U.O.P.I Chapter 1 page 4

Story by DavidBlüéSmith on SoFurry

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this is the longest so far, but its by far one of the most important.

The next day I woke up and booked a train ticket to London, I felt that it was time for me to start looking into my archive.

-Later that day-

I arrived at the Ministry of Legal Rights, I walked up to this big wooden desk, there was an old fox sat behind it, "state your name and your intentions" he said with slit I crock in his voice, "My name is David Blue Smith and I wish to enter my Archive volt" I said with a deep voice. He handed me and odd looking key with German Shepherd head on its handle, "Down the hall to the left" the old fox said and pointed me on my way. "Thank you, have nice day." I said happily as I walked away. "Why did my grandfather want me to go here" I thought to my self as the hallway came to an end, I set the key into the lock and turn it clockwise on the other side it sounded like the constant clicking and cracking of an industrial machine. The door opened and reviled stainless steel walls, in a plan silver room stood large wooden table, on this table was large silver box about 1 and 1/2 meters long and 50 cm tall, I opened the box and found a note on top of the red silk that covered whatever was underneath. The note reads, "Dear David, with all my heart I loved you as my grandson, I never meant any harm to come to you back in Berlin, but I feel that someone is not as happy with you as I am, so from my home I hade these shipped to our archive..... Please use them well, with all my love, Albert Nathaniel Chillcott." the note its self smelt of Wolfspain flowers, something I used to grow. I sighed briefly then set the note down, I placed my hand on the silk, clinched my hand and pulled it off, I almost feel to the floor when sew such a beautiful site to behold. "Oh.... what?... who?..... Why?......" I stammered, Inside were 4 katana swords, 3 were different sizes, a large one, a medium one and a small dagger like one, all three had brass dragon heads and handles and holsters were covered in red sneak skin leather, but there was one that stood out from them all, It was in a black holster with my gold trims on both ends and the handle well laughed to the point ware I was crying from joy, the handle wwas made from Ivory, carved into that the shape of two joined bones. I picked my Ivory sword and drew it from the holster, I looked on the blade to see my name in gold. "Thanks Granddad, I love them so much" I said to my self out loud. These swords will forever serve me until my death comes apron swift wings. There was one last note it is much smaller then the last it reads; "I know how good you are with a sword so I gave you the best of the best, maid from titanium they -like you- shall never bow to the elements". I giggled a bit, then I but them back, closed the box, locked it and picked it up by its handle. "Right, on my way home" I said joyfully, and started to walk back, "Is that right?" I deep voice said behind me.

To be continued....