An Introduction to Busou Shinki
This is a basic introduction of Busou Shinki including basic everything one would need to know being new to the world of Busou Shinki. Busou Shinki was first made as a video game by Konami, however collectible figures of the Shinkis featured in the game and even a short anime series have since been released. Each figure comes with a special code which unlocks special content that players could use in the online game. Busou Shinki has since expanded to the PSP. As some of you may have guessed, Busou Shinki has yet to be released in the English language, and the game and any merchandise related to it can only be found in Japan. Those interested however can also find the figures and PSP games online at various sites. Almost anything to do with Busou Shinki is now quite rare, and as a result, the figures are very hard to find in stock, and those spots that do have them sell them for a high price. Prices and quantities vary from site to site.
Busou Shinki, more commonly referred to as "Shinki", are highly advanced robotic gynoid "partners" that are commonly utilized throughout the world of the 21st century to serve human "masters". They each stand a height of 15 centimeters tall and are very lightweight. Shinkis however possess strength that enable them to perform feats of incredible strength and agility for their size. Also, all Shinkis are made in the shape of human females, and have fully articulated joints.
Shinkis are among the most widespread robotic units of the time due to their wide variety or abilities, cute appearances, and simply because they can be good friends to have. A large portion of the consumer base are males aged from their mid-teens to early forties. However, Shinkis are bought and owned by both male and females of as young as four or five years old. The price of Shinkis is approximately the equivalent of a high performance computer.
Most notable about Shinkis besides their nature as fully functioning gynoids is the fact that they utilize a form of advanced artificial intelligence to the point that they are sentient and fully capable of independent thoughts and movement. Shinkis are utterly loyal to their masters, and will not deviate from what has been set out for them unless drastically deviates from their own views and/or morals. Shinkis are also completely capable of thinking any thoughts that humans can, and are prone to all of the same emotions as humans.
A Shinkis artificial intelligence and data are stored within their CSC Cores, which appear as a set of three jewel like orbs in a triangular formation. To a master, the CSC Cores also dictate a Shinki's combat perimeters and the areas they most accel in. They enable a Shinki to be built in a specific way so that they will grow having certain stats increase more than others, or to accel in levels and abilities. There are many different CSC Cores that do different things.
Once installed, CSC Cores cannot be swapped out unless the Shinkis master wishes to reset them. Once reset, a Shinki will lose her past memories, personality, and accumulated battle experience. For obvious reasons, this is not recommended.
The CSC Core is located under the left breast of a Shinki, where a human's heart would be.
While the base body of a Shinki is less likely to be directly modified by her master, there is a large assortment of different items that can be bought and equipped to the unit. When first purchased, a Shinki is packaged with her standard "basic" equipment. Meaning that all Shinkis of that specific model will look exactly the same when first obtained. However, many custom packs or even handmade clothing can be worn by a Shinki, hair can be dyed, armor and equipment can be repainted, etc. Giving your Shinki a unique look is one way to make her happy.
Armor comes in many different forms, not all of which are necessarily used for battle. Armor parts can be equipped much like clothing, with some such parts resembling normal everyday clothing that a human would wear or specialty uniforms or costumes for aesthetic appeal. Also, there is a quick equipment system that stores the armor data within an internal memory, allowing a Shinki to summon it whenever it is wanted or needed.
Weapons can be equipped much the same way as armor, but unlike armor, they are almost strictly for combat purposes only. Shinki weaponry is capable of damaging the environment, harming humans, and critically damaging other Shinkis. For this reason, Shinki battlefields have been invented which not only contain the battle, but also limit the power of Shinki weaponry to a controllable level that they are unable to seriously damage other Shinkis or the surrounding environment, and prevents any danger to humans.
Shinki gear is sorted into the following categories:
*Head Gear - including:
-Sensor Packages
-Hair/Hair Extensions/Hair accessories
*Rear Units - including:
-The main rear equipment, which holds and controls the rest of the equipments:
-Stabilizer Wings
-Armlets - Secondary mechanical arms for holding larger weaponry
-Rear Mounted heavy weaponry
*Leg Gear/Landing Gear - including:
-Thigh Armor
-Shock Absorbers
-Landing Gear
-Extended Legs
-Shin Guards
*Arm Gear - including:
-Gauntlets or Gloves
-Shoulder Guards/Pauldrons
-Elbow Guards
-Forearm Guards
-Impact Plates
-Wrist Guards
-Wrist Mounted Weaponry
*Chest Gear - Consists only of body armor or various clothing.
*Weaponry - Any weapons held within the hands, armlets, or specialized weapon mounts.
*Accessories - These are option units that add aesthetic appeal. Things like hair extensions, cat ears or tails, glasses, bows, tiaras, etc.
Buying a Shinki is as simple as going to a shop to pick one up. While certain models can be somewhat pricey, Shinkis are becoming common, everyday partners that many in the 2050's have the privilege of owning. Shinkis are sold at specialty stores and battle arenas where some battle tournaments take place. Some stores have a bigger variety of Shinkis to view and purchase than others.
When in store, most Shinkis do not have their CSC activated. Meaning that when purchased, they are completely fresh and ready to adapt to their new home or environment, similar to a newborn child if it were given all of the abilities of an adult but no memories.
Getting a Shinki is similar to a streamlined process of adopting a child. A Shinki is selected, it's cost is paid, and then it is taken home. A large variety of online paperwork and legal documents must be read and signed, stating that you will not illegally modify your Shinki or have her participate in unsanctioned battles without the use of a Battlefield. As mentioned a few moments ago, when first bought, a Shinki does not yet have her CSC Core initialized. Without their CSC Cores, Shinkis are nothing more than poseable figures with advance, deactivated robotics inside. Installing the CSC Core is something that can be done professionally for a fee, or by the Shinkis master with proper care and handling. The process of doing this for a custom model involves removing the external chest plating and installing the cores into the Shinki. Prefabricated Shinkis already have their cores installed.
After making sure the Shinki has been registered and initialized, it's time to activate her. This is done by connecting a wire to her back, around the middle area where a human's spine would be located. The wire is fed from what is known as a Shinki's Cradle. Afterward, a loading program will start her up and charge her battery.
After initialization, a Shinki is now "alive" and ready to become your partner. She will begin by stating her manufacturer (if applicable) and model type, following by a disclaimer that she will do her best to serve her master's needs. After this, she will ask for a name, which her master will give her. This start up procedure is the same for all Shinkis. It is not dependant and it will not affect her personality, as it is simply a recital.
Like all machines and humans, a Shinki needs to be taken care of and maintained. Regular cleanings and charging of a Shinki's battery will keep her in the best condition. Paints, cleaning tools, and repair kits can be purchased for your Shinki wherever Shinkis are sold. Specialty resins, cleaning kits, and repair kits are not very expensive, and can even be fit within a child's budget. So there is no reason not to help your Shinki stay clean and presentable. Of course, as a Shinki is sentient, she has a mind of her own and can obviously maintain her own well being. But bear in mind that doing things together with your Shinki helps maintain a good relationship.
In case of severe damage and CSC Core damage, attempting to repair these without professional supervision or in the case of a licensed manufacturer is highly hazardous for a Shinki, and may cause her more harm than help. In these cases, a Shinki's maintenance program will receive a signal from her and her cradle telling you to bring her in for professional repair.
For the sake of keeping her battery charged, a Shinki must set aside time at least once a day to rest on a device known as a Cradle. While charging on her Cradle, a Shinki will close her eyes, much like a human going to sleep. This gives the impression of being asleep as she organizes data stored on that day, and even finding herself having a dream or two. Shinki are most comfortable charging this way, and require no wires connections while using a Cradle. This time of rest is as crucial for a Shinki as sleep is for humans, and is highly recommended in order to maintain her health.
Also, a Shinki's Cradle also serves as a status monitor for her health. By connecting the Cradle to a PC, a Shinki's master is able to check her the status and condition of their Shinki via a provided Maintenance Program. The Cradle is vital to keeping a Shinki, and not having one will require you to constantly plug your Shinki into an outlet using the initial charging wire. This can be a very unpleasant experience for her to say the least.