the Wolves Chapter 7: wolf hunt

Story by thewhitetigerX3 on SoFurry

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#7 of the wolves

Chapter 7 X3

This chapter was fun to write lol

Chapter 7: Wolf hunt

"I'm afraid I can't give you that information." The jackal said. Fen growled at him.

"You do or the rest of your day is going to be very unpleasant" he said baring his teeth. The Fat auctioneer had been anything but helpful and it was getting on the wolf's last nerve.

"Is that a threat?" the Jackal said bucking up.

"It certainly isn't a please." Treesong cut in stepping between the two. She wished Rainstorm would hurry up. They had known that the auctioneer wouldn't tell them who bought who, so Fen and Treesong were to distract him while Rainstorm snuck into his office.

"Well unless that slave was seized illegally, then I can't show his location." The jackal said smugly.

"Illegally?! He was kidnapped out of the woods!" Fen said with a raised voice, trying to step around the green dragon.

"That makes it legal. I'm sorry if your fuck toy got stolen, but now he belongs to someone else." Fen lost it. He pushed Treesong out of the way and jumped the auctioneer, intending to do some serious harm, but the disgruntled dragoness yanked him away by the scruff of his neck.

"I'm terribly sorry to waste your time" she said practically dragging the snarling wolf out the door. "You have got to get yourself under control Feraltooth."

Rainstorm met them, coming from behind the building. "I got it. For both of them. I think we may need to split up though. They're on opposite ends of the desert almost."


The horse looked once more at the coordinates given to him by the tracker in the car the slaves stole. He was beginning to get close. He shivered in anticipation. Boss had given him permission to punish however he saw fit. Those two bitches were going to regret the day they were born. He stomped the gas pedal, in a hurry to get them. He arrived at the location after another five minutes or so. They had dumped the car. He swore under his breath and went to check it. They left the car exactly how they found it, just very empty on gas. He turned quickly when he heard approaching footsteps

"Hey back away from my car!" shouted a very annoyed looking jackrabbit.

"Your car?" brute asked

"Yea I just bought from a couple of guys for super cheap. They said they really needed the money."

"Where?" Brute asked

"They were headed towards the airport. They made basically traded me a car for two tickets.... Why who are you? What did they do?"

"They were escaped slaves." Brute said before sprinting towards his vehicle


He ran through the woods panting heavily. He had managed to slip out of the chains the dragons had put him in, but he had to leave his sword behind. The chieftain had it in her tent. But now he was on the way to find that little traitor. He had overheard the chieftain talking about them being enslaved, as good as a punishment as that was, and it wasn't good enough. Rorick was gonna track him down and kill him. Of course that would be no easy feat since he was gonna have to travel to the desert on foot, and that would take a couple of days. Until caught a whiff of something unfamiliar. He slowed down to a sneakier pace and strained his ears.

"I can't believe how much we got for that wolf." Said one voice

"You really sold it Charles." Said a second

"Let's go get more." Said a third. The Rorick saw them. Five harpies, standing around a fire. There was something roasting on it that smelled delicious. Harpies could fly him to the desert very quickly... he jumped out, grabbing the nearest one and snapping her neck easily. They're so brittle he thought moving to the next one and doing the same. Then he lost his element of surprise, the last three jumping him. He punched one in the throat, and the harpy fell to the ground hacking. One of them, a girl, slashed at him with her talons, actually managing to graze his cheek, before he grabbed her by the neck and snapped it. The next one he grabbed by the neck but didn't snap. He just held her in a headlock. The guy he had neck punched stood up, but did nothing.

"You'll fly to the auction site where you sold that wolf, and I'll let you live." Rorick said.

"Yes ok fine right Charles?" the girl in the headlock gasped out. Charles merely nodded. He let the girl out of the chokehold and fell to her knees gasping.

"Let's go." Rorick said. Still marveling how easily broken they were. You'd think a people so easily broken would wear clothes. Hell, I could fuck that bitch and she'd shatter. He shivered at that thought. It sounded tempting, but he had other fish to fry. The harpies picked him up and took off.

Reist and trick

Reist sighed as he waited; it was just two hours until the plane arrived. He was nervous about it, but at least it would probably be smoother than the dragon ride. And he was much less likely to be kidnapped. He hoped. Trick was asleep next to him, he was snoring quietly. It made Reist wonder how often he had actually gotten a good night's sleep. The white wolf didn't know what made him look up just then, but he did, and then he did a double take. He had seen Brute's head bobbing amongst the crowd. He poked twist, who woke up with a small squeak.

"Brute." Reist said nodding in the horse's direction

"We sneak." The fox said getting up slowly. Even at the airport, there weren't many long haired fluffy furs, and out of those few, an even smaller number of them were stark white. Brute saw the two runaways, they saw him see them; they ran, booking it for the door. Hey were smaller than the Horse and weaved through the crowd easier, but he just left a trail of very displeased tourists in his wake. They went through the door and panicked for a moment, before running through the parking lot, Brute hot on their trail. "Split!" Trick shouted forking right and disappearing behind a car. Reist went left and glanced behind him to see brute skidding to a halt before chasing Trick. The white wolf doubled back and followed them. From his angle he saw the fox duck behind a minivan and Brute sprint right past him. The fox then ran the opposite direction, nearly crashing into his friend.

"We need to go." Reist said "forget the plane, we'll find another way."


The black wolf was panting from the heat when he finally got to the mansion where his mate was supposed to be. I HAD to have black fur... he thought to himself. Now... do I knock or just bust in? He knocked, deciding to try the nice approach first. The door was opened by a mouse butler. The mouse speaking caninian, asked

"May I help you sir?"

"Yea I'm looking for the master of the house?" Fen said, feeling the a/c wash over him. He was lucky that the dominant language in this city was canine.

"Do come in sir" the mouse said, stepping aside and then closing the door behind him. "May I inquire as to whom we owe this visit?"

"Oh, uh my name is Fen Feraltooth. I'm here asking about... a slave that was recently bought." Fen said.

"I will inform the master." He said scuttling off. He came back a few minutes later "he will see you in his office. Follow me please sir." The butler led the way through the extravagant halls. At one point Fen caught Reist's scent and he nearly left to follow it but he needed to at least try the nice way. The mouse knocked on a door lightly "here is sir."

"Let him in." said a stern voice. The mouse opened the door and Fen entered, the door snapped behind him. Fen looked around the room he was in. it was a study although the Wolf would not have identified it as such, he would have called it cramped. There were a few chairs and a coffee table. There was also a needlessly large desk at the far end with a computer on top of it. Sitting in the chair, with his back turned was a Hyena, presumably the "master" of the house. As he walked closer Fen realized why the desk was so large. Underneath the desk he could make out someone, from the movement of the body he could that the hyena's pants were probably not zipped up.

"So. Which slave were you here about?" the hyena asked without looking away from the computer.

"A wolf, white, really fluffy." Fen said.

"Aaahh yes. What is your business with him?"

"I want him back. now." The hyena tutted and chuckled.

"Even if I could I wouldn't. But sadly, he escaped yesterday." The hyena turned the chair around, sure enough his pants were open and his member was standing tall. "You wouldn't have had anything to do with that would you've? What does that slave mean to you exactly?"

"He's my mate." Fen said shortly before leaving. The Hyena promptly called Brute's cell phone and turned back around, letting his slave finish working

"Brute, the white wolf's mate is tracking him. Find them quickly."

"Yea boss." Brute said, standing in the parking lot.


The next day, the harpies dropped the grey wolf off at the auction house. Without a second glance, he immediately went to the manager's office. After kicking the door in and sufficiently scaring the Jackal he slammed his hands down on the desk

"Where was the white wolf sold too?" he demanded.

"I-I can't tell you that!" the jackal said, seriously wishing he hadn't. Rorick picked up a pair of scissors and pointed them at the Jackal.

"Tell me now, or you lose your family jewels." He let the Scissors droop, pointing at the man's crotch. He gulped and hesitated a moment before caving in and giving the wolf the address to the mansion. Rorick was there before the end of the day. He kicked through the door again, and again scaring the daylights out of someone, this time it was the mouse butler. Rorick grabbed the Mouse by the front of his shirt and help him up

"Who's in charge?" he said

"m-my master;. He's up there" the butler stuttered out

"Show me!" Rorick shoved the mouse harshly. The terrified mouse opened the study door for the grey wolf, who then barged in as if he owned the place. "White wolf. Where is he?"

"Another one?" the Hyena said. Although this guy looked as if he wasn't all there. So he decided it would be in his best interest to not be coy. "He escaped. He was at the airport but then he ran away again." Rorick snarled and left, after getting directions, he headed towards the airport.

Reist and Trick

The pair were in despair, Brute was waiting in the airport to make sure they didn't fly away. They were huddled in a bus kiosk. Reist was leaning against the flimsy wall, lost in thought. Trick was staring at a small billboard. We need to disappear... the signs on the billboard were mostly about lost pets, or requests for pets. There was one saying the circus was in town.

"Strongheart!!" The fox said suddenly, he had taken to using Reist's dragon name, it seemed more descriptive. Trick's outburst yanked the wolf out of his thoughts.

"What is it?" he said. Trick pointed at the circus poster

"Circus". Reist looked at him confused before it clicked and he grinned. The circus

To be continued

The race to find the escapees is still on, Trick and Reist, not knowing they are also being chased by friends, have found a way to disappear. Will they succeed? Will Fen ever find him?

Next chapter: the vanishing act