The Warrior's Dove Ch:22 Pt 2/2

Story by Hato San on SoFurry

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#25 of The Warrior's Dove.

Part 2. Note also been having internet trouble for the past few weeks (That and work, and maybe self-esteem issues O.o) I don't know... But I'll just keep working at it!

Chapter 22: Stepping Stones.

Part 2

The dreams of his night were blurred with the sense of a drunken vision lost within the scents of fire and the bitter nip from a cold December wind. The feeling, consuming all around him, the grass, the flowers and trees; life robbed away as vicious snarls darted at the sight of a shadowy figure. Eyes solid in fear, frozen as the twisted deformed fangs tore his body limb from limb. Blood - an invigorating though sickly scent - drowned his senses, his heart raced pounding hard against his chest as the fur on his body shuddered through. Darkened flames licked the trees, rotting and killing the branches off that they snapped and fell silently to the ground. All that remained from the blood and entrails that paved a now broken camp was the shivering and frightened sight of her. Her eyes in tears, paws clasped over her ears to try and block out the sounds of blood-curling screams and breaking bones from mangled bodies. Two steps forward and everything was lost. Awakening a little after sunset, the roar of a fire battered in his ears, powerful like a lions call through the savannah. Warmth consumed his small-furred body and his eyes were only a little weary and tired. His tail was whiffed in front of him, curling up like a puppy. Is that laughter? The sounds came from behind a door, coming from the hallway further away from him. "Yeah that fox was from Hovishira, I knew we couldn't trust him yet he seemed so honest." A male voice came to his ears. "Should've considered that advice before you lot took me." Kieai's voice sounded teasing, a small drunken purr rang through the consonants of her tone. "How much have you drunk tonight?" He replied with a small chuckle. "More than enough ale to have some fun." Her speech was just slightly impaired, Hato could sense that now. "Well when you put it that way." A pair of footsteps left from the door, leaving Hato in a shadowing room lightly illuminated by a now dying fire. Scolding hot flames crackled from behind the gate, the coals red and glowing like amber. Without warning a cold chill of air darted through though the night air was warm and friendly. Hato's thoughts weren't, he was in a sudden panic. What could he consider, making everyone worry about his visions, or risk the chance of not telling anyone yet how could he when he still stood on all four feet and was hardly taller than most people's knees? What am I going to do? How did I even change the first time? He tried to remember the feeling, that primal lust of instinct and thought, it didn't come back to him and he sunk his head in defeat. His hair fell down, showing him as some odd creature for no feral naturally had hair like he did, or any at all for that matter. Eyes fell out a stone window, moonlight held its ominous glow over the trees and hills that rolled further on through a forest of silhouettes and shadows. Every now and then a gust of white snow would roll by the window. It must've come from the mountainside the castle is built into. An ancient moss-covered stone hedge separated the town from the castle, A thin steel-barred gate was all that stood as an entrance from the tall hedge. Creaks made Hato's ears twitch suddenly he was being swooped up by a large creature. Before he bared his teeth, before he even growled, Serviath's scent was all his nose could detect. "So you are awake." He spoke in a quiet tone. "Perfect timing, Livrythi is going to see if he can help you change back." It sounded like a nice idea, as Hato was carried; his rump on Serviath's bicep and his paws over his shoulders, looking back at the door they came out of, his muzzle rubbed softly into Serviath's neck fur. Cold maybe not, Hato was shaking and he didn't know if he was scared or if something else was making him feel weak and tired. A frightening glimmer caught his eye, something of silver and gold. It wasn't from him, and his eyes noted something he'd never seen before. It was a chain and locket around Serviath's neck and Hato took note of it quite quickly. A heart, golden swirled with an underlay of glimmering silver on a solid gold chain locket. A tight cloth was what Serviath wore underneath probably to ensure it was kept safe and to him. Why would he have something that looks so expensive with him? "There he is! Bout time the hero woke up." Hato had a bit of a fight to look to his front, yet with Serviath holding him the way he was, that made it difficult. There was some sounds in the background between them. The male from before, he was having a fight with a door, cursing to himself silently. "Kieai." Was all Serviath replied. "Oh come on! Have a little fun and stop being so ascetic!" She really is drunk. Hato thought to himself. "I am busy, yet please have enough fun for the both of us." "Will do hon!" Kieai paused as Serviath handed her something. "That key will open that door." Serviath left, pausing down a flight of stair where nothing but voices rang in Hato's mind, echoing with the sharp shocks of laughter. Torchlights burned in Hato's eyes and he cringed with the painful barbs that drove into his pupils. Suddenly his world was in pitch darkness, nothing but what appeared to be the scents of a kitchen rose. The strong sweet and bitter scents of spices ran through him. "Is everything ready?" Serviath had spoken lightly. "Yes everything is sure to work." Jesive replied happily, Hato caught a glimpse of him. His clothes and fur was white with flour and damp from small dabs of water or oil. "Livrythi and Karisif are in the back room from here, after I can get you both some food." "Thank you." It was all Serviath replied, a quick almost soft-edged sound that made an eerie atmosphere rise. A few uncalled seconds passed, Hato suddenly blacked out only to hear distorted sounds. "It's not perfect sir but I tried my best." "Yes, yes be done with it." "Yes." A paw pressed a small wooden figure in front of Hato's eyes, a howling wolf simply carved from wood of an oak tree. It was detailed, from fur to eyes towards its tail and ears. "Just focus upon it, if I am correct then you can choose between your two forms like this or using a symbol similar." Serviath took note at Livrythi's eyes, the way how his voice sounded almost nervous in conjunction. "Are you sure that this will work?" His tone was softly spoken, hidden with an underlay of distrust. "Last time you tried you're tricks he was out cold for a few days." Hato stared at the two for a moment before his eyes fell to the wooden wolf. Focus? This whole thing has been nothing but bullshit. Hato thought in spite, biting down on his lower lip a bit before calmly staring at Karisif's artwork. Wooden eyes stared sharply back, the sleek tone shot shivers with a haunting look which bit into Hato's mind. Silence gripped like the frigid mountain wind that suddenly howled through the cataclysm of stone that surrounded all of them, it took everyone a moment and the sound of spoken words to stop everything. "Will you two stop fighting!" Everyone stared with blank faces Karisif innocently looked away, his face slowly turning red before softly speaking out. "You don't have any clothes on..." After a few silent seconds, Hato simply sunk his head again and spoke what he thought to himself. "Why is this happening to me?" Serviath tossed him a pair of clothes, a simple tight, white-cotton shirt and a pair of leather-shelled pants with a wool lining inside. Hato started with the pants, bent over before realizing, and to the sounds of a sudden than silent voice that he was facing directly away from the door. It must've been Jesive whom had stepped in probably to say the food was finished cooking. Why is this happening to me? Hato got dressed quickly stepping out in silence to notice Jesive who handed him a plate, no direct eye-contact was made. "There's dinner." It was all he said and Hato decided to step out of the room towards the now quiet foyer of the castle. Blood was still paved across some parts of the floor and the stone walls that surrounded him. He stepped to a room ahead lit by a candle - Hato noted - from the flickering underneath. Opening the door an older figure eyed him curiously as he stared into the vast books from a study. A badger her whiskers were long and face riddled with the sights of age seen deep within her face and body; she wore a cloak and dress, something common with most travelers. She rose her older thin arms, pulling a large and heavy book from a shelf nearby her. It came to thought quickly, His eyes stared back with a daring suspicion. "I haven't seen you around here before." He spoke with a near threatening tone, where had she come from? Pondering the thought she simply smiled gently back at him. "I've been around and about young one, alas you've haven't seem to have noticed." Her eyes gazed through with a gentle tone. Peaceful as moonlight in a lake, it waved its soft light across its darkened surface of water. She took small notice of him from there, quickly reorganizing the books in the study without single falter or thought. "Surely I would've noticed you before now." "Yet you have not... though I have noticed you." She replied once more, her smile still small yet noticeable. "Who are you?" "Just an old tired badger." Hato felt annoyed, he knew that clearly she must've been confused. Yet as he was going to speak once more, she hushed him and handed him a small woven necklace ending with a wing, much of an eagle's with golden tips upon its whitened feathers. "You'll need her help soon, I can promise you that." Hato stared hard upon the symbol - made of a forged glass or some kind of metal - he knew it as it was upon the front of the Book of Geshia and most of the Geshian churches. "What are you?" She was gone as soon as she arrived, the study he stood within was in pitch darkness and not a single book was upon the old, broken, and web-ridden shelves that he now stared upon. Stepping out in mild confusion Hato took a look around before putting the necklace on. His paw was warm from the plate of food still in his grasp so deciding, he sat on the steps overlooking the broken door of the castle they were in weak repair, fixed up with a few broken boards nailed across it. The outside world was windy and pelted with heavy rain; trees began to sway to the left with the winds now furious breath pressed against the walls of stone, making it creak in the agony of its eternal darkness. After he was finished his food - which had felt tasteless to him at the time - he left his bowl back in the nook and went upstairs. The torches from the corridors were lightly lit with dying flames and the soft sounds from conversation to lover's embraces echoed within his ears. Soon the torches died on him, shivers ran through his body and for a moment he was back in that cavern yet this time there was no spectacle of light that dawned upon his eyes. Uncomfortably Hato relied on his natural night vision, the dim silhouettes of steel bolts from doors and their hands were gently pressed into his world yet relief came as he noticed on familiar door, his own. Scents of burning wood pressed through the cracks of the door, the flames from before were lit once more and he opened the door to a wind of warmth. An inviting bed lay ahead of him, sized for what seemed three with a rich - old red comforter with golden tassels and a covering around it. Sudden steps came from behind him, yet before he turned arms were around his waist a small soft, nuzzling feeling pressed against the back of his shoulder and neck. Serviath was whom he assumed turning by then his eyes went wide in surprise and fluster. Kiyoko!? It was her standing in front of him now drawing him into her; a small blush burning across her face. Her fur was entirely shed revealing her spring fur colors of short, black fur wearing nothing more but a cloak, underneath her brassiere and her undergarments, both dark as her fur. Eyes gleamed softly with the fire; her body was outlined in the shadows of the room. Hato couldn't speak hardly made a sound that could be heard over the roaring fire that pressed their shadows behind them. A scent was about her something weakly - sweet and alluring as her muzzle rubbed gently against his. She hadn't said a thing but she gently stared into his eyes, softly toned with a gentle brush from her eyelashes with her paws kneading into his chest fur. Crackling flames casted more shadows between them, her muzzle pressed gently onto his drawing her tongue to lick underneath his chin so softly that it made him shiver. Clearly dominant paws pressed against his chest pushing Hato onto the bed which crumpled the sheets underneath him. Locked muzzle to muzzle - tongue to tongue- her paws fumbled with his pants tearing them off of him. The smell was stronger now, powerful and Hato felt his tail wagging left and right rubbing up against the blankets. The kiss broke and Kiyoko giggled a soft cute sound that made his ears twitch nervously; with her hips, the curve of her panties rubbing up against his sheathe and her paws on his chest she brought her muzzle near his ear. "You're really are like a puppy are you?" She spoke seductively, a tone that sounded simply confident. "Why don't you be a good boy and beg for me?" Without warning Hato brought his paws to his chest, whimpering with a tone that he didn't even know he could do. She chuckled once more rubbing her tongue under his chin her face slowly blushed with Hato's shivering. I can't believe this is actually happening! The perverted thoughts deserved scolding, even Hato knew that, but at that point he could care less. Without warning a few set knocks came to the door and Kiyoko jumped off him in a silent panic, diving behind the bed right when Serviath had walked in. "I wanted to check up on you." He spoke, Hato just able to cover himself with his sheets when he walked in. Hato's necklace shone within the firelight and Serviath took notice quickly. "You found your marker? I thought we lost that a few weeks back?" Hato thought of the Geshian necklace, he remembered the church, the parish that he was with when so close to the Leairian mountains. "Uh, yes I took a few moments and found it in my satchel." Hato smiled, knowing and cursing himself that it probably looked as nervous as he sounded. "Is something wrong?" He walked in further, Hato could still easily smell Kiyoko. "Nothing, is there anything going on?" "No, it's just you were acting concerned before about coming here. What was all that about?" A soft pause came to Hato's lips soon after he began quickly explaining the visions he had about the castle. "I'll go tell Livrythi he may be able to make more sense of it." "Yes." Hato replied. "You should rest for tonight Livrythi's put you through a lot recently; a lot more than when we first met him." Hato took his eyes towards the sight of the sun, only a small golden arc remained through the trees. A powerful wind swayed them to one side with a light eerie fog that seemed to settle among the horizon and the forests floor. Serviath left rather quickly. Did he catch onto Kiyoko's scent? A small sound had come up from behind him, a set of arms wrapped around his chest... and then his neck. "What the hell are you doing?" Hato gagged out, She had him in a tight choke-hold and her eyes simply gleamed with the sight of murder. "If I ever go through my heat again and you actually fall through to lust... I will kill you. Do you understand me?" Kiyoko's voice scared him, it actually sounded like a demon was speaking to him. "I - I understand clearly!" He chocked out. "I'll never fall for what you let on again I swear." "What did you say?" She tightened her grip and he softly whimpered out. "It's all my fault I'm so sorry I'll never ever do it again... ever." Hato replied. Now is clearly not the time to be a smartass... Kiyoko let go and Hato carefully rubbed his neck. She covered herself in her cloak. It didn't help really with concealing anything given the fact it was so light-weight. Hato could see right through the fabric. "I have a mate you know that!" Hato mumbled to himself shortly after. "You're coerced into a political marriage." Hato noticed Kiyoko's ear twitch to that and Hato's fur stood on edge. Clearly I should never underestimate her hearing. Kiyoko let out a ignorant scoff and simply left shortly after. Opening the door the sounds of a voice came to him from the hallway. "Hey Kiy." It was Jesive and in a split second she turned and her fist put him to the ground. Hato realized he was shaking all over again. Whoa... Jesive held his now bleeding snout and they both watched her leave down the hallway's darkness. "A guy can be killed just by talking to a woman now-a-days." Jesive chuckled to himself. "Is it serious?" "Believe me, only my pride was hurt." He gave a smile, it seemed off. "What were you going to ask her?" "Oh, what I've been asking every girl here so far." "Which is?" Jesive grabbed Hato's hands and together and looked into his eyes. "Will you sleep with me tonight?" Two simple seconds passed before Hato closed the door, after leaving a decent sized bump on the side of Jesive's head. Isn`t he supposed to be like a monk or something? Hato scratched the back of his head. He is one hell of a perverted one if he is. Hato climbed into the bed it was warm and comfortable; before he knew it, sleep had gripped him once more.

His dream, it felt like he was running. Not on two legs, on four pinning his prey down before a cage. The eyes of the creature the sight of fear, Fangs pushed almost to the shaking otter's throat, a younger figure clearly. Foolishly the otter had dropped his sword and now in front of the cage where a young girl now watched in horror, this demon; Hato's form suddenly stopped. The rush for blood ran through his body. Just clamp down and tear, the teeth shear the flesh easily; it'll hardly take a second. He pulled away from the scared - pale figure retracted his fangs and took his paws away from him. Why would you let him go? It was Hato's voice in his head, no one elses. He hurt Kiyoko, like the rest of them. The demon bashed open the lock of the cage, the camp now silent and the last creature running off, Hato laid down next to her; she was cold and scared. All he did was lie down and stay there for the night. Loud noises awoke him, Hato sniffed the air and his eyes turned wide. Blood, it's everywhere, fire too. He got out of bed quickly, redressed himself and bolted out of the room