It's Official

Story by redconundrum on SoFurry

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#6 of Series One

This is part six of my first series. Please give comments and critiques.

Every student gathered around the TV turned to look at us. I considered hiding deeper in Alex's mane, but instead watched as the closer ones noticed me. A few of them pulled out their smart phones and tablets, and the others gathered around them to peer at the screens. Alex almost ran as he hurried off before they could get to Grace's furbook page and try that link. Even though we had a class in a few minutes, he walked briskly to the library and found a quiet corner to pull out his laptop, go to Grace's page, and see the link. It already had over a hundred likes, and she had posted it just an hour ago. He clicked on it and almost let out another angry shout as his earlier one was justified. The video started with me coming around the side of Alex's left paw to start the paw rub, and ended with Doug confirming that he was finished.

"Damn it Grace!" Alex muttered only loud enough for me to hear. "What the hell were you thinking? If there's anything good about this, it's that Doug appears to be gay or bi. He's going to really hate that." Doug didn't hate people that were either of those things, but he was very insistent that he never be mistaken as one of them either.

"Doug may see this as a serious betrayal. I actually feel sorry for Grace, because when he finds out..." I was interrupted by an incoming voice call to Alex's laptop. It was from Doug. Alex answered.

"WHERE IS SHE?" Alex almost dropped the laptop as Doug shouted; brimming with rage. As he recovered, I could see a dark smile forming on his muzzle in the reflection from the screen.

"And how are you today honey?"


"You don't know where the radio station is? It's in the Liberal Arts Building, second floor, north side." At this, Doug disconnected. Alex made a voice call of his own to Cody.

"Hey man, what's up?" Cody answered. "Sorry 'bout the video, I didn't even know she was recording it."

"Neither did Doug. He called to inform me that he's livid, and that he's going after her."

"Oh shit! I gotta go man." With that, Cody was gone.

"Now, we wait. Cody should be able to beat some sense back into Doug, right?"

"I don't know, Doug knows more than he shows about fighting."

"Good. Then Cody might take a beating too, get a little resentful, and we'll have some revenge against Grace; even if Doug doesn't terrify her in his current state."

"I didn't realize you could be so devious. I like it," I said, as I climbed down the right side of his mane and moved to his shoulder.

"I don't usually have a reason to be, but Grace has totally ruined our first night and day as a couple, and miscalculated. I'm sure we'll all exchange apologies later." He lifted his left hand palm-up and moved it across his chest to just below me as he said this. I jumped onto it and he moved it up so that I was directly in front of his muzzle.

"Maybe the day isn't totally ruined. There's still this evening," I smiled mischievously as I said that.

"True. If you really want to try again so soon..."

"Yes." He smiled back, then knocked me over with his muzzle and started nuzzling me affectionately as I laughed and tried to push him off of me.

Classes seemed to go faster than normal as I thought about the coming evening, and before I knew it we were back in the apartment. Alex made sure he locked the door on the way in, and kept his laptop closed when he took it out of his bag, placed on his desk, and plugged it in to charge. He put me down on a clear space on his dresser, and I put my temporary micro backpack where I usually did and then removed my clothes as he removed his.

As Alex approached to retrieve me from the dresser, I decided to do something different. When he placed his left hand palm-up on the top of the dresser next to me, I jumped on, climbed quickly to his shoulder, and then I ran to the back of his neck and jumped into a slide down his spine to his tail, where I stopped my slide partway along after it was clear that he wasn't moving his tail into a position to catapult me. "What is he doing?" I thought.

"Hang on!" He called back playfully, then he curled his tail between his legs, and I ended up with my front pressed against the underside of his balls. He moved to the bed carefully, then sat down; further pinning me there. I managed to wiggle forward a little by pulling myself along the underside of his fuzzy sack, and ended up just being able to see him looking down at me past his balls and excited member. He was already purring deeply. I pulled myself fully out, and then climbed his balls to his stiffening penis, then I moved around it so that I could lean my back against it as I looked up at him.

"Now what shall we do tonight big kitty? I could climb again, but why don't you lift me up to the top with one of those big hands? I have a better idea." He looked at me intrigued by my unknown plans, but excited all the same by where our second time was going; so he brought his right hand over to me and set it down palm-up. I got on, and he lifted it to just below the underside of the tip. I moved slowly over the palm to it, making him wait, and then I leaned over it and started rubbing around the slit. As I felt him getting close, I plunged my right forearm into the slit and rubbed it around inside as I used my left hand to play my own hardened member. Almost instantly the convulsions started and Alex roared with pleasure as his load exploded out into my face, knocking me over on his palm and flooding it as I came too.

By the time we were both finished, I was stuck to Alex's palm by his cum; so as he lay back on the bed he turned his right hand over and laid it on his mid-chest, keeping me warm as we bathed in the afterglow of our second time. Once he'd recovered, he brought his right palm with me up to his muzzle and licked it clean as he gave me a tongue bath. That done, Alex nuzzled me affectionately for a little while, then he lay back as pressed his right palm against his heart with me underneath. He let me shift so that my head was out from under his palm, and we almost fell asleep as we lay there; content in each other's presence.

After what seemed like a blissful hour, but was probably only about 15 minutes, Alex's laptop started talking, even though it was closed. "Why is it so dark Alex? Did you think to escape Grace by keeping your laptop shut? Come on now honey, Grace needs to talk to you. She knows you're back at your apartment." Alex sighed, then got up and carefully removed his right palm from his chest so that I ended up lying in it instead of falling off. Then he moved to his desk and sat down. Grace gasped before her next question: "Is Grace interrupting some special time? All you had to do was say so. There's no need to keep your laptop closed." Alex opened the laptop as she said this.

"Actually you missed it completely. We were still having an intimate moment, but what is so important that you couldn't accept my status as offline?" Alex demanded, making his irritation known.

"Doug came barging into the station mad as hell. It was terrifying. I don't know what he would have done if my honey bear hadn't arrived just after him," Grace shivered as she said this.

My tail was flicking with agitation as I stood up and crossed my arms. "And how do you think we feel? First you watch our first time and openly admit that you've been watching for a while without telling us or asking us; then you go and post the video in its entirety online without our permission! Why did you do that Grace?" I was getting more irritable as I got cold just standing naked in Alex's palm, so I relocated to my favorite spot while Grace answered.

"I'm sorry you two. I thought it would be a good way for you two to announce your relationship."

I was surprised by this. I hadn't thought about how the video stood as solid proof that we were finally together. We couldn't lie about it even if we wanted to now. Alex seemed to be thinking the same thing. "Alright, but you still could have asked us. How are Doug and Cody?"

"They'll be fine. Neither of them thinks anything was broken. Lots of bruises though, and they almost got their claws out."

"That's good, but are you really surprised? Why did you leave the parts with Doug in?"

"You two aren't my only project. And that's not the first time Doug has swayed from the straight and narrow," she winked as she said this.

"But Doug isn't as tolerant of this kind of meddling," I interjected.

"Then maybe it's time we brought him into the group. He can certainly play the big bad wolf when he wants to, but we need more fun people like him. I hear he's looking for a job anyways."

"Alright, we'll ask him later. For now, is there anything else?" Alex asked.

"No. But Cody is working and Grace is bored. Could you guys meet me for dinner? My treat! I think I'll invite Doug too."

"Sounds good to me," I said.

"I'm fine with it too then," Alex replied. "Where do you want to meet?"