Beautiful Girls

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Beautiful Girls

Chapter One

By Tina Bunnie

Warning: This story contains sexual words and actions between a young bunny girl, a fox, and a robot. There is tentacle action as well. If you do not like to see this in the stories you read, or are under age, please leave now. Other wise, please enjoy my first story.

Beautiful Girls - Chapter One

Based on the role-play of Tina Bunnie and Heavenly Light

Tina sat on the bench and sighed. She hated having to have to go home after school. The house was always empty. Her father had left her and her mother years ago, and her mother was always out doing... something. So the young bunny found other ways to occupy her time. She sat in her school's blouse and skirt on a bench in the park drawing in her notebook.

That's where he first saw her. She looked perfect. Just what he wanted. She looked as if she had just began to blossom from a little girl into a young woman. Her body still had the shape of a young girl, but he could tell that the curves of womanhood where beginning to form in all the right places. The sun shone on her well kept light tan fur and her long reddish hair was in a ponytail that went down to her fluffy little tail. The fox made his move and walked over to the young bunny.

"Hello little girl, can you help me?" The fox stood next to her, waiting for her response.

Tina looked up from her notebook and saw a fox. He was wearing jeans and a blue button-up shirt. His hair was a snow white color, which matched perfectly with his ice blue eyes. The bunny instantly found herself having a crush on this total stranger. "Yes I can sir." Now that his eyes met hers, the fox could see her eyes as well. They were a light purple color. This wasn't a normal color, but it some how seemed to fit perfectly on the bunny. "What is it that you need help with?"

The fox removed a piece of paper from his pocket. "Can you tell me where 25 Sherwood is?" He bent down next to her.

"Oh, that's the apartment building next to my building. But you don't want to go there, it's closed. Everyone lives in the newer building like me. I don't think you can get in there." The bunny started to continue her drawing as the fox placed a hand on her shoulder.

She jumped a little in her seat as she felt his hand on her. "Well can you show me it anyhow?" Tina didn't know what he wanted at the old building, but she closed her book and got her book-bag and showed him the way anyhow. After a short walk the two where in front of the building. Tina turned to walk towards her own building when she felt his hand on her shoulder again. She turned and looked at him. "Thank you for showing me here. The reason I needed to come here is because we are filming a movie." The fox smiled at her

"What kinda movie?!" Tina jumped with curiousity and excitement as she awaited an answer.

"It's an ... an action movie." Tina looked at him again. He did seem to be bigger than normal foxes were, and he did look a little muscular. Not too much, but not scrawny either. "How about you come in and take a look? My name is Talon."

Tina's eyes widen at the thought of being on a movie set. "You mean I get to go inside?! Let's go! I wanna see!" The young bunny girl could not control herself. "Oh, my name is Tina. Tina Marie Bunny."

Talon couldn't help but laugh a bit at her name and how cute she was acting. "Well Miss Bunnie, let's go inside." Talon opened the door and walked in, closely followed by Tina. Inside the building was very worn down. There was nothing more inside but a small old bed. Tina looked around and could see no film equipment, no crew or anything that you would think to see on a movie set.

"Where is everyone else at Talon?" the confused bunny asked.

"Oh it is a new aspect of filming. There are tons of hidden cameras around and the director and everyone that isn't in the scene are all inside of a near-by trailor. It makes it all look more realistic. The director should be calling soon with instructions." A minute later Talon's phone rings. "Yeah, I'm here... really... hold on." He looked over at Tina who was sitting on the bed, bouncing a little.

"Tina, how old are you?"

"I'm twelve, why?"

"Well it seems that my co-star has become ill. We need someone to fill in for her and you are the same age and size. How about it? You wanna be in the movie bunny girl?"

"Wow! Really!? I get to really be in a real life movie?!" The bunny's eyes widened again as she jumped up and down in excitement.

Talon talked for a few more minutes before hanging up his phone. "Well Tina, you're in. Congratulations. Now in a few moments, there is going to be a robot that comes out and grabs you. I want you to try not to get afraid. It's not suppose to hurt you." The fox stood next to the bed and waited.

Tina pictured a corny looking box shaped robot from the cartoons she saw as a little kid, but when she saw a blue glow in the darkness, she started to become afraid. After that a blue metallic dragon-like robot began moving towards her. She screamed as she backed into the bed. Two metallic tentacles stretched from the dragon's back and lifted Tina by her arms. The bunny kicked and scream as the tentacles held her tightly. "Talon!!! Help me!! Get me down please!!"

The fox smiled and sat down on the bed as he watched the bunny kick and scream until she was out of breath. "That won't work Tina. Now you have gotten it upset. I advice you behave and let the robot have its way. You don't wanna get it angry." Another two tentacles stretched and grabbed Tina's legs apart as a third began to rip her school uniform off her body. She was left in only her panties and t-shirt as she was turned towards Talon. The dragon-robot did not stop there. The tentacle once again grabbed at her remaining clothing, this time taking away her underwear, leaving her body completely exposed. With her legs spread, Talon could see the little bunny's un-used sex.

Talon smile as he viewed the young and innocent body before him. A bulge began to form inside of his jeans. Tina blushed deeply and closed her eyes. "Please... don't look at my privates like that... Mother said no one is suppose to see me like this...She said this is very dirty and nasty." The bunny began to cry as she tried harder and harder to close her legs, but she was no match for the robot's metallic tentacles.

Talon walked to her and turned her face towards his. He looked into her teary eyes. "Oh no my dear Tina. It is actually very pretty for a young girl to be seen this way. Especially a nice young body like yours. Your mother just doesn't want you to know how beautiful you are." Talon looked at her young pussy. "Just look at how beautiful that young cunny of yours is Tina." Tina's blushed again, this time her cheeks turning as red as her hear through her fur. She closed her eyes as another tentacle came around and began rubbing her virgin slit. Tina let out a scream as it touched her sex and began to push in a tiny bit. It didn't push in far, instead it started to pump a liquid-gel like substance into her young hole. Through the almost see-through purple tentacle, Tina could see that is was a mixture pink and black that was flowing into her most private place.

She began to feel weird as her cunny started to grow wetter and looser. "What is that stuff?! What is it doing to me!!??" Tina looked over at Talon for an answer.

"It's helping you. That gel is a special solution to make your muscles looser and more sensitive to pleasure. That way more can go into those tight little holes of yours." The bulge in his jeans was now very large as his cock pushed against them.

"Holes? What are you talking a..." The bunny's sentence was cut short by a tentacle shoving itself into her tail hole. Her eyes opened wide from the pain of the thick intrusion. She cried out from the pain as it stopped pushing in and began pumping a different substance into her tail hole. "Please Talon... please make it stop!! I don't like this!!" The tube started to pump more of the liquid-gel into both of her holes. "Why are you doing this?? What did I do??"

Talon laughed as he loosened his jeans, exposing his ten inch cock. He let a hand trail over it as her watched the show in front of him. "He is getting you nice and clean Tina. So that you can be even prettier. Don't you want to be pretty Tina?"

"Yes but... this doesn't feel pretty at all.." the girl replied as the warm gel filled her through her tail hole, causing her stomach to bulge a bit. The tube removed itself and the gel began to flow out of her, the liquid flowing into a drain on the floor. After she had been emptied, it began filling her again, and again, repeating the process a total of five more times.

The tentacle in her pussy had stopped its flow of gel as her sex was now leaking thick juices over the tentacles. The tentacle began to grow thicker, talon smiled at his pretty bunny girl as he slowly stroked his cock, his clear pre leaking out of the head. "You are very beautiful Tina. Now the robot is going to make you the prettiest girl ever."

Something inside the bunny snapped. No longer did she remember anything about her life. Not her mother, not her father leaving them, not school, her friends, the so called movie that Talon told her about. Nothing matter but pleasure, deep sexual pleasure that she was feeling. She wanted to make Talon happy. She wanted to be the most beautiful girl that he had ever seen before. She looked into his eyes as he continued stroking. "I WANT TO BE PRETTY TALON!! MAKE ME PRETTY!!!" As she screamed out, the tentacle at her cunt pushed inside, taking away her virginity. The horny little rabbit felt no pain, only lust, and pleasure as her cunt tightened around the robot's tentacle.

Does Tina want to be really pretty?" Talon asked as he began to quicken his pace on his cock. "You want to be a really pretty girl for me?"

"I do!" The bunny moaned loudly as she closed her eyes, her mouth hanging open as she moaned and panted. The tube that was inside her tail hole shifted into a thick tentacle, stretching her hole as wide as her cunt. The two tentacles inside her began to vibrate softly as another very small tube came infront of her cunt.

"You are becoming more beautiful by the second my dear. Just one last thing needs to be taken care of." The tube pushed itself into Tina's piss hole as she screamed in a mixture of pain and pleasure. "It may hurt Tina, but pretty girls don't cry."

"I'm pretty!" Tina yelled, holding back her tears as the same pink and black gel had pumped into the tight piss hole at a quicker pace. The other two tentacles sped up their assault on her once virgin holes, causing her pussy to leak more and more. She could feel her piss hole stretching just like her pussy did before. Suddenly she felt an urge come over her. "I have to pee!! I have to go really bad!!"

Talon had his hand wrapped around his cock, stroking himself hard. "Then do it my little bunny. It will make you beautiful. Show me how beautiful you can be!" The bunny moaned as her golden liquid began to flow out of her little hole like a river, the tube sliding out, letting it splash onto the floor below where the open drain was now closed.

"I'm beautiful!" Tina felt something else as her golden flow slowed to a trickle. A large feeling was building inside of her. She had never felt something like this before. "Talon! I feel weird! Ohhhh!!" The young bunny was hit hard by her first ever orgasm as her thick pussy cream squirted onto the ground. Her whitish cream began to mix with her piss on the floor, forming a puddle.

She kept cumming, the dragon robot now sucking the precious cunt juice out of her body through the tentacle. As her orgasm finally ended she could feel her pussy being stretched even more. The robot was inserting something deep inside of her womb. "Talon.... Oohhhh... what's it doing now??"

"It is putting a device inside of your to keep you from aging past 14 my dear. So that you can stay my beautiful young bunny forever!" The fox could not hold back anymore. His own orgasm had hit and his thick white cum shot out of his cock. The gooey white seed squirting onto the bed and his chest and his hand as he moaned, watching the pretty bunny's display.

The tentacles were now fucking her holes at a high speed, causing her to scream in deep pleasure. A second orgasm in less then ten minutes hit the bunny as her juices were sucked up by the tentacles again. Another tentacle had found its way to her mouth and pushed inside her little muzzle.

"Suck it Tina. It has a treat for you for being such a good girl. Suck it like it was a popsicle." She began to suck the tentacle hard, moaning around it. Not long after the tentacle pulsed in her mouth and released a white gooey substance into her muzzle. Tina swallowed the sweet, sugary tasting cream, the robot's cum appealing to her favorite taste. She removed her mouth as more shot onto her face and chest. The dragon's flow ended, leaving her face, hair, and chest covered in the gooey white cream.

The bunny panted as the vibrations stopped suddenly. The robot shifted its shape into a bed, using its feet and hands for the posts and its head as a head board. Talon placed a blanked over the bunny. "So beautiful."

"Thank you Talon." She smiled and blushed proudly.

"Do you want to stay with me? Help me find more girls to make as beautiful as you?"

"As long as I am the most beautiful of all."

"Yes my new pet. You are my most beautiful of all. Now sleep tight. Master wants his pet to have her beauty sleep."

"When can I have yours?" Tina touched his softening cum covered cock.

The fox smiled and kissed her deeply. "Soon beautiful." The bunny faded into a deep sleep as she came again from his kiss.

The end.

My first ever story.

Tell me what you think. Email me at [email protected] or just IM me on yahoo messenger, same name as email or "tina bunbun" on AIM.

Till next time. Thanks Heavenly Light!!!!!!!!! LOVE YA!!