Sheila's Playdate (Cub 18+)

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#26 of Commissions

A story my friend wrote for me, based on a cub RP we had months ago

Sheila and story by Piratetiger:

Christine is mine ^^

Original here:

Sheila jumped a bit as she head the knock on the door. No one was supposed to be over today, and it was super early. Like coffee early. At least that's what mom had always said. She walked to the door reaching her little striped paw up to the knob and opening it. "Hellow?" she said and saw her friend Christina standing there. "What are you doing here?" she asked and tilted her head a bit those black and blonde pig tails swishing a bit.

The black and green striped feline stood there shivering a bit. "Oh sorry, I went to me tutor's house and she wasn't there. Can I come in, it's super chilly out her with me only in me skirt." she said. Sheila chuckled a bit and let the girl in and dusted a bit of the snow off her.

"So do you need to use the phone or somin." the small tiger asked her strangely colored friend.

"Yes if yah don't mind me doing so." she blushed a bit, Sheila lead her to the phone and got it down for her.

"Do you know your number?" the tigress asked her and giggled a bit. "I know mine, eight six seven five three oh nine" she chuckled more.

Christina nodded and chuckled a bit. She dialed in the numbers and waited. "Hey mum, yah is me Tinny, I wen to tha house and she wasn thare." she said in her deep Brit accent. "No, I'm at me friend's house," . . . "No, sheila, the tiger one," . . . "No she goes to regular school like the rest of tha kids,"

She looked to Sheila and blushed. "Me mum wants tah know of yeh can stay here with me today."

The tigress thought on in a bit before bounding off to her mother's room her skirt flipping up a bit the little pink panties peeking out a bit. She returned a bit. "I get a day off, I get a day off, I get a day off." she chuckled running back and jumping right next to Christina grabbing the phone. "Hewwo this is Sheila." . . . "Yes her friend, me mummy said I get a day off from school," . . . "Oh sorry miss, yes she can stay with us till you come get her." . . . "Yes that's the address." . . . "Okies, bai bai. And cheerio!" she said with a giggle.

"So I need tah just stay here wif you all day?" the green striped feline asked.

"Mmhmm, you get to spend da whow day wif me." she chuckled and hung the phone up and pounced on her friend. She let out a giggle and a purr as she let out a cute little cub rawr. Christina giggled and pawwed at her friend's nose a bit.

Sheila hopped off to the couch and continued eating on her bowl of cereal flipping the tv set on. Christina walked over as well clambering onto it next to Sheila. "What we watching mate?" she said with a giggle sounding like her dad.

"Just some cartoons that are always on." she said and took a big mouthful of her fruit loops.

"Oh, I'm not allowed to watch them, can we find sumin else?" she asked blushing heavily.

"Sure, just flip channels." she said taking another big messy bite.

Christina nodded and pressed the button flipping several channels till a video of two girls making out nakey showed up. The girls eyes got wide as she saw it. "WHAT IS THIS!?!" she exclaimed.

"Oh, that? That's just porn, dad and mom watch it all the time." Sheila said with a giggle.

"But that's fer adults, and you can watch it?" she asked and blushed more.

"Sure, all the time, even with mum sometimes, they say that if it's not hidden I won't feel the need to do it behind their backs and get in trouble somewhere." Sheila replied and wriggled a bit her skirt tenting a little.

Tinny's eyes lowered a little at that. "Whassat in yer skirt?" she asked blushing harder. She picked up the edge and saw the little bulges in her panties along with the little tent.

"Oh thats my peepee, like boys have." she giggled and set her bowl aside and held the skirt up proudly.

"But you're not a boy!" she said and stared intently.

"No I's a special little girl daddy says." Sheila chuckled as it gave a little throb.

"Can I see it?" Tinna asked and poked at it making the tigress blush and murr,

Sheila gave a nod and hooked her little thumbs in those pink panties and lowered them the black dog cock standing tall little knot swollen. "Isn't it cool?!?" she said as a little dribble of pre slid down over the knot.

The little girl blushed as she swiveled her big fennec ears around. She reached a paw to touch it and eeped as the little penis jumped and throbbed in her hand. Sheila let out a little moan and panted.

"Hehe, you can even lick it if yah want," she said and made it bounce a little. Sheila purred and watched her lean in giving it a little test lick before a bit of a slurp.

"So what else do you do with it?" she asked and blushed heavily wiggling.

"Well I put it in your pee pee place." she said and chuckled.

"Can we do that?" the little fennec feline asked.

Nodding Sheila purred and stood up a bit and lifted Tinny's skirt up getting a little yelp from her as she looked to the soggy front of her panties. "Ooooh someones excited." she chuckled and giggled sliding them down. She put her friend in a doggy style position like she had seen her parents do and slid her little throbbing cock into Christina's little slit.

"Ahhh hey owwie, that hurt." she whimpered a bit and looked back at Sheila who was now slipping in and out of her happily with a giggle.

"It'll feel better in a little bit." Sheila said and kept going happily slapping her tiny knot against her friends lips. She purred happily and gave a little moan as she felt her first orgasm hit spraying the little girls insides with cum.

"Sheila did you just PEE in me??!?!" she yelped pulling away and looked to her slit seeing the white creamy fluid dripping from her lips and Sheila's cock.

"Noooo, I cummed in you, or thats what daddy does to me!" she giggled and dabbled her paw in the cum on the couch lapping at her paw.

"Oh so that's supposed to happen?" she asked and blushed trying a bit for herself and enjoiyng the taste.

The two giggled for a few minutes before yawning a little and curling up to take a nap.

Mrs. Tiogair, Sheila's mum, walked in and saw the mess and the two girls and blushed heavily. "Oh no, better get these two cleaned up." She woke them up and headed them to the bathroom washing the groggy girls up and getting Christiana's clothes in the was. "Now girl's what you did wasn't evil or wicked, but you don't need to do that without permission."

"But me and you do it all the time moooom." Sheila whined a bit,

"Hush little missy," Mrs. Tiogair said and knelt down. "Now Christina, you're gonna not tell anyone about this right?"

The little girl nodded her head big ears flopping.

"Good girl now lets get you dressed, I'll send your clothes in the mail." she said and put some of Sheila's clothes on the two.

A few hours later Tinny's mom showed up to pick her up and she conversed with Sheila's mom a bit before taking her daughter to the car.

Sheila waved wildly at her from her own mother's hip. "BAIIIIII COME PLAY AGAIN!" she yelled happily and her friend waved back happily from the car as it drove off.