In The Right Places.

Story by Iacobus Artifex on SoFurry

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Moar. Think this is it for Hank and Ryan.

It's been nearly three months since I pulled him into a kiss in the elevator. Funny I should be thinking about that now, as I glower at him, both of us standing in my living room. He looks sad, and bit worried, ears flat and green eyes casted towards the ground.

A week after I kissed him, he came back to my apartment for more. We started seeing a lot of eachother after than. Just a month ago, he finally whispered to me, quietly in my bed, "I love you." I'd really hoped things would work out.

"I am not going to deal with this. I am an adult. I have been out of the closet for many, many years, and I am not going back. I want to go out with my boyfriend," I say, making sure to emphasize boyfriend, "for a nice night out, or an actual date. You haven't even taken me out for dinner."

He just keeps looking towards the ground, like he knows he's done something wrong, his tail close to his leg. It's honestly kind of cute, like he's a puppy caught with his paw in the biscuit jar. "I've been trying to work this through with you. I've given you chances and time, and you don't seem willing to change. I'd like to have a loving boyfriend, not a hot fuckbuddy," I grumble, and he whines.

"I'm jus'... Nervous," he says, slowly. "I'm not like you. I haven't been out for years... What would my friends think? My parents? I don't want to lose them all." He shifts his position. I understand not wanting to lose friends, but I shrug. "You won't lose them all. You'd be surprised how many people shrug and go on like nothing ever happened. "

I wave my paw at the door, my long tail flicking quickly behind me. "When you decide to grow up and stop worrying about what everyone else thinks, I'd love to go on a date with you. Until then, I'll see you at work," I said, and he stands there, paws raised at his midsection like he's arguing with himself. He gives up with a sigh, and starts to pad out. He mumbles something I barely hear, just, "Bye, Ryan," and then he's gone, my apartment empty, though his rather strong scent lingers. I sit myself on the couch and sigh, curling up a bit.

The next evening I decide to go out to a bar, not as nice as the one I took Hank to, that first night. No, this bar is more for men looking for fun, either for some pool and companionship, or a one night stand. Tonight, I go for neither, and sit at a table, just nursing a few beers. A few guys stop by while I sit there, a rugged coyote with a torn ear and a few scars, a jaguar who's as small as I am, and mink. I turn them down, though they do make me feel better; at least they don't care if they're seen in public with me.

I leave shortly after eleven, and go home, and go to sleep. At work the next day, I'm there early, as always, chewing through the stuff I need to get done at a decent pace, when Hank walks past, flopping into his chair. I always want to chide him for that, but I hold it back. If he breaks his chair, it's his problem. I don't see him until we go to lunch. I'm leaning back in my chair, just glancing at anything that isn't in my cube, when I see him walking past, out to his sandwich place as always.

He looks tired, mostly. Like he hasn't washed since I dumped him, and I swear the fur is matted around his eyes. I didn't take him for the kind of guy to cry over this, I honestly expected him to get angry, though he seems to have a knack with doing something unexpected.

A week later, I'm back at the bar, though this time, I'm more open to advances from the 'gentlemen' that approach. I flirt playfully with a tall bobcat, who is only just a bit short of seeming gangly. After a bit, though, I find he's not what I'm looking for, and worm my way out of the conversation. It isn't until I'm just about to leave, that I spot someone worth taking home.

He's not as tall as that bobcat, a bit shorter than my wolf- Well, not my wolf any more, but Hank, a red fox with a cocky grin on his muzzle. It doesn't take long to get him interested in me, and even shorter to convince him to head back to my apartment. Seems like he was wanting a one night stand, he barely finished his one beer. But that's fine, a quick lay and a warm night in bed is all I'm really looking for.

At my apartment, I let him inside, and lock the door behind us, before moving close to him, looking up at his arms and making a show of admiring his muscles, which he takes the bait to, and flexes, blacktipped ears perked. I tentatively slide a paw under his shirt, and damn, he must go to the gym several times a week, he's ripped.

He doesn't object to my paw, so I add another under there, rubbing over his soft fur and firm muscles, from the belly to his chest. Once I'm so close I'm nearly grinding against him, I feel his strong arms on my sides, lifting me up so I'm level to his muzzle. I wrap my legs around his midsection as he starts to my couch, and I give him a lick on the nose before I direct him to my bedroom.

I work off my shirt once we're inside the doorway, tossing it to the side, as he drops me on the bed, his own shirt lost moments later. I take a moment to admire his white-covered belly and strong chest. "Why don't you lie down," I say, "And let me take care of you?" I have a grin on my muzzle, wide and strong, which grows even wider when he doesn't object, lying obediantly on my bed, feetpaws only a few inches from the end. He props himself up, and undoes the catch on his jeans, though he doesn't move for the zipper.

It's just an invitation, one I answer by removing my jeans entirely. I'm not all the way hard yet, though I will be soon, my modest member poking my boxers as I move closer to him, trailing a paw up his leg, pinning his fluffy tail with my other one. I lower my muzzle down to his belly, teasing the fur there, and giving a few nips. He murrs in respose, and soon one of his black tipped paws is playing with my ears.

I unzip his pants, slipping my paw in, searching for the slit in his boxers. One found, I make my way through there, finding his warm, thick sheath, and rubbing teasingly over it. He's soon hard and throbbing in my paw, the scent of fox thick in the air, though not as strong as Hank's. I pull him out of his pants and cup his whitefuzzed balls.

As I slip my muzzle around his tip, my ears flicking under his black paws, I think of Hank, with a twinge of guilt. Maybe I was too hard on him, too set in my ways to realise that he really wasn't ready. I try to push those thoughts away, lapping up the fox's musky pre, slowly bobbing up and down on his shaft, getting him ready for what came after.

A minute later, and I pull off, wiping my lips off as I slid over him, pointing him to my nightstand for the lube. I position myself over his member, letting it's spit slicked length rub against my cheeks, and he squirms under me. Out of everything in sex, I love this the most: Watching a strong male squirm below me achingly hard, waiting to get in me. It's amazing, and sexy, and no one could quite hit that spot with me like Hank could, he always seems to be struggling a bit, less so towards to the end, but like he knows he wants me and knows he'll do it, but wants to resist anyways, and something about that is just.... My thoughts trail away as I feel his slicked fingers prodding at my tail, and I lift the appendage higher.

Soon we're both lubed, and I lead his member in, slipping down on it with a soft moan. He thrusts up, and I start riding his length, finally able to concentrate on this fox and not Hank. I try to keep it slow, paced, and fun, but he's not having any of that, and I speed up with him, a quick paced fuck. He grabs my dick, stroking it while I bounce, and I can't help but shiver, mewling, and then purring.

It's not long before he's holding my hips just to the point of hurting, his knot jammed under my tail, spurting inside me, with his belly covered in my seed. After, I sit ontop of him, panting, and he pulls me in for a kiss, a bit unexpected but not uncommon. We pass out like that, with me draped over him, covers forgotten.

I sleep in late the next day, not waking till 11, and I'm surprised to find that the fox is still there, arms around my waist, still asleep. I would've thought that he'd hightail it out of here shortly after I passed out. I hate to wake him, but I do need to get up, and so I slip out of his arms and onto the floor, heading to my bathroom for a shower.

When I come back out, he's dressed, sitting on the edge of my bed and smiling, eyeing me even though I have a towel covering my lower half. "I just wanted to stick around for a few minutes, and let you know I had fun last night. Nice getting with someone who doesn't mind taking the initiative," he says, and holds up a slip of paper, leaving it on my bed as he stands. "My number. If you want to do this again.... Or go on a date, I'd like to hear from you," he tells me.

"Thank you, I'll think about it," I say with a smile, and he nods, leaving my room, and soon the apartment. But I lose the smile after he leaves. I just feel guilty, like I cheated on my boyfriend. I should apologize to Hank, he didn't deserve to get blown off like that.

It's easy to say I want to do that, but hard to do. Once I'm in the office, he's glaring at me, angry but not pissed, and I lower my ears, tail drooping. We don't talk for a while, and we both head down for lunch break at the same time. He looks a bit better in the elevator, so I take the chance, and lean close to him, pressing my head against his arm and looking up, cutely, at him.

"I'm sorry I treated you like that. I shouldn't been such an ass," I say, "I can't expect you to just change your whole lifestyle for me," and I lower my head a bit, his eyes boring into my head. "I understand if you don't want to get back together, but... I'd like to have you over for dinner again," I tell him, voice trailing off. He hasn't pushed me off, nor has he pulled me closer.

We stand like that for a minute, the thankfully slow elevator not stopping as we went down, and he huffed, scratching his head. "No," he said, curtly, and I closed my eyes, nodding and pulling away.

He slips his arm around me and pulls me back, muzzle pressing into my ear. "But I would like to take you out on a date," he says, pressing his tongue inside my ear.