Dark Moonlight
#1 of Dark Moonlight
Place - Belmont Beach
It was a nice peaceful day at the Belmont Beach. Everyone was having fun. Everyone except me, Noctis Callahan, a lone black wolf. I was stuck working at The Beach Haven (a bar), but not a single person came by, so I was just thinking to myself.
_ "Man, it's such a nice day, but my stubborn ass boss won't let me leave. Instead, I have to waste my time here. Oh well, at least i'm getting paid."_
That's when my boss walked over to me. He was a short,stocky bear.
"Hey Noctis, since nobody's dropped by, you can have the day off."
"Really,thanks!" I said as I hopped over the countertop.
"Now I get to have some fun, but first I better go home. I walked through the beach, and over to my apartment, which was on top of the local restarant. My boss paid for the whole thing, in exchange that I come work for him. My apartment was okay at the moment. It had a tv, a couch, a kitchen, one bedroom and bathroom. But what made it all worth it was the view of the ocean. Every night I would go out and swim for as long as I could, shrouded in moonlight.
"I can't wait until tonight, i'll have the whole ocean to myself."
I said happily. I yawned loudly.
"I better get some sleep, I dont want to be tired when I go swimming later. I walked into my room,took off my shirt and lied down in my bed. I layed there thinking to myself.
_ "I'm eighteen, I just graduated from high school. I'm gay, but I haven't had that many boyfriends, and the only place I can have peace is in an ocean under the moonlight. I guess i'm a wierd wolf, but i'm okay with that."_ I thought to myself as I went to sleep.
It was around 9:45 PM when I woke up. I looked out of my window to see that everyone was gone. I changed into my swim trunks and headed outside. I walked over by the building, then made sure nobody was around before I went into the water.
I swam out by the old watchtower and got out on the small island that it was on. I sat there for moment before getting back in the water. I swam a little closer to the shore before I felt something touch my leg. It felt like a paw. I turned around and peered into the water. As it turns out, someone was under the water. I dove into the water, and tried to pull him out, but he was stuck to something. I dove a little further and loosened whatever was around his ankles and pulled to the surface. Without hesitation, I swam him to the shore. I put him down and performed CPR.
_ "Come on,live!"_
After a few more tries,he finally opened his eyes,coughed up some water,and sat up.He was panting heavily.
"Thank you."he managed to say.
"Your welcome."
"I'm Conner Matthews."
"Noctis Callahan. Anyways, just what were you doing under the water?"
"I-I can't remember. I mean, I remember everything up until that moment."
"I'm just glad you're okay. Does anyone know that you're out here?"
"Yeah, my friend does. He-" his sentence was cut short as he turned his gaze to look at something, "There he is, I have to go. It was nice meeting, although I wis under better circumstances." He said as he scrambled to his feet and rushed off.
I didn't bother watching him go as I made my way across the beach,heading towards my apartment. I was glad I saved his life, but part of me was felt happier simply because I didn't have to go to work the next day.