A Wolf for Christmas

Story by Sebastian Fox on SoFurry

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So, it appears to be that i cant write anything that doesn't turn sappy or lovey-dovey. Oh well...As long as you readers enjoy it! This is the start of (hopefully) several short stories following Jason and Will. This are not written to be a story about sex, but a story in which sex is part of the story, if you know what i'm trying to say. I use strong language when I feel it necessary, and sexual situations where it strengthens a story line.

I hope that you enjoy reading this, for this is only the beginning of Jason and Will's story.

The cold winter sun of Friday, December 18th, did little to warm Jason as he walked down the sidewalk. The day had been cold, barley reaching above freezing. Luckily, though, most of the day had been spent in his heated school finishing his finals. It was about 5:30, sense he'd had to stay and do some things after school had ended, and there wasn't a cloud in site; it would be very cold tonight. Breath coming in small clouds, the fox kept his hand jammed in the pockets of his jacket. He was thankful, though, that he was finally on Christmas break.

Jason turned right into the local park area; it would be faster getting home. It wasn't a big place, but it would take about five minutes to get to the other side. He nestled into his coat and scarf as an icy breeze whipped up behind him, ruffling up his tail. The cold pierced right through his jeans and leg fur, sending chills up the fox's spine. He sped up to a brisk pace along the narrow path, trying to hurry. Jason neared the little playground for cubs and kits, noticing that the snow still lay untouched. It was late, and nobody would want to be at here in this weather, but there sat one person at the bench.

The grey wolf sat hunched over, arms wrapped around him while he shivered violently every now and then in nothing more than a t-shirt and some jeans. His face was down, but when Jason looked over at the stranger as he neared, he saw two things. The first being very apparent tear lines running down his cheeks while his eyes were clenched shut. Second was that Jason did know this fur, but not by name. He had seen the wolf throughout the halls of his high school, and in a couple of his classes. Jason felt his super-impulsive tendency to want to help people in need kick in, and his course changed towards the bench with him barely thinking about it.

The wolf did nothing as Jason parked his rear right next to him. "So...um...hi..." Jason said awkwardly, not quite sure how to start.

"Hmm...h-hey..." came the rather morose response of the wolf.

"Um...well, it's getting sort-of late and it's very cold, so why are you here on this park bench? I've seen you around school, and I've seen you get picked up by some sort of parental figure...you can't be any older than 16."

The wolf flashed Jason a look, wondering deep down inside if maybe..."Uh, really. I d-don't want to t-talk about it. And I'm 15"

Jason wrapped his tail around himself and sighed; he knew something was up, but he wasn't one to pressure people. "Well, no better time than now I guess. My name is Jason, and I think we both happen to be sophomores at Mountain Creek High school."

"My name is William, but j-just Will is fine. And you're right about the other stuff."

"I thought so. Anyway, I need to get home to warm up and eat supper. Uh, hope you have fun on your bench...please don't freeze" he knew he would be hard pressed to work anything out of the wolf, so Jason got up and started to walk off. It was only a minute or so until he heard the pat-pat-pat of someone running behind him, then a hand caught his shoulder and spun him around. Will stood in front of him, tears starting to glisten in his handsome jade eyes.

"Please! Please, I know you barely know me, but can I stay with you tonight? I've got nowhere to go!" The tears now streamed full force down his cheeks, leaving fresh trails in Will's fur. He the lunged for Jason's 5' 11" frame and encircled him in a fierce hug. Will must have been 5' 9" or 5' 8" because he was able to nestle his head perfectly into Jason's shoulder while he sobbed. Jason wrapped his own arms around the young wolf, one around his mid back while the other rubbed soothingly up and down his shoulders.

After Will had calmed down a bit, Jason pushed Will away and looked him right in the eyes. He rested his hands on the wolf's shoulders as he spoke. "Yes, yes of course you can stay with me. I have plenty of room." The fox looked up over at the sun, judging that it was about a quarter till six.

"What!? Really? Oh, thank you so much Jason!" and yet again he was impacted by a hug. This one much more tender then the first though. Will suddenly jerked back though; very self-conscious that he had just hugged Jason twice. Keep doing that and he'll change his mind. I don't want to blow it... Will thought to himself.

"Well, come on now! I have yet to eat, and it isn't going to warm up any time soon. Are you hungry? If we walk fast we'll be at my house in ten minutes."

"Uh, alright. And yeah, I am hungry. But...I don't want to be a hassle; you don't have to worry about feeding me." Will now trailed just a little behind Jason.

"Don't be a fool. If you're staying with me, you have a right to everything that I do. Now since you are my guest, I'll have you chose supper. I'll look and see what I have when we get to my house."

"Oh, Alright then, if you insist."

"Good, I love agreeing!" Jason said happily as he continued to lead the wolf on. Will, thinking he was hiding it well, kept sneaking looks at Jason's ass. He felt guilty, but he just couldn't help it. Jason pretended not to notice and just walked on, though a smile played across his face. This wolf is SO cute! I wonder why he was in a park all by his lonesome on such a cold night...a week before Christmas... the fox thought to himself.

When they were about a block from the house, Jason spoke up again. "Hey, we're almost there."

"Um, I was w-wondering...if it would maybe be ok if I took a shower. I am f-freezing."

"Yes, I'm totally cool with that."

"Thank you!"

"No problem", said Jason as he turned up onto a pathway. He came to the front door of a small, one story house. There was a driveway to the side, but no car. As he started to unlock the door he announced, "William! Welcome to", he pushed the door open with a flourish, "my humble abode. Come on! Come in side." Will found himself in a rather large living room, decked with a worn couch and recliner while a TV set sat against the wall. Straight ahead, through a doorway, were the kitchen and a small table. In the far left corner was a hallway. Jason flipped on a few lights and checked the thermostat.

"It's nice; not very big." Will said honestly as he looked around.

"Yup, it has everything I need, and that's it. My bedroom, a small study area, and the bathroom are down that hall." Jason turned and, while leaning on the kitchen doorway, looked at Will, whom stood in the middle of the living room. "You wanted a shower, right? It's the first door on your left. There should be a clean towel on the rack. You can use all my soaps and stuff."

"Thank you so much Jason!" Will exclaimed as he started off towards the hall while Jason turned into the kitchen. The wolf headed straight for the bathroom, then called back a little self-consciously."Um...Jason? I don't have anything to change into..."

"Oh, right." Jason called from the kitchen. He had started searching through his cupboards for some sort of meal. "The only door on the right, at the end of the hall, is my bedroom. Go ahead and go inside. Go to my chest-of-drawers and get whatever you need; the top drawer is shirts, the second one down is has an assortment of pants, and the third down has underwear. If you want, I have all sorts of warmer stuff in the fourth drawer. My clothes might be a bit big, but should work fine. Wear whatever you want, nothing is off limits."

Will gulped nervously. "Alright, thank you again." he called back, and then went to the instructed door. He opened it and went straight through the room to the drawers; he felt too awkward as it was to take a look at the rest of the fox's bedroom. God, I'm in his bedroom! Calm down...just get in and get out, Will thought as he grabbed a generic grey shirt from a drawer. Next, he got a baggy pair of blue flannel pants, then went to the drawer that held underwear. The drawer contained quite the collection, and he had to calm himself down as he felt a rising heat in his groin. All he'd thought was what the fox would look like wearing one of the tight looking briefs he had seen. God dammit! Get a grip Will! This fur gave you a place to stay tonight, and he barely knows you. Just chill. Will thought to himself as he hurriedly grabbed a pair of blue stripy boxers.

Jason, meanwhile, had been trying and failing to find something worthy of cooking for his guest. He was going through the fridge one last time when he heard Will start the water in the shower. There was no way he was going to find something to make; he would have to call in. He got out his wallet to see what he could afford, then went and got the telephone book. "I wonder if he likes Chinese..."

Will nearly jumped out of his fur as Jason knocked and opened the bathroom door slightly. "Uh-um...Yes?"

"Hey there, I need to know if you're alright with Chinese. I would make something but..."

"But what? And yes, Chinese is fine." Will said as he peeked his head around the shower curtain.

"There seems to be an incredible lack of anything worthy of cooking in this household at the moment. I guess I need to go shopping tomorrow..."

"Oh," Will smiled, "I see. Thank you again for all this, I don't think I could ever show you how much I appreciate it."

"Think nothing of it! Now, go ahead and get back to your shower, cutie." The fox then promptly shut the door, leaving Will stunned. _He just called me a cutie..._the wolf thought as he absent-mindedly reached for the fur conditioner.

"...in 15 minutes? That's great, thank you so much!" Jason said as he finished up his call to the Chinese place. The fur on the other end had carried a thick Asian accent, which had given the fox a mild headache trying to understand him. He rubbed his temple lightly as he walked over to the small table by the front door so he could set out the appropriate money. It would save the hassle of trying to scrounge it up when the food was actually here. The bill plus tip nearly cleared his wallet of cash, and he really didn't want to use the debit card he had. Oh well, Jason thought it's for a good cause. Plus, tomorrow is Saturday so I'll get another check in the mail and my Christmas money soon after that.

When Will was all done in the bathroom, he stepped out lightly, thinking about how he was in someone else's clothes. "You all done? I'm in the kitchen" Jason called.

"Thank you so much again for all you're doing right now" Will said as he turned into the doorway of the kitchen.

"I told you, it's all fine. You can sit down, if you want." He said with a gesture to the only other seat around the table.

"Oh, ya...sure", Will muttered as he walked over to the chair and sat.

"Oh! I bet that'll by the delivery guy" the fox got up as he heard a knock at the front door.

Will nodded and sat silently while Jason went off. After a bit, he heard the front door close. He turned just in time to see his host walk back into the kitchen with large brown paper bag. Jason flashed the wolf a smile as he set the food down on the table. Going to the cupboard, he came back with two plates, two bowls, and two glasses. "Yum, smells great", Will heard the fox mutter as he took a carton of soup, a carton of some other Chinese dish, and a two-liter of Pepsi. "I hope this is alright. I got us wonton soup and chicken lo-mien to split. I didn't know what you liked drink-wise, so I just got Pepsi."

"This is more than alright; this is almost too much!" Will assured as Jason portioned out each item into its place.

"Well, then you can consider it a feast in your honor. Personally, I'll go with the fact that I'm kind of a glutton when it comes to good Chinese food." Jason pushed one of the plate sets of towards Will, who positioned it in front of himself.

"I'll get us spoons for the soup, but do you want chopsticks or a fork for the lo-mien?"

"I'm no good with chopsticks, so I'll choose the fork."

"Haha, alright" Jason chuckled as he got up. "I used to be bad with them too, but I have become pretty good through practice." He went to a drawer and pulled out two spoons and a fork, then went back to the table.

"Thank you" Will said as he took his silverware. Setting the spoon aside, the wolf started to attack his portion of noodles. "Oh man, this is delicious!"

"This Chinese place does know a thing or two about delicious" Jason agreed as he started to sip some of the broth from his soup.

After a little while, Will took a break from eating and looked over at Jason. "So," he started, "you're in high school, but you live by yourself?"

"Yeah, that's right" The fox answered back around a mouthful of lo-mien.

"Why? I know some kids do, and it's usually because they are too independent to want to be with parents or something."

"My story is not quite like that. You see, my parents are very rich and slightly eccentric."

"No way! You're a rich kid?"

"I am the son of rich parents, but I never wanted to be a 'rich kid.' I always wanted a normal life. My parents nearly always got me what I wanted, and most kids would become spoiled, but I just wanted less. The things they got me had no meaning, because there was no work or wait in getting it."

"Yeah, I can see what you mean."

"So, when it finally came time for me to start high school, they thought that maybe I didn't need high school. My mother suggested a private tutor and my dad thought that the worldly experience of travel would be enough schooling. I only wanted a normal life though, and told them as such. Being as nice of parents as they were, they immediately began looking for a way for such a thing to happen. They found our high school, then bought this house for me to live in. We had always traveled when I was younger, and they didn't want to settle down now. They figured I could just live on my own, and I was perfectly fine with that."

"So your parents bought you this house, so they could keep traveling?"

"Yes, but all their travels are fun; they're in Burma right now."

"So do you work to get money for food and stuff?"

"No," Jason sighed. "I wanted to, but my parents insisted that if this was what I wanted to do, I would need to focus on school. All my bill are automatically paid, and they send me a check of about $200 a week for anything I might need. I insist it's too much, and I should work for my money, but it doesn't work. I usually cash the checks, because I prefer cash, but I opened a checking account at a local bank because I still had a lot of money left every week. So now, I still get checks, but I have quite a bit of money saved up in that account. My main purpose for all that savings is for college, but I use it on the rare occasions when I feel like throwing some money away."

"Wow...I wish my life could be like that..." Will muttered as Jason took both of their empty dishes to the sink.

"Meh, it's definitely got its perks, but it gets lonely. Anyway, let's move to the couch. Maybe we can watch a movie or something. By the way, I hope you're alright with sleeping on that couch, because that's what I had planned on."

"Yeah, the couch is totally fine." The wolf said as he got up and walked into the living room with Jason.

Once they sat down, Jason grabbed the remote, turned on the TV, and started flipping through channels. "So, I told you my story, so I think I earned the right to yours." The fox looked over the Will.

"I guess you're right" Jason turned off the TV and turned to face Will as the wolf gathered his thoughts. "Well, I was kicked out of my house. I...I told my mom and dad something they really didn't want to hear. They had always been so understanding," Will eyes started to tear just a bit, "but this time...things just exploded." As he paused to take a calming breath, Jason interjected.

"You told them you're gay, didn't you?"

"...Yes. I guess you saw me sneaking looks earlier. I hope it doesn't change anything, but...I understand if you'd like me to leave right now. I had to leave my house fast; I barely dodged the blows he sent. My mother was no help, and slapped me when I tried to come to her for protection." Will couldn't hold it in as he retold his tail, and as he cried hard, Jason silently took the wolf into his embrace

The fox smiled a bit as he whispered into Will's ear, "Leave? Over something stupid like that? Will, I am not a dickhead, like it seems your mother and father are." This managed to elicit a chuckle from Will through the tears, which encouraged Jason to continue. "I won't judge you at all as long as you're under my roof."

"Thank you so much, Jason, for being this good to me." Will said as he nestled himself into Jason, curling his feet up beside him.

"It's no problem" Jason murmured as the wolf's body heat started to make him sleepy. He heard Will sigh in content, and let his eyes close. Within minutes, both of them were sound asleep, snuggled together on the couch.

*** *** ***

Jason's eyes flickered open as sunlight filtered through the curtains of his living room window. Yawning largely, he wondered why there was a weight draped across him. Looking down groggily, there he saw Will, laying on his chest and legs, snoozing away happily. Jason smiled to himself as he thought Damn, this wolf a cutie. Looking over at the clock on the wall, he saw that it was about 8:30. With a sigh, the fox gently worked his arms underneath the back of Will, and lifted him off as carefully as he could. Jason managed to slip out from underneath the sleeping fur without waking him up.

Leaving Will to continue sleeping, the fox walked back to his bedroom to get ready for a shower. Smirking slightly, Jason grabbed what he called his "flirty" jeans, thinking the wolf might enjoy the looked. Knowing it would be cold, he picked a nice dark green sweater. Then, after grabbing some boxers, he went to the bathroom and started the shower. Jason took his time in the shower, mulling over a plan. He had started formulating it last night, soon after the Wolf had told him why he had been on the park bench. It would take a little time, but Jason knew Will would love it.

Jason walked out of the bathroom, refreshed and ready for the day. Will, not to his surprise, was still asleep on the couch. Walking over, the fox kneeled down and gently shook the wolf. "Will...William...it's time to get up" he called softly.

"Hmm...wha...?" Will muttered sleepily as his flickered open. After yawning in a big display of his canine teeth, he looked at Jason. "Oh...Good morning."

"Good morning sleepy head. It's nine in the morning, and we have things we need to do."

"We?" Will asked as he sat up and rubbed the sleep from his eyes. "Why we?"

"Well, I guess you'll have to see. Mostly, I don't want to shop alone, now that I have someone to shop with."

"Oh, alright."

"There is some cereal up in the cupboards if you'd like. That's what I'm having." Jason said as he walked towards the kitchen. Will, after a couple minutes, got up and went to the kitchen too. Jason was already eating, but had set out a bowl, a spoon, milk, and an assortment of cereals for the wolf.

"Thank you" Will said as he picked the box of shredded wheat, and poured its contents into his bowl. The fox didn't answer verbally, but simply nodded as he continued to eat. Once they had both finished with their breakfasts, Jason took both the bowls to the sink, rinsed them, and put them in the dish washer.

"Alright, do you need to get ready at all before we go?" Jason asked as he turned to face Will.

"Hmm, I should probably brush my fur a bit, so I don't look like I just woke up."

"Alright, you can use my brush in the bathroom. While you do that, I'm going to write up a shopping list." Will nodded and head back towards the bathroom. Jason went to one of the kitchen drawers and pulled out a padded of paper and a pen.

*** *** ***

"Ok Will, can you go get these things for me while I get something over on the other side?" Jason asked as they walked into the Wal-Mart. They had walked there, because Jason did not have a car and his house was in an optimal spot to walk nearly anywhere.

"Yeah, sure" Will said with a smile as he took the list from the fox. Scanning over it, he saw that it was all grocery items.

"Meet me up front once you're all done, so I can pay."

"Okay, see you in a bit!" The wolf said as he took a cart and wheeled off towards the grocery side of the store. As he walked through the aisles, he was very glad that Jason had been specific with the list. The fox had probably guessed that Will had never done any shopping on his own. After he had gotten everything, he wheeled to the front as instructed and scanned for Jason. After a little bit, he saw the fox mulling by one of the register lines. Zigzagging through the crowd, he made it to Jason quickly.

"All done? Good; just get in this line here." Jason said with a smile. He didn't appear to have anything on his person, but Will didn't feel like bringing it up. Once the cashier had rung up all their items, Jason just paid with his debit card. Each carrying a few bags, they walked back to Jason's house. Once inside, Will helped Jason to sort all the groceries into their given places.

"Well, what do we do now?" Will asked as he sat down in one of the kitchen chairs. It was about a quarter till noon.

"Well, I'm gonna make myself some lunch. I can make you some too, if you'd like. Other than that, until dinner, there is nothing planned. Is there someplace you would like to go? Something you'd like to do?" Jason asked as he opened the newly bought loaf of bread to make a sandwich.

"No, there is nothing really that I want to do. Even if there was, I have no money to spend. And you don't have to make me a sandwich."

"Will, don't worry about money; I have enough of that. If there is ever something you want or need, you just tell me. And another thing," Jason turned and gave Will a hard look, "I know I don't have to make you a sandwich. I asked you whether you wanted one or not. So?"

"Sure, I'll have one."

"Thank you for the answer. Any condiments? Extra meat? Cheese?" Jason's head was in the fridge while he questioned Will.

"Um...mustard, please. And just an average amount of meat and cheese is fine; I don't feel ravenous."

"Alright, I'll have that to you in just a bit." And this was the start of their Saturday afternoon. After lunch, Jason pulled Will out to the living room, where the fox put on a movie. They sat together on the couch, laughing along to a comedy that Will had never heard of. After that, Jason showed Will the movie collection and let him pick the next one. He picked a sci-fi movie he remembered seeing previews for that had looked interesting. Will very much enjoyed it, and also enjoyed snuggling up to Jason.

After it was done, it was about six o'clock and the fox got up to make dinner. Will tried to volunteer to help, but Jason just said, "Don't worry about it; I like cooking." He handed Will the remote, so he could find something to watch on the TV. When dinner was ready, Jason called Will in, who found his place at the table already set.

"It smells delicious!" Will said as he pulled out his chair and sat down.

"It's pan-seared chicken with Cajun seasoning. I also made us steamed carrots and rice. Hope it's alright!" Jason explained as he too sat down.

"It's more than alright!" The wolf said exuberantly after he had taken a bite. "This is absolutely delicious! I guess you really do love to cook; have you considered applying as a chef anywhere?"

"Actually, yes I have. The only things stopping me are my parents and my schoolwork. Maybe after I graduate..." Jason trailed off. The rest of their dinner consisted with other small bits of conversation. Once they were done, Will insisted on being the one to take away the dishes.

"I think I'm going to go take a shower now" the wolf said after putting the dishes in the dishwasher.

"Alright. Take whatever clothes you need. While you're doing that, I'll get the couch ready for you for sleeping." Will nodded and walked out of the kitchen towards the hall. Jason, after a bit, got up and went to the linen closet in the hall. Out of it, he grabbed some sheets and a couple of blankets. After he went and tossed those on the couch, he went and grabbed one of the extra pillows of his bed for Will to use. Going back to the couch, he laid the sheet down across the cushions, propped the pillow on one arm of the couch, and then laid both blankets across the back of the couch.

Hearing that Will was almost done in the shower, Jason went quickly to the drawer in the kitchen that held a pad of paper and a pen. After scrawling a note on the paper, he went back to the pillow on the couch and laid the not on it. Then, reaching in his pocket, he retrieved what he had gotten when they had gone to the store and placed it on the note.

When Will came out of the bathroom, he noticed that Jason's bedroom door was shut. Probably gone to bed he thought to himself as he walked out to the living room. Jason had left on a floor lamp, so Will could see clearly as he walked to the couch. Before lying down, he noticed something shiny laying on a piece of paper on the pillow. Realizing what it was, the wolf picked up the key as tear started to form in his eyes. Looking at the note, Jason had written, "It hard to stay in a house if you don't have the key. Merry Christmas a little early." Wiping the tears away, Will set the key...his key...down on the floor besides the couch. I have to remember to thank him tomorrow morning he though as he pulled one of the blankets down and laid his head on the pillow, which smelled just like Jason. He fell asleep quickly with the fox's pleasant smell around him.

*** *** ***

It was in the middle of the night and Jason was just coming out of the bathroom. Before he could go back to his room, he heard mumbling coming from the living room. Curiosity perked, he crept back down the hall into the living room. Stepping lightly, he walked around the couch till Will came into view. He was asleep, tail out of the blanket and flicking about as he dreamed. Hearing murmuring again, Jason realized that it was the wolf talking in his sleep. He didn't mean to snoop, but the fox crept closer, hoping to hear what he was saying. "Mhhmmm...Dad...why? All I want...is to be...close...to someone...to love...someone. Why...does it matter...whether that someone is a boy...or a girl?" Damn straight, Will. You tell your dream-dad. Jason though with a smile as he straightened up to walk back to his bedroom. Before the fox had left earshot, Will continued. "What does it matter...if...it's Jason?"

The fox jerked to a stop, and looked back at the wolf, the cute, little, sleeping wolf. He couldn't deny his burgeoning feelings for the wolf; for god's sake he had given him a key, even after only just meeting him. I will have to see where things go...I can't push too hard either way. It must come natural. Jason thought as he walked back to his bedroom. He had tried pushing a relationship before, and it hadn't worked out well.

*** *** ***

The week leading up to Christmas went by fast for Jason and Will. Sunday, Jason pulled Will out of bed to go to a church service. Jason wasn't very religious, but it was a habit that his parents had instilled in him. Wherever they would be in their travels, Jason's parents had always found a church and gone to the Sunday service. The fox gave Will a pair of slacks and a polo shirt to wear, since the wolf didn't have any clothing other than his outfit from that Friday night. After the service, Jason treated them to breakfast at a little café by the church. "I usually sit outside, but obviously that isn't an option with snow on the ground." Jason had told the wolf over their meal.

Monday, Jason let them both sleep in. Once they were awake though, the fox had plans for Will. After a quick breakfast, Jason tugged the wolf out the door and too the bus stop, where they took the bus to the local mall. "Why are we here? Last minute Christmas gifts?" Will asked as they walked through the crowded halls of the mall.

"Well, I guess you could call it Christmas gifts. I gave you a key, so I have implied that you can stay. However," Jason turned and smiled with a wink, "you can't wear my clothes forever!" And with that, Jason took will through nearly every clothing store in the mall, only leaving out the strictly-girls stores. The fox made Will try everything on, and didn't let the wolf speak up at all about the price of anything. Will felt like he had gone shopping with his parents, only Jason was much crasser and blunt with his comments. "Yeah...no. That shirt looks awful on you" or "Those pants make your ass look great." Really though, he loved the attention he got from the fox. By the time they walked out of the mall, Jason had bought Will two pairs of jeans, five shirts, a pair of slacks, a polo shirt, a button-up shirt, underwear, and a jacket.

Tuesday, the two went out and bought a dresser for all his new clothes. After they came back to Jason's house and positioned it against one of the living room walls, the fox made lunch. Will, though sore on the subject, wanted to go try to talk to his parents that night. "I think that's a good idea." Jason urged.

"Could you go with me, please?" Will asked a little shyly.

"Sure I can. If it makes you feel better." Jason said with a sunny and reassuring smile. They were able to walk to Will's old neighborhood, and Jason wasn't surprised when they found the wolf's parent's house lacking holiday cheer.

"Hello? What do you want?" Came the gruff answer from Will's father after he rang the doorbell.

"Uh...hello Dad." Will said with a shaky voice.

Instantly, his father's face flushed with anger. "What are you doing here? I thought I told you to never bring your faggoty ass back here!"

"I...I just thought...you might have changed your mind..."

"Do I look like I've changed my mind?"


"That's 'cuz I HAVEN'T! And I see you even brought a little friend with you... is he your little fuck buddy? Stuck his dick in you? I would suggest you get both your fucking gay hides off my property now!"

Before Will could stammer anything out, Jason promptly came up beside the wolf. "Just for your information, I was the one who saved your son from homeless, icy nights spent on a park bench. I am not his fuck buddy; even if I was, I would still be showing him more love than you." In a quick, fluid motion, Jason pulled Will into his embrace and gave him a quick kiss. Then, Jason ushered a stunned Will along back home, away from his flabbergasted dad.

Neither of them said a word about what transpired when they got home. Jason made dinner, and they shared normal, if not a little stained, conversation. They watched TV in the living room until both of them were ready for bed. After his nightly shower, the wolf caught Jason off guard with a silent, intimate hug before going and curling up on the couch.

Wednesday was spent pretty average. Both Jason and Will slept in late, and weren't inclined to go anywhere in the snowstorm that had moved in overnight. Together, they watched a movie, some cult-classic comedy that Will had only heard of. After lunch, Jason pulled out some board games, which passed the time until dinner. Once they had eaten dinner, Jason and Will sat together on the couch watching TV. "You know...I just want to say thank you" said Will, after they had sat there for a bit.

"For what?" Asked Jason, who turned to face Will.

"For everything, really. But mostly, I want to thank you for yesterday, what you said to my father. I was honestly shocked at his reaction when I tried to talk to him. I had hoped he would have calmed a bit about the subject, but it seems not. I'm also sorry he pulled you into it." Will looked very embarrassed, probably embarrassment about being related to his father.

"You know, it was no problem. I just can't stand it whemmfff!" His sentence was muffled as Will, quick as a flash, pulled him into a kiss. Slowly, the wolf wrapped his arms around Jason and pulled the fox down onto him, never breaking the kiss. Jason was happy to comply with the wolf's movements, and even opening his maw and probing forward with his tongue. He was met with Will's open jaw, which he began to explore, carefully catching the wolf's own tongue into the movement. The fox, eyes closed in joy, brought one hand up to run through Will's head fur, while he used the other to stroke and explore his side and stomach. Jason murred slightly as Will drove his own tongue into the fox's mouth, running along his teeth and twining together with his own tongue. Soon, Jason felt hardness rubbing gently against his leg, matching the hardness of his own sheath.

Calmly, Jason broke away from Will with a smile, a line of spit trailing behind as a quick memento of their kiss. "I'm sorry, but it might be a little too soon for that." Before Will could complain, Jason sat up and placed a finger on the wolf's muzzle. "I know you still have to take a shower tonight. Just so you know...that is your time to do whatever you feel you need to do in the shower. I won't judge." The fox said with a wink as he got up completely off the couch.

"I...uh..." Will looked absolutely adorable with his head fur all ruffled and the quizzical look on his face. All the sudden, the wolf exclaimed, "OH!" then with a smile that could really only be described as horny, "Ohhhhh...I get you..." Jason just nodded with a smile, walking back to his bedroom.

Will, now left alone, looked down at the obvious bulge in his pants. He smiled to himself a little embarrassedly. Why he had thought that night would end in sex, he didn't know. That kind of thing only happened in yiff movies and stories. He would, however, take the queue from Jason about the shower. He took off his shirt and pants and folded them up on the top of his dresser. He had really gotten worked up, because the insides of his briefs were covered in pre. Quickly, he a grabbed pair of boxers and headed towards the bathroom.

Once inside, he caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror, his excited, plump package bulging sexily under his briefs. This, of course, only made the pressure in his sheath worse, so Will quickly started the shower and stripped out of his underwear. He stepped into the shower, and almost immediately began to fondle himself, slowly rubbing and groping his ball sac, causing more pre to spill from the tip of his cock. A little guiltily, he pulled pack his sheath to expose his member. He quickly banished the guilt as he remembered Jason's words.

Far too excited and rock-hard to play more, he wrapped his hand around his throbbing dog cock and started pumping away. Pre quickly seeped from the tip and lubed his fingers. As he continued to jerk of with his one hand, he brought the other around to his ass, and ran it around the base of his tail. Sensation built exponentially in his groin, as he pushed and teased around his tail-hole. Make fast work, he started to feel his orgasm build. Placing one hand on the wall for support, he couldn't help but give a small moan as he started to come. In powerful shudders, he released his seed, managing to spray some against the bathroom wall. As the orgasm ended, the wolf was left feeling very good and a little sleepy.

Will cleaned up the mess he had left then finished his shower. After he had dried off a bit and brushed his hair, he walked into the living room and went straight to the couch. He pulled a blanket over him as he lay down and rested his head on the pillow. I'm not one for religion, he thought sleepily, but this had to be a blessing for Jason to find me. I'm glad nothing escalated far tonight, I want to build a real relationship with that fox, not just some trashy relationship based off sex. Christmas is in two days...I'm glad I'll spend it with him.