chapter five

Story by Tobias Woadpaw on SoFurry

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Chapter Five, You Never Forget Your First..


Brody's ears perk up hearing someone thumping up the stairs and panting hard the clatter of shells being reloaded , the acrid tang of blood reaching his nose making him grimace. glancing over at Jake he saw the wolf was holding steady aiming along the sight at the door, looking down at his own hands wrapped tightly around the revolver slight nervous tremors causing it to shake in his hands. Angrily he willed himself to stop with out much success "_how can he make it look so easy bet dad never had this-" _ the door swung open and the fur came through Brody yelped pulling the trigger shooting blind. His shot took the thug in the knee dropping him to the ground yowling, as he tried to bring his gun to bare on one of the two boys, panicking Brody squeezes the trigger franticly not realizing the gun was empty. His eyes locked with those of the bullet riddled body in front of him. He feels someone- Jake it was Jakes hand easing the gun out of his paw as the firefight downstairs died down footsteps started up the stairs Jake leveled his gun at the doorway then holstered it as Seamus and Aaron arrived.

"Thor's balls Brody I think you got him "Seamus chuckled nudging the corps with his foot.