Ressie ch: 2- Lemmius story

Story by Rhysion on SoFurry

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#3 of Lemmius

The story continues on, but there is less of a focus on the yiff and more on story progression here. Solas and Ressie find out who she actually is, as well as have some more fun.

I feel rather bad that it took me more than a month to manage to get something written. Some of the delay has been from legitimately being busy, but most of it I can't explain. I just simply haven't been able to get myself to sit down and do any writing. Ideas come to my head constantly, but the urge to pen then does not.

But, I digress from the story. I do hope that the quality of my writing and story telling has been getting better. Let me know what you think, both critique and playful fun feedback is good with me as always.

Ressie Ch: 2

"Well Solas, was I right then? Your skunk friend was in fact a Lemmius and you had a good time finding out?" the large lioness seated at the desk in her classroom laughed. Solas looked away from both her and Ressie trying to hide his flush face.

"He loved being inside me, Mrs. Arobel. We had a great time together." Ressie reached her arm over to the red panda and wrapped it around his shoulders. "I really should thank you for helping me figure out and remember these things."

Mrs. Arobel smiled warmly. "You really should that that embarrassed looking ailurus that found you. Who knows what might have happened if he didn't."

She gave him a big wet lick across the side of his brown and white furred face. "Thank you both for helping me. I feel so much better with you than I was wandering around last week. Things are starting to make sense to me now, and I feel like I have a purpose of sorts."

"Oh, well, you're welcome Ressie," he coughed, muttering the words with a squeak."

"What's wrong Solas? Skunk got your tongue?" the feline joked. "Don't tell me you feel bad about this."

Solas shook his head, still nestled in the skunk's black fur. "No, no I don't. I don't feel bad about helping Ressie or even what we did together. It's just that, I still can't stop thinking how weird and a little creepy the whole idea of it is."

"But you said you enjoyed doing it, right?"

"Yeah, I did like it, but that doesn't really make it any less strange to me. I mean, who'd ever thought to make a fur as stretchy as you are, and to have someone else sleep inside them. It's just..."

"Intriguing?" Arobel finished the sentence for him with her own opinion. "I don't see how it's too much of a stretch of the imagination, no pun intended. There's so much diversity of life on this planet as it stands. Thanks to the development of genetic engineering a few decades ago we've been able to make small changes and solve many problems." Solas stalled, looking around the empty classroom before stopping and stared at his new friend and companion. "I know that lots of things are possible and all, but this isn't some small change - look!"

She let go of him and he grabbed the skunk's belly, pulling the tissue and skin under her black fur. "Ah hah hah hah! That tickles Solas!" She giggled has her elastic-like body was pulled more than half a foot outward, only to relax back to normal soon after being released.

"So, some scientist decided to do something new and exotic, but that's neither here nor there anymore," the lioness shrugged. "It's too late to approach this with anything other than objective curiosity. The genie's out of the bottle, and rather than try to put it back it might be better to just live with it now."

"Wait, are you suggesting that Ressie should live with me? The red panda responded, surprised and misinterpreting her words. His view shifted between the grinning women at his side and in front of him, the likes of which not exactly helping his situation.

"Well, that's not quite what I said, but I don't see why you shouldn't let her. It's not like you'll have a better chance to learn about certain things than this, Solas."

Ressie's eyes beamed with excitement as she turned to take hold of his paws. "Please Solas? I want to stay with you! You helped me out once already and I still want to do the same for you however I can."

Wasn't this the same scene I saw from the two of you the other day? Arobel chuckled. "It's still rather cute to see you being begged by a girl that much bigger than you, Solas."

"You know I won't be any trouble for you Solas. I won't even have to eat any of your food or anything," the skunk continued, clamping her paws around his. "Well, I suppose that all I'll need to eat is you!"

Mrs. Arobel and Ressie watched as a look of worry and fear began to take over his face at her remark. "Are you alright Solas? I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable or anything. I was just caught up in the moment."

"I-I'm okay," he replied after a brief pause of silence. "And I guess I don't have much choice about you living with me then either. It's fine with me."

Solas instantly flinched as he was surrounded almost instantly by the warm and very soft embrace of the skunk-fem as she hugged him tightly. She nuzzled the top of his head with her muzzle, bringing little relief to his troubled mind."

"Now I know something is wrong with you," Arobel folded her arms over top of her white shirt and leaned back. "There's something about this you're afraid of, isn't there?"

Still clutching the red panda in her arms like a large plush animal, Ressie spoke. "There's nothing to be scared of Solas! You know I wouldn't anything to hurt you! I'm sorry if I said something that did."

"It's not you, Ressie," he answered with a groan. "It's, it's me. The thought of something or someone eating me unnerves and scares me. It just does."

Ressie was taken aback as if she'd just heard the most nonsensical thing ever. "But, I don't actually eat and digest you; you know I can't do that. You're okay with going into me from the bottom, but what's wrong with going in through my mouth? It wouldn't hurt or be any different."

"I don't know, but ever since I was a pup the fear of something swallowing me whole always just frightened me."

"Now that's humorously ironic," the biology professor laughed. "But, Ressie does have a point. You might go into her mouth and belly, but you're not technically being eaten. You know, this does sound like a good chance to try and get over that fear with her help though. It'd be completely safe too."

"I won't make you do that if you don't want to Solas, but maybe I can help you with something after all. It would be the least I can do for you helping me like you have, especially with something so intimate."

He lightly moaned into her fur at the offer, still unsure of himself. "Maybe, I don't know. Let's just do this one step at a time first. We can talk about that later."

"Alright then, I'll ask you about it then. She let go of the upset red panda, who stood motionless for a moment afterward. "So, since class is over with for the day do you want to go get some lunch and head home? I know you mentioned how hungry you were after coming out of me. I wouldn't want my guest to feel tired or anything, now would I?"


"Hey, uh, Ressie?"


"Could you do me a favor and go fetch and apple out of the fridge please?"

"Sure Solas." The skunkette got up from the brown and black sofa in their apartment living room and walked over to the small adjoining kitchen. She grabbed a large red apple from the bottom shelf, rinsed it off in the sink, and tossed it in her mouth. The bulge that was the piece of fruit disappeared as it went down her throat whole.

"Thanks," she felt the words echo up from inside her belly.

Ressie giggled, "You're welcome Solas."

"Sure. Things have been pretty quiet today. I'm curious as to what you've been up to."

"Oh," she responded, slowly lying back down on the couch. "I've been reading some of your books off the shelf over there. Some of these are pretty interesting and neat."

The red panda paused mid-bite and twitched his tail, which was pressed up to his chest. "Wait, you don't mean the big old non-fiction and information ones, do you?"

"Is that what they are? I didn't know these were a certain kind of book." Ressie held up the tick tome turning it around and around and viewing the whole thing in her hands. "It just has a picture of some animals on the cover, and inside were a whole bunch more pictures and information about lots of different ones."

"Then that must be my Encyclopedia of the Animal Kingdom. I didn't figure you would be into those kinds of things." Solas scratched the side of his muzzle in the submerged darkness he was curled up in. "I've got other stuff you can do if you're that bored."

She shook her head, although the gesture wasn't one that anyone was able to see. "Oh no, these aren't boring at all Solas! It's fun learning about animals and stuff. I already finished reading your book on plants and trees while you were in class yesterday and Thursday."

"Really?!" he replied in shock. "That's a 300-something page book! It took me weeks to get through it. You didn't just look at the pictures and captions only, did you?"

"Well," the skunk confessed. "Sort of. I did read most of it though."

"I had no idea that you were that quick at it. I thought that lemmius were just made for... for these strange fetish reasons and you wouldn't have much reason to need an education or anything."

Ressie laughed, but mostly as the playful poking she was receiving from her friend inside her. "Sure, we're just as smart as any other normal fur," she prodded back at his tickling of her belly by petting over him with her paw. "I bet lots of us do the same things and work many of the same jobs that you can."

"Hmmm, maybe you can give me some help with my homework then," he chuckled, enjoying the feeling of the soft walls being pushed back around his body.

"Maybe, it might be more fun that way too." She continued to rub and stroke her bulging form, "But, I do remember you saying something about needing to be somewhere later tonight. When did you want me to let you out?"

"About five or so I think. Why, what time is it now?"

She glanced over at the clock above the television. "Four forty."

"I suppose we can go ahead and do this now then," Solas sighed. "Even if both of us would love to stay like this all weekend, I can't skip out on my gaming plans with my friends. We've been looking forward to this for a couple of weeks."

"Aw, I was hoping we could spend the whole weekend together, but I know this is important to you." Ressie turned and stood back up again, making her way to the bedroom. "I'll grab a couple of towels for you."

She set those down on the end of Solas' bed and climbed up herself. After lying on her back again, the skunk spoke. "Okay, I'm ready when you are."

Ressie tried to contain her laugher the best she could as the red panda squirmed around inside to reorient himself to exit head first. Twitching and waving her huge black and white striped tail all over the side of the bed, she finally felt him come to a stop.

"You know," she panted. "You can come out the other way instead of doing that to me every time."

"I know, but you know you like that part too. "She felt him press up against her entrance and gradually relaxed her body enough for the first paw to start pushing through.

Solas' black furred paw, as well as the first of much liquidy mess emerged from between the skunk's legs. His second was quick to follow, opening up the floodgates and not only soaking her fur, but his sheets as well.

Playfully, Ressie pushed at her belly from the top, which caused her guest to slip his head through sooner than he anticipated. "Wah! Ressie!" he gasped. "Don't scare me like that!"

"I do like that part though," she chuckled as he caught his breath. "The rest is easy anyway."

"Not that you had any issue with me or my size before." Solas grabbed onto the end of his bed and pulled his torso past her stretched opening, moving with virtually no resistance before having to stop and get a better grip.

Watching herself shrink back down in size and weight, Ressie tried to get a look at her friend all sopping wet. "You look so silly with all your puffy fur sticking to you like that. I still can't believe how small you really are under it either."

He finished pulling his legs and tail out, then stood and shook himself off lightly. "Yeah, I'm only this way because I'm all covered in you! It's a good thing this stuff dries pretty quickly and doesn't leave much more than the faint aroma of a certain skunk behind."

"Mmm..." she smiled. "I do need to go use the bathroom before you end up sleeping in the rest of it however. Well, I suppose you'll probably be sleeping in it anyway. It's me who'll have to lie down on the smelly blankets."

"I see how it is, trying to take my bed from me." He returned the gesture and picked up some towels and a change of clothes. "But I actually quite like that smell now. It's rather nice after spending long enough in it."

Ressie laughed as she ran out the door, holding one paw between her wet legs. "I'd love to talk more, but I really have to go take care of something first. There'll be plenty of time to chat as you wash all of that skunk off of you."

"I think I could use a hand with it too. It would only be fair since you were the one to get me all messy in the first place, right?"


Have you seen this skunk? Solas stopped in his tracks and snapped his head back at the paper pinned to the university's many bulletin boards. "Hey, that's..." He grabbed the sheet, photo and all.

...has been missing for more than three weeks... Please contact this number immediately if found... She may require special medical attention... May act strangely, but is completely harmless.

"There's no doubt about it; someone's looking for Ressie! Maybe they'd know more about her and where she came from." The red panda folded the notice, stuffing it into his pocked as he walked away. "But I don't have any idea who these people are. I don't think she would remember either. Who might know...?"

He paused a moment, scratching his muzzle in thought. "Ah! That's right!" A snap of his fingers preceded the figurative light bulb above his head. "She might be able to help me again."

It took a few minutes for classes to let out, but once the other students packed up and left Solas made his approach. "Hey, Solas, how're you doing today? I thought you weren't back in here till next week? Did you need help with something?"

"Yeah, I was hoping you might be able to take a look at something for me."

He reached for the paper and the lioness spoke again. "Homework trouble, or more skunk problems?"

"Oh, uh, it has more to do with Ressie than me actually." He handed it off to her, grinning in embarrassment. "I've been getting homework and study help from her to be honest. I had no idea she was so smart."

Mrs. Arobel read over the posting with curious eyes, flicking her tail behind her as she sat. "This looks like..."

"Ressie, I know," Solas interrupted. "Do you have any idea who it is that's trying to find her or if they might be able to help?"

"Biovoarnet Labs..." she pondered, tapping a claw on the desk. "I can't say that name is familiar, but you should probably give them a call. So far this has been your only lead on the girl."

Solas sighed, "Well, I suppose I'll give it a shot." Arobel handed back the phone number to him and he dialed.

A few short rings later and a somewhat squeaky voice answered. "Hello? You've reached Biovoarnet Labs, this is Glynn, laboratory assistant speaking"

"H-hello, I found your flyer on the bulletin board at my university and-"

"The one about the missing lemi- Skunk girl Ressie? Please tell me that you found her and she's not sick!"

"Yeah," Solas nodded his head as he replied, either unaware or uncaring that his action was all but invisible to the fur on the other end. "I found her almost two week ago and have been taking care of her since. Neither of us could figure out where she came from though."

"Oh thank goodness" the voice cheered in joy. "Now, is Ressie okay? Is she sick or anything? Have you tried doing anything to help her?"

The red panda blushed deeply as he thought of what to say. He did quite a lot to help her, and it was nothing but bizarre to say the least. "Uh, well, kind of. We did do something a bit, um, personal..."

"You didn't enter Ressie, did you? The process and experience can be quite unsettling if you're not prepared for it."

"Tell me about it," he rolled his eyes, eliciting a devious smirk from the feline to his left. "But we've been doing that almost every day since I found her, and everything seems okay, other than Ressie missing some memories."

"Oh dear, amnesia. That's a known complication that sometimes occurs when lemmius go too long without a partner." He paused for a second and the sound of shuffling papers was heard. "Okay, Mr..."


"Mr. Solas, I would like to come out and check up on Ressie. Is she with you now?"

"No, not right now," Solas responded. "I'm at the university right now, and she's back at my apartment."

"Okay, okay, would I be able to come out later today at some point? I can meet you either at your apartment or at the school, but I must have a chance to see Ressie."

Solas looked at the clock on the wall above the door. "Yeah, I can go back and get her in a little bit. Probably an hour or two."

"Great! I'll see you soon then. I hope we can sort things out for everyone."

"Alright, thanks." Solas closed his cell phone and turned back to his teacher. "I guess they really were looking for Ressie."

She grinned, "Sounds like you'll be able to get to the bottom of this whole thing soon then." He nodded his head. "Don't forget, I still want a paper out of you too!"


Solas sighed as he sat quietly in the free classroom, waiting for Glynn to get there. Ressie had been pacing around, reading posters, notes, and anything else left in there, brushing her tail across his fur as she passed by.

All four ears twitched and perked up at the sound of a noisy click in the nearby corner of the room. They both turned to see a mouse morph not more than five feet tall walk through the doorway carrying a large stack of papers and books. His face beamed with joy when he saw the skunk girl, nearly letting his things slip from his paws.

"Ressie! You're all right! You have no idea how worried we were about you!" She crooked her head to the side, puzzled.

"I don't think I know you, or remember you, mister mousy." The rodent set his papers on the table and wrapped his arms around her. Compared to Ressie, he was quite noticeably shorter and probably half her size.

"Oh no. Your amnesia is as bad as I feared." She tried smiling back to his mixed greeting, petting the rim of the mouse's round tan ear when he let go. "And you must be the fur who found and helped Ressie; Mr. Solas, was it?"

The red panda nodded, standing up from his char. "That's me, but just Solas is fine. I take it you're the person I talked to on the phone a little while ago, Glynn?"

Glynn stuck his paw out to shake Solas' in affirmation. "Yes, and again I can't thank you enough for what you've done for both Ressie and I. Had I not screwed up none of this would have happened and she wouldn't have had to go for so long without a mate."

Solas blushed, turning away to try and hide his embarrassment. "Ah, well, it was the least I could do." His face turned even redder when he glanced over at the skunkette and the thought of what he did to help her came to his head. "So, Glynn, why don't we all sit down and have you explain what's going on, and what's going to happen now."

"To address your first possible worry," he said as he pulled a chair out from the plastic and metal table. "No, I don't have to take Ressie with me if you want her to stay with you, provided you can take care of her."

She nearly tipped over into Solas when she excitedly reached over to hug him at the news. "That's wonderful!" she cried. " Solas and I can spend all the time in the world together now!"

"That is great to hear!" he smiled warmly as his face was nuzzled by hers. "Then with that answered I guess, what can you tell me about Ressie and lemmius? How did she end up wandering around outside the school?"

"That is a good question and I wish I had a better answer for it. This all started about a month ago, and I'm guessing that after she was dropped off at the wrong place by mistake, either they or Ressie turned her out. With no place to go, nor a partner, she wandered around for a while."

The skunk just shrugged. "Eventually you found her and also figured out how to help her as well."

"Well, we got a little help from my professor for that part," Solas replied. "But why doesn't Ressie remember anything though?"

"As you probably know, lemmius are created artificially in a lab. A lot of genetic manipulation goes into changing the original species into one, and despite our best efforts it isn't a 100% thing. Mephitypes, skunks like Ressie, have a tendency to lose memory and knowledge quickly if they go too long without nourishment.

Glynn paused and scratched his head for a moment, looking like he was trying to remember something. "Uh, let's see now, felitypes usually lose their ability to speak and purr for a while. Vulpitypes start shedding all of their fur uncontrollably. Ursatypes develop an incredibly short attention span..."

"Okay, I get it," Solas cut the mouse's long winded description off. "Lemmius have some issues. Will Ressie ever get her memories back, or are they gone forever?"

He shook his head disappointedly. "No, I'm afraid the loss is irreversible, although some faint traces do remain sometimes. They're usually very fleeting and more like a sense of deja vu. On the bright side, she can learn very quickly."

Ressie grinned with an expression of playful pride. "I noticed that actually. She's gone through nearly half of my bookshelf already," Solas rolled his eyes.

"Oh, don't look so down Solas. At least I can help you with some of your school work now."

The mouse laughed at the remark and shuffled his stack of papers, pulling a few out. "Well Solas, I've just got one more thing for you to do if you want to keep Ressie; some standard paperwork, nothing too much. We just want to be able to know where Ressie's at and all that."

He nodded, looking over the forms. "And I've also got a few extra things for you two as well. Here's a general information booklet on lemmius, and this one's got specifics on mephitypes in it."

"Okay, thanks Glynn."

"Yes, thank you Glynn!" Ressie got up out of her seat and walked around to hug the little rodent. "I'm really sorry I can't remember you, but you've helped both Solas and me out so much today."

She gave him a wet sloppy lick, matting the fur on the side of his face. "Aw, I loved it when you did that to me back in the lab. I'll miss you too, but I'm just so relieved that everything worked out find and you weren't hurt."

"Come on Solas, let's go back home and celebrate. I haven't felt this happy since we were first together."

Still haven't been able to come up with a proper title for this either. That hasn't been bothering me nearly as much as the lack of drive to write though. I really need to find a solution to that issue, and soon. There's a lot of interesting stuff I want to write about.