The Roaring Girl and the Silent Woman

Story by Robur on SoFurry

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#7 of Evil Petting Zoo

This story is concurrent with "Method Acting" and some scenes are shared by the two stories. I hope nothing in here is offensive to anyone: feminists, yaoi fans, etc. I'm including real discussions on these topics and not trying to say there's a right or a wrong, necessarily.

Epicene ran her fingers down the boy's chest, unpainted claws stroking down an over-tight t-shirt that cut low on the neck line. The azure garment was clearly meant for a girl but the slim little goat fit it pretty well. The shiny, synthetic button up he wore open over it had slipped halfway off his shoulders as he leaned back with a soft bleat. The shirt was white like his bristly fur, save the odd patches of brown, bristling all the more with her touch. He was clearly excited about where this was heading.

The goat's slender fingers gripped her maroon bed sheets while she knelt down in front of him; should she run her fingers anywhere in particular? Should she kiss his belly or thighs? She felt like she should be doing something more, something sensual... but she had no experience and the boy wasn't giving her any directions other than having dropped his leopard print jeans to the floor. Epicene was surprised he'd wanted to come home with her, such a beautiful boy, and the first to ever be waiting for her touch like this.

The chinchilla blushed when her fingers touched his penis, her eyes unwilling to follow her paws down. It wasn't what she'd imagined, the skin loose and wrinkling where she'd imagined smooth and slick. She'd almost imagined it would give some feeling back to her, that the very texture under her fingers would be erotic, but it was just... skin. She brushed her bangs aside and dipped her head down, not really looking at the shaft her lips approached; the sight unnerved her somehow.

The smell wasn't really pleasant but neither was it horrible and the taste was shockingly plain, nothing more exciting than licking her own finger. All the same she licked his cock and was at least pleased at the bleating sound from above. Epicene had gone out with boys before, from church or shy nerds in school, though only a few... and none of them had been very interested in sex, at least not premarital. Or perhaps she just hadn't been giving the right signs?

Epicene closed her lips around the lightly throbbing flesh of the boy's member and slid her lips down the length. She was surprised at the friction, having to lick around the shaft to slicken it enough for her lips to slide along. Another tiny annoyance standing in the way of getting this over with... and she was surprised to find she felt that way. She wanted to bring the boy to orgasm but every moment before he did was simply annoying. She tasted a small dribble of liquid and got excited, thinking he was done, but no... it was just precum. It wasn't exactly tasty but it was inoffensive.

The girl had always been curious about sex, much more than her parents would have been ok with, but her curiosity was born of uncertainty that left her unsure of what to pursue and where. Finally, in her second year of college she had pursued it here, to a pretty bisexual goat sitting on her bed, biting his lips lest he wake up her slumbering parents.

She certainly hoped they were heavy sleepers tonight. Her jaw was starting to hurt, the bobbing motion of her muzzle on his erection surprisingly uncomfortable, and she tried sucking in on the shaft; it wasn't what she'd seen in pornography but maybe that's why they called it sucking?

The boy moaned a bit, low and quiet, and Epicene concluded that sucking must work well. Hopefully it would also speed up his climax. She felt one of his hands on the back of her head, stroking, very gently pushing down and the insinuation almost insulted her. Even thinking about letting his tip into the back of her throat incited her gag reflex. On top of the growing ache in her jaw she didn't need to hold back throwing up. She just wished he'd be done.

Several minutes later he was done, bleating and lolling his head back while his cock pulsed against her lips, spraying his seed against the roof of her mouth. The taste was shockingly bad to her, bitter and pungent; she thought back to the pornography she'd seen and was furious at its claims of "tasty". The fluid was thin and watery in her muzzle, not the thick goo it seemed to look like, and when she swallowed it there was a salty burn in her throat, like an infection.

Epicene was less than ecstatic about performing oral sex.

As she pulled back her lips, smiling and pretending she'd enjoyed it, even like she was used to it, the smell of his semen came to her and she was horrified. It wasn't bad, per se, but it sent a sort of panic and aversion running through the back of her mind like the smell of a dangerous predator to its prey. Again she suppressed her dislike and stood up. The goat boy took her cheeks in his hands and kissed her, his tongue pressing into her lips, swishing inward to explore her muzzle. He made a happy sigh at his own flavor.

Epicene giggled, half of nervous uncertainty at the goat drawing his own lingering taste from her lips. Something about it made her feel cheapened... incidental, like a masturbation toy. But she knew it was unfair to him. "So... you want to do me now?"

Epicene blushed at even her own tame words and the boy seemed shifty, "well... if you really want me to?" Epicene's eyes pleaded to him and, with an unhappy sigh, he gave in. The girl pulled up her knee length skirt, tugged off her panties, and laid back on the bed for her turn.

The goat was gentle, far too gentle in fact, and it took him too long to get started. He nuzzled at her thighs, licked around her labia, and when he finally actually pressed his lips into her nethers she was already going mad with delayed anticipation. He made no sound while he licked through her swollen lips, the rumples of her skirt hiding the view from her, and rather than licking her clitoris he just fumbled at it clumsily with his thumb.

The pleasant tingling of his tongue was soon replaced by the thick muscle probing into her vagina, trying to thrust into her like a phallus; it was pleasurable but overly intense, too soon after the subtle touches before. Reflexively she gripped his knobby horns, paws shaking as she tried to decide whether to pull him in or push him away but he soon made the choice for her. Her paws slipped away as his tongue retreated.

Epicene wasn't even near an orgasm when he stopped, pulling a condom out of his discarded pants. "You all ready for this, girl?" He grinned with palpable excitement and Epicene felt cheated, but in the face of that excitement she didn't feel she could beg for more of his lips and tongue against her. Still, she felt another rush of panic at the thought of penetration, much more than she'd thought she would. For the first time she looked straight at his penis, having grown hard again since his blow job, and her skin crawled a little to imagine the veiny appendage inside of her.

He was already crawling on top of her, though, his knees between her legs and unwrapped member rubbing against her tender nether lips. She again felt committed and ashamed of her fear; she needed to finally try this after her years of questions and longing. She kept quiet, scared and embarrassed, while he tore open the package. The thin rubber ring he rolled over his cock left it an almost comically off-color red and when he pressed it against her slit, far too quick and eager, there was a little pain. Not the pain of her first time but of trying to get too much in too quickly.

The other pain was soon to follow, and this pain didn't bother her so much. She knew to expect it and felt, deep down, like it was proper. But the very presence of that spire of twitching flesh did not seem proper. She gripped his furry shoulders with her face scrunched up and whimpered. She hoped he mistook her discomfort for need and pleasure but she could tell he wasn't really paying attention to her anyway. His eyes were closed, lost in some other fantasy, while he slapped his hips into her thighs. She couldn't deny that, physically, there was a lot of pleasure to be had but her mind rebelled at the act.

Luckily it wasn't that long before the goat was done, bleating into her shoulder while his cock throbbed inside her, spilling his seed into its waiting container. Despite her relief when his cock left her the discomfort remained. She was afraid to do or say anything lest her distraught nerves become evident.

"I hope you liked that." He was smiling, leaning in to nuzzle at her cheek while he unwound the condom, hanging heavily with its pearlescent load. She couldn't fault him; he was only doing what was normal... what he thought she'd wanted. And what else could she expect? She had to get used to this or be alone forever. So she put on a smile and hugged him, kissing his cheek.

"Was I... was I not good enough?" The boy asked with a tremble in his voice. Epicene cursed her failed deception at the wounded look on the boy's face.

"No no, it was... it was just my first time." She scrambled to put together a plausible lie, "it just hurt a bit."

He sighed and gave a weak smile, "It's ok... you don't have to spare my feelings." There was bitter humor there... he didn't believe she was a virgin. She'd just let him share her first time and he didn't even believe it. He gave her leg a pat, even moments after having sex with her acting like a casual friend. "I'm not that experienced with girls."

She nodded. "I... figured you probably liked boys." He gave a little laugh, "but it really was my first time. I don't know what I'm doing... and I'd really like to see you again." Despite everything she couldn't really imagine a different man being more to her liking.

"Nah..." He ran his hand through his hair in an obvious nervous gesture, "like I said... I really prefer the boys. Just... being with them so much makes the occasional girl exciting. Even if vaginas do look scary." He gave her a sorrowful expression, "there's so much weird drama with girls. Like this. I don't really know what this is."

Epicene stared at her hands on her own lap. His hand was so close, resting on her leg, and she desperately wanted him to hold hers but she knew he wouldn't. "You can stay here, tonight... if you want."

"No..." he wouldn't even look at her while he gathered his pants, "your parents might catch us."

The golden hued cocker spaniel opened the heavy, squealing door with a relieved sigh. This was the third door she'd tried on the aging theatre and the first that wasn't locked. There had been a sign, an arrow with the words 'cast/actors' written on it, but the direction was more than a little vague. This sort of thing was typical, though... probably no one had even thought to make a sign until that morning.

Inside the hall was still dark but light and sound drifted down from another door further in. When she reached it she found a backstage entrance bustling with young men and women. A venue like this would mostly draw students and recent graduates, few over thirty. When she pushed open the door no one seemed to even notice, absorbed in their own conversations and clumsy attempts to network their ways into other plays. Not that she was judging, of course; in a few minutes she would be doing the same.

She scanned the crowd for a familiar face, one of the people she remembered from the rehearsal perhaps. She was new to the college here so she didn't really know any other student actors to look for. She recalled there being a boy at one of the rehearsals trying out for a woman's role. She laughed to herself, privately, and immediately berated herself. She shouldn't mock a transsexual... she was disgusted when some women tried to shut them out and belittle them, after all. She had to admit, though, it was terribly unrealistic for a transsexual to try to act a woman's part on stage, barring the plays where that was the intent, no matter how pretty they were. It was unrealistic enough to seem funny for its absurdity.

And so the spaniel girl was quite shocked to see that very boy, a rather feminine sheep, wearing an ebon Lolita-style dress and mingling with the other actors. She was shocked to discover how uncomfortable she felt about having him here, dressed like that and acting as a girl. Acting as a girl acting on stage as a girl, in fact, she thought to herself. No matter how long she watched him, or how pretty he looked, she couldn't stop thinking about the penis hidden under his skirt... threatening. Feeling guilty again she resolved to overcome her unease and be friendly.

She looked down at her own garment and felt underdressed, though everyone but the sheep was really. They hadn't even received costumes yet so she just came in street clothes today: a purple turtleneck and plain jeans nestled into tall leather boots. She wore a white jacket, open to let in the cool fall air. In contrast the boy looked like he didn't belong anywhere outside of a shop window or a period piece film. She made a mental note to dress better on future days.

Presently practice was beginning anyway, the canine having only barely arrived on time. The director Mabatha, through a thick African accent that Molly regretted to be reminded of, called names and positions on the stage. He rose easily above every head present, obscenely tall in his black suit, massive lemur eyes piercing through the crowd as he picked out locations for each grouping.

"Molly?" The canine perked up and raised her arm high. There had been a last name, she thought, but it was garbled in his uneasy accent, the particular letters unkind to his native tongue. She moved over to the crowd he'd indicated along with four others but there was no chance for conversation. The producer, a border collie in a pantsuit, handed stacks of scripts to each group of actors and Molly's eyes lingered on her as the older woman moved away. As soon as the groups were set they were practicing scenes, grouped so that each bundle of thespians could run through several amongst just themselves. In later days, as they grew more comfortable, it would be one scene at a time, out on the stage with all eyes on them.

They practiced for hours, standing in their little groups and fumbling through scenes. At intervals the groups would be shifted, allowing for a new set of scenes to be practiced. At six fifteen, fifteen minutes after practice supposedly ended, they were finally given their freedom back. Feet aching from standing hour upon hour, throats sore from endless speaking, even hands aching from shuffling sheets of paper for an entire day... the actors and actresses all remained. No one was eager to leave, even at this late hour, without making some friends on the cast. Whether for a drink or a job forming bonds was the life blood of an acting career.

Molly wasted no time in finding the sheep, though she was disappointed to find that three other men had already found him. A parrot, an otter and an okapi had flanked the boy as she moved close, introducing themselves as Damien, Xuan and Jamal, respectively. The sheep was Juli, she overheard. Molly heard a voice over her shoulder and glanced back to see a cheetah girl trying to talk to her. She held up a finger, silently asking for a moment, and turned away without a thought.

Molly had no trouble getting his attention; between her serious expression and commanding presence she rarely had trouble drawing anyone's attention. The three boys went silent, watching her with curiosity giving way to nervousness, while the sheep turned to her with ebbing fear. Perhaps her voice had been too stern? They may even have believed that her tone denoted a position of authority. She motioned for him to come aside with her, to where the others wouldn't hear, and he followed obediently. While she hadn't meant to frighten him she found herself enjoying the moment of power.

"I'm sorry if I was awkward during practice with you," Molly began. They hadn't shared many scenes but their groups had overlapped a few times. "I'm not used to acting with... transsexuals."

The sheep blushed and Molly rushed her words out, trying to repair the damage. "Oh no, don't worry! I won't spread it around or talk about it!" Her efforts seemed to only make things worse, "I don't mean I'm uncomfortable around you, it's just new to me." She lied, placing a hand on his shoulder. He jumped, "I'm an ally."

With a deep, pink blush the boy inclined his head, "I'm not a transsexual..." for a moment Molly thought she must have made a terrible mistake, thinking a normal girl was a boy, "I'm just a cross dresser. I'm not getting hormones or surgery or anything."

For a moment Molly was dumbfounded, just stricken speechless. The next moment she was throwing random slaps at the sheep, overcome with anger. "You're what! You're stealing women's acting roles? Like there's so fucking many of them! And for what, a game?" Juli bleated in surprise, raised his arms to block her slaps, "trying to trick us? Trying to trick men? Mocking all the suffering and inequality we live with so you can play a fucking dress up game!"

Molly's anger was so focused, so blinding, she hadn't noticed the three other men surrounding her, grabbing her arms and restraining her. The okapi, a tall and strong young man, had gotten between her and Juli, forcing them apart. "Get the fuck out of here!" He screamed it in her face but she only responded by growling.

Then the cheetah girl was there, slapping at the avian holding Molly's right arm. "Let go of her, asshole!" The parrot backed away easily and the otter didn't even require an attack before he gave in, though the okapi stood his ground. The cheetah was tall and fierce, more than a head taller than Molly, and even the well-built okapi grew intimidated against her snarling. "You all leave her alone! Just get out of here!"

The three men finally gathered around Juli again, the sheep frightened and sobbing, and guided him away. The tall cheetah watched them defiantly as they retreated, paws on her hips, as if they'd try to strike again if they escaped her sight. She wore a short cropped faux-bomber jacket over a belly bearing crop top with capris jeans and wedge sandals laced onto her paws. A revealing, fetishistic outfit Molly would never even consider.

The cheetah grinned broadly at Molly, her long and highlighted auburn hair swinging over her shoulders as she turned, breathing heavily like she'd been in a real fight. She probably hadn't expected it to go so easily. "Damn, you are feisty! Barely gotten here and you tried to pick a fight!"

Molly was taken aback, unsure what to say to that. She hadn't thought of herself as violent, the boy just pushed some buttons she hadn't realized were so sensitive. "I, uh... I just don't approve."

The cheetah was nodding, "Yeah, I get it. I don't really either. Anyway, I'm Jaclyn," she motioned to the right, to another person Molly hadn't even noticed yet. A frightened looking chinchilla stood there, just barely shorter than Molly with a baggy hoodie and knee length, plaid skirt obscuring her figure. "And this is Epicene, another one of the actresses. Found her all by herself and thought I'd do my good deed for the day and let her hang out with me."

Molly was still riled up and the glancing insult toward the other girl lit her fire again, "it's not much of a good deed if you mock her for it."

Jacky looked amused at the response but Epicene was the first to speak. "Please don't fight, I really do appreciate it." She shuffled her sandaled foot paws nervously, "it's true, I'm no good at making friends on my own."

The look Molly gave Epicene carried whole conversations of sadness about the shy girl's attitude but she held her tongue. "You just did a pretty good job with me."

Epicene blushed, long ears folding back against the deep chocolate bun her hair was wrapped into, unable to find the words for a response and instead changed tracks. "I think you're being too hard on that sheep, though.... Maybe he's not the way he seems to you."

Jacky laughed mockingly, slapping Epicene on the back. "Oh, you like your boys in dresses do you?" Epicene just blushed all the deeper though a smile crept to her lips.

Molly was annoyed at Jacky's implication, that a person should only defend something they have a personal stake in, but that was overwhelmed by the protectiveness she felt for Epicene. Despite only just meeting she saw a girl just starting out on her path to adulthood and so very capable of making a terrible mistake, the kind of mistake she'd watched so many girls make before. Whether it was big dumb jock date-rapists or perverts who seemed nice but talked a girl into doing something she would later regret, too many girls went for men that would misuse them.

Molly grabbed Epicene by the shoulders, eliciting a squeak from the smaller girl and staring past her glasses straight into her hazel eyes. "Listen to me, Epicene... don't go after him. I know you think of him like one of the girls, safe and sweet, but he's not. He isn't wearing that dress to get closer to what's inside of him but what's inside of you!" She emphasized the word, letting it carry all the awkward implications it could. "He's wearing that dress to get off. He's nothing but a pervert. There's nothing real about him and you must not trust him!"

How was your day? - Epicene

Epicene typed into the chat box, tapping the enter key to shoot the message off to Molly. The fluffy, spunky dog seemed to be online a lot while she studied in her dorm room. She said it was too boring to study for hours with nothing else going on, so she fooled around online at the same time. To Epicene it seemed like a bad habit but she daren't question Molly, lest she invite the girl's legendary fury.

Just a day. Nothing special. - Molly

Molly was often aloof, almost avoidant in her messages. Epicene sometimes wondered if it was a sign of dislike but she seemed to behave that way toward everyone without meaning anything by it. She was hard to get close to but her domineering personality was somehow magnetic, drawing the effort out of others. For not the first time Epicene was profoundly jealous.

She clicked over to another tab wherein lay Juli's Facebook page. She'd coaxed the sheep's online handle from him in one of the few conversations she'd managed, when Molly was otherwise engaged. As much as she liked the spaniel she also took every lone moment at the theatre to head straight for Juli, rare as those moments were.

He maintained his Facebook under a secret name, fearful that his parents or some future potential employer would discover he was a cross dresser. He hadn't really wanted to give it to Epicene but she was persistent and he eventually gave in; like with the goat boy she'd found that her arousal and desire could drive her to do uncharacteristically bold things. He was as spunky as Molly, almost rude but in a playful way that made it endearing, like every word was a flirt pretending to be a complaint. She'd tried to flirt back, perhaps too hard, definitely artlessly... but he had seemed amused by it, not in a mocking way but a genuinely fun way. She regretted that he didn't seem to respond to her flirting, though... not genuinely at least. He just teased in his spunky little way, exactly the same as he spoke to everyone else. Well, everyone but Molly and Jacky.

His posting was sparse but usually it was a photo of him in a dress or some other feminine outfit. Sometimes a fetish outfit, at that; French maids, cuffs around his limbs, things like that. Even a shepherdess outfit once, crook held behind his back. Epicene remembered Molly's words on that first practice, about how he was just a pervert... and Epicene found that she didn't mind. As shy as she was, yet as desirous of a sex life as she was, a pervert seemed to make that transition easier. Even with the fumble she'd made with the goat boy she knew there was such a thing as sublime lovemaking and she was desperate to experience it.

What are you studying? - Epicene

Epicene was only half paying attention to the conversation with Molly, Juli's pretty little frame drawing her away more and more. His spunk had been evaporating as the play went on, little by little, with his acting suffering. The particulars of Juli's role and its on-stage sex scene were proving a major problem and as his confidence faded so too did his personality. He was becoming shy, jumpy... like her. Somehow, that turned her on even more.

Epicene clicked into another tab, icons for yaoi comics spread out over the page. She opened each first page in its own tab, skimming through them quickly to read through later. Gay pornography, produced in Japan or mimicking their style, made for girls. She thought about that, mulled it over... gay porn made for girls specifically. As long as she'd been reading the stories and going to anime conventions it never stopped seeming odd to her. She'd go to panels on yaoi at the conventions and was surprised at how many lesbians and clearly closeted lesbians were always there. There were straight girls, of course, and men... but they seemed usually outnumbered. None of it really made much sense to her even though she could feel her panties growing moist just thinking about it.

The chinchilla hit one of the tabs she'd opened and immediately there was a massive penis on the page attached to a large, bearded man. She closed the tab immediately by reflex, the image barely making it to her thoughts before it was gone. Epicene preferred the comics where the men looked as girly as possible and where the penises weren't shown. Just an empty, undrawn space, invisible but for the outline of saliva or precum, silhouettes and implications... or even no real sex at all, just two beautiful, feminine bodies rubbing together... like a pair of flat bosomed girls. The penis was frightening, intimidating... were girls supposed to feel that way, she wondered? It seemed like girls weren't supposed to really like sex unless they were perverts themselves so she probably shouldn't make too much of it.

Feminism stuff. Women's studies homework. - Molly

To Epicene's chagrin Molly wanted to talk about feminism a lot; typical of anyone taking a class they cared about, she supposed. It wasn't that the chinchilla didn't believe in feminism, quite the opposite, but she was tired of hearing about it... especially as it so often veered into complaints about Juli. Epicene was pretty sure that most feminists wouldn't have found the sheep's cross dressing so abhorrent but Molly was a fierce one.

Epicene responded from there on with half-truths and diversions, trying to keep the conversation from becoming unpleasant. The subject of Molly's feminism brought images of Molly as a dominatrix to Epicene's mind, eliciting a private giggle. Epicene could never be like that, she well knew, but she deeply wished she could be a dominatrix for Juli and that her meekness wouldn't make it impossible. All the dirty talk she spoke would feel like bad jokes, all her actions would seem half-hearted... the chinchilla just did not have the meanness in her.

With a click Skype had opened as well and Epicene smiled to see Juli was logged on. She hit the tab to call him and quickly disabled her webcam; she was only in her bra and panties right now and she threw a glance to the door, making sure it was closed tight. In a moment Juli's beautiful face was on her screen, "hello?"

Her left paw kept typing out messages to Molly, barely paying attention to the conversation while her attention shifted to Juli. "Hey, it's Epicene. I thought we could practice lines over the phone. That is, if you have the time...." She honestly couldn't believe she was doing this, putting her foot out and being proactive. It felt good and terrifying, her heart pounding under her small breasts.

The excuse was thin, her part small anyway with few lines. In all truth she hated the part. Since she wasn't gorgeous like her friends she was relegated to playing the 'ugly' girls in most plays. It meant she always had a role others wouldn't fight for but her self-esteem didn't need kicked when it was down. She knew, logically, that it didn't make her ugly; the distance imposed by the stage made perception a thing of caricature anyway. Still, Epicene dreamed of being able to play the beautiful girl... the way Juli could.

"Oh... sure." Juli seemed uncertain, like he felt he should have a reason not to. "You do great on stage, though... I don't know why you'd need to." That adorable shyness, so new and awkward on his tongue, laced his words. Epicene slipped her right hand down her belly, rubbing ever so gently through her panties.

"Well..." she locked her eyes on him, smiling at the warm flush she got from touching herself. "No amount of practice is ever too much." She peeled her panties aside, exposing her pink little slit peeking out of her furry mound.

"Do you have a camera?" Epicene panicked for a moment before lying, as if he'd know.

"No, the camera's not working. Don't turn yours off, though." She slipped a finger between her pink lips, stroking through her slit. "It'll still help me."

She noticed that he was wearing a collar, thick and black with a yellow band about the middle. She was surprised to see it, smiling to herself again. She flipped through some of the yaoi comics she'd opened but soon stopped bothering as the image of a tall, strong dominatrix appeared in her mind... tugging on that collar while Juli cried out, forcing him to go down on her, switching his ass and biting his shoulder. She'd never really had a fantasy like this before but now it dominated her mind and without even thinking about it she was masturbating in earnest. She began by rubbing her fingertips in tight circles around her plump clitoris and soon switched to pumping those fingers into her vaginal passage, muscles clamping tight of their own bidding.

Epicene clicked over to Molly's tab several minutes late in responding. While she slipped her fingers inside herself, wriggling in her own wet heat, the chinchilla fumbled out a response with her free paw. It was full of typos, sluggish... she barely even registered the conversation anymore, preoccupied as she was.

"Well, what scene did you want to do?" Epicene cursed quietly at Juli's question, trying to locate the electronic copy of her script so she could find a scene to rehearse. She wished her excuse had demanded less effort. The girl's arousal was far too strong to share her mind with a script.

Molly's window was blinking again, asking about the typos and slow response. Epicene blurted out, "Sorry, I'm just tired." She cursed herself and began typing the excuse to Molly but Juli had already heard.

Juli inquired, "is it a good idea to practice if you're that tired?" Epicene tried to think of a way out of the misunderstanding but even more so she was trying to fit another finger into her strained slit, leaning far back in her chair and chewing her lower lip to fight back her own moans. "What's that sound? Are you ok?"

Epicene panicked for a moment; he could hear what she was doing? "Maybe you're right... I'm sorry. I should go... getting sick, I think." She hung up before he could even respond, her meekness almost as strong as her arousal with the blunder she'd just made. All the same she was still working at her pussy, imagining the little sheep with Molly's leather clad foot on his chest, a switch running along his cheek... and she came.

Epicene bit her lip even harder, muffling the moans that she feared would bring her parent's curiosity. She wished she could live on her own but she just couldn't afford it... so she had to be quiet, sneaky... second nature to a shy little thing like Epicene. Her body twisted in her computer chair, toes curling and fingers digging deeper into her snug little passage, her soft interior seeming anything but as her pussy squeezed hard enough to crack her knuckles.

As the orgasm ebbed Epicene kept rubbing at herself, slow and tender, the feeling almost more pleasant after the mind numbing sweep of climax. She looked back to Molly's window, assuring the canine that she wasn't TOO tired to keep on talking. When she pulled her paw free of a now sticky pair of panties her fingers were wet, thin strands of milky fluid stretched between. The aroma was thick in the air and she sucked the fluid off each of her fingers, one by one, thinking back on the goat boy who'd wanted to taste his on seed on her lips. She found the taste a surprise, pungent and thick yet thrilling on her tongue.

When the chinchilla was done licking her fingers clean, the taste already having grown familiar enough to be pleasant, she wiped her fingers on the shirt she'd been wearing all day, figuring it was already dirty. She wondered at her post-masturbation cleaning, if it was normal for a girl to do so. She honestly didn't know. Even if it was normal girls tended to be too shy to admit such things.

When Epicene looked at her screen again Molly was questioning if she were still there; more than ten minutes had gone by. It hadn't felt like so long to the chinchilla, wracked with orgasm and cleaning up, but there was proof on her clock's face. She apologized again, claiming she'd had to run to the bathroom. Molly seemed a little suspicious; too many excuses needed in too short a time.

Molly's persistent questioning fit the dominatrix image that still lingered in Epicene's mind, refusing to leave with the rest of the private little fantasy. Thinking back on that fantasy the girl was surprised to realize that not even once had she thought about Juli's penis. She wondered at that... the further she explored into sex the less it seemed sex was sexy to her.

Jamal suit was a ruffled mess, clasped between Juli's shaking knees on the center stage. For all that Molly knew for certain that no one's genitals were out it really looked like they were in position to have sex. She didn't need that certainty, though... the scene was an embarrassing mess. They may be dressed for the part but two puppets could make a more convincing sex scene for all the awkward, shameful fumbling. And what could be expected? Jamal wasn't gay and even if he were Juli didn't look like a man. It would have been a miracle if they'd cast Jamal's role for one of those rare men that was actually attracted to boys like Juli, after all.

"Fuck, those two are pathetic." Jacky's arms were crossed, sneering stage ward. "Maybe they'll get cut and one of us can steal Julian's role." She'd started using his full, real name. It was a purposeful act of insult, a refusal to accept Juli's identity

"It's not Jamal's fault he doesn't want to hump Juli." For all of Molly's dislike she was still unwilling to insult the sheep on such a deep and personal level. She just wanted him out of the places where he could do harm.

Jacky's sidelong glance was disrespectful. "Jamal is an actor. If he can't fake this then he shouldn't be on stage."

Molly looked over at Epicene nearby. She never let the girl out of her sight anymore lest she sneak off to Juli, though that was hardly a danger now. "We all have a first time with any new task. There's no way to learn a new skill before doing it. I bet Jamal would be doing just fine with an actual girl, though." As she watched Epicene the chinchilla's long ears folded back and a pink blush peeked through her cheek fur. Molly felt a misgiving in her thinking, "not that I want to force a girl under him, either."

"I'd get under him..." Jacky's smile was distant, clearly contemplating exactly that, though Molly suspected her interest was mostly for the okapi's novelty as a species. He would just be another piece in the cheetah's collection.

"Who don't you want to get under?" Molly smirked, trying to take the barbs out of her jab.

Jacky snickered, "Juli, for one. Fucking shemales... trying to sneak their way into women's dorms and bathrooms and shit, where they can rape us in privacy." Jacky's fur bristled visibly. "They're trying to make that a rule back at the community college, now."

"Leave trannies alone, Jacky." Molly shook her head, fluffy ears flopping over her shoulders. "They aren't rapists. Like, statistically, never. Besides, taking female hormones makes their dicks not work right. They're not raping anyone."

Jacky did not look convinced in the slightest, "so you say, but I've never seen any proof. And even if it's rare, 'statistically'," Jacky spoke the word derisively, "that isn't never and one is too many."

Molly sighed, rubbing her temple. "Singling out transsexuals like this, it's as bad as singling out women. And I know you're not ok with sexist bullshit, so how are you ok being a sexist?"

"Then what's your deal with Juli?" Jacky seemed a little lost. Molly liked her but, really, Jacky wasn't that smart.

"Because... Juli isn't a transsexual." Molly looked up into Jacky's eyes, keeping her gaze steady, "he doesn't get the excuses of a transsexual. He's not trying to be what he feels like inside, he's just... getting his jollies! He gets off being treated like a girl and getting into places for girls. And worse, his penis works just fine! I can't believe he'd get in a girl's bathroom or something, getting off just on being there, and not try to rape some poor girl!" Molly looked back at Epicene and the Chinchilla had clearly heard, though her expression was unreadable. Molly wanted her to be afraid of Juli doing just that.

"I don't see how being on some hormones changes that. Shit, I've seen dickgirl porn and their dicks work just fine!" Jacky smirked, folding her slender arms under the unwieldy shelf her stage costume pushed her breasts into, clearly thinking she had swung the argument. It was never about learning with her... just winning.

"They're getting paid to do that... and often have to go off their meds to make it work. But you know what, Jacky? That's not the point." Molly was starting to lose her temper and she really didn't want to do that with her friends, "the point is you can't trust Juli MORE than you can't trust a transsexual. He doesn't want to be a girl, he wants to force his way into womanhood. It's like... like he's trying to rape the idea of girls! Just force himself in there, no matter what anyone thinks!" Molly felt silly even as she said it.

"No, it's the same, because girls gotta have their own places where they can feel safe. If we have to worry about a secret penis even in our bathrooms and our dorms then we don't have anywhere!" Jacky revealed her real hang-up, the fear deep inside that Molly had no idea how to relieve.

"You want your own water fountain, too?" Molly crossed her fluffy arms and looked away from Jacky. She didn't really want to talk to her friend anymore. Jacky got quiet too and stayed that way for some time. Even though she didn't agree the implication it still stung.

"So, uh..." Jacky fumbled for a different topic, as far from Juli as possible. "Is there anyone on the cast you actually do like?"

Molly smiled at the question's little insult; Jacky was incapable of being nice without a little joking rudeness. "Fishing for a little girl action?"

Jacky laughed it off, clearly not taking Molly even a little seriously. A pity. "You the one I should worry about in the bathroom?"

"Hardly," Molly kept smiling. "But there might be someone here I kind of like...."

"Oh really? Hmmm, but who would be your type..." Jacky tapped her chin, "Mabatha? He's kind of old... but older guys are kinda hot."

Molly shook her head, "you aren't going to take this seriously?"

"Oh fine," Jacky put her hands on her hips, making a grumpy sigh. The obvious theatricality of her actions made Molly giggle. "The gay one? No, the REALLY gay one? Not that asshole Damien? Wait, is it someone on the crew or someone on the stage?"

"Stage. I don't know any of the crew." Molly enjoyed Jacky's growing frustration, "Jamal? You did defend him... no? Well... the least believable would be Juli. Not him either? Shit... I'm running out of guys here, Molly. What are you, a lesbo?"

Molly smirked, thinking about exactly how to answer that. For as nervous as she was about Jacky's reaction the interplay had been fun. Before she could open her mouth, though, Mabatha's tirade drew everyone's attention.

"Just stop it, for fuck's sake!" The lemur's shout pulled Molly and Jacky's eyes to the sparse audience of two while he threw his script to the floor. The director rubbed his brows before turning toward Grace, "I shouldn't have trusted you, you bitch!"

Whatever Grace said it was too low for Molly to hear but Mabatha dismissed it with a wave. "Idiotic! Without the sex we don't sell tickets; no one goes to the theater for love of the art anymore. We must be..." Molly could not make out his face from so far away though she imagined his failure to find the right word must be frustrating.

"Risqué. You speak French. How could that one be hard?" Grace's voice carried this time, an incremental climb in her tone making it just audible as the collie's patience ebbed.

"In the Ivory Coast, we do not speak French when we're not speaking French!" Mabatha grabbed his suit and turned to leave the theatre. "Your language is ridiculous... deal with this." Molly heard the door slam hard behind him, echoing through the ghostly aisles.

"He's right, though; that was awful. You seriously need to start being actors and get over whatever is going on." Grace picked up Mabatha's discarded script. Molly was sure Jacky felt vindicated. "Maybe you two should just really have sex?"

"I'd do a lot better with you up here, miss." Jamal always tried to be charming but it never worked out. Even his failures failed to be cute.

"Oh do you, now? If I'm up there I'll be holding a whip, making you hump Juli faster." Molly smiled at Grace's words, "I don't think we'd be allowed to show real sex anyway. Just... get down from there. We won't solve your problem just having you two sit up there." She shuffled the script, looking for another scene, "Xuan, Molly, get out there!"

Molly smiled back to Jacky and Epicene before proceeding and when she neared Juli she shouted "You should have girls play girls!" Her long, fluffy ears flipped as she gestured toward Juli with long-glove clad arms. "At least the important roles."

"Oh, shut up," Grace snapped uncharacteristically and Molly gave pause; had she done anything to earn her ire? She had been so displeased with Jamal and Juli that Molly presumed they would be in agreement. "Girls get embarrassed in these scenes, too. Now worry about not fucking up your own role."

Molly shook the troubled words off and took her place facing Xuan. The fainting couch Juli and Jamal had been on remained on stage but luckily they didn't have a sex scene, nor did Molly have any in the whole play; it was just too much trouble to move the furniture. For now they would focus on lines, worrying about movements and actions later on.

This was a romantic scene, though, and no amount of delusion could convince her she was attracted to the otter. He was a little effeminate but still far too male for her to forget. Even when she closed her eyes and imagined someone else in his place she was just too aware that it was Xuan over there, with his musky scent and defined chest... his short hair and well-muscled, swimmer's limbs.

Molly deliberately slowed her breathing and tried again, this time trying to imagine her words were for a woman and she was only telling Xuan about it, like she'd recount to a gay friend. The tense and the pronouns wouldn't make sense but the illusion only had to work for her, to get the right tone into her voice. She imagined all of the girls she could think of: Grace, older and strong willed. Jacky, young and sexual and oh so exciting. Epicene, mousey and vulnerable and cute. She began her lines, letting her eyes open and she could feel the honest sound of attraction and desire in her own voice.

Jacky's painted claws were spaced several inches apart, "he has nothing to be ashamed of, that's for sure! Though... I mean, you hear African critters got huge dicks, and it wasn't freaky huge or anything. Still, pretty good!"

"You..." Epicene couldn't even get the words out on here first try, "you really went down on the director? Isn't that, I don't know... illegal?"

Molly thought a moment, "I think it's illegal if he actually gives her a role in exchange for it."

"Well..." Jacky grinned, "that is why I did it. I really wanted to get a good role, you know. But it was a good time, too! Though... he never came back for more." Jacky looked more wistful than insulted and Epicene wondered if she actually had feelings for the director. But much more she wondered how Jacky enjoyed going down on him. She certainly hadn't derived any pleasure from the act but Jacky didn't seem dishonest about loving it.

Jacky clacked her cup of beer to the table, spilling a little. Epicene's paws shot out to grab it and Jacky didn't even notice. Instead she just leaned back, her incredibly short spaghetti-string top lifting to just under her breasts, and scratched at her belly. "I just went back there, like... like right after the rehearsal, and I was all... what's up? Let's get your pants off!"

"I don't think we need to hear it all...." Molly looked over to Epicene apologetically, probably thinking the naughty sex talk was bothering the mousy girl. Molly would be so surprised....

"Shut up, I'm telling a story!" Jacky growled at Molly, tugging her beer from Epicene's paws, "So he's like, 'what?' So I just unzip his pants and I pull it out, and you know, even though he was all 'what' it was already all big and hard, so I just went sucking it. I did good, too! I didn't just, like, bob my head; I sucked in real hard, I licked all over it... even his balls! I even deep throated it! He didn't last real long."

Molly sighed, "ok, there's you're story." Her own outfit was about the opposite of Jacky's: a close fitting, black silk top that covered even her neck and a pair of capris, leaving her fluffy forearms and shins unrestrained. She'd pulled her curly hair back into a clip and applied some basic makeup, pretty but unrevealed.

"No, shut up!" Jacky noticed her beer was empty now and angrily threw the plastic cup on the floor, spilling the dregs on her dangerously short skirt, "So I like... I deep throated him and shit. I nibbled on his head, but with my lips. Like, on the tip only. Boys love that. Remember that, Epicene," she pointed right at the chinchilla, gold bracelets clattering together. "Boys. Love. That."

"Jesus, Jacky..." Molly sipped her own drink, some sort of mixed thing. Epicene didn't know. "You're single handedly putting back feminism by, like, 20 years. If you were just a slut and it was a good dick, fine, whatever... but for a job? You know how long women had to march against cops to keep men from making them do that? And now you're just out doing it for them?"

"Hey, I did like it..." Jacky was pouting. The mood swings were hard for Epicene to keep up with.

"Or you like being taken advantage of, and..." Molly rubbed her whole face, clumsy with her own tipsiness. "I think that might even be worse. Besides, you shouldn't talk like this in front of Epicene."

"I don't mind, Molly." Epicene took a sip of her own drink, still her first unlike Jacky. She wasn't used to drinking, though, and she felt tipsy already. She was surprised to hear herself volunteer, "and my ears aren't as virgin as you think. Or... other parts." She looked down at her own blue mixed drink. She had no clue what it was, really, but it was worlds better than the beers she'd tried in the past. She could actually get into drinking....

Molly looked saddened by the revelation, as if Epicene's lack of virginity was some sort of real loss. She figured the spaniel imagined it as a demeaning, horrible experience. Did Molly want Epicene to live all her life like an innocent child? It was a ridiculous notion. Was it something else? Was it... jealousy?

She was suddenly shocked to realize that... Molly was right to think of her first time that way. For the first time Epicene realized the sad, awkward truth of that night. It had been horrible and demeaning. She had not enjoyed it and it had made her feel like a whore, tossed aside so casually right afterward. But worse, she had honestly not enjoyed it at all. She couldn't possibly like boys.

When Epicene looked back up at her friends she tried to look at them more seriously. Of course she thought of other girls as pretty or not pretty, attractive and ugly... but girls did that. Guys did it, even, but they tended not to admit it. But... would she realize if she was thinking of girls, in that way, different from straight girls? Could she... be a lesbian?

"How you ladies doing there?" They all looked over to see the bartender, a tall ebon-furred squirrel, leaning over them. She wore a studded jacket and her hair was done in a mess of microbraids, pulled back into a pony tail of thin ropes for the night. Her eyes locked on Jacky, "got a bit of a spill there?"

Jacky looked at the puddle she'd left in front of herself, seemingly annoyed that it had escaped her cup. "Damn it, I didn't know that was there."

The squirrel gave her a sharp looking over. "You think maybe that's good for the night?"

Jacky seemed to be thinking that over and Epicene was pretty sure she would disagree. "It's ok, I'm driving." Molly held up her drink, "and this is the only drink I'm having."

The squirrel turned her gaze on Molly, just as sharp. "Now I know I gave you two drinks..." she noticed the drink in Epicene's hands and cursed, "I never carded that one."

Epicene tried to keep her wristband hidden as it was a different color than the other girls who were both at least 21. Molly coolly replied, "Don't worry about it."

Something in Molly's tone, merely cold and unconcerned to Epicene's ears, seemed to communicate volumes to the squirrel. She shook her head, turning away. "I should tell a bouncer but I'll let it slide... but you had best never pull this shit again with me."

"Eat a dick, bitch." Jacky was inches from laying down for a nap on the table, puddle or no. The squirrel was halfway turned around, her yellow-green eyes flashing bright like fire. Before she could release her fury, though, Molly's paw had shot out and grasped Jacky's muzzle shut like an impudent toddler.

"Do not ever disrespect the bartender." Molly's voice was quiet yet carried with a profound threat. She spoke to the cheetah, taller and probably stronger, like she was the powerless one. Jacky's eyes squinted dangerously, she growled and tried to pull away, to push Molly's paw off... but to no avail. After a few seconds she grew docile and calmed down, perhaps gaining perspective on her own behavior.

The squirrel laughed, grabbing Epicene's cup and refilling it despite her prior warnings. "Ok, you're alright. I hope you all enjoy the Crow's Nest here... and whatever damned fool thing we're calling that dance floor upstairs. Sparkle Dawgz?" As she handed it back to Epicene she leaned in close, grinning. "You've got good taste, shorty." And then she had moved on to new customers.

Molly released Jacky's muzzle, still calm as a statue sipping her drink. Jacky seemed to be taking the affront to her pride remarkably well, especially for her, and Epicene wondered what about Molly made her so... capable, even in the face of a firebrand like Jacky.

As Epicene began sipping at her refilled cup she thought about the squirrel's words. Had she just meant good taste in friends or did she think Molly was her girlfriend? Did she seem like a lesbian? Epicene was surprised to find that didn't bother her... in fact, she felt very enamored of the bartender. She was so strong-willed and imperious, so in control and confident... she wanted to know more about her, maybe become friends. Maybe... more?

Epicene stared into the syrupy, azure drink in her paws and let the alcoholic haze draw her mind about. What if Molly were her boyfriend... girlfriend? Or that pretty squirrel? She felt her mind pushing on a wall of sorts, one she knew well but rarely noticed. Some sort of mental block that didn't let her mind drift toward other girls. A wall built by her parents, her church, her society... and she felt how weak that wall was right now. It felt tissue thin, like it had always been tissue thing but she'd always assumed it was made of sterner stuff. Could she be with a woman? As her thoughts pressed on that barrier she realized, slowly, that her desires for men... had nothing to do with men.

"Stuff your dicks back in your pants," the sound of Molly's voice drew Epicene out of her thoughts. There were a couple of men over Jacky's shoulders, a red wolf with a faux-hawk and plaid shirt, the other a leopard with a crew cut and his button-up, black shirt already open over a bare chest. They'd probably overheard Jacky and thought the drunk girl would be an easy lay.

"Fuck off, lesbo." The wolf didn't even look toward her, putting his paw on Jacky's shoulder. The cheetah didn't really seem to mind but then she was also half asleep on the table. They looked like a stereotype of a frat boy douchebag, and frankly they were acting like it, too.

Molly's paw slapped his hand off of Jacky's shoulder, "Get away from her." Not a word of profanity, not a single threat, but Molly's eyes were burning and her cold words held some dark promises. The boys hesitated, probably unused to feeling threatened by a short girl, but they backed off after a moment, departing with middle fingers outstretched.

Jacky had roused, apparently not as tired as she behaved. "They're just saying all that 'cause they got rejected."

Molly shrugged and didn't deny anything, Epicene noticed. She didn't seem to mind being called a lesbian. Epicene looked at her drink again, swirled it a little... was the alcohol making her notice things she normally wouldn't? It almost felt like she was observing events objectively instead of taking part in them.

Epicene jumped as Jacky's paws slapped down on the table hard, "It's time to get on the dance floor, bitches!" She looked between the two of them with a broad grin, "and I want to get some dick!"

Molly looked positively annoyed this time, "after I just chased those boys away? And no boys, anyway! This is a girl's night out! Don't you dare abandon us!"

Jacky pouted, "you're such a strict mommy." Then Jacky was running upstairs to the new dance floor, twin streaks of neon green top and shimmering blue skirt. The dance floor sounded over crowded, this being its grand opening having drawn quite a crowd. Molly waited patiently for Epicene before following their friend.

"Are you feeling ok?" There was real concern in Molly's voice, not a tone often found there. Epicene did feel flushed as she stood, all of the alcohol rushing to her head. Molly took hold of her, one paw on her shoulder and the other on her arm, steadying her. The chinchilla didn't need it, not nearly that far gone, so she flinched away, habitually afraid of the girl's touch. It was like avoiding an accidental bump, as if Molly would be angry at the contact, but the spaniel persisted. It felt good, surprisingly so, to be held by Molly and so she calmed, letting the canine have her way and secretly hoping Molly would hold her more tightly.

As Molly guided Epicene up the stairs, the chinchilla not letting on how easy she found the ascent, Epicene looked down at her outfit sadly. Baggy hoodie from some anime and loose jeans; hardly a flattering outfit. She doubted her own figure but she also regretted not giving any interested girls something to look at. Bad enough that she'd never looked for an interested girl to experiment with but why would any girl have become interested in her? Even Molly with her lack of exposed skin was showing off the shape of her body with that outfit.

When they reached the top of the wide flight of stairs, the distant thumping of music becoming a shaking boom, they found Jacky grinding her ass on another man's crotch, only two thin layers of cloth keeping them from going too far. Molly shook her head in disgust.

"Why are you so concerned if Jacky sleeps with a man?" Epicene realized the question was phrased awkwardly and hoped her probing intent wasn't too obvious.

"If she wants to sleep around that's fine but a drunk girl makes bad choices that have big consequences. I'm not going to watch that happen to a friend." She looked down at Epicene, her eyes softer now, "I don't want to watch it happen to any girl. The world is rough on women. We need to watch out for each other."

"It kind of sounds like you just don't trust men." Epicene had wanted to say like, deep down. Somehow she'd begun hanging from Molly's arm rather than being held, both of her arms wrapped around one fluffy appendage.

"You're naïve if you believe you can." There was some of that sharpness back in Molly's eyes. Epicene didn't really think she could trust men, at least not without it being earned, but she wanted to give everyone the benefit of the doubt. Besides, she was more interested in the attitude Molly's wording betrayed.

She felt so comfortable hanging off of Molly's arm, even used to it already. "Thank you for dragging me out. I didn't think I'd like clubbing but I'm really having a lot of fun."

Molly smiled to her and, for the first time Epicene had ever seen, the spaniel's smile touched her sapphire eyes. "I knew you needed it with everything going on. It's hard to explain the appeal of clubs but everyone can feel it. Though, usually they aren't this crowded... a special night."

Epicene lay her cheek against Molly's shoulder and rubbed her arm, soft paws stroking slowly over the bare fur. She hadn't thought about it; her body seemed to move of its own accord and the dog finally seemed to notice what Epicene was doing. She made no move to stop it but she looked confused, eyes following the chinchilla's paws. Epicene's eyes locked on Molly's fearfully, suddenly realizing she'd just overstepped a boundary.

And then Jacky was there and the moment was forgotten.

Jacky had ahold of Molly's other arm, tugging it hard enough to break Epicene's grasp. "Oh my god, Juli's here! In a dress! All those boys from the play are dancing with him!"

Molly stepped away, Epicene all but forgotten as she scanned the crowd for the sheep. Jacky dragged her away into the crowd but Epicene didn't follow. She couldn't really hear them over the music nor did she want to remind Molly of what had just happened. Her heart was pounding against her ribs and she was so afraid of what Molly would think that she didn't even care what was happening with Juli.

And why should she? If this night had confirmed anything to Epicene it was that she shouldn't pursue Juli. Her interest had been one more weak push on that wall in her mind and she was past that. His only value was in pretending she was straight while still being with a girl. Now all he would be is a disappointment, a girl that she could not enjoy sleeping with. Yet she did still like him. The attraction was a tricky thing and she didn't think it would last undressing but she wasn't prepared to throw him to the fires just for having a penis.

Then Molly was back and Epicene was so afraid the canine had remembered what she had done and came back to punish the transgression. Instead the canine took hold of her arm and dragged her stumbling through the crowded dance floor. "I told you Juli's just a pervert. Well, he's getting a hard on in public and he's right over here!" She pointed insistently and Epicene's eyes followed automatically.

Epicene felt the heat in her cheeks and ears, embarrassed to be put on the spot like this and to see Jamal grinding against the sheep's ass, an erection clearly lifting Juli's skirt as well. He looked lovely in the black, frilly dress but the sight of that lump in his crotch ruined the effect. He looked deeply embarrassed as well and Epicene understood perfectly. They were sharing a private moment in the middle of this fight that neither wanted to be a part of.

Epicene pulled out of Molly's grasp and ran, bumping into angry dancers as she went but she was faster than their curses, desperate to get away. She ran back to the barstools they'd all occupied back when the night had still been pleasant and tried to fight back her tears, pulling her glasses off to rub at her eyes.

"Jesus, what's the matter dear?" The squirrel was back, leaning over the bar to get a look at Epicene's face.

"My friends..." she looked into the squirrels yellow-green eyes and felt thin tears running from hers, "they're getting into a fight up there."

The squirrel cursed, "well that's fucked...." She motioned her hand and Epicene looked over to see a tall, broadly built polar bear wave back. He grabbed a sharply dressed crow and together they headed upstairs.

"Come on," the squirrel came out from behind the bar, giving a quick glance to make sure the other bar staff could handle the customers.

"What's going on, miss...?" Epicene followed but she was bewildered at how serious this all seemed. She didn't think an argument really warranted what seemed like some sort of coordinated police action.

"Dominique," the squirrel stopped at the bottom of the stairs to the dance floor, "and fights can get bad quick. Physical. Bloody. We stop that shit before it gets bad."

Within moments the big, white bear reappeared, walking down the stairs carrying Molly like a toy. Epicene hadn't realized just how huge he was until she saw that. Molly was shaking in fury, screaming incoherently. Jacky was slapping uselessly at the bear. The scene would have been comical if it hadn't been Epicene's friends.

As the trio reached the bottom of the stairs Dominique spoke up, "if we have to call the police there's going to be blood tests." She looked meaningfully at Epicene, "on all three of you."

Molly stopped and thought for a moment and finally relented, going lax in the bear's grip. He set her down on the ground as Jacky came around back, still looking ready for a fight.

"I hope you come back, girls." Dominique forced a regretful smile, "this is as much for your good as ours."

Molly said nothing as she turned to march out the door, shoulders squared with anger. Epicene and Jacky rushed to catch up. As soon as Molly was out the door, though, her fury escaped. She was stomping down the street shouting angrily, drawing confused and worried glances from passersby.

"I can't believe they're protecting that pervert rapist!" Epicene noticed the boys, Juli included, exiting the bar half a block behind them. Not exactly being protected... though Molly wasn't thinking about what she was saying anyway. That kind of anger didn't really allow for thought.

Molly hadn't looked back to see the boys anyway, "You know they threw us out because we're women! A woman stands up for herself and they can't deal with it!"

Epicene tried to grab Molly's arm but the canine wouldn't slow down for her so she retorted, "they threw the boys out, too. They just don't want to have anyone get hurt in their bar!"

Molly hadn't even heard, though. Anger was a selfish creature; Epicene's words were just a buzz of sound. "How dare that man just pick me up like that, like he owns me! I can't believe how sexist they are!" Molly stumbled a little in her short heels; if they'd been longer they would have snapped with her stomping.

"He was just doing his job, Molly!" Epicene looked back to Jacky for support but the cheetah was nodding along to Molly's words. "Just stop and think about this!"

"He molested me! I bet he wanted to fuck me! He was feeling me up!" Molly was swinging her purse as she ranted, gesticulating wildly. Epicene felt ashamed for how Molly was spouting out just the sort of nonsense people claimed feminists said. She hoped desperately no one on the street could understand her. "All I wanted was to get a rapist out of the bar! I'm going to fucking sue them! I'll ruin their shitty little bar!"

"Just stop it!" Epicene blinked at the sound of her own voice. Had she even been capable of yelling so loud? It had certainly stopped Molly in her tracks, the shocked dog turning around to face her. It looked like she was about to shout something back, her lips twisting with ugly words. When Epicene saw her friend's strong, beautiful face twisting into this ugly, hateful thing she had no more doubts.

She stepped forward and grabbed Molly's cheeks, the movement so fluid and sudden that Molly couldn't even react, and Epicene pressed her lips to Molly's. She didn't know if the dog held still from shock or desire but Epicene didn't let that doubt stop her and just pressed her lips in tighter.

Molly and Jacky were both stunned silent as Epicene broke the kiss, the latter's mouth hanging open in shock. The younger girl felt a burst of confused emotions inside her and began beating weakly against Molly's chest, all of her tears suddenly bursting out.

"Damn it Molly, you were the one making a scene! Juli's never done anything to deserve all of those accusations you make about him! And that bouncer was just doing his job! And... and... and you're just being a prideful bitch!" Epicene flinched at her own use of the word, "I want to like you but I keep seeing you turn into this hateful, selfish person and I don't want that! I just want you back the way you are when you're not angry at everything!"

Molly caught Epicene's wrists, holding them gently; the chinchilla wasn't trying to struggle anyway. "You... do you like girls, Epicene?" She shook her head in bewilderment, "I never knew."

"If you put half the time into caring about people as you do hating them, maybe you would have!" Epicene knew it was unfair. After all, she'd only just realized herself this night. She was still just so angry at Molly right now. So angry that the girl she loved had almost become something abhorrent. Loved? She hadn't realized, even when kissing Molly, but yes... she did love her. Epicene never wanted to just be friends.

Molly ignored the attack, though. Instead she grabbed Epicene's cheeks in turn, pressing her full lips back into the chinchilla's. Her lips immediately parted and Epicene fell in step, her heartbeat skipping with the feeling of the canine's tongue sliding over hers. The taste of the girl's breath felt instantly right and feeling Molly's lipstick smear on her own lips, waxy and tingling between their touch, felt magical. The first kiss had been too rushed, too one sided to really feel this good.

As their lips parted, breath slow and deep as they stared into each other's eyes, Epicene noticed Jacky standing well back from them, shifting uncomfortably. They heard cat calls from people on the street, cheering and laughing. Molly began to turn, ready to yell at them, but Epicene pulled her back.

"Don't blame them," Epicene whispered, "it's our fault for doing it in the middle of the street."

Jacky never seemed to drink any of her coffee, just slowly stirring the cup. Her agitation was obvious, every little action repetitive and redundant, just keeping her paws busy. When Molly looked up from her hands, folded atop the dinner table, the cheetah's face was equally unhappy.

Jacky hadn't bothered to get dressed again. She'd just come out in her night shirt and pajama pants with a pair of flip flops. For her own account, Molly had just pulled the night's bar clothes back on regardless of their wrinkled nature. This late, decorum was not a major issue.

"You're lucky I was even still awake." Jacky looked down at her coffee, possibly thinking she could use the caffeine, but she still didn't drink. When the waitress, a middle aged elephant in a too-tight uniform, came by to refill the cup she was confused that it was still full.

The waitress, Louise according to her name tag, inquired about an order beyond just coffee but they both declined. Molly couldn't help but eye the enormous breasts straining the elephant's uniform... even at her age, not to mention being a bit overweight, Louise was quite a looker.

Molly shrugged to Jacky, one arm thrust over the back of their booth. It was late... this was one of the few 24 hour diners that had been available to them. "Epicene passed right out... but I couldn't sleep afterward."

Jacky looked displeased at the confirmation of last night's activities. "I'd... kind of rather not hear about it, ok?"

Molly looked searchingly at Jacky, "really? With how... open you are, I would have figured you'd tried out girls before yourself."

"Well that's a hell of an assumption," Jacky snapped. She sighed and finally took a sip of her now cold coffee, "I have though... and I might again. Wasn't really into it but it's not like it was terrible. And hell, the boys love it. But there was never anything romantic about it."

"I don't understand..." Molly began, but Jacky cut her off.

"Look, I'm not so much into girls as I am unconcerned about it. If it feels good, then fun, it's just touching and feeling. But a lesbian...?" She shook her head and sighed. She seemed to realize how nonsensical it sounded, "then it's not touching and feeling, it's SEX."

"I think you might be crazy." Molly said it more frankly than she'd intended. It had been meant to sound a little funny.

"Well try this, then." Jacky was glaring at her and it dawned on Molly there might be feelings at work she didn't quite understand. "You were both hiding from me that you were gay. Get it? Did you not trust me? Or were you trying to sneak up on me? You think Juli's a monster for trying to sneak up on girls but here you two are, thinking who knows what about me and I didn't know."

"I wasn't hiding it," Molly shook her head. She refused to believe she was in the wrong. "It just never came up."

"Bullshit, "Jacky downed the rest of her coffee and slammed the cup to the table with a clack. "Boys aren't the only ones who can be predators, Molly. I deserved to know what your interests really were. So did Epicene. You two wouldn't have been dancing around each other so long if you'd just been open."

"I don't think she really knew until recently... don't think too badly on her." Molly could kind of see Jacky's point though she still disagreed. "But I shouldn't have to treat being gay differently from how you treat being straight. You never told me, either."

"Oh, give me a break!" Jacky looked around for the waitress, "see, that's the problem with all your theories and philosophies. All of those ideas don't stand up in the real world. Almost everyone is straight, Molly. It's not equal at all. So yeah, I get to assume everyone is straight until they say otherwise and I bet you do the same if you're going to be honest about it."

Molly did have to admit she made that assumption... but she still felt she shouldn't have to. The world may be unfair but accepting that meant nothing ever changed. "I guess we're just going to have to agree to disagree. I'm sorry it bothers you but I was never trying to get with you, Jacky. I have to admit... I was afraid the other girls would refuse to be friends at all if I was open."

Jacky laughed harshly, "You? You were afraid of anything? The ball-breaker Molly?"

Molly smiled, taking a sip of her own water. "I guess that doesn't really sound like me, does it? But everyone wants to be accepted, you know. When you have friends you can afford to be a bitch. If you have no friends and you're a bitch, well... that's just a tragedy."

"Like Epicene, huh? Wonder if she'd have been so friendly if she were more popular." Jacky held out her cup for a refill as Louise returned, "I guess this all explains why you were so protective of her."

"I was actually pretty surprised to find out she's gay." Molly twirled her straw around her glass of water, "especially considering everything with Juli but, you know, it makes a weird kind of sense after the fact. Like, that was her last attempt to convince herself she wasn't gay. I wasn't trying to get in her pants, though. I'd like to think I'd have stood up for any girl."

"Like to think?" Jacky picked up on the non-committal phrase and Molly merely shrugged. "What I don't get, though, is why Epicene? How could that mousy little thing be anyone's type? She's not even that pretty."

Molly scowled, "lesbians don't have to be bull-dykes or lipstick."

"That's not what I meant. Seriously, no boy would look at Epicene and think she was super-hot." Jacky poured some cream into her coffee, "not that she's ugly but she's still just average and she hides even those looks. She's shy, she's shabby, she doesn't wear makeup... she seriously needs to learn how to keep herself."

Molly dismissed it all with a gesture, "that's how men think of women. Little china dolls to sit on shelves and make look pretty. I like Epicene because of who she is inside." Molly smiled at the accidental pun and Jacky scowled as she noticed it. "Really, though, there's a lovely person inside that girl. You should try looking past appearances... and I mean with your boys, not Epicene."

"So... what's this mean, then?" Jacky set down her cup and steepled her fingers, elbows on the table, "are you two dating?"

"I'm not really sure." Molly declined to elaborate.

"Well, that I get." Jacky laid her chin on her hands, "it is Epicene, after all. You can do better."

"No, not that! For one thing, she'd been drinking. I shouldn't have done anything with her at all..." Molly sighed regretfully, "and for another I was just her first. Every isolated, lonely gay girl finds a more open lesbian and hero worships them. They think the two of them must be star crossed lovers but they're not. It's just one girl who needs a push out the door and another girl that was easy to find. It's best Epicene not waste her time learning that lesson."

Jacky looked at her watch and shook her head, "fuck, I am not getting much sleep tonight. I've got to get home." She picked up her bill, "you do what you want, but... I think you might be a little too cynical. Anyway, I'll try to be cool about all of this."

Molly followed suit soon; all she'd had was the water so she just left. As she took the short walk home to the dorms she thought about the girl still slumbering in her bed. Her naked thighs, soft and tender from years of timid hiding. Little erogenous zones still so unused to simulation she flinched away at every touch to them. Labored breathing and constant, pleased noises from even the lightest touch. There had been no feeling of guarded vulnerability in that bed in the way Molly knew there was with a man. She understood every inch of Epicene's body in a way only another girl could.

She opened her door quietly, desperate not to disturb the slumbering chinchilla. She found the girl still sprawled out naked overtop the covers. Molly sat down carefully, smiling at her. When they'd gotten into Molly's dorm last night, luckily a single's dorm, Epicene was immediately tearing at Molly's clothes. The frenzied passion had been a total surprise, completely unlike the shy little girl Molly knew. She'd had to take some control of Epicene and slow her down, keeping their focus on the slow exploration of pleasure.

While she brushed her fingers over the sleeping girl's long hair, the bun having collapsed during their escapades, Molly looked over her body. Before their clothes were even off Epicene was moaning, Molly testing every little point of pleasure she knew, seeing which Epicene had and which she didn't: the spot where the breasts hung from the shoulder; the crevice between hip bone and crotch; where the neck met the shoulder; the webbing between her second and third toe. So many little places one never thought to look when every thought was about genitals.

She picked up a pair of cuffs with her other paw. Epicene had discovered them on the dresser, as well as some other toys, and had grown quite excited. Molly hadn't intended their use at all but Epicene insisted; another surprise from the shy, mousy chinchilla. Molly had carefully removed everything after Epicene passed out, knowing they could leave her quite sore in the morning.

While Molly had finished undressing Epicene last night, even pulling off her socks, the chinchilla told her about the process of coming out. It was a long, tired story Molly had heard a hundred times since her own iteration but to Epicene it was profound, so she smiled and nodded while she cuffed Epicene's wrists to the bed posts, outstretched above her head. Epicene's personal stakes made the tale sound like poetry though Molly was more invested in using ropes to tie down the chinchilla's legs, leaving Epicene spread eagle on her bed with the thin pink slit of her sex exposed and defenseless.

Her parents hadn't been exactly hateful of homosexuals but she knew accepting one into their own family would be hard. Molly nodded while she pulled back the girl's hair, clipping a collar around her neck tight enough to make Epicene gasp, though she did not complain. Molly wondered if the profundity of that action was clear to Epicene and decided not to put a lock on the collar.

Her parents would be so disappointed that they'd have no grandchildren from their daughter. In response Molly removed the girl's glasses and put a blindfold over her eyes. She leaned down close, her cheek brushing over Epicene's and whispered in her ear, "shhh... that's all in the past." She slipped a ball gag, the smallest she had, into Epicene's lips and carefully tightened the straps behind her head.

Molly had looked over her handiwork appreciatively. The girl really was lovely out of her ill-fitting hoodie and baggy jeans, though she knew most would not appreciate the chinchilla's plain figure as much as Molly did. She stroked her paws all around Epicene's bosom, teasingly skirting the edges while the little girl squirmed, gasping around the gag. Molly straddled her belly and leaned down, brushing her lips teasingly over Epicene's nipples, one then the other, before tugging them into her lips, pulling them taught. Epicene yelped under her and Molly nuzzled her way down the girl's belly.

Molly kissed her navel and the dips of her belly above the hips before kissing the mound of her crotch. With the girl's legs spread taught her pussy wasn't the most accessible it could be but Molly didn't have too much trouble accessing Epicene's swollen little clitoris, spreading the top of her labia with a pair of fingers and tonguing in between. The girl writhed and moaned with pleasure while Molly squeezed the thick muscle inside one thigh, leaving Epicene's leg trembling.

Eventually she twisted around over Epicene, positioning her own slit over the other girl's muzzle and rubbing her puffy lips over the chinchilla's nose and against the ball of her gag, dragging them over Epicene's spread lips. She could hear Epicene sniffing at her sex while she reached back to unclasp the gag, slowly pulling it from the girl's lips and replacing it with her own mound, grinding her slit over the chinchilla's eager lips and questing tongue.

Molly moaned as she laid back down over the restrained girl, Epicene's tongue digging through the trench of Molly's pussy from clitoris nearly to anus and pushing the writhing muscle into the tight ring of her vagina. Molly returned her own attention to Epicene's slit, nibbling at the chinchilla's clitoris with just her lips while fingers massaged the fuzzy mound. Slowly she spread those lips open, fingers slipping slowly into the spreading, pink crevice.

While Molly smiled to herself, recalling the feeling of hot and soft flesh squeezing desperately around her caressing fingers, Epicene began to stir from sleep. The girl's eyes half opened and she curled up against Molly's legs, arms wrapping around her thigh and nuzzling at her hip. Within moments her paws were sliding into the rim of Molly's jeans, working her button free. The canine made a half-hearted attempt to divert Epicene's attention but she didn't really want to. She let Epicene pull her pants down to her knees and push her back against the bed sheets.

Epicene was on her hands and knees suddenly, head nuzzling in between the capris stretching between Molly's knees and the panties still clasped around her hips. The chinchilla nuzzled right down at the sheer fabric before her fingers joined in, pulling the crotch of the undergarments aside to reveal the canine's pussy. Nose and muzzle pressed in tight, tongue pushed through unspread labia. Molly groaned, almost sore after the numerous orgasms the eager chinchilla had drawn from her only hours before.

Epicene was insistent, though, and as her muzzle laid claim to Molly's slit her paws were moving, sliding up the spaniel's waist and belly, travelling under her shirt and pushing right under the stiff ridge of her bra. The chinchilla squeezed her breasts, pinched her nipples, rubbed firmly over her soft mounds. The girl's fumbling was direct, artless... but intense. With practice her insatiable lust was going to be incredible to receive.

A few minutes later Molly was writhing in her sheets, moaning and crying out. When Epicene's lips rose up her smile was caked with the thick, translucent fluid of Molly's orgasm. She licked it from her lips while she scampered over the bed to lie next to Molly, hugging the other girl tight.

"Hmmm, we need some breakfast." Epicene giggled to herself, "well, more breakfast. That wasn't enough to fill me up."

Molly sighed, taking hold of Epicene's paws. "We need to talk."

Epicene was still sobbing a little as she dabbed the tissue at her eyes though her tears had long since dried up. Thank goodness it was still practice or her stage makeup would have been ruined. She heard someone try the bathroom door, not giving up after several tries, and called out that it was occupied; why did people always doubt a locked bathroom was occupied? The momentary intrusion into her private sorrow ruined the feeling and, looking at herself in the mirror, she felt silly.

She had thought her emotions were under control when she'd shown up to rehearsal. She'd spent all weekend swallowing down her misery until she thought she couldn't feel anything anymore. But the moment she saw Molly it was all for naught. A weekend's worth of repressed tears forced their way out of her.

She hadn't understood what Molly tried to explain to her the morning after they'd made love. She could tell it was cynicism about romance, treating the idea of a relationship like it were nothing more than a set of statistics. She tried to explain that while Molly was her first girl lover she was not the first lesbian the chinchilla had ever met; if any available girl would have done this would have happened long since. But Molly just shook her head and rationalized Epicene's past reluctance away.

Molly believed she knew Epicene better than the girl knew herself. She understood that feeling but it rested on the belief that more experience as a lesbian made her an expert on all lesbians, as if that one thing determined what Molly would think and do. The presumption had Epicene somewhere between furious and heartbroken, teetering back and forth as she thought about it. As much as she loved Molly's strong will and self-confidence this was an infuriating side effect.

Epicene closed the bathroom door quietly, afraid someone would realize how long she'd been in there, and crept back toward the crowd of actors. Despite her stealth Xuan managed to head her off quickly. The otter looked bashful, running his fingers through his hair even though the webs between them made the effort fruitless.

"Hey, I wanted to apologize about Friday... about my part in the fight." He tried a wan smile, "we all just got carried away."

"It's fine," she replied without really listening. She didn't remember him doing anything nor was she aware of anything wrong the boys had done. She supposed Juli's visibly tented skirt wasn't the best thing to parade out in public but, despite her embarrassment, that wasn't really her problem.

He looked out to the crowd, fidgeting with a 'male' symbol necklace hanging against his chest, "maybe you think that but it's not. There are obviously problems with the girls. Jacky and Molly are acting weird with one another and you're not with them at all. Their acting with all of the men is just a mess, too, and you've been hiding away. I can't help but think our fight caused it."

Epicene shook her head and sighed, "No, it's not." She declined to elaborate; she didn't trust her own control over her feelings so she just walked away. When Mabatha saw her he gestured impatiently.

"There you finally are!" He pulled a script unceremoniously from Grace's paws, "you need to rehearse with Molly!"

She marched calmly out to the stage but once she saw Molly standing there, cold as usual, she felt uncertain of herself. She struggled to remember her lines and mumbled, "what are you looking for?"

Mabatha cursed, "she leads with your name! Wait for your cues!"

Molly continued on anyway, "why are you sneaking up on me?" The line was cold with a touch of preemptive defiance, as off the mark as Epicene's had been from the content of the words.

"Did you lose something?" Epicene's own tone had taken some iron, offended by the preemptive harshness of Molly's words.

Molly unexpectedly backed down from Epicene's tone, her head inclining while the chinchilla's rose. "I don't know what I've lost." The line barely carried, just above a whisper and not a stage whisper at that.

Epicene drove on, swinging from heartbreak to fury. "Then what's the point in looking? I'm going home now!" She shouted the line, which would have been a valid interpretation but it was not how Mabatha wanted to go.

"Damn it," Molly looked panicked before Epicene's anger, looking away. "How were you so quiet?"

That wasn't the question Epicene heard, though. She read clearly what Molly was really asking and answered that instead of reciting her next line, "how dare you try to make my choices for me!"

"Damn it, just cut already!" Grace had stood up and begun pacing; Epicene hadn't even noticed. "Your lines are all off, your delivery is a shambles, sometimes I can't even hear you... what the fuck happened? You were fine last week!"

"I'm..." Molly began, then steeled herself and spoke up, "I'm sorry Grace, we'll do better."

"Just get off the stage!" She pulled up another copy of the script, one Mabatha had not yet stolen from her, "let's go back to the sex scene. If we can get that to work this won't be a complete waste of a day."

While Jamal and Juli repositioned on the stage Molly and Epicene departed in silence. Jacky intercepted them as soon as they'd passed the curtain, giving Epicene an odd, searching look and nudging her way in between them deliberately. Epicene would not remain unanswered, though, and just spoke past Jacky.

"Well?" She raised her voice unconsciously, drawing eyes from all around, "what do you have to say for yourself?"

Molly looked over at her sadly but it was Jacky who responded, snickering. "Don't you get it? You aren't wanted here anymore!"

Jacky stood in stunned silence, her cheek stinging. It took a moment for her to realize that Epicene had actually slapped her, and hard at that. Epicene didn't recall the motion herself but she felt the stinging tingle of impact in her fingers.

Jacky had her fist back, ready to give some back to Epicene with a snarl, when Molly grabbed her arm. "I don't need you to protect me, Jacky."

The cheetah looked between Molly and Epicene, unsure which to be angrier with, before pulling her arm free and scoffing. "Sometimes I forget you're not like Epicene. And here I was nice enough to be her friend."

Molly watched Jacky depart with annoyance but she kept her mouth shut, turning instead to Epicene.

She tried to put her paw on Epicene's shoulder but the chinchilla shook it off angrily, "look, Epicene... I want us to stay friends. I really do. But... I don't know if you can handle it, not if you're taking it like this."

Epicene was dumbfounded, "I can't handle it? Me?" She could feel the color rising to her cheeks. "I've done nothing, not a damned thing, to deserve that reaction! Or to be shunned by you! All I want is an explanation!"

Molly tried to smile and failed spectacularly. "I was afraid you'd be too... clingy. I'm sorry."

"How could you just assume that?" Epicene was shaking her head in disbelief. Was this really the girl she'd fallen in love with? She looked around to make sure no one could hear them anymore, "how could you have so little faith in me? You sleep with me and then just throw me away? Is that how women should treat each other? Just like the worst of men?"

Molly was visibly upset by the implication. "Look, you were drunk that night. You weren't in your right mind."

"You shouldn't have taken me to bed if you were just going to send me away in the morning!" Epicene clenched her fists, shaking with building rage. "You set me up for this!"

Tears began forming in the corners of Molly's eyes, something Epicene had never seen before. She relished the show of emotion and the power she felt in seeing it. The canine blubbered, "I'm so sorry, Epicene... but I'm not as good a woman as I try to be. I just know I'll be bad for you!"

"I don't need protecting either!" The chinchilla screamed it loud, everyone in the backstage hearing and staring uncertainly. The whole place had fallen into frightened silence as Epicene stormed away, going back among the crowd of actors while Molly trailed behind.

"Everyone get out of here." Grace grumbled as Epicene neared the stage again, waving her hand to the quiet actors, "everyone but Juli and Jamal, of course." Everyone began filing out of the hall and Epicene was only too eager to leave, keeping well ahead of the other girls. She looked back to see how far ahead and noticed Molly glaring at Juli; she still wanted to blame someone else for her problems. Jacky, on the other hand, was slipping away to speak with Grace.

As Epicene left the building it dawned on her that she had no way home. Her parents had driven her in and wouldn't be planning on coming back until after practice was scheduled to end. While she was thinking her situation over Molly raced up behind her and grabbed her slender shoulder.

"I'm sorry, Epicene, you're exactly right." She puffed, having clearly run hard to make up the distance, "It's just that... under all of my bravado I'm really pretty insecure. I can't believe a nice girl like you would really like me... not after getting to really know me.

Epicene considered her coolly. Insecure? She'd fallen in love with a strong, independent woman; was she interested in the insecure girl hiding underneath?

"Deep down, I do just want to be with you, Epicene... but I convince myself it won't work so I don't' have to face the failure." Her smile was tortured, stained by drying tears, "and if you want to be with me too, well... you'll have to accept that I'm not always strong."

"No." Epicene felt imperious, like she was looking down on Molly despite being a little shorter.

Molly looked honestly confused. This wasn't how a romantic revelation was supposed to go, "but... but why?"

"After everything you've put me through, Molly? After all of that you think an apology is enough? You can't just pick it back up like nothing happened."

"Please, Epicene..." the tears were coming in streams now, matting down the golden fur along Molly's muzzle. "Give me another chance."

With a sigh Epicene looked over her fractured, imperfect lover. "You're going to have to prove to me that you've changed. Promises aren't enough."

"But how?" Molly felt a ping of hope.

"You're going to have to figure that out on your own." Epicene turned away and began walking. It was a long way home, a few miles at least, and she wasn't entirely sure of the way. But she was no longer afraid to face the uncertain and the difficult.

Molly leaned against the wall by the buffet table, her heart pounding in her bosom. The play had only just ended and the whole experience had been terrifying. Still, the play had gone well; much better than she'd expected. After the night she and Epicene had their confrontation, weeks past now, the acting had improved dramatically. Even Jamal and Juli's sex scene had suddenly improved and that seemed to ease the whole play, relieving everyone's greatest fear.

With a successful opening night under their belts, at least in terms of acting, the after party had a light and happy mood. She was happy the finances weren't her concern; the turn out hadn't been spectacular but no one had really expected Broadway crowds here. Word of mouth might well improve their continuing performances, though.

She and Epicene still weren't on very good terms. They were spending time together but never alone and Jacky didn't like dealing with their problems one bit. They weren't angry anymore but the association was still quite strained. When they acted together on stage there was a pleading and needfulness in their lines that Mabatha loved; he thought it added levels of meaning to the scene though the two actresses knew it had nothing to do with acting. Everything seemed to be working out for the play and day after day Epicene's stony silence seemed to be softening, though she'd still not said yes yet.

Molly watched Jacky have a brief conversation with Juli before the sheep departed back to his little circle of actors. Jacky's black dress had a low cut neckline, displaying her ample bosom beneath a halter collar. It was the fanciest thing she'd ever seen the cheetah in but it still found novel ways to show skin. For her own part Molly was wearing an open backed, emerald dress that completely covered her breasts but she had a shawl on that hid the open back.

With Juli now free from Jacky Molly finally pushed herself from the wall with a deep breath and headed out to Epicene. The girl was alone, as was typical, in a red dress much more daring than she usually wore, though there was nothing daring in its moderate neckline, full back and long skirt. Molly wasn't sure the color worked with her gray fur and conservative bun hairdo but her figure was at least visible for once. When she saw Molly there was a sad longing in her eyes. Molly knew how badly Epicene wanted to tell her yes but there was so much hurt behind her eyes and it demanded an answer.

"I'm sorry I've been so obtuse, Epicene." Molly twirled a champagne glass in her paw, "I know how to make it up to you, though. I'm willing to go all the way."

Epicene blushed, "I don't know what you mean... how much further we could go. But it was never about sex, Molly."

"Follow me." Epicene hesitated but the certainty and assurance in Molly's voice was like she hadn't heard since before their fight. It instilled trust in the girl and she fell in step as Molly wove her way through the throng. She walked up directly behind Juli, at one end of a ring of his actor friends, and tapped him on the shoulder.

Juli jumped at the tap, turning to look uncertainly at Molly. She wasn't happy about this; she still had serious misgiving about the boy but she was going to trust Epicene. "I want to apologize... for making that scene at the bar. And for not thinking about Epicene's feelings." She gave a long pause, "... or yours."

Juli stared at her uncertainly for a long, uncomfortable moment. As it stretched on silently Molly began to feel angry again. He was snubbing her after she'd tried to make amends. She'd been right all along.

"It's ok, Molly." Juli forced a smile, "everyone was stressed leading up to the play."

Molly could tell he didn't really mean the excuse he'd offered her. He didn't trust her and she saw a vulnerability in that she hadn't previously attributed to him. The very fact that he was willing to offer her this excuse, this easy out from their quarrelling, was an unexpected kindness he did not owe her. As her own silence stretched out she regarded him in a new light, realizing that Epicene may have been right about him... and about her.

Molly gave him a curt nod and turned away, smiling to Epicene and simply heading off without saying anything else. She just headed for a back door; the party was taking place in a back room of the playhouse, the doors leading out into the backstage corridors she knew well. She didn't know if this was the right answer or the whole answer but she'd put her pride on the line.

Molly felt she had taken a huge risk by exposing herself to the real chance of humiliation. She'd let someone who might be dangerous to her have a way past her defenses and she might come to regret it more deeply than she could ever believe and she didn't even know if this was what Epicene needed from her. She might as well have played Russian roulette to prove her devotion!

She sighed... in the end, Epicene had been right, though. Molly had probably misjudged Juli. She'd had so few categories she could put people in; perhaps he didn't fit the few types of boy and girl she'd decided were real and ok. And if so, perhaps the fault was hers, not his.

She heard the door to the hallway open and looked back to see Epicene entering the dark corridor. "Sorry I'm late. I wanted to have a quick word with Juli, too." She gave Molly a long, quizzical look. "Why did you do that?"

"There's nothing I could have said to you that would have proved anything." Molly slumped against the wall, sliding down slowly to sit on the floor. "Anything I said might have sound like a desperate lie to get what I wanted out of you. At the heart of all my problems, though, it's like you said... I put more effort into hating than loving. So I fought my hate. I don't know if that's what you wanted or if it's enough but that's the answer I have for you."

Molly looked up at Epicene, only then realizing she was crying again. "Was it the right answer?"

In response Epicene took Molly's paws in her own, pulled the dog to her feet and pressed her lips into the canine's. Her lips lingered long, pressing firmer every moment of contact, insistently prying Molly's open and thrusting her tongue in, aiming directly for the dog's own and caressing it warmly.

Before even breaking the kiss Epicene was pulling at Molly's clothes. She had to stop the chinchilla before she did some damage; the dress was not cheap at all. "We shouldn't do this here... there's people right on the other side of that door."

Epicene pressed her muzzle in along Molly's, nuzzling closely. "I don't care."

Molly smirked; Epicene became so forward and fearless when it came to love making. "Do you want to get caught? Or maybe you want to be watched?"

Surprisingly, Epicene actually thought about the question seriously. "Maybe I do. If I couldn't keep on hiding I couldn't be controlled by fear." Molly reached behind her neck, awkwardly unfastening the hidden clasp that held the front of her dress up. With that done the dress came off much more easily. Epicene seemed to have a much easier time with her own dress; she was already stripping off her panties and high heels. While Molly pulled the short heals off of her own feet Epicene began tugging the panties off her hips. Molly had to laugh a little at the girl's eagerness.

Molly settled back down to the floor, her stockings and long, sheer gloves still on while Epicene leaned over her in nothing but a glistening necklace and ear rings. She directed Molly back with an ease the dog hadn't expected; she'd figured Epicene for a pure sub, especially after that first night. And then Epicene began winding a thick rope around Molly's wrists.

Molly jumped at that, looking around for where the rope had come from. She realized there was a great deal of stage equipment in the hallway, everyone too eager for the after party to finish their cleaning. Epicene's handling of the knots was quick and impressive, a well-studied hand... a girl scout perhaps.

"I certainly didn't see this coming..." Molly smiled up at the chinchilla, realizing her glasses had been removed at some point; the girl was navigating almost by feel alone.

Epicene dragged Molly's bound arms around her shoulders, forcing the spaniel into a loose hug while Epicene's light weight settled over her, breasts pressed warm and tight together and the warm, bony width of her waist forcing Molly's legs to spread around them. "I can't have you getting away again." Molly momentarily felt chided but forgot that while Epicene twisted, drawing one long leg over her own, turning at the waist so her own crotch would pressed down against Molly's slit.

Their tender labia pressed together, the lips dragging deliciously along one another with a tingling almost too intense for such a light touch. Molly could feel Epicene's warmth against hers, flowing into her loins and when the chinchilla pressed down hard, grinding their hips together, Molly moaned out in spite of herself.

The complicated position was made more so by Molly's bound wrists, now pressed against the back of Epicene's neck. When the chinchilla wrapped her arms around Molly's leg, lifting and hugging it parallel to the front of her body with the foreleg nestled between her bosom, Molly was forced to arch her back. Epicene's rising body dragged her arms taught, pulled her shoulders forward; the position was straining, soreness spreading through her joints, but she had no choice but to follow.

Molly wasn't only forced to endure the slowly waxing pain because of the ropes. If she'd fought she could have eased the position, after all. But Epicene possessed her heart now and she no longer dominated their relationship. The power play was now shifting and, Molly thought, would continue to shift as long as they were together. Today, Epicene had complete control.

Epicene nuzzled against Molly's foot paw, giving a slow lick over her toe pads one by one. Molly couldn't help but giggle at the touch, squirming a little; she wasn't used to having them touched and was a little ticklish. The act was also surprising from Epicene but Molly suspected she had a lot to learn about the quite girl.

Epicene finally let go of Molly's leg and the cocker spaniel's breathing eased as the hard press of trembling hips relented. Epicene climbed over her, pulling the other leg over her hips as well and straddling the dog's belly. As she slid up, leaving a thin trail of moistened fur in her wake, Molly's bound limbs slipped below her shoulders to ensnare her waist.

Molly groaned as the chinchilla's thighs squeezed their way over her tender breasts and then she found Epicene's slit winking in her face, arousal causing the labia, puffed slightly with inrushing blood, to flex. The girl's paws were in Molly's hair, scratching along her scalp with a fierce insistence that threatened to shove her head in manually.

Molly obliged, pressing her lips into the thin, vertical pair nestled into Epicene's fur, kissing warmly while letting her tongue drag through the slimy interior, drawing the little girl's fragrant juices into her muzzle. A low growl rose in her chest and her clipped tail wagged a thumping rhythm into the floor while she pressed her muzzle in wholesale.

Epicene's hips lifted, her long and fluffy tail twitching over Molly's belly while she leaned back to angle her hips forward with a sharp moan. Molly was more given to the slow and tender love making of their previous experience, seeking out the tiny and unexpected places of pleasure, but Epicene was in charge now and she demanded a more goal-oriented approach to sex.

Molly's nose rubbed into the girl's clitoris, puffy and peeking out from its hood right before the dog's eyes. The smell was overpowering, her head swimming like she wasn't breathing oxygen, while her tongue dove into Epicene's vaginal passage. The pink flesh lining that canal was deceptive, spongy to the touch but with a savage grip when it touched back.

Molly's neck and shoulders ached at the weight of the girl pressing into her. Her breasts were crushed under Epicene's butt while the chinchilla's fluffy tail slapped at her belly. Her wrists trembled with the rubbing of rope fibers... but she registered none of this, completely absorbed in her lover.

When Epicene came the fluid didn't reveal itself in the slow, squelching crawl Molly's would. It sprayed out, splattering Molly's nose and muzzle with the cloudy fluid. She whimpered a little, mostly from surprise while her fur matted with swiftly drying lubricant. She was going to be smelling Epicene in her fur for days....

Molly could live with that.

Epicene leaned back, exhausted on trembling legs and Molly used her bound arms to hold the girl up while she slowly cleaned up the lingering fluids in her slit, lapping them up with slow and eager resolve. After a few moments of recovery Epicene slipped out of Molly's arms, settling next to her on the floor instead, laying naked atop a pile of their clothes. Her arms and legs both wrapped around the canine, holding the bound girl who shivered in the rapidly cooling air, which only made her appreciate Epicene against her back more.

"I accept." Epicene nibbled at her long, fluffy ear.

Molly giggled, "I kind of figured...."

Before either could say anymore the door to the party opened. Jacky stepped through.

"Molly, Epicene... you two in here?" In a moment Jacky's eyes had grown accustomed to the light and she cursed, covering her eyes with a paw. "Damn your libidos!" She exited again, closing the door behind her with a slam.