Love at Last
Hello again. This is just a follow up piece to the "In Training" story I wrote a while back. Most of them are intended to be one-shot deals but sometimes I get the urge to write again based on the last one. As per usual this story has adult material. Character names belong to their respective owners.
Love at Last
Love at Last
It was a hot spring day in Thunder Bluff. The Lunar Festival was in full swing and races from all across Azzeroth were celebrating. Coincidentally it was also the same time as the Heart Festival. A time where those of both factions traveled about the major cities seeking love. It was also the least favored time of the year for Shoon.
Having proven hirself to the horde, and keeping hir "attributes" a secret, the world held only the weight of hir loneliness. Shi had had several relationships in the past. Some lasting a few weeks, others were stretching into months, hir longest being a full year. Inevitably the topic of sex would be brought up, each time ruining hir relationship with whomever shi was with. It eventually got to the point shi abandoned having a personal relationship with anyone anymore, preferring to stay in the solitude of hir home on the tier of Spirit Rise. It had been 5 years since shi had last seen Bela. The week after the she had finally declared her love for Shoon, the drums of war sounded and Orgrimmar put out a call for its finest warriors. Bela of course answered, and disappeared into the mysterious world of outland. The years following had been difficult and straining on the young warrioress. Shi had risen to a position of power in the later years of Bela's absence, becoming the chief weapon smith of Thunder Bluff's forge, and even being assigned several weapons contracts for Orgrimmar's troops, a title shi held with pride. Shi had indeed become strong in hir own right. Abandoning the ways of hir training for that of a protector, dedicating hirself to keeping all that shi cared for safe. Recently in fact shi was promoted to being one of Cairne Bloodhoof's most trusted advisors, all after shi had given up any hope of loving again.
It was because of all this that shi spent yet another week of happiness alone in the warmth of hir large tent, kneeled on the soft warm blankets and cushions that made up the base of hir home. Hir hand held a small quill pen which shi used to write out blacksmithing plans to hir most recent class of students. This new influx of aspiring blacksmiths had great promise, and brought ease to the mind of the tauren. Shi wore hir usual attire: a simple pair of brown slacks only a slightly darker shade than hir fur, and a faded white linen shirt, which strained to contain hir breasts. The shirt was a gift from Bela and shi had always worn it, one of the few reminders of her shi had left. Finishing the last of nine plans, shi rolled it up and bound it in a simple leather strap, placing the kodo skin parchment in a small satchel near hir. Shi looked around at the various baskets in hir home, eventually crawling over to one and retrieving a slice of salted meat from it. Tearing off small pieces shi sucked on the meat as shi lay on hir back staring up at the long wooden poles that held up the walls. Shi lay in this position for a while... just thinking about all that had transpired over time.
Hours ticked by; customary for how shi spent these social holidays. Cairne had yet to call upon hir, and the rest of hir work for the day had already been taken care of. Shi decided a nap would do hir some good, and closed hir eyes. The attempt at sleep was short-lived however, as the sounds of approaching feet met hir ears. The sounds stopped not far from the flaps to hir tent and a faint silhouette of a war wolf with a rider. What puzzled hir was that the rider was nowhere near the dimensions of an Orc, this was someone else. The rider dismounted and approached the flaps to hir tent; he leaned in and seemed to listen for a moment before raising a hand and patting the tent flaps a few times. "Hello? Anyone in 'dere?"
Shoon recognized the accent as something familiar, something shi'd heard before. A troll perhaps? But shi hadn't dealt with one of those since shi was in Stranglethorn. The accent was somewhat faint to hir. "Yes. Who is it?"
"Oh. I be wonderin' if ya happen ta have any spare food for mah wolf. 'Dis heat is makin' 'im ratha hungry."
Shoon looked around, shi was clothed enough to mask hir appendage, and was never one to turn away guests, provided they arrived at opportune times of course. Shi searched around for the basket and pulled two large strips of salted meat out of it. "I do. You may come in, but please leave him outside."
The figure entered slowly, poking his head between the flaps. It was definitely a troll. Shi could tell by the long teal ears coming out from the back of his mask, which seemed to be constructed of the head skin of a wolf. "Nice place yah got 'ere." He stepped fully inside, dressed in deep blue robes with an exquisite, unfamiliar, cobalt trim. At first glance Shoon guessed he was a priest, or perhaps a mage.
"Thank you. Here is some salted meat for your wolf."
"Ah t'anks miss." He opened the flap some and tossed the large strips out to what Shoon noticed was a large black war wolf, the kind rode by the majority of the Warsong clan.
"Is there anything I could get for you...?" Shi trailed off, not knowing the stranger's name.
"Mah name be Jyogorr. And nuh'ting be necessary miss. If 'ah may be so bold, but may 'ah stay here for a short bit? It be hot outside today."
"You may. What brings you to the Bluff today Jyogorr?"
"'Dis city be calmer 'dan Orgrimmar. It be mah favorite place ta' t'ink."
"'Think'? I assume you are a magician then?"
Jyogorr nodded, wiping a bit of sweat from his brow.
"Are you sure I can not get you anything Jyogorr? You seem rather overheated."
"It be 'dis heat. Mah wolf T'ief 'an 'ah aren't used to it. We come from colder climates."
"Where exactly?" Shoon reached over for another piece of the meat shi was eating from before, keeping hir legs closed, as shi usually did in the presence of public.
Jyogorr scratched his chin, "'Ah be Frostmane. 'Ah come from 'da place of 'da dwarves. Dun Morogh."
"That's quite a distance to travel. I assume the reason you are here in Kalimdor is because of the war?"
He nodded, pulling off his gloves and shaking his hands lightly to cool the sweat off of them.
"Then where have you stayed recently? With the rest of the Darkspear tribe in Orgrimmar?"
He shook his head, "Nah, 'ah be livin wherever 'ah happen to be at 'da time."
"Oh... That's very sad."
He simply shrugged and pulled a small waterskin from the confines of his robe and uncorked it, pouring the contents into his mouth. After wiping his chin, he re-corked it and placed it back to wherever he pulled it from in the first place. "Life goes on. What abou' joo? Joo from around 'ere?"
"No actually. I grew up in the jungles of Ferelas," Shi stopped there. Deciding going on was a bit shi really didn't want to remember at the time.
"'Ah see. Bad history?" The troll cocked his head, smiling behind his wolf mask.
Shi nodded softly, not particularly too concerned at his accuracy. Shi dismissed it as a lucky guess.
"Care to tell meh abou' it?" His voice was soft, more concerned than inquisitive.
"Well...," Shi hesitated, unsure why this stranger was so intent as to hir past.
"'Ah be curious. 'Ah don't want joo to feel bad now. 'Dis be a happy week."
Shoon looked at him with disbelieving eyes, how had he...?
"'Ah be a priest missus Shoon. A follower 'ah 'da shadows. Don't worry. I be a kinder one 'dan most," He said with a soft smile.
Shi glared at him. "So you don't even need to ask. You could just take what information you wanted from me and be gone."
"Aye 'dat be true. But if 'ah really was like 'dat, don't joo tink 'ah would'a done 'dat already?" He kept up his warm smile.
Shoon continued glaring, but eventually dropped hir gaze to the floor. "I suppose you're right."
"'Dat be ok. Most folks don't trust a priest of 'da shadows."
"My apologies Jyogorr," Shi exhaled, preparing to explain hir story. Jyogorr shifted down, balancing on his toes quite well, preparing to hear it. "I grew up in Ferelas, as I said... though times weren't easy. There were marauding Gnolls that did combat with the guards constantly, the threat of the Ogres from Dire Maul, and the numerous wild beasts. My family and I lived peaceful lives in Camp Mojache. By the time I was 12 however... I made a mistake and told the wrong person the wrong secret."
Jyogorr brought his right hand up to his chin and rested his large tusks on it. Listening intently.
"Well eventually word got around about it. And the village disowned me. My family, concerned about my well being, decided we should seek out help from the nearby Shatterspear tribe of trolls in Desolace. Perhaps you are familiar with them?"
Jyogorr simply shook his head a few times.
"Oh... In any case, we had hoped that they had a shaman in their midst, one that could cure me of my problem. So we set out on the next caravan leaving the camp. Along the way though we were ambushed by ogres from Dire Maul. They... weren't merciful," Shoon's eyes softly began to fill with tears, recollecting the moments.
"'Ah see. 'Ahm very sorry."
Shoon waved it off with a hand. "What's done is done, I ask only you leave the remainder of that memory alone. It is... not something I wish others knowing."
"Of course missus Shoon," He nodded.
Shi exhaled softly then continued with hir story, "Well. After this fight I
was brought into the companionship of a massive and wonderful tauren named Bela. She was... incredible. She taught me to fight, how to defend myself. And eventually we became close. Times I will cherish forever. Those memories however, are also private."
Jyogorr nodded once more. "An' what of these Shatterspear Trolls? Joo ever reach 'dem?"
Shi shook hir head no. "We ended up staying in the jungle for many more months. I had never been far outside of the camp so I assumed the jungle simply was just that massive. After a while however the time came that we needed to part ways. She was called off to explore the ruins of Draenor. Also called Outland by some. I haven't seen her since, and that was three years ago."
"'Ah see. Joo did lead a sad life. 'Ah'm sorry."
"All things happen under the Earthmother's guidance. Though I do perhaps wish that I had reached those trolls. Maybe with their help I could have relieved myself of this thing, and perhaps enjoy a normal relationship."
Jyogorr cocked his head curiously. "Joo never told meh what 'dat t'ing was. 'Da t'ing 'dat got you banished from 'da camp."
Shoon dodged the inquiry, "You told me you were a priest correct?"
"'Da be right."
"Do you know anything of Shamanism?"
Jyogorr hesitated for a moment or two. "Nah really. 'Ah be mostly just a priest. 'Ah leave most a 'dat stuff alone." Shoon's expression saddened as hir eyes turned toward the tent flaps. "Why? What joo ask for?"
"Call it blind hope..." Shi responded, not taking hir eyes off the entrance.
"'Ah suppose joo was curious as to me fixin' your problem?"
"I was." Shi lay on hir back heavily, staring back up toward the ceiling. Same position as shi was when the troll had first arrived.
"Well... maybe 'ah can still help joo?" his voice hopeful.
"I doubt it. I've seen priests before, and the powers of our own shamans. Only the shamans of your kind delve deep enough into the arts of witchcraft that would be required to rid me of this."
Jyogorr scoffed, "Joo sound like joo 'ave no faith in mah abilities. 'Dat sounds hardly like someone who's lookin' for every option."
Shi sighed, "Perhaps... Maybe you are right. Tell me something though, I've read many books on your kind over the years. Some of them quite interesting, one of them mentioned that hermaphrodites are not uncommon among your females," shi sits up, "Is that true?"
He nods, "Aye 'dere be a good numba' a females 'dat be both. If 'dat be what ya mean. Me, 'ahm used to seein 'em."
"Ever met one that wished to no longer be one?"
Jyogorr cocked his head, "Joo be suggestin 'dat... joo be one?"
Shi nodded softly, "Yes. I am. I have been since I was just a calf. Sadly tauren hermaphrodites, or Neashushamen as we've been called, are severely looked down upon by other tauren. We are seen as freaks, or impure beings, not created by the Earthmother. As a result, I have never been able to know love."
"But joo say joo and 'dis Bela got close." Jyogorr responded.
Shi nods, "We did. And I did love her. But now that she is gone I have tried to move on, though I have only found sadness and disappointment. I have looked around for another female, perhaps one that could understand my situation. But few will openly admit to that sort of preference."
Jyogorr stood and walked over to Shoon, crouching again on hir right side, eying hir from top to bottom. Shi looked at him warily, but remained unmoving. "'Ah only wish to help missus Shoon. 'Ah wont do any'ting you tell meh not to."
"You believe you can cure me of this then?"
"'Ah don't know. 'Ah'd have to see it first," he stated. There was no hint of sarcasm or ill intentions in his voice.
Shi continued to sit, unmoving, still staring at the troll.
"Mah apologies missus Shoon. 'Ah ment only to help," he stood and walked back across the room. "If joo want me to go, 'ah believe T'ief be finished eatin and be rested by now." He picked up his gloves and began to put them on.
Shi remained sitting, staring at Jyogorr as he replaced his gloves, back turned to hir. Several thoughts were going through hir head as shi considered all the possibilities of his intentions. He could have been here only to ascertain information about hir, for use by another party to ruin hir reputation. But shi couldn't remember anyone shi had ever wronged in hir life. But what if his intentions were sincere? Maybe he really did intend to help. At the very least it was worth a shot...
"Wait a moment Jyogorr..." Shi stood slowly as the troll turned around, his gloves now on. Shoon's hands reached down to the belt holding hir pants and began to slowly undo it, hir eyes locked on the troll constantly. His face still masked, but his body made no hostile movements, nothing aggressive. He remained standing, watching hir undress hir lower half. When shi finally pulled the belt free, shi pushed the pants down and off of hir body. Stepping out of them, hir linen shirt only came down to just above hir waist so everything from there down was fully exposed. Jyogorr made an inquisitive hum, and beckoned hir over, with which shi complied. He crouched in front of hir and placed his right hand on his chin once more, examining hir balls, and the soft brown furry sheath. After a moment of observing he reached up and lightly hefted the large tauren orbs.
Shoon made no sounds, other than a soft gasp as the troll placed a gloved hand on hir testicles. Shi hadn't had another person touch hir since shi had been with Bela five years ago, and to be honest, it was taking a considerable amount of effort not to become aroused by his touching. Shi felt him lift hir balls and place a second hand at hir vent, pushing one of hir lower lips to the side, still making his inquisitive 'hmm's. It eventually came to the point where shi no longer could fight the feeling and placed both hir large hands over the top of hir crotch to prevent him from seeing hir sheath fill.
Jyogorr stood after a minute or two more of his examination, "'Ah see. 'Ah've never seen a tauren wit' both sets before. Joo definitely be an interestin' one."
Shoon backed up and knelt on the floor, not replacing hir pants but keeping hir hands over hir crotch. "So, is there anything you can do?"
He shook his head softly, "'Ahm sorry missus Shoon, but 'Ah've never dealt wit' a tauren 'ermaphrodite before. Though 'ah must admit joo are much better appearin' 'dan 'ah t'ought," he gave hir his most convincing and friendly smile.
Shoon's expression saddened once more. Shi sighed heavily and looked off to hir side, "I thank you for your time regardless. I trust I have your word of honor you will tell no one?"
"Oh of course joo do," he frowned as he approached hir once more, crouching next to hir and playing a bold move by placing his arm around hir shoulders. "Joo really let 'dis get to joo, eh?"
"Of course I do. No one will love me for who I am, the mere mention sends friends I believed to be close to me into confusion. They distance themselves from me, and stop speaking to me entirely. If mention of this ever got out, I could have my professional life jeopardized. It is not something I can take lightly."
Jyogorr pursed his lips into a frown and rubbed hir opposite shoulder, "Joo know. I didn't leave 'da moment joo mentioned it. 'Dere be no'ting wrong wit' bein both. Just some be not willin to understand it be not common."
Hir face softened a little. "You are right at least on the count of not leaving. Though you must understand my pain at times such as the Heart Festival. It is about love and with me being the way I am, I can not possibly find any."
He continued rubbing hir shoulders, unsure how to proceed. He was startled slightly when shi lay into his chest, resting there.
"I appreciate that you have come by though. Your visit has been pleasant company and it is good to know there are well spirited ones in this world that possess an open mind."
"Oh... it be no'ting missus Shoon. 'Ah be happy to help someone in need."
Shi smiled softly to hirself as shi lay against the troll, content shi had found at least one friend that would not run at the first mention of hir differences. Shi began to reach a hand up and hug him, letting him know that shi had accepted him as a friend, when shi brushed against something rather stiff underneath his robes. "What's, what was that...?" Shi pulled away somewhat quickly, blinking at Jyogorr. Shi reached back to that spot, the troll unmoving. It only took a moment for hir to register what it was.
"You're..." Shi started. To which the troll nodded softly.
"'Ah be sorry missus Shoon. 'Ah really am! But joo were... just... so attractive. 'Ah couldn't help it. 'Ah'll leave... let me get my t'ings." Jyogorr quickly stood, bending over to drape his robes, attempting to conceal his erection as best he could.
Shoon remained on the floor, watching him once again. Similar thoughts running through hir mind again. This time it wasn't until he was already outside of the tent and approaching his wolf that shi called him back, "Jyogorr... please come back." Shi surprised hirself at hir own boldness.
After a few moments of awkward quiet, the troll poked his head through the tent flaps, "Yes, missus Shoon?"
Shi looked at hir knees as shi sat, "I... were you being truthful when you said... I was attractive?"
He took a moment to respond, "Every word."
"Come back inside..."
Jyogorr stepped cautiously through the flaps and stood near the entrance. He watched as Shoon reached for the hem of hir shirt, then slowly pulled it over hir head, letting hir large tauren breasts bounce freely. Shi looked up at him, now completely naked in hir light brown fur. "Would you be willing to, stay just a bit more? You've been so kind, and helpful. And I don't want to spend another Heart Festival alone..." Shi blushed as shi said the words, looking more towards his blue feet that stuck out from under his robes, than his face.
Jyogorr smiled as he approached hir, kneeling, "Joo be sure? 'Ah've only just met joo."
Shi nodded, "You've already proven to be a far greater friend than anyone else I have met before," shi reached up and cupped his chin, "I would be honored."
He bobbed his head once and stood, slowly removing his gloves and placing them off to the side. Next came his robes, as he undid the various strings and the belt holding the flaps closed. With those off he slowly parted the flaps and let it gently slide from his shoulders, being completely naked underneath them. He crouched and straddled Shoon's lap, reaching under hir arms to hold hir back. Shoon cocked hir head, noticing he hadn't removed the mask.
"'Ah always leave it on. Except when 'ah be bathin, or anytime it would get damaged. 'Ah hope joo don't mind?"
Shi shook hir head, "Not at all Jyogorr." Shi smiled and the two sat there, naked save for Jyogorr's wolf mask, holding each other as their faces slowly moved closer together. Shoon was the first to close the gap as shi pressed hir muzzle to his lips, kissing him softly as hir hands ran along his back.
The pair leaned back slowly till Shoon was once again laying, Jyogorr now on top of hir, he looked down and noticed his semi-hard member was resting against Shoon's own crotch, the head of hir large tauren shaft poking free of hir filling sheath, both of their parts touching. "'Ah never imagined 'ah would, have anudda cock, touchin' meh like 'dis."
"And I never imagined I would feel such a way with a complete stranger." Shi smiled and placed a hand on his chest softly, his own running from hir back along hir sides, on up to hir breasts. They were large, even by tauren standards, and Jyogorr couldn't help but smile as he began to massage them, making Shoon moan softly in response.
Shi hirself was ecstatic; shi hadn't been this close with someone for so long, and with a male nonetheless. Shi couldn't help but press up against Jyogorr as hir member hardened alongside his, one of the troll's massaging hands reached down and gently took hold of their shafts, stroking them together. Shoon smiled down between hir breasts as hir own member, pink with mottled black spots near the base, contrasted so much against Jyogorr's, which was entirely blue save the head, which was a bluish purple.
"I've... never had a male before," Shoon could feel hirself blush as hir eyes were glued to Jyogorr's now hardened cock.
"Never?" He asked with a slight tone of happiness in his voice, "'Den 'ahm to be your first?" Shi nodded softly.
Jyogorr smiled once again and stood up off of hir, his member swaying softly. Shoon spread hir legs slowly for him, giving him a view of hir slit, already moist with hir arousal. Kneeling between hir legs, he reached forward and tentatively took hold of hir shaft, running his hand along it from tip to base, then lifting the tauren cock up and stroking it softly. Shi moaned at his actions, a small bead of pre forming at hir tip. Jyogorr eyed the substance for a moment, before slowly leaning forward and licking along the head of hir shaft, tasting hir for the first time. Shoon reached a hand down to his head and held it gently, rubbing hir thumb along his cheek, encouraging him. He glanced up to hir and hir warm smile, and then focused back down, pursing his lips and lowering his mouth around hir cock. He took only the top few inches into his mouth, making up for the rest of it with his hands, which rubbed softly along hir length. Shoon moaned aloud now, all the memories of being with another coming back to hir quickly as shi began to softly move hir hips up in an attempt to press more of hir shaft into his mouth. Jyogorr, uneasy at first, now suckled happily and began to bob his head slowly, stroking hir in tandem with his mouth. Shoon's hands reached up and began to work on hir breasts, hir eyes glued to Jyogorr, only half open. After a few more gentle humps shi moved hir tail up between his legs and felt his own erection.
"Why don't we... change positions? I want to... see what you taste like," shi asked, blushing heavily under hir tan fur.
He took his mouth off of hir shaft and nodded to hir, moving around and kneeling over hir head, his shafts tip inches from hir muzzle. He lowered himself onto hir and shi took the head of his cock into hir mouth, letting him slide into it along hir tongue as he lay down on top of hir, his head coming near hir member once again, his mouth taking the length back into it.
Shoon finally had hir first taste of a real cock in hir mouth, other than hir own. Hir eyes were locked open, staring at his hairless balls as the scent of musk hit hir nostrils, and the taste of his pre on hir tongue. Shi too began sucking with vigor; eager to taste someone else's cum for a change. A moan from around hir shaft is what shi got in response, as well as a soft spurt of pre, to which shi happily cooed and suckled harder. Jyogorr moved the hand closest to hir base down below hir balls, cupping them softly. It wasn't long before Shoon began to feel that long missed pressure build in the base of hir shaft, hir hips pressing against Jyogorr's movements more fervently. Seeing hir urgency, Jyogorr picked up his pace, stroking hir faster and putting everything he could into sucking hir shaft, moaning around it from the pleasure he himself was feeling. Without a doubt, moments later shi came, hard, moaning audibly around his shaft. Jyogorr opened his eyes wide as he caught the first jet of hir tauren seed, filling his mouth. He took his head off hir shaft as several more strong jets of cum shot from hir cock, landing on his wolf mask, as well as his chest and belly. After six powerful shots hir orgasm subsided leaving the troll's chest a sticky mess, which dripped down onto hir fur, some leftovers drooling from hir tip.
After collecting hirself, shi began sucking hard on his member once more, moving hir head as best shi could below him. He soon felt the pleasure increase and lay down completely, breathing his hot pants onto hir still erect cock. He too began to slightly move his hips in and out of hir mouth, hir muzzle proving to accommodate his shaft quite well. Rising to his elbows, he looked behind him, watching hir suck as he moved. Shoon wrapped hir long tauren tongue around his cock, gripping it as tightly as shi could. Shi could taste his pre dripping into hir mouth regularly, quick to whisk it away and swallow the slick substance...
"'Ahm gonna..." he managed to get out before he clenched his eyes tightly. Shoon felt his member twitch once, then winced happily as shi tasted the first squirt of his troll cum, which shi swallowed quickly. Shi managed to get almost every squirt of his cum down save for a bit that flowed around hir lips, running down hir muzzle. When he was finished, he pulled out of hir muzzle softly and turned around once more to face hir. Shi had the biggest smile on hir face and a small trail of white leading from hir lips, as well as the matted cum on hir belly from what didn't land on Jyogorr.
"Thank you Jyogorr, you taste, really good."
He blushed slightly under his mask and nodded his thanks, scratching the back of his head, he looked down and noticed he was still hard. "Joo said joo, never had a male?"
Shi blushed and nodded, hir hands now resting on his thighs.
"Joo... wanna fix 'dat?" he asked, smiling softly to hir and rubbing hir hands with his own.
"I would... enjoy that very much Jyogorr."
He smiled as he once again moved between hir legs, stroking himself softly. He inched closer to hir, resting his member on hir balls as he looked up to hir. Hir expression was almost pleading, hir desire to have a male for the first time overpowering hir. He smiled and rubbed his hand along hir thigh as he pulled back and rubbed the head of his shaft against hir slit. Shi was soaking wet from all the attention to hir other part, and as he pressed the head of his shaft into hir, it slid in smoothly for the first few inches.
"'Dis may hurt a bit, if'n it be your first time."
Shi nodded and gripped the pillows near hir, bracing hirself. Hir vent worked around the head of Jyogorr's shaft, trying to draw him in deeper. He leaned forward, not pressing in any farther yet, all the way till he was once again leaning over hir. He looked down between the two at himself and rubbed hir side softly, before slamming himself into hir hard, all the way to the hilt. Hir face scrunched as he took hir virginity, clenching hir teeth tightly. He reached up to hir muzzle and ran his thumb along it softly, holding still while shi adjusted to hir first cock ever. Shi opened hir eyes and smiled softly up to him, holding onto his arm and giving him a slight nod. He began to pull back, his member quickly coated by hir juice. He moved only a few inches, and then pressed just as softly back into hir. Watching the expression on hir face soften as hir eyes gently closed and hir mouth opened just barely visibly. He smiled down at hir as his thrusts increased in length, he began pulling out close to half way, before sliding smoothly back into hir, hir wetness covering his crotch now, as well as making his balls slightly wet when they made contact with hir underside. Hir breaths became short gasps and hir breathing deepened as hir mouth opened slightly more. Jyogorr kept up his mild pace, pressing smoothly into hir and then pulling back out half way again. It wasn't long before shi began rolling hir hips back against him, hir own shaft still hard and once again leaking pre onto hir belly.
The two took their turns thrusting and pulling, rocking against one another with the wet sounds of their actions heard softly throughout the tent. One of Jyogorr's hands moving down to stroke hir shaft once more, soliciting a heated moan from hir lips, as well as a gentle glob of pre from the tip. He picked up his pace after a while beginning to press into hir more forcefully, feeling his balls slap against hir backside as hir mouth was now fully open, hir loud moans surely heard by anyone nearby the tent at the time. Once again, shi didn't last long, reaching up and grabbing Jyogorr suddenly as shi came again around his shaft, gripping him tightly against hir as hir hooves wrapped around his backside, holding him close and forcing him to make quick thrusts into hir orgasming pussy. Shi continued to press hirself against him, feeling his belly rub against hir shaft, it doesn't take long for him to join hir in climax, jetting his hot troll seed deep into hir slit, some of the excess flowing out around his shaft onto his balls. Feeling hot cum flow into hir for the first time, shi lost it once more, orgasming with hir male part this time; hir warm cum being pressed between the two as shi nearly gripped the fragile troll priest in a death lock, hir white juice audibly squirting around hir belly as it pasted the two from between.
The two lay there panting for what seemed like hours before Jyogorr finally recovered, looking into Shoon's eyes. He leaned in slowly and kissed hir once more. Shi graciously returned the kiss, breaking a few minutes later as he pulled back and away, removing his shaft from hir warm vent with a wet 'pop'.
"Thank you Jyogorr... that was incredible."
"As it was for meh. Joo definitely are sumtin special, missus Shoon."
Shi blushed, still caked in hir cum. Shi watched as Jyogorr began to clean himself up, then made for his robes. Shi rolled over to hir side, "You aren't staying?"
He turned and smiled to hir, "'Ah would love to very much missus Shoon. But 'ah wouldn't want to impose."
"You wouldn't be imposing at all. I would be honored if you would stay with me," shi smiled warmly.
He frowned, "'Ahm sorry, but 'ah can't. 'Ah need to get T'ief home so 'e doesn't eat anyone," He chuckled lightly.
"Oh... well know that you are welcome in my home anytime you wish to visit Thunder Bluff again. I would very much like to see you." Shi sat up on one arm, tucking hir legs up, laying them sideways.
"'Ah t'ank joo 'den missus Shoon." He made his way across the tent, now fully clothed; he stuck his head out the tent flaps. "Oooh boy. 'dis not be good."
Shoon crawled over to the flaps and also stuck hir head out of them. The two were witness to Jyogorr's massive black riding wolf stepping slowly, yet determinedly towards a female Bluffwatcher. Who was currently backed up against a totem. They both noticed T'ief was also sporting a massive erection. Shoon couldn't help but giggle.
"T'ief! HEEL!" He called out. The wolf looked over at him, along with the frightened Bluffwatcher. T'ief stopped his approach and sat down, Jyogorr stepped out of the tent, the Bluffwatcher taking a brisk pace back down the cobblestone path away from the trio. Jyogorr turned to Shoon, "'Ah bettah get him outta 'ere before anyt'ing else happens. Good luck to joo missus Shoon." He waved as he mounted his riding wolf and patted its sides.
"Goodbye Jyogorr... Please come back soon." Shoon watched on as Jyogorr's riding wolf stood, and began turning.
"C'mon T'ief, lets get joo taken care ah'"
Shoon watched with the tent flaps clutched tightly around hir neck, 'A male that didn't run... that cares for me and finds me attractive. I feel the same way I did 5 years ago.' Shi smiled and shook hir head, 'I wonder if he will be back...'
Jyogorr, well out of earshot, spoke quietly to himself. "Oh joo can count on it, mah love."