University Life - A Year of Friendship

Story by Ghosty on SoFurry

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#3 of University Life

This story has been written with the purpose of aiding TheAlphaFolf in establishing his characters Richard 'Max' Cromwell & Samantha Rose.

Fiona Black, Sharon Cullen, Grant Sellers, and James Ferguson are © Ghostwolf/Ghosty

Richard Maxwell 'Max' Cromwell & Samantha Rose are © TheAlphaFolf

The University of Aberdurie and the City of Aberdurie are the creation of and © Ghostwolf/Ghosty

The University of Aberdurie and the City of Aberdurie are fictional settings located between the real world towns of Stonehaven and Montrose in Scotland

University Life

A Year of Friendship


"I can't believe you talked me into this." Max grumbled as Fiona hauled him towards the meeting hall.

With a wide grin the badgeress did her best to dispel her friend's apprehension. "Trust me, you'll love it."

"I keep telling you, I'm not the formal dancing type. I'm more of a nightclub dweller and dancer."

"Ach, haud yer wheesh'd!" Fiona growled bluntly.

Max was taken aback by her tone but confused by her words. "Pardon?"

Fiona gave a quiet giggle as she saw the folf's confusion. "Hold your tongue, or just be quiet. You choose."

"Oh, right; well before I do what was this dance called again?"

With a soft laugh, Fiona patted the folf's arm and explained for the third time that day what was going on. "It's called a ceilidh and it's being held for Saint Andrew's day."

"Spell it again for me?" Max said with a sheepish grin.

"You're just humouring me now puppy." Fiona said with an amused huff. "Okay, follow me if you can; its c-e-i-l-i-d-h, but it is pronounced Kei-li."

Max nodded "So it's just a dance right?"

"Not quite; tonight we get a traditional meal, poetry readings, music, and dancing throughout the evening." Fiona chirped and tried once again to hurry their pace.

Max looked to his friend full of apprehension. "What's in the meal?"

Fiona smiled. "Haggis, neeps, and tatties."

"What was that? And sorry no haggis for me." Max said with a grunt.

With a chuckle Fiona led the folf into the building. "Haggis, mashed turnip, and mashed potatoes; and why not? Are you afraid a wild haggis might come and bite you?"

"It's repulsive; I mean it's served from a sheep's stoma... Wait; did you say a wild haggis? What are they?"

Unable to contain herself; Fiona burst out with laughter, much to the folf's embarrassment. "Oh you poor thing." Fiona laughed heartily. "You really don't know about the haggis do you?"

Max scratched the back of his head lightly and shrugged. "It's a small animal right."

Fiona's eyes lit up with surprise. "Oh you do know! Yes, they're small mountain dwelling creatures. They're really quite unique; they have a face a bit like a mouse and a curly tail. They also have four legs and a pair of wings."

Max blinked. "I didn't know."

The badgeress nodded enthusiastically. "Aye, they're legs are usually shorter on one side of their body, it helps them run round the mountain tops. It's their wings though; they're similar, but one wing is shorter on the other side of their body, so they fly around the mountain tops the other way."

Leaning in closer Max smiled and asked enthusiastically. "Do they have a live or stuffed one to see?"

"Oh my, you actually fell for it!" Fiona laughed.

Max's ears fell flat against his head as disappointment crossed his face. "Aw pity; it would have been a crazy creature to see."

Calming herself, Fiona led Max into the main hall. The ordinarily simple hall had been decked out with long tartan drapes, saltier flags, and vases of heather and thistles on tables. It was a sight Max had never seen before and one he found he appreciated very quickly. Subtle hues of blue and green all around felt strangely inviting to the folf and he found himself stepping in of his own accord to investigate more.

"It's beautiful in here."

Fiona hugged Max's arm and purred softly. "Aye, it is that."

She followed Max around the hall as he saw classical and modern artwork depicting Scottish national treasures and personalities. A glass case full of old books caught Max's attention. "What are these?" He asked; the excitement clear in his voice.

"Some of the earliest copies of the poet Rabbie Burns' work." Fiona said softly.

Max's ears perked up swiftly. "Really! I wish I could read them."

Fiona giggled. "I'll buy you a modern copy, it'll last longer and you don't need special permission to touch it." Max smiled and nodded in appreciation, then as more guests filled the hall Fiona pulled Max to their seats.

As Max sat next to Fiona he grinned. "I'm looking forward to this now."

"Meat, spices, barley, onion, and stock for the most part." Fiona said quietly in the folf's ear.

"Excuse me?"

"Haggis; and traditionally it is cooked in a sheep's stomach, but these days the vast majority are cooked in sausage casings. Traditional ones are better though."

Max shot the badgeress a curious glance. "How so?"

"The sheep's stomach holds more of the flavour in, so it tastes better; you'll like it, I've not met anyone who didn't love it after they tried it." Fiona smiled back to the folf and gave his arm a gentle squeeze. "It's going to be quite a night; I hope your dance moves are adaptable too."

* * *

Max arrived home with a smile on his face and a song in his step. The night had proved to be highly educational for the young folf; classic Scottish poetry, traditional dancing, and a surprisingly good meal had made his night complete.

After hanging up his long coat, he sat in his couch and thought about what to tell his parents and his close friends. Another individual slipped into his mind; a tall and cool minded mare who he had admired since he first met her. Samantha Rose; the chief librarian back at the university he both studied and worked at in Seattle.

He had an odd relationship with the mare, both professional and friendly; it had led to occasional moments of over familiarity that had proved embarrassing and heart warming. Though she was a little over twice his age, he still found her alluring but could never pluck up the courage to say anything to her. Picturing her in his mind, he could see her tall black coated body wrapped in a neatly kept blouse and pencil skirt that made his heart melt; her long bronze hair and sapphire blue eyes completing his mental view of the woman he desired.

A sigh escaped his lips as he knew he couldn't have her. She was too high class for him and associated with a higher class of society than he was used to. He knew she would be his dream woman, but she would never really be his. Shaking his head and casting his sorrows aside Max stood up and strode to his computer desk. He had an email to write and a story to tell.

* * *


The cold bit at Max like a mythical monster; he had been used to freezing temperatures but he couldn't remember a winter so cold in a long time. Snow was knee deep on most of the streets he walked, though he was thankful that paths had been cleared. In spite of the near arctic conditions he found himself surprised at what his companion was wearing. Fiona stood next to him wearing shin high boots with black opaque leggings and denim skirt. A heavy turtle-neck sweater, waist length black coat, and dark pink scarf. In spite of her relative exposure she was barely fazed by the climate, explaining several times that she was more than used to a cold winter. She had even politely refused to take Max's own thick jacket when he thought it too cold for her.

"So this is Hogmanay is it? Standing out in the city centre with nearly the whole town and getting drunk. I must say I approve; apart from the weather." Max said with a chuckle.

Fiona laughed. "It's just one of the many ways we celebrate New Year."

The folf smiled. "So what else do you do?"

"Well if we were in Stonehaven, I'd have taken you to the fire festival, which is great fun to see. If we were in Glasgow, we could have gone to their street parties; or in Edinburgh there's live music, entertainment and fireworks at the castle and Royal Mile." She smiled happily and pushed herself closer to the folf, making him blush. "All the regions celebrate a little differently."

"Well I'm glad I'm here."

Fiona wrapped her arms around the folf and gave him a gentle hug. "I'm glad you are too Max."

As one the assembled crowd in the city centre park began counting down in time with the giant clock standing above the stage where a local band hosted the festivities. As the countdown neared its end Max found his arms wrapping around the badgeress pressed against him as he joined in the mass of voices baying at the stage. "Four - three - two..."

Max found himself interrupted before he could finish; his muzzle was held close to another who kissed him deeply. His eyes went wide with shock as he realised it was Fiona who held him firmly with her paws and kissed him. As a massive cheer roared through the crowd and fireworks lit up the midnight sky of a new year; Max lost himself in the moment and pulled the badgeress closer to him not wanting to let go. It could have gone on forever in Max's mind, but after a moment he could feel something wasn't quite right with what was happening.

Slowly, the folf and badgeress separated and smiled shyly at each other. "Um, Fiona was that..."

Fiona gave a soft but reassuring giggle. "No Sweetheart; that was something you needed and deserved."

The folf looked confused. "Deserved?" He asked.

"You've been so good to me as a friend, and I know you've not been seeing anyone while you've been here; so I wanted you to have something more intimate to remember me by when you eventually head home."

"Fiona, I..."

The badgeress held a finger to his muzzle to silence him as she gave him a warm smile. "Happy New Year Max."

With a toothy grin Max lifted the Fiona off her feet before bringing her back into his warm and caring embrace. "Happy New Year Fiona." He growled softly in her ear.

* * *


As he walked down the quiet university corridor; Max had his mind filled with thoughts of his next lesson. The sound of voices caught his attention and he looked up from the papers he was holding. At the far end of the corridor he saw Fiona talking to a group of her students, all of them giving her their full attention.

"So in two weeks I need you to finish the module on Spanish interpretation." Fiona said as she began to hand out small cards to each of the assembled students. "I know you five have extra topics to cover in other classes over the next two weeks as well, so I've allotted some extra days when you can see me in my office if you have any questions or need to brush up on anything from the module. Brian and Sean, you have an hour and a half each on Monday afternoon, Bill and Mike, you have the same on Wednesday afternoon, and James you have the same on Thursday afternoon. The times are all on your cards, so don't lose them."

"Keeping the boys busy are we?" Max said with a chuckle as he approached.

Fiona turned and smiled at the folf. "Boys, this is Max Cromwell, he's been studying and teaching in the History department this year."

The assembled students all said a curt 'hello' before excusing themselves. For a brief moment Max was certain one of the students; a German Shepherd, had sized him up but made no mention of his discomfort before leaving their small assembly. A thought ran through Max's head but he hid it away for the time being.

Max turned his attention back to the badgeress in front of him. "I was wondering if you had time before your next class to go over some materials in my lesson plan with me? It's no bother if you don't."

Fiona nodded. "Sure, what seems to be the problem?"

The pair turned and walked down the corridor to Max's small office, sharing small talk and eventually work conversation as they reached their destination. All the while the memory of the look the German Shepherd had given him burned in the back of his mind.

* * *


"I told you to stay away from her Cromwell!"

"She's not yours to tell me what to do with!"

A heated parley between folf and bear had erupted in the staff room with seemingly no provocation. It was clear to the onlookers that Grant had some grievance with Max that involved a female they both knew.

Grant growled heavily at the folf. "I've had enough of you. I've tried to be your friend, but you wouldn't listen to my advice."

"Just because you're not having luck with the girl you want is no reason to take it out on me Grant!" Max snarled back; raising his voice for the first time anyone could remember.

The bear's anger towered. "You're just a student here remember that Richard, I could have you suspended and your degree would be over thanks to your relationship."

The door to the staffroom swung open; both Grant and Max turned to see Fiona with a look of rage neither would soon forget. "How dare you presume tae know what's going on in our lives Grant." Fiona snapped, making both the males take a step back.

"Well the harlot arrives!" Grant said with a sinister growl. "Enjoyed your lover boy here for a while have you?"

Max and Fiona shared a glance of confusion that spoke volumes to the gathered crowd. "Is that what you think?" Max said with a laugh. "We're not seeing each other."

"Bullshit! I've seen you two sneaking off together between classes and after hours." The bear roared.

Fiona narrowed her gaze at the bear. "And what business is it of yours if we were or weren't Grant?"

"He's a student remember Fiona; that's professional misconduct."

Fiona was about to lunge at the bear when Max stepped between them. "Well I'm sure Fiona's boyfriend would be so happy to hear your story." He said with a low growl.

"Well you're right here, so keep me right won't you Richard?" Grant said with a sneer.

Fiona stepped forward and grabbed Max's arm. "Max don't, please." She said quietly.

Max ignored her plea and growled at the bear menacingly. "Alright then; Fiona's boyfriend is called James, he's a high profile interpreter for the government. I've met him once; nice guy, German Shepherd, but work keeps him away from home and government business is private so it's not that much of a surprise you don't see him around much or hear Fiona talk about him." He turned to look at the badgeress behind him. "Did I get everything?"

Fiona was wide eyed but nodded.

"That's a lie!" The bear snarled.

"Alright, final proof then." Max said spreading his arms wide. "I can't be Fiona's lover."

All eyes fell on Max as he took a deep breath. Grant eyed him carefully. "What is this?"

With a level honesty in his tone Max spoke. "I'm a virgin." The admission stunned the room to silence; even Fiona blinked several times before looking around the room to see other similar reactions.

"And I thought with a body like yours you'd have slept with at least a few girls in your time." Fiona said softly.

Max shrugged. "Sadly it's just my body most girls want; it was refreshing to actually find a friend amid the sharks."

"I've heard enough." A strong female voice came from the back of the room. The focus on Grant, Max, and Fiona had been so intense, no-one had heard or seen the principle of the university - Sharon Cullen - enter the room. A tall steel eyed wolfess with smoke grey fur, black hair and a dark red suit fixed her gaze on the three in the argument. She eyed the three one at a time, gauging their body language and what she had heard. Slowly her eyes fixed on the Grant; the bear's discomfort plane for all to see. "Mister Sellers, meet me in my office in thirty minutes. In the mean time I suggest you clear out your desk immediately!"

The assembled lecturers in the staffroom quickly dispersed, not wanting to take further part in the drama that had unfolded. Grant had held a look of indignant rage as he stormed out of the staffroom, but had wisely stayed silent. Sharon approached Fiona and the two shared words for a moment before she patted Fiona's shoulder and smiled at Max before turning to leave the room.

In less than five minutes the staff room had emptied and Max was left alone with Fiona once more. "You lied." She said quietly.

"I know, but it was worth it."

Fiona stepped closer and held the folf's paw. "You've never met James, so how did you come up with all that information?"

With a smile Max rubbed the back of Fiona's paw. "Call it a hunch."

"You did get one thing right though."

Max released her paw and began to walk away. "I know."

"Wait you don't just..." Was all Fiona managed to say before Max looked over his shoulder at her with a friendly smile. There was a moments silence then Fiona smiled back. "See you for coffee tomorrow?"

Max nodded. "Wouldn't miss it for the world.

* * *


"So, who is it?" Fiona said with a giggle.

"I'm not telling." Max said as he turned his head while trying to hide a smile.

Fiona mused for a moment. "Someone you went to school with?"


"A friend who went to a different school?" The badgeress pressed.

Max shook his head.

"Alright then, a college acquaintance?" She asked. Max began to whistle and look across the ceiling as Fiona pressed him with more questions. "Okay, okay, gimme a sec." With a short pause Max could see Fiona figuring out the deeper question. A smile crossed her muzzle and her eyes narrowed as if she had just unravelled Max's entire body, plucked the answer from his mind then put him back together. "I know who it is." She giggled with girlish glee.

Max raised a sceptical eyebrow. "I seriously doubt it. However, I'm up for mental sport as much as you are; so, impress me."

The badgeress sat back in the largest armchair in Max's apartment and grinned. "Your boss back home."

His expression swiftly changed to one of utter shock. "How did..." Was all he managed to say before Fiona pressed her finger to his muzzle.

"You like women in a place of authority and who look after themselves. I remember the look you gave me when we first met."

The folf gave a shy smile. "What can I say; I like shooting out of my league."

"I doubt she's really out of your league." Fiona said with reassurance. "So tell me about her."

With a sigh Max lay down on the couch instead of sitting; staring at the ceiling he let everything come to mind. "Her name's Samantha; she's the chief librarian where I work back in Seattle."

Fiona gave a soft murr of admiration. "Sounds like a classy lady."

As if Fiona's words brought a measure of reality back to him; he gave a heavier sigh as he considered his position for a moment before speaking. "She is a classy lady; way classier than me. She has some serious cash behind her and has a social circle that most people dream of."

Fiona thought for a moment, picking her words carefully. "Do you get on well?"

"Professionally, we get on well. We don't exactly see each other out of work though." Max said with a lazy shrug of his shoulders.

"So what's she like as a person?"

Max sat upright and fixed Fiona with a curious gaze before he answered. "She can be quite cold, mercilessly most of the time. She does have a soft side though, I've seen it every once in a while." The badgeress smiled and nodded. "Do you mind if we change the subject please? I'm not really one for talking about my love life."

"Alright, could you grab me some blankets please? I think the couch will be cold without them tonight."

With a nod Max got up and headed to the linen closet. "How long before they fix that leak in your apartment?"

Fiona shrugged. "The plumber got most of the work done before he left tonight; I just have to dry the place out quickly, I've got an insurance visit tomorrow and that should take care of the worst of it."

A friendly smile passed between the two friends. "Well you're always welcome to spend a couple of nights here Fiona."

The badgeress smiled happily. "Thank you Max, you're a life saver."

* * *

Max didn't stir as Fiona crept into his room and took his cell phone. She quickly departed the room and slipped back to the living room couch she had been sleeping on. With quick fingers she activated Max's phone and pausing only for a moment to guess his password; she entered a series of numbers she guessed had some significance to him and grinned as they proved to be right. Sifting through the menu on his phone she found the number she was looking for and transferred it to her own phone.

She locked his phone once more then began to dial the number she had taken. She took a shuddering breath, knowing that the call would cost her a small fortune but in the long run would be worth it. The ringing seemed endless and Fiona began to wonder if she had remembered her international time differences correctly. At long last the phone was answered.

"Good evening; University Educational Library, Samantha speaking, how may I help you?" A strong and aloof female voice spoke.

Fiona grinned to herself. "Good evening; I believe you are the person I'm looking for. My name is Fiona Black and I work at the University of Aberdurie in Scotland."

"How might I be of service Miss Black?" The voice rang with curiosity.

Feeling her heart race at what she was doing she bit back her smile and spoke as levelly as she could. "I believe you have an employee who is studying and teaching here on the exchange program."

"Ah yes, Max Cromwell. He's a fine worker and excellent student; I hope he's doing well."

"More than well; I'd actually like to talk to you about him." Fiona said at length.

There was a sigh on the other end of the line. "Can it wait Miss Black, The library is closing soon?"

Fiona lowered her tone and smiled conspiratorially. "No it can't; and you're going to want to hear everything I have to say."

There was a long pause then in a softer tone Samantha answered. "Go on..."

* * *


_ _

Setting her bag down at the side of the cafe table, Fiona gave a sigh of relief. "Well that's the last term almost over for the year. How do you feel about surviving the system?"

Max smiled and gave a soft chuckle. "Pretty good actually. Once I'm done with Uni I can close out my apartment, ship my stuff home and work on the remainder of my doctorate." He caught a glimpse of something sad in Fiona's eyes as he spoke and decided to change the direction of conversation. "I wish I could stay though. I've really enjoyed myself here and made at least one really good friend."

Fiona tilted her head to the side and gave a smile as she blushed. "I know I made a good friend too Max. You'd better visit sometime, because I want to visit you in Seattle in the future."

There was a smile in Max's muzzle that made him feel like he was ten years old. "You can bet on it Fiona." He leaned in closer and dropped his voice to a whisper. "I just need to know something before I do head back home."

The badgeress leaned closer to her friend and whispered back. "What would you like to know?"

Max brushed his muzzle to Fiona's ear and spoke so quietly Fiona strained to hear him. "Is your boyfriend one of your students?" The badgeress sat back sharply; her eyes becoming wide and sharp at the question. "It's alright, I won't tell anyone." He said in a soft and soothing tone which took the edge off of her sudden tension.

Fiona's eyes narrowed and searched the folf for any hint of deceit. "If I were seeing a student, would I have your word of silence, even to other friends and any possible lovers you might have?" Her words were serious and spoken with a subtle fierceness Max had never encountered before.

The folf nodded. "I give you my word Fiona. I don't like breaking confidence or sharing secrets outside of those that told me when I have some of my own."

The badgeress watched him carefully and considered his words, pausing for a long moment before deciding to speak up. A soft sigh escaped his muzzle as she leaned in once more and whispered. "Yes, James is one of my students. We've been hiding our relationship from prying eyes for well over a year now."

Max nodded solemnly. "I thought so."

"How long have you known?" Fiona said with a measure of guilt resting on her shoulders.

Max sat back and gazed at Fiona with sympathetic eyes. "I made my guess not long after we started hanging out together, but I pretty much confirmed it earlier this year."

"You didn't tell anyone?" She said nervously.

Shaking his head then giving her a reassuring smile Max spoke softly to further reinforce the point. "No, and let's face it if I had, you'd have been suspended then probably fired within a week or two of the information getting out. However I suspect Sharon is in on the secret so it might have only been a reprimand at worst"

"True, but how did you figure it out?" She asked curiously.

The folf smiled. "A chance meeting with the two of you; you were handing out extra assignments or study time I think." Fiona clearly remembered the occasion and bit her bottom lip as she tried to figure out just what had happened. "It's okay, it wasn't anything you did. It was the look James gave me when he left; it was like he somehow knew me and was figuring out if I was a threat to him."

Fiona giggled softly. "Well he can be the protective type."

"I don't blame him; he's a lucky guy to have a lady like you Fiona."

A flattered smile passed over Fiona's face. "Aw Max, that's so sweet."

"I know you're in good paws, but I'd like to meet him before I head home. Just so I can make sure."

Fiona laughed. "You want to give him your blessing?"

Max gave a friendly smile. "He's not the only one who's protective."

Patting the back of his paw, Fiona leaned forward and softly kissed the end of the folf's muzzle. "I'm sure I can set something up before you head off."

"I look forward to it." He said softly.

To be continued...