Star Wars: Chronicles of Darth malum sicarius and Darth Nexius Book 1 RIse to Darkness

Story by Jesse Fluff II on SoFurry

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Star Wars: Chronicles of Darth malum sicarius and Darth Nexius

to sith in love but cant show it, not furry YET its just my first fanFick

Star Wars: Chronicles of Darth malum sicarius and Darth Nexius

Book 1

Rise to Darkness

** By Jesse C colon**

Chapter one


Transport shuttle in bound to

The Sith Academy on Korriban

With 10 new sith recruits

The VT-22 light troop transport shuttle was silent except for the hum of its engines the shuttle was filled with the 10 new recruits and the 2 sith warriors no one said a word as they flew towered Korriban. "We will be landing in the valley of the dark lords in 2 minutes" the pilot said over the intercom. "To your feet maggots!" one of the sith warriors yelled out and all the recruits jumped up. 2 of the recruits Jesse and Taylor knew each other from child hood in the under city of the republic capital and both insisted in the sith Army together after the sacking of Coruscant by the mighty sith army and navy under the leadership of the great Darth Malgus Then they were both tested and found to have high levels of Midi-chlorians in their blood and were sent off to Korriban to become sith. The shuttle touched down and the doors dropped and standing there was the Headmaster Dark lard Qordis. "fall out now" the sith warriors said in unison and we all got off in raped session and stood there looking at Qordis who spoke with a voice that commanded power " Today your old names are no more you will pick your new sith names in the next 10 minutes or u will suffer at the hands of Darth timor and Darth rabidus the two warriors who escorted you to your new lives" the 10 minutes passed and the two warriors went to each and names were said, when they arrived at Jesse he spoke without hesitation "Malum, Malum Sicarius my load" the warriors moved on to the next who was not so lucky and hesitated and suddenly the air was alive with electricity and he feel to the ground shuddering as Darth timor stood above him pouring force lightning on to the boy who shuddered and spazed in to he was unconscious they left him and moved to Taylor who was un shaken by the show of power and spoke " Nexius my lord" the rest of the group was done then they were told go who their masters would be, malum and Nexius best friends and "more" sense birth now were under the same master, witch meant they would have to fight each other for the top spot. The recruits were told to report to their respective masters.

Chapter 2


** The Sith Academy Korriban**

Valley of the Dark Lords

6 months after arrival

The recruits had gone from 10 down to 6, 2 lay dead 2 lay in the infirmary one was there because of a sparring session with Nexius where he brutally beaten and had 3ed degree burns on his face from the stun sabers blade breaking across it as well as 3 missing teeth and a broken arm and dislocated knee, Nexius was a force to be reckoned with when it came to saber fighting.

The other was there because he made the mistake of challenging malum to a saber battle in which malum moved faster than anyone expected and using his speed and power to redirect the attack then using his attackers own force against him malum dislocated his attackers arm, sweep him off his feet and disarmed the boy, now armed with 2 sabers malum preceded to beat him in all his limbs and did a power swing down on his neck cracking it. Those 2 were to be sent back to start anew for they missed much of the training laying in the infirmary.

All of the recruits had learned how to use the force and all manner of weapons and military tactics and in 10 days they would be sent off to respective schools, on being Warriors or Marauders, Sith Assassins or Spies, and the select few who only used the force Sith Adepts or Acolytes, after 1 year of training they would return to Korriban be granted there respected rank of lord or Dark lord and the very rarely a select few achieved the title of master.

There master Darth Torum was very pleased with her to star students and was more than happy to pit them against each other, malum and Nexius stood faceting each other as their master spoke "You two are by far two of the best students we have ever had here, you will make fine masters of the dark side someday, But today you will fight into one of u submits for the top spot in this class of students. You may use any training weapons or force tactics you wish just no one may die" she pointed to either side of the room where all manner of sith weapons were laid out on 2 tables. The friends turned enemy walked over to their respective tables and picked out there weapons. Malum arrived at the table and picked up to light sabers and hid one in each of his sleeves and picked up a micro staff and turned back toward his old friend and turned on one the twin blades with a spin. Nexius picked up 2 sabers attached them with a cupper to form a staff. "You will lose my old friend" Nexius said to malum. Malum smirked and pointed the saber at him "then come get me" nexus came malum with a series of vicious swings that malum blocked and dogged laughing as he did, this enraged Nexius "you little bitch attack me" he screamed while swinging "as you wish" as malum said that they got in to saber lock with Nexius pushing the saber dangerously close to Malums face. Right then malum actuated the second of the twin blades and kicked Nexius in the chest. Nexius supersized that it was a staff and caught of guard by kick staggered back and malum pressed his attack swinging rapidly with side to side and up word swings faster then Nexius new malum could move, then with a move malum didn't expect Nexius blocked a swing with his saber then fast as lightning he grabbed Malums saber arm and twitched and made him drop his saber and then punched him in the face over and over and malum force pushed nexus back then tried to pull his weapon to him but nexus cut it in half with his saber, cussing sparks to fly from the training weapon. "Good Nexius now finish him" Darth Torum spoke as she watched all this happing, Nexius grinned and nodded "yes my master". Malum sat there as if excepting his fate and expecting Nexius to hit him in the neck with his training weapon. Just as Nexius reared back the 2 sabers malum hid on his wrists sprang to life and blocked the attack and started countering "VARY WELL DONE" Darth Torum said with pride. The battle went on for 45 minutes Nexius even surprising malum by separating his staff and both using multiple force powers, it was still a stale mate. "THAT'S ENOUGH IT IS A TIE" Darth Torum said knowing there would be no winner of this fight. "yes master" they both said in unison and deactivated there blades.

Chapter 3


The Sith Academy Korriban

Valley of the Dark Lords

10 days latter

All 6 remanding recruits were standing in ceremonial black sith robes in the main hall with the head master addressing them all. "You all are the ones who made it through the difficult training and all the tests and should be proud to know you all now have earned the right to call yourself DARTH. Now to introduce to your top of your class, Darth Malum sicarius and Darth Nexius" the two walked up to the front and bowed. "Rise Darth Malum sicarius, you will be joining the ranks of the sith assassins. Raise Darth Nexius you will be a Sith Marauder and lead the troupes through your rage. The rest of you your masters have your assignments"Dark lard Qordis said and he left them there. All the rest of the recruits fell out and malum and Nexius just stood there looking at each other there eyes now golden in color "I'll miss you old friend "malum said breaking the silence "I'll miss you to you'll be a great assassin"Nexius said "and you will be the best Marauder out there" malum said and they turned and walked away from each other to start the rest of their lives. Malum looking back with sadness in his eyes...

Look for Book 2 "ASSASSIN"

IN the next month or so, any comments good or bad would be grate