A Tale of Two Species - Breeding Light

Story by Teapples on SoFurry

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#2 of A Tale of Two Species

This time on TALES OF DRAGONIA..

Just kidding, my story is not worthy of such a badass name. This tale is a continuance of my first submission. You could probably read this as a standalone, though some things do reference the first story. Be forewarned this contains hearty amounts of intercourse with a feral dragoness, so if that freaks you the fuck out RUN FORREST RUN!

"So you're telling me he saw that thing-"

"Dragon." Robin corrected her brother.

"He saw the dragon masturbating, and immediately ran off to make 'First Contact'?"

Robin knew Reginald well enough to realize where this was going. "He saw the dragon was sentient. Possibly the first alien intelligence mankind has ever discovered! _That's_why he left."

His laughter was booming and full of arrogance, a property present regardless of what was being laughed about. "Bullshit. He saw that thing in heat and went to go fuck it! You know what those Ancients are like. After living that long I know I wouldn't be able to get my rocks off to anything conventional."

Robin simply sighed in response. Reg could be pretty inane sometimes, but his words, as she discovered earlier, were not entirely untrue. She had heard similar stories on Earth, of some of the more... curious pleasures older humans seemed to require. Still, the Ancient's reaction to their discovery had revealed the true heart of the man. There was no way James would let anything dissuade him from the pursuit of knowledge.

"You're being ridiculous, as usual. Don't you care that we're not alone in this universe? It really puts things in perspective."

Reg shook his head, the movement unable to disturb his short brown hair despite the lack of gravity in the pod. "There's only one perspective of relevance in this place, my dear sister, and that is power. The only thing that concerns me is that we have more of it than anybody else. Your dragons don't look like they could even build a rudimentary projectile weapon, so I could care less about whether they're intelligent or not."

"Seriously? There's a lot more to existence than who has the most power."

"Try getting too close to a singularity. Then tell me force does not rule existence."

Their debate went on, as it had on Earth. Onlookers may not have known it, given the intensity with which they argued, but the two were actually quite close.

Robin found it difficult to accept that Reg respected power, yet never realized human power had always been laughably insignificant. It was always the machines they built that did the dirty work, serving as builder, life giver, protector. Stripped of bulkhead, weapon, nanomachine, Man was just another animal at the mercy of the ravages of reality.

"Whatever you say, Reggy." She dispensed with logic in lieu of emotion. The hard edged face in her field of vision soured, filling Robin with teasing delight.

"Don't call me that!" Husky laughter was her only response, which only served to annoy him further. He started going on about how disrespectful the nickname was, how he would break her nose if she wasn't his sister, the same bravado she had heard too many times. Robin interrupted her brother's inane display of masculinity with the first thing that came to her mind, keen on simply shutting him up.

"So, have you tested out the video games yet?"

The Exile was outfitted with an incredible amount of processing power, necessary to control the tens of thousands of myriad purpose drones that served as workforce and defense to the Founding Crew. Even then it had an enormous surplus, slated to be used as the central processor of the first city built on the planet. With no city as of yet to control, however, surplus resources were used as diversion for the Founders while they waited for their robotic hands and minds to tame the alien landscape.

Robin had to hold back a second wave of laughter as Reg's voice once again seethed with annoyance. "They're not video games, goddamnit. It's a series of highly sophisticated combat simulations, necessary to the survival of this colony!"

"So, have you tested out the highly sophisticated combat simulations yet?" Robin's red hair flared mockingly around her head, seemingly aware of the similar tone her voice carried.

"Yeah." He smiled wide. "They're pretty badass. Thousands of scenarios involving all kinds of weapons technology, a lot of which aren't even on civilian simulators. The immersion is indistinguishable too. Let me tell you, when you are about to die in there, it's pretty fucking scary."

Robin thought it sounded fun, undaunted by her brother's comment. After all, she had no intention of dying to imaginary weapons. "I'll have to try it out when we get the first colonists out of stasis. I'd enjoy kicking your ass, whether by musket or electron sword." Her boast was not in the slightest idle; her combat certification scores had exceeded her brothers, much to his chagrin.

"Yeah, yeah, come at me sis. I think it's a good idea, considering how green most of my Shield is. Might embarrass them into training harder if they see a lab rat outperforming them." Now it was Robin's turn to be annoyed. She hid it well, but Reg saw through her clever disguise. He was about to press the attack when a female voice interrupted; its reverberation in the pod told him he was hearing actual sound waves.

"Yo, commander, we gonna start or what? I didn't wake up early to die of boredom!"

The voice belonged to Katrina, by far his favorite of the seven soldiers that had come out of stasis early to begin combat practice. They had been waiting patiently for their commander to finish his conversation, but clearly that patience was running thin.

"Well sis, I'd better get going, lest I have a mutiny on my hands."

"Okay Reg. Try not to die too much." He gave her an arrogant smile before closing the neural link.

Reg ran his eyes over the huge circular room that was the armory, seven of the fifty bodies in the pods that lined its outer edge in poses of annoyance or boredom. He flipped the transmit switch for the pod-wide comm system.

"Alright ladies, let's fuckin' do this!"


< __Why don't you have a scent?_ >_

The sudden change of subject caught James off-guard.

For several hours he had conversed with the draconic alien on an enormous, five meter tall flower, watching the blue-white of day decay into deeply red hues of the planet's equivalent of late afternoon. A twelve hour rotation in conjunction with a high density atmosphere affected a much more sudden and significant change from full daylight into evening than seen on Earth. Given the unfamiliarity of the sight James could not help but mention it to Fiona. The dragoness informed him with suggestive thought that her people considered the time of day to be particularly sensual, so much so that the deep red hues were commonly referred to as Breeding Light. Needless to say James had quickly changed the subject, not wanting to encourage her further.

Fiona's query was simple; the answer less so. How do you explain nanotechnology to a dragon?

< __There are tiny tools in my body that... cover my scent._ >_

His words were chosen carefully, as they had been for most of the duration of their conversation. The infinitely valuable (and hard won) telepathy they shared had already more than paid off, the previous few hours having revealed more information about the planet and its intelligent inhabitants than weeks, perhaps even months of observation could. Most curiously the females were the dominant sex, both in matters of mating and governance of their 'clans'. That had explained her previous aggressiveness; he was a male, and males were treated little better than slaves in their society, tasked with hunting, heavy labor... and sexual gratification of the females.

Fiona was unsatisfied at the answer given by the human, her curiosity inflamed by lack of understanding.

< __They are smaller than what can be seen?_ >_ James nodded his head, a gesture he had taught her to mean 'Yes'. <Your hands are too big to handle such things. How do you build them?>

Her unexpected query persuaded the man's ancient face into a smile. Fiona and her race were primitive by the standards of Man, but by no means did that make her a fool.

< __Our hands can build tools that have... smaller hands. They build the tiny tools._ >_

Tools building tools! The absurdity of the thought served only to confuse her. She made a note to return to the subject later, the Breeding Light now vivid upon the land turning her mind to more base thought. The male had barely looked at her during their conversation, instead staring out at the endless multicolored field of Orchae surrounded by the fronded grasses that seemed to cover the planet. His lack of eye contact irked her, but it also made the task of subduing him that much simpler. James barely had time to register the upsetting jerk of inertia from her leap before he was tackled, vision of Orchae fields replaced by quite another kind of flower; the bifurcated slit of a dragoness.

< __Pleasure me with your hands._ >_

So this was why she had been so interested in his hands. Like most humans, James had a tendency to use hand gestures in conversation, interestingly regardless of whether actual speech was being made. Fiona's amber eyes had followed his gestures with exacting precision, so much so he chose to observe the landscape to avoid the distraction. A fatal mistake, it seemed.

The pursuit of knowledge had forced his acquiescence to this kind of absurd request before, but no longer. It was time for her to realize he was no male of her species.

< __Get off of me, Fiona!_ >_

As he anticipated, she contorted her neck to bring her head into his view, baring her teeth in response to his refusal. Deeply unfeminine tones filled his ears, the low frequencies poorly attenuated in the high density atmosphere. She certainly escalated quickly.

< __Do not speak to your female in such a way! Pleasure me._ >_

He snorted; she was definitely not his female. Her blitzkrieg was effective; James had no way of getting away without confronting her. He had really wanted to avoid any kind of hostile action, but she seemed to leave him no choice. In one swift movement James firmly gripped the dragoness' hindquarters and threw her off the five meter tall Orchae. He quickly rose, more than thankful for the artificial strength nanotechnology afforded him as he peered over the leafy edge to see where she had landed.

< __I'm sorry, Fiona, but-_ >_

James was caught totally unaware as Fiona collided with him, the imparted momentum sending them both flying over the same side he had only moments earlier thrown her off of. Her wings showed off their evolutionary superiority as she seemed to flow through the air, watching the human tumble onto the frond coated ground. Such a fall in Earth's gravity might have caused grievous injury; James was completely unharmed, able to roll out of most of the momentum he had collected on the way down. He barely had time to stand before a well-placed tail caught his leg, returning him to a supine position.

Fiona was on him before he had time to react. Hot, measured exhalations buffeted his face as he stared into her open maw, evidence of the athleticism her speed had required. The ease at which she moved through the environment had been unbelievable, circling under the plant in order to take him by surprise; James had not anticipated such agility was possible for a creature only slightly smaller than himself.

She began to run her tongue along his neck, warmly snaking along his all too exposed jugular vein. Low growls of domineering delight vibrated in his head as she did so, her sudden change in attitude indicative of a strong prey drive. James could not help but shiver involuntarily under the caress of her tongue, its motion and warmth sensual despite the feral appearance of the creature it was attached to.

< __You can't escape me. Submit._ >_

The unfamiliar feeling of the human greeted Fiona as she lowered herself onto him. The curious anatomy had seemed imposing at first, likely a result of the species' height difference, but without wings it had proven easy to immobilize. Perhaps she had been too quick to think he was her equal, that they were as the first lifemates... At least Planet had not totally forsaken her; the male had proven an incredible sexual partner, even if he was still reluctant to use his fascinatingly articulated hands. With enough mating she was confident his will would be broken, just like the other stubborn males she had dealt with.

James didn't need telepathy to realize what was happening when he felt the dragoness' curiously textured, muscular hips begin to rub against him. A slight twinge of anger wormed its way into James' consciousness, the one emotion the Ancient had actually been pleased to lose after centuries of life. There was no way he was going to let this dragon have her way with him, but there was little he could do to affect escape from his current position. What he needed was a little more leverage.

Soft trills of satisfaction sounded from the dragon's maw as James lifted his hips, giving himself leverage to grind against her wiggling sex. No small amount of effort was required to remind him of his true intent, her persistent licking and sensuous grinding proving all too effective in convincing his body to submit to her pleasures. He cursed silently under the duress, reminding his body that it needed to escape, not submit. It seemed like an eternity before Fiona finally closed her eyes, engrossed by the feeling of the ever enlarging male organ she rubbed against.

A sound not so different from a bag of cats being thrown against a wall deafened James as he acted, flipping Fiona roughly onto her side. He had never tried to pin a quadruped; the thought burned brightly in his mind as he gave it his best shot, kneeling on her tail and wrapping his hands tightly around her hind legs. She immediately tried kicking the powerful limbs in an attempt to dislodge his steely grip, to no avail. Sharp claws then swung at him, unsettlingly far reaching yet with timely maneuvering on the human's part too short to hit their mark. Fiona stared at him, eyes fierce with frustration and rage given voice in thunderous growls that vibrated through both their bodies as she tried to fight back.

The male's strength was incredible; the Champion's legs simply would not budge against the human's grip. It was like being encased in rock! She was well aware of the fascinating digitation human hands had, having stared at them for a large portion of her conversation with the male, but thoughts of the nimble fingers caressing her sensitive slit had blinded her to consideration of their potential use as a restraint. Despite the loss of control over her legs Fiona did not relent, quickly freeing the flexible leathery wings held under her back. They beat at him rapidly in what range of motion they could, an unsettlingly strong yet insufficient force to free her from his clutches.

It was then, as Fiona buffeted him with her wings that James realized why females were the dominant sex of the species. The superior strength and mass present in males was useless in such low gravity, especially considering the large force the species' wings could supply. Without grappling ability and the significantly higher mass his high gravity origins afforded him, James would have found immobilization of the creature quite impossible. Agility seemed to be the most effective combat characteristic on this world, and the light, sinewy dragoness writhing before him had plenty of it.

Fiona, stop! James tried to reason with her, to no effect. He might as well been thinking to himself.

For an impressive amount of time Fiona struggled, wailing in harsh tones as she sought desperately to free herself from the human digitation. It had been a tedious balancing act to keep the dragoness in a position such that her sharp claws or sharper teeth could not reach his all too easily bitten off fingers. The struggle had made James more than aware of the strength, speed and endurance the dragoness was capable of, and he was all too glad to have the indefinite stamina granted him by the tools of man. Formidable though it was, James knew her body was ultimately subject to biological fatigue. All he had to do now was play the waiting game.

Fiona chided herself for underestimating the human; the unique anatomy that had seemed so laughably ill adapted to the planet had actually turned out to be dangerous in its own way. As exhaustion began to slow her movements, she became aware of a slight ache in her loins. Struggling unsuccessfully to escape his steely grasp, being pinned into the ground by his heavy body... the sensations were actually arousing!

A wave of acceptance suddenly washed over the dragoness, surprising James as she went limp in his grasp. This creature truly was her equal. He was no male of her own species, but her body cared little for the fact; whether locked in the throes of coitus or combat the human was the first mate of her caliber she had ever known.

It was no easy feat to cause a clan Champion to admit defeat, but Fiona found herself persuaded by the powerful combination of arousal and fatigue pressing heavy on her willful mind.

< __You have bested me... lifemate of legend._ >_

James sensed reverence in the line, piquing his interest. She had made no mention of any legend behind their concept of lifemates.

< __Does that mean you'll stop trying to rape me now?_ >_

Her language had no word for rape; the thought that formed in her mind was roughly analogous to 'surprise sex.'

< __But I told you we were going to mate before we actually did..._ >_

What did that have to do with anything? He came at it from another angle.

< __We don't mate just because YOU want to. I have to agree to it._ >_ James frowned at his choice of words, worried they might imply he would agree to such an act again. The long triangular ears that sprouted from either side of the dragoness' gold-topped head flew back in displeasure.

< __You ask to be treated as a female?_ >_

It was a question James found vaguely humorous in light of the serious expression her eyes had taken on.

< __Yes._ >_

A matebond had not been forged in her clan for at least three generations, and the story of the last had widely disparate tellings among the Sayers. Normally the idea of granting a male status of female would have been absurd, but he had demonstrated power greater even than her own. If the male who could bring down the Champion was not worthy of equality, who was? She would give the male... James... what he desired, but perhaps she could gain something in return.

<I will consider you female... if you do something for me. James did not like where this was headed.>


The direction of her gaze told him what she wanted. Pleasure me with your hands.... please... She added the word of submission the human had taught her earlier, finding it rather appropriate considering her position.

"Clever girl." Fiona's ears wiggled in delight at his utterance. She had not often heard him speak, and took it as a good sign.

For all his effort, James once again found himself confronted by the task he had tried so hard to avoid. At least in this case he would gain much desired reprieve from future advances. A little bit of fingering was small price to pay, he decided, considering he had already been intimate with the dragoness.

< __Fine. Only as long as I say so, though. Obviously he would have to release her to perform the act. You won't try to escape when I let go of you, will you?_ >_

Fiona snorted in annoyance, more at his insistence of control over the duration of the experience than the accusation of distrust. All too aware of his reluctance, she decided to not press the issue.

< __I give you my word as Champion._ >_

Fiona had mentioned the 'honor of the Champion' with amusing frequency during their conversation on the structure of her clan. James considered this sufficient evidence that this was no ruse, but still remained on guard as he slowly relinquished his grasp of her hind legs. Exhaustion encouraged the deliberate slowness the dragoness took to assuage the human's unease as she rolled onto her back. Digitigrade legs flexed in lavish delight at being able to move uninhibited once more, spreading to give him ample access to the dragoness' slit.

The comforting impartiality of science fell upon James as he considered the creature splayed before him, her body inflaming his curiosity far more than his desires. Looking closely at her skin he noticed that it was not simply smooth emerald flesh; tiny striations ran the length of her body, obviously evolved to decrease drag in an atmosphere almost dense enough to be considered a fluid. Pleasing vibrations tickled his fingers as he ran them orthogonal to the indentations, so addicting that James found it difficult to stop rubbing her.

Next his consideration fell upon her legs, striated differently from her underside in order to remain parallel to the flow of air while in flight. Thick, firm muscle coursed under James' hands as he wrapped them around a textured thigh, again enveloped by the sweet sensation as he ran them toward her knee. A shorter calf and elongated foot rounded out the leg structure, the whole thing seeming quite fragile to the human of higher gravity sensibilities. Using both hands to grip a calf and foot, he gently tested the range of motion of the delicate appendage, compressing her leg like an accordion to get a better view of the three toes arcing out of the pad of the foot. Padded, a little longer and more actionable than that of humans, and terminated by a disturbingly serrated claw, they certainly marked Fiona as an alpha predator.

Though by classical definition she was a quadruped, her range of motion was astoundingly large; her legs could both be tightly compressed against her body and stretched almost parallel to her tail. This in addition to the slenderness of the joints made it obvious lower gravity drastically reduced the biomechanical requirements of support and stability in limbs.

James' scientific reverie was interrupted as the leg slowly but firmly removed itself from his grasp.

< __This is not the kind of pleasure I meant._ >_

Impulsively he looked up from his examination; Fiona had been staring at him the whole time. James was glad to see she was being significantly less aggressive. He had seen more of this side of her during their conversation, and actually considered her personality to be rather agreeable... when she wasn't trying to rape him.

< __Sorry, I got carried away._ >_

The dragoness continued to watch as he finally rested his eyes on the organ he had until now made a point to avoid. Three slight muscular hills, two slightly longer than the other comprised the creature's motive labia. Normally fully constricted to give the slit the appearance of a Y, they now parted slightly from arousal, granting James a small triangular window into the dark purple flesh that comprised her internal walls. Neglecting the curious shape, the whole thing wasn't too different from his own species.

He slowly placed his palm on the organ, finding the distinct heat that radiated into his palm surprisingly effective in comforting the unease that until now had seized him. Fiona pushed her outer walls gently against him in encouraging response, his delay having made her all the more anxious to be penetrated by his unclawed hands.

< __Now you have the right idea..._ >_

Deciding he might as well get on with it, James stuck a tenuous index finger into the triangular opening.

Fiona took in a sharp breath as she was penetrated, unconsciously tightening around the intruding digit. The firm musculature pressed with no insignificant force against the tip of his finger, slightly slick and unbelievably warm. James hadn't suspected she would be able to contract around an object as small as his finger. With a little application of force the gripping walls yielded and James found himself knuckle deep in the dragoness. For long seconds he sat next to her on the long fronded grass of the field, awash in the sensation of her vent massaging his finger in slow, rhythmic pulses. In an attempt to ignore the arousal nagging at the back of his mind, all too aware how the same contractions had felt when they had sex, James tried to take on the impartial air of a biologist as he explored her depths.

He pressed the tips of his finger against the walls of her sex, instantly amazed as they ran over the indentations of the delicate musculature that comprised them. No wonder she had such incredible control over this area! A slight curve to the flesh became evident as his fingers traced back and forth, following the gentle slope until he found a narrow depression.

A jolt of adrenaline filled James' body as he felt the creature under him buck and yowl softly, mistaking the action for an attempt to catch him off guard. His eyes rushed to her head, fully expecting to see it about to close around his throat. Instead he found her slack jawed and panting lightly, eyes softly gazing into his own. James held eye contact as he ran an experimental finger along the depression, a strange excitement filling his lungs when he felt her squirm, emitting another, louder squeal of delight.

Staring into Fiona's eyes as he pleasured her proved unexpectedly intimate. James began to see more than just an animal before him when she reacted to his touch, her eyes shining with a sentient sensuality until now only seen in his own kind. The longer he stared into them the harder it became to remain impartial to the experience. His fingers moved on from the sensuous spot, continuing to circle around Fiona's rhythmically clenching musculature, causing her to recoil in ecstasy twice more as he discovered she had three such apparently clitoral depressions running along her passage, aligned with each endpoint of the Y shaped slit.

The human's exploratory movements were far from what would be considered sensual, but the exotic feeling of the human's motive digit inside her, caressing her sensitive folds, had Fiona quite enthralled. It was no short delay after its unexpected removal before she instinctively growled in protest, quickly turning to whimper in her throat as she remembered she could no longer simply force his compliance.

< __Please.... don't stop..._ >_

James stared at the splayed dragoness, attractively hued by Breeding Light, absentmindedly rubbing her sexual lubrication between his fingers. Primal desire unfelt for many years began to manifest itself as he saw how significantly his actions had affected her. Even the simplest movements of a single finger were enough to make this normally dominant dragoness beg for more. Such an earnest case of role reversal turned the Ancient's reluctance into desire, desire to give Fiona what she deserved.

James wrapped his arm around a muscled draconic hip to grant additional leverage and slammed three fingers into her with such force to cause her to squeal in surprise and delight. Fiona began to react very visibly to his every caress as he made measured thrusts into her, pushing her lower body against him in opposing rhythm to his insertions. Her internal musculature took on a similar cadence, contracting in a vain attempt to prevent the digits from spreading her, allowing her to feel each segment of his finger as it was thrust inside of her.

The tri cornered vulvae of her sex also pressed against the human's thrusting fingers, the ample grasping and contracting ability making it seem like more a mouth than a sexual organ. Fiona's music, husky with the tone of arousal that knew no language barrier sweetly assailed James' ears, proof of the effect his actions were having on her.

Her gaze was rapt upon James, eyes growing ever more clouded by the softness of arousal as he continued to pleasure her. A rather gentle, feminine look graced her normally predatory face, adding to the attractive glow the sanguine hue of Breeding Light gave to golden scaling cresting her head. Shining through the ferality of her form James saw a female enraptured by his touch, asking him for release. He found he had total control over this creature, one who's aggression and athleticism had threatened to overpower him. The fact was making the experience of her body squirming and thrusting helplessly under him all the more intoxicating.

The dragoness became little more than a puppet for the human when he started to graze a clitoral depression with each of his thrusts, the overwhelming sparks of pleasure that wracked her body turning the once fierce Champion into little more than a whimpering mess of trembling limbs. Fronds welcomed Fiona's head as it fell back upon the ground, her eyes unable to focus on the ruby sky as her body endured the glorious onslaught of human hands for long minutes.

The world began to fade from importance as unmistakable warmth spread throughout her abdomen, the entirety of her focus on the hand spreading her. James felt her body begin to draw taught, ready to burst in climax. He made one last thrust into her, running a finger firmly along her indentation as he did so. A wall of pleasure slammed into the dragoness as she was taken over the edge, calling out to her mate in musical tones as she thrust her lower body violently upward.

James felt her entire body shiver and surge in the throes of climax, his now awkwardly angled hand assailed by frenetic contractions of her sex. Her moans came in spurts from her wide open mouth, eyes clenched shut from the overwhelming sensations coursing through her. Not even her wings were spared from movement, spreading and contracting in minute movements along the grassy surface. He watched the profound femininity of her beautiful voice and trembling body with a degree of awe. Realization spread like wildfire through his mind; she was no human, but that did not mean she was not a woman, intelligent and sensual as any of his own species. The thought echoed throughout him like her gentle movements as she enjoyed her orgasm.

An amber eye slowly greeted James as Fiona regained her senses, her ragged breath causing tickling movement in the fronds in front of her snout.

< __Thank you..._ >_

James gently stroked her body with his free hand, again indulging in the pleasing sensations her striated skin, warm from exertion, caused him.

< __It was a pleasure._ >_

The human's thoughts were gentle in her head. His hands were absolutely incredible, the unclawed tips able to rub directly against her most sensitive spots. She truly knew now this creature was her equal, both in strength and sensuality. Prayers to planet consumed her thoughts as she raised her head off the ground to consider her lifemate, quickly silenced when she saw that he was aroused. Fiona was instantly excited and intrigued. Just as she enjoyed pleasuring him with her mouth, he apparently enjoyed doing the same to her with his hands. Perhaps this meant he was willing...

< __Breed me._ >_

The thought resounded in the Ancient's mind, gentle and hesitant, quite different from her earlier advances. Her new tone, the emotive eyes that gazed steadily into his own, the sensual display of femininity he had witnessed, all affecting new feelings for the dragoness. She was not just some sex-crazed animal, but an intelligent female, his lifemate, all too eager to share her exotic talents with him.

Without hesitation he adjusted his position, straddling her lithe tail that swished back and forth in anticipation. James brought the tip of his member to her sex, enjoying the sensation as the mobile folds grabbed at the head, quite unable to look away as he let his tip be pulled inside her, the intense warmth and sudden grip of her walls forcing him to gasp in delight.

Resisting the urge to hilt himself James pulled out of her, his tip now covered by viscous lubrication that seemed unwilling to leave her slit. He repeated the action several times, intoxicated by the actions of her vulva. An encouraging chirp pulled his gaze upward to meet Fiona's draconic face, its usual fierceness made almost cute by the long, dark purple tongue she stuck out at him from her still panting mouth.

<Breed me! His teasing was unbearable.>

Eager to oblige, James took the dragoness' slender thighs in both hands and slowly pushed himself inside of her. Fiona churred softly in delight, completely taken by the sensation of his thickness spreading her. The sensation of his appendage invading her was unbearable in intensity, her clitoral folds made more sensitive from her first orgasm. She could only stare at him as he sank his full length within her, long toothy maw agape, sound muted in her throat by the intense sensation of him pressing down into her, scraping against the sensitive folds.

Wonderfully exotic sensations assailed the Ancient's lower body as he laid motionless inside her, acclimating himself to the intense heat and firm pressure her of her slit. The slightly off position of the legs he pressed into and the unfamiliar feeling of her slowly moving tail under him were actually quite appealing, rather than distracting in their novelty. Her striated skin washed pleasurable sensation over his abdomen when started to grind himself in gentle circles against her, his cock hitting all kinds of pleasurable spots as it wiggled around inside the dragoness. It seemed as though every part of her body was able to please him in some way.

Fiona instinctively clamped down on the roaming organ inside her in an attempt to stop the lightning strikes of ecstasy assailing her brain when it rubbed against a clitoral fold. James' body went weak under the sudden constriction, collapsing atop her as his manhood was assailed by her sex. Distinctly submissive squeals escaped Fiona's maw as she raised her paws to his encroaching chest to keep from being totally oppressed. The once dominant Champion now felt completely subjugated by her lifemate's weight and thickness on and in her as she stared into his eyes, his head tantalizingly close to her snout. She never imagined she would show this kind of behavior, be forced into this kind of position by any creature, but this male's body had proven too irresistible, in more ways than one.

Their two bodies were silent for some time, trembling in the wake of each other's pleasure as Fiona's slit held her mate firmly inside her. Fiona's paws remained on James' chest even after he placed his weight on his arms, simply enjoying the contact they shared. Being so close to the dragoness filled him with the sudden desire to kiss her, too strong to worry about whether her kind even knew what the act entailed. Querying tones escaped her as he raised a hand to gently close her mouth and guide it to his own. Awkward moments passed as his lips played against her snout, running his tongue along her thin lips to try and show her what he wanted to do.

Fiona had no idea why he had touched her face to his own, but it felt surprisingly intimate. Realization hit her when she felt his tongue, opening her maw to touch it with her own. Jolting thrill ran through James' body when she finally responded, feeling the warm organ play with his own. Hers was much more motive than his own, even wrapping around his tongue before cautiously following it into his mouth. It snaked smoothly to the back of his throat, causing him to recoil and cough as she triggered his gag reflex. Fiona drew back slightly, not understanding what she had done.

< __You can't go back that far._ >_ Apparently her species did not have such a reflex.

< __I'm sorry... Can we try again?_ >_ James answered her with a nod, a little disappointed when she simply stuck her tongue back into his mouth. Apparently mouth to mouth contact was uninteresting to her. Nevertheless he was pleased to play with her articulate tongue, now careful to avoid encroaching too far into the back of his mouth. Her saliva was perceptibly thicker than his, with a slightly sour taste that was actually pleasant in its distinction from the usual taste of humans.

The diversion had allowed sufficient time for Fiona to relax around his hilted member. James took the opportunity to begin thrusting in and out of her at a steady pace, the added stimulation of the dragoness' motive tongue to their coupling proving to be astoundingly arousing. She appeared to be better able to cope with his movements now, though only just, as evidenced by her soft moans that sent soft vibrations into his mouth.

Minutes passed as their rhythmic coupling continued, James surprised to find his normally legendary stamina quickly worn away by the intimacy of their mating, stronger than any he had felt with a human in far too long. To avoid coming too quickly James switched up the pace, withdrawing almost completely from her warm slickness and then slamming down into her with all his might, watching with no small amount of enjoyment as she squirmed and moaned helplessly under his torment. He decided he would pull out when he felt her climax begin, all too aware how easily it could draw out his own orgasm. Fiona was unable to endure the treatment for long, the powerfully dominant thrusts spreading warmth characteristic of oncoming climax within her.

Fiona was aware how close her mate was, the exaggerated pulsing of his manhood evident even to her lust hazed mind, and wanted nothing more to have him climax with her. Still too enraptured by Fiona's tongue, the Ancient was taken unaware as her legs and tail wrapped tightly around him, trapping him fully inside of her.

< __Fiona!_ >_

She pulled her tongue out of his mouth, using it to lick his face and neck as she began thrusting up into him, forming one final thought before giving herself to the warmth in her abdomen.

< __Come with me._ >_

A low growl was all the dragoness was able to vocalize as her climax overtook her, thrusting her lower body forcefully into her mate while her passage milked his cock in sudden, firm contractions. Unable to pull out, James was subjected to the full brunt of her orgasmic treatment. His attempt to pull away was in vain, strength drained all too effectively by the wonderful sensation of Fiona's sex massaging the entire length of his manhood. His struggle turned to embrace as her frenetic contractions finally caused him to submit, pressing his cock deep into her as he unleashed thick spurts of semen. For long moments James was completely focused on the amazing feeling of filling the dragoness with his seed, welcoming the contractions that helped wring it from his throbbing member. She milked him for so long, prolonging his orgasm such that when she finally broke from her own climax there was a noticeable ache in his abdomen.

In a way James was glad she had forced him to climax with her. It proved to him that she truly did consider him more than just another male. He, too, found himself genuinely caring for this creature. She was no animal, no impossibly foreign alien, but a magnificent and powerful creature, possessed of a sentience whose exotic and primal nature had seduced him in a way no human female had been able to do for far too many years.

< __James.... You feel so good...._ >_

This was the first time she had used his name, adding a strange intimacy to the line enhanced by the paws she started to run along his body. James found himself very much enjoying the sensuality she had now chosen to show him as they considered each other in the silence of the language barrier, the usual wildness of her amber eyes softened perceptibly by exhaustion, pleasure and, perhaps, something more. Finally he felt comfortable opening up to the curiously arousing dragoness.

< __I haven't felt anything like being inside you before. It's.... irresistible._ >_

A bright sound escaped Fiona, delighted at the human's words.

< __Does this mean I can mate with you whenever I want?_ >_

He smiled. <Well, I still have to agree....>

She heard a line James had meant to keep in his own thoughts. <But I don't think that will be much of a problem now.>

With that he gently freed her from his weight, dropping to the thankfully comfortable grass to allow his own fatigue to dissipate. Several glorious minutes passed while he lay next to the dragoness whose incomprehensible voice filled the air with soft exclamations as she stretched muscles held too long under her mate's pressure, rolling onto her side to face him. Her vocalizations turned slightly louder and continuous, closing her eyes as she began to speak what he assumed to be her language, though he had no idea what she might be saying. The language barrier between them did not prove to be awkward, quite the opposite in fact; the musicality of her voice was so pleasant James was unsure any human could object to it, despite their lack of understanding.

Fiona finished her prayer to Planet, flourishing its intonation to entertain the human who had stared at her through the whole thing. No doubt he had noticed her body change color; she felt the need to move, and couldn't help but show off her breeding hues to her lifemate. With lavish sensuality she stood, taking several steps away from him while slowly, enjoyably stretching her hind legs, her tail arcing gracefully over his head to tantalize him with a glimpse of her slit. Turning around with flowing poise she faced him, lowering her chest to the ground and extending her wings and tail at an angle to bathe him in the reflections of her cresting. Her pose quickly sagged and fell apart as her body remembered the effort it had expended, the display causing her to notice a significant heaviness had developed in her limbs.

Fiona collapsed softly where she had posed, her legs extending out behind her not unlike a human. An interesting idea flashed into her mind, her slowly descending head frozen in midair. It was a common habit for some females to sleep with their favored males, an act she had been curious about but unwilling to try, refusing to share such intimate space with an inferior creature. Her lifemate, however, was not such an individual. A shiver of anticipation welled in her stomachs as she expressed the thought.

< __James, will you sleep with me?_ >_

James was flattered as he quickly approached her, delighted in learning that her species did, in fact, sleep together as humans did.

< __Of course._ >_

Nagging human concerns attempted to call James away from the unknown experience of sleeping with an alien creature on an alien world, the ever fading hues of Breeding Light reminding him he had left his Engineer hanging for most of the planet's day. That his thoughts would fall upon her at all was a little surprising; he chalked it up to regret at leaving her to the tedium of drone management. Ultimately, though, he felt no rush to return to the Exile. Just as on Earth, the Ancient's schedule was his own, and he had an appointment to keep with a certain dragoness.

Not hours ago Fiona had threatened her lifemate with violence at the mere attempt to touch her; now she invitingly raised a wing from her sidelong position in anticipation of his body against hers. James lay beside her, running his hands along the dragoness' wonderfully textured flesh as her own forelegs gently wrapped around him. Fronded grasses welcomed Fiona's head and neck as they finally relaxed, enjoying her mate's pleasing caresses. Unfamiliarity at the experience quickly gave way to unexpected comfort of having someone close, hastening the dragoness' slip into unconsciousness.

It was not much longer before James joined her, two dissimilar yet equal forms silent under a foreign sea of stars.