For The Love of a Hybrid: Prologue

Story by CallMeJj on SoFurry

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#1 of For The Love of a Hybrid

Hey everybody! Why yes I am alive! And should stay that way unless Calculus and American History kill me! (Possibility) But I have a brand new series! This series has been inspired and is a gift for two good friends of mine, HolidayPup and his mate speedingz Their characters are the main characters of this story and there will be Yiff in this series so beware! Anyways, this is the prologue for the series For The Love of a Hybrid and I hope you enjoy! Be on the lookout for part 1 coming soon!

For The Love of a Hybrid


Bandit lay, bored out of his mind on the couch as he watched his owners leave... again. The rusty red canine rolled his eyes and yawned, he didn't like the life of a pet. Don't get him wrong, of course he was cared for, but there just was nothing to do in the house. Any time he tried something fun, it ended with him getting scolded at. He was sick and tired of this lifestyle and he craved more.

A big part of the reason came from his heritage. An experimental pet in the U.S. had exploded in popularity. Dingos had been brought over from Africa and been crossbred with a couple of breeds until they found a perfect match with a Swiss Shepard. The resulting dog had been very popular, what with its fine appearance and friendly disposition. However, the main thing that attracted so many to this hybrid was the exotic side that having a half dingo pet brought.

To Bandit however, being cooped up in a house was a major drag, not to mention with his owners paying so little attention to him, he doubted they would really miss him if something happened. He rose up off the couch and hopped down to the hardwood floor with a few clicks his claws made as he landed. He leaned forward and stretched out a nice and long stretch with a few pops of his joints falling into non-lazy place.

He moved over and hopped up to a chair and looked outside to the street. All he could see were buildings and cars, being in downtown Provo, a pretty nice sized town in Northeastern Utah. He was sick of the city, the streets... he wanted more. He wanted to be free, to discover a lot more in life rather than sitting at home in an empty house.

He was fed up with this, and it was time for a change and the first thing to go was the tight black collar hugging his neck. He needed a way to get it off and breathe again. He hopped off the chair and stuck his head beneath it until he felt the back of his collar rub up on the bottom of it. He began to move his neck back and forth, luckily the chair had a wood staple, used to keep the upholstery in place, that was sticking out. The staple caught onto the belt latch and it came free from the collar. The metal clinked onto the floor below him. He sniffed it a couple times never having really seen it and stepped back, shaking off his coat, felling much more free now.

"Much better!" he exclaimed with a wag of his tail and looked around again. Now he needed a way out, he knew his owners didn't care enough about him to build any doggy door or anything.

Surely there was some way to get... there! He looked up to the large window that was there to be able to access the fire escape of the apartment. Luckily he only lived in the second floor of the six story building. It was left cracked by his owners to let in some fall air to their flower pots sitting on the window sill. That was his ticket out and he knew it. Was he sure he wanted to do this?

He took another look around the dark and gloomy house, and his free spirit nearly slapped him across his own figurative face. His owners hardly spend any time with him and thought of him to be a chore more than a companion. This would be better for both parties!

He hopped up onto the window ledge, stepping over the flowers and stuck his nose into the crack of the window. The cool, fresh air felt good to his muzzle as he began to push the window open. Slowly he was able to fit his head, then his shoulders, and finally his hips out of the window. With a wiggle or two of his front half on the cold metal fire escape, his entire body popped free. He looked back to the window and grabbed a flower pot in his teeth and moved it into the small amount of sun peeking through the metal stairs leading from the floors above.

He nodded, happy with his handy work and looked down to the alley the stairs lead to. Freedom lay below, as well as a few trash cans and litter in the dark recesses of the alley. He climbed down the stairs, taking his time to navigate the cold steel until he landed onto the sidewalk below.

He stuck his snout out from around the building and looked down both sides of the street, surely he could walk down the sidewalk with no issues, right? So he strode down the sidewalk for a few blocks, enjoying the sights of the city and all of the interesting sights in the windows and shops. He was also greeted with multiple smells of restaurants kicking into high gear for the lunch rushes. He watched cars go by and was at a loss for words with all of the new and interesting things he was discovering.

A local dog catcher, eating a hot dog in his car for lunch saw Bandit, and with no collar the dog was fair pickins'. He got more money the more strays he brought in from the city and he was ready to pocket the dough from this adventure seeking canine. He hopped out of his truck, with a catcher's pole and made his way down the street he saw Bandit disappear to.

Bandit, after a few more blocks, seemed to feel a pair of eyes on his backside, it was a fine backside, but still he didn't want anyone looking at it. He looked over his shoulder and saw a man coming at him with a pole of some sorts that looked like it had a hangman's noose on the end. He didn't know who he was, but he wasn't going to chance it, he took off.

Bandit pumped his legs furiously, dodging parking meters and people walking down the sidewalk who gave him a rude comment as he passed. An even ruder comment passed their lips especially as they were pushed out of the way by the pursuing dog catcher. Bandit wove through legs and around cars when he passed the street, hitting a lucky street with only a few intersections not having a red light as he went through the street.

The dog catcher was trying to keep up with Bandit's speed, running behind him for about a hundred yards before his lack of exercise caught up to him. He began to pant and eventually tripped, landing on the asphalt with his pant leg falling into a spilled Pepsi. He cursed his luck and the dog who's butt he could see disappear around the corner of a building.

Bandit was breathing hard and his eyes were wide, as he entered the damp, dark alley. He looked back around the corner and saw the man picking himself up with an angry look to his face as he was helped up by nearby citizens walking to and from lunch. Bandit went deeper into the dark alley and slid under the hole of a nearby fence.

"That was way too close..." he mumbled to himself as he looked around, in front of him a massive train-yard.

He made his way into it curiously, hopping over the tracks and looking both ways in case one of the massive metal monsters started up. He thought surely if he made his way through these giant rows of trains and cars that it would lead out of the city, not seeing any buildings beyond it.

It was starting to get dark and kind of cold by the time he had navigated his way through the maze of old train cars and trains. He could see a large field leading into beautiful woods with a fence blocking his way. By the large loading building, he could see a place in the fence he could get through. However, would going out there this time of night really be a smart idea? Woods he knew nothing about full of weird and possibly dangerous creatures. He thought how poorly his freedom experience had gone so far with the dog catcher and nearly getting lost in the huge train-yard.

He looked over and saw a nice boxcar over on the rails that looked quite old and rusty with a bit of graffiti on the side. It didn't look like it had been used in years and he made his way over to it and peeked his head in the open door. He looked down the tracks both ways and only saw old cars, surely this line hadn't be used for years, they looked like they were barely holding together! He hopped into the car and found a nice, soft cloth discarded from covering an open crate long ago.

Curling up onto it, he yawned and smiled to himself. Nothing was stopping him now, he was going to satisfy his craving for the wild and adventure! But, after a nice sleep, he was exhausted after today and quickly fell asleep dreaming about the opportunities that awaited him.

Sometime later that night, the car that Bandit was indeed hooked up to a trans-continental train headed north. The car did look quite bad from the years of weather but was still in quite stable working condition. The train began moving and was soon headed down the rails at full speed, with a certain hybrid sleeping soundly in one of its cars. Bandit was sure in for an adventure all right, what he didn't know though, was that it would change his life forever.

(Bandit is Copyright of HolidayPup)