Jeremy Taylor 3

Story by XrandolphX on SoFurry

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#3 of Jeremy Taylor

This is my third entry of Jeremy Taylor as usual comment are always nice and if you see anything that needs improving or any errors please let me know and please enjoy.

We walked up to the restaurant and I opened the door for my sister and we both walked inside wondering what type of wonderful food we'd be getting tonight.

As we walked in we were stunned by the amazing decor that plastered the walls and ceilings. The room that we walked into was rather short and wide it felt like a foyer to a large castle. The walls were laden with marble pillars that went all the way to the very decorative ceiling that was covered in a very extravagant paisley that looked hand painted the rather short length of this foyer ended at two gigantic doors that looked to be about 16 feet tall and about 6 feet wide.

"Wooooooooow" was all that we could say as we walked forward to the giant double doors as we got closer a high pitched voice that sounded very familiar came from the left as we turned to see where the voice was coming from I was attacked by a giant pink blur that laid me on my back

"Oh my gosh jerry!" squealed my attacker

"Uhh" was all I could mutter while I waited for my senses to come back

"Oh sorry jerry guess I got a little carried away" said the familiar voice as it got off my body and began to help me to my feet

As I came back to my senses and was able to lay my eyes on my assailant I saw a pink bunny dressed in baby blue suit and with matching bowtie the outfit made him look like a giant poof of cotten candy. As I made it up to look at him in the face I realized it was my best friend Lewis from the soccer team as I realized this I broke into a toothy grin

"Hey Lew I did not know you worked here" I chuckled pulling him in to a quick hug

"Yep just got the job last week" he said as we followed him to his podium

"Good on ya Lew this job must pay well seeing how fancy this place is" I inquired

"Yea it does and I was hired on the spot because of my hyper and friendly attitude" he told me as we made it to his podium

Lewis was a pink bunny that was one of my first friends at our school he had the same love for soccer that I did but one thing that was different was that he was openly gay and every one knew and surprisingly no one picked on him well actually thanks to the soccer team no one dared to pick on any of us for any thing. Last year Lewis actual confessed that he had a crush on me and wanted to date me but I had to turn him down. Not that I have anything against him but I'm not gay I explained to him that we were still friends and that I did not hate him for coming out to me but he gained some respect in my eyes.

"Nice I'm glad for you Lew" I said in a congratulatory tone of voice

"Thank you, so who is this lovely young lady you have around your arm?" he said nodding to jenny

"Oh yea Lewis this is jenny todays her birthday so I'm treating her to some real fancy food" I said giving her a quick side hug

"Oh well nice to meet you jenny and happy birthday you got your self a fine man here" he said obviously misunderstanding and thinking that she was my girlfriend and my sister but right as I went to correct him jenny jabbed me in the ribs stopping me from speaking. Very confused by this right as Lew looked away I looked down at jenny with a blatantly questioning face and all I got in return was a smile and a quick lick on the cheek showing that she was happy that we were mistaken for a couple. I would of questioned a little more but Lewis cut me off.

"Alright I see you have a reservation with...." He said with a pause as he looked for who we had as a chef "Billy jay! Oooooo he is great he is one of our regular chefs here and loves to cook for our guests." Lewis added

"He is my favorite chef on food network" my sister chimed in on the conversation

"Yep she is crazy about him," I added

"Well you will get to meet him shortly now let me show you to your seats" he said as he turned toward the doors that opened simultaneously with his turn. The doors opened to large open floor space with several of the same marble pillars that were in the entrance room scattered evenly as supports for the room. At each of the four corner of the room was a hibachi grill with a small table extending off the front that had a small booth seat at the end of it.

Lewis guided us to one of the booths I let jenny slide in first then I slid in after her and almost instinctively I threw my arm around her this was some thing I usually did with a girlfriend not with my sister but jenny did not bat my arm away but instead snuggled up into my side.

"So what can I get the birthday girl and her man to drink tonight?" asked Lewis as he pulled out his note pad

"Uh ill have a sweet tea" answered jenny "ill have the same," I added

"Alright Ill have them out to you in a jiffy" said Lewis as he sped off to get our drinks

"Hey jenny why did you not want me to tell Lew that you're my sister" I asked jenny with a very confused tone

"I uh don't really know big brother I just didn't want him to know I don't know what came over me" she said as a blush broke threw her fur

Seeing her embarrassed like that made me see just how cute she was and how much I loved her and that maybe pretending to be her boyfriend would not be to hard.

"Oh okay well I guess I can be pretend to be your boyfriend for tonight" I said as I hugged her gently with the arm that was around her

"Really?!" she questioned excitedly

"Well yea I guess now that I think about it this might be kind of fun" I said as I leaned my head down and kissed the side of her head

"You're the best big brother ever," she said as she wrapped her arms around me for a hug

I returned the hug "you mean 'boyfriend'" I coyly corrected her as I nibbled on her ear, which brought a cute yelp from her

"Hey don't do that," she said playfully as she batted my muzzle away from her ear

"Sorry babe" I said winking at her as she released the hug and snuggled into my side

Just as we got comfy Lewis returned with our drinks

"Two sweet teas for the happy couple" he said happily as he laid down napkins then placed out drinks on top of them

"Mr. jay will be out shortly," he said as he did a small bow and walked back to his post at the front door

Just as Lewis said bill jay steeped out of the back and walked up behind his grill and introduced him self

"Hi there my name is Billy jay and ill be cooking for y'all tonight" he said with a rather strong southern accent hence the y'all. Growing up in the south we were used to it and we still have subtle accent still.

Billy was a middle-aged Dalmatian of an average build. He had short hair that kind of resembled a crew cut. He also had slight five a clock shadow. He was dressed in a white chefs coat with his name embroidered in script underneath his right collarbone.

"So what are the names of my guest this evening" he said giving a nod to the both of us

"I'm jerry and this is jenny," I said gently hugging jenny as emphasis when I said her name

"Well nice to meet you two so what would you like me to cook for you all and also I was left a note that it was some ones birthday tonight" he said as he went to pull out some ingredients for a salad and started to mix it

"Oh yes its jenny's birthday" I told him squeezing her arm gently

"Well happy birthday jenny" he said

"And to answer your other question we would like what ever is your favorite thing to cook" I said

"Well I hope you both like shrimp and steak," he said as he set the freshly prepared salads on our table "what sauce would y'all like on your salads" he asked

"Ill have Caesar," I answered

"Okay and for the lady" he asked as he changed his gaze on to jenny

"Ill have ranch," she said nervously which was unlike her

"Alrighty Caesar for jerry and ranch for jenny" he said with a reiteration just to make sure he got it right

"Yesir" I answered quickly

Then Billy reached under his grill and pulled out the appropriate sauces and poured them over our salads

As we began to dig into these wonderfully prepared salads he went ahead and started to cook our steaks and shrimp

"What cut of steak will these steaks be?" I asked curiously

"These will be a fresh cut of rib eye" he said as he flipped the steaks over "how would you like em cooked" he asked noticing they would be past raw soon

"Medium for me what about you jenny" I answered while looking over at my date

"Uh I'm not sure you usually cook my steaks for me" she said a little embarrassed

"Oh yea she half it medium well just a little bit of pink please" I answered for her after which I planted a little kiss on her forehead

"Sorry I guess I should have told you how I cooked your steak" I said apologetically

"Its alright" she said as she took the last bite of her salad

"Okay" I said as I playfully poked her in the side making her jump

"Hey don't do that," she said playfully batting away my poking hand

All I could do was giggle

"So how long have you too been together y'all seem pretty close?" bill asked as he began to plate our steaks and shrimp

"Oh about two years now" I said skillfully making up facts

"Wow that's along time I still remember my dating years my wife and I have been married for over five years now" he said pointing at the silver ring on his ring finger

"Wow I'm hoping to be with her for that long maybe even longer" I said confidently as I wrapped her in a hug

"Your too sweet I could just eat you up" said jenny as she began licking the said of my face witch pulled giggles from both me and Billy

"Oh your foods ready" Billy said as he plated them skillfully on a green plate with the skillfully cut rib eye in the middle of the plate surrounded by rather large shrimp

"Mmmmmmmmmm" was all we could say as the aroma of this wonderful food began to hit us

"Dig in" bill commanded lightly

That was all we needed as we politely started to chow down

As we were reaching the end of the meal I looked up and said

"This is delicious Billy best steak ever and the shrimp don't event get me started"

"Why thank you jerry," he said as a rather wide smile came upon his face

"So I have a rather special cake prepared for yall are you ready for dessert" he asked noticing or empty plates and rather content complexions

"Oh yes please" I said as I got excited when I herd him say cake

"Alright ill take the plates then ill go get the cake be back shortly," said Billy as he gathered the empty plates and walked to the back room

"Man that was the best food I've ever had," I said as I snaked my arm around my date and pulled her in to a small side hug

"I know those shrimps were amazing," she said as she snuggled in to the hug

"I cant wait to see this cake though did you have anything to do with it" she asked me with an inquisitive look on her face

"Maybeeee" I said coyly as I kissed her forehead

"Happy birthday baby" I said as I noticed the light dim and a small ball of light come out of the back room and come toward us

"Thank you so much!" she exclaimed as she saw the exquisitely decorated cake that had three tears that read happy birthday jenny

After the cake made it to our table Lewis and Billy began to sing happy birthday and so did I the smile on my sist... uh I mean girlfriends face could not be bigger.

When they were done with their song Lewis began to walk back to his post but I stopped him

"Hey Lew you want a slice there is more than enough for all four of us" I said as a gestured to Billy who politely accepted the invitation for a slice

When we were finished indulging our self's on the decadent cake we thanked Billy for his work I gave him a hand shake and jenny was a little more open and got a hug from him as well as a autographed photo which made her even more happy.

After our good byes they packed up our cake and had it delivered to our apartment since it was to big for my car and we headed out to make haste to out next location before the night was over.