Living Large Ch: 3

Story by Hato San on SoFurry

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Living Large Chapter 3

My watch gleamed back at me. *6:55* I was already outside Marcus's room twiddling my thumbs and awaiting until seven. How was everything going to come out? What am I supposed to say to him? Giving myself a headache I only clapped in a sarcastic appreciation. Excellent work Justin you dolt! I looked at the screen in my phone again. *6:57* waiting was killing me but I told him right at seven I'd be there. Hands back in my pockets I reviewed nervously over my clothes. Nike trademark shoes, black and white, check. Clean black cargo's leading off to a white t-shirt and my old brown-leather bomber jacket that still fit me perfectly. The leather was slightly faded yet I've always kept it in good repair. With my wallet in my pocket (That I checked to see.) enough cash for the two of us and my phone finally saying seven P.M. and full battery stats, I breathed in gently and knocked on his door. Some conversation was on the other side before the door opened. "Yes that should be him Chris." Chris? I could only wonder whom he was speaking to and as he opened the door, I passed a mixture between blushing and nervousness. Marcus was wearing a skirt... A light noticeable blue with a hoodie overtop him and his hair straightened to the point that it fell in front of his face. The guy behind him was a white-furred rabbit with characterisic brown spots. His left ear had seven piercings all following the colors of the LGBT flag. One thing I'd never consider to do was that ironically, now with the thought in my mind I really like the idea. Chris was of an athletic build, the semi sports to semi leisure look came to my mind yet I never had the chance to ask. Making our way to the movie theater I was almost relieved that no-one question or really looked at Marcus oddly, he pulled of the girl look maybe a little too well tonight yet I couldn't complain about it, only smile softly as I held his hand. The gleam from the movie theaters sign came in from afar I could notice some of the later films for the day. Citadel was one, Silent hill was another. This theater I knew was always in favor of horror films, every day since I had moved here they seemed to play those kinda films. Marcus stared with a disappointing gleam that struck his eyes. "Ugh, I hate those silly movies they always play I was hoping they'd play something a little more soft-toned tonight." With annoyance in his tone, I let go of his hand for a moment. "Let me chat with the ticket provider for a second." I replied, looking towards someone who looked oddly familiar to me, too familiar. Marcus waited back, his face hidden by his hoodie at the time, further ahead came the sight of a golden-furred retriever, she wore a red shirt that complimented a pair of tight black jeans and with the sight of my face, she almost gasped in surprise. "Oh my god!" I gave a smile and held my arms out like I'd hug someone... Sarcastically... Or at the very least like I owned the place. Sabrina, I haven't seen her since elementary school. "Justin? Is that you?" "Hey Sabrina." I gave a friendly wave and she smiled brightly. "It really is! When was the last time I saw you?" "Around grade seven I'd say." She chuckled lightly. "That sounds about right. What brings you out here?" I was going to ask her why she was there, last time I thought her father had moved to Australia because of work. "A date actually." "Really!? Who's the lucky girl?" Right... I forgot about that... "She's just back there." I pointed to Marcus with a smile and he waved back with a smile of his own. I shouldn't have been worrying like I was yet with a friend as old as her I couldn't even begin to guess what her outcome would be. "We were just wondering if the cinema was going to be playing something a little.... Lighter than this slasher-flick stuff." Sabrina looked down at what looked like a notebook her bust was just so fortunately in the way of the black book she was reading. "There is one playing at ten tonight, a older film though that's what this place usually ends up doing." "Yeah fifties old?" I asked with a smirk, I remembered her father had an extensive collection of older films. "Not that kind of old, just two years, around that time." "Which one is playing?" "Dear John... come to think of it I've yet to watch that one." My mother went to watch that one I thought to myself. She said it was good film and kept bugging my father that he didn't go to watch it with her. From there I thanked Sabrina and walked back to Marcus. "Someone you know?" "An old friend actually she works there." "Small world right hon?" There he goes with the hon calling again. "I'd say so. She told me that the only romance film they have playing was Dear John." "Really? I haven't seen that one yet." That's a good sign... I guess. Feeling my thumbs twiddle nervously I took up his paw once more. "Let's go out to dinner than we can come back to the theater and get in for the film." "That sounds great!" He smiled brightly catching his eyes with mine. They shone, brimming with this confidence that said "I'm ready for the world!" And it brought the lightest of a chuckle to me. "... Where do you want to go.... For dinner?" He seemed lost at thought and all I knew was the few places that were nearby the Cinema. Hardly down the street was a old diner yet it was something anyone would've thought of as a Hole-in-the-wall kind of place. Further from there was a Moxy's yet that was at least a thirty minute walk down a few blocks. Anything else would've taken a car or a bus ride and in this city, the bus-rides were never fun. Even I knew how great of a city this was, not much on real big-time crime or problems yet it still had its ghetto's and fine-lined social class estates. Every city has them and in some sense it made me think of home. "Isn't there one of those really high end restaurants around here?" What was I getting myself into? "You mean J and R Steakhouse? Th- that's really expensive..." Marcus looked surprised, me not so much. I remembered my time working with my father (I did that a lot when I was younger) I saved up quite a bit of money back in my old town. "Yeah, wanna go there?" Marcus was dead quiet, He stared at what I was wearing and he knew at least I was dressed for it. His face went pitch red and he cried out nervously. "I - I can't go dressed like this! I - I mean I look horrible for a place like that I'd need to get changed!" "We are still close by Morrit, we could head back and you could get changed. Then we can head out for dinner." It took us about twenty minutes and during that time I thought a lot to myself. I felt suddenly confident, naturally, not forced like I would be on a not-so-good day. Maybe this dating thing isn't difficult! I knew it would just come naturally so I chuckled and smiled and found out that I was having a great time just walking with Marcus. He deserves a night that he won't forget I knew that it was true so when he walked out of his dorm room I could only smile softly to him. He blushed he was actually flustered from something so light and simple. "How do I look?" A dress... I get the idea of cross-dressing yet - you know I don't care; I convinced myself.

"You look wonderful." With his hair long, Light ginger with a highlight of blonde-white hair; his face with soft cheek bones rolled back exposing a small set of lips with a pink button-like nose behind a dark-orange and white-furred face fixed with big orange ears and small hazelnut eyes that followed down to a red long dress, something almost resembling an old spring fashion that showed off the slender curvy shape he held beneath it. "It's the first time I'm wearing this one..." "You are beautiful." I spoke with a passion that I never had felt before. I wasn't single-minded (That being dirty perverted thoughts) I felt so open and alive and I couldn't wait until we had dinner. Another long walk, yet with him it felt so short before the cinema lights came into view. "Hey hon?" "Yes?" "Has that car been following us?" I paused abruptly. A car? Why would a car be following us? What is he talking about? Turning to meet towards a really rich looking BMW it drove past and I assumed we both must've been on the road or too close to it. I waved them by with a smile and from the tinted black windows I watched a silhouette wave back with one of their own. The car turned heading towards a new place. The restaurant was rich, large and had a full parking-lot making me wonder if something big was happening that night yet it didn't stop us from getting a seat. My eyes fell to the menu. Fifty for a steak... A SIMPLE eight ounce steak. I gave Marcus a wonderful - and partially sarcastic - smile, his face was filled with ecstasy, and excitement beyond belief to be in a place was rich as this. This is truly wonderful, maybe this new neighborhood isn't as bad as I thought it would be. My eyes studied the beautiful flowed in red carpet; Roll out the red carpet! Was the very first thing I could think with everyone walking, talking and laughing about their jobs and the special occasions they were having for the night. I was excited myself; my tail had its keen obsession of wagging that halted abruptly when a person, more like people walked in. A fox, pure-furred white with bright blue eyes; older with her an older man whom I assumed that was her husband. Six foot seven and scary as hell, one person stood with a chest and a stump for a neck. What is this the godfather? They all look like some Italian mafia reruns, what's next the big guy is Russian? I guess at that point I was distracted by - "May I take your order?" It was another fox, blazed orange fur with a suit and tie. "Oh yes, sorry." I placed my order down - lamb - what one could think as a hearty, European inspired meal. Marcus got himself a salad to start, Caesar a little extra parmesan no pepper, and a New-York style steak. My eyes wouldn't leave from that one person during our wait for dinner. For whatever reason he seemed so familiar to me, the way he walked, his quiet and deep tone, everything struck me with a similar face and name. It was simply foolish and once our meal came down, I spent all my time looking towards Marcus. Eyes were on her... ahem... him for the whole time too, I guess he was good enough to fool anyone it was wonderful and everything went by so smoothly (The food mind you was unbelievable) And I could say on all notions that I could've easily gotten laid that night. We talked, laughed, shared jokes and enjoyed dinner without a single flaw or objection to any matter. "Still want to catch that movie hon?" I stared at my watch *9:27* then stared to myself in an odd way. Did I really just call him hon? My ears perked to the background, a soft light sax played in the background and it gave this almost lounge feel to the restaurant. "Not really, I think I'd like to go back home." He spoke so softly, bringing his lips so close to mine with a small blush that made me chuckle. "Check please!" We both left and I had my arm around him the whole way out, about right around the curb Marcus stopped. "I uh I forgot my phone." I didn't even know he brought it. "Where?" "Back on the table, wait here I'll be back." Marcus headed back inside, it was dark outside yet warm, the stars twinkled above me brightly a simply fine night. It was the silence that gripped me, the cold night wind suddenly shot a shiver through me. "Looks like you've got yourself quite the girl there." I turned to have my muzzle meet the chest of six foot seven. You could say I was pretty chocked up at first before only chuckled a little bit and gave a that's me! Kind of attitude along with it. He gave a chuckle and looked towards the red dress that now disappeared inside the crowd of leaving people. "Guess you could say I gave her a night to remember." I spoke softly, to myself or him I'd never know. I turned to face a sudden blur of movement.

At that point I couldn't tell if I heard it first or felt it first... nope definitely felt it. The thump from flesh and metal came after the searing pain from the four-inch switchblade that drove clean through my kidney and was ripped out of my body. Rough paws grasped onto my neck and muzzle my heart racing as the set of grey-stone cold eyes stared at me in disgust. "You never should've left Justin. You never should've fucked with me." Did I tell him my name before? Of course no, I don't even know who the hell this guy is! His paws threw me into the back seat of a black BMW the sound of plastic crunched underneath my body. Simply great he didn't want my blood on his leather car seats and, in a fraction of a second all air was ripped from me as his little rich BMW hit one hundred and twenty kilometers down the road, fortunately without the wheels squealing against the pavement. Marcus would've never even thought that I was just stabbed and thrown in the back of a car with some lunatic. A glitter of silver caught my eyes an authentic 1950's switchblade, original and classy, looked like something out of that horrible film Sin City. He wiped it clean with a handkerchief putting the rag back into his pants pocket and the knife folded within his breast pocket. I couldn't move too shocked by the depth the knife drove into me and before I knew it my face was on the concrete, a car driving through the darkness away from me from beyond the darkness of an alleyway. Solid and cold, a light patter of rain pressed a mist against the concrete films of undisturbed water surround the darkness. I can't die here I knew I couldn't as I forced myself to my feet what seemed like eternities after. Wobbling weakly and grasping a building for support with my paw deep within the blood of the wound; here I was thinking it would be a perfect night tonight and then I end up in this mess. One wall led to another and then a road and then another alleyway. I felt like I had a headache, light-headed and woozy yet I knew I couldn't stop walking soon I hardly heard the voices around me with the glares from neon signs and convenience store lights. A -what seemed to be - Red-light district "Watch it!" "Whoa you okay?" "The hell?" Voices sprung all around me I couldn't see, couldn't feel a thing as I bumped into what looked like a businessman or a suited executive. He watched me step by wide-eyed before a lick of curiosity and worry sparked in his eyes. "You're a little young to be out here eh?" Bearing no more of my weight my weak legs gave way. Letting my blood splatter across the dry pavement, my arm struck against the concrete hard. His eyes were wide with sudden fear. I could hardly see; voices rang distorted sounds as my blood poured out profusely; red and blue lights flashed and gleamed and twittered spasmodically all around me before I blacked out. I can't die here, were my last thoughts; I won't die here. Not now, not like this. I dreamt about Marcus for a few seconds standing in confusion all alone in the rain before walking home almost teary-eyed. The scents felt too real, it was too real and that caused tears. Whoever it was, his voice, his eyes all of it was too familiar. Running from my past didn't solve anything and here I assumed it had begun to haunt me. "Hey kid." Black clothes, jean and hoodie a knife weighed in my center pocket. The night air was crisp and soft yet clouds bellowed above in silence churning for the storm later that night. "I told you I'd show what you need?" I spoke with this old tone, haunting the sound brought shivers. My first while in high-school the first week I even remembered it, the haunting sickening feeling stuck deep in my gut. "I knew you would. All-right you got the stuff you need?" With a flick of my wrist the five inch knife swung out, about forty dollars' worth from some hunting shop. Shoplifting... was it cool? Hardly even when you look back on it, the thought is thrilling though haunting at times. Now I thought; that was me on that camera, no hiding it, no bitching about it. It was me and my stupidity and that was the truth about all of it. What was it for? Why would a kid with a relatively well off family and great marks throughout school turn to this? It all really began with people.

I was never a popular child in fact I wasn't really much of one at all. Always reading, always writing, always stuck in this reality that I conjured up; everything my father told me I blindly followed. Marks, school, work, I wasn't very social and I definitely wasn't the kind of guy people would just randomly want to talk to. After all this wasn't television with such a perfect - or imperfect - happy ending, it's nothing like those shows from anime to reality TV, they all had that cliché. Guy gets the girl, hero always wins, that kind of theory. I yearned for those moments, Fantasised about romance in my younger youth. That's when it all changed and this reality I lived in was shattered by the solid, justifying hammer of the real world. A fight, a small scuffle was what anyone would've called it to take no notice to the actual size of the group. I was a freak, an outcast, something that deserved it, all of it. Elementary to middle school it was all the same and every day was nothing more but a bright smile painted on my lips, just what my parents wanted to see. It shouldn't have reached me, it shouldn't have changed me and in the end it simply broke; I shattered gave up and turned into violence first upon myself. Licks from cold steel was that all I could do? It was never nearly gone, the pain of being different, the pain of being hated. I changed inside and simply wanted it to end, that's when I found my way. If you can't beat them, join them. Sickened by myself, the thing I had become, I simply stood and left out the door. Justin, Justin, Justin, the name echoed yet I hardly knew myself that name was dead to me. It was all that came from being a 'relatively' well off family and we ended up in one horrid school to the next. By high-school, that first week was the same week I was per-swayed by it all to join with a gang. Talk about drama, It's what I knew was true and what I thought of it when I looked back on it now. I should've been happy to leave to get out of that city but there was so much I left behind. Marcus was the first reason, Sabrina... was the other.

I awoke for a few moments, bright lights blinded my eyes, and I swatted my paw at them. "I swear I ain't drunk officer, you can take the light away." I spoke with a grimace of pain, grunting from both the light and the wrappings across my stomach. A large avian figure, red-feathered wings spanned brilliantly which made me think of a phoenix or something along those lines. She was curvy and chuckled a little pulling the little light away. "You got quite the sense of humor to joke about that in these circumstances." It wasn't her who had spoken my father was walking up behind her. "The police called the house immediately after seeing your wallet, told me you were sent here. Are you okay? Who the hell did this to you son?" "I wish I knew." The nurse had left the room for the moment. "Don't play this game Justin." He spoke with this firm tone, it wavered with this odd sound; could've been sadness. Sighing out I stopped for a moment. "It's been a few decent months since I started college father." Father I hardly remember the last time I used that word. "I honestly don't know, this person was huge and I didn't get much of a chance to see his face before he swung at me." He sighed himself, looking back to a figure in uniform. His whiskers were long, and he looked tired to me. "Just tell them then please." "I will." My father walked out. Outside the window it was dark, rain fell quite heavily now and the clouds were a thick underlay of smog, dense and almost suffocating. My eyes stared off for a while before a voice reached me. "Justin Archos." My eyes studied his uniform, his chest was beyond broad for a fox, made me think more like a red-furred husky. "Officer?" I replied. "Do you mind answering a few questions?"

They let me off the next morning... more like afternoon from the hospital. I left for the college and under strict request they oddly told me not to take off the bandages for a few hours (Or do anything sport related because of the stitches.) They told me I was lucky, if the knife was angled any further down I would've need some real serious surgery. The doctor told me I would be perfectly fine in a couple weeks, and I guess that's what frightened me the most. This guy who attacked me, what if he planned on that? I couldn't shake the frightening idea from my head. He knew my name, he knew all of it and that's what worried me the most. *137* I lost track of thought and time and found myself out front of Marcus's room. Just get back to normal, get back to normal. Three knocks passed... And the door swung open. "Justin!? Where did you go? I was worried!" A calming thought that he cared so much, the feeling overwhelmed me with heartache. I shouldn't have ever done something to make him so worried and I definitely didn't want to talk to him about it yet I felt like I had to. "Can I come in, I need to speak to you." "Of course." I drew a long breath in and exhaled out nervously. Here goes nothing...