Two families, one pride

Story by Vitani is beautiful on SoFurry

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#2 of Two families, one pride

Decided to make this into a series and finally got around to uploading the second chapter! This chapter is mainly going to be about Kovu and Kiara starting their relationship as well as Vitani and Kopa becoming more open about theirs.

As normal I own no characters mentioned in this story but I would just like to ask. Do you guys think I should include some custom characters? I have already thought of a few names so just comment on whether or not you think that's cool

Anyways enjoy!

Chapter 2: Confessions

"I love you!" "I love you!". The two cubs stared at one another in bewilderment. Had their friend really just said what it sounded like? "Kopa, did you just say you love me? Because I said I love you and it sounded like we said the same thing." Vitani was interested now. She loved Kopa and did not expect him to mirror these feelings. "Yes I did Vitani because I do love you. Your amazing and you make me complete. By the way thanks for saying you love me." Both Kopa and Vitani were now content with the fact that they had announced their love for their best friend and didn't have to keep it a secret. Vitani walked over to Kopa and nuzzled him which he returned by licking the side of her cheek. "Hey want to spend the night out here? Kopa asked laying on his back. Vitani winked at him with a grin and leapt onto him as if she was trying to pin him down. "Sure why not" Vitani replied in a seductive tone. Kopa lifted his head and kissed Vitani on her lips before they settled down and drifted into sleep

When Kiara saw Kovu she ran up to him which caused a large smile to appear on his face. He ran to Kiara and they ran off watching Vitani and Kopa disappear into the forest. Kovu was the first to suggest what they could do as he said "Wanna play a couple rounds of tag Kiara?" Kiara was busy trying to catch a butterfly when she saw Kovu looking at her with his head turned to the side looking at her. "What are you doing" He asked. Kiara felt comfort in him saying it though as great memories of him always saying that to her whenever she was acting weird. "Hehe sorry" she said as she stopped. She went up to Kovu and lightly tapped him saying "Tag you're it!" as she did so. Kovu surprised quickly got control back and started to chase Kiara who had already run off laughing. They eventually came across a patch of grass to tall for their heads to stick out. Now it was a game of cat and mouse. Kovu went into the middle of the patch where the area was clear of grass and layed down listening for Kiara. From what he could hear she was about to try and pounce on him. So he counted her pounce down "3...2...1..." At 1 he ducked just in time to see the golden blur launch itself over his head and land in the dirt. He jumped to pounce on it and said "Tag!" not realizing that they were now falling down the sloped side of the grassy plains laughing until they hit the green floor on the lower part of the cliff. There laughter died instantly as they ended up landing with Kovu on top of Kiara. "Sorry" he said as he dismounted his position over her. "Don't be" Kiara replied and stepped towards him. She showed that he need not be guilty about it by planting a small kiss on his cheek. This made him smile and he returned the action." I love you Kiara" he said and Kiara replied with the words he hoped she would say."I love you too Kovu" They shared one last hug before Kovu said "We should probably get back to Pride Rock. Mother will be waiting and I'm sure Simba is waiting for you to get home." Kiara nodded and together they made their way up the hill.

They met up with Kopa and Vitani whom they hadn't seen in a few hours. "So what you have you kids been up to?" Vitani asked as she saw them ascend from the path cut into the mountainside."Your a little dirty" she continued unable to hold back a little giggle as she said it. Kopa couldn't help but laugh as well but before they had even finished laughing Kovu had said "This coming from you 'Tani, we saw you two lovebirds going into the forest". At this point everybody started laughing before continuing on their journey back home to Pride Rock. They were all happy now that they had expressed their feelings to each other. Four friends, two relationships and one group. This was the true meaning of friendship. And theirs was unbreakable.