An Unexpected Rendezvous

Story by SmutBunny on SoFurry

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#2 of Bunny Love

Chapter 2, and the interactions begin to heat up.

As Mandy sat, calming herself down from her morning discussion with Mr. Jones, she slowly began to work her way back into her daily routine. The image of her fantasies about Mr. Jones lingered in the back of her mind, but she did her best to keep them from surfacing to the front. Having finally finished the document she was working on, Mandy clicked print and stood up to go retrieve them from the printer so she could make copies. As she was collecting the copies, the pleasant hint of cologne wafted into the small area. As she turned around, there stood Mr. Jones, smiling and looking at her. "Uh, hello sir, I didn't hear you coming." Mandy said quickly. "I noticed you seemed uncomforatble during our earlier meeting," he said "I thought I would come check on you to make sure I hadn't offended you somehow." "Not at all!" Mandy's voice rose in tone, despite her attempts to keep it even. He moved closer, his pleasant scent filling her nostrils. She could just close her eyes and inhale the scent deeply, the faintest hint of citrus, but she dared not make such a show in front of him. "You never did tell me if there's anything I could.... help.. you with earlier." he said looking deeply into her eyes. Mandy had never noticed how truly enchanting his appearance had been until she had seen him this close. Mandy felt the warmth from earlier spreading again, she could see him sniff his nose, seemingly picking up the scent. "You smell nice today" he said with a smirk. Mandy couldn't handle it anymore, in a moment of passion and desire, she leaned forward and kissed him. She felt his hands on her sides, clearly he was not resisting. As she pressed up against him, she began to feel his considerable manhood pressing against her. She had to have him, and she had to have him now. She bent herself over the copier and hiked her skirt up, spreading her legs. "Take me NOW!" she moaned, the warmth of her womanhood reaching critical levels. Undoing the front of his pants, he pulled out his hardened shaft and pressed the tip against her moist opening. She bit her bottom lip as he entered her, filling her up in ways she had only dreamt of until this moment. Doing her best to stifle any moans, she gripped the sides of the copier. Each inward thrust lifted her backside up slightly as she slid down his shaft until his entire length was buried deeply inside of her. He gently raked his nails down her back, and then leaned forward to nip at the back of her neck. His gentle hands wrapped masterfully around her full breasts as she began to feel her insides quaking. She came so hard it forced him outside of her, as he twitched on final time and released all over her backside. The fanstastic euphoria of their lovemaking was interrupted as the sound of approaching footsteps caused them to both hurriedly clean up to the best of their abilities and get dressed just moment before someone else came in to use the machines. With a smile on his lips he turned to Mandy "I do believe you have some wonderful ideas I'd love to explore later on." "With pleasure." Mandy replied, smiling as well. They then went about their day, leaving nothing but the burning memory of blossoming passion, and one very confused employee.