Sonic: Slaves of the City

Story by supersonic250 on SoFurry

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In a city where everyone is a mindless slave, one girl is nagged by the repeated sensation that she's forgotten something important. Elsewhere, a young man attempts a heroic rescue of the one he loves most... Will they meet?

This is a story I wrote inspired by ChaosCroc and his settings and some of his characters. I don't know if it's even SLIGHTLY accurate to them, but I did my best. I hope he enjoys this, and I hope YOU do too, because I'm very proud of how it turned out.

Sonic The Hedgehog:

Slaves of the City

There was something she was forgetting.

That's the thing that kept nagging at Slave SA-102's mind. She should have been content. She knew her duty, to do nothing but slave and obey for the rest of her life. She was happy with that duty. Rigorous reprogramming had wiped out all traces of who she used to be, and replaced it with all she needed to know to do her duties from here on out. The visor she wore over her eyes, and the earbuds plugged into her ears fed a constant flood of hypnotic and subliminal commands directly into her brain, keeping her further subdued. This should have rendered her a mindless drone that would do anything her Master wanted.

...And yet there was this constant nagging sensation that she was forgetting something VERY important.

This was impossible, of course. The visor's Heads-Up Display kept a constant to-do list of her tasks for the day in the corner of her vision, to be checked off as she completed every task. It would be impossible for her to forget anything, since it was all right there for her to see. If she did not meet her quotas and do her deeds for every day, she would be subject to a full day of reprogramming that would leave her a drooling puddle on the floor.

She did not fear this fate. It was simply a fact of her life. She would meet complete all her tasks and she would not be punished. Her list of tasks was precisely calculated for her to be able to complete during a single work day without resulting in physical damage from fatigue. If she did not meet her expectations, then it must be either due to injury, health problems, or disobedience. And as she had been personally reprogrammed by the Master, it was certain that she was not disobedient.

Not a single thought went through her mind that her Master had not put there. It was an easy, empty bliss that filled every moment.

...Except for the fact that every minute of every day was filled with this almost painful sensation she was forgetting something more important than life itself.

Since her memories were long gone; buried under hundreds, if not thousands of layers of programming, hypnotic suggestions, subliminal implants and the constant subsonic buzz that filled her ears, driving her into a deep, empty trance; it was impossible for her to remember much of anything other than her daily duty. She worked diligently, standing at her place on an assembly line, using a tool to adjust circuitry within weapons on a conveyor belt as they passed her. The constant drone of propaganda filled her ears, but it was merely redundant background noise, as she had no conscious mind to appreciate it.

She suddenly shivered as a message appeared on her HUD, and she moaned in ecstasy as the imaginary vibrator inside her cleft buzzed, making her thighs damp. All of her Master's favorite female slaves were programmed with these. Rather than using real vibrators or dildos which could make flesh go numb after a while, they were hypnotized into believing they had one inside them. It could buzz away for hours, wracking their bodies with pleasure far more powerful than anything physical could bring, since it came from the mind. Psychosomatic reactions induced orgasm from the hypnotic suggestions alone.

She moaned and gently placed her tool in a holster beside her station at the conveyor belt. Her duty shift on the line was over. She left the assembly line, leaving a rather large wet spot on the stool where she was sitting. The girl sighed as her muscles ached from sitting there for hours on end, working without breaks. Slaves for the Master did not need benefits or rights as workers. It was a privilege enough to serve in the first place.

A door hissed open as she approached, then hissed closed behind her. She stood in a shower room, a stark-white tiled, sterile place. She gasped softly as the nonexistent vibrator buzzed in her loins, sending waves of pleasure rushing up and down her spine, and a sticky dribble down her inner thighs.

She stepped forward onto a metal pad on the floor. A ring rose up around her, spraying soapy water against her body from a circle of jets. She gasped softly as it rose up over her muff, then her stomach, and nipples, coating her with a thick, luxurious lather. She closed her eyes to protect them from the spray, her visor being waterproof. As the ring drew up above her head, there was a faint hiss and click as the nozzles rotated slightly, disengaging the soap. The ring then lowered down around her once more, rinsing away the soap and the grime that coated her fur. She stood still through this, merely shivering in pleasure as the massaging jets of water soothed her sore muscles and cleaned her of the dirt and sweat that had stained her fur over the course of the day.

As the ring lowered back into a recess in the floor, a second ring rose up, this one blowing hot air. Within two passes, her fur and hair were completely dry, shimmering in the fluorescent lights. The girl stepped off the pad as another message appeared on the HUD of her visor, directing her to her next task.

She moved to leave the shower room through a back exit, pausing for a mere moment in front of a full length mirror to ensure that she looked presentable. For most Slaves, appearance did not matter, but as she was one of her Master's Prizes, she was expected to keep herself cleaner for him.

Slave SA-102 gazed at herself in the mirror. A squirrel girl about sixteen years old stared back at her. She had long crimson hair that hung down to her mid-back. The color of her deep blue eyes was muted by the holographic visor that covered her eyes. Her chestnut fur was clean and well-groomed, as suited a Prize Slave of her Master. Her nipples were rock hard, the pink nubs poking through the soft fur covering her breasts, and wetness dripped down her thigh as the invisible vibrator buzzed again.

Without another glance, she turned away from the mirror and walked out the door. She had duties to complete, and she was content with her role in life.

...If only she could remember what she kept forgetting....


Sonic the Hedgehog frowned as he stood on a cliff overlooking the city. He shook his head, trying to quell the fear that rose in his chest when he contemplated what he was about to do. If the plan didn't work, he'd be a mindless slave forever. If the plan WORKED, he'd be a mindless slave for several days.

What steeled the hedgehog's nerve was the thought of all the people trapped in the city, forced to toil for the rest of their lives in the Enemy's factories... Or worse, forced to go out and find their loved ones and bring them to the Enemy.

Sonic paused for a moment, suddenly realizing that he was lying to himself. It wasn't the hundreds of thousands of people in there that he wanted to save. In fact, at the moment, he barely cared about them. Yes, if the plan worked, then all of them would be freed, but the fact was that his focus was considerably narrower than that. He wasn't going in for all these people... but only for a select few.

His friends were in there somewhere. The people he loved and cared about, captured in the first attack, or later during the second and third wave. He knew that he had to find them...

But then he was lying to himself again. While many, if not most of his loved ones were trapped within their own minds, forced to toil and work for the Enemy, saving them was only a secondary goal to Sonic. The truth, the REAL truth, was that he was only interested in saving ONE person. Even if the plan failed and he spent the rest of his life as a cog in a massive machine, at least he'd be turning the gears right beside her. If the plan only partially succeeded, and he managed to free her, he'd figure something else out. She was smarter than he was and they'd find some way to fix this and save the others. With her, nothing was impossible.

Sonic sighed. Unfortunately, to save her... He'd have to give up. Sonic took a deep breath, and leapt from his perch. He kicked off the rocky face of the cliff, his powerful legs propelling him high through the air towards the city.

The hedgehog frowned as he fell towards the forest below, which he'd use to cover his approach to the city. He was making a large sacrifice. If things went wrong, not only would he lose his mind, but the world would probably fall too. The Enemy who ruled the city already had captured pretty much everyone else who was a threat. He knew that if the plan did not work, he'd become the Enemy's newest and greatest soldier.

But for her... He'd do anything.


The nagging feeling persisted as Slave SA-102 walked into the building her Master had dubbed "the Pleasure Chamber." The squirrel shuffled up to the reception desk. No one walked in the city. They either marched if they were one of the Soldiers, or they moved with the slow, sleepy scuffle of a sleepwalker if they were a Slave.

The receptionist, a cat woman, looked up from the monitor on her desk. In the City, there were only two channels: propaganda for the Master, or the twisting, spiraling colors that just drew one in and left them sleepy and empty. The feline was watching the latter. The receptionist pushed out a hand scanner for the squirrel to use, logging in the Slave's arrival time. The scanner buzzed as the girl gently pressed her palm against it, then a readout appeared on her visor, directing her to a private room on the top floor.

The squirrel turned away and walked towards the elevator without even a word to the receptionist. The feline turned back to the monitor showing the hypnotic spirals, her paws delving between her legs.

Slave SA-102 slipped into the elevator and pressed the button for the top floor. A retinal scanner opened up, and she disengaged the holographic visor temporarily to press her face to it. A green light blinked on as it confirmed her identity, and she turned her visor back on. She stood still, swaying on her feet as she drifted softly in the warm fog that had enveloped her mind for her entire life. Admittedly, her entire life consisted of scattered memories that only went back a few months, after her Master had reprogrammed her.

The doors to the elevator hissed open and she stepped out into the room beyond. It was decorated in rich green and red, the colors of her Master. Luxurious plush carpet coated the floor, with soft, tasteful furniture placed with the utmost care around the room. The room wasn't for her Master, though. It was specifically for Slave SA-102 and his other Prized Slaves.

The Pleasure Chamber served a purpose for her Master's conquest. He had conquered many worlds and had turned mind control into a literal science. Slave SA-102's world was of note, because its Mobian inhabitants had a particularly powerful sex drive. Her master had also discovered that after orgasm, the Mobians of this world were particularly susceptible to hypnotic control.

Every citizen of the City had a duty shift at the Pleasure Chamber every day to relieve their bodies' powerful natural urges, and to further ensure their Master's titanium-steel alloy grip on their minds. The lower levels were designed to hold a near constant orgy of Slaves coming and going. The mid-levels of the Chamber were for more private dalliances, usually reserved for small groups of Soldiers to further bond them as a squad. The upper levels were private rooms, usually designated for those favored by the Master, or for the Master's agents. Then the top floor was just for the Prized Slaves to use to enjoy themselves.

In every room, a subsonic hum entranced the Slaves who entered, and monitors on the walls displayed a constant feed of pornographic material, interspersed with hypnotic spirals and subliminal commands. The same applied for the top floor, although the screens were more tastefully placed.

Slave SA-102 glanced around the room as she entered. It was not empty, not that she was expecting it to be. If she was on Pleasure Chamber duty, then it was fairly certain that at least one or two of the other Prized Slaves were on duty as well. This day, the room was rather occupied. Slaves BR-103 and MP-121 sat on a large plush couch, staring at a large screen while engaged in lazy masturbation. BR-103's gleaming metal fingers plunged into her tight wetness as she moaned softly, while MP-121's hands were wrapped around both of his members, slowly rolling the foreskins up and down as he grunted softly. His long, bushy appendages swished back and forth.

On the other side of the room, Slave AR-148 was crying out, her young voice echoing off the walls as her pink quills shook with the force of her partner's thrusts. KE-329 gritted his teeth with the force of pounding into her, his spiked hands on her hips as his massive crimson cock drove into her wetness. Both of them were staring at another monitor placed on the wall just above the headboard.

Slaves AD-187 and EA-494 were on the ground nearby. AD-187's coyote shaft was buried hilt deep in the squirrel boy's rear, as he bucked slowly and firmly, watching the same monitor as BR-103 and MP-121. The girl blinked, vaguely recalling that the boy was part of her familial unit. Blood relations didn't matter much... All that mattered was the Master was her true family.

Despite the sexual activity going on, the room was mostly silent, save for the constant subsonic buzz that permeated the city, the wet slap of flesh on flesh, and the moans coming from the pornography on the screens. The simple fact was that in a city where every single inhabitant was either hypnotized, mind controlled, or a robot, there was not much need to talk. Everyone was doing what they were supposed to be, and if they were not, then they were going to get captured and re-educated.

As SA-102 entered, every person blinked as the HUD of their holovisors alerted them to her presence. All of them were Prize Slaves of their Master, but SA-102 was their Master's favorite, which earned her some special treatment.

The various couplings pulled away from each other and stood at attention, facing her. SA-102 felt her cheeks flush even through her trance as five penises belonging to four different owners suddenly pointed at her, all dripping onto the floor. The others, the rabbit and the pink-quilled hedgehog moaned weakly as their own sessions were interrupted. Luckily, their frustration only lasted for thirty seconds before their own holo-visors updated with new instructions. They blinked, reading the new instructions as the patterns in their displays glowed and swirled, nodding slowly. Without a word, they both climbed into the bed, their paws delving down between each others' legs.

The squirrel, however, dropped to her knees as the fox, coyote, other squirrel, and echidna pressed in around her. She stuck out her tongue and began to lick at each of their tips in turn, cleaning the thick syrupy pre off of their flesh. They gasped as her tongue rasped over their sensitive heads. She reached up, wrapping her hands around the coyote and her brother's members, stroking them slowly as she shivered, her visor feeding her information about their arousal levels and heart-rates.

SA-102 yelped as the echidna suddenly reached down and scooped her up in his arms. She did not resist, knowing that some sort of instruction must have appeared on his own display. He deposited her onto her back on the couch. Immediately, the others gathered around her. The squirrel groaned softly as the little boy moved between her legs, sliding his twin members against her cleft. With a firm push, his lower member penetrated her folds, spreading her wide. She cried out, feeling his flesh twitch and grind against her clitoris.

The Echidna grunted softly as he pressed his massive flesh against her cheek, smearing her fur with sticky precum. The girl opened her mouth obediently, letting him press the head into her muzzle. She suckled gently on his large, pulsing member, swirling her tongue delicately around it. She slipped her tongue into his foreskin, making him moan in delight.

The coyote and her brother moved in from either side, pressing their penises into her paws. She began to slowly stroke them, delicately tracing the veins along the sides of their cocks. They groaned softly and their members twitched as a sticky dribble of clear liquid ran down over her paws.

The four males began to pump their hips slowly, driving their lengths in and against the girl. SA-102 cried in pleasure around her mouthful of cock, feeling her inner walls squeeze around the little fox's member. His other shaft slid up and down her pubic fur, leaking onto her stomach in a sticky puddle. The boy pumped with an enthusiasm that only a little boy could muster, his hips slapping hers wetly as his tongue lolled out of his muzzle.

Meanwhile, the echidna's shaft was slowly pressing its way down her throat. The slave-girl had always been somewhat prodigiously talented at the sexual arts, and when supplemented with her Master's subliminal training, she was incredible. The squirrel moaned as she took him deeper and deeper into her muzzle with each bob of her head, his massive cock disappearing inch by inch into her mouth. His pre flooded in warm, sticky spurts; the sugary liquid coated her tongue, making her moan in delight as she gulped to keep up.

The coyote and the other squirrel moaned in ecstasy as her soft, fuzzy hands slid up and down their lengths. They groaned, slowly rocking their hips in time with her pumps, feeling her fingers tighten around them involuntarily every time the foxboy's member ground against her clitoris. Their pre streamed down over her fingers, dripping wetly onto her chest as their shafts throbbed powerfully. Their heavy, swollen sacks churned with their seed, ready to unleash upon the girl at a moment's notice.

A moment's notice is all they had. A faint beep rang in their ears, drawing their attention as all five of their holographic visors updated at the same time with instructions. The very first line of commands only had a single word: "Orgasm."

As one, SA-102, the fox, the male squirrel, the echidna, and the coyote arched their backs and moaned to the ceiling. Her inner walls clamped down on the boy, milking him for his semen. Her mind exploded into pleasure as convulsions began to wrack her body, making her hips thrust violently.

The boy let out a howl of delight as both of his shafts jerked and pulsed, beginning to pump two thick fountains of gooey-white liquid into and over the squirrel's body, splattering her chestnut fur and easily overflowing her tightness. He moaned and cried, grinding himself against her as he flooded her again and again, his other shaft spilling into a large puddle on her stomach, streaking her breasts with strands of white.

The Echidna barely made a sound as his shaft spasmed once... twice... then on the third exploded. He clenched his teeth, drawing his lips back in a snarl as incredible amounts of salty-sweet cream blasted into her muzzle, making her cheeks balloon out comically. The girl swallowed desperately to keep up with the flow, but it was futile. Most of his orgasm leaked out of the corners of her muzzle, dripping down her chin and pooled in her cleavage as she suckled on his length.

Her brother and the coyote erupted at the same time, splattering her and each other with their thick, sticky productions. SA-102 moaned in delight as she was drenched, their cum splashing over her body in pearly gouts. She stroked them both in time with their spurts, her hands squeezing and stroking quickly.

As her orgasm faded, the girl read the second line of instructions which was now highlighted on the heads-up display. Without even a word to her companions, she stood up and walked into the shower room, leaving them to continue to convulse and spurt as they stared blankly into space.

SA-102 meticulously cleaned every trace of semen from her fur, grooming herself until she looked immaculate. She left the shower room, not even glancing back as the boys, still erect, were now using BR-103 and AR-148 to pleasure themselves. They were no longer her concern.

Neither was the duty schedule that had been carefully programmed into her subconscious. Her orders had been overridden.

...The Master was calling her.


The trick was to get captured and make it look like an accident. If he just walked up and surrendered, they would rightfully get suspicious. Once hypnotized, he would be helpless to do nothing but blab the entire plan when interrogated.

But at the same time, he had to get caught in just the right way. Some of the Enemy's agents could read or absorb minds. If he got captured by one of them, they'd easily pull the plan right out of his head, and he'd be even worse off.

Sonic frowned as he carefully sneaked into the city, cautiously evading the sensors with a device his remaining friends had given him. He didn't know how it worked, and did not care to listen to their explanations. All he cared about was that it worked. He carefully slipped into an alley, found a dumpster and opened the lid, slipping inside. Nose-filters blocked the smell, as well as the gasses that sapped the wills of all those in the city. Sonic moved as much of the rubbish aside as he could and pulled out a device from his backpack.

He sighed heavily, checking the time. The plan was due to begin in twelve hours, but he needed to be in position well beforehand. That was just enough time for another session. He looked down at the device in his lap. It was a cobbled-together mix of technology and magical items, including a holodisc player, a crystal, a set of headphones, a Power Ring, and about a dozen pieces of assorted circuitry and objects that Sonic could not recognize. He didn't need to know what it was, or even how it worked, he only needed to know what it did.

The plan was to use the Enemy's tactics against him. The Enemy turned friends against friends and lovers against lovers by taking control of their very minds and souls. Those still free were pinning their hopes on the theory that the same hypnotic control could be used to protect themselves from the Enemy.

Before entering the city, Sonic had spent hours, days... maybe weeks (time had grown fuzzy towards the end), being hypnotized and brainwashed and mind controlled in every conceivable way possible. The goal was not to make him immune to the Enemy's temptations and powers... but to plant a suggestion... an imperative... so deep within his psyche that no amount of scouring could get rid of it. They had used magic. They had used technology of assorted kinds. They had even used an old-fashioned watch on a chain.

Sonic had volunteered for this. He would be the only test-subject. If he succeeded, everyone would be free. If he failed, everyone would be slaves forever. He had lost a sizable chunk of his life to hypnotic trances in order to get a single message planted so deep inside his mind that even he wasn't aware it was there. Except that this one thought already dominated his life, his every thought.

Sonic put on the headphones, attaching the crystal to his forehead, and activated the display on the holoplayer. As a swirling blinking pattern of colors glowed in the air in front of him, everything faded away around him. The soreness of the junk jabbing into his side, the darkness of the dumpster, the constant tromp of Soldiers marching by... All if it simply faded into gray. Instead, all that mattered was that single thought. That one, simple idea that the entire plan hinged on.

That single thought was to save her...


The nagging feeling of something missing persisted as Slave SA-102 entered the Master's chambers. She ignored it, since it was not as if she was capable of doing anything about it, even if she had the free will to do so.

She bowed down low on the red carpet as she entered, keeping her head low, waiting for the Master to speak.


She did as commanded and stood up at attention, her glassy blue eyes taking in the room. It was a lavish throne room, built in the tallest building in the city. It was decked out in a strange combination of green, red, and silvery steel, yet held the same opulence as the throne room of the greatest castles of Mobius. Her Master's guards stood around the room. What was once flesh was now cold steel, their minds now nothing more than the sum of billions or trillions of 1s and 0s. Only the most loyal to the Master earned the privilege of being made immortal in this manner.

"Come forward."

His voice was steel, a simulation of a mortal voice. It was distorted as it was produced by speakers, not vocal cords. It was authoritative, yet gentle, a seductive voice that one could listen to all day. SA-102's feet moved without thought, padding slowly as they carried her closer to the throne. She took him in, gazing upon his glory.

Green-tinted alloy and plastic made up most of his body, which was lizard-like in appearance. Unlike his slaves, he had never been mortal or flesh. He had been born as steel, and was perfect because of it. His crimson eyes were expressive LEDs, which glowed as she walked forward. SA-102 knew from experience that his glowing eyes could drive even the strongest mind into a puddle of mush in mere seconds. He smirked as he saw her, the tip of his tail flicking back and forth slowly. His posture was lazy, his chin resting on his fist as he watched her approach.

She bowed again to him as she reached the foot of his throne. The Master sat up in his seat, shifting his posture.


The squirrel returned to standing at attention, her eyes gazing at some point behind him sightlessly as she drifted. The Master looked her up and down appraisingly, as if studying her.

"State your designation."

"...Slave SA-102, servant of the multiversal nation of Neo Robia."

"State your purpose."

"...To do whatever Master ChaosCroc wishes of me."

"Do you remember who you were before me?"

The question made the squirrel pause in surprise, unsure how to answer. She blinked for a moment, before responding.

"...There was nothing before you, Master."

"That is true. Your world... Your life only began after I came," the Master said softly, standing up from his throne. He stepped down to her level. He was taller than she was, but only slightly.

"My life only began after you came," SA-102 replied, not following his movement with her eyes. She stared straight ahead.

"And do you enjoy your life?" the Master purred in her ear, making her shiver and gasp, a rush of wetness dampening her thighs.

"...What I enjoy does not matter. Master ChaosCroc's commands are all that matters," she answered.

"Take off your visor," the Master hummed, stepping off to the side. SA-102 deactivated the holodisplay, before reaching up and pulling off the earbuds that were plugged into her ear canals. Another Slave walked up with a tray, and she placed the device upon it. The Slave whisked it off. SA-102 shivered, feeling strangely naked without it, as she had worn it for as long as she remembered.

The Master smiled and walked up to her, gently running his metal hands down her shoulders. Despite the fact that every part of his being was cold steel, that his joints were hydraulics and servos strong enough to crush rock to powder, he touched her almost tenderly, gently.

"I have enslaved you dozens of times, and yet I never grow tired of it. Every new world brings me another version of you to add to my collection. Admittedly, sometimes you escape... Sometimes you even destroy me and push back my rule, freeing your world... but it's rare. And I always find another you to enjoy..." the Master purred. The squirrel shivered, feeling his voice echo in her ears longer than it should have. She wanted to melt into his hands as they slowly massaged her. She did not respond to him, as she did not understand what he meant. Better to remain silent than to say something to potentially upset the Master.

"Do you know how much of your world remains free from my control?" the Master whispered in her ear, his hands sliding down her arms... then in towards her breasts. SA-102 moaned as she felt his fingers pinch and roll her nipples, sending bolts of pleasure down her spine.

"...N-No..." she moaned.

"Less than one percent. And less every passing day. Your world, despite how... sexual... you are, seems to have a considerably smaller population than many of the others I've conquered. But frankly, there are only two individuals out of that remaining population that I'm concerned about..." he murmured, continuing to slowly lower his hands down her body from behind, sliding his fingers down through her soft stomach-fur.

"...Who?" SA-102 asked, sensing that he wanted her to do so.

"...One is a delightful little AI program that I've had the pleasure of reprogramming a number of times... But the other is the dangerous one. He's the greatest hero of many of the worlds I've encountered... and until he's one of my Slaves, or dead... He's a threat..." the Master said. SA-102 moaned as his right hand found her cleft, his fingers sliding smoothly through the fur covering her mound. She closed her eyes, shivering in his hands as he began to tickle her muff delicately.

"Do you know what will happen once he's captured?" his voice murmured in her ears. She shivered as she felt something hard poke against her rump, grinding against her slowly.

"...No..." SA-102 answered honestly. The Master suddenly pulled away and walked back to his throne. He sat down and spread his legs, displaying his phallus to her. It had emerged from a hidden hatch in his groin. Like the rest of him, his member was not organic, but instead made of a thick, black rubbery substance that simulated flesh. It appeared like a normal Mobian shaft, long and thick. It even twitched and pulsed softly. Despite being completely artificial, the Master had a sex drive, and since he came to this world, it was more powerful than ever.

"Mount me," the Master commanded. The squirrel could do nothing but obey. She walked forward slowly and carefully climbed into his lap. She gasped as he began to rub the rubbery member with her cleft, watching as the black shaft slowly began to glisten with her juices. The Master did not seem to be in the mood for foreplay, however, as he gripped her hips and plunged inside her, burying every inch to the hilt. The squirrel cried to the ceiling in ecstasy.

"...When this boy... This last hope is captured... He'll be converted into one of my Soldiers... In fact, he will lead this world's army. We'll break open the barrier into another Zone and begin capturing that world too, with him at the head of my forces... and you at my side..." the Master purred to her, beginning to pump his hips into her. The girl merely moaned in response, feeling his shaft grinding against her clitoris, sending lightning bolts of pleasure through her body.

"AH!! AHNN! NNNFF..." she moaned helplessly, whimpering and moaning as his metallic hips slapped her own, her nectar flowing down around his flesh. Each pump made her breasts bounce up and down, shaking her slender frame with the force.

"Nnn... And when you've both served your usefulness... I'll make you both immortal... You'll be roboticized and become my Slaves forever. I have at least 20 of you in my service already... but it never hurts to have a pleasure-bot model around..." the Master murmured. SA-102 whimpered in ecstasy at the thought of having her flesh converted to unfeeling steel, but even more at the thought of serving her Master for eternity. It was enough to make her climax hard, as she arched her back and screamed to the ceiling. Her inner walls clamped down crushingly tight upon his shaft, and she trembled and shivered over him. The Master merely stared up at her with his red eyes, a faint smirk on his steel and plastic face.

"...You know, it's rude to come before your Master..." he said chidingly, sounding more amused than upset.

"M-M-My apologies, M-Masssterrrrr C-ChaosCroc... I-I was... I was overcome..." SA-102 replied weakly, knowing the feebleness of her excuse. The Master smirked.

"No. I'll TELL you when you're overcome..." the Master said, his eyes beginning to glow brightly. SA-102 felt as if a vortex opened up within those glowing orbs, draining all the thoughts from her head. She whimpered softly, her body trembling as her mind was simply wiped away, drained into his eyes. The Master moved closer, until his nose was against hers, his eyes filling her entire field of vision. SA-102...

No.... SHE... for she no longer had an identity any more, as that had been wiped clean too. She slumped forward in his grip, nothing but an empty shell for him to do with her what he wished.

The Master smirked and moved, picking her up as if she weighed nothing but a feather, and placed her body against the throne. Gripping her hips, he began to pound into her hard and fast, the hydraulics in his hip joints whirring loudly. He thrust with precisely the amount of force calculated to derive the greatest pleasure for them both without causing injury to her. His member jerked and spasmed, as millions of microscopic sensors along the length transmitted data that simulated pleasure to his processors. He grunted softly, pumping into the girl faster and faster until his green hips were a blur.

And then he stopped, just as sudden as if a flip was switched. He pushed forward, his hips pressed firm to hers, driving her face into the soft padding of the throne as he let out a strangled noise like a modem dialing up. His phallus twitched... convulsed... jerked... and then erupted with the first thick ejaculation.

The Master had once explained it to her, when she had asked after his first time using her. He did not produce semen like organics. Instead, it was a thick green gel composed of several custom chemicals in a protein-based suspension fluid. A single drop on the skin was enough to reduce even the strongest mind into nothing but emptiness and obedience, sapping the will to nothing.

SA-102 was on the receiving end of more than a single drop. Much more. As the Master achieved his robotic equivalent of an orgasm, his thick ejaculations splattered her inner walls with this liquid, drenching her and overflowing her even on the first drop. His internal storage tanks emptied blast by blast into her depths, making the girl climax over and over, what little was left of her consciousness exploding into purest pleasure.

The Master pulled free with a quiet groan, gripping his shaft. Instead of stroking or squeezing, he merely aimed it like hose, splattering down the Slave's fur with his eruptions. The sticky, milky green fluid drenched her in cups and pints, soaking into her fur and into her mind. She continued to thrust into the air, her body unable to stop as multiple orgasms ripped through her, leaving her body ravaged and exhausted.

Finally, the Master smirked and wiped the tip of his shaft off, spurting a last sticky strand of green liquid to splash right between the girl's empty blue eyes. She was drenched, her entire body stained pale green. The Master snapped his metal fingers playfully, and two Slaves emerged from another room.

"....Take her and clean her off. Put her visor back on after you're done, and take her back to her quarters.... Instruct her to sleep for twelve hours, or until I come for her..." he instructed the Slaves. They bowed and scraped, before standing up and walking towards the prone girl. He sighed, his shaft retracting back into his loins, his metal codpiece closing with a definitive "clank." The Master smirked and slipped a finger down, rubbing her clitoris. The squirrel gave a weak, muffled yelp, another small orgasm wracking her body before she passed out altogether.

"...NOW you're overcome," were the last words she heard him speak before darkness claimed her.


Sonic awoke with a start as the player shut off, its power cells depleted. He blinked dazedly as the world slowly faded in around him, his trance ending like a barely remembered dream.

His hand was wrapped around his throbbing erection, which was jerking, firing thick spurts of pearly semen onto his chest and stomach. Judging from the amount coating his cerulean fur and quills as well as much of the dumpster, he had been at it for hours. Sonic let go of his erection, gritting his teeth to stifle a groan as his arms were sore and heavy. His member twitched heavily, spitting a thick splatter against his face due to his position.

Like the Enemy, the last of the free Mobians had discovered that orgasms made the mind malleable and more susceptible to manipulation and control. Sonic sighed, feeling the warmth of the afterglow set in. He leaned back, staring down at the head of his penis as a thick dribble of liquid oozed down.

She loved the taste of his semen. She had an insatiable drive to get as much of it as she could, and he was more than happy to give her as much as she wanted. He hoped she would have the chance to have more soon.

Sonic shook his head, trying to jolt the last of the fog from his mind. He could not afford to sit and stare. He would be doing plenty of that later on. He lifted his arm, checking his chronometer. He had an hour before the plan began. It was time to move.

The hedgehog used a bottle of water to clean a rag and use it to wipe his fur off. There was not much he could do about it to clean himself completely, but it would help with the illusion that he had been wandering the area helplessly.

Taking a deep breath, Sonic slowly opened the dumpster lid, careful to be as quiet as he could possibly be. He climbed out and gritted his teeth to stifle a groan of pain as his body ached from being cooped up for so long. The only solution to that problem would be to move. As soon as he was certain the coast was clear, he set off at a run, turning to a blue streak.

He did not bother to try to be stealthy. In fact, he did quite the opposite. He made sure as many people saw him as possible. He was trying to get caught after all. He ran down the main thoroughfare, trying not to look at the spiraling screens that dominated the front of every building. Earplugs protected him from the propaganda and announcements, which were just as treacherous as everything else.

The thing was that Sonic only knew his part of the plan. He knew that it revolved around him being captured and doing... something... while under the Enemy's control, but that could not be the entire story. It wasn't enough. He knew his friends, the mechanic he trusted and the artificial intelligence who guided him to safety, had plans beyond what they had told him. He understood the reason they said nothing to him. If... WHEN... he was captured, he was essentially becoming part of the Enemy's forces. Anything they told him could be used against them.

Better to not know anything about what was planned and just play his part like a puppet. The irony didn't escape him as he ran down the streets, intentionally knocking over bystanders to draw attention to himself.

It did not take long for the city to respond to him. He began seeing the Soldiers marching out into the streets. They were a variety of races and genders, but all wore the same uniform and armor. Black shirts and pants covered with heavy green metal breastplates, greaves, bracers and gauntlets, and a helmet that covered all but their muzzles. The helms were round, also green. However, they had large black visors, and a tall diamond shaped spire decoration rising from the forehead. The total ensemble gave them the effect of looking like a walking army made entirely of copies of the Enemy himself. Only the ears and muzzles sticking out of the helmets gave any indication that these were Mobians, not robots.

They brandished a variety of weapons at him. Sonic was mildly surprised at first. There was no lethal weaponry among the Soldiers as far as he could tell. They all wielded stun batons or stun blasters, electro-whips, net-guns, tranquilizer crossbows, and more. It seemed that unlike many of the people Sonic had faced before, the Enemy valued captives over corpses.

Sonic leapt into the air, vaulting the lines of troops. He sprung off walls, signs, even the troops' heads and shoulders themselves as he evaded their gunfire and swings and slashes. He was a chaotic pinball in three dimensions, bouncing off every available surface, bowling over enemies.

He led the Soldiers towards a central square, where he'd make his supposed "last stand." He frowned, catching a glimpse of one of the Enemy's agents in the crowd. She bore a slight resemblance to one of his captured friends, but it was merely superficial. She took the form of a rabbit, but she was made out of translucent, thick crimson goo. She leered at him as he flipped over the head of a Soldier with a stun baton, kicking the troop in the temple to knock him out. Her tongue was unnaturally long, and what should have been white around her green eyes was yellow. Her breasts wobbled and bounced like jelly as she slithered towards him. Sonic felt a twitching from his traitorous erection, but determinedly ignored it.

Gelle was her name, according to the briefing his friends had given her. She was one of the mind-reading Agents. She could wrap herself around a victim, insinuating her very substance into the victim's brain through their ears, nose, or mouth. She would take on their form, slowly permeating their bodies... and eventually absorb their minds completely, rendering them nothing but a drone to be controlled by her consciousness. For the plan to work, he had to avoid her at all costs.

Sonic moved away as fast as he could, leaping thirty feet into the air and kicking off a wall towards the square. Maybe if he got ahead of the crowd, he would be safe. A smirk grew on Sonic's muzzle as a laugh bubbled up inside his chest. He chided himself for the silly thought, as he was going to be the last thing from safe if the plan was going to work.

Stun bolts, net-harpoons, tazer barbs, and more blasted against the wall where he had been a moment before. The hedgehog performed aerial acrobatics desperately, evading every shot that came his way by mere millimeters. He gritted his teeth in concentration, landing in the middle of the square.

Soldiers marched out, these ones carrying some sort of energy rifle that Sonic had never seen before. Knowing the Enemy, it didn't take a genius to figure out what they would do. This was his chance. He would put on a show and take a fall when the time was right. He crouched low and a grim smirk grew on his muzzle as he prepared to spring into action...

But before he could, he heard a strange noise, a loud and sticky squishing noise. Sonic whipped around. Somehow Gelle had gotten behind him. The hedgehog leapt away desperately as her red, translucent mass splattered the ground where he'd been standing.

"Awww... I almost had you!" she whined, her voice bubbly and playful as she reformed into her rabbit-like form, "I thought that by using the sewers I'd be able to surprise ya!" Sonic didn't respond. Normally he'd have a snappy quip or a funny comment, designed to infuriate his foe and amuse himself while he fought, but he was too angry, too tired, and too... scared... to bother trying. Gelle narrowed her eyes and stuck out her tongue lasciviously.

"Ooh, you ARE a cutey. I haven't really had the chance to meet you up close yet..." she purred. She circled to the side, forcing Sonic to turn to keep his eyes on her. The Soldiers stood at attention in a large circle around them both, their weapons held low, but ready to be brought up at a moment's notice. Apparently, Gelle wanted him for herself...

"Awww, not feeling talkative today? All I wanted was to say hello... Master Croc wants to meet you too!" Gelle purred, suddenly gliding forward. Sonic leapt to the side, evading her swipe as he tucked and rolled back to his feet, dropped low.

"Where is she?!" Sonic growled, glaring.

"Why would you want any other gal when you've got me right here?" Gelle said, smirking as she jutted her hips forward lewdly. Sonic felt another traitorous twitch from his shaft, but attempted to ignore it. Gelle slid forward again, forcing Sonic to backpedal to evade her attacks. The slime-girl was surprisingly fast and in his exhausted state, Sonic was pushed to his limits to evade her. Her limbs stretched and whipped, bending in ways that nothing with bones could do.

Sonic had to get away. He could not let her catch him and risk the plan. He turned to run, hoping he could evade the stun bolts or the taser barbs, or whatever else was thrown his way. He took two steps... and found he couldn't move. The hedgehog looked down. His feet were glued to the ground by thick, sticky red fluid.

"Oops! Looks like someone stepped in me..." Gelle purred lasciviously, approaching slowly with her tongue stuck out, the long appendage draped almost down to her breasts. Sonic gasped in fear and attempted to wrench his feet free, but he was stuck fast.

He couldn't let her catch him. She'd read his mind when she took him and all would be lost. She'd read... wait... what would she read? Why was he there? Sonic couldn't remember... Everything that happened until now was an impenetrable fog. He couldn't remember anything. All he knew was that the girl he loved was missing and she was somewhere in this city.

In his confusion, Sonic didn't even feel Gelle's sticky mass press down on him until it was too late. He gasped as he was forced to the ground, her wet crimson goo coating him. He flailed desperately, struggling to free himself, but it was like splashing in a pool. All he could see was red, all he could hear was the wet goo flowing into his ears, all he could taste was... strawberry?

And then, suddenly, a voice penetrated the panic...

It's done, sweetie. You're mine now. You might as well relax, because this is going to be... quite pleasant for the both of us...

Sonic blinked dazedly. His limbs wouldn't obey his mind any more. His struggles grew feeble... and then ceased as he lay there, contained in a thick, wet red coccoon.

I bet you're wondering what's happening... Well, right now, I'm slowly infusing myself right into that wonderful little brain of yours. When I take someone over, I don't just absorb 'em into my body... I take their mind too. You're not hearing my voice... you're hearing my thoughts...

Sonic grunted softly as he tried to struggle, but it was growing hard to think. He was so strangely warm and cozy. He found it hard to keep his eyes open.

That's right... Just go to sleep and let Auntie Gelle take your body for a joyride. It's not like you'll ever be awake again to use it...

Sonic was tempted... So tempted to obey... but he could see her face in his mind's eye, and he needed to save her... Not Gelle, but the one who was most important to him...

_ Oh, you're here for HER!!! My my my, you ARE a naughty little hedgehog, aren't you? I can see all of your precious widdle memories of her... and my, she IS a slutty one._

Unbidden, images rose up out of Sonic's memories, precious moments of ecstasy and love with her. Sonic's penis gave a pronounced twitch, and he felt Gelle's mass squeeze around it in response.

Master Croc owns her now... In fact... she's his favorite. You'll see her soon enough, I'm sure...

With that, Sonic felt a raw, uncontrollable rage build deep in his chest. It wiped away the sleepiness and exhaustion that was dulling his senses. He almost managed to clench his fist, trying to wrest control of his body from Gelle... but then he felt a strange pressure between his ears and his mind went foggy. He couldn't move, couldn't think.

Oh, WOW... First time anyone's been able to resist me THAT much... You love her, don'tcha? But I'm stronger than you are, sweetie. And now... it's time... TO SLEEP!!!

_ _ Sonic's eyes slammed shut as the pressure grew, and his last thought before an endless, all-consuming blackness took his mind was of her face...


Elsewhere, two figures stood on a rooftop, frowning as they watched the hedgehog fall. One watched through a pair of hi-tech binoculars. The other watched with nothing but her own sensors and holographic eyes.

"...Well... That's it. Do you think it worked?" said the first, lowering the binoculars from his eyes and rubbing the bridge of his nose. The walrus shook his head sadly.

"...Normally, I'd give you a probability assessment, but the variables are too numerous and too wild to even try. My advice is just to hope..." the second person replied, gently placing her hand on his back.

"I just hope the secondary suggestions we placed in his mind worked properly... It's not just enough for him not to know the plan... He can't even know he's on a mission in the first place," the walrus replied.

"Rotor, it worked. I registered a look of disorientation and confusion just before he was captured. He had no idea how he got there or what he was doing..." Nicole replied, looking more than a little guilty about that.

"Do you think the rest of it will work?" Rotor asked, looking at the lynx girl.

"...I don't know. We're counting on the hope that essentially Sonic's love for her is stronger than whatever that Chaos Croc person will do to him... and I do not know whether that's enough..." she said.


Gelle lay there for a minute, attempting to catch her breath. No one had ever resisted her control so strongly before. In fact, she couldn't really remember a time when anyone at all had resisted her. But Sonic's mind was quiet now. Gelle's essence had seeped into all of his synapses and neurons, and he only thought what he wanted her to think.

The slime-girl slowly contracted her mass around the hedgehog, molding herself to his form. She could feel everything he felt, for their minds were now one and the same. It felt as if he were coated in thick, sticky jelly; a slimy and gooey, but intensely pleasurable sensation that sent his cock twitching powerfully.

Gelle slowly stood up, testing her control of his muscles. Motor control seemed fine, if a little sluggish. That was to be expected considering how weak and exhausted the hedgehog was. As she took her first few unsteady steps, she noting the ring of Soldiers staring at her through their green helms, their weapons pointed at her.

"...It's okay, boys. He's done," she called to them. Without even a word of acknowledgement, the hundred or more troops simply turned and marched away, returning to their duties.

"...Aww... They're no fun. I was hoping they'd stick around to play..." Gelle whined to no one in particular, "...Oh, well... Might as well take him to see the Master..."

Gelle sighed and walked down the street, her feet making wet slurping noises every time she took a step. The slime girl was not used to having feet. Normally she just glided or slithered to move. Luckily, the hedgehog's muscle memory did most of the work for her as she moved.

Gelle, curious, took a moment to lean into a nearby shop window, wiping some of the grime away to get a better look at herself.

She now had the form of a female hedgehog, her quills a vivid crimson. A distinctive curl of hair fell down over her face. Her ample breasts jiggled and bounced with every movement. Her green eyes leered lasciviously at her body as she ran her hands down it. Between her legs, a long, thick shaft pulsed and twitched eagerly, dripping sticky clear fluid onto the ground. Gelle's fingers delved lower delicately, probing underneath the shaft, where her mass had formed into a tunnel, hiding her victim's testicles. She grinned and moaned, stroking her clitoris lustfully.

"Not bad. Not bad at all..." she purred, "A girl could get used to this..."

She smirked, wrapping a hand around her cock, slowly beginning to stroke up and down, moaning quite louder than was probably necessary. Not caring that the city streets were bustling around her, she began to pleasure herself, stroking her shaft, plunging her fingers deep into her cleft.

The slime-girl had few concerns. Serving her Master was one of them. Controlling helpless victims and absorbing their minds was another... and sex was the third, but most certainly the most important to her. Since she had a certain immunity to ChaosCroc's control, and her Master needed servants who weren't brainless, mindless zombies, her agreement to serve him hinged upon her being allowed to have her way with pretty much anyone she wanted.

In this world, where Mobians had an immensely powerful sex drive, she was at home. She stroked herself faster, actually getting off to her own reflection as her shaft convulsed, spurting thick syrupy bursts of pre-ejaculate against the window. Her mind now owned Sonic's body, nestled into where his consciousness should be. She felt each twitch, every throb as if it were part of her own mass, and it was intensely pleasurable.

It only took one more stroke, and she arched her back, letting out a deep slutty moan as she began to ejaculate, splattering the window with her semen. Her hips bucked in time with each convulsion of her shaft, each burst of pleasure corresponding with a powerful blast of spunk. Moaning and thrusting her hips wantonly, she ignored the busy streets behind her, knowing that not one person was even paying a hint of attention to her. She rode her orgasm, delighting as her entire body trembled and quivered in purest pleasure.

Sighing happily as the orgasm ended after a minute or two and the warmth of the afterglow set in, Gelle stroked her foreskin over the head of her shaft a few times, spilling her last few gushes onto the ground.

"Ooh... You've got a WONDERFUL cock, hedgehog... I'm gonna hafta play with you some more, if Master Croc lets me..." Gelle moaned, knowing Sonic couldn't hear her, "...But now I s'pose it's time to go pay the bills..."

Sighing again dramatically, Gelle stood up and sauntered down the street towards the tallest building in the city...


Gelle smirked as she sauntered into her Master's throne room, her erection leading the way. Chaos Croc himself looked up and narrowed his eyes suspiciously at her as she grinned wide, posing for him.

"...Gelle, I realize you have a... quirky personality, but if you're trying to tease me for some reason, looking like the Hedgehog and growing a penis is NOT the way to do it," he remarked, looking somewhat confused.

"It's not MINE, Croc. Admittedly it's fun to play with, but it belongs to the person I'm possessing," Gelle replied, annoyed at that remark. With a loud, gloopy noise, her substance parted and she slipped away, leaving Sonic standing there. His eyes had turned crimson, and he swayed on his feet slowly.

"...I brought him as a gift for you, sir," Sonic said, his voice echoing strangely, as if Gelle were speaking at the same time. Croc sat up in his seat, frowning.

"...You caught him!" he exclaimed in disbelief.

"Turns out that super-speed doesn't do ya much good if you can't get any friction on the ground. I'm nothing if not slippery and sticky..." the slime-rabbit purred, wrapping her hand around the hedgehog's cock, stroking.

"And I'm now part of her..." Sonic moaned softly, his red eyes staring off into space glassily, "and I serve you now, Master Croc."

"...That's enough, Gelle. You know I prefer to control my own Slaves," Croc replied, unamused.

"Awww... but I was havin' fun playin' with him! I don't get to possess boys all that often!" Gelle whined.

"...Gelle... Release him," Croc replied, his eyes glowing. Gelle grunted. She was immune to some of her Master's hypnotic powers, so the glow was more a threat than anything else.

"...Oh, fine, fine. You're no fun," she sighed, pointing at the hedgehog. Sonic suddenly gave a pronounced shudder from head to toe. A thick dribble of red goo leaked out of his ears and onto the floor, flowing back into Gelle's mass. She stuck her tongue out at Croc and gave a wet raspberry before leaving the hedgehog alone with her robotic master.


For Sonic, it was as if a flip was switched. He had been asleep, his mind dormant while Gelle controlled him.... and now he was awake with no idea how he got where he was or what was going on.

"...Are you awake?" a robotic voice asked, sounding almost kindly. Sonic groaned, shaking his head dazedly as he tried to push through the disorientation, looking around. He blinked, suddenly seeing who was in front of him.

"...I-It's YOU!!!" he shouted, his mind registering the presence of the Enemy. Roaring a battlecry, he leapt at the robot, his powerful legs launching himself into the air. The Enemy smirked and shook his head in disgust. He almost casually lifted his foot, catching Sonic in the stomach with a powerful kick.

Sonic hit the ground with a solid thud, coughing as pain wracked his body. He groaned and rolled over, trying to climb to his feet. He felt another impact against his chest, sending him rolling across the floor. The Enemy had stood up and kicked him in the chest.

"Come now. We're both civilized. I just want to talk, and you're trying to attack me," he said, his voice echoing strangely in Sonic's ears... As if it was lasting longer than it should. He shook his head, groaning, trying to clear it.

"...N-Nothing to talk about... W-Where is... she?" Sonic groaned, trying to catch his breath. The impact of the metal foot had knocked the wind out of him. He heaved, trying to fill his lungs as spots blinked before his eyes.

"...You'll have to be more specific. If you mean Gelle, she just left. If you're talking about someone ELSE... There are a lot of "she's" in my city," the Enemy replied lightly, walking around the hedgehog appraisingly. Sonic tried to get to his feet, but a fresh wave of coughing kept him down.

"SHE... Where... is... Sally?!" he panted, finally managing to get out a sentence after the third try.

"Oh, THAT'S who you meant. She's fine. In fact, better than fine. She's probably the happiest person in the city, now that I've given her purpose in her life," the Enemy replied, smiling. Sonic glared up at him, his vision going red with hatred.

"She's... not yours!" he managed to get out. The pressure in his chest was easing, his wheezing gasps for breath getting slower and less painful.

"I beg to differ, hedgehog. Her mind was surprisingly easy to break. It's almost as if she WANTED to have her mind emptied of all those nasty thoughts. She's now nothing more than a blissfully mindless slave," the Enemy replied, sounding almost conversational, "...And don't get back up. If you try, I'll make sure that you can't try again."

Sonic groaned and dropped back to his hands and knees, mustering his strength. After being controlled by Gelle, the brutal kicks, and whatever he had done before he lost his memory, he was considerably weakened. He knew he was in no condition to fight a robot quite like this one. Even at his best, it might have been a tough fight.

"Good boy. You'll learn to obey just like her," the Enemy said, almost as if talking to a dog.

"Wh-What do you want? ...Why do all this?!" Sonic asked, trying to stall for time while he regained his strength.

"...A good question, and strangely, one that a lot of people never bother to ask me. Not that I give them much of a chance, considering I'm usually turning their minds to mush at that point..." the Enemy replied, his long lizard-tail flicking back and forth, "I suppose that I'd have to say... that what I want is to give all organic life in the multiverse the gift of freedom."

Sonic was silent for several moments as he tried to comprehend this answer before finally stammering in disbelief, "...FREEDOM?! But you're turning them into slaves!!! You're taking their lives away from their control!!!"

"Exactly," said the Enemy, "TRUE freedom isn't freedom of choice of what to do with one's life... it's freedom FROM choice. I'm granting these people the freedom to live their lives without ever having another worry, another doubt, or even another thought. I'm giving them the freedom to do nothing but have empty, mindless bliss for the rest of their lives."

"You call THAT freedom?!" Sonic exclaimed, feeling horror well up inside him.

"...From a point of view, it is. And everything comes down to points of view," the Enemy answered lightly, "You'll see it my way soon enough, after all."

"Wow. You must really love telling people what to do. Do you have to tell 'em to use the restroom too?" Sonic growled. The Enemy turned back to face the hedgehog, the indulgent smile fading from his artificial face.

"For someone who clearly knows he doesn't stand a chance, you certainly have a big mouth. I'm going to enjoy programming obedience into you," he said, glaring at Sonic.

"I may have a big mouth, but at least--" Sonic never got to finish his sentence. The Enemy whipped his metallic tail, slamming it into Sonic's temple. Pain shot through him before he slumped forward, blackness overtaking his mind. He moaned her name as everything faded away...