Dirty Little Secret Chapter 1

Story by Verisuth on SoFurry

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#1 of Dirty Little Secret

So the concept for this story came to me out of the blue one day, more than partially based on several naughty stories/hentai manga I'd been reading around that same time. I don't really wanna give much away... but I like this story a good deal. Enjoy, folks~

My name is Lucille Bonnor, but most just call me Lucy. I am, for the most part, a happy-go-lucky little bunny girl who is all of 19 years old. I'm rather attractive if I do say so myself; a cute face, long adorable ears, big blue eyes I mostly hide behind a pair of librarian-style glasses, and breasts in the high-b to low-c range. What I'm proudest of, thought, is my backside. I have a slender frame for the most part... But I still have this perky, round, perfectly bouncy bunny bubble booty. Every time I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror I love how it looks, and give it a little jiggle so I can watch it bounce and shake.

Conceited as all that may sound I'm really the shy and quiet type: I dress modestly, never showing too much skin or shape; I speak in rather hushed tones when dealing with most people; and my idea of an 'exciting' night is sitting at home with the lights low while reading a horror story.

That isn't to say I don't have any excitement or fun in my life. My best friends Felicia and Ali are real wild and funny, and tend to drag me along on their wacky adventures. I have a boyfriend, Mikey, that I've been dating for almost a year now. He's a rabbit, like me, and shares a lot of my traits; he's soft-spoken, a bit meek, but very warm and loving. He's everything a girl like me could ask for. He's a sweetheart and a gentle lover. Honestly, he's great.

But for all the great things about my life, there is a bit of a problem. Something is terribly wrong with me, something no one close to me knows about. The truth about me is a horrifying secret that makes me disgusted with myself. And as much as it horrifies and repulses me... I'm addicted to the way it feels and I know, deep down, I can never escape it.

I suppose I should begin at the beginning. It all started one night in late October. Felicia and Ali talked me into going to a Halloween party at some bar none of us had ever heard of called the Mud Pit. Felicia, or as we tended to call her, "Li-Li", was convinced I was spending too much time stuck to Mikey (who I had been dating for about 2 months at that point). So the general idea was to have a girls' night out somewhere that we didn't know anyone and no one knew us, so we could all let our hair down and cut loose. The very thought of such a thing nearly gave me a panic attack, but when Ali popped in and gave me the big doe eyes I couldn't say no. So the next thing I knew we were out there at the club, dressed in a manner that made me blush immensely under my creamy fur. But after a while, things were fine. Li-Li was working her magic as usual. She was a busty bit of curvy red-furred wolf-girl, and with her low-cut vampire bodice, short ruffles skirt, and lethal heels... She was getting us free drinks out the wazoo. I was already buzzed when she strutted back over with 3 more.

"The girls just got us some free tequila, ladies!" she touted proudly, setting the drinks on the table and grinning broadly. Ali rolled her eyes and giggled, taking one of the shot glasses happily. Ali was a lithe lil' doe-girl with strikingly beautiful features, and eyes that just sparkled. She was dressed like a 'slutty' from reaper, which fit her thin form.

"I swear, girl..." Ali said, shaking her head, "you are just the worst. Flaunting all that mess all over the place..."

"Oh lighten up twiggy!" she said with a laugh, shimmying back and forth to make her monster twin melons shake like jello. "If you had aaaaall of this, and aaaaalll of this-" she paused, turning around and lifting her skirt so we could see her booty pop a bit "- you'd be doing the same damn thing."

Ali just laughed and slapped her ass, and I giggled timidly.

"'Course, with an ass like hers, Lucy her could Prolly get ust twice as many free drinks if she wasn't such a chicken," sneered Felicia, flashing all her teeth in a predatory and derisive grin.

"Shut up!" I squeaked, hiding my hands under the table. "It's bad enough you two meanies got me out here dressed like this..." I was talked into a cheesy 'naughty' angel costume; a white tube-top, some flimsy wings, a halo, and a white skirt. On the model in the store, the skirt was mid-thigh, which was okay but still pushing it a bit for my tastes. But apparently, the model had been as flat in the back as Ali, cause the frilly white thing was not designed with a rump like mine in mind. It was so short my bottom was just barely covered, and the lusty stares of some of the patrons made me regret I was wearing nothing but a thong under the whole get-up. I felt so naked and exposed... Though as I kept drinking, my nerves calmed a bit.

"Oh, lighten up buns!" Ali encouraged, affectionately patting my thigh. "We're complimenting you. God knows I wish my butt looked like that..."

"Yeah, it's great!" Felicia chimed in. "Be proud of all that junk in your trunk girl! Go out there and wiggle a bit on the floor! You'll get a few freebies in you and before you know it you'll be fine."

"I don't want to 'wiggle it', you jerks..." I mumbled softly, my ears lowering. "It's naughty, and besides... I have Mikey at home waiting on me so-"

"Fuck that!" Ali blurted out. She was normally a bit more like me and on the timid side, but the José Cuervo in her bloodstream was changing that. "So what? We came here to have fuuuuuun. There's no harm in a lil' dancing, Lu! C'mon, this song kicks ass. Down your shot and let's cut loose!"

I wanted to say no. In hind-sight, maybe I should have ended the night then and there. But between Li-Li's jeers and Ali's encouragement, I couldn't hold myself back. I took the drink down with surprising ease (which should have been another cue to stop), and let myself be dragged out onto the floor. I was so nervous I was practically shaking, but as the girls began to bounce and shake and grind all over the place the combination of that and hard liquor loosened me up. Before I knew it I was doing a belly-dance I learned on National Geographic and having a blast. The guys in the club were still staring, but as I got lost in the beat those looks began to feel different. Instead of chills, I felt warm... No, i felt hot. I felt a heat spreading out of my core, swirling from my chest to the tips of my fingers and toes. I got raunchier. Nastier. Naughtier. It felt good to be run over by all those hungry eyes. I liked feeling wanted. I'd never felt like that before, and it was a rush I never wanted to end.

That's right. Look at me. Look at me. Feel me up in your minds... Taste me with your eyes. Crave me.

I felt like a character from one of those romance novels I read while Mikey was asleep. I was feeling wild! I closed my eyes and drank in the rush of it all... And when I opened them again, he appeared.

I don't remember seeing him at any time earlier in he night, but when my eyes locked onto him I couldn't help but wonder how I missed him. He just seemed to... Materialize from the darkness of the club; sleek onyx fur that seemed to shimmer like he night sky in the rolling lights of the club. He was tall, dark, toned, and shirtless, dressed as an apocalypse survivor complete with bandages and blood. He was a gorgeous canine with medium-length dreadlocks, and a breed of canine I'd never seen before. Everything about him was exotic and mysterious... But what really hooked me in was when he turned his head toward me and I looked into his eyes. God those eyes... A bright, lively, predatory yellow. Something about that color was ancient and primal. It spoke of raw, uncut bestial energy. As someone descended from a prey species, that gaze shattered my warm moment and threw me into an ice-cold tub of fear in a instant. But after that instant was over, the same heat came rushing back with a vengeance. The way he was looking at me... Like I was prey, game, delicious fresh meat... It was so pure. I felt scalding heat flush my whole body; I had to be beet-red. He wanted me. This guy, this sexual monster... Wanted me. I was torn between a desire to flee and a desperate want to fling my clothes off and pounce him. Was I that drunk... Or was something just that different about things that night?

Either way, as he started to walk over I felt like my heart was trying to hop out of my chest. I closed my eyes tightly; I had to play this off. I had to keep dancing, keep moving, get back into the rhythm and the flow and-

Big, powerful hands gripped my hips and pulled me, and the next thing I knew I was face to face with him. I was so close I could drink in his scent directly... It was so rich and robust. So manly... Nothing like Mikey at all. I felt like my head was getting cloudy.

"You're a good dancer," he said over the roar of the music and club patrons. I was flabergasted; normally guys like him went for Li-Li instead of sheepish girls like me. "Don't be nervous on my account! Just keep moving."

I nodded and closed my eyes a bit, trying to focus. I took a deep breath, but that brought more of that insane aroma into my nose... I damn-near melted into a puddle. I found it was easier to stick to the beat, though. My conscious mind was shutting down, and I was moving on pure animal instinct. I swayed against him to the rhythm and rested my hands on his big sculpted chest. Everything about that moment felt electric.

He spun me around and I willingly began grinding my ass against him. My eyes opened for a moment and I saw the girls looking at me. Ali had that look of shock only a deer can pull off, eyes almost comically wide. Felicia, on the other hand, was grinning like mad. She high-fived me, and I looked away shamefully. What I was doing was so out of character! What was wrong with me?! But then I looked back and saw him looking down at me with that predatory smirk. I felt so soft and vulnerable... But at the same time something about it felt great. I pressed back against him harder and gave a soft, sheepish smile. After all, we were just dancing right? No harm in that...

At least, that's what I thought until I felt something hard pulsing against my leg. He was getting eager from the feel of my ass?! And just from the pressure of it I could tell it was at the least thicker than Mikey's...

No! Don't think about things like that! I screamed at myself. Bad. Bad bad BAD!

But even as I thought that, I didn't pull away at all. Instead I ground back against him harder. It felt awesome to know a guy like this was diggin' the way I worked my booty. And, once again, I reminded myself we were only dancing.

During the lull between songs, he let me slip away, for which I was both grateful and mildly disappointed. Felicia, blatant and direct as always, walked right up to him and slapped him hard on the back.

"Oooh, you got quite the moves studly!" she said, beaming from ear to ear. "Got my girl here all worked up, bravo." She was sizing him up, canine to canine, and I had the feeling I had just lost his attention for good.

That's no big deal, I encouraged myself. I shouldn't have danced with him like that in the first place! I mean, I'm with Mikey now...

Ali joined Li-Li, and the two engaged him in a little small talk. He laughed when appropriate, kept up a friendly smile, and finally introduced himself.

"I go by Janik, ladies," he said, extending a hand to Felicia first, then Ali, then me. We all gave our names and the next thing I knew, the conversation kept going and the longer he talked... The more Li-Li and Ali gravitated toward him. He was seduction personified, I suppose. That charm, that smirk, those dreadlocks, that scent... I never thought I had an acute sense of smell, but I picked up on every pheromone his lusciously, beautifully cut form threw at me. And even as the semi-professional model Ali and the buxom gorgeous Felicia pitched themselves at him, his attention never left me for long. He gently pulled me into conversation, coercing me to engage him. And suddenly it hit me; I really was the one he wanted! He was targeting me, hunting me, making me his prime prey... And god did it feel amazing. I squeezed my legs together and felt moisture. Was I really falling this hard for him?

Cut it out! I yelled at my body.

Shove him in me NOW! it replied.

Within 30 minutes, his hand rested on my hip and I was leaning into him. I wanted to pour him into a glass and swallow every drop in deep and greedy gulps. Even as I did my best not to flirt with him, I instinctively trembled. He was at least a foot taller than me, and canine males always made me uneasy. But with him that fear mixed with lust, for a feeling akin to molten lava coursing sluggishly through my veins. I was burning up inside... And judging by some of the looks he was giving me he could tell.

After a while we had a few more shots ("a few" in this case meaning "we stopped keeping count"), then went out and danced a bit more. Li-Li and Ali both made their moves for him, but I was there first and having none of that. I'd never been one to like letting things go, and even though he was in no way mine my liquored-up mind staked its claim on him, and I all-but literally called "dibs!" on his cock. As we ground against each other on the floor we talked a bit. It was loud so we had to lean in close to hear each other. Of course, that only made things worse... The feel of his warm breath on my fur and skin, oh gooooood I was a mess. The words "boyfriend" never escaped my lips, not even as he slid his hand up my skirt and started squeezing my ass. I couldn't resist him and his touch only stoked the flame of need I had blazing inside my body. If something didn't happen soon, I was gonna rip his bloodstained pants off and fuck him right there!

A change in song tempo snapped me back to reality a bit, and I mustered up some free will from somewhere. It wasn't much, but it was enough to get me to peel myself off him for a moment. I backed up a bit, panting, but I had no intentions of leaving him. I guess he knew it, cause after I broke away he took my hand and lead me upstairs, motioning for the girls to follow.

And that, dear reader, is how I was first introduced to the Attic.

The Attic was the upper level of the Mud Pit, a second floor that had been converted into a lounge when the house it used to be was converted into a club. There were hookas aplenty, and blunts and bongs were blazing bright as day. I even saw a table with white powder diced up into lines! This was out of my league... But Jan was holding my hand, so I felt like I could do anything and be perfectly safe. The girls were right at home; Felicia loved weed and Ali (though she never touched any drugs before her first model gig) loved coke. They flocked to get high, leaving me alone with a beast whose eyes said he was seeking whom he might devour.

"I want you..." he whispered out to me, nibbling my long ears before and after the sentence. I shivered and leaned into him as he nipped and nuzzled and licked that sensitive flesh; I'm a bunny after all, meaning my ears are almost as sensitive as my nipples. And since he seemed to know that, I melted as he worked me. I knew it was bad. I knew I would regret it. But none of that crossed my mind when Janik ran his tongue across my right ear and then nibbled the tip.

"Take me," I encouraged. Then, after a second my manners kicked in (still FAR ahead of my morals.). "please...."

Even as the words were forming on my lips, I felt wretched. I'd always thought there was nothing more disgusting than a cheater, and drunk or not I was about to violate everything I'd ever stood for. Through the river of tequila my brain was drowning in, I felt a part of myself fight towards the surface. This was wrong and I knew that no matter how badly I wanted him at that moment, I would regret what wad about to happen for the rest of my life. I struggles with this as he lead me down the hall from the main lounge area, away from Li-Li and Ali and towards what I just assumed were the bedrooms. Sure enough he brought me into one, and as the door closed behind us the meek goody two-shoes in me won out at last. I turned to face him, hands clutched over my heart as it rattled away in my chest.

"Uhm... Look, Janik," I slurred out, tipping back away from him on unsteady feet. "I... I know what vibe I must have been putting off... And what I said earlier... But..."

His lips stopped mine from moving in one swift and powerful kiss. He either didn't hear what I was attempting to say or didn't care to let me finish. Either way, I felt my mind begin to spin and my heart breaking into bits. My half-assed stab at stopping what I had started came a half-step too late. He slipped his long, broad tongue into my mouth and pressed my body against his... And there was no further resisting. I just drank in the warmth of him, his unique feel and taste. This was the way a predator felt; so different from Mikey in every way. Where Mikey was soft and barely at all assertive sexually, this large onyx beast who held me was both toned and forceful. He moved me as he saw fit; lifting me up and cradling me in his arms, biting down on my neck and shoulder possessively, ripping my halter off and tossing me on the bed...it was just as enthralling as it was terrifying, just like everything else about him. I lay on my back frozen, unable to do anything but instinctively tremble. He stood between me and the primary light source in the room at that moment; all I could see was the large shadow of an alpha hunter, and his piercing, ravenous eyes as they raked over my exposed form. Any words of objection receded from my tongue and died in my mind. All I could really think of was a growing terror/desire combo at being completely at his mercy.

I really had no clue what to expect as Jan closed in on me, but my imagination ran wild to the point my inebriated conscious could barely keep up. As he crept towards me more I instinctively retreated, backpedaling until my back hit the headboard. Before i could form words to question his motives his hands gripped my ankles and yanked me into position before his head dipped between my thighs. My thong provided for very little coverage, and even still his tongue was so... Skilled. Mikey would lick me from time to time, but it was never like what the jackal's tongue technique could do to me. The way he rolled it and swirled it, alternating between a teasing feathering touch and mind-melting full-out assaults... Good god I was unprepared, helpless even. As I began to whine and moan, chest heaving as I relaxed my legs to give him free reign, I watched him pause to look up at me with a tell-tale smirk.

"Well, looks like someone's starting to relax..." he murred out, taking one hand off my ankle and slowly gliding it across my soaking slit. "I guess you've already started to forget about your boyfriend, huh?"

As I went into a mild state of shock and attempted to figure out how he knew I was in a relationship, he went to work moving my mind away from my bunny beau yet again. He attacked my clit with that tongue of his again, this time combining that assault with his fingers pressing my g-spot at random intervals. In seconds I was drooling from both my upper AND lower lips, my mind slowly being reduced to lust-fueled mush. It wasn't long before I felt like I was inching toward orgasm, a shock in and of itself since it has been so long since a guy had actually brought me toward cumming on purpose. Mikey got me off from time to time, but it was often sporadic and a matter of luck. God he knew exactly what he was doing-

And then, abruptly, he just stopped. I was seconds from the mountain top, and he just... Cut me off, just like that! I squirmed and whined, hand heading straight for my snatch a second later to get some relief. But he caught me by the wrist the second I made the attempt to finish myself off, spinning me around and pinning my arms behind my back.

"No, no, nooooo, lil' bunny..." he growled out teasingly, pressing his hips against my perky round ass tauntingly. "You cum only when I allow you to, got it?" The big canine pinning me laughed derisively, and suddenly I felt something cold and metallic clamping down on my wrists. He handcuffed me!!

"Wh-what... What the hell?!" I blurted out, head snapping back as far as it could to lock eyes with him. "What're you doing to me?! Who said you could-?!"

"You did, of course..." he said calmly, reaching forward and patting her cheek. "You came to me, gave in to me, knowing you were already in a committed relationship." Before I could object he slapped my ass, groping it roughly with one of his large black hands. "Ergo, you wanted me badly enough to defy your moral code. So a few steps out of your comfort zone should be no big deal."

I started to object again, but he walked away from me and went to digging in a box. I tried to scoot away, towards the edge of the bed, to get my feet on the ground and try to run. But he was a half-step ahead of me; the next thing I knew he had a grip on my left ankle, snatching me back before clamping something down on it. I tried to kick around with my free leg but he caught it easily, fastening something there too. I tried to move my legs once he let them go, only to discover I couldn't move one without the other, nor could I close my legs at all. What the fuck was going on?! I was still a bit too drunk to think clearly, but after some struggling the words 'spreader bar' appeared in my mind. So he was into bondage... Great.

"L-l-look, Janik..." I stammered out, my tiny tail twitching fearfully, "I can understand you're into c-c-certain... Ki... Kinkier things. But this isn't my speed, so-"

"So speed up," he said curtly, folding his arms across that toned and chiseled chest of his. "But if you have trouble with that, don't worry." He flipped me over onto my belly, caressing my rump and sliding slowly up my back. I shivered as I felt his extended claws stroke through my fur, lightly scratching me. So much fear coursed through me... But abruptly, I found myself asking if I was feeling true fear... Or anticipation.

Even as my conscious mind balked at what he was doing to me and I silently trembled wondering what he had planned next... There were still those instinctive messages. The way he felt and smelled was very effective in terms of making me compliant... Making me want him... Making me okay with him doing as he pleased with a body that rightfully belonged to my boyfriend. As he dipped two fingers into my pussy and fingered me tauntingly slowly, I struggled still with the conflict between my conscience and my body. I felt so wrong and guilty... I was the worst type of girl, an unfaithful bitch. But despite that... Or maybe partially because of that... His touched excited me in a way that couldn't even be compared to Mikey and his over-eager, rushed attempts at foreplay. Janik was deliberate, slow, and methodical... He was playing my body like a finely-tuned guitar. I gave up on resisting and simply squeaked and moaned distinctly from time to time. My objections were fading, and fast. After all, I'd already fallen thus far; might as well continue the ride for now and worry about repenting another time.

Once I edged close to climax again he stopped once more. This was starting to drive me up a wall! I bit my bottom lip and made the closest noise a bunny can make to a growl, but then he began fondling my ears. God, he was good. Too good... He knew every weak spot on my body like I'd given him a map.

"Wow... Looks like someone's gotten good and ready..." he murred out, sliding his fingers against my lips. I couldn't see them but I knew they had to be glistening with nectar at that point. I was ready for anything he did, so long as he finally let me cum. I watched his head dip down between my forcefully spread legs and within seconds that warm, wet appendage of his was running over my slit again. He agonized me; avoiding my clit on purpose, licking below it, above it, everywhere else. Eventually I couldn't take it anymore and made a soft, timid squeak before managing words.

"Nnnngh.... Janik... Please. Your tongue... Higher..."

"What do you mean?" he asked, pulling away from my throbbing and needy sex and looking up at me with those mind-melting amber eyes and that devious predator's smirk. "You're a big girl, right? Go on and use your words." He slipped those two wonderful fingers back into me and pressed them against my g-spot once more until I bucked my hips, then yanked that pleasure away from me yet again. I realized he wouldn't let me go until I was more specific.

"M... M-m-my clit..." I whispered, panting heavily. "Lick it... Lick my clit... Please let me cum..." I got louder as I spoke, partially because he kept taunting my slit as I said the right words. "Please, I can't take it anymore!"

The big black canine chuckled a bit, then pressed back into my cunny, for which I was instantly grateful. But then before giving my nub the measure it so desperately needed, he licked his lips and growled.

"I'll lick you, alright..." he began, his long tail swaying. "You earned that much. But you're not allowed to cum until my cock is inside you." I started to complain, to beg for mercy... But then his lips locked around my clitoris at last and I felt a much-needed lash of that skilled canine tongue across it soothing my blazing need for the moment.

"Aiee!" I yelped, hips raising desperately to press against his mouth more. "Yes! Th-thank yo- Aaah! Oh god yes! Oh fuck, oh fuck..." I knew what game he was playing now, so I tried to keep from letting him know when I was near the pinnacle.

But of course, he knew. And as promised, he stopped.

"Nngh!" I groaned, body jerking and sqirming desperately. I needed him to finish me off... His cock, his fingers a toy, a toe is that was what this kinky bastard wanted. "Please, no no no no... Let me cum, just once..."

And then, I made what might have been the biggest mistake of my night. But before I could stop it, my mouth blurted out the following words-

" I'll do anything you say!"

"Good girl," he said in a derisive manner, petting me like a feral dog. "And a good girl gets a treat! But first, you have to do one more thing." He pulled is cock out of his pants, and I was instantly hit with anticipatory hunger. I could smell the rich masculine musk immediately, and it made me groan and shiver. Looking at that big black canine cock was something I wasn't prepared for; it was so massive, both in length and girth. I had never seen one that size before! It scared and aroused me all at once; I could tell that was going to be a repeating pattern with him. I tried to relax, knowing if I tensed up too much it would only hurt me. But instead of the direct stuffing I had grown to expect and accept from Mikey, he taunted me by rubbing the tip against my pussy lips and bumping it against my clit. How much crazier did he plan to drive me?!

"Mmmph... Aaah..." I moaned out, trying to thrust against him to force him in. "No more... Please, Jan, I can't wait anymore..! Hhhf... Please, just..."

"Not yet," he said, that devious smile persisting. "I'll give you what you want if you say you're a cheating whore, and you need my cock."

I stared up at him, eyes wide. I can't say that! I thought. But then it sunk in that it was true, every word of it. I was cheating. And if I didn't get some form of relief soon I was gonna go insane. So I closed my eyes, took a deep breath, and parroted his words back to him meekly.

"I'm..." I muttered, looking away from him and biting my lip before continuing. He grabbed my chin and moved my head, forcing me to look up into those mesmerizing golden eyes of his.

"Look at me," he ordered, his face getting stern, "and say it louder."

I felt my heartbeat reach an alarming pace. Was I really gonna do this? This was wrong! How could I possibly follow through with this? I realized, even in my drunken haze, that he had just given me a choice. He wouldn't shove that monstrous prick in me if I just avoided saying those words. There was still time. I could still back out.

But I wanted him. I needed him. This powerless feeling, coupled with his raw feel and aroma of power... It beckoned to me. It drew the primal instinct to mate out of my timid mind. And being drunk helped. And with no further hesitation, I spoke up with a quivering lip;

"I'm... A cheating whore." I paused, taking another deep breath before continuing. "And... I really... Really... Need your di-... Dick."

The next thing I knew, I was pierced by his spear. That first thrust, even though it was slow... the feeling of it was just-! Words cannot express it. My body was set on fire, and at the same time electricity shot through my entire frame, rippling through from my pussy straight to my brain. I know it may seem like I'm exaggerating, but after being teased to the limit so many times... Combined with the insane level of attraction... Combined with the sheer wrongness of knowing I was cheating... It all blended in with the amazing sensation of being stuffed full to the brim by the largest cock I'd ever experienced. My mind melted. My body convulsed. My pussy milked him in welcome, even though I was most likely already tight for him based on my limited experience. For the first time, I felt a dick push all the way to my cervix... And I was in heaven. As he pushed in, my arousal skyrocketed simply from the anticipation. And when he hit home inside me, my eyes rolled back, my entire body convulsed... And I came. The orgasm I got the second he reached my deepest spot was like nothing I ever felt before. Reality faded out and I floated away into a soft cloud of bliss. This was paradise.

And then, reality returned as he began to work his way in and out of me at an agonizingly slow pace.

"Hyyyaaaa... W-w-waiiit..." i slurred out, finding it hard to form words. "I... Oh god... I just... Mmmh... I just caaaaaaaymeeee!"

"Good," he gowled out, his sharp teeth flashing at me in a predatory snarl of lust and pleasure. "Then just keep cumming, you filthy bitch. 'Cause now that I've got this tight lil' pussy wrapped around my dick, there's no way in hell I'm stopping."

This was something else new, to be sure. By the time I came (if I came at all) with Mikey, he was spent and needed a nap. But Jan had worked me up and trained my body perfectly to be desperate for more... And in no time at all I was bucking back against him as much as my chained state would allow. Continued stimulation during an orgasm... It was too much to take! My body was over-sensitive, to the point it hurt in a way. But at the same time, there was this undeniable pleasure... I was a mess in moments. My eyes rolled back in my head as my jaw went slack, barely able to process what was happening to me as his relentless thrusts kept going. He started off slow at first, I guess to get me primed and allow me to adjust so I could take his massive length... But oh, god the way it was pushing in and sliding out-! By the time he started to speed up, I had enough time to calm down some and let the pain fade. But by then I was in trouble and I knew it. My pussy had memorized the shape of his dick, from the path of each throbbing vein along the length to the shape of his head as it kissed my womb over and over again.

Was this what real sex felt like? My instinctive self said the answer was a resounding YES! And who am I to argue with nature?

"Ooooh, god..." I whimpered out, unable to do much by lie back and take it as he started hammering me faster and harder. "Fuck Janik this... I've never- Eeeyaaah! Oh good god I've.. Nnngh... Never felt this way in my life! Oh fuck, don't stop, please don't.... Mmmhmmm, right there that's it. I... Eeeeee! Shit, I'm cumming again! I can't fucking believe this!!!"

"You seem surprised..." he said jokingly, slowing down his motions much to my dismay. "It's like you've never been fucked like this. What, does that boy of yours never get you off until you cream this way?"

"D-d-don't make me answer that!" I blurted out, closing my eyes tightly and facing away. "That's... Nnngh... That's not fair to him, it just-!"

"Oh, it isn't?" he asked, coming to a stop abruptly. "Well, I certainly want to do anything unfair." He pulled out of me abruptly, leaving me with a distinct, cold, and empty feeling that made me thrash at my restraints. I looked up at him questioningly, trying to make sense of that absolute loss of the warm richness that was his cock. "After all, if he can satisfy you I can just send you back to him." He sat back, arms folded across that toned chest as he looked at me like a toy... Just something to use for his personal amusement. I'd never felt so small and insignificant... And the fact he was right as rain where sex with Mikey was concerned was no consolation. He was in full control, held all the cards... And I needed him after that simple taste. He hooked me, and he knew it... So with a soft whimper, I gave in. Anything I had to do to get more of that insane pleasure... I was willing to give him every part of me.

"You..." I groaned out, trying to wiggle towards him, "you're better than him by miles. The... The difference between your technique and his... Mmmph, not to mention that cock... There's no contest. He could never... Nngh... satisfy me like you do." I licked my lips, trying to raise myself up and do anything I could to make myself look appealing. "So... Please. I need more."

"Poor lil' bunny-bitch..." he murred out, stroking my tender ears as I squirmed and cooed desperately. "I feel bad for you, never getting properly fucked. Don't worry, though..." he grabbed my hips, rolling me over onto my stomach and pulling me up onto my knees with my ass in the air. "I'm gonna give you a plowing you'll never forget."

I was shameless by that point. I wiggled my ass as enticingly as I possibly could, pushing myself back in hopes he'd give me what I so desperately craved sooner rather than later. And just as I began to feel myself at the verge of tears from his absence... There he was, rich and warm and pulsing inside me as he hit my deepest spot with that canid tip of his.

"Kyaaaaaaa!" I squealed out, bucking frantically as I felt him enter me. Sweet Jesus, that black doggy-dick felt so good! "hhhhff! Oooooh, FUCK! Ooo yeah, right there, riiiiight there... Mmmph, Jan!"

he began thrusting back against my frenzied bounces, to the point I couldn't do anything more than squeak, equal, and coo in appreciation. My second orgasm came with as much force as the first, maybe more because I was fully aware it only happened because he allowed it. It was like a reward... Even if it was a reward for verbally betraying my boyfriend. At this point it didn't fucking matter; as long as he kept that raw onyx pole inside me I was willing to say or do whatever he wanted!

He treated me however he wanted, and I voiced nary an objection. On the contrary, it only turned me on more; I moaned as she slapped my ass, thanked him as he pulled my hair, agreed with him as he called me all kinds of bitch and slut. I felt so worthless and dirty... But it was incredible how wet it got me and how much it turned me on.

"You're a filthy cheating bitch, aren't you?" he asked, slapping my ass again.

"Yeeeeaaaas!" I screamed back, wishing I could rub my clit to get to my next climax even faster. It was all so fucking much... My brain and body were just his for tonight. "I'm a filthy slut who can't resist you because your cock is so much better than my boyfriend's! Oooooh, shiiiiit... Your doggy dick is the best thing I've ever felt! Mmmngh, so please... K-k-keep... Keep fucking me!"

I was lost in the throes of pleasure by the time I felt something start to change. The base of his cock was getting wider... Pressing me open even more each time it pushed in. I was in shock at first, but then somewhere in the lust/booze cloud I remembered I was dealing with a canine. He had a knot, of course... And it was forming now, meaning he was close to cumming. He was fucking me without protection, so part of me wanted to scream for him to pull it out before he exploded. But oooooooh, fuck... That knot was something else. The way it mashed my clit and then my g-spot each time he shoved it in... Combined with the fact his thrusts were reaching rabid speeds only a canid on the brink of orgasm can reach... My body went into seizure-like convulsions, a wave crashing through my mind like an orgasm I saw no end to. There was no way I could stop him now; there was no desire to even attempt it. I simply whimpered and yowled desperately, wishing this moment would never end.

"Mmmmrrrrph.... Sounds like someone's willing.... Rrrrrgh... To take whatever I give her." he slapped my ass once more, harder this time, making me yelp as my tiny tail twitched sporadically. "How's about it then? You gonna let me cum in you?"

I could have balked; I should have balked. But my body was on fire, and his touch was the only relief I could get. And before I could reply, he grabbed my ears and pulled.

It was over. I was his to command.

"Iyaaaaaaa!" I blurted out. "Yes, yes! I don't even let my boyfriend do that, but... Ooogh! Fuck, since it's you, you can do anything you want. Gimme that big knot, please.... Aaaaah... Fuckin' cum inside me!!!"

Remember how I said I'd never been with a canine before? Well, there are multiple things about that experience I wasn't at all prepared for. But to top 'em all off was that knot. When it got locked inside my body and inflated to full size neither my mind or body had any idea how to react to it. The world went white, and I had no idea where pleasure started and pain began. I was dizzy and enraptured... And then my moment was blasted through by the unfamiliar feeling of semen pouring directly into my womb. It was a bizarre sensation that I could never put to words... Other than amazing. As I felt it pooling in my most sacred zone, I went as limp as I physically could given my restraints. I felt so... Claimed. I was covered in scratches and bite marks from him... Then there were prints of his hands on either side off my ass... And now even my insides were marked as jackal territory. I should have been more upset by that realization... More than a little disgusted with myself. But after being fucked to mental oblivion like that, then being knotted and creampied for the first time? I was too fulfilled, too draped in blissful afterglow, to give a damn about anything besides the glorious beast whose cock still twitched inside me as his cum kept flowing into my well-abused snatch. Tomorrow... I would worry about all of the rest tomorrow. In the meantime I was drunk, he was hot, and I had just had the most life-altering fuck I could've even dreamed of. Everything was great in my world.

By the time he moved enough to unlock my cuffs and the spreader-bar, I was barely even conscious. I only got brief flashes of awareness when he flopped over on his side and pulled me with him. It was weird, how we were essentially snuggling now. And I found myself wondering; was he simply doing that because of the fact we were stuck together..? Or was there something soft under that toned exterior? Either way, his arm wrapped around me and I nuzzled into it, sniffing deeply at him and letting that rich and potent musk of his carry me off to dreamland.

Of course, I woke up the next morning sore, hung-over, and horrified. I didn't want to think, at all, about what I had just done and allowed to be done to me. I simply moved as quietly as possible, trying not to wake up Jan, and sifted through the room for my pocketbook and some clothes. Surprisingly, it was hard to find any shirts... After a while I gave up and borrowed a jacket, a belt, and a pair of his jeans before bolting out of the room, and out of the now-empty bar, as fast as I could. I had to get a ride, get some Plan B, go home and shower...

And at some point, I had to explain to Mikey why I didn't come over to see him last night.

This was beginning to feel like it was gonna be the most costly night of drinking I'd ever had. But still, as I looked back on it... I pressed my nose into the big jackal's hoodie. It still smelled like him so powerfully... And then I thought about being in his arms after the sex. It had all felt so right... Leaving me more confused than ever. Trying to take my mind off it all, I went for my phone, and sure enough there were missed calls from Felicia and Ali last night. I called the wolfie first; she lived closer. I was hoping for some concern, some sort of empathy. But when she picked up the phone, the first thing I hears was-

"'Sup, skankalitious. How's it feel to get your first taste of dog dick huh? Bet it was better than that lil prick Mikey has."

Then the words I'd blurted out so proudly last night ran back to me. I leaned over the porch railing, puked in the bushes, and wiped my mouth on the hoodie sleeve.

"Fuck you, Li-Li..." I groaned, coughing a little. "Just... Come pick me up. We... Uuugh... Can talk later."

"Alrght, Lucy... Alright." She sighed a bit, and I heard noises that hinted she was just now getting out of the bed. "I'll throw on some clothes and head right over. Stay where you are."

I hung up and sat on the porch, head in my hands; I couldn't tell which hurt worse, the hangover or the feeling of having betrayed my morals and my boyfriend in the same damn night. My whole body was throbbing, and I was pretty sure I could feel the earth moving under my feet. But at the same time...

I buried my face in the jacket again partially to cover my eyes from the sunlight and partially to get immersed in that rich scent of the big black monster who had defiled me so thoroughly.

Maybe it wasn't all bad after all. And it would only make sense to make sure I got his number; I had to return his clothes after all.

Just as i thought that, I felt my cell buzzing. And once I looked down at it, I was shocked at what I saw. The text I just received was from Jan. Or at least, that's who it said it was from. The exact words were as follows:

"Yo. Its your new favorite jackal =P Got your number while you were passed out, figured you would need mine since you swiped my gear. Hit me up when you're ready to get it back to me. Peace."

Oh lord... I was fucked now. Oh well... Only one call left to make. I closed out of the text and pushed some buttons, then waited on the ring.

"Hey... Mikey?"