the Truth , fights , and cold nights part one

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Chapter 6 the truth, fights , cold nights

Note: England is still referred to as Albion in this setting

As Jake packed the bags with new supplies he looked over at Brody sat at the bar absently stroking his tail in his lap starring off into the glass of whisky that sat untouched in front of him as the events of the last half hour replayed in his mind. "don't ya worry about him lad. Hell snap out of it before you know it you go over and see to him ill get everything else packed Aaron should be round soon.,"

Walking over to the young fox he puts his paw on his shoulder "hey Brody you there?" Brody keeps looking through the amber liquid.

"I still see them Jake, whenever I close my eyes all I can see is the face that guy I shot. What if he had a family? I could just shot someone's father? " Brody gripped his tail tighter .

Jake dragged over a bar stole sitting next to him. Grabbing the fidgeting paws and turned Brody to face him .

"so what if he did? He chose his lot in life, if you had not shot him he would have shot you! It's a waste of time worrying about things you have no control over. " Shaking his head Brody looked back at the glass on the table. Still wrapped up in his doubts

Seamus walked back in some time later dusting off his pants , "ok lads come on time to get amove on, Brody either you drink that or give it to someone who will it won't come to life and give ya the answers yur wanting, this is a bloody bar and it's a sin to waist good whisky!"

When Brody made no move to pick up the glass Seamus downed it and pulled him to his feet. propelling him out the door.

Seamus handed the bar key to one of the other barmen and picked up his pack slinging it across his back

For a they walked in relative silence, Aaron taped Jake on the shoulder some time later and took him ahead to scout out the trail. Seamus glancing over at Brody a half smile creeping on to his face. "ya know lad you're the spitting image of your Da back when we were your age. " said the border collie catching the foxes eye "it never gets easier you know"

"killing someone?" Brody asks in a quiet voice.

" for some this Is true, but I was talking about growing up. " he paused hesitated then continued his words more heavily laced with that singsong accent of his folk along with the crack of barely contained emotion "did yur Da ever tell ya what life was like growing up for him? Or yur Ma for that matter? "

Shaking his head Brody's full attention was on the border collie next to him.

"Can't say im surprised and before ya ask ill tell ya what I can but I only know what little he has told me and what I have been able to work out for me self." Seamus rummages in a waist pouch, taking out his churchwarden pipe he lights it and takes a few draws before continuing. "your father grew up on the streets, twas in one of the north eastern states I think , he had to scrape a liven steeling what he could doing the odd job here and there never staying in one place to long." Taking another draw on his pipe he continued. "what happened to your grandparents I haven't a clue and your father would never say when I asked. But somewhere between where he started and where I met him in the territories he found your mum and they ended up in a prairie town whose name escapes me at the moment ill tell you more once we reach where we are going , now Lets see what those two have found. "

_ _


"You know your stuff kid, who taught you to move like that when your scouting?" said Aaron as they moved along the path quiet as mice.

Jake kept pace with the big cat "My dad did sir, he taught me everything I know."

"He Lacochi? Must be to have taught you moves like this those folk know how to move quieter then a leaf on the wind. And call me Aaron Sir makes me feel old." Aaron stopped and examined the trail then pointed to a barely visible side path "lets wait for em here Seamus knows the way well enough but it looks like we may have company." He stretches and sits down on the balls of his feet.

"He is Sir- sorry Aaron, my mum was from over in Albion though, where are we headed to ?" the wolf asked kneeling down next to him.

"Just an old hideout Seamus thought I didn't know about from the days before we met , he goes here every so often to replace supplies. Although it looks like I might not be alone in finding it."

The group crept an long the small path as they reached the edge the secret hideaway coming into view. across Jake counted at least six furs circled around a bright fire. Next to him Aaron bristled his lips drawn back in a silent snarl, Jake looked at him and followed his gaze. Taking a sharp breath he saw what had gotten angered the saber, parked out front of the entrance of a mine shaft was a group of children chained together the oldest couldn't be more then twelve.

"Slaver scum selling kids it's just sick!" Hissed Aaron Seamus nodded.

Looking over the camp.

" don't do anything stupid mate well get them out but we have to be smart about it !"

He thought for a moment, "OK Jake, Brody you two go around them on the left near those trees make sure the kids are safe don't let those guys near em , Aaron you take the center I'll go right no one fire till I do and leave at least one alive he may know something about Alic or at least have word of him. "

Jake looked back over at Brody trying to gauge how he was holding up. he looks ok, but he seamed so fragile before, don't get wrapped up in him he will take care of himself! _. shaking his head he moves forward towards the kids, a loud snap comes from behind him causing his heart to leap into his throat. _Shit shit shit! One of the furs a weasel gets up gun drawn and starts to pad over. He only makes it five steps before there's a shot and he falls limp to the ground. the other scramble up looking around for the shooter some of them fire off at random, two more a jackal and a bear went toward the kids as the others take what cover the could firing at their attackers. Jake got off a shot hitting the jackal in the leg and dropping him, then screamed as a bullet hit him in the arm, he dropped his gun and grabbed his arm Jake heard the bare say "got ya" and aiming at him. There was a shot jake jumped expecting pain he looked down for the wound then looked at the bear who was looking at blood dribbling from a paw clutched to his chest with out a word he fell onto the jackal. Jake looked back at Brody who held the gun only slightly shaking he goes over and helps jake up

"you ok? "

"yea im fine, good shot"

"thanks" he ties off the wound with some cloth and looks into Jakes eyes quickly before looking up.

Jake looked over at the kids then back to the camp there he could see Seamus and Aaron walking slowly over checking the bodies before walking over to the boys.

"nice work you two hey ya even saved one for questioning!" said Seamus before hitting the crook with the but of his gun putting him out. he grabs something of the belt and tosses it to Brody. "lets get thease kids lose shall we?"