FMU- Full Moon University

Story by LunaMoonstone on SoFurry

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I've been wanting to do a werewolf transformation story for a while, and this was kicking around in my head. Thank you to ShadowTear for proofreading, and I hope you guys enjoy. Constructive criticism is always welcome!

Hey guys. Thought I'd post together a new story I've been kicking around for a while. Thanks to ShadowTear for proofreading and feedback. Hope you guys enjoy!

"Please tell me there's a good reason why your room-mate is unconscious."

"I think there is..." Brittany felt like whimpering under the gaze of the R.A. of Timber Dorm as surveyed the scene before him. Brittany stood nervously on one side of the room, a 2nd year student he'd been in charge of last year. She hadn't caused any trouble before, and for him that was enough made her a star resident. That was probably going to change starting today.

"Geez, Brittany; classes don't even start till next week." The R.A. sighed as he looked over to the unconscious, petite girl on the other side of the room. Neither her glasses nor the bun her shiny black hair had been tied into had been disturbed; if it weren't the middle of the day, anybody looking at her would've thought she'd just peacefully went to sleep. "Alright, tell me what happened. Start from the beginning."

"O.K. Well, I just finished moving up all my stuff a couple of minutes ago. I said hello to Emily there..." Brittany motioned over to her room-mate briefly before continuing. "We chatted a bit, told each other where we were from; the usual new room-mate stuff."

"Seems pretty normal so far..." The R.A. nodded, following her story so far. "Though I guess that changed pretty quickly, huh?"

"Yes, it did. I heard the all clear alarm, so I asked Emily if she minded if I changed, as per your rules. When she said that was fine, I slipped out of my clothes and started changing." Brittany's head sagged a little as she cursed her ignorance. "Damn it. I should have realized when she looked away that something was up, but she said she was a first year student, and I figured she was just shy. "

"Well, even I still feel a little weird changing in front of someone, and I've been with you guys for almost a full year now." Brittany smiled a little at the reassurance from her R.A. "So what happened next?"

"I finished changing pretty fast, and let her know I was done. She turned back and started to say something, but she stopped midway through. Her eyes went really big as she looked at me, and she looked like she was in shock. I said, 'What's wrong? You said it was alright if I changed.' That's when she started screaming!"

"Screaming?" The rooms were all soundproofed, so as long as their door was closed no one would've heard anything. "What made her do that?"

"I didn't know at first, but she was really hurting my ears with all the noise. I pounced on her and covered her mouth, just to quiet her down. She passed out as soon as I tackled her onto the bed, though."

"Then you called for me. Well, don't worry; I'm not mad at you. I mean, I'm annoyed that this happened, but it doesn't seem like you did anything really wrong." The R.A. tilted his head a little as he looked over her room-mate. "Still, why the hell did she freak out like that?"

"I think it's because she can't change. She must not be used to it, so when I did it freaked her out. That's my theory, anyway." Brittany offered.

"Not used to it? That's weird. I know your last R.A. had a mandatory change policy, but that guy was an asshole. Is she just tha-"

"I'm sorry, but you don't understand." Brittany interrupted quickly. "It's not that she won't change. It's that she CAN'T change."

"Can't?..." It took a few seconds for it to click, but when it did it hit him like a truck. "Oh crap; she's human?!"

"Yup." Brittany nodded, gently rubbing the russet colored fur on her arm as she watched her Resident Alpha look over the human girl more closely. "Guess she didn't know that Fueller Mount University is also known as Full Moon University, the only werewolf friendly campus in the state."

The Resident Alpha Aaron groaned, realizing what had started out as an inconvenience was now a serious problem. The whole point of having the 11th floor reserved for him and his fellow werewolves was to offer them a safe haven where they wouldn't risk being judged by or freaking out their fellow human students while they continued their higher education. Now there was a human in the wolves den, and the wolves were potentially in a lot of trouble.

"Wait, how the hell could this have happened in the first place?" Aaron's brown eyes scanned the nearby desk for Emily's room assignment sheet. "If she's a normal freshman, she should've been assigned to one of the lower floors, not up here."

"She was. I checked it myself while I was waiting for you." Brittany retrieved Emily's assignment sheet, careful not to puncture the paper with her claws as she handed it to Aaron. "She's supposed to be on the first floor, room 11."

Aaron nodded as he saw that for himself, blowing a stray brown hair out of his eyes in the process. Glancing back toward the, "1" sticker on the room door, he quickly realized someone must have flipped her room and floor assignments. Normally they have someone from the pack working down at the front desk to prevent such mistakes, but due to a recent death in the family that pack member wasn't due up for a few more days. Whoever they'd replaced him with must've screwed up.

"Alright, we gotta do something fast. I'm still kinda new at this Alpha thing, but there's no procedure in place for this, right?" Aaron asked.

Brittany shook her head. "We had a couple of plans in case we got spotted running through the woods or changing, but nothing for having a human dumped into our laps."

He figured as much. Any idea he came up with was quickly scrapped for one reason or another. It'd be impossible to move her and all of her stuff back to her assigned room without causing a scene, and trying to convince her seeing her room-mate naked and furry was just a dream seemed like a long shot. Threatening her to stay quiet might work, but it also might make her run straight for the police. The cops probably wouldn't believe some crazy story about monsters living on campus, but the thought of any kind of authority figure sniffing around made Aaron nervous. This mess wasn't really her fault anyway, and he had no desire to cause her any kind of harm.

"Guess that means option number three." Aaron muttered to himself. With a sigh, he held his wrist out toward Brittany. "Cut me."

"What? Wait..." She looked back and forth between her alpha and roommate, quickly putting the pieces together. "You're gonna make her one of us?!"

"I don't see a better option. As far as I can tell, the best way to make her keep our secret is to make it her secret, too." Aaron tapped his wrist. "Come on, she could wake up at any moment."

"If that's your choice, Alpha, I'll stand by it." Brittany placed one of her claws along Aaron's wrist and slashed as lightly as she could. Aaron winced as his blood trickled slowly from the wound.

"Alright, I'll make this quick." Aaron held his wrist as he started toward Emily, then glanced back at Brittany. "Maybe you better leave us alone for now. The first change is rough enough, and you already spooked her pretty good."

Brittany nodded and stepped out, leaving her Alpha and room mate alone together. Once she closed the door, Aaron stepped over the unconscious girl. He held his wrist over her mouth, using his other hand to gently ease it open as his blood began to trickle down either side of his wrist.

Gravity took hold and slowly directed the crimson flow. Aaron held his arm steady as a few drops fell off his wrist and into Emily's open mouth. It was all he would need to trigger the change in her. Unknown to Aaron, the taste of blood in her mouth would also trigger her return to consciousness.

"Whoa!" Aaron stumbled back a little as Emily suddenly sat up, her glasses falling off her face and onto her lap as she started to cough. He quickly shook off his surprise as he grabbed a nearby chair and took a seat, holding his bleeding wrist as he spoke to her. "Hey; Emily, right? How are you feeling?"

"I-I think I'm O.K." Emily slipped her glasses on, her emerald green eyes blinking behind them as she looked over Aaron. "Who are you?"

"I'm the R.A. on this floor. My name's Aaron." Aaron smiled gently, trying to keep things as calm as he could. "I heard from your room-mate you've been having a little bit of trouble adjusting to campus life."

"Brittany?..." Emily gasped as she heard her roommate's name. "She turned into a monster! She tried to attack me!"

Aaron shook his head. "I can understand how you might have seen it that way, but she wasn't trying to hurt you. Listen, I really need you to try and stay calm. We need to talk abo-"

"Talk?!" That seemed to be the last thing on her mind. Aaron had to grab her shoulders to keep her from bolting for the door. "We have to get out of here! Let me go!"

"Easy, easy..." She squirmed and fought hard, but the slim girl couldn't break free. "It's a lot to take in, I know."

"How can you be so calm?!" Emily seemed almost as angry as she was scared. She tried to scratch at him to break free, only to gasp when she saw her nails. Once clear and small, they were now black as coal. As she watched, they slowly grew longer and curved into sharp claws. The sight of her changing hands made Emily scream in shock.

"Yeow!" Aaron recoiled slightly, letting go of her to cover his ears against the noise. He quickly saw what had made her cry out, and also noticed her eyes were starting to change as well. Behind her glasses, the green irises were starting to change. With each panicked blink, Aaron could see what had once been emeralds were now becoming blood red rubies.

"Oh my God! What's happening to me?!" Shock was starting to set in for the freshman, her eyes locked on her growing nails. Her breath was coming in short, panicked bursts now as black hairs slowly began to emerge. They pushed through her skin slowly, thin and barely noticeable at first. As they both watched, the hairs started to thicken and multiply, soon covering her entire hand like a glove. A glove made of jet black fur and with claws on each finger, but a glove none the less.

"Just stay clam and breathe normally. The first time's always a little rough." Aaron tried to talk her through what was happening as her eyes remained locked on her changing hands. She didn't seem to notice the fur slowly crawling its way down her arm, or her growing feet where her claws were beginning to tear their way through her socks. "Good thing you already had your shoes off. It's expensive and hurts like hell to burst through them."

Emily started to say something in response, but a sudden cracking sound made her arch her back and cry out in pain. She rolled onto her front, rising up on her hands and knees in hopes of easing the pressure. Instead it only grew worse as her spine starting to length, pushing out in a fleshy bump just above her rear. Fur starting appearing from underneath the waistband of her pants, covering the growing nub of flesh as it continued to grow out. A few more agonizing seconds later it had grown into a proper, fluffy wolf tail.

Aaron did what little he could at this point and grabbed the glasses that had fallen when she turned forward, watching her entire body starting to shudder as the transformation continued. Emily could do little more than grasp and grunt in pain at this point. He began to see her nose starting to darken and jaw pushing forward, but lost sight of it when her growing hair started to get in the way. The bun had become undone during all her thrashing, leaving her hair to grow thick and long down her back and sides of her head. He missed seeing her human ears disappear, and could barely make out the pointed black tips of her new wolf ears emerging through the wild mane.

"It's alright, you're almost done. Just a bit more." Aaron reassured her, gently placing a hand on her back. Emily was taking the change rather roughly, even for a first timer. Normally the body stopped trembling as the changes finished, but hers only seemed to be getting worse. He could feel the heat pouring off her body as she continued to spasm, her clawed hands tearing up her pillow.

"Oh right; almost forgot the growth part. Don't worry if your clothes feel a little tight; there's usually a small boost in muscle size and tone, and the fur adds a little bulk too." Emily's pink t-shirt started to fill out as Aaron explained the last of the changes. He started to explain that it wouldn't be too much; her clothes might feel a little tight, but she wouldn't need a new wardrobe or anything. His explanation cut short as he saw one stitch start to pop on her shirt, then another. "O.K.; this is new..."

Aaron watched with a curious fascination as Emily rolled onto her back, her claws frantically slashing at her clothes. She whimpered in pain, trying desperately to release herself from the confining material. The denim of her jeans stood no chance under the furious assault, her long, toned legs bursting after a couple of slashes. The white panties went a second later, leaving her nude from the waist down. She'd clearly added some size to her hips and waist during the change, but Aaron quickly noticed those weren't the only places where she'd added a few inches.

He briefly noted that she'd grown a bit taller, but his attention was focused on her heaving chest. Before the change she'd had no real breasts to speak of, but now they'd already grown to the size of baseballs and showed no signs of slowing down. Her growing chest had pulled up her shirt to expose her furry belly, and each pant pulled the shirt tighter as her chest continued to expand. Her arms flexed as she bought her claws up to tear away the strangling cloth, causing the sleeves to finally burst under the strain of her sleek, feminine muscle. The rest of the shirt followed a second later, the fur covered orbs bouncing slightly as they were freed from their prison. A dim smile of relief crossed Emily's muzzle before she fell back onto the bed.

When the only sound he could hear was her breathing, Aaron slowly approached the newly formed werewolf. She'd added a good 8 inches in height, going from a little shy of 5 and a half feet to a little over 6 feet. She was covered head to toe in black fur a shade darker than her hair, which now hung wildly around her and went almost down to her tail. He could also make out the slightest hints of feminine muscle in her arms and legs, enough to be just noticeable under the thick coat of fur.

"Damn. I've seen some intense transformations, but yours takes the cake!" Emily didn't acknowledge Aaron's assessment as his eyes focused on her more feminine features. Sure, the girls got a little firmer and bustier when they changed (the guys would get a bit buffer too), but Emily went from cutting board thin to supermodel and beyond. He could've grabbed her rear in both hands and still not be able to contain it all, and even through the fur he could imagine it'd be firm enough to bounce stuff off of. And while he didn't know cup sizes for bras, if someone had told him she was an E-cup or larger he would have believed them.

"I wonder if you're one of those guardian-types I've heard about." Aaron continued to talk to Emily, figuring she'd snap to any moment. "They're the exception to the rule in terms of growth. We've never had one here before, but supposedly guardians are all about protecting their territory and their pack-mates. They're extra strong and fierce when they or someone they're protecting is threatened."

Yeah, she definitely seems like a guardian, Aaron thought as Emily sat up. She took a few sniffs of the air as she took in her surroundings with her newly enhanced senses. As he watched her, Aaron couldn't help but feel he was forgetting something important about guardians. They were different from other werewolves in another way, besides the size thing. What was it again?


"Sorry Emily, can you give me a sec? I'm trying to-"


"Emily, please. I just need a second." Aaron blinked and looked back at the she-wolf. Her lips were curled back as she showed her fangs as she let out another thick growl. Aaron saw the threat at the last second and got his arms up in just in time to keep Emily's claws from slashing his neck. Blood trickled from the gash on his forearm she'd left as he stumbled back. "Emily! What the hell was that for?!"

She offered no explanation as she leapt to all fours, her growling only growing louder and fiercer. It seemed like the bright, intelligent girl that had been there earlier was gone. In its place stood a predator, a predator that didn't seem too happy with Aaron at the moment.

"Oh crap..." Aaron groaned as he suddenly remembered the other thing about guardians that deferred them from normal werewolves. A normal werewolf feels the tug of animal instinct, but otherwise mentally they still stay themselves. In a guardian, though, that animal instinct over-rides pretty much all higher thinking processes. Eventually their human intellect will reassert itself, but immediately after a transformation they'd be little more than wild beasts.

Like a bolt of lightning Emily tackled Aaron, her paws grabbing his shoulders and slamming him into the floor. Aaron cried out as her claws dug into his shoulders, tearing his shirt and drawing more blood. She made have had the strength advantage, but Aaron had enough experience to know what was coming next. As her jaws went for his neck, Aaron thrust his head forward, smashing his forehead against her nose. Emily yelped in pain, and tried again for another bite. The second attempt ended the same way as the first.

Emily growled in frustration as he let go of one of his shoulders, bring her claws up for another strike. It freed Aaron's arm up to defend himself, but he still couldn't force her off him. Quick as a shot her claws slashed toward Aaron's neck. Soon they'd slice open his throat, sending his blood spraying all over Emily as the life slowly bled from him...

... at least that would have happened, had his hand not caught her wrist as she swung down at him. Emily growled as she tried to pull free, clearly surprised that he was able to fight back. It wasn't until she felt sharp claws digging into her wrist did she turn to look at Aaron's hand. It was a hand that looked exactly like her own now, although the fur that covered it was golden brown instead of her jet black.

"Sorry, Emily; I misspoke before about something before." The fur on his hand quickly began to grow down his arm as Aaron spoke. Where Emily's change had been slow and painful, Aaron change was quick and almost natural. His dark brown eyes had lightened and seemed to glow as his other arm followed suit with the first.

Emily didn't seem to care that she was dealing with another werewolf as she continued to try and pull her hand free of his grip. When that failed, she tried to follow up with her other hand. Aaron caught that wrist as well, getting a snarl of frustration from his attacker.

"Remember how I said guardians are the exception when it comes to growth? Well, thragh! Grah!" His growing muzzle forced Aaron to pause his explanation as the changing tongue and jaw structure left him temporarily unable to speak. The fur along his arms shot up along his neck and face, the change flowing over him like water. His nose was pushed forward with his changing face, darken and reshaping into a wet wolf nose. The changes that had taken Emily minutes were taking him seconds, and left him feeling only slightly nauseous where she'd been crying out in pain.

"Hard to talk when your face is changing like that." Aaron's voice sounded thicker and deeper as he spoke. "Anyway, there are actually TWO exceptions when it comes to growth."

Aaron started to pant as Emily continued to struggle against him. Despite her powerful tugs she couldn't break free. If anything, his grip grew even tighter. She failed to notice that Aaron's shirt seemed to be shrinking on him as she struggled to get free. Each breath caused his shirt to rise and pull a little tighter across his chest, and when it relaxed it seemed like it didn't relax all the way.

"Guardians are one exception. Alpha's are the other." With a sudden burst of strength Aaron pushed Emily off him. Her butt had barely hit the floor before he was atop her, pinning her down as let out a low growl. "And I am an alpha!"

Emily growled back at him even as she found their roles reversed. The wolf didn't understand or care about his words. It did care about size, though, and even she could tell the wolf looming over her seemed to be larger than it was a moment ago. When his stressed shirt suddenly tore down the middle across his growing chest, Aaron could see the fear in her eyes as she realized she may have bit off more than she could chew.

Normally Aaron would've shed his clothes before they got destroyed, but he didn't want to risk leaving her free to attack him again just to save a few bucks. Besides, it gave him a very primal feeling of satisfaction to burst through his clothes and temporarily shed his calm human demeanor. Feeling his muscles ripple and grow under his fur filled him with both physical strength and an intense feeling of satisfaction. As his pack mates grew to respect their alpha, so too did their alpha grow to reflect that. As his bones lengthened and grew denser to support his expanding muscle mass, it was clear that Aaron commanded a lot of respect.

The sound of more fabric tearing filled the room, but Aaron kept his attention fully on his prey. Aaron's flashed a quick smile to show a muzzle full of sharp teeth, teeth that quickly clamped down on Emily's throat. His jaws locked firmly onto her neck, not puncturing but not letting go either. He wanted her submission, not her life.

When Aaron heard whimpering and felt her body relax under him, he withdrew his teeth and stood up, letting Emily get a full view of her new alpha. She was big for a girl, but she looked as tiny as a pup as Aaron towered over her with his nearly 7 feet of height. While her fur covered and played down most of her own muscle, Aaron's golden brown coat did little conceal the raw size and strength that surrounded him like an aura. Every inch of him, from neck down to his calves, radiated raw, masculine power. His rounded shoulders supported a neck that seemed thicker than some small trees and had arms connected to them that looked almost as large as her legs. His chest seemed as thick as a living barrel that rose and fell slowly with each breath he took.

"Sorry I had to get so rough with you, but our first rule is that you don't attack your pack mates without provocation." Aaron could feel her eyes examining him as he spoke, taking in his thighs that could best be described as massive and calves that calling them such would be doing them a disservice; they looked closer to full grown cows. "Second, you will always refer to me as Alpha in this form. Third..."

Alpha went on to explain what Emily could expect from her life in the pack, but she didn't seem to be paying attention. As she slowly crawled closer to him, her eyes were focused like a laser on his crotch. His cock was now covered in a furry sheath, though the tip of it that hung out was still a human, mushroom shaped head. The tip alone seemed huge, and underneath it hung a furry sac that looked like someone had stuffed a couple of large eggs in it. It was massive, and gave off an intoxicating scent that was drawing her in.

A sly smile crossed Alpha's muzzle as he saw where her attention was now. The change always did leave him feeling a little aroused, and it seemed she'd taken notice. Under normal circumstances he would've stopped her as she started to nuzzle and lick the tip of his cock. He would never force himself on an unwilling mate, but if anything she was forcing herself on him. When she took his engorging length into her muzzle, he figured he'd take this as her apology for attacking him earlier.

Emily's broad tongue slowly slurped and flicked over her Alpha's cock as he reached down and stroked her head encouragingly. She seemed to take that and Alpha's rapidly swelling penis as signs she was doing alright and began to increase her pace. Her teeth nibbled gently as she felt the growing flesh continue to fill her muzzle more and more. The feeling of her hard, pointed teeth followed instantly by the velvety softness of her tongue on his cock sent waves of pleasure through Alpha and made his tail wag in approval.

"That's enough, Emily." Slowly, almost regretfully she pulled back from her Alpha. As soon as she was fully off him he scooped her up in arms effortlessly and gently tossed her onto her bed. She yelped as she bounced on the bed before Alpha leapt atop her. Pressing his chest firmly against hers, he began to nuzzle and lick at her muzzle.

"Doggy style might feel a little more natural, but I like my first time with a new girl to be a little more traditional." Alpha gave Emily's hips a firm squeeze as her continued to nuzzle her. She began to return his affection, especially as he began to grope her rear. He could smell her growing arousal, making him all the more eager to take her.

Alpha's nuzzles and licks began to slowly go lower on Emily's body, starting at the underside of her muzzle and working down. He would occasionally nip at her neck, following each bite with a soft lick to soothe the pain. Her large breasts bounced softly with every breath she took as he slowly worked his way lower and lower. She really started to pant as his muzzle's attention moved to those massive orbs.

"Mmm..." Emily gasped as she felt Alpha's tongue flicking over her nipple. She continued to whimper and squirm as his paw went over to her other breast. His roaming paw found her other nipple under the fur and began to gently tweak and tease it. Emily's whimpering reached a fever pitch as a small orgasm rocked her body, a small puddle of her juices flowing onto her bed as her empty pussy clenched with an intense need to be filled.

"Eager, aren't you?" Alpha smiled as he saw the mess Emily was making. She got a good view of his cock as he rose up on his knees, and what she saw made her eyes go wide in anticipation. The sheath had pulled back fully to reveal his full length, nearly a full foot of throbbing meat with a drop of pre-cum forming at the tip. He moaned gently as tentatively reached her hand down and gripped it firmly. The heat coming off it was almost too much to handle, and even with her larger hands she could barely get her thumb and index finger to touch.

Alpha gently pulled her paw away, his cock dripping on her taut tummy as positioned himself to enter her. Emily hooked her arms under her shoulders, paws roaming over the rippling muscles of his back. She started to drool in anticipation and grind her hips against him to encourage his quick entry. Not wanting to make her wait anymore, Alpha gripped her hips tightly and began to push his cock into her.

Both of them moaned gently as he slowly entered her. The large member was slowly stretching her open wider and wider the more Alpha pushed into her. He teased her a little, slowing almost to a stop before suddenly thrusting another inch into her. Her claws dug into Alpha's back as she whimpered in a mix of pleasure and pain, clearly not used to his girth. Just when he'd hit her limit, he felt her hips against his. It was a tight fit, but Alpha had filled her to the hilt with his cock.

"I'll try and go as slow as I can..." Alpha reassured her as he pulled out, leaving just the tip before slowly pushing back into her. "...but you're making it really hard to hold back."

Emily moaned again as Alpha pushed back into her. She still whimpered at first, but with each thrust those whimpers became quieter. Soon all he could hear was the yips of pleasure she let out as she filled again and again by a huge cocked Alpha. Her muzzle was half open in pleasured bliss, tongue hanging gently from her mouth as her legs wrapped Alpha's waist.

Alpha took that as a sign that she was ready and started to increase his pace. It was just as well; he couldn't hold back anymore. Feeling her big, soft chest bouncing against his with each thrust and her paws roaming over his arms and back made him want to fuck her even harder. His pre was flowing like a faucet now as their combined juices began spilling out of her and soaking the mattress below.

As each stroke grew shorter and harder, both wolves could tell he was close. Alpha imagined she would have been begging him to cum, to fill her with his seed if she could talk properly. Most of the girls were like that when he mated them, and she seemed even more eager than they were. She started to thrust in time with him, doing her best to keep him fully within her at all times.

Alpha finally couldn't take it anymore. Her needy scent, her tight and wet pussy, feeling her thrusting back against him, and the fact that she was one hot werewolf were too much for him. He grabbed frantically at her hips, pulling Emily down on him as tight as possible just before his orgasm rocked through his body. A throaty howl escaped him as his mighty member sprayed blast after blast of his thick cum deep within his new mate. Emily's howls soon joined his as her second orgasm hit her, her pussy milking her Alpha's cock for all it was worth.

The two beasts quickly became lost in their sexual bliss. Hands grabbed and squeezed whatever they could as they surrendered to the orgasmic bliss running through their bodies and minds. Their pleasured howls caused the windows to rattle; had all the rooms on this floor not been soundproofed the whole building would've heard their frantic mating.

After nearly two minutes of powerful orgasms, the two finally started to come to their senses. Alpha held his new mate against him tightly, an occasional spurt of seed still pumping into Emily as he nuzzled the top of her head. She just rested against him, exhausted and seemingly content that she served her Alpha well. Her human mind would come back soon, and she'd probably still be a little upset at what happened to her. With her new body and the way she was now tenderly nuzzling him, though, Alpha figured she'd probably adjust just fine. He smiled down as his newest member as she cuddled contently against him.

"Welcome to FMU, Emily."