost in the feeling he did not feel Matt slip a second finger into his ass.

Gently pumping two fingers in and out of Jake, Matt rubbed the wolf's back as he waited for Jake to be ready. With a sigh, Jake nodded his head. "You can give a try if you want," Jake said nervously; focusing on his breathing, he didn't see Matt nod.

Grabbing the bottle of lube, Matt coated his member in a very generous amount of lube; more than he would normally use, but he wanted to be sure he caused Jake as little pain as possible.

Satisfied he grabbed Jake's hips and pulled him back so that he was at a better height. With one paw he continued to rub Jake's back while he guided himself into his friend with the other. Jake tensed up on instinct as he felt Matt's cock pressing against his hole.

"Jake you have to make sure you relax or this is really going to hurt,"

Jake forced himself to calm down and felt his muscles relax. Pressing forward once more, Matt stopped just as the head slipped in. Waiting a moment, he slowly pressed forward. When he was halfway in, he stopped, allowing Jake to become accustomed to being stretched.

With a nod from Jake, Matt sunk the rest of his thick rod into the wolf; they moaned at this new sensation. Matt's cock was pressed firmly against Jake's prostate, causing his cock to leak pre. Matt slowly pulled his cock out until only the head remained, before thrusting in once more. Jake grunted as Matt's cock pressed against his prostate again. Reaching beneath himself, he grasped his cock behind his knot.

Above him, Matt began to pick up the pace, his thrusts faster and deeper. They moaned in unison as they slowly climbed closer to their peaks. Jake moaned as Matt's knot began banging against his tail hole.

Leaning over, Matt whispered in Jake ear, "I'm going to tie us, try and relax as much as you can, this might hurt."

Jake could only nod and moan as he pumped his own shaft harder. Matt tightened his grip on Jake's hips as he ploughed his cock in and out of the wolf's hole. With one final shove he forced forward, grinding his knot against Jake's tail hole. Slowly Jake felt himself being spread wide by the massive bulge. He whimpered in pain as he was stretched almost to his limit. The pain was incredible. Suddenly with a loud pop, it was over as Matt's knot past its peak and was sucked into Jake's hole.

Jake howled in pleasure and pain. Matt thrust hard, severely limited by the tie. With another howl, Jake felt his balls constrict. With Matt's knot pressed fully against his prostate, he was sent over the edge. His cock twitched, sending shot after shot of thick cum shooting across his paw and bed; Jake's ass clamped down on Matt's cock.

With a howl of his own, Matt thrust in as deeply as he could. Balls pulling tight, he fired shot after shot of cum into his new mate's ass. Jake gasped and panted as he felt Matt's cock twitching and throbbing inside him as it filled him with hot cum.

Matt collapsed onto Jake's back; the wolf gently lowered them to the bed, Matt's knot tugging painfully on his now very tender tail hole. Rolling onto his side so they could be more comfortable, Jake began to murr as he felt Matt gently rubbing his chest as the fox nuzzled his neck.

"I love you, Jake," Matt said softly, feeling himself drifting off to sleep.

"I love you too, Matt," Jake said rubbing the back of Matt's paw.

He too found his eyelids growing heavy. He smiled as he felt Matt's soft breath against the back of his neck, the fox' cock gently throbbed within him. Sighing happily, he rested his head against his pillow.

Things were finally beginning to feel right and starting to make sense. Jake realized he didn't feel the same confusion he had last time they had mated.

Looking at it now, with the realization that he was almost certainly bi; it made more sense and felt so much better. It was going to be tough to accept, but with Matt to help, he knew he could find it in himself to do it.