A new school year CH 2.

Story by Madarao12 on SoFurry

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Sorry I've been really busy I've been inspired by many things lately so I shall update a lot more ^^

As we walked I had a slight skip in my step. I was really excited Katsu already seemed like an amazing friend we had a lot of the same interests, he was really nice and actually listened to me. We started to walk to my house walking down the streets I looked around. It was early autumn the trees began to loose their leaves adding a decorative blanket to the ground. I always appreciated nature for a long time I spent all my time in the forest. But while looking at the leaves my mind began to think towards the inevitable. Sooner or later he would change just like every new kid did, someday he'd be talking about the popular girls and rappers not anime or video game music. I must've looked really dazed because Katsu was waving his paw infront of my face.

"Hey you alright?" He asked.

I sighed and looked down.

"Just.....Just promise me something ok?"


"Don't change, don't ever change into one of the 'popular' boys" I said.

"I won't"

I looked up to see he was grinning at me his golden eyes had a happy glow.

"You really think I would be into any of that rapper crap?" He asked.

"No not really" I smiled and we continued walking.

Soon we reached my house. The backyard was covered in leaves 'soon I'll have to rake' I thought.

My house was painted a light green with a oak door. I unlocked the door and opened the door the familiar scent of home comforting me. We stepped in hanging out book bags on the wooden hooks by the door.

The living room was the coziest room of my house the entire first floor had cherry hard wood floors and the living room was painted a dark cinnamon color. There was two couches both pleather that were against the wall near to the door. Facing the couches was a huge entertainment stand with a forty-seven inch HDTV. I plopped onto the couch nearest to the door and looked down at the glad coffee table seeing a note placed on it.

My mother's handwriting was on it. It said

"Yuuki I'll be working late tonight and so will your father so you'll have to make dinner for yourself there's hamburg already pulled out and there's spaghetti sauce in the cupboard to make spaghetti"

I smiled and set the note down.

"Well parents won't be home until late so I gotta make dinner sometime" I said

Katsu had sat on the couch and looked over

"Alright what're you gonna make?"

"Spaghetti" I said. "Almost anytime I make dinner it's spaghetti my parents guess I can't go wrong with spaghetti"

"Nice so do you have any brothers or sisters?" Katsu asked

I shook my head.

"Nope. Just me and my parents, why do you have any?"

Katsu nodded. "Yup an older brother that's about it but lots of cousins"

"Do they visit a lot?"

I felt like I was asking too many questions but Katsu didn't seem to mind.

"Yup" he answered "A lot more than I'd like them too"

We talked for a bit before I evenTually invited him up to my room. We walked up the carpeted stairs and I opened my door.

My room was a decent sized room it's walls plain white but with posters plastered everywhere. My bed faced the window pressed against the wall, a TV stand stood against the wall facing my bed and beside it in the corner was a laptop. By the door was a bookcase filled with video games mostly for the PS2. Some PS3 games accompanied the PS2 games as well. An iPod charger layed empty on my bed.

"Nice room" Katsu commented as he began to look around at the games. I smiled a bit feeling a sense of belonging with him around even if I had just met him. After a bit of looking around he found a few "Call of Duty" games, surprisingly he moved on.

"Oh here lemme show you this game" I said as I switched on my laptop. After it booted up I plugged a flash drive into it, Katsu had taken a seat next to me. I opened a folder labeled "TH 10 MoF"

"What's this?" Katsu asked as he watched me navigate through the file directory.

"A really awesome anime game here watch" I said as the game launched a picture of the main character Reimu Hakurei in front of a gate appeared. She was a fairly young girl human with long black hair and wore a red outfit. Many people I saw on YouTube choose her mostly for her incredibly small hitbox and homing shot type.

I picked "Normal" Mode and chose my favourite character Marisa Kirisame. Marisa had long blonde hair that flowed down her back she wore a witch hat and a very proper outfit which addressed her power. Definitely not her personality at all, unlike Reimu she is fierce and hot headed but always humorous and has good intentions. Her strengths are her fast speed and high attack power.

Katsu at this point was very interested as the game started and ZUN's signature background music started enemies appeared which I shot and collected the power drops they left. Upon further progressing I gained the Laser shots all four which brought me to full power. Just in time as the boss appeared. A short rather funny conversation later the boss began to shoot her Danmaku. I, with practiced skill dodged the bullets while keeping a good position to

Damage her in. Katsu watched interested by the flow of bullets and how I was dodging them and the music playing. Finally after the third spell card the boss was defeated.

"Nice game huh?" I asked grinning

"Yeah how do you do that?" He asked

"A lot of practice here lets get the PS3 powered up"

For a while we played a Blazblue game and took turns on Bleach: Soul Ressureccion. I made dinner and as we ate we chatted about the animes we finished, some we heard were good, and I explained Touhou. It must have been late because I soon heard a loud car horn and Katsu shot up.

"Craaap sorry I gotta go see you in school!" Katsu yelled as he ran out the door.

I smiled and waved as he ran out. A warm feeling settled in my stomach and refused to leave, I didn't mind it though. I had been sort of down since last year when Luther began ditching me. Now I had a friend I knew wouldn't ditch me. A friend who I could talk to on a personal interest level and actually get good feedback. A friend who understood. It was late about 10:30 PM, so I went toy room and plopped on my bed. Usually I'd turn my TV on but I didn't feel the need to. I sighed a bit feeling the warm feeling had spread to my chest making me feel excited.

I knew what this was as soon as it hit. It was the begging of a strong bond, one I shared with Luther before. I found a true best friend now, I fell asleep with a smiled on my face, snuggled under the blankets, I only felt happiness as I drifted off to slumber.