My Roommate's A Stripper?! Ch. 8

Story by Darkhom on SoFurry

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#8 of My Roommate's A Stripper?!

Looks like I managed to get this edited before loosing power from Storm Sandy. There may be some typos, but the proper and general feel of the chapter is where I want it. Hope you all enjoy!

Chapter 8: "A Revealing Date"

Max groaned as she slowly awoke from fitful slumber. She tried to open her eyes but the morning sun instantly blinded her, causing her head to throb and ache even more. She quickly buried her head under her pillow, trying to block out as much light as possible.

But the pain lingered, feeling like someone was using a jackhammer against her skull. That ache was echoed through her entire body, and her stomach was now waking up too, and felt rather nauseous.

"I'm never drinking again." She moaned, slowly sitting up. While a big part of her just wanted to curl back up and sleep for the rest of the day, she knew she had to get up and try to get through it. She stumbled bleary-eyed across the room and out the door, saying nothing to Aiden as she made her way down the stairs and into the bathroom. Max reemerged a few moments later and collapsed in a chair at the table, looking half dead.

"Good morning." Aiden said quietly as he got up and made for the kitchenette. "Hope you're not feeling too sick."

The skunk groaned loudly in response, burying her head in her arms. Even though Aiden was trying to be quiet, his voice was causing her head to throb even more. She felt like she had gotten hit by a truck.

"Yeah, you don't look so good either. Here, this should help a little." He placed a glass of water on the table in front of Max. "If you feel up for it, I can make you something to eat, too."

Max peeked over her arms, glaring at the glass. "I'd rather have a strong cup of coffee right now." She grumbled, taking the water anyway. "And I actually feel kinda sick. I don't know about food."

"Trust me; water is the best thing for you right now. And you should try to get some food down. I'll make you some toast, okay?"

"Okay." She muttered, still sipping the water. Her head hurt way too much to argue.

She glanced over her shoulder at the fox as he was putting bread in the toaster. He was being awfully nice to her this morning, and Max was starting to wonder if it was just because of her hangover. "Aiden, where are my pants?"

Aiden winced at the question, hesitating for just a moment. He turned around, chuckling nervously. "They're, um, in the laundry."

"Oh." she narrowed her eyes a bit, "and where are my panties from yesterday? These aren't the ones I was wearing."

Aiden hesitated again, blushing slightly and unable to look at the girl. "They're also in the laundry."

"And why, exactly, are they in the laundry?" She was glaring at the fox now, her suspicions apparent.

Aiden shrank under the icy stare, wishing he had someplace he could crawl into and hide. "Well, I had to wash them, after your, well...your accident."

"Accident?" She glanced over by the front door, and groaned as blurry memories of the night before returned to her aching head. "So, me pissing myself wasn't just a bad dream?"

"I'm afraid not."

Max groaned loudly again as she buried her face in her arms. "I can't believe I did that. Aiden, I am so sorry."

"It's no big deal."

"Yes it is!" She snapped her head up to look back at him and instantly regretted it. "I mean, I piss all over myself and you're stuck cleaning it up. And then I accuse you of...That's not fair. I'll have to make it up to you."

"You don't have to do anything like that." He chuckled as he brought her the toast. "It was an accident. These things just happen sometimes."

"I guess." she muttered, the sight of food helping her find her appetite. She ate quietly for a moment, mulling her embarrassment over in her head, when a thought brought a grin to her face. "You're right. I suppose you already got a reward last night anyway."

"Um, wh-what?" Aiden fumbled, blushing and looking confused and guilty. "I don't know"

"You looked at my goods last night, didn't you?" She shot him an accusing, though playful glare. "You took advantage of the situation to sneak a peak. Did you like what you saw?"

Aiden's ears dropped with shame and embarrassment, his face burning up. "No! I mean, I couldn't help it. I just...I'm sorry." The fox took a deep breath, trying to stay calm and not blather on like an idiot. "I did look, and I'm sorry. I was just trying to dry you off a bit before helping you to bed."

"It's alright." Max chuckled, trying not to wince from her weakening headache. "I'd have rather you not see it, but I suppose it's better than sleeping in wet panties."

"So, you're not mad?"

"No, not mad." She muttered between bites. "Maybe a little annoyed though. I'd rather be awake when someone is peeping between my legs."

"I wasn't...sorry."

"I told you, it's alright." Max sighed, finishing breakfast and walking over to Aiden. "Believe it or not, I actually trust you. And also, thanks for cleaning up and all that." She leaned over and gave the fox a kiss on the cheek. "Hopefully we won't have to do it again. Now, I'm gonna see if a shower will help me feel better."

"Yeah, I'm sure it will." He muttered, taken aback by the kiss, His hand came up to his cheek, and he couldn't help but smile a bit. "Well, that went better than expected." He couldn't stop smiling as he cleaned up the dishes, hearing the skunk start up the shower. It felt like things might finally be getting back to normal.

Things remained pretty quiet for the rest of that day and the next. After a couple of successful finals, Aiden was relaxing with some mindless video games. It was his preferred way to unwind at the end of a long or stressful day, and few things were more stressful than a couple of hour long exams.

He was thoroughly engrossed in the mindless, digitized mayhem when an unexpected knocking on the door demanded his attention. "Come on in, it's open." He called, not really wanted to get up from the game.

"Surprise, Maxi!" Cheryl suddenly burst through the door, "Let's go get crazy! Maxi?" The Torgi looked around the room quickly, turning to Aiden when she couldn't find her friend. "Where's Maxi?"

"She's at work."

"But it's Monday. She never works on Monday."

"She traded shifts," Aiden informed her "so she could get Saturday off."

"Oh yeah, you guys went to that party." She pouted, crossing her arms in annoyance. "And I wanted to hang out, too. What am I gonna do now?"

Aiden just shrugged, too focused on the game to really come up with an answer for her.

But Cheryl had already come up with her own solution. She casually walked up to Aiden and leaned over, batting her eyes playfully and smiling cutely. "Would you mind if I stayed here, and spent some time with you instead?"

She had his full attention now. He couldn't help but look into her bright, grey-green eyes, so full of play and mischief, and he remembered quite well how soft her lips were. Of course he also couldn't help but stare down her open top, her breasts hanging free and almost in full view through her low cut tank top. "Yeah, alright." He found himself muttering, struggling to look away and failing.

"Great!" and with a wide grin she dropped down onto the couch, sitting right next to Aiden. With that, an uncomfortable silence filled the room that not even the video game could elevate. Aiden did his best to focus on the game at hand, but his attention kept shifting to the young lady at his side. He didn't know what to say, or if he should even say anything, and it was starting to make him nervous.

Cheryl kept her eyes downcast, watching her own hands as she played with the hem of her skirt. There were a few things she wanted to say to him, but was afraid that anything she did say would only make things more awkward.

"So, I guess things have been pretty busy for you this week." She finally broke the silence, knowing that sounded more accusatory than she meant it too.

"Yeah, it's been pretty crazy." Aiden chuckled, trying and failing to lighten the mood. "I spent most of the week studying for finals, while helping my students prep for theirs."

"I guess that would take up a lot of your time." Cheryl went quiet again. She wanted to yell at Aiden for not calling, or even texting her, but at the same time, was finding it difficult to even speak. 'Dammit girl, what's wrong with you? He's just a guy, like any other guy you've ever known. Just talk to him.' She glanced over at Aiden, who happened to look over just then and offered her a rather pathetic smile. She could only smile back, ignoring the small lump in her throat. 'Okay, so he's a lot cuter and nicer than most guys. But that's no excuse. Just say something, dammit!' Overcoming her nerves he slid closer to Aiden, leaning against him. "Well, I'm glad we at least get a little time now to get to know each other better."

"Um, yeah. I'll actually have a bit more free time after Thursday, since my last final is that day. And I'm taking next week off before I start my summer job."

"Well, I'll have to visit as often as I can then." Cheryl smirked, curling into Aiden more. She purred softly, flirting with him being the only thing keeping her nerves in check. "Say, why don't you turn that game off so we can talk more directly?"

Aiden nodded, already complying. He swallowed hard, enjoying the feel of her warm, soft body against his own. He could even smell her sweet scent, and it reminded him of their hot, passionate night together. The fox quickly crossed his legs, hoping to hide any sudden bulges before they emerged.

"There, isn't that better?" She smiled, leaning her head against his shoulder and looking into his eyes. "Now, this may seem from outta left field, but I've been wanting to ask you something; why did you suck me off last time? I've never had a guy just do that before. Not without me begging anyway."

Aiden blushing deeply, quickly looking away from Cheryl. He hadn't been expecting that question, and he certainly didn't know how to answer it. "I'm not really sure." He admitted, still not looking at her. "It was on impulse, or something like that. It just felt like the right thing to do."

"Aw, that's kinda sweet." Cheryl smiled coyly, blushing a bit herself. "Most guys only seem to care about their own dicks. I'm touched that my pleasure comes first for you."

"Um, y-yeah, right." That hadn't been what he had meant, but he wasn't sure how else to put it. Besides, it wasn't untrue either. He was always concerned about his partner's pleasure. That was just his style.

Still smiling, Cheryl sat upright, her hands at the hem of her skirt again. "I kinda interrupted you last time, though. And you were doing a good job, too. If you want, I'll let you try again, and I promise I won't stop things this time." As she made the offer, Cheryl pulled on her skirt, slowly reveling her thighs and more.

Aiden couldn't pull his eyes away as her panties were teasingly exposed, her stiffening dick beginning to pulse and strain against the black fabric. He couldn't deny a deeper desire to take her up on the offer, feeling his own mouth water at the very prospect. But why did he want it so much? It took all of his willpower not to just dive right in, to even look away from her. 'It's almost as tempting as pussy, but why? Could I really be a bisexual?'

Cheryl pouted a bit, but it quickly turned into a grin. "You really don't want to? Or maybe you want to be taken care of first?" She placed a hand high up on Aiden's leg, running her fingers across his inner thigh and right up against his crotch, causing him to uncross his legs. "Can't say I haven't thought about it myself."

"Are you sure that's a good idea?" Aiden stammered, torn between wanting to stop her and wanting to feel those soft lips again. "I mean, after last time..."

"You worry too much." She purred, nuzzling against his crotch, feeling him stiffening in his pants against her cheek. She let out a long, hot breath against him, and he shivered in response. Guys like Aiden were always so much fun to tease. "Trust me; everything will be fine."

"But..." Aiden took a deep breath, trying to keep his mind from getting hazy. Cheryl's hot breath in his lap was almost too inviting to ignore. "Maybe we shouldn't..."

"There's no real reason not to." Cheryl purred, gently rubbing her palm over his groin, tracing the stiff dick hidden in his pants. "You can't spend all your time thinking about everything you do. Sometimes you just have to give in to impulse and just go with it, to hell with the consequences."

"That's not really..." Aiden stopped mid-sentence as his brain mulled over Cheryl's words. He sat upright, his eyes staring forward, looking off into the distance. "What did you say?"

Cheryl just blinked at him, concerned about the softening erection she felt in the fox's pants. "I was just saying that sometimes, like right now, it's better to just dive right in and do something, or someone, without fear of any consequences. The only way to get something done is to just do it."

Aiden just stared straight ahead, not saying anything. But his mind was working at full speed. He didn't even notice Cheryl's attempts to get him hard again as he pondered her words, and what he thought to be the deeper meaning behind them.

"That's it!" He suddenly shouted out, standing up unexpectedly and causing Cheryl to jump back with a shout. Without any explanation he ran off to his messenger bag, quickly returning with his laptop. In mere moments the computer was on and Aiden was typing away furiously.

Cheryl just sat there for a moment, trying to figure out what the hell just happened. "Um, Aiden, what are you doing?"

"Oh, sorry, but you may have just helped clear my writer's block." Aiden explained without looking away from his laptop. "I've been stuck in this scene for weeks now. I've had my protagonist debating over what to do next, but the story wasn't going anywhere." He turned to face Cheryl then, a warm smile on his muzzle. "But you helped me get past it, just now. I need to not focus on all this deep thinking and planning. It's out of character anyway. No, I need to just have the story dive right in, full steam ahead. To hell with the consequences, as you said." He turned back to his work, typing at full speed. "Thank you, Cheryl."

"No problem?" She moved in closer, glad she could help but feeling rather ignored. "This seems great and all, but do you have to do it now? What about us?"

"Yeah, sorry." Aiden wasn't really paying attention at this point, becoming lost in the world he had created. "If I don't get this down now, I might forget it. This shouldn't take too long."

Cheryl sighed, leaning against Aiden's shoulder. "I guess it could wait, and it might be interesting to watch you work." Aiden didn't object, so she snuggled into his side to get comfortable. 'He really is passionate about this. And when he's done, I'll show him how passionate I can be. I bet I'll be in his pants within the hour.'

"Oh shit." Max said through a massive yawn as she climbed the stairs in her apartment building. It had been a surprisingly productive night for a Monday, with the skunk pulling in almost two thousand dollars and earning a free show of her own. One customer had thought so highly of Max that she had flashed her breasts as an added tip.

Max chuckled sleepily as she recalled the unexpected, though not unappreciated show. She slipped her key in the door and turned it, not noticing the lack of a click. She was surprised to find the lights still on, and Aiden sitting at the dinning table, typing away at his laptop. She was about to ask why the fox was still up when some movement from the couch caught her eye. It was Cheryl, curled up on the couch and fast asleep.

"What the hell...?" She muttered, placing her purse on the counter. "Why are you still up, Aiden?" When he didn't respond, or even acknowledge she was there, Max glanced back at him. It was then she noticed the headphones filling his head with music. "Lost in your own world again, I see."

Shaking her head she walked over to the couch and gently shook Cheryl by the shoulder. "Hey, wake up honey."

"Muh," Cheryl murmured, slowly rolling over. "Maxi?"

"You fell asleep on the couch. What are you doing here anyway?"

"Where's Aiden?" They hybrid asked groggily, sitting up and looking around the room, oblivious to her fallen shoulder strap and exposed nipple. "He said he was just going to write for a little while."

"Sorry babe, but he's still writing, I think." Max pointed at the fox, and Cheryl could only pout, even whimpered a bit to see that she had been completely forgotten. "Hey, it's okay. You can sleep with me tonight, if you want."

"I just wanted to spend some time with him." Cheryl muttered. But she did accept Max's offer, making her way to the skunk's bedroom.

With the Torgi taken care of, Max walked over to Aiden, who didn't even notice her approached, and tapped him on the shoulder. "Hello, Earth to Aiden."

"Huh?" Aiden finally looked up, removing the headphones. "Oh, hey Max. You're home early."

"Aiden, it's two-thirty in the morning. Have you been up all night?"

"Is it really that late?" Aiden finally checked the time, though he didn't seem too concerned. "Oops. I guess I was on a roll. Cheryl gave me a great idea and I just had to get it down, and things just went from there. Say, where is Cheryl, anyway?"

Max just shook her head. 'How can anyone be this oblivious?' "I sent her to bed, and I'll be joining her in a second. You should probably get some sleep too."

"I will, right after this scene." Aiden was already putting his headphones back on. "Goodnight, Max."

"Goodnight Aiden." She replied, hoping he actually would go to bed soon. She entered her room to find Cheryl already curled up in bed, her skirt discarded on the floor. Max quietly got changed, slipping into an over sized pajama shirt, and crawled into bed beside her friend. "Goodnight Cheryl." She whispered, giving the girl a kiss on the cheek.

To her surprise, Cheryl suddenly rolled over, curling up in Max's arms. "I don't get it. I tried to seduce him and he completely blew me off. I had him and then...what did I do?"

"I told you he's an idiot." Max chuckled, holding her friend close. "I swear his brain exists in another world. I wouldn't take it personally."

Cheryl nuzzled in closer, feeling sleep creeping back in. "I'm glad you're here to make me feel better. I love you Maxi."

"I love you, too." Max gave Cheryl another kiss on the forehead, also glad to not have to sleep alone tonight. With a contented sigh she set her own head down for a quiet night's sleep.

Max awoke the next morning with a yawn and a smile on her face. She always slept better with another person in bed with her; someone soft and warm to snuggle into in the night.

She rolled over and smiled at Cheryl, who looked rather cute while sleeping, even with the occasional light snore. She lay on her back, breathing in an easy rhythm, the sheet contouring to her petite body. It all would have looked rather serene, were it not for the small tent that had been pitched about halfway down her body.

Max chuckled at the morning wood, giving it a poke and wondering why dicks got hard in the morning. 'Maybe that's when they're most sensitive, or just really horny?' she mused, lightly running a finger along the length of Cheryl's dick. 'Maybe she's just pent up from her rejection last night. Poor girl.' Her light petting turned more into a steady rub. Cheryl shifted and moaned softly, but remained asleep, which only encouraged the skunk.

'Maybe I should help her release some of that pent up stress. What are friends for, right?' Giggling to herself she reached under the sheets and began lightly stroking Cheryl through her panties. The Torgi moaned softly, purring in her sleep now. "That is so cute." Max muttered, falling into a steady rhythm. She kept it up for a few minutes longer, until Cheryl was panting and a wet spot had formed on her panties, and yet the girl hadn't woken up yet.

'Heavy sleeper...' With a grin, the skunk disappeared under the sheets. She made her way to Cheryl's waist, slowly pulling her panties down enough to unleash the now throbbing dick within. Still smirking, she grabbed the base and gave the tip a kiss, then a lick, tasting the salty precum that had started to leak out. With a moan of her own she let the tip slip into her mouth, sucking on it gently while swirling her tongue around and over the top. Max could hear her friend moaning and purring through the sheet, and enjoying the control she had, dipped her head down, taking the whole shaft in her muzzle at once. She rubbed her tongue against her dick while sucking tightly, causing Cheryl to squirm in her sleep. 'This is too much fun.'

Max soon fell into a steady pattern, bobbing her head up and down while keeping a tight seal with her lips. Cheryl began to stir and mutter as the skunk worked her dick. It wasn't long before the sheets were pulled aside. "Wha? Maxi? What are you doing?"

Max quickly pulled her muzzle away, causing Cheryl to gasp. "Good morning. I was wondering what it would take to wake you up." With a mischievous grin she sat up, straddling Cheryl's waist, teasing her dick by rubbing her own butt against it. "And now that you are, I can give you a proper 'Good morning'."

She leaned over the Torgi, reaching into the drawer of her nightstand with one hand while slipping her panties off with the other. She soon sat back up with her bottle of lube in hand, and quickly went to work, pouring some in her palm then stroking Cheryl's dick in long, slow motions. "Need to get it nice and slippery."

Cheryl didn't resist or question it at all, though she was still waking up. "That feels so good." She managed to mutter, wanting to just lay back and let it all happen.

"This next part will feel even better." Max promised, leaning forward to rub a slick finger around and then into her tail-hole. "Just have to get everything ready...that should do it."

It wasn't often that Max got the chance to be in control during sex, usually letting her partner lead things. But as she lowered herself onto Cheryl's dick, feeling it slip so easily into her ass, the skunk felt in complete control. After all, Cheryl looked so cute and helpless when half asleep, how could she resist? Planting her paws firmly at Cheryl's sides, Max leaned back, grabbing her friend's legs for leverage, and began riding, slowly at first, with a steadily increasing pace.

Cheryl was purring and whimpering like crazy now, holding on to Max's legs for dear life while the skunk bounced on top of her. Cheryl never really cared who took the lead, so long as the sex was good. And with Maxi, it was always good. But a sneak attack like this, catching her in her sleep? That was just mean. She tried to adjust under the skunk, to get into a better position to join in, but Max had her pinned down. She was in full control and there was nothing Cheryl could do about it; which was driving the poor girl mad with lust.

Max picked up speed as her back arched, slamming down harder and faster as she got closer to climax. Her muscles tightened up, squeezing down on Cheryl's dick as tightly as she could. Her ass was on fire, sending shivers through her whole body as her tail-hole devoured the hot, firm cock, going balls deep again and again. Suddenly, Max slammed her body down and held it there, quaking as she was rocked with an intense orgasm. The heat and tightness was too much for Cheryl to handle, as she too hit climax, uncontrollably thrusting up, pumping her cum deep in her friend's stomach. The feel of being filled so intensely only heightened Max's own orgasm. With a cry she arched back even further, her juices spraying from her pussy and soaking into Cheryl's shirt.

They remained locked in that position for several seconds, mouths gaping open, eyes rolled back in their heads. As Max came to, she leaned forward, propping herself up over Cheryl, breathing heavily as she came down from her high. She winced a bit and gasped as her muscle contractions pushed the softening penis out, along with a bit of Torgi spooge. "Good morning." She panted with a tired chuckle, rolling off to Cheryl's side.

"That was...really mean...bitch." Cheryl panted, her body still shaking a bit. But a smile showed she wasn't really all that upset about it. "That's one hell of a wake-up call."

Max just shrugged playfully. "I couldn't help myself. I had a pretty good night last night. You know how that goes." She winked and hopped out of bed, suddenly feeling wide awake. "Besides, I didn't hear you complaining."

"Well yeah." Cheryl sat up with a stretch, then scoped out the damage. "Great, you stained my panties AND my shirt. They're soaked. What am I suppose to wear home?"

"You can borrow something of mine." Max offered, then a playful grin crossed her muzzle. She picked up the panties she had discarded earlier and held them out. "I wore these almost all day yesterday and slept in them. You want 'em?"

"You really are in a kinky mood today." Cheryl laughed, removing her own panties and using them to clean up a bit. "Thanks, but you know used panties aren't my thing."

They shared a laugh as they tossed the panties, and Cheryl's soaked shirt, into the hamper. They then picked one of Max's night shirts for Cheryl to wear, which looked even bigger on the girl's petite body, then made their way downstairs.

It was there they found Aiden, slumped over the dinning table, fast asleep. Cheryl sighed at the sight, grumbling something under her breath as she made her way to the bathroom. But Max couldn't help but chuckle. She found something cute about him sleeping soundly at the table, staying up and working until he just passed out.

"Hey, Aiden. Time to wake up, sleepy head." She called in a soft voice, giving his shoulder a gentle shake. "Can't sleep all day, y'know."

Aiden groaned as he slowly awoke. He sat up and stretched, wincing from a knot that had formed in his neck. "What time is it?" He yawned, looking around bleary-eyed.

"It's about ten. I told you to go to bed before it got too late."

"I only closed my eyes for a minute." Aiden explained, yawning again. "I must have been more tired than I thought."

"Clearly." Max chuckled, patting him on the shoulder. "Oh, and good luck." She whispered as Cheryl came out of the bathroom. "Go easy on him." She whispered to Cheryl as she passed by on her way to take her turn.

"We'll see." The Torgi grumbled, making her way over to Aiden. She definitely had a thing or two to say to the guy after last night.

"Oh, good morning Cheryl." Aiden offered, standing up and stretching his back. "Hope you slept better than I did."

"You are a jerk." Cheryl countered, jabbing her finger into Aiden's chest and catching him off guard. "How could you leave me hanging like that last night? You said it would just be a few minutes, not all night."

The fox's ears fell as he remembered the night before. "I'm sorry. I guess I got a little distracted."

"You completely blue-balled me." She argued, giving him another hard poke in the chest. "You must be the only guy in the world who would pass up a blow-job for...for anything!"

"I'm sorry, really. I didn't mean to...I'll make it up to you, I promise."

"You better..."

"I will. I'll..." Aiden paused, thinking for just a moment. "I'll take you out, Friday night. Anything you want."

"Anything?" Cheryl quirked an eyebrow, already plotting. "Alright. It's a start anyway. Pick me up at seven." She poked him one last time, then turned and made for the front door. "I have to go now, Maxi. I'll bring your shirt back soon."

"I'll see you soon, Hun." Max, having heard most of the conversation, gave Cheryl a hug and kiss on the cheek and saw her to the door. After she had left, the skunk turned to Aiden with a grin on her face. "Nice save, but maybe you shouldn't let her pick what you guys do."

"I'm sure it will be fine." Aiden scratched the back of his head, surprised he survived that without even being fully awake. "How bad could it be? She's not into anything weird, is she?"

"No, but you better be ready to dance." Max giggled, patting him on the shoulder. "Eh, I'm sure you'll be fine, though. Now go take a shower or something. You look like hell."

"Yeah, thanks." Aiden yawned, making his way for his room. He had more pressing things to worry about than a date with Cheryl anyway.

The rest of the week ended up going by rather quickly for Aiden, with most of his time and focus on final exams. If it hadn't been for Max, he would have completely forgotten about his promised night out with Cheryl. She even took the time to make sure the fox was properly dressed and ready for the night. "You're going out with my best friend. I'm not gonna let you disappoint her."

Aiden sighed as he pulled up to the bakery. He stepped out of the car, adjusting the collar of his shirt, preparing his nerves for the night ahead. Cheryl saved him from his first worry; meeting her parents, by coming out to meet him. "And I was worried that you would forget."

"Me? No way." Aiden chuckled, knowing he probably would have forgotten if not for Max. He came around the car and opened the door for her. "You look good, by the way."

"You don't look so bad yourself, handsome." Cheryl smiled, blushing a bit from Aiden's gesture. She wasn't used to that kind of treatment. He was certainly the most gentlemanly guy she had ever gone out with.

"So, where are we going?" Aiden asked as he started the car. "You want to go get something to eat, or do you have a specific place in mind?"

"Club Blue." Cheryl replied, adjusting her halter top. "I wanna dance."

"Alright." Aiden just stared ahead for a minute, driving quietly. "I...have no idea where that is."

"Don't worry, "Cheryl chuckled, "I'll show you how to get there."

It was a short trip down to find the lively Club Blue. The lights were dim and the music was loud, young bodies writhing and grinding on the dance floor, pressed together in heat, sweat and carnal passion all to the rhythm of the D.J.'s music.

Cheryl lead Aiden to a small table, already rocking her shoulders to the music. "This place is wicked, huh? Especially on Fridays."

"Yeah, sure." Aiden replied, barely able to hear her over the music.

"You don't look so excited." Cheryl quipped, glaring at his disinterested face. "Y'know, if you want to bail on this, just say so and get it over with."

"That's not it." Aiden looked up nervously. "It's just, well dancing isn't exactly my thing. Plus it's been a while since I've...gone on a real date."

Cheryl's gaze softened to a chuckle. "Dummy, just relax. I'm not expecting anything special from this. As long as we have some fun, I'll count you as forgiven for the other night. Now c'mon! Let's get our drink on and party!"

"You're right." Aiden smiled, cheering up a bit. "Hang tight, I'll get the first round."

"Oh, you'll get all the rounds." She smirked. "And it better be something good and fruity!"

He returned in short order with the drinks, already feeling a bit more at ease. Aiden had to admit, it was hard to feel down and distraught around the energetic Torgi. And she was really cute too, which was a definite bonus. There was just one thing he was curious about. "So, why me?"

"Why you what?" Cheryl raised an eyebrow, taking a sip of the Sangria Aiden had brought her.

"I was just wondering why you wanted to go out with me. We don't really know all that much about each other, after all."

"That's why I wanted to spend time with you, stupid. It's so we can learn more about each other. I mean, you're really cute, and amazing in bed, but I think there's more to you than that, and I want to get to know that passionate side of you more...intimately."

Aiden just stared into her soft eyes, not sure how to respond. Passionate side? He didn't know what she was talking about, but he could feel the heat of his blush fill his cheeks. It felt like the first time in a while that someone seemed interested in him for more than just sex.

"Come on, Babe." Cheryl suddenly broke his gaze, standing up and pulling him by the arm. "I wanna dance."

"But, what about my beer?"

"Bring it. Just don't spill any on me." It was then, as she was dragging the poor fox onto the dance floor, that the "Party Rock Anthem" filled the air, causing Cheryl to squeal. "I love this song!" She stopped in an 'open' area, surrounded by other writhing, dancing bodies, and began moving to the music.

"I don't really know how to dance to this kinda stuff." Aiden admitted, feeling a bit out of place. "It's not really my speed, if you know what I mean."

"Oh, you'll be fine. Just relax, let loose, and move with the rhythm." Cheryl pressed up to his body, swaying and grinding against him, all in time with the music. "If you want, you can just let me dance on your pole. Or, do you want to dance on mine?"

"This is dancing now?" Aiden looked around, watching others as they gyrated against each other, bodies writhing together in a kind of carnal, rhythmic passion. It was almost like a big, clothed orgy. "I've been out of the game too long."

"Anyone ever tell you that you think too much?" Cheryl grumbled, poking him the chest.

"Yeah, all the time." Aiden chuckled apologetically. "I just can't help it. I think it's a writer thing."

"Well stop it. Tonight, I'm your girlfriend, and that's all you need to think about, got it?"

"Um, yeah. Sorry. I was never really good at this dating thing, honestly."

"You're hopeless." Cheryl shrugged, but then shot him a smile. "Just try to follow my lead, and have fun with it, okay? And don't hesitate to touch me anywhere you want. This is supposed to be provocative."

"Yeah, I think I got that."

"Good." She suddenly turned around, pressing her ass into his crotch, rubbing against him as she swayed her body to the music. Her body was right up against his, and Aiden couldn't help but take in her scent, placing a hand on her hip and swaying with her body. "That's better." She muttered, lifting an arm up and wrapping it around the back of his neck. "Go ahead and feel me up. Touch me anywhere...everywhere."

Aiden complied, getting into it as he rubbed his hand over her hip, up her side and across her breast. She moaned softly and pressed tighter against him as he caressed her body and squeezed her boob. "This isn't dancing; it's foreplay." He noted, feeling her nipple begin to perk up under the fabric.

"Now he gets it." She chuckled, playing with his hair and ear. "I knew you could be taught."

"Oh shush." Aiden muttered, taking a sip of beer as he held Cheryl tight, mostly letting her do her thing. He still felt out of place here, surrounded by all these people, with Cheryl rubbing her ass against his lap. It wasn't usually his style to so openly grope a woman in public, but it was what she wanted, and Aiden wanted to keep her happy. He continued to slide his free hand across her stomach and breasts. Despite being on the smaller side, they were firm and full, and quite pleasing to hold. It was proof that bigger wasn't always better.

Cheryl didn't give him a chance to enjoy it though, suddenly turning around and wrapping a free arm around his neck, sipping her drink as she humped his leg to the music. Aiden could feel her already hard dick rubbing against his thigh, could feel the heat radiating from her body. He looked down into her eyes, and realized with a sudden rush that, for at least tonight, it was all for him. "Having fun yet?" She purred, biting playfully at his lower lip.

"Y-yeah" he stammered. "It's not really my style, but I can see the appeal."

"Idiot." She chuckled, rubbing her thigh up between his legs. "And I see at least part of you is enjoying this, stud."

Aiden could only chuckle as she rubbed in closer, giving the fox a deep kiss. Going with the moment, Aiden grabbed her butt and gave her a bit of a boost up, returning the kiss just as deeply. She felt so good, he didn't want to let her go. He could definitely get used to this.

They danced for hours, grinding their bodies together, grabbing each others crotches and other sensual parts, always one step away from right out sex on the dance floor. It was pretty late when they finally left, a bit tipsy but in great spirits.

"Oh man, that was a blast!" Cheryl cheered as they made their way to Aiden's car. "I am so amped! How about you, Aiden? I know you must have had a good time."

"Yeah, I did actually. Though, this isn't exactly what I would choose for taking a pretty girl out on a first date."

"Well, what would you do?" Cheryl couldn't help but ask as she got into his car. "Recite a poem for the girl, or maybe take her out to a fancy, though boring restaurant?"

"Oh no, nothing like that." Aiden chuckled as he pulled out of the parking lot for home. "I'm no poet. No, I'd take her home and cook her a nice meal, with a good glass of wine. Something like that."

"You cook too, huh? You really are just full of surprises. Does that really work on a lot of girls?"

"I don't know, honesty. This is the first real date I've been on in a long time. And my ex never really cared about my cooking abilities."

"You have an ex?" Cheryl couldn't help herself now that her curiosity was peaked. "How long were you with her? Was it serious or just some quick fun?"

"I'd rather not talk about it." Aiden suddenly had a rather dour expression on his face, and he kept his eyes on the road ahead. The mood in the car quickly become uncomfortable.

Cheryl shifted in her seat, feeling bad for bringing it up in the first place. 'Idiot! Never ask about an ex!' She knew she had to change the mood, and fast, or the whole night would be ruined. Thinking quick, she placed a hand on his thigh and leaned closer. "So, how good are you at driving while distracted?"

"Um, pretty good I suppose...why?"

"Because you are about to be distracted." With a coy smirk, she ran her hand up his thigh and over his crotch. Aiden flinched slightly, his pants already getting tighter. With one hand she undid his zipper and pulled out the fox's dick before it got too stiff to manage.

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Aiden muttered, swallowing hard as she began stroking it. "I don't know if I can drive straight if you do that."

"Just keep your eyes on the road and your speed steady." The Torgi purred, slipping out of her seat belt. "I've been wanting to do this." She murmured, leaning over into his lap and wrapping her lips around the tip of his dick without hesitation. It was so thick and big that it nearly stretched her mouth as far as it could go. While she knew she would never fit the whole things in her mouth, the very thought of attempting it was almost too much for her to bear. She couldn't stop purring as she bobbed her head up and down, gently sucking on Aiden's shaft.

Aiden grunted, tensing up as he tried to focus on the road. Cheryl's mouth was so tight and hot it was almost unbearable. He placed a hand on her shoulder for support as she sucked away, managing to keep it up for the rest of the trip home, keeping him stiff without bringing him over the edge. The fox couldn't believe her stamina, but at this point he had something else desperately on his mind.

They said nothing to each other as they made their way up to the apartment, sharing knowing glances and smirks, Cheryl now sporting a tell-tale bulge in her skirt to match the one in Aiden's pants. As soon as Aiden locked the door, Cheryl was all over him, her rough tongue plunging deep inside his muzzle. He responded by firmly grabbing her ass and lifting her up off the ground. She squealed, wrapping her arms tight around his neck, giggling through the kiss. She wrapped her legs around his waist, letting the fox carry her to his bedroom. "Now this I like for a first date."

"Too bad it isn't our first time for this." Aiden chuckled, dropping her into his bed. "Though there's nothing wrong with doing things a little our of order."

"Shut up, idiot, and get over here." She beckoned him forth as she laid on her back.

Aiden couldn't help but look over her body as he unbuttoned his shirt. After all the teasing and foreplay he endured, he was ready for this. And her own raging boner did nothing to dissuade him. In fact, it was making him even more excited. The fox crawled onto the bed, lifting up the girl's skirt, then pulling down her panties. Cheryl's dick instantly sprang up, a small drip of precum glistening at the tip.

Aiden couldn't take his eyes off of it. He gripped her dick gently and began to slowly stroke up and down. Cheryl gasped, purring and moaning softly. It gave Aiden a thrill to see her squirm as he pleasured her, stroking her hard, smooth penis. 'Is this how a woman feels, doing this to a man?' He wondered, kissing the tip gently before taking the whole thing in his muzzle. 'Why does this feels so good, so...right?'

"Oh f-fuck, Aiden." Cheryl was in bliss already as she pulled down her top and began massaging her breasts. His mouth was so hot, his muzzle so deep, it was unbelievable. "Damn, are you sure you've never done this before?"

Aiden didn't answer, not wanted to stop for any reason. He couldn't help but moan as his head bobbed up and down, sucking tightly on her cock. Wanting to take advantage of her anatomy, he slipped a free hand up between Cheryl's legs, easily finding and slipping a pair of fingers up her hot, dripping pussy. He pushed in deep, massaging her velvety inner folds, her fuzzy balls falling comfortably in the palm of his hand.

"N-n-no!" Cheryl stammered, pinching her nipples tightly, lost in ecstasy as Aiden pleasured both her parts simultaneously. It was almost too much for her to bear, and it wasn't helping that Aiden had picked up speed. "Oh fuck, Aiden. Keep that up and...I won't...I can't hold on." She gasped as Aiden curled his tongue around her throbbing shaft, her eyes rolling up in the back of her head. He kept up the pace, fingering her deepest, most sensitive parts while keeping a tight seal around her cock with his lips.

"Aiden...fuck...I'm gonna...FUCK!" Her hips suddenly bucked as she hit climax, her seed firing deep down Aiden's throat. He held on though, coughing only a bit as she continued to orgasm, releasing several ropey strands of cum in his muzzle. It was so thick and hot, and it felt good coating his mouth and tongue. With a final gasp, Cheryl collapsed back onto the bed, panting heavily. She winced slightly as Aiden pulled back, sucking the last bit of cum out of her dick as he sat up. He swirled her seed around his mouth, tasting it for a bit before swallowing it all. 'It tastes different than mine. Does everyone have their own taste? It's ...good.'

But why did it taste so good? Even if it was the from a hermaphrodite, would a straight guy really enjoying giving a blow-job and even drinking her seed? "No, they probably wouldn't. Marcus didn't even want to hear about it. So then, why do I like it? Could I really be bisexual or something like that?' He still didn't have a clear answer as he looked over her limp body, breathing heavily and fully exposed. He didn't know for sure if he was a bisexual or not, but he knew he wanted more of her, penis and all.

Cheryl whimpered a bit, twitching slightly on the bed, still lost in the bliss of orgasm. She hadn't had a blow-job that good in a while. She still couldn't believe he had never sucked dick before. She could barely even move after that amazing service. Her head was so in a fog, it took her a moment to realize that Aiden was removing her skirt. Looking down, she discovered that he had already taken off his pants, his massive dick standing at full attention, precum practically dripping from the tip. "Oh my..." she muttered, pulling up enough strength to sit up and remove her top. The site of that big fox dick had her ready for round two.

Without a word Aiden crawled over her. Cheryl moaned expectantly as he pressed his body against hers. She wanted him then and there, but Aiden didn't go in just yet, instead reaching over her and into a nearby drawer. He sat back up with a smile on his face and a condom in his hand. "I know we didn't use one last time, but better safe than sorry, right?"

"So considerate." She purred, spreading her legs longingly as she watched him slip on the rubber. As much as she wanted to feel him fill her up deeply, he was probably right. She didn't want anything to ruin the fun.

Now properly dressed, Aiden knelt over the girl again. Cheryl couldn't stop purring now, her own dick getting hard again just from the expectation of what was to come. They both gasped softly, staring into each other's eyes as he slowly and ever so gently pressed the tip of his dick against her pussy, pushing it in. The Torgi was still so wet that he slid in with ease, her tight, hot hole practically devouring his thick dick. Cheryl moaned with every inch that was pushed in, wrapping her arms and legs around him tightly, trying to push him in even deeper, to be completely filled with him.

Aiden pushed in as deep as he could, getting nearly all of it in before pulling back out. Cheryl whimpered as he pulled out nearly all the way, then suddenly gasped, eyes going wide as he thrust it all in at once. Aiden couldn't handle it anymore; it had been building up to this all night, and now he needed the release. Without warning he began thrusting at a deep, even pace, wrapping his arms around the young girl and holding her tight. Cheryl could only scream with pleasure into his chest, buried under the larger fox's muscular body. Her claws dug into his back, her thighs gripping his sides as Aiden took control, making love to Cheryl with all his pent up lust and passion. Their bodies writhed under the sheets, entwined nearly as one. With each thrust, Cheryl cried out, the feel of his long dick rubbing against every bit of her pussy. It was even better than the last time, letting Aiden take full control. His every move seemingly worked just for her pleasure. "Oh god, Aiden! Harder...fuck me harder." She clung tighter, barely able to think. "Oh Aiden...Aiden!"

Her body tensed as she hit orgasm again, quivering beneath his as she came, shooting more spooge between them as Aiden continued to thrust. Her pussy tightened around his dick as she screamed out his name in carnal bliss. "Oh fuck!" he managed to growl out, going balls deep as he too hit orgasm. Thick ropes of his cum quickly filled the condom as he thrust deeply with each pump. Cheryl could only cry out, whimpering and purring as she was rocked to the very core of her being, feeling the rubber balloon up inside of her.

There bodies remained entwined, arms wrapped tightly around each other as they quietly basked in the afterglow, waiting for their bodies and minds to return from their high. Aiden soon rolled off to the side with a grunt, Cheryl gasping as he suddenly pulled out. Her body twitched involuntarily just a few times, then she too rolled over, curling into Aiden's strong arms. "Oh Aiden," she purred, snuggling in with a shiver, "you're so amazing and wonderful."

"You're pretty incredible, too." Aiden gasped, wrapping an arm around her slender shoulders. He gave her a gentle kiss on the forehead, causing her to giggle weakly.

She let her fingers wander across the fox's sticky fur, moving down until she found his flaccid dick, still wearing a very full condom. "Damn, you were really full." She managed to slip the rubber off easily, holding it up to examine the massive load of fox sperm it held. "You do everything big, don't you."

"I've been told there's Great Dane in my bloodline." Aiden chuckled, taking the condom and tying a knot in it before tossing it in the trash. "And you're not exactly a lightweight in that department, either. You came twice in a row, and it was a lot both times."

"Hm, and you liked it, didn't you?" Even though Cheryl was just teasing him, it gave Aiden pause. He had enjoyed it, but why? 'I must really be a bisexual.' He pondered, holding Cheryl close. He wasn't as worried about it anymore though. It all felt too right. 'I am a bisexual.' Thinking it like that made him even more at ease. Made it feel even more true, like it really was a part of who he was.

"Good night Aiden." Cheryl yawned, breaking his thoughts. "And I forgive you for the other night." He glanced down at the girl, who had curled up in his arm and was quickly fading to sleep. He couldn't help but smile as he pulled up the sheets. He was a bisexual, he finally decided. It was the only way to explain why he liked her dick as much as he liked women. And it was thanks to her that he finally realized it. He felt strangely at ease with this realization.

"Good night, Cheryl." he whispered, holding her close and giving her another kiss. "And thank you."