Genetic Children-Log 30- And then the ground came alive.

Story by Korm on SoFurry

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#28 of Genetic Children

Korm see something he's never seen before.

"Only got two minutes to play then I gotta go, I have to get back in touch with Korm." Niel was still resting his hand on the detonator for the room when he saw the boot of a soldier pop into view. He flatened himself against the wall so he could wait until the right moment to blow the room.

"Sir the room is clear!" The remaining soldiers dashed into the room in 2x2 formation moving up and covering each other like a deadly game of leapfrog. When they reached the midway point Niel hit the button and ran.

The room caved in, with nowhere to go the huge explosive force shattered everything and drew the whole squad into darkness. Then the second line blew, and the third line, the whole squad was turned into chunky rock and human stew.

By the time the second line blew Niel was already standing in an express elevator heading to the surface, the exit was concealed under a rock outcropping so when the pod reached halfway up a chunk of c2 explosive detonated outside the base clearing all the rocks away, Niel didn't know how many were out there but he'd soon find out, on the bright side he had about 3 minutes once he reached the surface before they would get to the exit as it was quite a long way from the base.

He pulled his JTL-E out of the holster and waited for the doors to open.


Korm and Niel climbed into a Shadow Reconnaissance, Surveillance, Targeting Vehicle or RST-V for short. It is an incredibly quiet and fast reconnaissance vehicle. Just what they would need to get overland to Lab3 without being noticed. This vehicle had been modified usually it has a 3 meter extending mast that has cameras mounted in it. Today this had been removed and an armoured pilbox was on top. Korm was driving and Niel was in the pillbox with an XM2010, a gun modelled after an m24 rifle.

"Niel we are coming up on the first Xrail shaft, should we infiltrate here or go on ahead?"

"Keep going we'll hit them where it hurts, Lab3 is designed exactly like Lab2 remember they have those gas lines buried jsut under the ground heading into the facility? First strike will be there, oh that reminds me." Niel ducked back into the car and grabbed a small black box. He flicked it open and pulled out a Mini remote controlled radiological survey robot. He took the tiny set of screw drivers and undid the two steel straps holding the survery equipment down he threw the chunk of useless equipment out the window and then reached into the back again. He took his drink bottle which held about 750ml and tipped the water out the window then he waited for them to get to the target area.

A few minutes later Korm stopped the stealth car and they both got out. They were about 2 kilometers away from the bases main entrance so there was no guards here. Korm watched as Niel completed his device. He took another black container out and carefully popped the lid. Inside was 3 bags of a white grainy looking chemical with the label TCAP, Korm thought back to chemistry and realised what is was. Tri-cyclic acetone peroxide, an incredibly unstable chemical. Niel tipped all three bags into the water bottle carefully and then shut the lid and tapped it on.

"Korm, turn that shutoff valve over there and then wait."

"OK." Korm turned the cutoff valve and Niel opened the viewing port. Then he put his little robot into the hole and drove it towards the base. The remote control device was starting to lose connectivity to the remote so Niel stopped driving, he grabbed a clamp and some jumper cables from the car. Starting the car he connected it to the battery and then to the rungs on the cutoff valve wheel. Then he took the clamp attatched it to the remotes aerial and place the other end on the gas pipe. The robots connectivity picked up again and he drove forward until he could only get 1 bar of signal. Niel then introduced Korm to a RPGSP.

"This Korm is our ignition key. It's a rocket propelled grenade modified with a self propelling engine and timer. It propels itself at 5 meters per second. I drove that RSTV exaclty..." Niel looked at the remotes readout.

"One hundred and ten meters down this here tube. That means we want at least twenty two seconds give or take a second. As long as we get within twenty meters of the RSTV the heat from the blast will set it off anyway."

He dialled the timer on the RPGSP around to twenty one seconds. He placed it in the hole and pulled the pin. The grenade sped off down the tube and Niel slammed the port shut.

"Quick Korm turn the gas back on and get in the car!" Korm yanked the valve back on and then ran to the car.

He slammed the car into reverse and as soon as Niel's ass hit the seat he smashed the accelerator into the floor and zoomed off backwards to the first X-rail shaft. The plan was clear to him now. The explosion would make them think they were being attacked from the front while Niel and Korm would be sneaking in the back.

"STOP!" There was still a fair way to go until the shaft but Niel wanted to watch.

"Korm have you ever blown up a gas line before?" Niel smiled and Korm stared out the windscreen. As far as he could see nothing was happening, then he felt it.

The car was vibrating, the vibration grew to a shudder and then a shake. Then it was like an earth quake.

Huge pillars of flame shot out of the ground into the sky as the gas lines all errupted at once.

To Korm it looked like hell, the ground had come alive to devour the base.

"DAMNIT!" Korm yelled and hit the table in front of him.

The scene in the room painted a grim picture. Wade knew they were coming, he had burned all the documents, there were high powered magnet scramblers still stuck to the computer bays and the two scientist in the room were dead already. Wade had fled again, the door to the X-rail system he was using had only just slammed shut as they got into the room.

"Call her for me." Tacita took the satelite radio from Korm and dialed it in to another channel and then handed it back.

"Confirmation of identity please....." The calm level voice said.

"Wade got away again I need...."


"Kilo, Tango, Three, Three, Lima." His Personal emergency Code. Kilo, for Korm, Tango for Tacita and the 3,3,L as his identification from the Lab.

"Korm, it's good to hear from you."

"It's good to hear from you too Emu, it's been a long time."

"Wade got away, I need to know where he went." Korm's voice was almost pleading.

"Korm I can't be of much help, they are monitoring my......" The line went dead for a second, then he heard a scream.


"Mr Korm? I assume that is you yes?" The voice was so familiar.


"I think not Mr Korm. I suggest you dont come after me."

"I'm already on my way." Korm handed the radio to Tacita and made ready to leave.

"Really? Is that so?"


"Try finding me without your spy, Emu the traitor is DEAD!" Korm grabbed the radio back.

"You bastard! She was one of your soldiers you put her in this position! You will DIE!" He threw the radio aside and turned to tacita.

"Tacita back to the Lab."