Jason & the Bull

Story by Zwoosh on SoFurry

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#1 of Jason's Stories

Jason is a fox attending Century University, having moved away from home in order to distance himself from his previous life. Now, free to do as he pleases and with wild fantasies and imaginations, he is on a mission to explore, challenge, and test his sexuality to the limit, rejecting the notion of love in favour of lust. These are his stories.

Outside the club it was far colder, but the heavy thump of music from inside was much more dulled, so the alley was quiet and still. Only two furs stood outside the back door that served as an entrance to the club, one smoking a wilting cigarette as the other leant against the rough brick wall, watching away.

The bull took another drag at the cigarette, huffing out a billow of smoke as he tossed the stub aside into the gutter and reaching back for his pack in the back pocket. With a cumbersome paw he fiddled with the small box, his fingers unable to deal with the delicate tabs. The fox with him sighed and offered out his paw. The pack was handed over with a sheepish, although surprisingly leering, grin,

"Thanks," the bull grumbled, "Have one if you want."

The fox shook his head, closing the packet back up with a lone cigarette outside the wrapping.

"No thanks, I don't smoke. Bad for business if I'm gonna start hacking about the place when I'm on duty," The fox replied, leaning back against the wall as the cigarettes were taken by the bull. "Why don't you just switch to cigars? Had a client that smoked them; said it was much better for him." Now came the turn of the bull to shake his lumbering head,

"Too damn expensive... can't afford the stupid things."

The fox shrugged, closing his eyes as he heard the spark of the lighter and then the sharp inhale of his companion. Jason loathed cigarettes in reality. The first client he'd had that smoked had put him off them for good. The sex had been good, but it was something he wasn't about to recount any time soon. He sighed again, stretching his arms and rolling his head, keeping his neck from cramping. The cold didn't just tickle at him; it was practically gnawing at his torso. Perhaps he should have rethought his decision to wear a net top and shorts considering the chill in the air. He shifted his weight from paw to paw as the bull, someone who'd introduced himself as Trey, snorted more smoke into the air through his nostrils, looking almost humorous were it not for the beefed muscles that strained out his polo shirt to near bursting.

Jason stretched his back this time, his body lean from a carefully kept diet and balanced fitness training. His fur, also well kept, was a rich orange with a stomach of white. Only his paws, the tips of his ears and his muzzle had a black colouration, and the last smudges of white as at the end of his tail and across his face. With beady green eyes he would drink in the image of the muscled Trey as he smoked, his horns weighing his head down, a ring piercing through his nose that finished off the quintessential bull stereotype. His snout was relatively short, sporting a fuzzy goatee of black hair that matched the rest of his dark coat. If it weren't for the glow of harsh street lights and smoulder of the cigarette, he would have blended into background seamlessly. Every part of him seemed large, from the torso and heavy arms to the legs that were like trunks ending in glossy hooves. A notable bulge could be seen on Trey's crotch, but Jason made no mention of it. Best to play it safe for now and let the bull become comfortable before either one of them broke the much thicker ice than simply talking.

It was, however, Jason's luck when the bull decided to take the initiative,

"So, you said you lived nearby?" A puff of smoke drifted upwards into the streetlights. Jason grinned, the smell of it fading as arousal began to finally flood his body knowing he could let himself get worked up,

"Yeah... just around the corner. You interested?" With a flick of a paw, the glowing stub was thrown into the gutter, and Trey shoved his paws into his pockets to hide them from the cold,

"Lead the way."

It wasn't that far a walk away, only two blocks down, and the conversation between the two was bland at best. It was merely a few short questions that never led anywhere, and by the time Jason reached his apartment he shared with his roommate he was breathing a heavy sigh of relief that the awkwardness was over. He unlocked the door, pushing it open and standing well out to the side to let the hulking mass of bull through.

Jason barely had a chance the close the door before the bull was on him, snout pressing against his muzzle and forcing him into a kiss as two large paws already groped his ass. The fox closed his eyes, letting the dominant tongue explore his mouth as he suckled obediently like a kit. The sharp tinge of nicotine and a more overpowering taste of sweet bitterness washed over Jason's muzzle, and he was forced to break away once his lungs begged for oxygen. He pulled in a few breaths, panting as his body was pressed against the door by the bigger bull,

"Not here... My room's not far..."

The bull nodded, taking a step back to give Jason some room to move around. With a quick pace, he pulled them both along the hall and up a flight of stairs. Trey ground his hips against Jason's as the poor fox fumbled with his keys, eventually finding the right one before letting them both inside, slamming the door shut behind them.

Lips were locked together again as their tongues danced, Jason quickly losing the net top as the bull let his paws roam and grope the other male's body. Jason groaned, his own paws slipping down Trey's front and nearing his abdomen. He was just about to let me sneak inside and get a feel of the junk that he'd be worshipping for the night, but the was pushed roughly away, the bull waggling his finger and chuckling,

"You don't get it that quickly... The rumours are true then; you really are cock hungry, aren't you?

Jason blushed, fidgeting on the spot. He was lucky tonight; an hour earlier and he was bound to have run into his roommate. But the leopard wasn't around, and so the apartment was quiet apart from the heavy panting of him and the low rumble from deep within the other male's chest. The fox shifted his weight from footpaw to footpaw as he felt hungry eyes look over him,

"Yeah... it's true. Is that a problem?" Trey chuckled, the rumble getting louder,

"No, not at all. You're perfect." A large paw was suddenly wrapped around Jason's waist and he was hoisted over the bull's shoulder as though he weighed nothing more a child.

He was carried into his bedroom, and tossed onto the bed. There was enough light streaming in through the window to see the bull's silhouette in the dark, hidden partially in the shadows as his shoulder heaved up and down. Jason propped himself up on his elbows, as he gazed at Trey, waiting for the next move. His tongue hung out the side of his muzzle, his eyes glazed in lust and half lidded, an almost too good to be true invitation for the bull. A polo shirt was discarded, and then his jeans were dropped to the floor revealing a pair of tight fitting white underwear. Jason could only drool at the sight, an impossibly large bulge nestled within the confines of the fabric. Through the shadows came the gruff, commanding voice of Trey,


Jason shot to it, barely able to contain himself as he all but ripped off the shorts, exposing himself completely now as he hadn't worn anything else. The tip of his cock was peeking out of his sheath, pre already dripping down and matting his fur. If the scene of him lying on a bed, utterly naked and in desperate want wasn't enough to get the bull going, then he was doing something terribly wrong.

But he needn't have worried; Trey didn't wait any longer. He took a swift step forward and closed the gap between him and the bed, the light now cast over the broad chest and defined abs. Trey roughly fondled his own crotch, a damp patch spreading over the bulge as he growled impatiently. He hooked his thumb over the waistband of his briefs, and with a deft flick of his wrist, he had literally torn them off and thrown them at Jason. The wad of material hit him on the nose, and the slow scent of musk and sweat drenched him, radiating from the bull's groin.

The bed creaked as Trey moved forwards again, placing his knees on either side of Jason's torso as he leant forward, finally giving the fox a close up view of his prize for the night as he swatted away the tatters of underwear. When he saw what he was in store for, Jason could only let his jaw drop and his eyes go wide.

Laying there on his chest, completely flaccid, was a long, swollen tube of flesh, complete with a pair of bulging, fat nuts in a loose, hanging sack. Guessing by rough measurement, he'd have said it was around six inches and thick as a beer can. What was even more shocking was that it was soft at the moment. Jason could only wonder with pure lust as to how big it could really get. Trey leered down at the fox trapped beneath him, sitting atop his chest but making sure to avoid crushing him. He could see the wanton desire swimming in his eyes, so when the fox looked up slowly from his cock to him, he grinned even wider. Leaning forwards, the head poked gently at Jason's muzzle before the fox parted his soft lips, inviting the bull into the warmth and wetness.

Trey gasped, grasping onto the headboard as he eased himself forward into that caressing mouth. The fox's tongue slithered across every inch with expert precision, sliding in such a way that had the huge bull panting before he'd even managed to hilt the twink. Blood began to pulse into his length, the arousal too much as his shaft became engorged, filling the fox's muzzle and making the feeling ever tighter. With wide eyes, Jason made no attempt to hold the bull back but simply accepted what dick he was given, relaxing his throat and letting Trey do as he pleased.

Soon, the bull found his fuzzed crotch pressing against the slender fox's soft pink nose, his ample balls resting against his chin. It amazed him at how much Jason could take into his maw, and all that came to mind was what else the fox could take. With a lewd grin, his eyes half-lidded, he pulled back out, feeling his throbbing, thick inches sliding over the fox's hot tongue. Just as the head came to the seal of the lips, he slid back in without a pause or moment's hesitation. Down the throat it went, only to come back up, in and out, slamming into the tight, warm muzzle of the submissive fox. Jason kept up his mouth's ministrations, lapping and drinking up the bitter earthy pre that ran over his tongue. Jason kept his focus solely on that rod of flesh that powered to and fro from his muzzle, the sack that swung low kept slapping against his chin and neck. His senses had long since been clogged with the domination of the bull the moment he'd sat atop his chest; the thick musk, the coarseness of his short fur, the sight of that taut muscle and glistened sweat, the grunts and growls that broke forth from Trey's muzzle. It all sent Jason wild with need and desperate lust. Few guys ever drove him to this, but he was glad he'd found one to fill his hole for the night. Inside his mouth, Jason swore he felt the tell-tale twitches of orgasm, feeling the throbbing quicken of the bull's shaft, the head becoming engorged. Jason let his eyes fall shut, massaging the cock with his tongue as he awaited the rush of cum to gush down his throat. He could almost taste the bounty of bitter, rich cream sliding down in thick gouts, pouring into his stomach.

But it never came. Without warning, Trey pulled out completely on the final stroke, his cock popping free from Jason's mouth with a wet slurp, a glob of saliva resting on the head and a trail of spit connecting Jason's lips to Trey's length. This elicited a snort from the bull as he shuffled back on his haunches, the weight leaving Jason's lithe chest. The fox sucked in a gasp of air, his jaw aching from the fucking it got, and his throat was still loose. He watched with keen eyes as Trey settled back down near the foot of the bed, sat back onto his calves as his two meaty paws picked up Jason's ankles, and without a single word asking for permission, lifted his legs up and back over the fox's head. With a twitching tail, Jason voiced no complaints, grinning to himself as he felt the heavy air brush against his exposed ass. He heard the bull rumble in his barrel of a chest, lowing at the sight of Jason's soft, velvety pucker, a fine scent coming off of it that was intoxicating to the bigger male. Jason yipped quietly when he felt the bull hack up a wad of spit only to spread his orange fuzzed cheeks apart and shoot it straight at his hole. The bull kneaded those two mounds of flesh, rubbing them and massaging them as he watched the slimy drool of spit trickle down Jason's crack before finally moving in. He rubbed his thumb along the taint, soaking it in his spit before using it to press at the fox's tight hole. The younger male was experienced though and, with a persistent pressure from the bull's buff arm, the fat digit slipped inside, enveloped by the soft lips of Jason's ass. A light groan rewarded the bull for his perseverance, and he soon felt the muscles of that tight passage pulling in undulating rhythms inwards, a true sign that this guy was no amateur. Trey growled with delectable lust; he'd caught a fine hole this time. Just as he sunk the thumb all the way to the base of the last knuckle, leaving it to rest for a few moments as he relished in the clenching rings that encased his digit, he began to pull it out again, slowly but steadily, watching as the hole sucked on him, becoming taut and almost wanting him back inside. He pulled the thumb free, marvelling as that pink bud winked at him, open so his damp breath could wash the inside, causing yips and moans to be elicited from the tasty fox.

Jason panted, his thighs aching from holding his legs up for so long, the burn building along his buttocks. Not that he cared much; he was accustomed to it. Instead he focused his thoughts on the dark sensations around his ass, singling out that electrifying feeling of his hole being loosened, pressed full with another, taking more and more until he could feel nothing else but that overwhelming need for something warm and alive to fill him being sated. He moaned in disappointment as that thumb was pulled free from his hole, wanting more, to experience it wiggling against his inner walls. He half expected the bull to give in to his urges and attempt to mount him there and then, forcing himself in and rutting him into the bed. He wouldn't have minded that. Some guys liked it rough, and sometimes so did Jason; it was always a win-win opportunity when he found some leather-clad sex fiend looking for professional ass...

What Jason didn't expect though as for the thumb, the very same thumb fresh from his hole, to be slid into his muzzle. His eyes drew wide; his tongue already gliding against the musk-smelling digit, tasting himself and his juices alongside a tang of the bull's spit. Once he got into the swing of it though, he let his eyes close back again, suckling on the thumb. Trey switched out once he deemed Jason to be done with his opposable digit, placing in his index, middle and ring fingers into the sleek muzzle, speaking once more in that demanding, gruff voice.

"Suck on them kid, get 'em nice and slick, I gotta open you up to take me." With that, Jason trebled his efforts on the half of the paw placed in his mouth, holding back from noting that there was a stock of lube and condoms in his bedside draw... not that he liked to use either. Raw, natural and primal was how Jason liked it. He lusted for bodily fluids, exchanging them between one another, using them in such crude and kinky ways. Over and over those fingers he went with his tongue, letting his drool roll over them, all the while very consciously aware of his partner huffing billows of stale, warm air against his quivering hole, rubbing his other paw ever-so gently over his buttock, cupping it and squeezing, kneading it lightly whilst brushing every once and again near that begging rim. It took all of Jason's willpower not to spit the fingers out of his maw and shriek for the bull to fuck him hard and fast with that mighty prick of his.

Trey took the fingers out, now dripping with fox slobber, not uttering a syllable yet again, favouring only to moo and rumble deeply. The slender male gasped as he felt those wet fingers press against his hole, a renewed tightness found as two fingers, larger in girth than the thumb, beckoned their entrance, squeezing past the relaxing hole and into the hot depths. Jason moaned, far louder than before, his mind zoning in on his behind as he felt the tip of that missing third finger begin to follow the groove of the other two and press down in as well. He threw his head back, puffing out a flash of air. It felt so good, to be stretched, to be moulded to the bull's desire. He felt that third digit edging deeper and deeper in, finally sinking down until all three were sat at the very base near the bull's paw, nestled tightly inside Jason's ass. Then, shuffling up along the bed so that his cock tapped against the small of the fox's back, Trey began to slowly shift his fingers, pumping up and down with them at a gentle pace at first. His free paw kept on stroking over that soft ass, patting it every now and again as the speed quickened. As he did so, he became more forceful, light taps soon turning into spanks that reverberated through the room. Jason all the while groaned, his vulpine cock having peeked out his sheath, then began crawling its way up down his abdomen and onto his stomach, a rather modest albeit impressive seven inches, a thick knot stuck just under the lip of the sheath. He yelped when Trey gave him a decidedly rough slap onto his bared cheeks, the soreness making the feel of having three broad fingers shoved into his ass driving him into a fit of crazed moans and grunts. But the bull still wasn't finished. Licking his parched lips, he slowed his finger fucking down to an immediate stop, causing Jason to buck against his lodged paw as pre dribbled down onto his chest in sticky strands. Jason could only shiver in ecstasy as the bull, leaning over and leering at his bare backside and slickened hole, prised his fingers apart outwards, stretching his hole out further. He kept up the strain, unrelenting as Jason squirmed and writhed beneath him. Trey grinned as he felt the hole trying its hardest to close back up, to become tight once again. But the bull liked to keep his toys in one piece, and he partly enjoyed making the furs he used as cock sleeves to submit to him, sometimes even for hours of relentless teasing and widening of their poor holes before they'd be begging to be made his. Then he'd fuck their brains out, making them wish they'd never asked. But this fox was different, more capable of the abuse. He was going to have so much fun with this one...

With an agonisingly slow movement, Trey began to let his fingers get popped out of Jason's hole, a wet slurp followed by a squelch from within made the monstrous snake between the bull's legs jolt and throb hard with need. Jason knew it too, he could feel it, in the air, in the dry taste of his mouth as he anticipated the cock - even literally, as that fat cockhead slapped a few times against his punished ass. Trey let it slide backwards and forwards for a moment, settled between the ass cheeks as it matted the fur there. He was taking his time, making the fox wait for his reward.

"Beg for it." Trey commanded, slapping his paw swiftly across the side of Jason's bubble butt. The fox was quick to respond, tumbling over the words as they broke forth,

"Please sir!" He whimpered shakily, "Please, fuck me. Fuck me hard with your monster cock. Fuck me so deep, please sir! I need it!" Trey thought for a moment, wrapping his spit-slicken paw, fresh from Jason's ass around the base of his hefty cock, raising it up only to let it drop down directly onto the fox's needy hole, resulting in a loud, oozed slap and a growling and whining horny fox. He watched the begging expression on the young male's face before lifting himself up, bring his hips just above Jason's and angled his hung cock down, as though its sheer weight forced it to swing low like a pendulum. Behind that his plump balls rested, slapping against his shaft every now and again as he positioned himself with precious seconds. He squatted over Jason, a horny grin plastered across his snout as he abandoned the need of foreplay or class.

Trey bowed his legs, using a paw to press that fat head against Jason's desperate hole. He felt the pressure become tight against his sensitive skin before he bore down, the resistance giving way until, with a slick pop, the head sunk inside. Jason gasped and mewled like a kit, his head laid back and ears flat as the invading girth swelled like a radiating pulse. He grimaced and failed to stop the long, strained moan erupt from his muzzle as Trey began to push deeper, allowing inch after inch to be enveloped in the velvety warmth. With an unrelenting pace, he kept bearing down, not stopping until the fox's hole was stretched and wrapped tightly around the base of his cock, the bull's sack resting nestled in the crevice of his cheeks. With a wriggle of his hips and a huffed pant, Jason groaned as he felt the male atop of him bottom out, now in to the hilt and buried deep within him. He felt the throb of hot meat against his insides, and with a gentle tug and wet slurp the bull began to pull back, barely giving the fox chance to get accustomed to such a thickness and length. Out came the massive shaft until only the bulbous head remained barely inside, then Trey slammed back down with impressive speed and strength. The fox yelped, his claws digging into the bedspread as the breath was fucked right out of him. Once more Trey pulled out to just the tip then rammed back home, each time grinding against the fox's sweet inner spot, eliciting a moan and whine each time he did so.

There was no gentleness about it, no desire to be sensual. Trey was taking what he wanted and driving his hard length in and out of that tight passage, grunting as it felt like a perfectly moulded glove around him. He kept up his pummelling, holding the fox down with his weight as their hips crashed together, the fox's member now trickling a fine trail of precum across his own stomach. The bull's balls slapped against Jason's backside, hefty and building up to the point of release with each hard stroke, always to and fro. Trey huffed, and lowed at the sight of the sweating, writhing fox beneath him as he refused to let up with his pounding. A slight dampness had formed at his forehead, but it was no bother to him. The heady scent of sex and lust in the air was enough to drive him even wilder, let alone the sensation and view of a panting twink sprawled over the bed and moaning like there was no tomorrow.

Jason could barely form any words together; his voice no longer his own as it gave in to the overwhelming pleasure of being full and rode hard. Each time the bull went in to the hilt, his hole clenched tight, unable to stop himself as he felt the fat cock slide deep into his ass. Burning in his loins, slowly working its way to the forefront of his mind was the building need of release as his member ached and glistened in the shadowed light. His knot throbbed proudly, pushing itself out of his sheath and rubbing against his abdomen sending rough jolts of pleasure across his lower body. Coupled with Trey's unyielding fucking, Jason groaned out the bull's name at the top if his lungs, probably the only word he'd ever manage to get out other than the multitude of pants and moans. If anything, it made the dominant male even hornier as he increased the pace and fucked faster, slamming in to an even deeper depth that pushed past the fox's prostate, sending him into throes of bliss accompanied by a concert of groans. He could feel the huge head followed by the engorged shaft slip and grind over that sensitive spot over and over, never ceasing and constantly under pressure. It was more than enough; the fox let out one final cry as his whole body shuddered before he came, soaking his naval with dripping vulpine cum. His hole tightened, rewarding him with even more powerful bursts of jizz, eyes shut and mouth opened in a fixed 'o'.

Above him, Trey was just about ready to let loose. He watched with a lusty leer as the fox creamed himself without so much as even touching the moderate tool that bounced between his legs and over his gut. The bull felt himself draw near, thrusting in a few more times as deep as he could possibly get before letting out a loud bellow, roaring towards the ceiling as he emptied his balls into the hot hole. The male beneath him was back to whimpering and mewling as the warm seed flooded his guts, filling up his insides to the point of near bloating. It always turned the bull on even more to see his bitches full to the brim, bulging slightly. He allowed himself a moment to stroke a large paw over where Jason's gut was now quivering and swollen, feeling the sloshing spooge inside and rubbing in the cum into the matted fur. Then, to savour the moment, an idea came to him,

"Hey... kid," He huffed, the exertion of rutting and cumming having taken a heavy toll on his stamina, "You got something to keep this all in?"

With a flushed face and sly smirk, Jason nodded, gesturing over to the bedside table, a solitary draw there. Trey matched his grin, reaching over to pull out the draw. The fox moaned as he felt the cock inside him twitch with the fleeting movements, feeling the throbbing length still present and thick in his ass. Searching with his paw blindly, the bull's paw found the toy he was looking for, but also a permanent marker. His brow furrowed into a frown of puzzlement as he pulled both out, momentary confusion taking over him only to be replaced with a better idea.

He shuffled back to the fox, pressing his prick in deep so as to get to the fox to moan again. Jason didn't fail; he groaned softly and with a prolonged sigh. Trey held the toy up for the fox to see, an admirably sized butt plug, coloured a sheened white. It was perhaps only slightly thicker at the base than Trey's cock, but it's what the bull did first with the plug that astounded Jason. Taking the pen, he wrote something onto the side of the plug, and then tossed the pen aside and across the room, not caring where it landed. Not giving the fox any warning, Trey suddenly pulled out, a splattering of cum spurting out against his hips and then down over Jason's crotch and cheeks. The bull spanked Jason, grinning even wider as the hole tightened and leaked his thick calf batter over that messy crack. He held the tip of the plug to the loose hole, and then pushed down with little effort as the plastic toy began to take his cock's place. Jason moaned as he was stretched wider before his hole sealed shut tight over the base of the plug, feeling the thick, cold rubber inside him. He was left panting as the tip just about graced his prostate, sending him into post-orgasmic shivers each time he felt that slight gentle touch.

Trey got up off the bed, wiping his cock across the Jason's muzzle, feeding him what was left of the jizz and ass juices,

"My number's on the plug," He groaned, feeling the fox's lips lap around his softening cock, "When you get it out, make sure you call me. You're a good fuck, and I've got things I wanna try and do. So I'm keeping you around." He tapped the base for good measure just to remind Jason who had been in control, forcing the fox to yip and murmur affirmation around the salty-tasting length.

It didn't take long for Trey to leave; once Jason had cleaned up his cock and made sure he'd licked up any drop of cum that remained, he'd got dressed and left without so much as another word. In Jason's defence, he kept the plug inside him for a while after, but the prospect of more hot encounters with the bull rather than savouring the remnants of just one was too much to resist. With a mirror at the ready, Jason eased the toy out of his hole and let it drop out with a squelching pop, growling and murring as fresh bull spunk poured out of his loosen hole. He'd fetch the number later; for now he dipped his fingers into his hole, fingering himself with cum before he licked his lips and suckled on his digits, long into the night.