Honour Bound - (Illustrated by WhiteMantis)

Story by Amethystine on SoFurry

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A lonely centauress sentry pines to run free in the fields she finds herself tasked with watching. Meanwhile, a serpentman seeks to satisfy his inquiring mind when it comes to the ways of the half-horse tribes.. but will he satisfy something else as well?

'Honour Bound' - by Amethystine, with consultation by WhiteMantis

Disclaimer: This story contains subjects of an explicit nature. Please read the tags carefully before reading (or not, if you know what you're getting into and/or want a surprise!). I am not responsible for you reading this, especially if you happen to be underage. All character(s) belong to their respective creator(s) as indicated by the copyright information following the body of the story itself. Please do not repost or copy without the author's permission, or the permission of any other individuals whose characters have been mentioned within the story. Thank you.

Nay looked out over the grand, grassy plains, pining to run away into the vast emerald expanse, under that perfect cyan sky, speckled with wisps of white. She dreamed of galloping and racing against the wind, wanting to hear her hooves thundering under her highly honed horse half, her swift and strong snow-white furred centauress self screaming to be unleashed, to be free.

Unfortunately, she could not. She was trapped. Escape was unthinkable.

She was honour-bound to her duty, even if it sometimes seemed monotonous or tedious.. or even boring. Her hands were tied (or metaphorically chained to the spear she wielded) and her legs remained where they were, she could not see any way to extricate herself from her situation.

The taur stood guard just within the treeline that bordered one side of the plains, ever-vigilant. She would never allow herself to be the first of her proud family line to shirk a task given to her by the tribal council. To fail at such a simple task as to watch over the eastern fields would be unforgivable, a shame that would live on in the story of her lineage for ages to come.

Nevertheless, nagging notions knocked around in her head, the kind that made her scalp itch in a way that could not be scratched. Thoughts of how she could still watch over the vast ground she had been told to stand sentry upon, even as she ran through them. Nay huffed out a heavy sigh through her nose, almost an indignant snort aimed at her own disobedient ideas, denying them while reaching up to try to wiggle a fingernail under the tightly held ponytail upon her head, to attempt to assuage that tingling there, within her jet black hair.

These wide open spaces were the 'main entrance' into the territory of her tauric tribe, and it was a great honour to be chosen for the position. Of course, it was greatly ceremonial. Rather than being a true warrior's post, some members of Nay's family had occasionally spoken of how it was more the role of a diplomat, to welcome other peoples who might one day come striding peacefully across the plains. No one ever thought anyone would actually attack from that direction, it would be suicide for a another race, such as the serpent-folk, to approach in an aggressive manner, in the open fields. The horse-bodied tribes would dominate the battlefield with their speed and their storied archer troops, lining the edge of the wooded lands beyond the grass.

Overheard conversations in Nay's encampment had told her the real truth of her supposedly respected role in the warrior class. It was a figurehead position. She was chosen both for her beauty and for the perception the others had about her: that she was too small and delicate to be a truly fierce or fearsome fighter amongst the larger females, and would be no where near the level of the males. She wasn't sure if it was her size or her looks that had given her peers the impression that she was weak, but she knew it was not true.

She was a proficient soldier, a superb scout. She had bested many of her friends in their sparring matches, was better than most with her bow. ... She could have thought of more, but it was useless to torture herself further with it. It was horrendous politics and other bothersome blather, so she kept her mouth shut and accepted her post. It wasn't bad, to be able to stand and stare at the scenic vista that made up her assigned area.

Just look, of course, not 'run out into'. Another heavy, nearly sighing breath escaped her while she put one pale pink hand onto her other shoulder, grasping the bare flesh there, feeling her muscles move under the creamy skin as she lifted and flexed her arm, working a kink out of the shoulder she held. Her breath breezed over her bosom in the stillness of the summer day, the only coolness she felt, aside from the light touches of self fanning she perceived upon her backside while flicking her black and white tail back and forth, once in a while.

The conflict in her head went on, to ditch the bum assignment that held no real importance for a short romp in the field.. or to remain steadfast despite it all, and for her duty and her pride? She once again placated herself with thoughts of being the prettiest girl in her tribe, to be the one to welcome foreigners to their land, as well as thoughts of not _really_ wanting to fight in some chaotic war. As always, she put it out of her mind and gripped at her long, spear-tipped staff all the more tightly.

She just kept her head down and stayed at her post.


Keeping one's head down, both metaphorically and literally can be hazardous. Especially if there is a suspicious rustling in the tree-branches above you.

For the taur, if she had actually kept her head up, she may have seen the serpentman who crept through the canopy above her. And if she had done the thing that went against figuratively keeping her head down, if she had run off for a fun frolic in the fields when she had fantasized about it, she would not have been present in the python's path (or rather, directly underneath his heading), and may have even spotted him with the perspective of looking back at the trees from the open spaces.

Fortunately for the flexible fellow, the centaur sentry had stayed single-mindedly still as he slithered immediately above her.

Some of his scaly siblings or sidekicks might have made a move in mere moments after happening upon the unaware ungulate, but not Amethystine. He waited and he watched, weighing his options. One advantage was to see if some other patrolling palomino or pinto or somesuch happened to saunter by every few minutes. He did not want to deal with two (or more!) of those large, lumbering leaf-eaters. The little lady who'd landed in his loopy lap was a light-looking bit of defence: defeatable, but only if dealt with on her own.

So, he held off until an hour had unfolded in front of his unblinking eyes, no one coming or going.

This girl was alone, assuredly.

Still, he hesitated, despite the time to strike being so perfectly prepared. The constrictor was curious. His cohorts criticized his questioning mind, correcting him when he considered killing to be careless, or dared to defy directives about how to deal with the tauric nation.

He wanted to do something that would have been considered unspeakable by his pythonic peers.

He wanted to talk to her.


Nay had settled into her regularly afternoon doldrums and drowsiness, day-dreaming about dashing and darting around on deft, dense hooves, dirt and dust dancing up behind her in a potent wake, due to her delirious speed.

Then Nay nearly jumped in place as she was made more alert by the soft voice that spoke to her out of the blue.. and apparently out of thin air, not quite able to zero in on the direction of the dulcet tones.

"Beautiful day out there."

The voice was definitely male. And large. And tall! She could tell, with the positioning behind and slightly above her, as she had slowly realized upon urgently trying to wake up and respond.

"Uh.. y-yes! Sir!" she stammered and said, saluting, although still facing forward, focused on the field once more. The mysterious and massive male may have been any number of leaders of their warrior caste. Or, even as a male soldier, he would have more than likely had a higher standing than she did. She had to appear stalwart under his eyes! He clearly had free reign to roam around as he pleased and check up on someone like her.

"Calm down, friend, I'm not here to make trouble for you. Only to enjoy the view.." he paused, presumably to peer plains-ward. He could have just as easily been checking out her own pristine appearance, though. Nay considered this the tiniest bit more likely, since he did not move forward to get a better look at the lay of the land. The soft sounds she thought she could hear him making in his throat, under his breath, were what she assumed to be signs of appreciation of her.

Nay always got a little attention in that way, she was used to it, although she kept the modest amount of pride she felt in regard to those matters under wraps. She remained stoic and as stone-faced as possible when it happened, but there had been times when she had to gush to her girlfriends during times for their group stream baths about this or that stud or stallion she was sure she had caused to 'flop free' when he had gazed upon her.

"..and to look at the field," the male finished.

Ah! That settled it, he had been looking at her! She blushed, happy to be facing away from him, to hide the heavy flush on her face. She knew it wouldn't be going away when she imagined his size and imagined him looming over her, standing directly behind her hindquarters. The fierce redness on her cheeks flowed further afield and blurred and blended the lines between the blush and red of the tribal face-painted markings on her cheekbones, the half-moons and three dots that were placed under the curves of the crescents fading into the flushed flesh.

In one last foray into fantasy, the girl imagined that unseen male flopping free right there behind her, the possibility of him potentially claiming her as his own at that moment, in the heat of the sweet summer afternoon, his huge form pressing down on her, keeping her still as he would thrust into her...! She swallowed silently. The mask-like band of painted-on rosy colour that ran perfectly horizontally across her eyes might as well have not been there with how utterly huge and hot her blush was becoming.

The centaur's sex-centric imagination was becoming mortifying for her.. but she couldn't help but agree with its choice of chocolate-furred male. No matter what else happened, regardless of their talk and how long he stayed, she just wanted one thing. She didn't dare hope for him to _actually_ hop his forelegs up on her lower back, she never imagined that could ever occur.

She just wanted him to be BIG and BROWN.

Just to appease her imagination, that was all.

"I wanted to tell you.. I think.. I think all of you look lovely. You and other.. lady.. umm. Well, you know. But you in particular," the taurboy managed to wrestle out his words.

Nay was charmed by his bumbling. He seemed shy! A big brown shy giant of a male, how cute. He had to be younger than she had first thought. Maybe closer to her age, just large, with a deep, oddly toned voice. Less booming and boisterous, more careful and thoughtful. "Thank you so much, um..?" she trailed off, hoping he would take the hint for him to tell her his name. He didn't. She pressed onward, "My name is Nay, and I'm happy to meet you..?"

There was a definite grin in the big guy's voice when he responded, "I'm happy to meet you too, Nay." She could almost hear a chuckle in his throat coming as he spoke, his tone mirthful. She realized that he figured out her desire to know his name, but had turned it into a game. She supposed she really shouldn't turn around look at that point, lest he cry foul about her trying to identify him through visual means. She smiled, genuinely giddy, very much up for his little teasing puzzle.

Rather than just begin guessing names at random, she decided to try to determine who he was and catch him off guard with said knowledge at some point later in their conversation. "So, uh.. come here often?"

"Yup," he said, simply.

"Funny, I haven't seen you," Nay remarked.

"I, uh.. I took a different path today, I think," he muttered, before shifting focus off of where he came from by saying, "I'm very happy I did, though."

"As am I, stud," flirted the filly, flippantly.

Words passed between them freely and easily as they chatted pleasantly. They spoke of nothing and everything, love and life,

Meanwhile, Nay had been attempting to work on figuring out who the enigmatic stranger of a centaur was. He seemed really taken with her, even if he sometimes stumbled over his words. They hit it off. The attraction was clear, even if Nay never twisted her torso around to take a look at her seemingly timid suitor.


Eventually, Amethystine interjected into the talkative taur's tirade about tribal politics, breaking into a biting rejoinder about how the clanmothers had made some decision she didn't agree with. "Forgive me, Nay. I feel rather.." he began, but trailed off. He had been allowing her to command the conversation and possibly divulge useful information he could return with to his superiors, but he had grown weary of the deception, his mind meandering to more.. mature matters.

"Shy?" offered the off-white woman.

'Hesitant', thought the python. He couldn't say that, though, as he had been avoiding any sibilant sounds in his speech, lest his long tongue slip and give up the game he was playing with her, without her knowledge. "A bit, maybe. I mean, I haven't.. I haven't ever.." he consciously tried to put a waver into his voice, keeping up the showy charade of his shyness.

Half-turning her head, the half-horse nearly gave the naga a heart attack with how close she came to actually looking back at him. He shifted his coils and forced himself to calm down, gripping the branches from which he hung down, reminding himself of how easily he could vanish into the canopy once more, ready to ascend away from the height he had judged to be appropriate for one of the bestial quadruped males. In the end, the gullible girl only glanced to the side in what seemed like surprise, apparently catching herself before she ruined their bit of 'guess who'. Clearly unaware of her companion's status as one of the 'vile viper vermin' she had happened to mention in passing during their conversation, she asked him, incredulous, "You've never been with a girl?!"

A smile slithered smoothly across the snake's snout and he flicked his tongue. The scent of her arousal was all the more obvious. It had always been clear to Ame that this silly centaurette was 'happy' to have company on her guard duty, and he had worked with that angle. With his most recent remark, her sweet smelling scent had practically flooded the male's forks. Evidently, she really loved the idea of being his 'first'.

The question was.. would his ego allow him to stoop low enough to play even _that_ role? He may have been a spy that glided on his belly on the ground, but he didn't think he could manage to sink THAT deep into duplicity.


Nay couldn't believe she could have met a _virgin_. How young was he? He couldn't be THAT young. How SHY was he? She couldn't believe it. She also couldn't believe how she had lucked out with her own fantasy coming true in so many ways. When she had nearly twisted around to stare at him in disbelief, she had caught a blurry blob of beautiful brown body in the farthest reaches of her peripheral vision! He was indeed quite big and quite brown. Even tan in the upper body, she thought. It made sense, if he was always out on long patrols in the sun as he had said. It had sounded like he almost basked in the sun, enjoying it, not really burning as she had told him she did, with her delicate, pale flesh. Her station in the shade of the trees had left her quite fair.

The quiet courter to Nay's rear resumed speaking slowly, softly, "Oh, no no! I have! Really! Really, I have, a bunch of them! Uh.. a lot, all at once, even!" he said, quickly, unconvincingly.

Laughing, the lady's lust for the lad loomed larger, lies or not. She was charmed by his self-aggrandizing. She smirked and considered the verbal loophole he may have tried to leap through, though. "Hrm.. really? I don't believe you. Now, when I said 'been with', I meant in a passionate sense," she explained, closing in for the kill, as it were, cutting off any further lingual escape routes by getting specific with what she said. "Surely you meant the same? That you.. who seem so.. kind and unassuming. You have been with a woman in the carnal sense? You have been with a lot of ladies in that sense.. and even all at once, like an orgy? You? REALLY?"

Nay almost laughed to herself.


Ame almost laughed to himself.

"Oh, indeed. I have!" he boasted, no longer acting bashful. They were called 'mating balls', and they were considered the anaconda-tribe's greatest contribution to larger serpentine society.. but the least talked about in polite society.


Impressed with her new friend's sudden shift in attitude, she guessed he had gotten past his own shame and was simply being as gung-ho and over-the-top with it as he could. She knew it was easier for him to just agree with her, she knew his type. He wouldn't actually be able to say the words, he would be too shy on the subject itself, if she pressed for precise points. "Okay, sure. Just tell me what it was you had with all those women."

"What do you mean?" he asked.

Nay smirked, still gazing over the plains. She had him. "I want you to say the word."

"Uh.. we made.. love?" he stuttered a bit.

"THE word. 'Sex'. You've had so much sex with so many girls.. I should have heard about you, don't you think? But I haven't heard of any legendary lover boy dashing around the woods.. maybe you're more discreet, but I don't know who you are. So I don't know. I think you're cute with your little stories, and I'd like to help you start on a few more true tales, if you'll just admit the ones you're telling me now are fake. So, let me hear you say THE word, or don't. If you come clean.. I'll help you get dirty. Because I like you.. and I think you know it. Just.. you don't have to try to impress me, sweetie."

There was silence for a while. Nay took it to mean the male was stunned.. or impressed. She was certainly impressed with herself! She didn't think she had such confidence to talk to a male taur like that. But, something about him was different. He wasn't like the other guys, not at all. She liked him, liked being able to talk as freely as she did with him. He just needed to drop the games and the fictions about his fornicative forays with some flock of females. Then, they could begin to court properly, officially.

She was rather turned on, yes, but she knew there were rules about that sort of thing. _Not to mention_, she was still on duty.

"Oh, I'll tell you who I am! Don't worry! I'll utter that word..!" the taurboy promised, pridefully proclaiming his intentions while seemingly retreating. Judging by the sound of his voice, and thanks to Nay's sensitive ears, she had the impression of him rearing back and up.. as if he was moving to mount! She froze up for a split-second while several conflicting thoughts ran through her mind. She couldn't let him! She wanted to let him! She couldn't get caught! Hopefully, she _wouldn't_ get caught! He was crazy for doing that! She was crazy for (thinking about) letting him!

In the end, she thought she had better look back to see, to confirm or refute her assumption of incoming and impending intense intimacy. She whipped her upper body around, still not moving her large hooved lower frame. The taur would not budge from her post, regardless of threats surrounding this odd male's movements.. perhaps because she secretly wanted to not budge from his post.

The result was anti-climatic: he had left.

Nay puzzled over that. He was surprisingly quiet. In fact, thinking back on it, she realized how she probably should not have been able to be snuck up on by such a large male in the first place. Even with how sleepy she had been at the time, his heavy hoof beats should have alerted her. The centauress gasped, clenching her bladed staff. What if it had all been some kind of dream?! She could certainly sleep standing up, and perhaps her whipping around to look behind her had been the moment of her reverie.

Wishing for the man's return, Nay pondered over him, returning to looking outward from the very edge of the forest.

It didn't take long for her wish to be granted, though, as his voice filled her ears. "Nay..." he started, slowly.

As he spoke, she was initially elated, then confused, as it sounded like he was directly above her, on top of her, nearly where a male would be, if... if engaged.. erotically. By shock or by learned response, Nay's head remained steadfastly forward-facing as his words poured out from almost immediately behind and slightly above her head.

"The word that you wanted to hear, dear, pure, pretty Nay, my lovely little taurgirl.. that word that you appear to be utterly taken with..?" he paused, his voice having been building with energy and force, as if toward some sort of great explosive revelation. As he began again, his hands slipped onto Nay's shoulders, but they didn't feel.. right. Nor did his new powerful presence in such impossible proximity, without any prior contact or sound of his returning approach. Everything came together in Nay's mind all at once.

Unfortunately, it was too late, she had lost their little game, having the answer only when it was all but revealed.

"It'sssss 'Sssssexxxxx'!!" the serpentman nearly shouted into her ear, his forked tongue lashing out in that alien way at the back of her neck. Simultaneously, a ground-shaking, leg-weakening series of impacts cascaded down around and on top of Nay's body, the storm that followed the calm of the constrictor's clawed hands on the horse-girl's shoulders. He rained down on her in lengthy thumping torrents, heavy coils collapsing from the canopy above to capture her own hefty form. Nay's staff was knocked away harmlessly from her hands as a fat loop batted the blade away.

It took every ounce of the semi-equine being's considerable fortitude to remain upright, to keep her four legs from buckling under the smothering blanket of a body that bore down on her own. Her first instinct was to rear and buck and kick and run and run and RUNNN! The over-powering equine urge kicked her in the brain almost as hard as she wanted to hit the naga. But she couldn't do anything, she could just feel how strained everything was, if she did more than twitch a muscle and bend a foreleg forward, it would be forced into free-fall by the extreme weight atop her, bringing her down to the ground.. down to his domain.

Falling over in the midst of battle was an appalling concept to her and her people. It typically meant death, and not even from the enemy. More than likely, a centaur warrior would be trampled by his brethren in the crush of a fight, and it would shame all nearby, not just the fallen soldier, due to the potential for the others to have shared in the fateful foot-falls.

Nay would remain on her hooves, come hell or high water.

Massive streamlined sections of that foreign body seemed to wrap around her every joint, flowing under her belly, between her forelegs and hindlegs, much more piling onto her long spine, weighing it down beyond anything she had felt before. It all happened too fast, the naga's shape was suddenly.. just.. everywhere, entangling, entwining her entirety.

His upper body had snapped forward and downward, shoving her own torso somewhat, making her lean forward as his loops landed on her lower back and latched onto her legs. His hands had whipped around with such speed, she had been unable to pull her own away. He held her hands in an odd mockery of a friendly or affectionate sharing of contact. His body was bent around her own, the uppermost portion of this pythonic person was tucked under her own, his broad, brown and gold-scaled back turned toward her. She was likewise leaning forward, her hands clasped together within his own larger pair, down against the front of her equine half, his arms torqued over to keep them there.

She still had not seen his face.. or his ugly, animalistic, beast-like snout, she surmised. As his scaly skin settled down around her, constricting hard in and around all of her, she felt like she knew another reason why the trickster would have hidden his visage from her. He must have been monstrous, murderous, misanthropic, marred and scarred, a ruined reptile.

With her body on lock-down, the male began to rise, allowing Nay to straighten her own torso upward. His back ascended in front of her, his body grinding against her own. The snake clearly had no sense of personal space, given how his kind would just flop down on top of someone so carelessly, so aggressively, so oppressively. His face was still obscured by his wide, svelte, toned and scuted chest as his lift rotated for him to face her. She was sure she would look up into the face of an absolute atrocity, an abomination.

"Oh, and my name isss Amethyssstine!" he announced, grinning amicably down at her.

Nay gasped, horrified, terrified!

What made her balk at the big brown boidae was not due to him being a toxic, gruesome, revolting creature. She could have accepted that. She wanted this villain to be repellant, repugnant, an awful sight with a vocal facade that had fooled her. She simply could not stomach the reality, though. He was handsome. Somehow, he was stately. Symmetrical, smooth, streamlined. He was appealing, in an alien way. And she hated him for it.. and was horrified at _herself_ for her own reactions. She wished she couldn't look at him, it would make it all so much easier.

But she had been staring up into his eyes, endlessly, until remembering how the snakefolk did not blink, and that she should. She shut her eyes and shook her head, making her torso quake in the grip of the snake. He hissed and shoved himself up against her, their naked bodies mashing together once more as he tucked her wrists betwixt the firm muscles of his underbelly and the front of her fore-flanks, the root of her forelegs. His hands shifted to clutch at her upper arms, his firm grip causing his claws to all but puncture her pink flesh.

The pinpricks of pain made her realize that the sharp force was the only true, notable discomfort she was in, despite the tight hold the despicable monster of a male had her in everywhere else. He was not slimy, nor sticky, nor rough-scaled enough to be cut merely by touching him.. unlearning all the things she had heard about snakefolk, from various peers in her tauric tribe. Well, not all the things.. he was still a legless freak who was her sworn enemy. He only wished her harm. Despite how he had an oddly comfortable way of constraining her, she was sure it was part of a larger plan, to keep her unfettered for future phases.

"It wasss nice meeting you, Nay," Amethystine said, softly, gazing down at her, his true sibilant voice revealed. Nay cursed herself for not noticing the lack of all 'S'es in his side of their talks. He had been 'shy'? She scoffed to herself, snorting softly. Shy indeed! "And it isss nice to know you, to let you sssee me.."

Glaring defiantly back up at the serpent, Nay scowled, "Oh, is it? Because I don't think it's nice at all! I wish you were still the guy I thought you were! He looked much better than you..! In.. my head.." she shouted, then sighed, her own words derailing her.

With a satisfied chuckle, the snake smiled at the girl's steam escaping as she spoke. "I'm happy to have been a nice-looking member of your ssspeciesss for that time we ssspent together, then, Nay."

She growled wordlessly and shook her upper body about, so absolutely frustrated with her inability to shift any part of her lower form.. wriggling against his hands and his front, flailing faintly against him, her front rubbing to his own smooth hide. She was enraged at her stupidity, but was rapidly losing her anger at herself and Ame, fear finding its way into her mind as she say signs of her captor's strange behaviour. Straight-forward malice she could understand, but he seemed oddly fascinated with her.. and her form.

Ignoring her outburst, the naga merely gripped her arms tighter and the touch of his claws on the cusp of digging into her skin was enough to subdue the vainly struggling vanner-girl. "I have to sssay, I enjoyed our talk. I don't know why there'sss sssuch animosssity between our peoplesss. I persssonally wished to be able to converssse with the exotic equinesss.. but wasss forbidden to do ssso. Of courssse.. I have a thing for forbidden thingsss. And, you know.. from what I remember, you ssseem rather off-limitsss, even after consssidering the number of legsss you have. I mean, you're the ceremonial sssentry. You're the fairessst and firssst face for your folk, the one they presssent to the world!"

With a groan, Nay shook her head, tossing her long black hair around, the ponytail flopping to fall on the front of one of her shoulders. "Rrgh! So what?!"

"Ssso.. I'm from out in the world, and I think you were a presssent to me," Ame laughed, and loosened his loops. Then began what seemed like a blissful massage, all over the horse-half of Nay's body.

It had to be some strange spell or unique torture! The forked-tongued ones always spoke in riddles and outright lies, did they not? Nay waited for the other half of the heinous act to begin. Some.. slicing or slashing or squeezing, something sinister would start, which would work her white-furred form over in some painful way. It never came, and she was left confused in the soft, smooth silkiness that was the gentle, therapeutic kneading the naga provided. Her aching muscles.. though still locked in place under threat of collapse under the snake's weight, were caressed and soothed in strange fashions.

Amethystine's torso shifted away to float and meander around behind Nay's, presiding over her form, using his hands on her where her sensed more direct, particular pressures were needed. Her hands were left locked in place against her own front, under a hard coil; said coil curved around the border between beast and beauty, flexing hard to massage that crucial junction as well.

Unable to fathom the constrictor's intent, the centaurette squirmed in place, fighting against his enveloping presence, his sheer bulk.. fighting against the memories of how charmed she was by this SAME male.. as well as denying herself any stimulation or satisfaction from the streams of serpentine succour. She could only imagine that the point of his weird torture was to make her feel as good as possible before breaking her, somehow.

The massage went on for some time, the admittedly pleasant pushing and pulling gradually making Nay appreciate Amethystine's actions. She did not want him there, nor did she feel he was anything more than a stupid snake person.. but she grew to be unable to stop herself from enjoying what he was doing.

Nevertheless, though she came to terms with the naga's extensive kneading, she was scared about what he would do next, how he would hurt her. He HAD to hurt her, what else could he be leading up to? Her confusion and concern kept her from actually feeling much of anything. Or rather, she wouldn't let herself feel anything. She couldn't falter or fall or fail, she had to remain standing, remain pure and strong and true, on guard for her people. She couldn't give in. She was sure giving in to the snake's sinful strokes was the key to his victory and her defeat.. somehow.


Out of the blue, the snake's tongue flickered against the back of Nay's neck, altering her to how he had wound himself in another new way around her body. He was so heavy, she could barely stand, let alone move, the idea of running away, running free on her four powerful equine legs being so far removed from her reality.. that idea was little more than a fantasy to her, by that point. She could only hope she managed to remain standing for the next minute.. and the next minute after that, and the next, and so on.

Cool clawed hands slid their smooth-palmed selves around the centauress' sides from behind as she felt his weight shift, a thick part of his body coming to rest on her lower back near to her torso, almost right behind her. Another section of snake seemed to lighten as the new portion settled upon her. She could feel his breath on her upper back, washing over her bare, pale-skinned shoulder-blades. She shivered and ached to move again, strong horse muscles twitching throughout the lower parts of her normally swift form. Her hind legs shifted and strained against the coils that encircled them.. only weak looking wriggles appearing to any hypothetical observers.

But no one was watching, no one would save her from the serpentine male that had entwined himself around her.

The wide plates that lined the naga's belly rippled against her, gripping at the short, coarse, white hair that coated her lower half. Those scutes grabbed at her fur and pulled him smoothly forward, slithering closer, his flexible body flowing up to force itself into the crux of her human and horse halves. The sensation of his scales sliding and scratching softly against her skin, pulling on the fine snowy hair, was mirrored all over her body; where-ever his underside met her form, reminding her of just how utterly she was entrenched within his heavy embrace.

The tauress tensed against the torturous tumult of tight tugging and tingling touching that the tough, scaly hide provided as it writhed and ran over her, all of those coils constricting in waves as the all-over crawl continued. She felt as if she was effectively blocking out the bastard's onslaught.. until she felt his broad chest press against her upper back, his smooth scutes still undulating. His hands stroked her sides as his whole front made waves over her bare back, the naked skin of her human portion was like a giant weak spot, and the intense invasion there broke down the rest of her defences, the flood of flowing feelings from his form grinding and shifting over her hit her all at once.

"Ahhhh!" Her front legs collapsed to leave her kneeling amidst those insidious coils as she cried out.

She had fallen. Not entirely, but it was a slippery slope. The taur lost that much more of her resistance as her body shuddered down.. her rump high behind her, presented to the world in the midst of her shame.

The wordless shout of reluctant defeat echoed across the field. There was no wind to sweep the sound away. She remembered the plain as always being windy.. but she supposed that was because she was always running through it, creating her own wind.. which would blow her hair and her long flowing tail and keep her cool. In its absence, Nay felt hot, sweating under Amethystine's attack.

Another tongue flick, more from above as the large pythonman's head dipped down to sample the changing scent of his prey. He detected the perspiration and chuckled sibilantly. Delicately, claws danced up over Nay's sides until the naga's hands came to rest on the slim human shoulders. Ame leant on the mighty horse-woman as she was made to bow her lower body forward, his torso twisting down over her, looming above, adding to the sense of her being brought down off of her lofty perch. 'Get off of your high horse' never seemed so oddly appropriate. The proud tribal warrior was laid low, both physically and mentally, forced to submit to unyielding opposition, finally under the metaphorical heel of the serpent after ages of the high and mighty hoofers lording their legged selves over the serpentfolk.

Of course, an individual's perspective regarding a nation's thoughts regarding another can always be a bit personally biased.. in any case, the constrictor left rather happy to be laying the lady low, as she had been rather mean-spirited toward his kin and clan when she chatted with 'her fellow taur'.

"Am I making you.. ssssweat? Hmmm, Nay?" Ame asked, affecting an air of innocuousness that was anything but.

"N--n-no.. No!" Nay stammered out.

With a slight shift, the python's palms pressed against the pillowy plushness of his powerless prey's plump chest. He palpated and prodded and probed before pondering: "How about now..?"

"No!" Nay denied it again, in spite of how the sinful, silky smoothness of his small scales on her sensitive skin contrasted with the sizable slithering squeezes of everything that was happening behind and below the brushing her breasts were being subjected to. Occasionally, the ophidian's hands would drift down to rub Nay's trim human belly, giving her chest a break.. only to make his frequent returns to her bosom all the more unexpected, hard to prepare herself for, impossible to defend against.

Her upper body buzzed all over, something about the manner with which the male manipulated her mare half, it felt submerged in thick heat while her upper body shivered, one massive erogenous zone for the snake to toy with. This was never more apparent than when he craned his head down to ask her once more, "You ssseem very hot (and bothered), my dear.. are you sure you're not sssweating?"

With a pant, the centauress prepared to answer the same as before. As she took a breath amid stifled groans and internal curses, Amethystine's tongue darted out to flutter against Nay's neck and then licked it: slathering solidly from throat to spine, all around one side of the slender, delicate structure, catching her just as she was about to answer in the negative once more.

"Nno-no-no-no--YeeessssSS!!" she almost whinnied, some deep and unused part of her base equine nature struggling to respond to the tantalizing treatment. Her conscious self was mortified, immediately shutting her mouth tightly and moaning muffledly as Ame repeated his little trick with another looooonnnggg lick.

Drawing his lengthy tongue back into his mouth, the male murmured, "Finally.." before kissing the very back of the girl's neck, his hands running up her arms to stroke her shoulders once more. He peeled himself away from her sweat-soaked skin. For a moment, Nay thought he was done, that he had made his point and would 'finally' relent, that word echoing in her head, due to it being the last thing she had heard.

She gradually relaxed as his reptilian form rippled and receded, feeling some of his weight sliding off of her, his body moving to lean softly on the left side of her horse half, in the middle. The constrictor's coils had loosened, but still lay languid and leaden on her kneeling form. They began to creep over her once more, a slow brushing flow. His hands glided down her arms, guiding them backwards by the barest of degrees. She barely remembered how or when they had been released from where they were lock against her front. The reptile repeated the movement, moving her limbs leisurely, but nevertheless, further and further back. The repetition was relaxing, lulling the tense taur into a semi-calm state as her hands were eventually drawn up to rest beside the back of her human half's base. The long strokes became longer as the snake's smooth scales slid from her arms, over her hands and off, onto the equine expanse of her lower back, joining with the full body massage that his massive coils were giving to the more bestial bits of the girl's body.

The gentle ministrations were almost meditative, mesmerizing the mare amid soothing sibilance and soft stroking upon all of her flanks. Somewhere in the back of her mind, she thought of a horse getting a daily brush-down, and how it was meant to be therapeutic for both the groomer and the beast. She didn't think of herself as some simple feral filly, but she couldn't deny the utter calming effect it had on her.

That was, until it stopped and she felt the snake shift around her again.

Her hands lay still on her back, behind the border between skin and fur. Her eyes opened as Ame moved and she caught a glimpse of his shadow on the grass in front of her, the outline of his head alerting her to how he was lifting his whole torso high up over her. The naga moved fluidly and Nay was left unconcerned, still subconsciously clinging to the thought that he was about to move on, that he had had his fun, had proved his point. How could such grace be dangerous or alarming?

The sudden pressure on her wrists as another powerful column of serpentine muscle settled down over them was her answer. Her arms were suddenly stuck in place behind her, bound by the body of her captor, who had moved to place the coil that existed within the length of his body only a few feet below his torso, over her hands.

Nay gasped.

Amethystine slid forward alongside her from his new spot on her right side, a hand grasping and gradually pulling on her ponytail, forcing her head back to keep the tension from becoming too much for her scalp to bear. "Finally.. the fun can _begin_!" he whispered wickedly to her. It was at that time that she felt his tapering tail coming to rest in a loose loop on her large hind quarters, something wet and throbbing laying itself between the curves of her equine backside. A final, thin coil wound around the base of her tail and twisted itself to hold the flowing locks of black and white hair up, allowing Ame's other hand to snatch them all up at once. The torturous tease tugged her two-tone tail up and forward while he held the pure black ponytail back and down.

"Ready or not.."

With her heart-rate skyrocketing, Nay's chest heaved, her breath coming in shallow, panicked huffs. Her mouth hung open with her head tilted back. She was uncontrollably hot, and her skin glinted in the summer sun, coated as it was with her perspiration. The heat stemmed from the snake's attentions, but was also a result of how she denied all of what was happening to her. The constant effort to suppress her own swelling sexuality, seeking to stem the surging sensual situation, it only made her sweat more, forming foam in her fur and fat droplets on her skin.

"R-ready..? F-f-forr..?" panted Nay, perilously close to moaning and begging for what she knew was coming.

Likewise, Amethystine knew what the stammering centaur was asking. Having accomplished its task of gathering up the horse tail and handing it off to the snake's hand, his tailtip traced a teasing path over the pink patches that sat nestled in the red hot core of Nay's ridable rump. Not allowing her to finish, even taking over the taur's talking, Ame told her: "Ready for me."

And with that, he plunged his pythonic tail into Nay's pussy.

It slithered in firmly, although it did not require much forcing, for both his scales and her flesh were coated with fluids, thanks to the dexterous and devilish appendage having rolled and rubbed itself around on the wide wet roundness that made up the taur's hindquarters.

If the sheer size and overwhelming mass of the serpent's coils weren't already totally supporting Nay's half-kneeling frame, she would have collapsed completely as she howled in instantly regretted pleasure. Simultaneously, the snake simmered with a steady hiss, his hemis still sitting, swollen against Nay's backside. The python always found pleasure in providing passion for unfortunate people who couldn't seem to muster the courage to capture it themselves, so he often found himself capturing THEM and helping them to find new and unique paths to paradise. He revelled in the warmth that he found around his tail, enjoying how said temperature increased with each fresh inch of his flesh he fit inside the filly's feminine folds, keeping him quite content and aroused, waiting for when he would strike with his long since hardened, 'dual bladed' weapon.

All in all, Amethystine considered his curiosity quelled and his suspicious surrounding centaurettes satisfied. They were terrific toys! At least, the one he had in his clutches was. So cute, so easily teased, so wonderfully warm. She was hot to begin with, but he had only cranked up the heat with his coily caresses and deep delvings. He basked in her bodyheat, soaking it up, his own internal fires stoked by both her temperature and the knowledge of his control over it.. over so many aspects of her, clearly.

Grinning, the naga knew: he wouldn't be satisfied until he saw just how high he could push his petite prisoner's heat. Therefore

Over a foot of firm, flexing, fattening tail twisted and turned while tucked away within the tender tightness of Nay's nethers. She all but neighed and nickered, her volume and her inarticulateness only increasing as more and more of the meaty tail meandered its way into her maidenhood, scales grinding harder and harder against the walls of the womanly passage's erogenous entrance. It stretched steadily, surprising the tauress as the python plumbed her formerly unexplored depths, plumping up her most private of passages. Ame hissed at length with a sound of satisfaction, gently pulling on both of Nay's 'ponytails', tightening his coils, his whole body surrounding that of the centaur.

As one foot became two, the girl groaned, tugging on her arms, succumbing to the serpent more and more, seeking sexual succour. The unending sensation of constantly thickening, tightening, maddeningly marvellous penetration wore her down; the smooth but textured scales that rubbed hard against the door to her defenceless depths eroded her will, as did the sudden reminder of the reptile's utter encompassing of her form. He was all around her, and soon, it almost felt like he would be everywhere inside of her as well!

If only Ame had been the taur she had thought, she would be so--- she stopped herself. She couldn't have thought that. She couldn't have just imagined her old mental image of the large, shy, brown clydesdale of a male as the one who was plowing her so perfectly at that moment. Wait, perfectly?!? No! She didn't want it! Did she? But, if it had been her ideal male.. she would. But-- if he had been a horse, he could never have been touching her all over in those impossible ways.. wouldn't encompass her so completely, totally. And.. and hadn't she been taught to tolerate and accept all other cultures? Before she had learned about the animosity between their peoples, there had been lessons about universal love for all creatures, but she couldn't believe she was considering such ideals in her unique situation! Clearly, the constrictor wasn't not undeserving of her hatred.


Her mind was muddled, mashed to mush by the male(s) she had in her mental landscape. The images of the two (one?) of them merged together into something else, something that squeezed in around her, something that filled her like a real stud, but that could caress her flanks with flexible coils and cool, smooth agile hands, all at the same time.

Nay shook her head and bucked her torso in vain, wanting to do the same with the rest of her body, wishing to rear and lash out with her forelegs, rather than feeling them tucked under her bowed-down front half. She cleared her head of the seductive mental imagery.. rejecting that escape. But Nay still wanted escape.. she had to fight to remind herself that the freedom she really wanted was liberation from the lustful loops, not the erotic escape from self repression and diligent duty that Amethystine's very existence and actions seemed to offer. Everything he did was a dirty trick.. naughty, nasty tricks. With his exotic.. dicks...

The tauress screamed inside her head, whimpering out in the world. First her body had betrayed her, and her brain had joined it! She had to fight!

But the fact that she, moments prior, had thought of the release that the reptile threatened to trigger in her body, rather than a real release from his embrace, as a viable type of escape for her.. it did not bode well for her.

She couldn't stand it.. but she held on for a little while longer.. she had to, she couldn't give in, couldn't give him what he wanted. She wouldn't! Never!

She failed to realize that all Amethystine had to do was reach out and take what he wanted.

With his tail all but buried in the taur's sex, Ame bent his body one tiny bit more after all the other contortions he had so effortlessly enacted to entrap and entwine the exotic equine. His final victory was secured as he slipped one of his malenesses into her ass.

--((The above art is by WhiteMantis, to view the full-size or generally praise the picture, please go to http://www.sofurry.com/view/505228 or https://www.furaffinity.net/view/9936548/ - Thanks WM!))--


Nay looked out over the grand, grassy plains, pining to run away into the vast emerald expanse, under that perfect cyan sky, speckled with wisps of white. She dreamed of galloping and racing against the wind, wanting to hear her hooves thundering under her highly honed horse half, her swift and strong snow-white furred centauress self screaming to be unleashed, to be free.

Unfortunately, she could not. She was trapped. Escape was unthinkable.

She was honour-bound to her duty, even if it sometimes seemed repetitive or torturous.. or even like something was boring into her. Her hands were tied (or metaphorically chained by the snake that weighed on her back) and her legs remained where they were, she could not see any way to extricate herself from her situation.

The taur stood guard just within the treeline that bordered one side of the plains, ever-vigilant. She would never allow herself to be the first of her proud family line to shirk a task given to her by the tribal council. To fail at such a simple task as to watch over the eastern fields would be unforgivable, a shame that would live on in the story of her lineage for ages to come.

Nevertheless, a naga's motions knocked around in her rear, which that gave her an itch that she could not scratch on her own. She was occupied by thoughts of how she could still watch over the vast ground she had been told to stand sentry upon, even as one of Amethystine's shafts.. then two, ran through her, his coils holding her in place. Nay huffed out a heavy panting breath through her mouth, unable to contain herself any longer.

She was going to orgasm, and she could not stop it.

Amethystine's twisting, flexing tail forced her sex open one tiny bit further, stretching her labia with the scaled girth, grinding against her flesh in undeniable ways. Her backside was stretched all the more by the double penetration of the python's cocks, his red hot twin lengths spearing into her over and over as he hissed and panted his own pleasure.

It was perfect, but she would not accept it. So her mind re-wired her sense of duty. She did NOT want to move. She wanted to stand there, on guard and distract the enemy of her nation with her body. Occupy him with herself. To give up one's body in war was a great, eternal honour. She had dreamed of it, the ever-lasting glory of being taken in battle.

She had always imagined it would be more.. painful? It was a tiny bit uncomfortable, here and there.. but by and large, it was much more enjoyable to achieve the most extreme exaltation that existed in her tribe's culture than she had imagined it would be.

With her mind finally free to run where it pleased, Nay's nethers followed suit, doing as they had wanted to do ever since Ame's tail slid into them. They clenched and quivered, crashing with a wave of pleasure and thick female fluids, which erupted up and out over the wide tail, shooting out slightly thanks to just how over-full the hot, tight, trembling passage was with naga-tail.

Upon feeling the rippling wave of rapture shooting through Nay's body before her juices coated his tail, Amethystine found himself satisfied as well, pleased to have provided such sublime sweetness for the poor, lonely soldier. His heavy, constantly thrusting of his dual shaft into her extremely tight ass also helped to satisfy him, but the icing on the cake was feeling her ultimate surrender, and the sweet heat of her slime on his scales. He came deep and hard, filling her backside with even more of him, claiming her in his mind, almost like an annexed piece of land that he had invaded and fought to secure in some secret war. Easing out, he one of let his still throbbing shafts flop free and drool more of his ophidian ooze down over the white, pink-tinged rump.

They both smiled to themselves.

Amethystine thought about how he would have to patrol his new 'territory' more often. He would keep her in line.. lest he reveal to her peers what he had done with her.

Nay thought about how she would need to remain vigilant, standing guard every day, to make sure that snake would not get past her defences.

To have her body taken on the battlefield was the ultimate honour.. she would have never dreamt in a million years, that she would get to do it every day.

Amethystine is (C) to himself. Nay/'CentaurNay' is (C) to WhiteMantis.