End of My World 5
"Hey! Hey! Mase! You're starting to fall asleep on me! Do you want everyone to know about us before we do? Hey! Sleepyhead! Wake up!"
Beckham shook me slightly as he prompted me back to reality. I was leaning against his soft chest and I looked up into his golden eyes.
"I was having the weirdest dream ever." I whispered to him through the haze of sleep. A look of concern flashed across his face so quickly I barely registered it.
"Sorry, but it's time to go, UPSTAIRS!" he threw his arms out as he said the word upstairs to give it an exciting emphasis.
I glanced out of the window and to my tired mind the seemingly instant change from the bright afternoon sun to the ghostly, shadowy darkness of an overcast night brought about a light confusion and an added burst of drowsiness.
"You said starting to fall asleep?" I asked Beckham, remembering his exact words and failing to understand why I had no recollection of the hours that had obviously passed since my big wolf had returned from school.
"Yeah, well. You've actually been asleep for ages but I decided this way would be more fun! You really are the cutest thing when you're confused!" His tail wagged excitedly and his trademark grin appeared.
"I hate you." Was all I said before I pushed him away and stalked upstairs to his room.
He did not follow as I had predicted but I certainly was in the mood for more sleep. As I helped myself to a plentiful share of the large bed surface and allowed sleep to take me once more he was downstairs, finally letting his father in on the whole liking boys thing. I guess it went well because a short while later one very happy wolf woke me up by climbing in next to me.
"Go back to sleep." He whispered gently into my ear, cuddling up behind me as his paw strayed to my hip.
"hands off creep" I yawned and batted his paw away clumsily and fell into a restless sleep.
I awoke to find the house empty. I quickly showered and changed and with my fur sill half damp. I stared at myself in the mirror and messed my red hair up further. I hated it. I grabbed a comb and the crimson mess soon became sleek and smooth but still full of curls and waves. I shook from side to side to force in a little volume.
Moderately pleased with my efforts I sauntered out to my Phantom. I really was sick of its attention seeking style and just as I was about to hop in I received one phonecall that would never be welcome. The ship carrying my new car had scraped a reef and sunk. Their insurance would not cover my car.
Today would not be a good day.
I headed straight to Mr. Harrington's office. Heritage records was housed in a tall modern building. The ground floor was lined with plate glass windows and had dark, highly polished wood floors there were grey metal sculptures strategically placed and the high, dark ceiling was covered with tiny circles of light, giving the impression of a starry sky. There was a small amount of furs gathered around. Security, the receptionist, furs waiting on the low, black leather lounges. Enough that I needed to avoid attention.
Slinking into the building I made sure that most of my face was covered by hair or sunglasses. I slid stealthily along the wall like I imagined a secret agent would and dived with a muffled thud, landing in front of the receptionist's desk. (by now I had the attention of every single set of eyes) I placed my paws on the cool edge of the white marble desk top and slowly peeked over the edge.
To my surprise I found the green eyed weasel looking at me like I was a criminal.
"Can I see Mr. Harrington?" I asked sweetly, still keeping only my eyes visible.
"Do you have an appointment?" She asked sternly. Her eyes never leaving mine.
"......no." I replied simply. Giving her my best super ultimate works-every-time puppy dog eyes.
"Well you're lucky he's free right now. You know the way-"
"No I don't" I interrupted.
She fixed me with another stern look.
"I'll let him know you're coming up" She turned back to the computer.
I very slowly lowered my head, never taking my eyes off her. Slowly, slowly I crawled around behind the desk and made a dash for the elevators.
I didn't see the receptionist smile and shake her head. She was more than used to my silliness and was more than happy to play along every time. I hit the button for the top floor and of course I was jumping up and down all the way to the top. Who doesn't whenever they get the elevator to themselves. Honestly.
As the doors slid open and natural light once more flooded the tiny box I slinked out and briskly trotted to the big, heavy wooden doors that easily swung open with my lightest touch.
"No more school." I said as I walked in.
"yes, more school." said the big badger without even looking away from the computer screen which was reflected in his small, rectangular glasses.
I moved closer with each consecutive no, until I sat down in the swivel chair and promptly started to spin to the rhythm of our 'conversation'
"Ruh-roh." I had gotten too dizzy and fallen off the chair. This still failed to draw Mr. Harrington's eye. As I sat on the floor with legs splayed and a paw on my forehead.
"I'm adopting you, you know." He said casually
"WHAT!" I exclaimed.
"I'm adopting you." He continued calmly. "You only had the one parent, and no father is listed on your birth certificate."
"oh." Was all I could contribute.
"After the accident you became a ward of the state and I've pulled quite a few strings. Of course you will need to come and live with Lynn and I."
"oh" (again)
"I'll be arranging everything so just focus on you for the time being."
"I'll see you soon, you know where I live. I expect you there before six."
"okaaaayyyy" I droned. I turned to leave. "uh.. School?"
"Pleeeeeaaase" I whined.
"Fine. But you will be continuing by correspondence"
"Deal!" I shouted and then dashed out of the room and to the elevator before he could change his mind.
I hurried through the foyer and to my car. The big, red, Rolls-Royce Phantom just sat there shining. Its gold lacework coachlines and pinstripes with the matching wheels was a bright patch of colour in the shade of the undercover parking. I thought nothing of the soft padding of footsteps behind me. The sound was so soft I mistook it for leaves rustling in the gentle breeze.
I had no time to react as some strong arms wrapped around me and a strong smelling damp cloth was wrapped around my muzzle. I barely remembered my vision darkening and my body going numb as I fell into unconsciousness.