Chapter 1: Jared’s Tail

Story by Jake Shadow Wolf on SoFurry

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Jared's personal tale so far.

I said I've been at the club for three years but never gave you my name. The name's Jared, Jared wolf. I'm a Mightyena morph who joined the club at the ripe old age of eighteen when I thought the world of pokémon would be easier without any true training. As soon as I joined I met the club's beautiful announcer, a Sylveon girl named Peony. She introduced me to the rules and regulations and told me caution would keep me out of a collar. I didn't listen and signed a three month battle contract with a Lucario who'd been at the club since the beginning. That was a lesson in humility. The fighting type easily out did my arsenal of moves, other than dig which gave me ideas, and I lost fairly. I submitted to the collar not knowing what they meant by sex club until that night.

You see the club had a contract policy about slaves, and that was that if you signed the contract to become a fighter you had the option of being a slave until you were released by your former owner or the one who beat them. If you had the resources you could hold a slave indefinitely, though only the wealthy and powerful weren't looked down upon when that was the case. My owner healed me up after the fight, took me back to his room and started teaching me the rules in a way my thick skull could accept them, which was by making love to me. I can't call what he did rape with all the consideration he put into it, and how hard he tried to make sure to not hurt me.

From there it as an interesting three months, He showed me how the club operated, what it took to run the club, and why the fighters generally released their slaves in a week or so. By the end of the first month I could quote the rule book, by the end of the second I could understand the slang between fighters. Finally at the end of the third I was ready to begin again. I met an umbreon named Vex with lots of potential, but mostly stuck to female opponents. Attract is a wonderful thing when you have a plan to manipulate it, not so wonderful when you're fighting your own body to fight against your opponent. I slowly grasped the concept of the club through each battle and heard vex had to retire for a year due to a serious injury.

The rest of my time was rather fun. It was a game of hit and miss really. It kept life interesting that half the time I'd win, the other half I'd lose. However that only served to help prove the club's methods needed to be refined. After Vex's injury a few extra restrictions were put in place. Now it was more likely to get you in trouble than fame if you hurt your opponent or slaves to much no matter the battle. However a slave was expected to follow orders and could be punished for not doing so. I learned that the hard way quite a few times.

Anyway back to the present. I have a match today against a new guy named Rinel. He's a Vaporeon. We're going to be fighting in the battle stadium and my friend Peony is the announcer. She, Kira, and Lina are the three announcers the club tends to rely on. With that said I better head to the arena where she and Rinel are waiting for me.


I ran through the hallways toward the stadium dodging left and right trying to avoid people and passed a young linoone who was playing a game droid. I ran into the stadium about five minutes before they would have counted it as surrender. Peony announced my arrival to the crowd bringing about a surprising cheer. I walked out into the arena ready to face Rinel who smiled at me. Then the two of us started letting out wave after wave of attacks. It started with me launching a shadow ball at Rinel who quickly dodged then diving in the ground and coming out using a fire fang followed by a thunder fang. He jumped away and used a bubble beam attack to blast at me, but I dodged it and got closer.

I ran up to him again and started attacking him repeatedly with different moves including my specialized Shadow Ball Hurricane. He dodged most of them, and then I slammed into him with a final thunder fang as he slammed an aqua tail into my side and the match ended. I walked away with a new Vaporeon pet following at my heels. I healed up Rinel then ate a few berries myself. After we left I ran into a guy named birch. He was a grovyle and the two of us butted heads a bit then agreed to have a match at an undetermined time in our future. After that I ran into Peony again and started a mess of trouble.

I tried convincing her to fight me and it worked thanks to pushing from a million angles and changing her focus from a rookie to me. She agreed shortly after I was tackled by Lina and Kira, both of which were amazed by how pissed Peony got. The three of us, Lina, Peony, and I, headed to the arena and started battling. Meanwhile Vex and a girl named Brianna went to challenge Shadow, a new comer in the dark arena.

Peony and I entered the arena from two different areas and I rushed at her. She tried to use swift to block my attack as I went after her with two fang techniques Ice and Fire fang. Both hit and caused status effects then I bit peony's shoulder with a thunder fang adding paralysis to the mix. Her swift had hurt me, but not too bad. I jabbed her in the sides with my lust fang technique then took her right there in the middle of the arena with the crowd watching. After that the two of us walked to my room where Rinel was waiting before heading to the shop.