A One Time Winter

Story by Musica Wolfsbane on SoFurry

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#1 of Contest Stories

It's my first time in a contest, and i'm a little young to right erotica, but I know I have tried my best, so wish me good luck.

It's a cold winter December and Jacob's mom and dad is coming back, so he was attempting to make his world famous egg nog surprise for their return. While I was fixing the nog I hear a knock at the door; I was a bit depressed to think it was mother and father already home; however, I swallow my pride and opened to the door to see that is was my daring brother John, "Hey John! How are you?" He gazed down at me and padded in from the snowy winter night to greet me in better style, "Hey Jacob my boy, I'm doing awesome. How are you doing my midget?" I was filled with glee to see my brother here on this exciting winters night; however, I did need help with my egg nog recipe. "I'm doing awesome myself, but I need a favor, can you help me find out what I am missing from my egg nog recipe? I'm trying to make it before mommy and daddy get home tomorrow morning." He nodded in approval to help me with the recipe, "Sure, where is the recipe sheet?" I give him the piece of paper showing the ingredients on the list: 2 eggs, a half cup of sugar, vanilla flavoring, and a ginger spice. "Child, you really have to learn how to cook, you are missing the strawberry cream fo the nog."

"You sure that's what I'm missing? Not more ginger, some rosemary or maybe some salt?" My brother was really sure about what he was saying, so I took his word for it. Okay, let's go get some.... Before, I could escape the door I hear a urgent news message on the television, "Stop! Don't walk out that door. I'm Anchor man Steve Burlington reporting to tell everyone in the west coast of the United States are worried not to exit their houses because of the case of a major hail storm the size of wieners!" I stick out my tongue to the reporter man and exit outside anyways; however, I was dog-piled by snow, "Damn it!" I closer my mouth in the shame of me cursing. "I'm soaked!"

My brother, what a gentle soul, pulled me back in and looked over me comically, "Man, that must have been a bad storm. You need to get out of those clothes, it not good to be wet for long in this cold weather."

"I guess I have no other choice." I'm not sure what I was thinking to go out when the weather man said not to; however, I really was determined to make the nog for mom and dad. When John asked me to pull of my clothes, I was a bit embarrassed to undress in front of him; however, I swallowed my pride and undressed anyways. My fur was black as soot and my eyes were spring green; sure I had red blood stains on my fur, but I was just as normal as the next fur. I was just a little tired, and insecure..., and hungry, but I started to shiver from the extreme cold on the inside. He looked a bit surprised because I guess I wasn't sreally sure I was suppose to underdress in another room, but he wasn't worried about it. I shivered for a while from the cold and I smiled and sighed from the towel that my brother brough me, "I'm so glad you were her to save me; I don't know what I might have happened if you weren't around. But now how are going to get the cream?"

"I'm not sure... we can do it when the storm clears." He starts to rub my back with his paw and started to rub against to shiver. I was a bit nervous from what my brother was doing to me, but it felt a bit soothing to my body... I wonder why I feel this way. He kept rubbing me, I guess to keep me warm but I kept shaking for a little longer. I was a bit worried but then I stopped worrying because my brother would never want to hurt me, NEVER; therefore, I stopped shivering and started to murr a bit loudly, but then stopped completely and looked up at my brother. He looked down at me and started to give me one of his Joker smiles; man, you

don't know how much I use to hate those smiles, but he was relieved a little for the absence of my shivering were replaced with purrs. I started to blush because I didn't know what came over me for a minute... I think I liked, but I had a girlfriend to think about; how would she feel in the thought of me being homosexual... I started to worry about what happened if I AM gay "Okay i guess" I got up from the floor, but something pink was came from my private part. I was a bit silly to let my brother see it, but it caught me by surprised, "Oh my god, I'm so sorry." My big brother laughed a little as he saw my private, "No, it's cool, don't be afraid to show it."

"So ... you not disappointed or you don't think I'm gay?" I knew that my brother was gay, but I didn't want to end up like him when I grew up, so I tried to keep my cool when it comes to his sexual orientation.

"What... Why would I be disappointed? You think I think you are gay? Sweetie, just because you got stiff doesn't mean I won't love you, sometimes it happens, I should know mainly, because it happens to me all the times of the day. I started to laugh in relief, but now I was a bit curious about how that felt.

"Can you... Can you rub yours with mine... Just this one... I want to know how it feels."

"Okay, but only this once..." His face started to turn a little red, so he was blushinging, but my older feling brother stood above me not only being taller than me but having a bigger package than me.

"You look... you like awesome. You know, no homo." I giggled a bit but what can you expect from me, I'm eight years old, but have no more common sense than my egg nog, so I should at least get some mercy in this situation.

"Thanks, you will maybe grow up to be the same, if you keep in good shape like myself." He scotched himself closer to me and lifts up his floppy private up and I see him start to rub and touch it, and it was getting bigger and bigger and harder with every poke. I started to become a bit hard myself but I didn't know what it meant, so I just let it happen, but I did another huge murr and practically scared myself with the murr. I starts to mur one more time and then feeling like I was needing to pee. This love was like no other; it was pure, and it was brilliant, but I could do nothing, but to see some clear stuff coming from my private.

"I think I have to pee... So good..." He looks down to see my little cock perk up and look glossy and rock solid.

"Trust me.... it's not pee." He slowly starting to rub me and showing me tht his private was doing the same thing but his was dripping a lot more than mine was, so I felt a bit intimidated. I felt my private part get warmer and warmer and warmer until IT happened; there was a small spray of white stuff and I felt so... so free because of that. I did the same to my brother and grabbed a bottle of the cream for the egg nog.

"That should do it Jacob," My brother just smiled and kissed my head, "And if you want THAT to happen again, don't be scared to give your brother a call and I'll give you all the cream in the world." I just smiled and kissed my brother back; what he gave me has really opened my eyes, so I will look into it someday.

"WE'RE HOME!" My mom and dady stormed wildly through the door; however, me and my brother were on the couch watching TV.

"Welcome home you two, we have some nog to give out! Little Jakey made it himself!" I gave my mom, dad, brother, and myself a galleon of nog and we all drank in wild delight.

"Wait, why does this taste like...," My dad stopped his last words and humped his shoulders, "So you two do anything interesting?"

"Nope, nothing at all, just makin nog." My brother just told a flat like, and I liked it; even if it was me to tell the truth, he just rubbed his wood against my hole in secret. For the next couple of years, I turned twelve years old and I was still playing around with my big brother, but it was a little more than I could every imagine. On that day, I would never forget, and we thought it was just a one time winter.