The Hunt (By Jeeves)

Story by Antoneth on SoFurry

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#21 of A New Acquisition

Luna faces a rather unique hunt.

Written for me by Jeeves

Luna was on the prowl.

It was a quiet day; Jennifer off to the city to have dinner and drinks with her friend Max, and Sky and Storm having last been seen early that morning walking hand in hand around the far side of the lake, the wicker straps of a large picnic basket clutched in Storm's hands. Normally this would be the perfect opportunity for the wolf to engage in some healthy sexual antics with her favourite plaything, Tali. In fact such thoughts had been lingering at the forefront of her mind ever since she awoke and the household all bade their mistress a fond farewell, but following Tali's departure for her morning shower and her own brief trip to the kitchen for some breakfast, the wolf hadn't seen hide nor hair of the normally ever so sociable skunk.

Her search had been brief, though it felt longer thanks to the desires burning at the back of her mind and within the depths of her loins, and had now led the wolf all through the house to Tali's bedroom. She entered the rather messy chamber, almost tripping over something positioned precariously just behind the door and rolling her eyes as she kicked it aside, the large rubber dildo in question bouncing several times before it came to a standstill. Normally it was forbidden for any member of Jennifer's household to enter the private quarters of any other without permission, but Tali and Luna's relationship was such that they had developed more or less an 'open door' policy when it came to one another. The wolf glanced from left to right, scanning the room with her keen vision, but saw no signs of life or habitation. There was a small damp patch on the ruffled sheets of Tali's bed, but that was nothing new as a vigorous bout of morning masturbation was practically a ritual for the horny skunk. Her wardrobe was shut, a sure sign that Tali hadn't yet dressed for the day, but given the warmth of the early summer air and the absence of anything formal to do today there was no guarantee that she intended to dress at any point. Indeed Luna herself was naked as she stood in the midst of the skunk's untidy room, and since the thought of dressing hadn't so much as crossed her mind there seemed to be no reason why it should have occurred to Tali to do so.

The wolf sighed, running a paw through her ice blue hair as she turned on the spot and trying to think of the next most obvious place she might find the skunk's ever so delectable self. She paused though, something drawing her gaze back to the bed in spite of having already checked it. Luna frowned, her instincts telling her that something was off about the bed. Turning towards the cosy mattress set upon a reinforced wooden frame, a necessity for all the beds in this house given what they were put through at times, Luna approached cautiously. It didn't take long for her to figure out the cause of her inkling though, and when she did her guard dropped once more, curiosity taking over in place of that uncertain sense of intuition.

Tucked in beside a rather large mound of rather familiar looking stuffed animals, behind Tali's pillows, one corner just sticking out and barely visible even to Luna's sharp, pale blue eyes, was a large brown envelope. The wolf snatched it from its hiding place, and peered urgently at the familiar scrawl on its front. The handwriting belonged to Tali, and the name inscribed on the front set Luna's heart racing. It was hers.

Tearing open the envelope at one end, heedless of whether that was the correct end or not, Luna tipped its contents out onto the bed. There was a note, again written in Tali's swift, playfully flowing script, but before the wolf could even consider reading it her eyes were caught by the other three items that had fallen from the small parcel. Three photographs, Polaroid snapshots from one of those old self developing cameras, lay upon the bedding. Two were face down, plain white surfaces hiding what lay beneath. The third however had fallen with the picture-side showing, and it was this to which Luna's attention was so raptly drawn.

"Ohhh... you sly little bitch..."

The photograph displayed Tali lying flat on her back, head hanging down over the edge of her bed and a glassy, goofy smile fixed upon her upside-down features. Her hands were lying flat across her body, and the way her legs were tightly crossed in the air, knees bent and ankles hooked around one another, suggested rather strongly to Luna that Tali was in the midst of some rather enjoyable self-pleasure at the mercy of her fingers. Swiftly, her heart beginning to beat faster and her breathing growing ragged and shallow, Luna flipped over the other pictures. It was only now that she spotted a small mark on the bottom left hand corner of the picture she'd initially looked at; a circled number one in black pen. Scanning the other two quickly revealed that they were shot in sequence, and so the wolf snatched up number two, peering at it hungrily.

The second image showed Tali's face contorted in an expression of what could only be orgasmic bliss, her back arched, tail puffed out and one hand still buried between her legs, the other locked in mid air and shimmering with juices no doubt captured by the camera's flash. She was hanging right over the edge of the bed now, her breasts roughly level with the end of the mattress, but in the image's frozen state she seemed entirely unaware or at the very least unconcerned by her precarious position.

When Luna turned her attention to the third and final image, she couldn't help but chuckle. That was Tali, down to a tee. It showed the skunk lying in a crumpled heap by the side of her bed, having toppled off mid-orgasm. Her head and shoulders were resting on the floor, a contented grin perfectly complimenting the rosy blush on her cheeks, while her legs remained on the bed, spread out wide to maintain her balance and keep her from falling off entirely. Her upside down torso rested flat against the side of the bed itself, but it was one specific portion of that torso to which Luna's gaze was most immediately drawn. Tali's hands were by her head, supporting her body-weight as though preparing to engage in a handstand. This left her crotch exposed, and with her legs spread there was a perfect view captured of the skunk's treasure, glistening, pink and open in its moist, post-orgasmic state. It looked good enough to eat, and that thought alone was enough to make Luna groan and growl in longing.

One of the wolf's hands fell down between her own legs as she placed all three pictures down on the bed in a row, glancing over them and letting her imagination fill in the intervening seconds. She ran a finger down her own slit, shivering as the tip of her digit grazed her clitoris, and let slip a fevered moan. Her legs parted, widening her stance, and she felt herself readying a second finger to join the first, perhaps preparing to slid inside herself and rub at the sweet flesh of her needy cunny.

But... no.


Luna pulled her fingers back, growling as her eyes darted to the most important piece of this puzzle; the note. She snatched it up in the very same hand that had been between her legs mere moments before, and read it carefully through not once, not twice but three times in swift succession. A deep snarl of carnal fury escaped her muzzle soon after, but with it came a devilish grin, spreading across her face and lighting up her eyes with savage glee.

'Dearest Wuffie Buttmunch,

Neener neener. Is that how you spell that? I dunno, anyway!

I thought it might be fun to make you some pictures as a little gift, to remind you just how sexy I can be. Then I thought wouldn't it be hilarious to give them to you and watch you get all horny, ready to pounce me and fuck me right there on the floor. But THEN I thought, wouldn't it be even more fun and hilarious to give them to you, but NOT let you pounce and fuck me right away. So that's what I did.

This is the first of five sexy clues. When you find the fifth clue, you'll find me too. Of course, you don't have to. You could just take the photos and enjoy yourself on your own. But then you wouldn't get your prize. See, if you DO get all five clues, and you DO find me, I'm gonna make it worth your while. In fact, I'm gonna let you do ANYTHING you want to me once you find me. Absolutely anything.

Only four more clues to go. The question is, are your hunting skills up to scratch, or have you become too domesticated?

Love and orgasms from the sweet scented skunk,

Dr Natalie Skunk, esquire, summa cum loudly, PHD, DDS, BBQ, WTF.

Oh! Crap! PS! Your first clue is this: Where's my favourite place to eat, and be eaten?'

It had been a long time, months, since Luna had last had a chance to truly go 'hunting'. Most of the time of course it wasn't so organised as this, simply Tali playing hard to get and running, squealing and giggling, away from Luna as the wolf gave a rather half-hearted chase. If she wanted to she could usually catch the skunk in minutes, but there were times when it was fun to let Tali believe she was evading capture, only to pounce upon her ten minutes later and ravage her with the fevered lust of a wild beast. It was a lot of fun for both of them, but this... this type of hunting was something new, and the very thought of it was enough to drive Luna wild. That was probably the point though, and it was what made this whole plan of Tali's so very devious. This time she couldn't just pounce upon the skunk at her leisure. This time she truly did have to earn her prize, and until then, her needs would go unchecked, unsatisfied.

It was that knowledge, the fact that her sexual satisfaction truly was at stake here, which made Luna react in the manner she did. This was no longer a game. This wasn't a bit of fun. This was life and death; survival of the horniest. This was a hunt.

Dropping to all fours for a moment, Luna raised her nose high and sniffed the air instinctively. She knew she had no hope of tracking Tali's scent, there were hundreds of places in the mansion where the skunk had laid down her sexual scent in the form of her orgasmic fluids, but she held onto some small hope that here, where it was the strongest, would focus all her natural skills on that damnable skunk. With a low growl the wolf checked the piece of paper in her hand again, reading the clue to herself a few times. It wasn't hard to figure out what it meant, but Luna knew Tali well enough to know that it wasn't supposed to be difficult. This was all just about making her jump through hoops, and ensuring that by the time she reached the skunk she was a quivering wreck of helpless lust. Tali wanted to push Luna over the edge, because she knew more than anyone else in this house just how insatiably horny Luna could be when denied. Horny enough to wear out even Tali, the eternally aroused, if she were to get her paws on the skunk

With the three photographs still sitting upon the bed and Tali's note cast onto the bedroom floor between a crumpled pair of lace panties and a cordless 'bullet' vibrator, Luna bolted from the bedroom and down the long, echoing corridor that led to the mansion's main stairwell. She took the stairs three at a time, knowing full well that she was highly unlikely to catch Tali placing the second clue; all of this probably worked out well in advance, but rushing as fast as her muscles would carry her nonetheless. The wolf ground to a halt, or rather, attempted to, skittering and skidding rather comically on the polished wooden floor for a few extra feet, outside the kitchen; a room which doubled as the dining room too on all but the most formal of occasions. She pulled the door open, her eyes fixating instantly on a patch of the kitchen worktop just beside the large cabinet freezer. Darting around the table and vaulting the breakfast bar for no other reason than to prove that she could, growling triumphantly as she landed neatly on all fours, the wolf was soon beside that spot which held several rather happy memories for her and Tali.

"Your favourite place to eat and be eaten. Mhh..."

Closing her eyes and sniffing the air, Luna could almost feel herself sliding back in time just a few weeks. She recalled sitting at the table with the rest of the household, glancing over to the counter beside the freezer and grinning as she saw Tali hop up onto it, a carton of her favourite ice-cream clutched in one paw and a spoon in the other. Jennifer had seen her staring almost immediately, and, smirking at Storm and Sky, had excused her from the meal. She'd approached Tali boldly, shamelessly, and the skunk had squealed in delight as she saw Luna prowling towards her. Peeling the skunk's legs apart, not a challenge by any stretch of the imagination, Luna had set her eyes upon Tali's bare slit. There were no panties covering her crotch beneath her light blue summer skirt, that and a pair of knee high socks the only garments Tali had chosen to dress in that particular day. It made her pink pussy the most tempting and sumptuous of targets, and Luna had delved in with her tongue outstretched in an instant.

For as long as they'd been in Jennifer's care Tali had sat there beside the freezer, slurping on ice-cream with a teaspoon and whimpering in pleasure as one member of the household or another ate her out. By the time Sky arrived in their household it had already become something of a tradition to hear the slurp of a tongue at work and the moans of a skunk in pleasure while you sat at the table and ate your own dessert, and by the time Storm had joined their family it was common knowledge that sitting in that spot, ice cream or not, was an invitation for someone else to have a taste of what lay between your legs.

Today however there was no horny, beaming skunk sitting upon the counter. In her place however there stood an empty tub of ice cream, washed out, dried and set back on the counter with its lid askew. Emerging from beneath the lid Luna could see both another sheet of paper, and something reflective and round. She crossed the final few metres to the ice cream tub in a heartbeat, and scooped it up in one shaking paw. This tub hadn't been here when she came in for breakfast, which meant that Tali had planted it here in the short space of time between her leaving in search of the skunk and returning now. She really had planned this down to the last detail, and that made the wolf all the more determined to see the skunk squirming and begging within her firm, inescapable grasp.

Pulling the sheet of paper loose and unfolding it, Luna growled in frustration. It was short, far shorter than the first of Tali's notes, yet it still managed to tease and aggravate her to the extreme.

'Dearest precious puppy-wuppy,

If you've seen the DVD in the tub, I don't even know why you're even reading this letter since it's obviously a video message. Ah well.

Oh, and yes, that is your favourite squeaky bone in the video. Seeya soon!

Sweet salutations from the Lady Natalia Postlethwaite IV, baroness of Clittington upon Cock.'

Wide eyed and trembling with a mixture of anticipation and helplessness at being made to jump through yet more hoops at the skunk's comedic behest, Luna wasted no time in snatching the DVD from the ice cream tub and dashing over to the TV/DVD combi which sat on the other side of the kitchen, surrounded by beanbags. It wasn't the biggest TV in the house by a long shot, though still larger than most at around 40 inches, but it was great for watching popcorn flicks; the drinks dispenser and popcorn maker sitting at the far end of the breakfast bar making this room the perfect location for a lazy movie night.

Slipping the DVD into the player, Luna fell back onto a beanbag out of habit rather than a desire for comfort, absently allowing a paw to drift between her legs as a familiar and all too welcome sight filled the screen.


Tali's voice, or rather, a moan in the tone of Tali's voice escaped the TV's speakers, and as the deliciously plump curve of the skunk's ass pulled itself away from the camera Luna wasn't surprised that she was crooning so loudly. As Tali shuffled forward on three of her four limbs, looking over her shoulder with a breathless smile, she was working a toy rapidly in and out of her dripping depths. The high quality sound capture of whatever camera she was using picked up every little squish and slap as the toy pulled out and dived back in over and over again, and alongside those sticky, sexy sounds the melodic moanings of the skunk herself continued almost without pause. It was around this point that the words of the playful female's note rang in Luna's ears, and her sharp eyes noticed the shape of the toy clutched so tightly in the skunk's paw. The wolf whined under her breath, ears falling back against her scalp, and the paw gently rubbing circles around her clit pressed firmly into her crotch, drawing a louder yelp from her needy lips.

Her bone.

Her squeaky bone.

The very first possession she'd ever been given by her beloved mistress, after her collar of course, and to this date her very favourite sex toy. She never let it out of her sight, keeping it in a locked box under her bed to which only she and Jennifer had the key. And yet... there it was, plunging in and out of Tali's pussy like a common dildo, so wet, so slick with the skunk's juices that it must have been at work in there for quite some time before the recording began.

"Oh god, y-yes..."

For stealing her toy, for using it for her own selfish masturbatory pleasure, Tali would pay. She would pay in screams, in shrieks of helpless lust and desire. But god, oh god it was hot watching her using that sacred object. She didn't want to, but the mere sight of Tali abusing her favourite toy made Luna almost lose her mind with arousal. So many times she'd whined and yipped and exploded around that rubber bone and its perfectly smooth club-like ridges, letting go of all the strength and pride she showed to the world and those she cared about most in moments of pure vulnerability and self-love. Now she was seeing the pleasure it could bring first hand, not just to herself but to anyone. And the fact that the person using it was Tali, already so uninhibited, made Luna wonder just how good it would feel to be so free and recklessly gleeful with her sexuality.

Plunging two, then three fingers into herself, Luna very nearly gave into her carnal needs and lost herself in frantic masturbation. Strangely though it was Tali's orgasm, a shrieking, squirting climax that propelled the bone free from her nether regions and into the camera's tripod, bringing it crashing to the ground on its side, which pulled her free from her lewd, lusty reverie. Though she didn't remove the fingers buried inside her aching treasure, Luna did pause, panting and whimpering, as a moaning, quivering Tali crawled to the camera some ten seconds later and pulled it upright, pointing it at her blushing, panting face. She was still shivering in the final throes of her orgasmic frenzy, but eagerly, hungrily she addressed Luna, for who this tape was made.

"Y-your next clue is where what you saw inside me should have been. Now if you excuse me, I... I have to go and..."

The skunk's face went from pink to scarlet, and her eyes drifted off in the direction that the toy had launched. Luna had seen that expression on her face before, and it made the wolf's fingers flex and rub at her inner walls in excitement just to see it there on the screen. Both she and Tali moaned in fevered passion, and the screen went blank as Tali clearly decided that another go on that wonderful toy was more important than a proper sign off for her video message. Somehow Luna managed to convince herself not to follow in the skunk's footsteps, and with a rather savage snarl of frustration tore her fingers free from her clutching passage, wiping the moist digits on the fur of her right thigh.

Moving out of the kitchen much more slowly than she'd entered, red faced and panting as her aching treasure begged for further stimulation with every step, Luna ascended the stairs once more and soon found herself drawing level with Tali's bedroom door. Rather than turning right towards the skunk's room however she turned left, entering her own much tidier, much less cluttered bedroom. She dropped to her knees on the thick carpet, almost like forest grass in its texture, and crawled the short distance to the wall against which a large wooden chest was parked. She pulled its heavy lid open with a grunt of effort, and carefully picked out several piles of towels and a stack of jigsaw puzzles before reaching into the bottom of the chest and fumbling blindly for a few moments. Luna growled as she felt the nub of a key protruding from a small, almost unnoticeable metal lock, a key which should have been buried inside a zipped up teddy-bear atop her drawers on the other side of the room. She twisted the key, and growled again as the secret compartment within the bottom of the chest sprang obediently open.

Sitting on her knees and leaning into the chest, her breasts resting against the inner rim of the wooden frame, Luna searched through the few precious possessions of hers which almost permanently inhabited that now not so secret hideaway. Her dream journal. A scrap of material from the dress she'd arrived at Jennifer's door wearing. Several pieces of paper held flat within the bindings of a large, heavy dictionary; scraps of paper which Luna hoped desperately that Tali hadn't read, and... and that was it. No bone. No squeaky bone.

Except... yes, there was something else. Another sheet of paper; not a scrap, but a smooth, once-folded piece of white paper. She hadn't seen it at first because it had come to rest flat against the side of the chest, almost blending in with the dark shadows, but upon pulling it free and opening it up Luna was greeted once again by Tali's handwriting.

'Dear Luna...'

This opening made the wolf frown. It wasn't often that Tali was serious, even on occasions where the mood called for it, so to see her writing this letter so formally after the last two was something of a shock to the system. Urgently, more so than before, she read on.

'Dear Luna,

I just want you to know that I didn't look at anything else while I was in here. I took the toy, that's all. If I'd known you kept more than your favourite squeaker in here, I would have figured out something else for the plan. I hope you can trust me on that! But I hope you know that if you ever want to tell me about anything else in there, what it means to you and why you kept it, I'll keep it a secret. Even from Jen if you ask me to.

We all have our secrets, and we all have things we like to keep close to our hearts, but you're someone closer to me than any baggage I have, and if I had the strength to share those secrets with anyone but Jennifer, you'd be the girl I'd pick.

Love ya,


PS. FUCK! I forgot the damn clue AGAIN! See, this is what I get for writing this after I gave your toy its first workout. God knows how I'll manage to put the DVD together when I get that far. I guess you've already seen that though, so I hope I wasn't too pleasure-drunk. Well, actually I kinda hope that I was. Still! Here's the clue.

Where does a wuff go to bury their bone? Where does our mistress go when she wants time alone?'

For a little while, almost a minute, Luna just knelt there by the chest reading and re-reading the note. It wasn't the clue she was fixated upon this time though, but rather a combination of the skunk's kind words, and an self-imposed effort not to shed a few tears. She sniffed, unsuccessful in that last regard as two drops of watery emotion hit the paper. Swallowing heavily as she wiped her eyes on the back of one paw, Luna re-folded the letter and carefully, gingerly slipped it back into the secret compartment. It may have been put there under false pretences, but it belonged there now as much as anything else.

"Dammit, Tali. You can't let me be mad at you, can you? You have to remind me why it is we all love you so goddamn much, even when you play the fool and get me all worked up."

The lupine female was muttering under her breath as she addressed the absent skunk, but the rest of what she had to say she held back, at least until she could confront Tali face to face. Slipping the cover of the secret compartment back into place, Luna replaced the key in it's rightful spot, patted the teddy-bear on the head to reassure him that the theft wasn't his fault, and left her bedroom with a renewed spring in her step. Sure she was still horny, but now she was happy and horny, an altogether more intoxicating and pleasant combination than simply being horny alone.

Down the stairs once more the wolf travelled, neither running nor dawdling, and with a slight shiver of excitement she crossed the hallway and pulled open the mansion's large front door.

Where did a dog bury its bones? The garden. Where did Jennifer go when she wanted some time to think without distraction, the garden. The flower garden to be precise. Thus, that was where Luna went next.

Crossing the gravel drive swiftly, her pads absorbing the firmness of the stones beneath them without any discomfort, Luna sighed contentedly as she stepped onto the grass, wriggling her toes down into the soft, dewy greenery. She tilted her head back, the warm morning air bathing her chest and face, and reached down between her legs playfully, tweaking her clitoris just once. A soft moan of pleasure escaped her, a shiver of excitement ran down her spine, and a few placid seconds of relaxation later Luna set off towards the flower garden at a gentle jog, firm breasts bouncing playfully with every step.

The flower garden was beautiful at this time of year; still flush from the growth of spring but not yet harmed by the full fury of summer's heat. Bees buzzed back and forth, harmlessly avoiding the nude wolf as she passed them by without a second thought, and all sorts of delightfully fragrant, floral aromas reached Luna's nose. Tulip. Lavender. Rose. Arousal. Honeysuckle.

Luna ground to a halt suddenly, her neck snapping backward, her nose sniffing frantically at the air once more.

No. She wasn't insane. She could smell arousal. Tali's arousal, no less. Spinning on the spot, one hand falling to her crotch once again in sheer excitement, Luna's sharp eyes sought out the source of the smell. Was the skunk herself here? Or was this just another clue, left somewhere that the skunk knew she was bound to walk?

The answer was found a short distance away, nestled carefully in the branches of a bush which bore gorgeous, sweet smelling orange flowers, but which Luna couldn't identify by name. A piece of paper was skewered upon one branch, Tali's handwriting clearly visible upon it, and above it, resting on a cradle of branches, was Luna's squeaky bone.

Seeing her toy right there before her, it was all the wolf could do not to drop to the ground and begin to fuck herself with it right then and there. It was such a relief to see it again, and to take it into her paws as she did a moment later. What was more surprising than relieving however was the wetness of the toy, even now, and the fact that when she brought her fingers to her nose the scent was instantly identifiable.

"Ohh Tali... a-again?"

The skunk had been using this toy, and recently too. Her juices were all over it. Luna looked around, gazing bashfully, guiltily from left to right. She turned on the spot, not just once but twice, seven hundred and twenty degrees in total, before turning her gaze back to the glistening bone in her hands. She brought it slowly, reverently to the tip of her muzzle, and inhaled deeply. The wolf shuddered, and groaned as a trickle of liquid arousal ran down her right thigh. She released half of the toy, that hand falling instantly to her clitoris, tweaking the stiff nub more urgently and firmly than before. Her tongue extended, sharp pants escaping her open maw, and with a hungry, lingering groan of satisfaction the wolf licked the cum-covered toy in absolute rapture.

Falling to her knees as the taste of Tali's essence erupted in her maw, Luna tossed her head back, pressed her clit sharply between forefinger and thumb, and howled. She didn't cum, not quite, but she might as well have for the spectacle she made of herself to the birds and the bees fluttering and buzzing in the garden all around her.

After several more long, luxurious laps and a brief bout of suckling upon each of the bone's ridged ends, her nether regions drooling their honey over the questing fingers of one paw all the while, Luna finally managed to regain control of her conscious mind. She wrestled her libido down; chaining and muzzling it tightly, promising to unleash its snarling, trembling form once again as soon as she set eyes upon Tali. It wasn't happy about the offer, subjecting Luna to several more violent, tempting tremors of bliss before it settled down, but ultimately agreeing. There was no avoiding it now though. When Luna got hold of the skunk, that was the rest of the day gone. Sure, Tali was horny. Sure she held nothing back in expressing her physical affections and sexual desires. But when you brought together her unstoppable sex drive with the immovable force of Luna's inner libidinous beast, heaven help the poor soul that tried to resist, or to come between them.

Panting and gasping for air, holding her squeaky bone in her teeth as she did so, Luna reached out and finally set about reading Tali's latest letter. She hadn't even gotten past the first few words when a guttural growl escaped her lips, but at the same time the corners of her muzzle twisted upward in an irresistible grin. In this letter, the old Tali was very much back in business.

'Dearest fluffyboobs cutiekins,

First of all, I'm running out of names for you. I toyed with something simpler; cumslut, perhaps, but I didn't want to make your ego any bigger than it already is. That title is still mine, so live with it.

Anyway, you're almost at the finish line! Just one more clue to find, and you'll be right on top of me. Or maybe I'll be on top of you, it's your choice. I do hope you find me soon though. Just thinking about you catching me and all the things you might wanna do, god knows how many times I've had to get myself off by now just to stop myself running into the house and BEGGING you to fuck me. I never should have left your bone behind, but I figured if you didn't know it was safe before you got to me I'd not make it back to the house alive.

Here it is, Luna. Your second to last clue.

Say my name. Say it like you want me. Like you need me. If my clues so far have worked, and I know you like I think I do, you won't even have to lie.

Naughty thoughts and fingers aplenty, The undefeated cumslut champion of the mansion, five years and counting.'

Luna's head rose sharply from the paper, looking around and half expecting to see Tali's head peeking out from one of the flowerbeds, watching her. There was no sign of the skunk though, and while her scent lingered in the air that was probably just due to the residual flecks of the female's arousal in the fur around Luna's muzzle.


The wolf blushed, ashamed of herself for even being stupid enough to try and humour the skunk. She read the letter over again, trying to figure out if there was some hidden meaning to the clue. There wasn't though, at least, nothing that Luna's pleasure fogged mind could comprehend. A soft whimper escaped her muzzle, and though it made her cheeks burn crimson as she did so, Luna raised her voice and called out loudly, questioningly.


Nothing. Birds chirped. Bees buzzed. A soft breeze shifted the branches of several nearby trees. Luna whined under her breath. Suddenly she felt very exposed out here. Very alone.

A soft whisper escaped her lips, barely audible.

"Tali... please. I need you. Please, j-just... just answer me."

A loud giggle from about a metre away made Luna's heart skip a beat. Her eyes widened, her arms windmilled as her feet tried to propel her upright in two different directions, and the wolf fell in a pile of flailing, yelping fur onto her back.

The giggling grew louder, and Tali's voice rang out from thin air.

"H-here's your last clue, Lulu. What's black, white, invisible, and standing right beside you?"

Another burst of laughter, not from Tali but from a patch of bushes about twenty metres away, caught Luna's attention. She dragged herself up onto hands and knees, and glared sharply in that direction. There was a squeal of fright, a rustling of leaves and a clamour of voices, and a moment later Storm emerged from the bush, naked and running as fast as her bare feet could carry her back towards the house. Sky followed suit soon after, pausing only to glance back over his shoulder, grin at Luna and call out a fond good luck to Tali, wherever she was.

For a few seconds Luna watched the two bare scaled dragons running away, Sky swiftly catching up to Storm and taking her hand, their laughter echoing back to the wolf's attentive ears as they bolted towards the house together. Only when their mirth had faded to almost indistinguishable background noise did she turn back to where the skunk's voice had previously emerged, and it was at this point that she very nearly toppled backwards in shock all over again.

The air before her, about two metres distant from her current position, rippled and contorted like waves from a stone thrown into a pond. For a moment an unfocused blob of black and white hung in mid-air, and then suddenly, with a soft popping sound, Tali was standing on the grass, one paw over her muzzle to stifle her current fit of the giggles.

She watched Luna, and Luna stared, wide eyed, back at her.

Their eyes met.

Tali's hand dropped to her side, and the skunk whimpered softly.

"Y-you... can see me?"

Luna growled under her breath, nodding. A devilish grin spread across her face.

"I... I'm not invisible anymore?"

The wolf shook her head. She licked her lips, glancing briefly down at Tali's thighs, slick and matted with her juices, her pussy lips visible, pink and swollen with excitement and frequent use.

With a sudden shriek of laughter, Tali turned and tried to run as Luna launched herself up from where she was kneeling, snarling and ready to strike. The skunk made it a total of four paces before she felt a strong hand grab hold of her tail, and after a whirl of motion, several more squeals of mirth and a howl of triumph, Tali was lying flat on her back with Luna straddling her stomach.

Behind Luna, her tail wagged wildly back and forth in giddy anticipation. She glared down at Tali, teeth bared, and slowly, tortuously ran one finger down the skunk's left cheek, her neck, between her breasts and down her stomach. The finger ended on the wolf's own clitoris, Luna growling in satisfaction as she pressed down on the stiffened nub firmly. She closed her eyes as she rubbed the digit back and forth over her love button a few times, rolled her hips against Tali, then opened her icy hues once more.

Tali giggled nervously as their eyes met.

"N-now you've caught me... w-what are you gonna do?"

Her body was trembling with delight as much as fear. She knew that the next few hours were going to be absolute torture, but at the same time, she knew she was going to love every minute of it. No matter how confident she may have been about that fact though, Tali still whimpered as Luna leaned down over her, bringing their faces so close together that she could smell her own arousal faintly on the wolf's breath. Luna growled under her breath, Tali closed her eyes, and...

...and moaned softly, happily, as Luna's lips pressed tenderly against her own in a long, lingering, tongue heavy kiss. It was romantic, it was sweet and loving, it was perfect. Both females lost themselves in one another's muzzles, tongues and quiet, breathy whimpers of pleasure, and for more than two minutes not another word was spoken by either one of them.

It was only when their lips parted again and Tali opened her eyes once more that the skunk looked into her lover's beaming face, and saw the devilish twinkle in her eyes.

Tali sobbed in sudden, unexpected pleasure as Luna straightened up astride the black and white female and no less than three of the wolf's fingers plunged swiftly and purposefully into her well worked but still hungrily aching treasure. They pressed inwards, deep and hard, until they could advance no further. Only then did they relent, falling still and allowing Tali to catch her breath. A long, fevered wail of bliss escaped the skunk soon after, and she stared up at Luna, red faced and beaming with satisfaction.

The wolf addressed her in that low, husky, threatening voice she absolutely adored. Tali felt her inner walls contracting and clutching at the fingers inside her with every word, but fought to stay silent, not to cry out, for fear that she might interrupt Luna's brief but powerful speech.

"You want to know what I'm gonna do to you, Tali? I'm gonna thank you. Thank you for giving me one of the best workouts I've had in months. And when I'm done thanking you..."

Her fingers pulled almost all the way out of Tali, then delved straight back in, demonstrating in no uncertain terms the form in which her gratitude was going to be shown. Tali thrashed, helpless to act or resist, and screamed in ecstasy.

"...when you're all nice and tired out; sore from my fingers working you so hard and for so long, to so many orgasms that even you might lose count. When you're ready to curl up and sleep for a week. So sleepy. So satisfied. So warm and wet and sticky, just the way you like it. That's when I'm gonna take you inside, into my room, and lock the door. Your ass, your body, every last little drop of you is mine now, Tali, and I'm not letting you go again until either Jennifer asks me to, or I just can't cum anymore."

A vague, faraway look had glazed over Tali's eyes as she listened to Luna speak. It was the kind of look that Sky usually had on his face when he came after hours of being teased and edged slowly towards orgasm; a look of total peace, a look that said in his mind all was right with the world. Tali knew that she could tease Luna, day in, day out, as much as she wanted to, and the wolf would take it all in her stride. That was Luna's way, and she loved the wolf for it.

But when the teasing was over, and the time of reckoning was upon her, Tali knew that Luna expected the skunk to deliver. She had promised Luna anything she wanted. Anything.

And now, to her abject horror and to her absolute joy all at once, she was actually going to get the chance to make good on her word.

By Jeeves