A Tale of Two Species - Submission

Story by Teapples on SoFurry

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#3 of A Tale of Two Species

In this chapter: to boldly go where no tongue has gone before!

On a more serious note, oh man do I wish I could write. D:

I'm really slow, but I'll try to write more fervently from now on!

Light that would not reach Earth for fifty thousand years greeted the Ancient's silver eyes as he awoke. James felt good. Too good, in fact, aware of an all too familiar feeling coming from his lower body. Raising his head confirmed his suspicions; the gold crested head of a dragoness stuck out from his groin, gently running her tongue along the semi erect manhood her maw engulfed.

Fiona's eyes were closed, the motions of her hot tongue gentle as it languidly ran back and forth along the lower side of his cock. Her action was much less fervent compared to the last time she had taken him in her mouth, likely meant to wake him up rather than prepare him for mating. Though still a novel sight to the human, her subdued action and closed eyes displayed a caring that was incredibly arousing, especially in light of her earlier aggression.

Beautifully radiant amber eyes revealed themselves to consider the human when she felt his cock surge in size, ample informant to her lifemate's awakening. James had made it clear she could not mate with him without his permission, but she certainly did not consider this mating.. Fiona sought to make sure he would not argue the point, wrapping her tongue around the majority of his shaft to stroke it as she began to suckle him gently.

<Good morning, James.>

James responded with an audible moan, gritting his teeth under the sudden increase in stimulation. Her mouth was unbelievable, able to affect such amazing stimulation without her even needing to move her head. It felt like he was getting a blowjob and handjob at the same time, a feeling he knew was surpassed only by the delightful organ concealed under her gently swishing tail. Sky already hued in full daylight filled his vision, too awash in sensation to even keep his head raised.

<Fiona.. You didn't have to do.. this.. to wake me up.>

Her response was unnaturally coy. <No..>

<I told you.. not to mate with me without asking first.> James' thoughts came slowly, difficult to form through the pleasure that the dragoness was delivering him.

A slight growl of annoyance ran vibration through the human's engulfed organ as he brought up what she hoped to avoid, causing him to shudder in delight.

<But.. this isn't mating..>

James would have laughed aloud were his voice not occupied with soft moans. Who knew he would have to be careful with his semantics?

<Would you like me to stop?> The tongue unleashed his cock from its grasp, taking the opportunity to collect the precum that had been leaking from its tip.

The delay in response was almost nonexistent, much to the dragoness' satisfaction. <No..>

Pleasing sounds of his submission once again regaled Fiona's ears as her tongue resumed stroking him, helping to quell the unusual feelings that continued to linger within her. She could not help but remember how much she had enjoyed her lifemate's form presiding over her, controlling her in a way no creature had done before as he brought her to climax.. twice.

Never before had she considered mating could be so.. personal, so satisfying. It was always about quelling the incessant desire that spread through her loins, displaying dominance over her males, nothing like what she had shared with this creature in the Breeding Light.

It had been her fantasy to find an equal mate, but like most fantasies she had failed to fully consider the consequence of having it actually come true. More than curiosity at the human's taste, her decision to awaken James in such a fashion had been about dominance, a need to see him in the throes of her control, just as she had been in his the day before.

Though his slight movements, his sounds of desire had soothed her wounded pride, she could not shake a certain feeling at seeing the human so delighted at her mouth's touch. She was.. happy, the kind of happiness she usually felt only by the killing blow on prey, the whimpering of a defeated opponent. The feeling at such a simple act was unfamiliar, almost disturbing to her, but at the same time pleasing..

"Ohh fuck.." James' moaning interrupted her thoughts. Fiona didn't need to understand human tongues to know his exclamations were that of arousal, starting to growl symphonically at her success in dominating her equal. Soon she would sample the flavors of his release..

As if the firm slickness of her tongue milking him wasn't enough, the strong vibrations her lyrical tones coursed through his pelvis tried desperately to overwhelm his ever decreasing ability to stay his orgasm. The human held on, but not without significant effort. Despite being so foreign, her actions were incredible. He had never thought he would be able to feel such.. unbridled desire again, but this incredibly foreign creature had succeeded in affecting him so. Her eagerness was almost as arousing as her actions, which began to take him over the edge with gentle but firm strokes he could not help but give himself to.

A final throb and grunt immensely satisfying to Fiona's ears heralded James' submission to her mouth, feeling the first of his contractions spray warm ropes of semen across the thicker portion of her tongue. Fiona quickly slid most of him out of her mouth, leaving little more than the pulsing tip in so as to catch every drop of his release. James could feel her deliberate actions as she caught every drop of his release, his body all too eager to supply all it could. He relinquished another grunt as Fiona gave his cock a final suckling before letting it spring from her maw, closing it to spread his seed about her mouth, sampling the taste with the air of a connoisseur. Multi-toned humming of approval accompanied her voice in his head.

<You really do taste delicious!>

James head lifted itself under power of strange curiosity to see how she reacted to tasting him. There was something remarkably sexy watching this creature not only tolerating but actually enjoying his cum, noting the long delay before her throat contracted to swallow it. He sat up, wonderfully refreshed by her treatment, shivering slightly as her hot tongue licked the last of his ejaculate from his still aloft tip.

It was then James noticed the carcass some meters behind the dragoness, until now concealed from him by her body when he still lay flat. By the bone structure, which was disturbingly picked clean, he could tell it had been some kind of creature of flight, a fair bit smaller than a sheep. Drying bits of blood spread around it in a gory puddle, trailing off in the direction she had likely carried it from.

<Fiona.. Did you do that?>

The direction of his eyes told her what he meant.

<Yes. Mating with you really.. stirs the appetite.> Her tongue snaked out of her mouth, its suggestive wiggling accentuating the seductive tone she used. For some strange reason James had been able to discern more and more the tone of her thoughts as time went on. At first the feeling behind the words in his head was almost.. he thought about it for a bit.. dulled? Detectable, but only just. Now it was almost indistinguishable from an actual conversation. What kind of phenomenon was this?

James had suspected her race were predators, but to see the result her teeth and claws had on a creature, the efficiency with which they had stripped flesh from bone.. He began to rethink the attitude he had taken in the Breeding Light of the previous evening. Undoubtedly she was sentient, and certainly an excellent lover, but there was something decidedly more feral about her, more so than her body type..

<Fiona.. why did you wake me up in such a way?>

Fiona's unexpected silence hinted at depth behind her simple response.

<I wanted to taste my lifemate..>

The dragoness had begun to play her tongue along his now disinterested member, no doubt eager to taste him again. The thought quickened his line of inquiry.

<I doubt that's the full extent of your intent. You wanted to dominate me, didn't you?>

The accuracy of his statement startled her. It seemed like he could read her mind.. more so than was possible with the matebond.

<I.. yes.. how did you know?>

<Elementary, my dear Watson.> Fiona's tongue paused, her head canting to the side in confusion.

<Who is this Watson?> This time James was free to laugh, the deep staccato tones a sound most curious to her.

<Never mind. Anyway.. could you please get off of me?>

Suddenly his member was alight in sensation as she began sucking and fondling him with her tongue in earnest. <No.. let me taste more of you.>

The charms of her hard sloping, golden topped maw were certainly persuasive, but James was now getting worried about being away from the Exile for too long. The passage of a day gave urgency to his mind, still on Earth time, causing him to instinctually think almost twice as much time had passed. Still, every human on the planet would likely feel the same, and he had begun to worry that Robin might send a Shield detachment after him. Even an Ancient would feel embarrassed if they found him balls deep in the mouth of an alien!

James attempted to slide himself out from under the dragoness, surprised when she rose, less surprised when she started keeping pace with him. He added his freed legs to his backward motion, but Fiona kept pace, both in stride and with her tongue's caressing pleasure. The odd sight continued for a few meters before he realized this wasn't helping.

He tried one last time to reason with her, though at this point he was quite convinced dialog would be insufficient to conclude this engagement. <Fiona, stop it.. right now..> He was starting to get hard again, and the unintended halfheartedness of his command did little to stop her. She simply stood over him, her slender viridian neck arcing down onto his groin, its delicate musculature convulsing occasionally to swallow the fluids that collected in her mouth.

Clearly more direct methods would be required. The lovely texture of her skin greeted his hands as they wrapped around her neck. Fiona gave some resistance as he pulled her off of him, her tongue persistently clinging to him even after he was out of her mouth. It delivered no small amount of pleasure as it was finally wrested from him, though fortunately it returned to its owner without further objection.

The dragoness herself was impressively quiet as James carefully removed himself from under her, a thing he had been required to do a few too many times. She sat, though her gaze remained rapt on his erection, now thoroughly sheened with her saliva and his own fluids. Even as James experimentally walked around she followed him with desirous intent.

The rampant sexuality of this creature was no doubt going to be problematic. Especially considering the focus of her desires was squarely on him! He wanted, almost needed her to accompany him back to the Exile, and it certainly would not do to have her jumping him as soon as they walked in the airlock. The Ancient began to look for solutions. Chemical inhibition would be extremely problematic, even deadly, considering he had little knowledge about her biochemistry. Locking her up would be simply unethical. She is a sentient creature, after all. Only one technique came to mind that was effective and simple..

Sensitization. Shield be damned; this dragoness needed to be sated.

<Fiona.. We are equals, right?> She nodded readily at his cock.

<Then..> Muscles in her slender viridian neck worked smoothly to keep one eye trained on him as he kneeled at her hindquarters, laying his hand on her gilded backside before sliding it under her tail.

<I think it's about time I tasted you.>

Just as he applied pressure to raise her hindquarters, her tail lashed out at his head, knocking him onto his side. The accompanying growl had him almost expecting her body to once again stand over his own, but the sight of her sitting there rather plainly, even a little cautiously considering the downturned state of her ears, was more than a little confusing.

<You may be my equal, but that does not mean you may put me into such a lewd position.>

Now he was doubly confused. The species walked around naked, assailed strangers for intercourse in the name of their religion, yet thrusting her hindquarters into the air was somehow indecent? It seemed.. appropriately alien, actually.

<Well, position yourself as you like then.>

James watched the dragoness make a number of cute head movements as he lay on his side. Apparently she was deep in thought, as almost half a minute passed before she began to move toward him. A claw spared paw gently pushed him onto his back before she carefully placed herself astride him, finding the bright alien sky quickly replaced by the now familiar view of Fiona's hindquarters.

James found himself considering the view with approval, likely due in no small part to their previous sexual encounters. Her emerald body flowed very gracefully into shapely legs and tail, both limbs beautifully muscled with an aerodynamic delicacy that served only to enhance her apparent femininity. Subtle etchings in line with the flow of her tail marked her anus and sexual organ, the latter's three pronged labia slightly swollen, the dark purple flesh that showed through their slight parting seeming to beckon to him.

Come to think of it, he had yet to see her sex not aflame in desire, though he could not think how she became aroused so recently.. Suddenly it hit him.

<Fiona.. does it arouse you to pleasure me?>

Her sex flexed unconsciously as she thought. <I like seeing you.. submit..> The line was simple, and yet.. undeniably sexy.

<Let's see if I feel the same.> He brought his hands to the outer side of her hips, enjoying the feel of her skin and muscle as he ran them up toward her tail base. Small pressure was all that was required for him to lower her sex close to his face. All too aware of how motive her triangular vulva was, James brought his lips to the shortest of her outer folds, seizing it gently between them. A short burst of approval rang through the air, and suddenly her folds were in motion, the upper one wriggling between his lips while the lower two grasped at his chin. The sensation again seemed appropriately alien, but also kind of intimate, and interesting.

He spent some time simply enjoying toying with the motive appendages, getting used to the feel and warmth on his face. Ironically in a sense playing with her folds felt more akin to a kiss than the one they had shared the previous evening, which had been unfortunately devoid of actual mouth contact. A brief moment of hesitation gripped him when he relinquished the fold, suddenly all too aware he was about to be tongue deep in an alien vagina. The previous day's experiences were certainly coercive, but this still felt all so new, and more than a little inappropriate.

Fiona's tail, which had been resting along his head, lifted itself up to give him better access.


She certainly sounded quite enthralled. Very slowly James brought his lips to the center of her slit, allowing its heat to warm his lips before he opened his mouth, running them along her folds as he did so. There was something undeniably arousing about the heat that enveloped him as his tongue crossed the threshold of her entrance, greeted almost instantly by soft musculature pressing into it.

Almost immediately James was assailed with a sour taste, not unlike that of her saliva. He was uncertain whether the two tastes were actually similar, or if the biochemical differences in her fluids were just wreaking havoc on his taste buds.

All in all the taste was not unpleasant, and certainly more familiar than what he had expected from an alien. On the whole satisfied with her taste, James plunged his tongue deeper inside of the dragoness, rather enjoying the way her folds resisted his entry. The heat on his tongue was immense, as expected, like sticking it into a cup of coffee just cooled to the point that it would not scald. He started lapping at her slit, a feat made non trivial by its seemingly constant resistance on him.

Her low tones of delight gave clear indication his treatment was effective, and he hadn't even decided to go for her most sensitive areas yet. Though her voice sounded not unlike an orchestra, it was still beautifully colored with arousal that James more than enjoyed hearing. He began to get carried away, filled with a profound satisfaction at making this predator moan in pleasure.

Oscillating pressure on his chest made it clear that Fiona's breathing had picked up pace. With closed eyes he imagined how she looked on top of him, tongue lolling out in satisfaction, her magnificent neck curved gently to cause her head to droop, eyes closed as she felt yet another alien organ forcing her submission. If only he could talk to her..

His tongue stopped dead when he realized how clueless he had been. Though his mouth was occupied, there was the matebond. It was more than difficult to concentrate enough to communicate when he had been hilted inside this hot organ, but now he was free from such pressing concern..

<Submit to me.> As he concentrated on the thought he pushed his tongue down into one of her clitoral depressions, smiling into her slit as her tail suddenly thumped onto his head, the slight twitch of her legs buckling all too noticeable as it ran through him.

Fiona's yelp stammered into a halfhearted growl. Now he was teasing her! If any of her males had said such a thing they would have found themselves missing a throat.. But.. Waves of strange excitement mixed with the pleasure washing over her as she remembered the deal she had made.. He is no male..

Her folds were alight with motion now, convulsing periodically with such force as to pull his tongue into a default position in the center of her tri cornered labia. Unnaturally (for Earth species anyway) viscous lubrication had begun to coat his tongue, sufficient in quantity that it began a slow dribble into his mouth. It was a little thicker than saliva and filled his mouth with her strangely sour taste. Though by no means was it a particularly comfortable sensation it paled to watching.. and feeling.. the once dominant dragoness squirming on top of him.

Each time his tongue grazed her clit equivalent her entire body would convulse, the outrageous stimulation reflexively drawing her thighs and tail around his head. Though it was not the easiest task to breathe under the layers of well-defined muscle, it felt simply divine to be enveloped by her striking hindquarters. Her striated skin produced wonderful sensations against his flesh as it rubbed against him, and every shake and shiver he coaxed out of her was returned equally everywhere their bodies made contact. Every soft jut of her muscle was detectable as it pressed into his, a profoundly unique pattern that served as ample evidence of her athleticism, her strength.

Closed eyes allowed James to focus on his other senses, his tongue inside her, her body sliding against his, the subtle pressure her legs placed upon either side of his head.. It was intoxicating, but he couldn't help notice that she hadn't climaxed yet. He had been increasing his attention to her sensitive areas for many minutes, and while her breathing and throaty moans were similarly enhanced she seemed to be resisting his tongue coaxing her toward release.

James again felt a little stupid when he realized why she was being so willful, still working under the assumption that sex was simply a pleasurable experience. Fiona had been absolutely serious when she said she enjoyed seeing him submit. Being brought to orgasm by the mouth was apparently, literally, a sign of submission! Not exactly a favorable thing for a Champion to show.. but then why did she even sit on him in the first place?

No matter. Now that he knew the reason behind her resistance, he found it even more satisfying to plough his tongue into her clitoral trough, pushing a smile into her hindquarters when they actually bucked into him slightly in response. It was about time to show this Champion who was boss.

<Just let go, Fiona..> The human's words assailed her already weakened resolve, grasping her attention and shoving it firmly into the warmth and electricity between her thighs. She was too affected by his tongue, too ready to give into her screaming loins to regain the calm of the warrior's meditation, unable to even manage a growl through the panting and moaning that seized her throat.

A tiny voice inside her screamed against the warmth, the last vestiges of her uncompromising dominant side adamant that she not submit to any creature. This, however, only served to make the experience more exciting. Her eyes closed and she took his advice, giving her body to the flood of heat in her abdomen. She was only vaguely aware of her claws digging into the grass, pressing herself into the mouth of her lifemate as the first powerful contraction of her release shouted gloriously through her every muscle. Pleasure flooded into every sense, pulling her maw wide open in voiceless cry, abdomen far too busy to give thought to breath as it began to milk the stubby organ inside her.

James was similarly exasperated, nearly suffocated by the dragoness' hips and tail pressing firmly into him. He took the pressure in stride, attempting to caress her clit even as the muscles in her sex squeezed his tongue with gripping oscillation. The feeling was thrillingly unique to the millenarian, and he loved every second of being inside her.

It seemed like her orgasm would not quit, but as the sensations caused by her climax began to fade Fiona realized James was still deep in her slit, unrelenting in the stimulation of her clit. Sensitive from the climax, she tried to stand to get away from the now even more oppressing sensations, but found herself unable to move, gripped by the superior strength of his arms on her hips.

<We're not done yet. You will know true submission.>

The unexpectedly domineering tone of his thoughts ran shivers through her, moreso than even her climax had. The transition from orgasm to struggle was almost imperceptible as she continued to weakly struggle and yowl, part in defiance and part in pleasure. Though her thighs wriggling and pulling away from his face were borne of desperation, they served only to return the pleasure she was receiving to her lover's skin. Wings flapped weakly in the attempt to generate force for escape, but Fiona found herself barely able to move as her body began to once again stiffen in anticipation of a climax.

Any semblance of resistance she had left was wiped away, pleasing James as her body finally went limp in his grip. He took the opportunity to run his hands along every inch of the body he could reach, an experience that surprisingly took Fiona over the edge once again. She couldn't even manage to keep her head raised, slumping her neck across James' leg to let her second orgasm ripple through her now exhausted body.

Still he did not relent. Recovery from her second release never came, unable to resist the persistent pleasure of his tongue in her sex. She could do little more than endure his treatment, motionless, softly whimpering for him to stop in words incomprehensible to him. The third orgasm slammed into her with incredible force, sending her into unconsciousness moments after her last contraction finished.

James had an inkling that the dragoness silently pressing into him was passed out, but he waited several minutes after withdrawing from her thoroughly stimulated sex to confirm his feeling. He showed utmost tenderness in removing himself from under her, making sure her wings were free from her body, limbs placed in a position free from her own weight. A last look at her and he was in motion, grasping the weird white petals of the Orchae they had first mated on to climb carefully up the ten meter distance to reach the flower's head. His fight suit and gravpad were only slightly disturbed from all the action that had taken place what seemed an eternity ago. In short minutes the comforting power of mankind was his to control yet again, and he gently drifted from the Orchae's head back to Fiona's position of slumber.

For minutes more he simply watched her slumber, hopeful that his treatment would be effective in curbing the dragoness' fierce sexual appetites. No shield team had arrived when he was tongue deep in the alien, a thing he was most grateful for. Perhaps Robin had more faith in him than he had presumed.

Fifteen minutes or so passed before her golden eyes opened, slowly regaining focus on the human now reclad in the unnatural tones of red and black of his flight suit.

<Good morning, Fiona.> The words, mockingly similar to her own, only served to remind her that the submission she had forced from him had been returned threefold. The exhaustion she felt when she rose stood testament to the power of her lifemate. She faced him, lowering her head in sign of deference.

<I submit. Lead me, James.>

James felt a little awkward as she made her proclamation. He had enjoyed her submission, but he had never suspected she would take it so literally. Still, the newfound control would be welcome when he returned with her to the Exile.

<Would you like to accompany me to my ship?> Fiona was momentarily confused at his deferential tone. As if she had a choice!

<Your will, my command.> More than acceptance of his directives, she was actually curious as to what exactly this beast of metal was. When he had explained what a ship was to her the message came across very imprecisely, significance of the language barrier apparent for the first time. For all she knew it was a living creature that tolerated the humans inside as it journeyed across space, an unimaginably vast abyss between her Planet and his own.

He floated with unnatural grace into the air, beckoning her to follow. Her wings were uncooperative but reliable, carrying her aloft in a run only a little longer than usual. Every beat of her wings brought renewed strength to her body to follow him, embracing the undeniable excitement of flight. Her decimated sense of dominance failed to experience a similar invigoration, permanently assuaged by the curiously feminine creature she followed.

What wonders could this god of a mate have in store for her?