Arch's War: Part 3

Story by Arch on SoFurry

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"I was doing it for the pack, Arch!" The alpha male was set aflame with rage, and Verin was slowly backing away as the enormous black wolf advanced on him. The two of us had finished our battle not but two hours before, and coupled with the fast run back to the Half-Moon temple, I didn't know how the fiery male had so much energy left. But I guess hate is a strong motivator. What was worse, when Arch and I arrived he was still completely naked. I was appalled when no one even offered the alpha something to wear. And further surprised when no one else seemed to care but me! But even when he was nude, or perhaps especially when, Arch still had the commanding presence of a general, and born leader of his people. Wolves were so weird sometimes. "You were thinking of no one but yourself, you little rat." Arch's voice was venomous, and much like I had witnessed in our face off with the demon, he couldn't seem to hold all of the fire inside of him. The relatively green grass of the temple grounds was crumpling and turning black beneath his huge paws, and from the look of it, Verin was sweating. No one blamed him. Their alpha was still young, and most of the pack had never seem him like this. But Arch certainly knew how to draw a crowd, whether he was doing it intentionally or not. Somehow I didn't think the black wolf would be doing anything so high-profile without a careful plan. Then again, looking at the rage in his eyes, rage powerful enough to turn his yellow eyes white, I wasn't so sure. And anyway, no one had the guts to stop him. Not that they would have wanted to. Verin, backed into a corner with overwhelming evidence stacked against him, had admitted to his little 'liaison' services concerning my race, the leopards. In the elegant words of the alpha, 'That's just a fancy way of saying you're a fucking spy.' To be technical, Verin was never a 'spy' for us. He only gave us information when it suited him. He was, in fact, manipulating my tribe and our leader in a most ruthless manner. "You left them no other way out, Arch!" Verin scrambled to explain while many members of the pack stood around, listening and watching. "I knew I could get them to tap their underworld magic," he hesitated when Arch's fur seemed to bristle with rage. The grass around his feet caught on fire and was immediately extinguished. An elderly female mage, I later learned her name was Reyna, was following the two on the sidelines, making sure Arch did not 'spontaneously combust and kill a bunch of people,' as she put it. Maybe it had been a joke, but I had seen the alpha male at his most dangerous, and she earned major points in my book for knowing Arch that well. "I knew it w-w-would destroy them, of course! I've read about it, when they tried before, the power they were trying to harness was too much for them to control--," "Yes, traitor. I know something about that." Arch fumed with a sense of righteous fury that I had to admit, was actually kind of inspiring to me. If there was even a kernel of truth in what Verin was saying, he was indirectly responsible for the worst holocaust in my race's history, and the death of so many of my close friends. The horror we had unleashed in the interest of defeating the wolves was like nothing either side had seen before. Indeed, the entire pack was amazed and jubilant at the return of their alpha male. According to Arch, everyone in his pack had returned safely, but they had heard that he was in danger. Their whisperer described to them an enemy that was too horrific to imagine, set on confronting and killing Arch. Well, really Arch had only met with the demon because it had been chasing me, but I felt no need to correct them. The fact that he had returned victorious had lifted everyone's spirits, and although they didn't witness his power like I did, I could tell that the fledgling alpha had gained a respect and reverence among his wolves that he did not have before. And now he was taking out the trash. "So then you see, I was only trying to avoid more wolf blood being spilled in meaningless battles!" Verin seemed to gain some confidence, because in his mind his excuse was starting to make more sense. "And a competent leader would understand that sometimes strategy is better than brawn--," again he was cut off. "I UNDERSTAND that not only are you saying you fed information to our enemies in a time of war, but that you are somehow responsible for unleashing the worst cataclysmic danger that this pack has ever faced. A demonic force that has decimated the leopards' warriors and innocents and could very well be responsible for the deaths of countless wolves before this war is over." Arch's voice grew lower, but somehow, everyone could still hear him. "They did not deserve that, Verin. And my pack deserves better." Arch's voice carried as if he had the proclamation power of 50 strong males, but it was starting to sound downright demonic itself. His voice mixed with a vicious growl. I had never seen so much justified rage. It did my heart well, seeing this most powerful of wolves stand up for my people, because I couldn't have done it better myself. I felt a shudder of power run through the wolves surrounding me like a wave, spreading from wolf to wolf. If I was inspired by Arch, I couldn't imagine what his fellow wolves were feeling. The alpha male became so much more to me right then than the leader of an opposing faction. He was righteous, and strong, and so in control. I think I fell in love with him at that moment. Strange timing, I know. Verin looked terrified, and I think he was trying to say something in return, but somehow I couldn't hear him. Like his voice was not strong enough to carry over the presence of this other male. In the interest of public relations, Reyna and a huge warrior male by the name of Boxer both stepped forward, keeping their distance from Arch, but putting themselves in his peripherals. I could barely hear the female trying to speak with Arch, trying to placate him. But it was so too late for that. "Alpha, I know he has done wrong. We should settle this as a matter of war," she tried, but even she did not sound sure, "let us convene the council to decide--," "Silence." Arch's speech was cold, like the dead of a winter night. Reyna was being political, but Arch had to follow his instincts. He was Alpha, and he knew what his pack needed. The female shut her mouth so quick I remember wondering if she had bitten her tongue. "Arch..." the pathetic whimper came from Verin, but it was the last name he ever uttered. I can't remember it well enough to describe, because Verin was dead before anyone realized Arch was killing him. I remember only a strangled cough from the Beta-Warrior's throat, and thinking it odd the way he blinked his eyes so slowly. The next second, he was on the ground, dead, and though I didn't see it myself, I was told one could see gray matter seeping through his nose and onto the ground. I found out later that Arch had melted the warrior's brain inside his skull. And no one had even noticed he was doing anything. I had seen Arch incinerate acres of forest in his show of force, I had seen him defeat a demon that had killed hundreds of people just by being near them.

But this, this scared the shit out of me.

  I wasn't sure what to expect when I followed Arch. I had just met him, but even then I felt I could trust him. I felt the bond just as strongly as he did. Not that I had much of a choice in company. I couldn't return home, no one was there any more and no one would risk going back. So many of us died... After what had happened, I was sure that when and if we ever could rebuild our home, it wouldn't be in the same place. I didn't know what I was supposed to think about the wolves' alpha male. At least, what I WAS thinking was NOT what I was supposed to be thinking. We had been loose allies with the wolves for years--generations even--before Arch came into power. That's the way most of our elders would tell it, anyway. It was overlooked that our own leader, Rione, came into power at about the same time as the black wolf, after my father's death. Rione was the leader of our warriors and a charismatic male, to put it generously. It was he who claimed the wolves had something to do with my father's death. I was a little hazy on the details, because I don't think anyone has heard the whole story. But it doesn't take much to get the masses on your side. He was the obvious choice, a warrior of strength who promised to protect us against troubling times. The council elders loved him and, well... that's all there was to it. I might have been the heir, but it didn't always work that way. I was still young, and no matter how skilled I was at physical combat, I showed a strong aptitude for the magic arts, and it was unanimously decided for me that I continue to develop my skills. I could take leadership when I was older, when we weren't at war. So that was how it went. But my father's death didn't have anything to do with the wolves. He had been killed in a dispute with the eastern cold-bloods--the gators were an ancient and ruthless race, and my father was following the elders' ignorant advice. I was one of the first to hear of his death, of course. But by the time it made it to the public's ears, somehow the wolves had gotten involved. Rione had been there, after all, with a small group of his loyal warriors. Months ago he started spouting about the evils and dangers of the wolves' new leader, a creature from the underworld with the power to yield the fires of hell to destroy his enemies. Now, don't get me wrong. My people are proud and intelligent. I'd like to tell you they didn't fall for Rione's deceptions and warmongering. But in our first unofficial dispute with the wolves, our warriors came back, their fur singed and burnt, wailing of an unstoppable beast of black fur and intense flame. We had our own magic, but this was like nothing we had encountered before. The people didn't know what to believe, myself included. You can't blame them for turning to the one man who offered a solution, who promised to save us and protect our cubs, our way of life. And then there was the wolf named Verin. He started showing up at about the same time that Rione started vying for power. And his success in gaining our elders' favor was a direct aide to Rione's rise to power. They became allies, a united front against the evil that threatened us. He claimed to be a leader of warriors among the wolves; a male who had always been a friend of the cats, and did not want to see our race wiped out by his tyrannical alpha male. Arch, he said, had plans to drive us from our lands, and to kill anyone who got in his way. And we had seen that he had the power to do it.

Despite my suspicions, even I was convinced. I was not confident in Rione as a leader, but it seemed the facts were clear. I had no idea the depths of their deception. And of course, I had no power over the elders' decision to raise the beasts of the underworld.

    He closed the door behind him, and my heart jumped in my chest. I think it took me about a minute to make the full turn around to face him, like in a dream. Or a nightmare. I knew Arch meant me no harm--in fact I was fairly sure the wolf liked me quite a bit--but it wasn't that simple. I was terrified of him. He stood before me in all his glory and black fur, naked, and my head only came up to his chest. The wolf must have outweighed me by several hundred pounds, and yet there was no real body fat on his massive frame. To put it lightly, Arch was ripped. And I don't mean like some warrior that spends all his time weight lifting, the type of male that has muscle where he shouldn't, can't lift his arms passed his shoulders and forgets what its like to have a neck. The alpha's physique was the product of good genes--very, very good genes--and a life of travel and labor. His size probably made him more impressive, for he was not flawless. He had scars, but these were barely visible in his black fur. He did not have a bulging six pack, but his stomach was trim and cut, and those six muscles were always visible, if not prominent. His fur was particularly short and thin, and while this made it easier to observe the powerful tendons and sinew that shifted whenever he moved, it was pointedly unkempt in some places. To his credit, he was neat for a wolf, but a feline would never stand for that. Still, it was my belief that these flaws gave him character. He was rough around the edges, but he was a wolf after all, and you can't expect them to live up to the beauty standard of a leopard. By default, the alpha male was probably the most masculine creature I had ever encountered. And some part of me thrilled at his messy canine fur, his utterly blunt personality, his potent canine scent that could put any male leopard to shame. More than just handsome, Arch was attractive in a very powerful way. "You didn't have to kill him," I said, surprised at how well I kept the shakiness out of my voice. But Arch answered in a brutal, unflinching retort. "Yes I did." I think it was the tone of his voice, more than the topic of conversation, that shut me up. I was not accustomed to being so intimidated, but Arch was doing a good job of it. I couldn't begin to guess at what was going through his mind. The way he was looking at me betrayed the almost aggressive atmosphere in the room. Or maybe it was exactly appropriate. I met his strong yellow eyes and immediately felt awkward. It was lust. Or at least Arch's version of lust. I had a feeling that whatever urges he was feeling were not entirely unrelated to violence. Stunned, I turned away from him, whirling gracefully to give him my back. I was afraid if I kept looking forward I wouldn't be able to keep myself from staring at the muscular V shape of his naked groin, or the way his handsome sheath hugged to his belly, showing me its underside, already nearly as thick as my wrist. Or the way his testicles hung so low between his legs, probably due to the heat of his body, and given their size I was sure their sheer weight had something to do with it. I was thankful for the leggings I still wore, that covered my backside from his intense gaze. I was extremely aware, however, of how much of my bare fur WAS showing. I coiled my lithe tail around one of my knees self-consciously. You may not believe this, but I had never been attracted to another male before I met Arch. I couldn't tell you exactly why, but if you asked Arch, he could explain it better than me. He would tell you that there is a submissive side of me that I was never able to let out, never even wanted to indulge, because even the strongest of men in my race were still too pretty, too neat and proper for me to be attracted to. Arch would tell you that my noble blood demanded only the finest of masculine partners. A man who was much bigger, stronger than me, and could overpower me on a whim. "In the interest of your safety, you're going to be staying here with me." The sudden professionalism caught me off guard, because the air was thick with tension. But I had to give it to him, Arch knew what he was doing. I was in uncharted territory concerning my overwhelming attraction to him, and for one of the only times in my life I was actually timid, shy. The wolf knew that the best way to get me to cooperate was to simply take my choices away. I couldn't argue with him, where else was I going to stay? The very thought of challenging him made my heart race, and adrenaline pump. You might think me a wimp, but you weren't standing in a locked room with a naked werewolf who had just killed another wolf without lifting a finger. I started to turn to face him, but Arch was behind me in a flash. Warm, enormous hands laid gently on my bare shoulders, and I took in a breath so fast that it caught my vocal chords, creating a low whimper. I felt, more than heard the huge wolf chuckle behind me, and I blushed, my ears folding on my skull. The wolf's hands slid down my arms, and his thick fingers enclosed around my biceps. I hoped to god he wasn't comparing them to his own, I was already embarrassed enough. But I was feeling so much more than embarrassment at that moment. I scared of Arch, yes, but the connection I felt to him was much stronger than my fear. I just knew, instinctively, that he would never hurt me, that I would be taken care of as long as I was under his watch. The enormous room the alpha male called his quarters felt to me like the safest place on the planet at that moment, giving me a level of comfort and security I hadn't felt since my father died. At least, it was completely safe save for the enormous werewolf that wanted to ravage me. Arch pulled me back toward his massive body, and I had no hope of resisting. I nearly stumbled (I know, what kind of cat am I?), but with the wolf's tight grip on my arms I wasn't going anywhere he didn't want me to go. I gasped, again, when my back touched the heated body of the alpha male, the bare fur of my back pressing intimately against his hard stomach. Because of our height difference, when Arch encouraged me to lean my head back I was laying it against his powerful chest, his hard pectorals broad and thick beneath my skull. But also due to our height difference, I could feel the very confident press of the dominant male's sheath against the base of my spine, and I almost freaked. I had never had such intimate contact with another male before, and if I didn't stress it before, allow me to correct myself: Arch was hung. And at the moment his sheath was stiff, its bare fur rubbing directly against my body, just above the waistline of those deerskin leggings. I had never felt more feminine in my life, being held from behind like this by such a large male, having his sheath rubbed against my naked lower back, so close to my rear. I was a virgin, on both sides, but there was no confusion in me as to what Arch planned to do with that thing. "Arch!" I meant it to get his attention, to get him to back off, but I should have remembered. It was as if hearing me say his name only drove him to further lust, as he intentionally grinded that huge sheath against my soft fur, and he growled in such a low, dominant tone that it seemed to shake the stone floor beneath us, as well as course through my body and make my fur stand on end. I couldn't help it. I squirmed. But I instantly realized that was a mistake. I slid my slender body back and forth across his groin, his belly, and the only purpose it served was to let me know how much stronger this wolf was, and of course, arouse him further. Arch growled sharply and he suddenly wrapped a huge arm around my middle, pinning my arms against my sides and hugging me tightly against the front of his body. We were so close I could feel the heat and considerable weight of his balls hanging against the curve of my butt through my leggings. And I would swear I felt his sheath double in size, pressed cleanly up along the line of my spine. In fact, my entire body jerked in response to a sudden press of what felt like a hot iron on my lower back. Of course, I couldn't go anywhere with that arm around me, and I was forced to stay put while Arch pressed that thing against me, but after the initial shock I realized it wasn't nearly hot enough to burn me. And then I realized what it was. The wolf was coming out of his sheath. This revelation had my eyes widening, and I curled my forearms as best I could, laying my slender hands on the meat of his forearm. "Arch..." I began. "Take off your bracelets," the alpha said suddenly, again forcing me into shocked silence. "What?" "Take them off, Apollo." To this day I've never heard anyone sound so commanding as the alpha male of the Half-Moon. As nervous and, yes, as captivated as I was by this werewolf, I was amazed I had it in me to question his orders. But it just wasn't in my nature to give them up so easily. "These were my father's... they're the only thing keeping me safe." I managed. Arch almost seemed to take offense to that. I felt his grip on me tighten, causing a very undignified squeak to be forced from my lungs, and he lowered his broad canine muzzle down to my head. I shivered when I felt his breath against my sensitive ears, and when he spoke I wanted to melt. "I will keep you safe, pretty feline," he said softly, his voice turning my bones to jelly. He growled at me, gently, but to feel that kind of predatory power directly against my ears was astounding. My sheath thickened. "I could never let anything happen to you." Arch probably didn't even realize how significant it was that I would take off those bangles under any circumstances. But the werewolf was very convincing. And hadn't I just admitted to myself that I had never felt more safe than I did with this brute of an alpha? I shuddered, and lifted my forearms as best I could, not really surprised when Arch didn't let me go even now. I removed my bangles and in a flash of blue light each of them snapped off, revealing my slender wrists. Arch watched, and when I was done, he removed his arm from around me, and lifted his hands to my neck. He removed the necklace charm that was hanging around my neck, and placed it off to the side, and I got the idea. When he finally called for me to remove my leggings, I would be completely naked. And without those bangles, I would have absolutely no defense against Arch. My heart jumped when this occurred to me, amazed I didn't think of that before. But it was starting to dawn on me that I wanted this. I was terrified, but I was enjoying this more than anything I'd ever done. Or, in this case, allowed to happen to me. Talk about feeling helpless. At least with my bangles I could have fought Arch off, probably even made it out the massive double doors to his quarters. Without them, I was just another feline, barely out of adolescence. But Arch, he didn't need anything to be powerful--his fire came from within, and I had already witnessed how impossibly strong he could be, stronger even than his body size and muscles could account for. And here I was, the only leopard within a day's travel of here, in the heart of the wolves' headquarters, locked in a room with him. In a bedroom, no less. No one was coming to help me, and I couldn't fight him off. I was completely at his mercy. I was his. And he knew it. It was then I felt for the first time the thrill of submissiveness, so powerful that my body ached and my cock hardened. I turned, suddenly, to face the immense canine, just as he was turning back to face me. He had taken my bangles and my jewelry and hidden them, or at least put them away, sealing my fate. I really didn't care. I trusted the wolf to give them back to me later. And right now I could only stare at the naked wolf. He towered over me by more than a foot, his body adorned with muscles thicker and heavier than any male in my race could hope to achieve. But the majority of my interest now seemed to hang between his legs. I gasped. And talk about felines not measuring up. I had seen the alpha male's sheath in the aftermath of our battle, I had even accidentally touched his bare erection. But I had not seen it before. Arch's cock was pitch black, and even with the first handful of inches hanging out of his sheath it was bigger, thicker than any feline endowment I had ever seen, and I could already observe the canine ridges and strong veins that pushed against the surface. My tail went rigid at the sight of it, entranced even as it grew before my eyes. I certainly wasn't thinking clearly enough to be worried about what Arch planned to do with it. At the moment I could only process how attracted I was to it, and then way it hung over his heavy balls in a way that dwarfed any feline's tight scrotum. Needless to say, Arch seemed pleased by my reaction. With some effort I lifted my beautiful blue eyes to meet his yellow gaze. The thought of being utterly at this wolf's mercy was the most arousing thing I'd ever experienced. I'm sure it would have been different under other circumstances, but I had already admitted to myself that I felt very strongly for this wolf. Some bond had been made between us, and while I think that helped things along, I was fairly certain that I was in love with him. After that, the gloves came off. Arch approached me, and I couldn't help but notice the shifting of his muscles, and the heavy sway of his genitals with the movement of his legs. He grabbed me by the elbows, and he lifted me up as if I weighed nothing, walking with me in his hands until we reached the stone wall a few feet behind me. The wolf set me down roughly, and I grunted, but he was hulking over me before I had a chance to protest. He leaned in to kiss me, forced to bring his muzzle down quite a ways to close our height difference, but he seemed used to that. He brushed our muzzles together, and he kissed me on the lips with the tip of his maw, and I placed my hands on his broad pecs, overwhelmed by the affection of it. It had hardly occurred to me that Arch just might have the same strong feelings for me that I did for him. But judging by the way he was touching me, handling me, I can't believe I didn't realize it sooner. I whimpered pathetically against him, and tilted to return a kiss to his handsome, wolfish muzzle. He in turn growled deeply at me, or perhaps he was growling FOR me. I was beginning to understand that standoffish growls were just part of Arch's language, and since the sound of his reverberating voice always thrilled me, I couldn't complain. "Now what does a wolf have to do to get a leopard to purr for him?" Arch asked in a low, breathy tone. The question made me blush profusely, being talked to like that. But it must have been rhetorical in nature, because with his next kiss he didn't give me a chance to answer. His tongue prodded at my lips, and it somehow slid into my muzzle before I decided to let it in. Now let me tell you, a wolf's tongue, or any canine I suppose, is a barbaric thing. The amount of drool a wolf produced was appalling. It was surprisingly smooth to the touch, and so muscular and long that I was sure Arch could have slid his tongue down my throat and started licking at his leisure, and I wouldn't have been able to stop him. I was overwhelmed with the taste of male wolf as Arch kissed me, exploring my muzzle and toying with my smaller, rougher tongue. And yes, I found myself swallowing healthy portions of his warm, canine drool. Much against my will, I assure you. But even the neat freak that I am, I had to admit, I did not hate the way he forced me to swallow for him. It was intimate, and arousing, being forced to do something I SO would not normally do for anyone. God, how little did I know about what was to come. I tried to kiss him back. I really did. But Arch had a way of making me submit to him in everything he did. He had the back of my head pinned against the wall, and with his large muzzle tilted and locked against mine I couldn't move my head let alone close my mouth. And what he did next completely floored me. Those large hands slid down my arms to my own, and he took hold of them. He squeezed them gently, and I was pleased at the affection, letting him guide me by my wrists. I swear I would have jumped and wrenched away in surprise if I had not been pinned against a wall, and I think that was kind of the idea. Arch placed my small hands directly on the bare shaft of his massive penis, which hung between us now, half-erect. I gasped loudly and tried to break away from the kiss, if only to look down at what I was touching. But Arch chose that moment to close the upper half of his muzzle around mine. He was careful not to bite me, but his muzzle was so huge that it covered a good portion of my face. I was frozen, suddenly, with half of my skull suddenly locked between ivory fangs that were longer than my dick. And the worst (or best) part about it was, Arch still had his tongue inside my mouth. Using my intense vulnerability against me, he started grinding his strong tongue against the roof of my mouth, using the tip to stroke and torment those extremely ticklish areas along my upper gums. And I couldn't do a damn thing about it, except to do whatever he wanted. His hands tightened gently on my wrists and I got the picture. Except for that brief second after our battle, I had never touched another male's penis until now. What surprised me the most about it was how alive it felt. As I tentatively wrapped my fingers around his shaft, I was thrilled at the way it pulsed beneath me, even partially flaccid as it was. I could feel the thick veins that ran through it as I squeezed it, could feel the wolf's tremendous heart beating and the blood moving. It thickened and hardened beneath my soft hands, and as I continued to explore it, Arch let go of my wrists, but I was already hooked. Arch made me his bitch in that moment. He proved to me that he didn't need to fuck me in order to accomplish that goal, but he was still getting to that, I was sure. The way he pinned me, kissed me, touched me, it made me melt against him, and after playing with that immense black cock in my fingers for a few seconds, I was hooked. I didn't care that I wasn't female, I would have let that wolf do anything he wanted to me with that cock, with minimal persuasion. I am not usually so depraved, but you just let Arch get his hands on YOU and see how long it takes him to make you call him Sir. Arch's fingers slid beneath the waistline of my leggings, suddenly, and he pushed them down in one decisive motion, pulling them over my erection so it wouldn't get caught. The deerskin pooled at my feet, and I was left completely naked before the hulking werewolf. His hands returned to my hips, and he gripped me firmly, slowly snaking his strong fingers back over the curves of my young butt cheeks. I started purring all at once, a heavy, comforting sound coming from my soft, white-furred chest. That was also about the time that Arch's cock sprang to a full erection in my hands, so large that the tapered tip of it pushed against my belly, just between my ribs. I gasped, and Arch finally broke the kiss. I'm sure he left my face and my muzzle a mess with his drool but I didn't have the heart to lift my hands away from his penis, now that it was fully hard, and I finally got a look at it. It was monstrous in size, like my forearm, and the way it stood up from his muscular groin so prominent and strong was enough to make me weak in the knees. I'd never seen anything so masculine before, because more than just being the largest cock I'd ever seen, it was by far the most handsome. A few veins ran along its length, bulging against the surface, just enough to give it its masculine character. I had seen diagrams of a wolf's cock before, but Arch put the science books to shame. It curved slightly upward from base to tip, just barely enough to be visible, and somehow I knew its tip would wreak havoc on any poor creature's insides whenever it dragged back and forth. And for the first time I saw what would be the bane of my existence from then on, the beginnings of what would be Arch's massive knot, right there at the thick base of his cock. I shuddered at the sight of it, and Arch grinned, lifting his head so he could stand at his full height. I felt so inadequate next to him. My pink, feline penis was almost 6 inches in length, which is very good for my species. It had its barbs, blunt and bare up along the top half of its shaft, and my white-furred balls hugged rather close to my body, as was normal for feline anatomy. It was the first time I'd ever compared myself to another male, and I don't think I've ever blushed so hard. But Arch wasn't laughing. In fact he looked intensely aroused by the sight of me naked. I was a very handsome leopard, I suppose. I was slender, toned, but I wasn't built. My stomach was pure white and perfectly flat, and I had the legs of a dancer. All I can say is, I guess I was Arch's type. Arch used the grip on my hips to lift me up, suddenly, and set me off to the side. He bent quickly and picked up the deerskin leggings that had fallen on the floor, and without even a flinch he tore it into two halves. "Hey!" I blurted in protest. What the hell was he doing? But Arch didn't respond. At least not out loud. He grabbed me, again, and turned me until I was facing the wall. He took one of my arms and pulled it behind my back roughly, making me cry out. Using my arm he easily pinned my naked body up against the stone wall--which was very cold by the way!--and held me in place as he wrapped one of the leather leggings around my forearm. My stomach dropped as I realized what he was doing. He was tying my arms behind my back. And I knew the leather of those pants were very high quality. I would never be able to break free of it, if Arch did it right. Again a thrilling panic hit me as I realized I was going to be bound. I had never been bound in any way. I mean, I was already helpless against the hulking brute, it was adding insult to injury to be unable to use my arms. But I couldn't stop him. And after this I wouldn't even be able to scratch him, or grab him, or do ANYTHING for myself. I grunted and winced as Arch pulled my other arm back and tied my arms tightly, doubling over the effort it would have taken to secure me. Just to make sure, I suppose. And then Arch surprised me again. He grabbed my TAIL. I almost choked on my own saliva when I felt him forcing my beautiful, lithe tail upwards. I actually tried to fight him, this time. But now with my arms secured behind my back, and my face against a wall, Arch had only to grab me by the scruff on the back of my neck, and I was helpless. 'Oh god, oh god, oh god' was all I could think as he secured my tail. It was fucking scary, to think I would be introduced to sex this way, tied up and providing a tight, warm orifice for a dominant wolf with a hard on. A dog, for god's sake. I whined loudly in protest, but my body betrayed me. I couldn't stop purring, and my cock was so hard I was already dripping pre-seed onto the ground beneath me. "Arch," I whined, struggling as he slid my tail up underneath my bound arms, pinning it against my spine, "please. I'm a virgin." This elicited a loud growl from the predator behind me, as he securely tied the leather around my tail, and pulled it tight, securing it to my arms. Except for the arch at my lower back, my tail was now completely pinned up along my spine. I was surprised that it was not uncomfortable, but it was SO humiliating and alien to me, feeling my bare ass exposed, and being unable to move my tail to cover my crack. "Not after I'm done with you, bitch." I cringed at the word, but my body squirmed and shuddered in pleasure. No one had ever talked to me like that before. Back among my people, I was a prince. They would probably want to kill him if they ever found out he treated me like this. I was getting something from him I never would have been able to get at home. There was also something sickly satisfying about a virgin being told by a bigger male that you are, inevitably, going to get fucked up the rear before the night is through. I was breathing hard now, my cock leaking pre almost constantly. I knew Arch was back there staring at my bare butt, no doubt fantasizing about what he could do to it. I couldn't blame him. I may have never been attracted to another male before, but I often thought about what other males would think of my body, if they ever got to see their prince naked. I am a handsome leopard, also the product of good genes, and my waist and rump are some of my finest points, if I could say so myself. My cheeks were taut and young, tight on my toned legs and incredibly soft. The outer curves were decorated in beautiful yellow fur and black spots, and as one got closer to the middle, the white fur of my groin and belly starts to show, until the very inner curves of my cheeks were a pure white. My tail hole, the few times I had seen it, was perfectly pink and immaculate. When Arch used his grip on my scruff to bend me over further, I knew this was what the dominant male wanted to see. I bent against the wall as best I could, against my will, and my hips curved outward toward the wolf. With no tail to get in the way, I knew Arch was forcing me to expose the most private parts of my body to him. I only grew more aroused as he took advantage of me, because I knew he had an unobstructed view right between the soft cheeks of my naked rump. He could see the soft, snowy white fur of that sensitive area between my sac and my butt known as the taint, and of course the backside of my hanging testicles, also pure white. I purred so loudly while Arch manhandled me that I was utterly embarrassed at myself, but I couldn't STOP. I had no idea I was so on edge, until the wolf displayed for me the fruits of all this foreplay. I couldn't see it coming, obviously, but when I felt one of those thick fingertips suddenly stroke down the cleft in the middle of my naked butt, I cried out and tried reflexively to jerk away. The sensation was so stronge that I tried everything in that instant to protect myself, but with my arms and tail secured and that hard grip on my scruff, I was his bitch. I couldn't do a god damn thing to stop him. So when that finger came again, touching the very bottom of my cheeks and running, slowly, up along the crack of my rump, the sensation was so new and intimate that I had an orgasm. I arched my spine and screamed loudly, unable to hold back my vocals as pleasure tightened my muscles and I came messily onto the stone wall and floor in front of me. I think Arch was just as surprised as I was. He didn't let go of my scruff but he did pull his hand away, grunting in amusement and surprise. "I've heard that male felines can climax multiple times within minutes of the last one. Is that true?" Arch asked me, but I was still quivering and squirming, I couldn't answer. "I guess we'll have to find out." I remember hearing him say that before the monstrous wolf stepped up behind me, and that enormous pillar of a cock slid between my prone cheeks. In the throws of my orgasm I had ignorantly lifted my rump up toward the dominant male. And now that my waist was so bent, I was unable to clench my cheeks together to stop him. They were spread for him, and he was still using my scruff to keep me exactly where I was. "Wait!" I pleaded, my orgasm just wearing off and the suddenness of Arch's movement alarming me. But the wolf's cock moved right between those soft curves unimpeded, and by the time his tapered tip touched the bare skin of my tail hole, the fight was already over. Oh, I could tighten my muscles as hard as I could, and I did, but Arch's cock was so much stronger than me. I was his, and I was in it for the long haul. The first thing I noticed about his cock was, of course, the size. The tip stretched me, and as he forced his mammoth inches into my soft body, I screamed in pain and tried to struggle in spite of its futility. But Arch seemed oblivious to my plight. The entrance was easy enough, don't get me wrong. His cock was incredibly slick, and there was little friction. But gods, it was big. And Arch didn't give me much time. Like tearing off a band-aid, Arch later told me. Don't worry, I smacked him for that. But the wolf had this notion that the quicker I get his full size, the better. And here was where being tied up became a real bitch. The wolf could do whatever the hell he wanted to me. I had no powers, no freedom of movement, I was just a soft body for his monstrous penis, which throbbed and flexed inside me, so alive. I tried squeezing as hard as I could, but he liked that. I tried squirming and fighting, but he liked that too. By the time Arch hilted himself, at least to his knot, I was crying out in pain and frustration. I had never felt anything like this before. A lot of thoughts ran through my head in those first couple of minutes. Of course I had never had sex, but this was extremely alien to me. A wolf had his cock up my rear, and it hurt, but he was loving it, and I couldn't do a damn thing to get it out. It was so undignified, and frustrating, but I knew I was at this wolf's mercy. He could decide to leave it up there as long as he wanted, he could decide to fuck me and cum inside me. He could decide to keep me here, helpless, all night and all day, and force me to bend over whenever he wanted. This was what being another male's bitch meant. I heard somewhere before this that males of the werewolf tribes would often fight for dominance over one another, and the loser was sometimes raped by the victor. I found it ridiculous and barbaric, but I finally understood the concept behind it. There was no worse humiliation than this, feeling another male's penis inside you, knowing he's taking pleasure from you, when you want nothing more than to beg him to take it out. I was no longer purring, but a shudder ran through me as my thoughts went wild, trying to cope with the size and steel hardness of the shaft that impaled me. I realized I was enjoying this. Before Arch ever pulled himself out, and grazed my prostate as he slid back in, it occurred to me that I was actually really enjoying this, being on the bottom. I'll never know if it was just the fact that I was with Arch on my first time, but he left an everlasting impression on me. When Arch started pulling out, the sensation made me cry out, and it wasn't entirely in pain. As he worked himself back in, I bucked my hips in a sudden and desperate urge to have another orgasm. It felt amazing, for a few seconds, and I realized the wolf must have grazed my prostate. I pressed my cheek and chest against the wall as the titanic wolf started thrusting into my soft, frail body, just standing there, bent over for him. And with each thrust the pain started to subside, and I felt what might have been part of Arch's energy, his heat, seeping into me, numbing the pain around my poor tail hole. But after that, I was gone. I had a second orgasm standing there against the wall, and I scraped my whiskers against the stone during that one when I blindly tried to nuzzle against it. Arch must have seen the error in this, because at some point, he picked me up and we moved to the bed. He bent me over the side of the bed, and the edge of the mattress was at a perfect level with Arch's cock. He towered over me, placing his large hands on either side of my body as he thrust his powerful hips forward, fucking me with much more force, now that I was in a more comfortable position. His massive balls slapped against my rear almost painfully, and I couldn't fathom how heavy those canine testicles were, after so much foreplay. And gods, did I scream for him. We felines are known to be extremely vocal during sex, but I had never known how uncontrollable it was. The noises I made would have embarrassed me to no end, had I been of a right mind. I meowed, I mewwed, I growled, roared, whimpered, mrowled like a female in heat. I couldn't stop. And Arch seemed to love me for it. I can't imagine how he held out so long. I had a third orgasm while I was there, bent over the side of the bed. Not long after, Arch tilted me on my side, and drew one of my legs up over his shoulder, and he fucked me sideways for several minutes. This position drove me crazy, as I think he knew it would. I was unable to achieve orgasm, and I obviously couldn' touch myself, but it felt SO good. Finally he had mercy on me, and he shifted me onto my back, and fucked me from the side of the bed, laying my legs against his chest. Because of the slight upward curve of his penis, his hard tip hooked against my prostate in an indescribable way, every single time he would pull out of me. The wolf never once touched my shaft, but he made me orgasm several more times before he was done with me. As healthy and young a male feline I was, my body couldn't keep up, and I was shooting blanks in less than an hour. Arch eventually climbed up onto the bed with me, and he positioned me face down, with my bare rump in the air. This entire time, the wolf never touched my shaft, and he never fully removed his cock from my body. It was getting to be too much for me. I couldn't believe the wolf was able to hold out this long. But with my face in those pillows, and the immense werewolf pounding against my defenseless rump from behind, the finale was more than I could have imagined. I had felt Arch's knot bumping and hitting against my ring for over an hour, but I still hadn't really understood what it was going to be like, if he even used it. I had a very minimal knowledge of the canine knot, and when it came it changed my perception of male wolves forever. I saw stars burst in front of my eyes as that immense knot of flesh was suddenly forced violently into my tiny rump with a loud pop. I screamed and buried my face against the bed at this one time sensation of pain, and then I was treated to the most pleasurable experience of my life. I could feel the alpha's knot expanding inside my body, locking him in place. But what really got me was the way he pulled on it, thrusting back and forth, knowing it wasn't going to come out but apparently unable to stop humping against my feminine cheeks. Arch came inside me that night for the first time. I reached another climax right along with him, of course, but I was far beyond being able to shoot anything. The first thing I had to worry about was burning from the inside out. The wolf's cum was so incredibly hot that it made me cry out in surprise, as streams and streams of the thick fluid shot into my body. The wolf was a fire elementalist, after all, everything about him was hot. Once I realized I wasn't going to burn, then I started worrying about overfilling. Arch had been going at me for a very long time, and I got the impression that he could produce buckets of cum on any normal night. With his knot hilted, I felt his massive balls lay against me, heavy and hot against my taint, and I swear I could feel them emptying. Arch eventually stopped his thrusting, but he informed me that for male wolves, it would continue to leak quite a bit of cum the entire time we were knotted, or 'tied', as he put it. And how long was that? I asked. Given our size difference, anywhere from 15 to 30 minutes. I didn't really believe him, didn't believe I could survive having that penis and knot locked inside of me for that long, when every second I was impaled was rather intense. I could only grunt at him, exhausted.

Arch and I went to sleep like that. Or at least, HE fell asleep. He laid us on our sides, and he tucked me in against his lap, with his strong arms curled around me. He didn't even untie my arms. I was so content, and wanted nothing more than to just sleep with him, but his cock continued to work even after he was unconscious. I had another orgasm before that damn wolf's knot shrunk enough for me to pull off of him.

When Arch woke me up, in was still dark outside. I could tell because the alpha's quarters had high slit-like openings in the walls that passed for windows. I groaned and shifted against his chest, wincing at my sore arms and utterly battered rump. It took me a minute to realize the wolf had woken me up. He was sitting up on his side, rubbing my bound arm gently. I twisted just enough to look up at him where he lay above me in the bed, and when our eyes met, he growled in a low, dominant pitch. I blinked, and my body suddenly tensed up. "Arch..." But I didn't get anything else out before the wolf pushed me onto my front, causing me to wince. My eyes widened, and I pulled desperately at my arms, which were still tied tightly. I could feel the bed moving as the enormous werewolf move behind me, and kneeled by my hips, gripping my waist in order to force my bare butt in the air. My tail was still secured to my arms, and my delicate cheeks were completely vulnerable. "God, no, Arch, you can't be serious," I whined at him and honestly tried to struggle. I was tired, and sore, and as much as I had loved it, I couldn't believe he was thinking about doing this again. In spite of my best efforts, my body surged with arousal at the power he had over me, and my sheath started to thicken. "Please... Arch, I'm too sore." The alpha ran a hand up my bare side as he leaned his hips forward, and he spoke in his devilishly intimidating voice. "Well, what a shame for you then, that you can't stop me." I whimpered.